1. avatar
    #27 JongMatie

    @beet: Nou kan almal ophou kerm en kla.

    28 April, 2023 at 13:06
  2. avatar
    #26 Djou

    @yesnomaybe: @beet:
    Should the necessity for a ranking remain, a regional ranking is far more robust as most teams in a region play each other (except fot Grey in the Free State/NC).
    Support theory – and a few others – confirm this.
    The moment you move to more uncertainty (most teams don’t play each other), risk aversion dominates (except in the case of fat tails a la Bell curve) and this should form part of a formula. But it is difficult.
    Hence, broken down parts which provide more information (regional system) should be more accurate.

    28 April, 2023 at 07:00
  3. avatar
    #25 beet

    16 games not 17

    Hey guys I apologise and take responsibility for the error.

    It was identified and the correction was brought to my attention in 2022 but changed.

    However it did not affect Affies ranking at all.

    The battleground is the principle and accuracy.

    But no matter what is said Affies were ranked 4th with 17 games and still ranked 4th with 16 games.

    I have corrected it now.

    27 April, 2023 at 22:24
  4. avatar
    #24 beet

    @yesnomaybe: I won’t try too hard to defend it.

    But if you think Brighton beat Liverpool twice in the EPL (even beat Man U) and yet still find themselves below them in the league. The process of bringing yourself to understand why this is, is kind of the same as the SBR rankings. Its not as 1D or linear as we often hope

    27 April, 2023 at 22:01
  5. avatar
    #23 Djou

    @Carpe diem: Jy slaan die spyker op die kop met jou tweede sin. Daar is soveel ranglyste met hul eie formules waarin vooroordeel ingebou word. Dit word meer gedoen vir advertensiewaarde volgens my nederige oordeel.
    Ek wil net die wedstryde geniet.

    26 April, 2023 at 11:56
  6. avatar
    #22 Carpe diem

    @OudAffie: Dankie OudAffie.

    Indien die gevoel is dat daar ruimte is vir n ranglys, en n ranglys n bepaalde waarde toevoeg tot SBR, dan is dit uiters belangrik dat daardie ranglys die korrekte inligting (volgens die spesifieke formule) weergee.

    26 April, 2023 at 09:02
  7. avatar
    #21 OudAffie

    Affies 2022 seisoen:

    1. Wen Diamantveld 40-3
    2. Wen Helpmekaar21-14
    3. Wen Paul Roos 24-18
    4. Wen Durbanville 73-6
    5. Verloor Garsfontein 19-20
    6. Wen Boland Landbou 12-5
    7. Wen Paarl Gimnasium 29-26
    8. Wen Oakdale 25-7
    9. Wen Glenwood 49-14
    10. Wen KES 19-13
    11. Verloor Grey Kollege 24-43
    12. Wen Jeppe 35-17
    13. Wen Menlopark 21-6
    14. Wen Maritzburg Kollege 29-12
    15. Wen Waterkloof 60-15
    16. Wen Pretoria Boys High 54-19

    26 April, 2023 at 08:44
  8. avatar
    #20 OudAffie

    @Carpe diem: Affie statistiek en OudAffie gaan mos saam.

    Affies het inderdaad net 16 wedstryde gespeel en dus is die ranglys van 2022 verkeerd. Die aanpassing word eenvoudig geweier deur die magte wat op hierdie “blog” die ranglys opgestel het vir 2022.

    Gespeel: 16
    Gewen: 14
    Verloor: 2
    Punte vir: 534
    Punte teen: 238

    26 April, 2023 at 08:33
  9. avatar
    #19 Kantman

    @Carpe diem: 16 Games gespeel volgens fixtures in 2022, maar 2022 finale ranking wys gedeel deur 17.

    25 April, 2023 at 16:59
  10. avatar
    #18 Carpe diem

    @Kantman: Ek het uit Lamineer se kommentaar van vroeer vandag verstaan dat dit deur 16 gedeel is, ipv 15?

    25 April, 2023 at 16:01
  11. avatar
    #17 Kantman

    @Carpe diem: Dit was 16, maar is deur 17 gedeel.

    25 April, 2023 at 15:52
  12. avatar
    #16 Carpe diem

    @Lamineer: Ek het nooit gedink dat ek ooit daarvan beskuldig sal kan word dat ek vir n Boishaaier opkom nie :lol: , maar dit blyk dat Affies wel gedurende 2022 16 wedstryde gespeel het, nl:

    Boland Landbou
    Grey College
    Maritsburg College
    Pretoria BH

    Miskien kan een van die Affies ondersteuners bevestig of bg korrek is, dan kan ons aanbeweeg.

    25 April, 2023 at 15:24
  13. avatar
    #15 Lamineer

    @JongMatie: Ek is doodseker. Ek het dit self nagegaan nadat dit deur, ek dink Cappie, uitgewys is.

    25 April, 2023 at 13:19
  14. avatar
    #14 JongMatie

    @Lamineer: Noem dalk die 15 wedstryde en hy kan die 16 games noem, dan sien ons wie is reg en wie si verkeerd.

    Wat maak rankings in elk geval saak.

    25 April, 2023 at 12:40
  15. avatar
    #13 JongMatie

    @Lamineer: Is jy seker, hy maak nie sommer n fout nie.

    25 April, 2023 at 12:37
  16. avatar
    #12 Lamineer

    @JongMatie: Hy het Affies se totale telling deur 16 wedstryde gedeel ipv 15, wat hulle wel gespeel het. Dit het veroorsaak dat Affies 4de eindig agter Boishaai, ipv 2de, waar hulle sou geeindig het as hy deur die regte totaal gedeel het. Jy kan maar net die posts gaan besoek as jy dit gemis het.

    25 April, 2023 at 12:36
  17. avatar
    #11 JongMatie

    @Lamineer: Blaps?

    Mis ek iets?

    25 April, 2023 at 12:27
  18. avatar
    #10 Lamineer

    @Wonder: Ek dink na verlede jaar se blapse is BoishaaiPa se ranking verewig gedoem.

    25 April, 2023 at 12:03
  19. avatar
    #9 yesnomaybe

    At the end of the day they both still lost to Wynberg & they were at home. Helpmekaar game was in Joburg.ur reasoning don’t add up.

    25 April, 2023 at 11:50
  20. avatar
    #8 Grasshopper

    Do a ranking based on the number of boarders in the school, I’ll bet there will be a strong correlation

    25 April, 2023 at 08:34
  21. avatar
    #7 beet


    Wynberg are up against the big hitters from here on out, so expect them to move up if they continue on the same path of success.

    Stellenberg and Helpmekaar only ever seem to play the big hitters and are extremely competitive teams.

    24 April, 2023 at 23:15
  22. avatar
    #6 yesnomaybe

    The only way rankings can work is if everyone plays each other, that’s not going to happen. I think a better system would be to rank the schools in each region. This would still not guarantee a proper ranking system but would be far more accurate.

    24 April, 2023 at 20:43
  23. avatar
    #5 Wonder

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: @JongMatie: BoishaaiPa se telraam is stukkend,kon nie eers Affies se games gespeel optel nie,so dream on

    24 April, 2023 at 19:38
  24. avatar
    #4 JongMatie

    @Jamjar: Wait till BoishaaiPa does his rankings – the rest dont have a stats background.

    24 April, 2023 at 16:06
  25. avatar
    #3 Jamjar

    Wynberg have beaten both Stellenberg and Helpmekaar but are ranked below both of them? seems bizarre!

    24 April, 2023 at 15:45
  26. avatar
    #2 Grasshopper

    Looks a fair and pretty accurate ranking to me

    24 April, 2023 at 10:31
  27. avatar
    #1 Kantman

    Only Jeppe from top 10 not playing at WK. The last 4 matches on Saturday afternoon you can watch 1,2,3,4,7,10 in action.
    KES, Hilton, Waterkloof and Wynberg from top 20 not there, with only Wynberg taking a break from rugby.
    The next 2 weeks is going to have a significant impact on the standings.

    24 April, 2023 at 08:20

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