By Hooit
The start of a new season also brings new opportunities for SBR Bloggers.
Some of the bloggers will still remember me (Hooit) as I use to be very active in 2016 and 2017 while my son was in Monnas, the original Witbulle and in 2018 while he was u/19 with the Lions.
I used the blog to get information in the beginning but later on also shared my information and opinion. I had my supporters on the blog and my haters as some of you will remember. So I experienced the blog in all ways possible both negative and positive. The blog tend to focus on the children and schools, rightly so, but I would like bloggers to focus on the bloggers too. Here is my ‘Short’ story of my very active 3 years on the blog.
I personally knew none of the bloggers by their handle names when I started. Through chatting and interacting on the blog I realised that I actually knew about 5 people on the blog. Not close friends but I knew them. Riempies, Quagga, Randal, Murrayfield and Die Ken.
I got to know a few more bloggers through the blog and we arranged an (illegal) braai at Kearsney College during the 2016 Cranvenweek on the cricket field on the blog. At Kearsney I met Bush, Speartackle, Greenman, McCulleys Workshop, Beet and a few non-active bloggers. After a few too many beers Bush and myself invited ourselves to the Kearsney Festival school officials braai and open bar at 22h00. As we had T-shirts printed with our blogger names, we were welcomed with open arms as we realised that most rugby coaches also read the blog even though they do not comment. Our wives had to drag as to bed at 02h00 that morning after making very serious threats to our health.
Later on during the season when Nelspruit played at Monnas, I had a braai with Valkie, which we also arranged via the blog. Next was a get together at the Blue Bulls Rugby Day were we ended up in a loosie and their I met Cappie, Djou, Grizzly, Absolutmenlo and more. Apologies for not remembering all the names.
As people now knew the face and real identity of the bloggers more and more people introduced themselves. This led to more and more braai’s, drinks at Dros and kuiers during and after rugby matches.
Rugbyman, 4×4, Ploegskaar, CharlesZA, Boishaaipa, Henk, MikeSt, Odie 15, Wynne, Playa, Brotherbear (he won’t admit it), Oom Kattes, Sewes, Rhino, Skopgraaf, Taffy, Maroon, Stier and I am sure that I have missed a few.
All the people mentioned above and some which I have forgotten made my high school supporter years more memorable.
Most of the people I still have contact with either in person, facebook, telephonically or on Whatsapp. They have been a source of invaluable advice when I needed it and assisted my son in his high school years. They opened their houses for me when I needed to attend games. We rented cars together at the airport to support our children who attended different schools playing at the same venues. We shared accommodation costs. Most are still friends and some become real special, close friends.
So in closing, look past the school the bloggers support. Reach out and make the effort to meet some of the bloggers. It is really worth it and why must the children be the only ones to meet new friends.
the wors!
@Cappie: Ofcourse!Weet net nie hoe gaan ek die tyd om kry nie
Wat van Affies,die rumour is hulle is wild verby die jaar,het jy binne inligting?Lyk of 4×4 weer oorsee is
@Grizzly: Gaan ons daar ontmoet?
@Hooit: Same as last time. I am sure the boss will not have a problem.
@Cappie: Waterkloof
@McCulleys Workshop: non chilled filtered distillery edition at 51%? It removes all barriers (sentiment or otherwise), calmes the senses and stretches the boundaries. Each has their own poison though.
@star: A bottle of single malt (not blended) of the losers choice. First M / H game (meadows) and W / M game (bowdens). Have to do the double. I’m not sure about the need for witnesses, I don’t think there are any like minded people left… or right.
@Hooit: Noord-Suid. Waar word dit gehou?
@Rainier: Perfect
@Riempies: What venue or event are we looking at for this braai or get together?
@McCulleys Workshop: That will be fun. I know Gungets Tuft well, maybe he will join us as well.
@McCulleys Workshop: Just to confirm a bottle of what? Also it is the first match between Hilton and House and the presentation should be witnessed by a gathering of likeminded bloggers
@McCulleys Workshop: Dito squire! Ok @Hooit dit smaak my ons kan weer ietsie reel.
Hopefully @Beet can also come and join us this time.
@McCulleys Workshop: @Hooit: Yep, let me know when and I’ll try to make it.
@Hooit: Perfect suggestion. Create the occasion and we’ll join you for wors and Olaf. Would be good to catch up with Riempies and meet Rainier and Vleis et al.
@star: Ok you on, your Alma Mater’s to do the double on House, winning all games. The HC side has had the rub through the age groups.
@McCulleys Workshop: Thanks Sir,
Looking forward to the season, If Boishaai makes top 10, i will be very happy.
@Strepie: The kids I’ve spoken to think the side will be better than last years, with a number of returning players. At age group level this side was competitive provincially. They should win more games than they lose, but still a way off earlier MHS sides.
@Cappie: Uiteindelik iemand wat biejtie Afrikaans gesels
@Hooit: Goeie herhinneringe. ek vertrou dit gaan baie goed met jou. Ja, siende dat ons kinders nou uit die skool is raak ons stiller. Dit bly egter lekker om die skolerugby te volg asook die ingeligte informasie van nuwe bloggers wat nog betrokke is by skolerugby. Sterkte aan almal vir 2020.
@McCulleys Workshop: Bring it on old man. Hilton will win wherever and Westville I believe will be on Bowdens with one of their stronger teams for a while.

@Rainier: Good luck.
@Hooit: yes, critical thinking friends that also possess a sense of humor are hard to find ;-)
@Hooit: No, I was referring to Helpies
@BrotherBear: Youre ID was/is not n secret to many but youre comments made it hard for u to make/find new friends so I do understand.
@Quagga: You still following the ONE AND ONLY AND ORIGINAL DREAMTEAM school.
@Vleis: No. I am working in corporate again so that complicates things. Only available from 16:30 in the afternoons. Really enjoyed the 3 years coaching /13’s, but they are all finished by that time.
But maybe something happens that makes coaching possible, otherwise I will just be enjoying the matches.
@Hooit: I agree with you views above and look forward to the upcoming SBR season because after that everything seems to go to shit in any case….. Hope to rub shoulders with a few bloggers this year, perhaps as early as Noord-Suid if we can set something up. Thank you @Beet: for keeping us all informed and running a very informative and interactive platform for people to share their views. Hope you update the 5 year moving ‘Top 50 rankings’ soon, it will be fun to see the little rugbyskool- party-pooper going up yet another notch or three
I also meet you guys at that Craven week at Kearsney. And somehow managed to miss the gate crashing of the coaches function, possibly a good thing in hind sight considering the 2am finish!
Also met Bush, and McCulleys Workshop, and one or two others that I can’t recall.
I’ll still be on the SBR scene for a few years still and look forward to meeting some more bloggers on the side of a rugby field somewhere, after all, that’s we were seem to spend most if our time these days. Will no doubt be traveling to Jhb at some point in the season.
May rugby always be the winner!
@Rainier: Are you coaching a school in GP?
Being back in GP I am looking forward to watching some great sbr this year. N/S, Wildeklawer and the AHS/Gim weekends are already penned in.
If there is a braai somewhere I will attend.?
@Hooit: Morning Hooit, the last time I checked in the record books House was 2-0 up on the rugby field, 15-0 on the debating, 1000-0 on academics. But Monnas is 6-0 up on rolling polony Whahahahaha just fell off my double bunkbed. The one I bought in Cpt.
@Hooit: Good perspective and true to the real spirit of sportsmanship. Although we have had our differences on the blog, we have never had an altercation or any sign of disrespect when in contact otherwise. You may not recall (do to ID;-), but I personally congratulated you and your son after some very good performances. Must say I still enjoy schoolboy rugby more than the snr version. Can’t say I have made many friends on the BLOG, but then that was never the intention with my participation. Not that I do not want to be friends with quite a lot of people on the blog. There are quite a few kindred spirit. Good example is @Rugbyman – we have a lot more in common than otherwise, but we do not agree on one specific policy and approach. I have not seen a more passionate contributor though. To use the blog for alternative, and maybe more critical views was always the intention. Good thing I do not need the blog to find new friends ;-). It is however quite satisfying, whilst attending a SBR game, to mingle with the “opposition” and interchange a few quips, thoughts and ideas. Maybe some more personal interactions are on the cards, maybe not. As long as we can all enjoy the sport we love.
@Bush: Am I correct in saying House is 1 up on Monnas
@Roger: the nemesis of Mr T.
@McCulleys Workshop: Thanks, another wors braai with Mrs Riempies.
@Playa: Thanks. May the wors be with you in 2020. Bush and McCulleys tried spending time with the manne from the Woesrand or Worsrand and have since been quiet.
2 3 Hooit! 2 3 Kwagga! And of course… 2 3 House!
Lekker Hooit! Brilliant piece of writing, and I hope it’s knocked some sense into one or 2 bloggers who tend to stray.
In the words of Naas Botha:”At the end of the day Darren…Rugby is the winner.”
All the best for 2020 to all the bloggers. Hope to meet more of you this year. God knows I’ll need a liver transplant if I had to spend another evening with Bush and McCulley.

@Bush: ja – KES too
@Roger: I think House is an Academic School????
@Bush: not sure Meneer Bush – TBH, I don’t follow all that closely, but from my own experience, I was surrounded by ‘Bok fans who were ecstatic about the win, the beer was cold and wet and no one was talking about how kuk SA is either
You generally get two types of expats – the ones you refer too, and everyone else – I choose the latter!! Good luck to House this year – how’s their side?
@Strepie: Unbeatable, even GCB will struggle against them this year.
@Roger: I hope his Suster has Twitter I would like to follow her. Was he was positive when SA won the WC? I bet he had his GW School Blazer on, the one that still fits him with the English rugby jersey underneath it.
I think a ton of okes that leave the SA Shore sit and tell everyone how kuk SA is. Not sure if it makes them feel better for leaving SA. But they still wear the Bok jersey, sit in Pubs drinking kuk craft beer shouting for the Boks.
Any way he’s a box and the Wally that is found.
Have a lekker year Roger
@Bush: Hopper is all over Twitter – follow him – it’s quite amusing (even as far away as I am) – he rants now about the state of SA rather than schoolboy rugger! Poor old fella never gives up
@Vleis: Jason Jenkins is one of the most underrated players i have seen.
@Strepie: Yes, I’d have to agree with that, but they have produced two current Springboks (Jason Jenkins and Bongi Mbonambi) and numerous provincial players.
@Vleis: Arn’t St Albans more renowned for Cricket and Hockey?
@Strepie: St Alban’s College in Pretoria. My lightie matriculated in 2016, but I still try to attend about five St Alban’s games per annum, plus a few other school games and one or two days at an Easter festival.
That said, I mostly attend the Wits games these days.
@Strepie: Not the waterpolo team lol The rugby team..
@McCulleys Workshop: How is the Michaelhouse team looking going into 2020?
@Hooit: Howzit Hooit, great post. It would be great to catch up for a braai.
I agree with Hooits sentiments and here’s to a great 2020.
@Star, you ready to put a bottle on doing the double?
@Vleis: Watter skolespan ondersteun jy?
Ek wil noem ons het reen in Nam gekry, baie dankbaar.

@Die Ken: Of by die bekende hokkieskool in Matieland nie.
En ek ondersteun @Riempies: ten volle, dankie Beet vir al die jare se neutrale bydrae, artikels, inligting en die skep van hierdie forum vir algemene kakpraat. Dis net jammer dat Beet nog nie ‘n draai op Meyerton gaan maak het om briljante skolekrieket te ervaar nie 
@Bush: and only one real Witbulle. Monnas. Due Bul hy kom. Hy rol jou om. 2-3 Monnas.
@Vleis: Lekker Vleis. I will tell you where Mr T is-He’s either playing Tennis on the Pro Circuit or he’s definitely on the Golf Course. He’s a gangsta on the Golf Course, never play for money against Spear or Mr T you got no chance.
Lekker Riempies, one thing Hooit forgot to mention was your dog?????????
Nice to see a few Old Bloggers back again. Take Care guys and remember there is only one team 2 3 House
@Hooit: Send him to Wits rather! Lots of Monnas players in the pack for your lightie to team up with.
@CharlesZA: Moontlik. Sal maar wag en sien.
@Riempies: O en wou nog byvoeg. Lankal weet tyd vir a braai!!!
@Hooit: Lekker Hooit. Ek moet se ek stem saam met jou. Agv die blog het ek n hele klomp manne ontmoet. Stem volkome saam dat as jy verby die skool embleem kyk en dit net n klomp manne met groot passie vir rugby. Thank you @Beet for hosting us all.

@Hooit: Tyd vir UJ hempie?
@Hooit: Howzit Hooit!Hoe gaan dit met Kwagga?Ja,moet se n paar van daai kuiers klink baie na “what happened in….stay in …..
Mis die blog van daai tyd.Alhoewel dit nog steeds my go to platform vir inligting rakende SBRis, is daar baie trolle wat by gekom het.
Gaan ook hierdie jaar hernude poging aanwend om meer games te kyk.Hoop om dan n paar nuwe gesigte te ontmoet.Alles van die beste….
Howzit Hooit! Yes, we all have SBR in common … well most of us.
Looking forward to the season! Absolutely!!
@Strepie: One of the old faithfulls. Andre T or Speartackle or 10 other names.
@Vleis: Still alive and kicking. I could have 15 more names if I mentioned al his names.
@Vleis: Wie is Mr T?
@Hooit: Nice one Hooit.
Happy New Year to you, Bushie and all the other bloggers. Where is our old friend Mr T?
@Strepie: Paul Rosers ondersteun alle sporte baie goed. Ek kry altyd die Galpille jammer as hulle by Maties astro speel en daar sit net 10 hokkie ouers by die astro.
@PaarlBok: Hokkieveld of rugbyveld?
Hooit = Bees!
Goeie storie. My kinders is al n paar jaar klaar met skool en mis ek lynloop geweldig baie. Lewenslank vriende (en n paar vyande ook)gemaak oor die jare. Gaan n punt maak om die jaar meer langs die skole sportveld te kom.
Ek is redelik nuut op die blog.
As julle manne Windhoek toe kom, loer gerus in.
Ja ek kan basies dieselfde sê. Baie manne van die blog af ontmoet, and they are awesome youngsters! Wie word nou regtig oud?
Baie geleer by baie van die ouens oor rugby, want agter die name is daar ń paar manne wat hulle skolerugby ken, maar dan ook rugby in die algemeen.
Ja Hooit, kuier het ons al gekuier, genoeg gesê!
@Bush: Yes definately Bush. Just for more info. As Bush was involved with Rugby in Toti and myself with Oldies in Gauteng we arranged an Oldies game at the 2018 Nationals in Margate. Toti vs Western Lions. We even played barefoot and with a leather ball. It went so well that we made n combined team who played at the 2019 Nationals in Cape Town but those stories are not to be shared. Think some of us are still not welcome back in the Mother City.
Bring back Hopper, I want to share his

Let’s not forget playing rugby together Hooit, at Nationals in Cpt. Great friendships made on this Blog and through rugby. Rugby is a fantastic sport, with or without money. 2 3 Rugby.
A big special thank you to Bush. You are a legend.
Thanks Beet.