Matric Results 2019 analysis for the rugby schools

IEB’s  St John’s College produced killer matric results to top the pile in 2019 with a bit of daylight between themselves and second on the list.

Once again Bishops (private) and in particular Rondebosch (state) produced outstanding results, nearly achieving 100% university pass rates from the NSC.

Last year’s top dogs, Kearsney had to make do with fourth spot.


Important to note is that the matric results ranking list above is perhaps at best a tunnel vision view of a much bigger academic picture and therefore does not take many important education variables / obstacles into account.

Also worth noting and mentioned on similar blogs over the past few years are the following:

* Technical schools : some schools cater for specific needs while other schools offer a portion of their students subjects that do not qualify for degree passes.

* The language challenge : schools with higher percentages of second-language learners can and do feel the impact of this challenge on their overall results.

* Private school advantage : many private schools have the advantage of smaller class numbers which allow teachers to dedicate more time to individual students.

Link from where the data was obtained:

Key for table below:

Area = rugby region
NSC = “National Senior Certificate”
IEB = “Independent Education Board”
Reg = the number of students initially registered by a school
Wrote = the figure disclosed on the matric results website portal above the wording “number of students in this school”
Deg% = university “degree” pass divided by total number of students that wrote
Deg = university “degree” pass
Dip = national “diploma” pass
HC = “higher certificate”
Avg* = total distinctions for all subjects (EXCLUDING LIFE ORIENTATION) divided by total students that wrote
Math = total Mathematics distinctions
Phys = total Physics distinctions
M+Ph = Maths plus Physics total
LO = Life Orientation

Life Orientation as Learning Area Life Orientation (LO) has been introduced into the senior high school phase as an examination subject. LO is a broad-learning subject that covers non-academic skills needed in life. LO is examined, marked and moderated internally and comprises the following sections: World of Work, helping learners find guidance in their choice of career and prepare them for the working world Health Education, this sections includes sex education, HIV/Aids talks, pregnancy, etc. Physical Education, involves physical exercise and training, it is done on a separate basis but eventually forms part of LO mark Religious Education, each South African school decides which religion to adhere to (as according to the South African schools act), learners may be exempted from these classes. In practice this means that learners may be exempted from, example, the Bible Studies class, but are compelled to attend the Religious Studies class (which deals with all religions as a study). Citizenship and Responsibility, this section teaches learners about their rights and their duties as citizens.

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  1. avatar
    #123 Djou

    @BrotherBear: Soos gewoonlik ‘n patetiese poging van jou. Ons raak nou moeg vir jou mediocrity. Gaan hiberneer nou weer! En slaap so lank as wat jy wil, niemand gaan jou mis nie.

    8 February, 2020 at 13:18
  2. avatar
    #122 BrotherBear

    Regtig egtig, ek belowe

    7 February, 2020 at 20:29
  3. avatar
    #121 BrotherBear

    @Djou: lyk my jy het regtig ‘n issue met lengte, ou matter. Hoeveel keer kan mens regtig die die woorde “hoe lank” herhaal? Dis regtig lank genoeg, moenie worry nie. ;-)

    7 February, 2020 at 20:28
  4. avatar
    #120 Djou

    @Cappie: Jammer oor jou houding weer.
    Maak nie saak wat mens doen of sê of hoe lank mens wil stry en hoe lank mens besluit om selektief te lees en hoe lank mens watter manier ookal wil toepas en hoe lank mens die feite wil ignoreer nie … hulle gaan dit nie verander nie.
    En wanneer mens dit besef, en verstaan dat dit ‘n futiele oefening is, dan hou hulle op om daaroor te stry, want dit bring hulle nêrens nie.

    7 February, 2020 at 19:14
  5. avatar
    #119 Cappie

    @Djou: Dis jou koedoe Djou. Kan ek net my saal en toom afhaal.

    7 February, 2020 at 09:23
  6. avatar
    #118 Djou

    @Cappie: Jammer oor jou houding! Dit gebeur gewoonlik wanneer feite nie by ‘n persepsie pas nie.
    Anyway genoeg hieroor!

    6 February, 2020 at 18:56
  7. avatar
    #117 Cappie

    @Djou: Laat die riole maar oorloop in die riviere in. Ek gaan net anderkant toe kyk.

    6 February, 2020 at 10:10
  8. avatar
    #116 tzavosky

    @Ploegskaar: So asof ek julle nie al genoeg laat saffer het oor die jare nie!

    5 February, 2020 at 17:40
  9. avatar
    #115 Ploegskaar

    @Gatskop: Was die krag af toe jy dit verander gekry het? Dit lyk esteties onaardig, so die res van ons sal maar moet saffer (sic)

    5 February, 2020 at 16:05
  10. avatar
    #114 Gatskop

    @Grizzly: Dankie ja ek het uiteindelik verander gekry een nag laat. Nou hoef ek nie meer so te saffer as ek na my eie avatar kyk nie. lol

    4 February, 2020 at 11:56
  11. avatar
    #113 Grizzly

    @Gatskop: Sien jou trui is verander,het jy dit by gravatar gedoen.Indien wel,plesier man!

    27 January, 2020 at 21:01
  12. avatar
    #112 Djou

    @Cappie: Ek het mos klaar die formule vir jou gegee. Om dit vir jou maklik te maak, die formule is in my 2e post op hierdie thread.

    26 January, 2020 at 18:42
  13. avatar
    #111 Vleis

    @BrotherBear: Thanks for the update – sounds promising.

    26 January, 2020 at 10:09
  14. avatar
    #110 BrotherBear

    @Grizzly: Garsies always very competitive and certainly a force in academics, culture and sport. Some overselling a bit irritating, but it does not detract from your essence.

    25 January, 2020 at 19:16
  15. avatar
    #109 BrotherBear

    @Vleis: Kattes had another setback early in January, but is presently at home and recovering. He seems to be very appreciative of his wife and family support as well as all close friends.

    25 January, 2020 at 19:14
  16. avatar
    #108 Grizzly

    @Tang: yes,classic games.My son was mostly a cricket player.Miss the school cricket.

    24 January, 2020 at 14:39
  17. avatar
    #107 Cappie

    @Tang: Garsies’ cricket is top class this year.

    24 January, 2020 at 13:26
  18. avatar
    #106 Tang

    @Grizzly No problem wearing a Garsies jersey. I’ve only had good dealings with the Garsies people whenever Boys High Played a fixture (cricket).

    24 January, 2020 at 13:21
  19. avatar
    #105 Grizzly

    @Gatskop: @Tang Go to condition is you must wear a Garsie jersey for 3 months??

    24 January, 2020 at 12:54
  20. avatar
    #104 Vleis

    Does anyone have an update on Kattes? Last year, someone said that he was in poor health. I hope that he is recovering.

    24 January, 2020 at 10:38
  21. avatar
    #103 Gatskop

    @Tang: Ek weet ook nie hoe om my trui te verander nie. Kan enige iemand my asb verduidelik?

    24 January, 2020 at 10:28
  22. avatar
    #102 BrotherBear

    @Djou: seven and twenty million and eighty three hundred thousand five ;-)

    23 January, 2020 at 18:14
  23. avatar
    #101 Cappie

    @Djou: Nevermind Djou, ons gaan nie daai standaardformule uit jou uitkry nie. Dis ooglopend dat dit nie wil werk nie. Gee net die bewyse. Hou op skerm agter woorde.

    23 January, 2020 at 16:31
  24. avatar
    #100 Djou

    @Cappie: Kry ‘n nuwe bril mater. Die formule is een wat statistici oor die wêreld heen gebruik om data te normaliseer/standaardiseer vir vergelykingdoeleindes. Nooit gesê dis my formule nie. Wonder net waarom jy so graag Garsfontein wil afkraak en Affies meisies wil bevorder. Skelmpie daar? Of bloot die jaloesierok wat uithang? Soos Rugbyman gesê het, jy haat dit as iemand anders goed doen soos boetiebeertjie wat hou van lieg.
    @BrotherBear: Sal jou nooit vertrou met syfers nie want jy kan nie eers onderskei tussen skole se rugbytruie nie. Nes jy nou bewys het jy verstaan nie van standaardisering nie. Maar jy is ‘n goeie kandidaat om ‘n sjef te wees “because you cook the books well”.

    23 January, 2020 at 16:25
  25. avatar
    #99 BrotherBear

    @Cappie: die “politicians” het mos nou meermale bewys hulle verstaan nie mooi van syfers en praktiese dinge. Dit verwar en ontstel hulle verskriklik. Hou maar by @Beet of @BoishaaiPa.

    23 January, 2020 at 11:11
  26. avatar
    #98 Cappie

    @Djou: Netso, of dalk vir Beet gee of BoishaaiPa om te ontleed. Of vir jou gee Djou. Jy het dan gesê jy het ‘n formule wat werk.

    23 January, 2020 at 08:41
  27. avatar
    #97 Djou

    @Cappie: Ek glo hy sou. Skoenmaker hou jou by jou lees is mos die uitdrukking, menende dat die wiskundiges en statistici hul werk doen en die rekenmeesters die boeke laat klop.

    22 January, 2020 at 18:00
  28. avatar
    #96 Cappie

    @Djou: My rekenmeester het net gelag toe ek hom die uitslae wys.

    22 January, 2020 at 16:09
  29. avatar
    #95 Playa

    @Grizzly: Thanks?

    22 January, 2020 at 14:18
  30. avatar
    #94 BrotherBear

    @Grizzly: I think it is going to become even more challenging with Lesufi catching momentum. That is a real worry, regardless of color or language. Question for the blog is, how will school rugby look like in 5 years if his policies survive? Privates may be better off?

    21 January, 2020 at 21:31
  31. avatar
    #93 Grizzly

    @Playa: Respect!Keep up the good work!@BrotherBear: Dankie,so you finally agree on the classroom sizes.

    21 January, 2020 at 19:55
  32. avatar
    #92 BrotherBear

    @Playa: agree, smaller classes much easier, all things being equal. Large classes even more difficult, given your metrics.
    Good teachers are worth their weight in gold and totally unappreciated. I have seen good ones and really bad ones in public and private schools. Hats off to those that still do their jobs for the love of helping people.

    21 January, 2020 at 19:27
  33. avatar
    #91 Playa

    @Quagga: There is certainly a difference in standards. Largely due to class sizes, teachers who are not overextended, and also that privates pretty much choose which kids they take in while (most) state schools pretty much take in whoever applies because for them to justify rejecting kids to the department is more admin than it’s worth. One of the schools we work with averages 300 kids per grade with classes of 50 plus. That’s unworkable, especially when you find that there are only 2 maths teachers in the entire school.

    @Rainier: Indeed! I manage 47 kids in my class, and that’s only on Saturday mornings. I leave those sessions exhausted. I can only imagine if I had to do that for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week 8-O

    @BrotherBear: You’re right. Would you agree that it’s more optimal to dig into more application and thought process with a class of 20 than with a class of 40? Especially when the majority of the 20 in the private school were accepted based on academic ability while the majority of the 40 in the state school probably shouldn’t even be in the grade they’re in. I tutor a grade 9 class, and every year for the last 10 years of doing this, I’ve had to teach them what a numberline is. I first saw a number line in Std 2 (Grade 4)!

    21 January, 2020 at 17:20
  34. avatar
    #90 Vleis

    @Tang: I’ve had the SBR colours since early 2014. 8-O I didn’t want to be considered a spokesman on behalf of St Alban’s.

    21 January, 2020 at 15:47
  35. avatar
    #89 Tang

    @beet – Please could you change my avatar jersey? Is it possible to get a combination of Jeppe, KES and Pretoria Boys (Milner Schools)? If not, I’m happy to go with the Yellow SBR shirt. I see @vleis wears his new SBR colours proudly.

    21 January, 2020 at 09:00
  36. avatar
    #88 BrotherBear

    @Djou: jammer maar ek verstaan nie die konteks van jou laaste “post”. Dit herhinner my wel aan die eentonige mantra van die russiese politieke “beampte” in “Red October”

    20 January, 2020 at 21:11
  37. avatar
    #87 Djou

    @BrotherBear: Jy is bitter sleg ingelig oor my betrokkenheid by Garsies.
    Terloops ‘n kritiese denker is wys genoeg om stil te bly oor dinge waarvan hy niks weet nie, tog maak jy steeds talle aannames oor dinge waarvan jy min weet wat jou gevolgtrekkings totaal verkeerd maak.
    Jammer, het vergeet, jy maak mos eers die gevolgtrekking en maak dan verwronge aannames en soek redes om daarby te pas.

    20 January, 2020 at 20:20
  38. avatar
    #86 Deon

    Kyk na die vier “core” vakke. Dan lyk dinge anders

    Privaatskole is outliers, hulle deel nie met arm gemeenskape tot dieselfde graad as staatskole nie.

    Flippen oulike Gimmie wat die jaar nommer een is. Pragtige dogter.

    20 January, 2020 at 17:53
  39. avatar
    #85 BrotherBear

    @Rainier: agreed that smaller classes may be easier to manage, but I would also rather sit with 40 disciplined and focused students than 10 “bats out of hell”, all things being equal. I think many schools have serious discipline problems, which makes matters worse. Nice thing about rugby is that it does provide forms of structure, discipline and brotherhood.

    20 January, 2020 at 17:45
  40. avatar
    #84 BrotherBear

    @Playa: I think one of the other benefits of IEB lies in the problem solving and critical thinking abilities that it presents to students. A lot of the testing focuses on application, rather than regurgitation. How measurable the difference is, cannot be scientifically proven though. Both the NSC and IEB are accepted by many overseas universities. But then only for the top scholars.

    20 January, 2020 at 17:40
  41. avatar
    #83 Rainier

    @Playa: I doubt most people understand the impact of class size on educational standards. Had this conversation with a teacher friend over the weekend, her class this year is 40 pupils. According to her a class should be a maximum of 20-25 children to teach optimally.

    20 January, 2020 at 14:08
  42. avatar
    #82 Quagga

    @Playa: I then consider myself educated on the matter and apologise for assuming the existence of a vast difference in standards (which is perhaps a general perception created by private schools ‘sales talk’).

    20 January, 2020 at 13:40
  43. avatar
    #81 Playa

    @Quagga: A bit of a misconception. I tutor maths and science to kids in Gugulethu. I saw both the NSC and IEB exams and there’s not much difference in difficulty. Probably 10 marks at most. Where privates hold an advantage is class sizes and quality teachers so it matters not whether they write IEB or NSC. Bishops’ logic is that an A at NSC counts as much as an A for IEB when it comes to varsity entrance. No one can fault that logic. With my left nut on the block, I don’t think their results would be any worse if they wrote IEB. Why? Because their schooling is IEB based throughout high school and it’s only in matric that they write NSC. To say their matriculants have settled for less because of one exam is flawed. My 2 cents

    P. S. Kids in government schools have the option to write IEB exams. Some do. The curriculum is the same, and both moderated by the same body..

    19 January, 2020 at 20:07
  44. avatar
    #80 BrotherBear

    @Djou: ek love jou energie en passie. Dit mag al wees, maar doe so voort. Jy maak seker die 4e kwartiel word ook gehoor, en dit is tog ook belangrik ;-). Sterkte ook met jou IAP bestuur by Garsies, jy gaan alles denkbaar nodig he. HEHEHE

    17 January, 2020 at 20:53
  45. avatar
    #79 Rugbyman

    @Hanswors: Weet nie rerig nie… sal uitvind… Een van ons top hokkiedogters het wel toevallig by kloof ingeskryf… ek verstaan die proses van die hoof kontak die ander hoof is nie gevolg nie… maar ons sal nou nie ophou on teen kloof te speel oor so iets en in die koerante daaroor tekere gaan nie… hoop nie hulle huil dan as een van hulle top spelers toevallig laer bult af skuif nie… mens weet nooit nie, enige iets is moontlik :wink:

    17 January, 2020 at 20:17
  46. avatar
    #78 Djou

    @boerboel: Soos gewoonlik blaf en spoeg jy verbale diaree. Maar nou ja, ‘n hond se brein is maar klein en mens moet seker nie baie van jou verwag nie.

    17 January, 2020 at 19:34
  47. avatar
    #77 Djou

    @Cappie: Jy is mos ingenieur en het mos al die vaardighede om self die berekeninge te doen. Maar jy gaan net jou tyd mors.

    17 January, 2020 at 19:30
  48. avatar
    #76 Djou

    @BrotherBear: Jy het mos gesê jy is nie op die blog om vriende te maak nie. Nou ja dan verloor jy dadelik respek.
    Jy sê jy is ‘n kritiese denker. Se voet! Jy besluit vooraf jy hou nie van iemand nie en soek dan redes om jou gevolgtrekking te pas. Die blog wemel daarvan. Onthou jy nog hoe jy gekerm het toe Garsies in hul alternatiewr truie teen Helpies gespeel het en jy voet by stuk gehou het dis 2e span truie en gesoek het vir redes om dit te staaf.
    Nee wat, klim van die blog af of begin werklik met kritiese denke.

    17 January, 2020 at 19:27
  49. avatar
    #75 Quagga

    @star: Exceptional performance, well done to him and his entire support structure. Some people are just so talented (wow) and then on top of that he is also hard working, certainly poised for future achievement in whatever he sets out to do!!!

    17 January, 2020 at 14:59
  50. avatar
    #74 Hanswors

    Goeie more al die manne en maninne. Ek lees hierdie blog al vir baaiie jare toe Affiepa en Klofiepa, Hercules, Boyshaai Pa en nog vele meer nog betrokke was. Baie goeie memories en baie bloggers ontmoet , veral by Paarl Gim se onder 16 week in 2011.
    Lekker om die passie van die ouers te sien – party kan n hou op die ken vat en party nie. Ek het geen kind of kraai meer op skool nie, in fact – ek het ook nie n seun nie maar skolerugby le my nog steeds na aan die hart.
    Sterkte vir die seisoen wat voorle – en onthou asb die feit dat jou seun eerstes speel betekn nie hy gaan n springbok word nie en ook nie n kontrak kry nie.
    My raad aan almal is – laat die seuns eerstens fokus op die akademie en dan die ruggas. Te veel seuns al gesien wat met groot kontrakte gesit het en belangstelling verloor het sodra hulle drank en meisies ontdek het.

    Rugbyman wat is die nuus by julle buurskool wat weer die steil opdraende moet aandurf om weer n krag te word….enige aanwinste?

    17 January, 2020 at 11:55
  51. avatar
    #73 boerboel

    @Rugbyman: hoe het die garswanabees die manne gemis? 8-O 8-O

    17 January, 2020 at 10:20
  52. avatar
    #72 boerboel

    @Chronicle: ai ou boggie

    sien die rand nog nie r40 teen die dollar nie? 8-O 8-O

    wat se jou tjommie mnr chris hart? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    17 January, 2020 at 10:19
  53. avatar
    #71 BrotherBear

    @Rugbyman: dis altyd lekker om mens teen die groot “name” te meet. Nie vir almal elke jaar beskore en altyd risky, maar dit fokus die spelers op ‘n ander vlak en meet ook BMT. As mens verloor – so be it. As mens wen gee dit ongelooflike selfvertroue.

    17 January, 2020 at 09:03
  54. avatar
    #70 Rugbyman

    @BrotherBear: Neewat… uit ervaring weet ek dis maar bietjie wag en sien… hang maar als af hoe die manne “gel”… So tyd sal leer… bygesê ons het ‘n BAIE strawwe lys fixtures die jaar… sluit in Grey, Gim en HJS Paarl… so dit gaan maar taai jaar wees…

    Ons oefen skelm sonder dat die atletiek mense sien… :wink:

    17 January, 2020 at 08:38
  55. avatar
    #69 BrotherBear

    @Rugbyman: julle is gelukkig om te kan oefen. Hier by ons mag dit eers begin na die atletiek seisoen. Sekerlik kan jy meer vertel as dat julle hard oefen?
    Te lande bly die akademie maar ‘n primere fokus. Moeilik om al die ander dinge in te pas as jy minimum 4 ure per dag, na klasse, nog agter die boeke moet inskuif.

    17 January, 2020 at 08:28
  56. avatar
    #68 Rugbyman

    @BrotherBear: Die manne lyk nie te sleg nie… oefen hard

    Ek hoor egter Menlo en julle is die spanne om dop te hou… en dan Affies ook… Ons sal maar net probeer om die scores af te hou

    17 January, 2020 at 08:13
  57. avatar
    #67 BrotherBear

    @Rugbyman: vertel ons eerder bietjie meer oor julle manne die jaar?

    17 January, 2020 at 08:04
  58. avatar
    #66 Rugbyman


    More manne… voorspoed vir die nuwe jaar… Ek sien dis maar same old, same old hier… gun geen son op ‘n ander nie… the more things change, the more they stay the same…

    Maar kom ek haal die paplepel uit…

    Ek sien en hoor darem dat klomp seuns vrywillige skuiwe gemaak het na verskeie skole… die “delayed option” soos een van die vooraanstaande skole daarna verwys…

    Ek wonder hoe lank ons vriende by Affies nog onder die radar gaan bly met hulle “delayed option”… Hoor daars ‘n reuse, toevallige inskrywing van ‘n top haker… van Heidelberg as ek dit nie mis het nie… Ek hoor Helpies het ook so paar gelukkies getref met seuns wat nou liefs die bus gaan klim… :wink:

    My stophorlosie is aan… kom ons kyk hoe lank dit gaan vat voor die vissies byt… :twisted:

    17 January, 2020 at 07:19
  59. avatar
    #65 BrotherBear

    @star: an exceptional scholar and sportsman. What are his plans for this year?

    17 January, 2020 at 07:11
  60. avatar
    #64 BrotherBear

    @Chronicle: may the rest of your 2020 be filled with blessings and laughter.

    17 January, 2020 at 06:41
  61. avatar
    #63 Steve K

    @star: Also, Westville are the second placed State school in KZN, but only by a hair after College. The other State schools in KZN are quite far behind, so, I think its safe to say that Westville can still pride itself in its academics. Overall though – credit to all the schools on the list who can turn out those results considering the hectic sporting schedules that they juggle. Well done to all concerned, as mentioned earlier in another post, it takes a lot of people behind the scenes to produce those results.

    17 January, 2020 at 06:37
  62. avatar
    #62 Chronicle

    I have said it before and many bloggers took exception. But this post proved me correct. Afrikaans bloggers are to say the least very envious.
    But aftet a year on the blog I am adjusting my view. Only some afrikaans bloggers are pathetic. The most envious of them on this post is @BrotherBear:
    And then @Cappie: and @boerboel:
    They just can’t accept that other schools can perform well. Sooooo pathetic you people!!!
    Why are you such horrible human beings?
    But I have learned that people like you normally are the first to run away in a situation of danger.

    16 January, 2020 at 20:21
  63. avatar
    #61 star

    @Quagga: To your point on how the first team players performed at matric , the Westville captain ( Gareth Beavan) achieved 7 As with an average of 92.3% being the schools highest achiever. He also represented KZN in rugby(B side) and captained the KZN U19 cricket team.

    16 January, 2020 at 14:01
  64. avatar
    #60 BrotherBear

    @Grizzly: ek verstaan ook dat die algemeen aanvaarde metode is om gemiddelde onderskeidings per leerling te gebruik as ‘n maatstaaf van “performance” (behalwe deur die departement). ‘n Groter opset (skool) mag dalk meer uitdagings he, maar mens aanvaar 2 dinge. Vanaf ‘n sekere grootte skool is die uitdagings soortgelyk en 2. Die top skole het almal die nodige “resources” (geld, onderwysers, fasiliteite, ens.). Dus moet aantal leerders geen rol speel behalwe as daar bitter min leerders is. Hulle kan voordeel he omdat almal baie “slim” is en persoonlike aandag kry.

    16 January, 2020 at 12:04
  65. avatar
    #59 Grizzly

    @BrotherBear: Ek stem saam oor die punt wat jy maak oor vemoens.Daarom jys dat n groot % van 368 kanidate nie dieselfde gaan beskik nie.Met ander woorde harde werk en die effort,groot klasse,xtra tyd sonder vergoeding deur die onnies,ouers,collective effort deur alle partye is al hoe jy daai tipe uitslag kry by so groot groep.So geluk sonder die “maar” is imo meer van toepasing.@boerboel: Die erkening is dan juis gegee deur die toekenings gemaak,daars n verskil….Maar great dat jy op hierdie topic gesig kom wys…het my verkeerd bewys :mrgreen:

    16 January, 2020 at 11:28
  66. avatar
    #58 boerboel

    @Strepie: ag nee wat-hierdie is nie die salvation army se blog nie

    n bietjie gasgee is amusant

    16 January, 2020 at 11:26
  67. avatar
    #57 BrotherBear

    @Strepie: baie waar.

    16 January, 2020 at 11:20
  68. avatar
    #56 Strepie

    @BrotherBear: Kom ons probeer om meer bedagsaam te wees en mooi lees wat ons tik voordat ons dit ‘post’.
    Ons hoef nie alles wat ons dink neer te pen nie.

    16 January, 2020 at 11:17
  69. avatar
    #55 BrotherBear

    @Grizzly: ek stem saam met @strepie dat mens nie die issue te ver met dryf nie. Ek gee jou die voordeel van die twyfel en glo jou kommentaar neem seker in ag dat kognitiewe vermoens ook ‘n bepalende faktor in akademiese uitslae is. Lyk my dis iets waaraan ek tekort skiet aangesien daar blykbaar ‘n onvermoe is om die punt na 3 Garsie manne deur te bring ;-)

    16 January, 2020 at 11:01
  70. avatar
    #54 boerboel

    genade maar die garswanabees se behoefte aan erkenning ken geen grense nie

    julle probeer te hard :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8-O

    16 January, 2020 at 10:33
  71. avatar
    #53 Grizzly

    @BrotherBear: As n CA en iemand wat beter weet as enige ander dat akademiese uitslae slegs gekoppel word aan die aantal ure wat jou gat op n stoel neer gepen is terwyl jy iets anders wil doen,is jou kommentaar teleurstellend.

    Die kriteria oor hoe bepaal is irrelevant.Elkeen kan sy eie opinie he.Vir my wat uitstaan is die getal leerlinge soos @Djou ook verduidelik.Hoe meer hoe moeiliker,hoe groter word jou risiko’s.

    16 January, 2020 at 10:19
  72. avatar
    #52 BrotherBear

    @Strepie: ek hoor jou en stem saam dat van die kommentaar is ietwat oorbodig.
    Op die droogte kommentaar; dit is terrible en baie van ons ondersteun boere en hulle families op verskillende maniere. Dit beteken egter nie ons moet ophou met ander dinge nie. Ek verstaan jou sentiment.

    16 January, 2020 at 09:40
  73. avatar
    #51 Strepie

    @Cappie: Klink vir my soos n alewige bekgeveg oor kleinighede terwyl droogte ons land uitmekaar skeur met werklike realistiese implikasies.

    16 January, 2020 at 09:33
  74. avatar
    #50 Cappie

    @Strepie: Glad nie so erg nie Strepie, maar ons is op die punt om iets oor statistieke te leer. Ek kan nie wag nie.

    16 January, 2020 at 09:25
  75. avatar
    #49 Strepie

    Julle manne kan eenvoudig nie mekaar uitlos en vrede maak nie.
    Hel, is dit so erg?

    16 January, 2020 at 09:15
  76. avatar
    #48 BrotherBear

    @Wonder: weet nie mooi waar jou kommentaar oor “suurgat” inpas nie. Sover ek weet is die IEB skole nie deel van daardie assesering nie. Al was hulle, is dit regtig nie ‘n issue nie. Miskien moet jy ook bietjie fokus en ophou “Wonder”.

    16 January, 2020 at 09:13
  77. avatar
    #47 BrotherBear

    @Djou: dear sir, your protest is very personal and seems excessive. I merely looked at the likely calculation method and posed some observations. At the start I congratulated you on the achievement and at the end acknowledged that you have good performances. The basis for your ranting is highly suspect and you can easily address my observations by posing some facts. Your ranting on my other comments are also totally out of context. Rather spend this energy on something positive. Jou onderrok hang uit ou mater.

    16 January, 2020 at 09:09
  78. avatar
    #46 Cappie

    @Djou: Djou, daar is geen jaloesie van my kant af nie. Allermins ou maat. Ek het gesê geluk aan Garsies en ek het slegs syfers gegee. Ek self glo die formule is nog steeds soos ek dit hierbo weergegee het behalwe as jy dit anders kan bevestig. Jy hoef nie so opgewonde te raak so vroeg in die jaar nie.

    15 January, 2020 at 22:52
  79. avatar
    #45 Cappie

    @Djou: Dankie vir daai insig en verduideliking hoe om die punte te normaliseer. Dit sal gaaf wees as jy Garsfontein met Affies Meisies vir ons sal ontleed aan die hand van jou verduideliking. Ek sien uit na die antwoord. Dankie Djou.

    15 January, 2020 at 22:45
  80. avatar
    #44 Wonder

    @BrotherBear: Lekker suurgat,jy begin die jaar goed?????

    15 January, 2020 at 21:47
  81. avatar
    #43 Djou

    @BrotherBear: O ja oor die busse, hoeveel daarvan het Helpies nou weer.
    Vandag by ‘n vriend van my gehoor Helpies het van Florida se topatlete met beurse gepoach en einste busse ry hul aan.

    15 January, 2020 at 21:21
  82. avatar
    #42 Djou

    @BrotherBear: Teen die tyd behoort jy te weet ek steur my nie aan jou voorstelle nie.
    Ek het geskater toe jy praat van jy hou van kritiese denke – jou definisie daarvan is verwronge, die dat niemand hulle aan jou steur nie. Toe kruip jy gat by Rugbyman.
    Gelukkig weet ons hy dink nie veel van jou nie.
    Maar nou ja social media is vir idiote soos jy om vir almal te wys hoe stupid jy regtig is.
    Anyhow, maak nie saak hoeveel jy of Cappie teem en kerm nie, die beker is by Garsies. Jammer oor jul jaloesie, slegte eienskap!

    15 January, 2020 at 21:19
  83. avatar
    #41 BrotherBear

    @Djou: ek stel voor jy neem daardie beker en sit dit voor in die kas. Gaan verkondig dit ook op elke sosiale media platform moontlik. Hopelik sal jou hartklop en bloeddruk dan ietwat bedaar. maak ook seker dat julle skoliere van ander skole met busse na julle wedstryde aanry. Die syfers sal wonderlik voorkom maar dit gaan bietjie hol voel na ‘n ruk.

    15 January, 2020 at 19:41
  84. avatar
    #40 Djou

    @Cappie: @BrotherBear: Ek het dit al voorheen genoem, maar julle het seker vergeet.
    2 skole in Pretoria gee beurse vir akademie en trek op die manier die top akademiese leerders, veral meisies. Dan is dit maklik om stringe onderskeidings uit te pak en vir almal vertel hoe goed die skool is. Allermins. ‘n Skool waar onderwysers daarin slaag om kinders se punte progressief te verbeter van graad 8 tot graad 12 is na my mening ‘n top akademiese instelling. In rugbyterme kom dit daarop neer dat ‘n goeie afrigter die een is wat ‘n swak span kan afrig tot ‘n goeie span.
    Ek is onseker of daardie formule nog geld. Ek weet Affies Meisies het daaroor gaan kla en dat veranderings voorgestel is.
    Voorts, as jy appels met appels wil vergelyk moet jy die punte normaliseer om bv voorsiening te maak dat kleiner klasse en kleiner getalle nie bevoordeel word teen skole met groot getalle nie in terme van bv die vordeel wat kleiner klasse bied. So ook om nie voordeel te gee aan skole wat bv net 10 vakke aanbied teenoor skole wat 17 vakke aanbied. Dit is baie moeiliker om goed te presteer met groot getalle en meer vakke teenoor kleiner getalle en min vakke vir verskeie redes.
    Een manier om te normaliseer is: vat die werklike syfer minus die gemiddeld en dan gedeel deur die standaardafwyking.
    Dan is dit meer regverdig – en dan sal Garsies steeds bo uitkom.
    Mens kan ook nie soos Beet gedoen het die IEB vergelyk met die NSC nie – dis totaal verskillend en onregverdig teenoor die skole wat IEB skryf.
    So ook die artikel van Business Insider wat die top 10-skole aan die hand van aantal onderskeidings en onderskeidings per leerder gemeet het en noe gekontroleer het vir eksogene en ander endogene veranderlikes nie. Dis net lui en/of clueless joernaliste wat sulke ontledings doen en dan hardloop die clueless daarmee rond asof dit die alfa en omega is.
    My motto was altyd dat jy wys is indien jy stilbly oor iets waarvan jy min weet, maar social media het – soos ‘n wyse gesê het – ook aan idiote ‘n forum gegee sodat hulle vir die wêreld kan wys hoe stupid hulle werklik is.

    15 January, 2020 at 18:55
  85. avatar
    #39 Strepie

    @BrotherBear: Klink of die manne geforseer word om rugby te speel :)

    15 January, 2020 at 17:30
  86. avatar
    #38 BrotherBear

    @Gatskop: ek stem. Dink die ouens wat hard werk en wie se punte met tyd (somtyds drasties) verbeter, moet vereer word. Almal oe en aa oor die vreeslike hoeveelheid onderskeidings, maar skenk te min aandag aan die ouens wat presteer ondanks moeilike onstandighede (en dit hoef nie eens A’s te wees nie). Hulle is die helde, en heldinne.
    Aan die ander kant dink ek iemand is ‘n poepol as hulle iets soos wiskunde druip omdat hulle nie gewerk het en alle hoop op rugby gesit het. Waar was die ouers?

    15 January, 2020 at 16:14
  87. avatar
    #37 BrotherBear

    @Djou: congrats to Garsies with the dept of education accolades. It does sound a bit skewed though. Considering the calculation method that @Cappie mentions, I do not believe one should show that cup too prominently. It is equivalent to saying that the team with more spectators at a rugby game must start with points on the board even before the game has started. That does not sound fair in anybody’s book.
    Luckily you have enough other good performances to brag about ;-)

    15 January, 2020 at 16:06
  88. avatar
    #36 Strepie

    @PaarlBok: Gaan trek die As in Gim bv, kyk watter % is meisies en watter % is seuns.

    15 January, 2020 at 15:40
  89. avatar
    #35 PaarlBok

    @Strepie: Dit behoort geen verskil te maak nie want meisies beoefen ook sport en speel nog klub hokkie en netbal behalwe hul skole sport.

    15 January, 2020 at 15:28
  90. avatar
    #34 PaarlBok

    @Smallies: Baie goeie punt wat jy maak, dan kry jy nog kinders wat klub sport ook beoefen wat nog twee dae se oefening in n week inwerk en verdere wedstryde op naweke moet speel.

    15 January, 2020 at 15:26
  91. avatar
    #33 Strepie

    @Quagga: Skolerugby in SA het inderdaad minder as niks met meisies in die betrokke skole uit te waai nie.
    Ware korrelasie/vergelyking kan bepaal word deur rugby spelende seuns se akademiese prestasie te tabelleer.

    15 January, 2020 at 15:07
  92. avatar
    #32 Quagga

    The table above is about the academic performance of so-called rugby schools, so this table should actually be based on what the matric 1xv rugby players in each school achieved. No sense in being a machine on the rugby field but a potato in the classroom, which is what really counts when a kid steps into the real world. Rugby is becoming less and less relevant in this country. Congrats to St. John’s their academic performance was exceptional. Bishops should consider going the IEB route, why settle for less?

    15 January, 2020 at 14:52
  93. avatar
    #31 Strepie

    @Cappie: Die oomblik as meisies bykom verander die ‘ball game’ dramaties.
    Die eenvoudige som is nie so eenvoudig nie.

    15 January, 2020 at 14:06
  94. avatar
    #30 Cappie

    @Gatskop: Jy het ‘n baie geldige argument. Balans is alles. Die vier Pretoria-skole hier bo genoem. Garsfontein, Waterkloof, Menlo en Meisies handhaaf almal ‘n baie goeie balans tussen akademie, sport en kultuur.

    Iets wat ek graag wil uitlig is Menlopark se goeie Wetenskap resultate. Hulle Wetenskap Departement en onderwysers kort ‘n pluimpie.

    15 January, 2020 at 14:03
  95. avatar
    #29 Cappie

    Daar is ‘n artikel met die top 10 akademiese skole in Suid Afika in die “Bussiness Insider”. Meeste is meisieskole en heelwat kleiner. Loer gerus!

    Tik maar net: Top 10 academic schools in South Africa

    15 January, 2020 at 13:56
  96. avatar
    #28 Gatskop

    Daar is soveel faktore wat bepaal hoe goed n skool doen, dat daai lys eintlik werklik niks beteken nie. n Skool soos Outeniqua wat n gemeenskaps skool is doen volgens my lugjare beter met die mense potensiaal as bv enige van die suidelike kaapse voorstede skole. Outeniqua moet almal vat en kan nie nitpick soos meeste skole nie.
    Ek sal nooit in der ewigheid n skool kies vir my kinders op grond van akedemiese uitslae nie. Uit ervaring kan ek nou al se dat 99% van die skole wat bogemiddeld presteer n paralelle sisteem van ekstra klassse (waarvoor die ouers betaal) het wat nou al n industrie op sy eie geraak het.

    Ek sou graag wou sien wat die uitslae van skole is as jy al die kinders uithaal wat betaal het vir ekstra klasse en jy neem net kinders in ag wat net deur die skool se juffrou of meneer onderrig is. Dit sal nou n waare aanduiding wees van prestasie.

    Sal ook interesant wees om te sien hoeveel seuns en meisies moes ophou met skool sport omdat dit nie inpas by die middagskool van ekstra klasse nie.

    15 January, 2020 at 13:54
  97. avatar
    #27 Cappie

    Garsfontein 367 slaag met 798 onderskeidings = 1165
    Waterkloof 343 slaag met 740 onderskeidings = 1083
    Menlopark 316 slaag met 751 onderskeidings = 1067
    Affies Meisies 224 slaag met 819 onderskeidings = 1043

    Maklik nê?

    15 January, 2020 at 13:33
  98. avatar
    #26 Cappie

    @Strepie: Die Departement gebruik ‘n baie eenvoudige som om die wenner te bepaal. Dit is doodeenvoudig aantal leerders wat deur is plus aantal onserskeidings.

    15 January, 2020 at 13:24
  99. avatar
    #25 Strepie

    @Cappie: Kan amper nie glo Garsies het vir Affies geklop nie.

    15 January, 2020 at 13:04
  100. avatar
    #24 Cappie

    @Djou: Baie geluk aan Garsfontein. Djou, waar kan ons die uitslae kry van die Pretora-skole vir akademie? Wie was 2de, 3de, 4de edm?

    15 January, 2020 at 12:02
  101. avatar
    #23 BrotherBear

    The article provides good perspective on which schools provide quality education, but maybe the good results could also be primarily due to the learner academic capability (not SBR?) rather than the school’s capability (but the school will attract academics). Northvaal (Jhb+Pta) and Western Cape (both sides of boerewors curtain) dominates with multiple options spread across relatively small geographical regions. KZN has a few shiners, but options in the Freestate, Northern Cape and Eastern Cape are at the mid and bottom of the list. I am not convinced that this should direct a SBR learner, with dreams of playing serious rugby after school, to a certain region though.
    All of the schools in the list probably provide sufficient academic services for the needs of all scholars. The list is good for bragging rights only and maybe to indicate which schools stands out, to discerning sportsmen/academics. These sportsmen with good academic results rarely go on to perform as a professional sportsman, in the modern day. The Uli and Jannie phenomena is something of the past – sadly.

    15 January, 2020 at 11:43
  102. avatar
    #22 2021

    @Smallies: ek sien jy het nog nie lank genoeg gedink nie. 8-O Skole wat op n dag net van 15.00 tot 17.30 oefen speel nie elke Saterdag nie. Hulle gaan te flou wees.Of is GCB so goed dat hulle so min hoef te oefen?

    15 January, 2020 at 09:49
  103. avatar
    #21 Strepie

    @Smallies: Skole waar meisies betrokke is (gemengde skole) kan nie vergelyk word met seunsskole nie, om verskeie redes.

    15 January, 2020 at 07:55
  104. avatar
    #20 Smallies

    Ek het lank gedink of ek gaan comment op hierdie een…
    Ek gaan nie skole vergelyk nie ,ek gaan nie gemiddeldes vergelyk nie ek gaan nie onderskeidings vergelyk nie
    Wat ek wel gaan doen is om elke seun wat top klas skole rugby gespeel geluk te wens,ek weet wat dit verg om maandag tot donderdag 15h00 tot 17h30 op die oefen veld te staan ,en dan nog vanaand te moet gaan leer en huiswerk doen…..Well done seuns ,well done

    15 January, 2020 at 07:39
  105. avatar
    #19 Grizzly

    @Djou: Congrats to all involved for achieving that line of success.The nr that really speaks to me is the 229 LO distinctions whish is a true measure of the effort involved.

    @Boerboel,mamma se brakke…jys absent by hierdie topic,why??As hierdie n akademiese blog was het iemand jou seker n wannabee genoem.Bietjie gaan swot ook 8-O 8-O :mrgreen: :lol:

    @STIER,jy ook.Miskien oorweeg ouers hierdie tipe informasie as hulle kinders wil skuif 8-O :lol:

    15 January, 2020 at 06:35
  106. avatar
    #18 Grizzly

    @Vleis: No Vleis,hats off.The figures speak for themselves. Both schools in a different class.

    15 January, 2020 at 05:58
  107. avatar
    #17 Vleis

    @Grizzly: 2018 = 101 candidates, 426 distinctions, 100% pass rate, 99% bachelor degree pass rate.

    2019 was way below par = 101 candidates, 330 distinctions, 100% pass rate, 98% bachelor degree pass rate.

    2017 = 101 candidates, 414 distinctions, 100% pass rate, 100% bachelor degree pass rate.

    I am very biased, but it really is a phenomenal school, as the extra murals (sport, drama, etc) are top too.

    14 January, 2020 at 22:10
  108. avatar
    #16 Djou

    Congrats to Garsfontein for today receiving the official award as best academic school in Tshwane South district – and Tshwane Sourh as best district in South Africa, which makes Garsies number 1 in South Africa.
    Great work from the teachers and principal for taking kids who scored 50% in grade 8 to 60% to 70% in grade 12. That is real progress and what we want from our teachers.

    14 January, 2020 at 21:58
  109. avatar
    #15 Gatskop

    @Strepie: Strepie ja ek sien so… lol. My 3 kinders is in 3 verskillende hoerskole die jaar.
    Daar is baie dinge waarna mens moet kyk en akademie is werklik belangrik. Ek is seker Bois gaan daai syfers regruk.
    Die verskil uit my ondervinding van skole is baie keer dat die top presteerders aan gee sport deelneem nie, terwyl daar skole is wat kinders sport, akademie en kultuur werklik probeer balanseer.
    Soms “tip” die balans effens na die een kant of ander kant en ek glo Bois gaan daai balans herstel ook wat slaagsyfer en ander akademies uitslae betref.

    14 January, 2020 at 19:07
  110. avatar
    #14 Grizzly

    @Vleis: How many candidate’s?This year?

    14 January, 2020 at 18:58
  111. avatar
    #13 Vleis

    @Grizzly: Ahem…last year, when my daughter matriculated from St Mary’s, the school achieved 4.2 distinctions per pupil…and that’s IEB exams, nogal.

    14 January, 2020 at 18:37
  112. avatar
    #12 Grizzly

    @Cappie: Wow!Niemand sal naby kom nie.Moet darem by se dat LO hier gelos word buite berekening.Wat van die rugby?Waars 4×4?Hoekom is daar so sterk rumour dat Affies verby wild gaan wees die jaar?

    Is dit daai klomp gr11 van laas jaar wat almal so op gewonde het?Hoop regtig dat julle n top seisoen het,Affies skuld ons een…Daar sal nooit n beter tyd as hierdie jaar wees nie.Alles van die beste.

    14 January, 2020 at 17:24
  113. avatar
    #11 Strepie

    @PaarlBok: Gim is beslis nie meer n sportskool soos destyds op Wikipedia aangedui nie.
    Knap gedaan!

    14 January, 2020 at 14:34
  114. avatar
    #10 PaarlBok

    Geluk aan Paarl Gim wat die top presteerder in SA gelewer het. Sy is n wonderlike mens en Gimmie.

    14 January, 2020 at 14:03
  115. avatar
    #9 Strepie

    @Gatskop: Moet maar nie te lank kyk nie, dit lyk nie goed nie.

    14 January, 2020 at 08:40
  116. avatar
    #8 Gatskop

    @Strepie: Ek het nog nie daarna gekyk nie. Sal later die week bietjie loer. My seun is die jaar g12 eers.

    14 January, 2020 at 08:25
  117. avatar
    #7 Strepie

    @Gatskop: Wat dink jy van HJS se prestasie?

    13 January, 2020 at 16:19
  118. avatar
    #6 Gatskop

    Geluk aan die seuns skole wat bo gemengde skole geeindig het. Die meisies doen eenvoudig net soveel beter as seuns.

    13 January, 2020 at 15:52
  119. avatar
    #5 linespeed

    The KZN state schools not looking great ! Westville used to pride it’s self on academics ….

    13 January, 2020 at 14:49
  120. avatar
    #4 BrotherBear

    @Cappie: as ‘n mens so ‘n slim vrou trou hoef jy mos nooit weer te werk nie en argumente is oorbodig (sal nooit wen). Ek weet, maar werk maar in alle geval.

    13 January, 2020 at 14:26
  121. avatar
    #3 Cappie

    Affies Meisies is belaglik.

    224 kandidate (98.6% universiteitstoelating) met 819 A’s. Dus 3.6 onderskeidings per leerder.

    Beat that!

    13 January, 2020 at 13:23
  122. avatar
    #2 Grizzly

    So die top 10 word uit gemaak deur 5 skole van Pta en 5 van die Kaap,well done.@AbsolutMenlo,so die skool waar jou broer onderhoof was le 3de en die skool waar hy nou hoof is 5de,mmmmmm,well done!!

    13 January, 2020 at 11:22
  123. avatar
    #1 BrotherBear

    @Beet; you can ask @Quagga to try and obtain the Helpmekaar results. As a purely academic school their average of 3 distinctions per pupil leaves a lot to be desired ;-)

    13 January, 2020 at 10:43