Glenwood, Westville & DHS make front page news

Months after the initial Glenwood/Westville rugby fallout was blogged here on, it has made the front page of a local KZN morning paper. Although it is not a new story, for many not close to school rugby in the province it will come as a huge shock to find out that two of KZN’s biggest schools don’t have any first term fixtures against each other on the cards as well as no rugby match in 2013.

Perhaps not receiving enough attention in the article is the real story of how two well-respected headmasters managed to not only not sort out the issues in the almost 6-months that have past but let it escalate to the point where there are now no fixtures at all and a very uncertain future ahead.

DHS’s issues with Glenwood were also mentioned. The outlook for this matter looks a lot more positive with parties from both sides making a concerted effort to put the matter to bed in the interests of their longstanding derby.


  1. avatar
    #93 Grasshopper

    Mark Van Wymeersch must be one to look out for! Wow, 19 fours and a six in 135 not out in 126 balls, strike rate over 100…….wow, wow, wow! That must be some sort of schoolboy record!

    22 January, 2013 at 22:04
  2. avatar
    #92 Gungets Tuft

    @Gungets Tuft: College thumped by Hilton – 83 runs. Nice little show from Tullis though, Small had a bat, going to be valuable experience for them. Never nice to lose like that, might as well get something out of it.

    22 January, 2013 at 21:50
  3. avatar
    #91 beet

    @Gungets Tuft: That is amazing. Imagine what it will be like once that is functional for rugby Things change so fast in life thanks to electronics that it sometimes feels like the future was yesterday.

    22 January, 2013 at 21:26
  4. avatar
    #90 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Great website but DHS vs Kearsney not there. I wanted to see who was the chief destroyer for School

    22 January, 2013 at 20:04
  5. avatar
    #89 Gungets Tuft

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Check the game here, brilliant website for school sports results —>

    22 January, 2013 at 19:43
  6. avatar
    #88 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: 40 overs!!

    College now 20/3 after 9. Opened with Mahmoud and Walsh (both bowlers) which is strange.

    Ja, the U14A’s were well in control, but no result, so no big talk. Cricket, as they say, funny old game, so who knows what might have happened. Would have bet on the front 3 to get it done .. but so would Kearsney.

    22 January, 2013 at 19:41
  7. avatar
    #87 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Gungets Tuft:
    EISH . Huge total!!

    22 January, 2013 at 19:20
  8. avatar
    #86 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Gungets Tuft:
    I see that on Saturday Kearsney u14 were 60/7 with Hope having 3 wickets. Didnt look good for Kearsney!

    22 January, 2013 at 19:19
  9. avatar
    #85 Grasshopper

    @Gungets, in 20 overs? Jeez, if so that is some going….

    22 January, 2013 at 19:18
  10. avatar
    #84 Gungets Tuft

    @star: 2011 was College.

    Hilton scored Hilton College: 230/3 (Mark Van Wymeersch 135 (126) *), College are 4/1 after 4.5 over. Mountain to climb.

    22 January, 2013 at 19:16
  11. avatar
    #83 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, Grey Bloem Old Boy. Bog will be proud!

    22 January, 2013 at 19:15
  12. avatar
    #82 HORSEFLY NO.1

    what school is he from

    22 January, 2013 at 19:10
  13. avatar
    #81 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, yep I think that is a good way of inspiring young sportsman, have a house master who plays high level. Even better an Old Boy at a high level. Maybe one for DHS to consider to improve Blackmores….

    22 January, 2013 at 19:05
  14. avatar
    #80 HORSEFLY NO.1

    oh then thats amazing. No need to look far for a role model if you are a scrummie!

    i would expect Kwazi to be very quick as he made KZN U13 as a wing/centre.

    22 January, 2013 at 18:57
  15. avatar
    #79 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, yep see here;

    Yeah, he looks a good prospect, hopefully he does make 1st team as he is very quick off the base…

    22 January, 2013 at 18:50
  16. avatar
    #78 star

    @ Grassy- I said last year “in” and not ” before” my forties. I am 49 and a bullet of note( but there are others on this site who can show me up age wise). I believe Hilton are 188/2 against MC ( TO BE CONFIRMED) so maybe I can have 2 birthday presents today.

    22 January, 2013 at 18:49
  17. avatar
    #77 HORSEFLY NO.1

    is Cobus a boarder master at GWD??? Certainly didn’t know that ! Great for him then if so. Same for other aspiring scrumhalves!

    I do remember this kid when Glenwood played DHS at U16, he scored GwDs 1st try off a scrum. He was kept quiet till that point

    22 January, 2013 at 18:40
  18. avatar
    #76 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, thanks for the link. Luckily for him Cobus Reinach is his boarder master and Sharks player. Great role model when playing scrumhalf……hopefully Cobus shows him some tips for 2013…

    22 January, 2013 at 18:31
  19. avatar
    #75 Grasshopper

    @Star, if you 39 you will definitely know my two brother in-laws who were at Westville in 89/90, I think…

    22 January, 2013 at 18:27
  20. avatar
    #74 star

    @ Horsy-I think 2011 was also MC. Maybe the College boys can confirm and update us on Inland results.

    22 January, 2013 at 18:26
  21. avatar
    #73 HORSEFLY NO.1 22 January, 2013 at 18:15
  22. avatar
    #72 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Who won the KZN T20 in 2011. College in 2010 and WBHS 2012. 2011??

    22 January, 2013 at 18:13
  23. avatar
    #71 HORSEFLY NO.1

    For the record I think WBHS was the best team of 2012 in SA and its a pity we never got to play!!

    22 January, 2013 at 18:09
  24. avatar
    #70 star

    @ Horsy- Well done School. I think I might take a trip down to Kingsmead on Friday and enjoy some good competitive cricket( Plus sneak in a Hansa or 2 to celebrate my last year in the forties).

    22 January, 2013 at 18:05
  25. avatar
    #69 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Grasshopper: @star:
    WELL DONE DHS!!!!!!!
    Kearsney 77 all out lost to DHS 117/6.
    DHS won by 40 runs!
    DHS vs WBHS in the regional final, 1st time since 2010 DHS have made it this far. In 2010 DHS lost to College in provincial final

    22 January, 2013 at 17:54
  26. avatar
    #68 Grasshopper

    @Star, well done to Westville. Yes, Callan Pearce is Head Boy and SA mens baseball I believe. He is a pretty good cricketer and hockey player. Not sure if he plays rugby considering he plays hockey. quite a tall lad too. I think he will be a big loss cricket-wise to KZN. Yes, Westville were ranked no1 in the country on a very subjective system. Too try and rank cricket teams is even harder than rugby as there are teams that never play each other. At least with rugby there are many who share opposition so correlations can be made. Also, many fixtures were rained out last year so potentially more losses or wins were up for grabs, know one will ever know for sure. Let’s just say KES were very impressive and so too are Cape sides Rondebosch and Wynberg. I think Westville would have had some very hard games if they had played them. Again, lots of if’s but’s and maybe’s. No doubting Westville did have a good side though. A pity the proper 50 over games will not be played this term as I think it would have been very close…

    22 January, 2013 at 17:49
  27. avatar
    #67 star

    can also do well at ” real cricket”

    22 January, 2013 at 17:26
  28. avatar
    #66 star

    @ Grassy- Yes Westville won by 8 wickets with 7 overs remaining which is a resounding victory. However I think that GW is more of a bowling team( very impressed) who will do a lot of damage in the games to come. I believe that the headboy is off to a USA baseball team after school and he was playing so that was some representation. You must also remember that last year when Westville won the provincial T20 they also ended up as being ranked no 1 in the country in all forms. ( with the same team). I think adaptabilty is the key and that a team that does well at T20

    22 January, 2013 at 17:25
  29. avatar
    #65 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, yes maybe we should send in our baseball team for T20 instead on the cricket team. T20 is not really cricket and techniques for klapping in out of the park are very different to real cricket…

    22 January, 2013 at 17:12
  30. avatar
    #64 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Lol funny since Glenwood are the KZN baseball champs anyways!! :wink:

    22 January, 2013 at 17:06
  31. avatar
    #63 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, I knew that was coming….too obvious! We also follow twitter. Well done to Westville! Glenwood are not a baseball team, we like to play real cricket….

    22 January, 2013 at 16:52
  32. avatar
    #62 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, the email to Vermaak was from myself, my Dad (DHS Old Boy 1969) and uncle (DHSOB 1979 who had Kershaw in his class). One would have thought having 2 Old Boys asking a valid question would get some respect and get a decent answer. Who knows, these two old boys could be able to contribute significantly to the DHS funds, they may even be millionaires. Anyway, it just shows what she thinks of Old Boys as a priority.

    Is this not a rugby blog? Hence, the key topic on here is rugby. It’s not the be all and end all of schools, but this blog is specifically about that. Obviously educating boys is the fundamental purpose of a school and DHS does fine there and so too do the other big boys schools. Yes, the demographics are significantly different from 30 years ago hence the shift to other sports, this is only natural and nothing wrong with that. But for Old Boys like my Dad, uncle and others rugby was the key sport back in their day, hence the focus on it. Going from no1 or 2 in KZN 30 years ago with 25 teams to about 7th or 8th with 13 teams would be considered ‘rot’ for many. Losing to Glenwood so often is ‘rot’. What makes it worse is DHS’s younger rival across the Berea is doing better in that sport, so it’s an even harder pill to take. Now I am glad Fennel is there as he seems a reasonable man who understands the importance of rivals and traditions. Luckily I believe it’s him that has kept the door open to negotiations. Van Zyl has rightly or wrongly gone back to DHS and good luck to him. His team mates might now shun him as a traitor. Does DHS want Donaldson back? Glenwood lost a good English teacher and cross country teacher in Mr Skevington to DHS, did they moan and cause a stink, no because cross country is a small sport. Teachers move boet, it’s part and parcel of life. Donaldson has plenty to work with at Glenwood, he obviously just wanted a bigger squad with assurances. I would never condone bribery or poaching, so what he did if true is wrong and he should be warned not to do it again… fact all teachers should be warned.

    No attack on Vermaak as a teacher or mistress, she may be very good. She seems to be doing a better job than Magner did and should get a new boss shortly. Good luck to them. The story goes that Glenwood received a letter or email from Vermaak saying sorry all fixtures are off. It came from out of the blue and without negotiations. Hopefully this pettiness is sorted soon, as Old Boys on both sides are getting cheesed off. A statement needs to be made soon confirming it’s all sorted.

    22 January, 2013 at 16:50
  33. avatar
    #61 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Glenwood bowled out for 59 by Westville. How are them apples??

    22 January, 2013 at 16:44
  34. avatar
    #60 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Gungets makes a very good point about DHS and Northwood never failing to educate these young men that attend these schools. I find it puzzling when people say “stop the rot” because a school to me is never supposed to be judged by its sports which you clearly do. DHS has always had good and sometimes excellent matric results and excels in certain sports. Just because that sport may for example be basketball instead of rugby doesn’t matter to me but obviously means the world to you. Again I don’t get it? What rot?
    That rugby isn’t the same? Demographics are different?
    If Kurt is talking about this rot then he’s obviously lying. Firstly, why doesn’t he trust the group he has at Glenwood if DHS is the one rotting? Why does he attempt to get players from such a place? Also, ask about his fallout with Vermaak and his shit treating of the boys, especially those who don’t play cricket! Nobody told him to do the crazy things he did that made him leave!
    Also, stop with the attacks on Vermaak, very childish. I’m sure an e-mail from a Glenwood old boy about a rugby game isn’t the 1st thing on a principals to-do list. You should also remember that it wasn’t her who decided to cancel so her info may be limited too .


    In other news, DHS finished at 117/6 (20) in their T20 match vs Kearsney. Kearsney about to bat

    22 January, 2013 at 16:25
  35. avatar
    #59 Gungets Tuft

    @GreenBlooded: If you stop taking your bipolar medication on 22nd May you can support both. We will understand :-D

    @star: Only lockers at College boet, closets are something they have at Wykham and St Mary’s (and perhaps at Hilton ook)

    22 January, 2013 at 13:56
  36. avatar
    #58 All Black

    Hmmm it appears we have a closet College man. Green, red, black and white blooded. Sounds good to me. :mrgreen:

    22 January, 2013 at 13:43
  37. avatar
    #57 GreenBlooded

    @star: Hauw!! Absoluut skande!! Who do I support on the 150th reunion day now???

    22 January, 2013 at 13:42
  38. avatar
    #56 Grasshopper

    @all, ask Greenblooded about his College connection :wink:

    22 January, 2013 at 13:40
  39. avatar
    #55 star

    @ Gungets- I think Greenblooded has finally confirmed his true colours. He is in fact a closet College man.

    22 January, 2013 at 12:48
  40. avatar
    #54 rugbyfan

    Why all the fighting with these school

    22 January, 2013 at 11:56
  41. avatar
    #53 Gungets Tuft

    @GreenBlooded: Someone tampered with your Jersey there bru … You been washing the greens with the colours daarso? :mrgreen: 8)

    22 January, 2013 at 09:32
  42. avatar
    #52 GreenBlooded

    @Pedantic: College are playing Hilton tonight. Not sure who the other 2 schools are. I would imagine ‘House’ would be one of them. Perhaps St Charles the other?

    22 January, 2013 at 09:19
  43. avatar
    #51 Pedantic

    @All Black: The regional winners will play in a provincial final on 7 Feb to decide which team will represent the province nationally.

    Do you know who is in the inland semis / finals ?

    Bottom line is … the tournament is well underway, so if either Glenwood or Westville decide not to participate they forfeit their chances. Strange how when something more is on the line the powers that be can put aside their differences.

    22 January, 2013 at 09:11
  44. avatar
    #50 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: It’s all good. If any of us think we have a proper handle on the intra-school and inter-school politics then we need to go slower on the Poison. The apparent actions of the two Trevor’s are completely at odds with what they have achieved at their respective schools. Stones are thrown at DHS and Northwood who have never failed with their primary purpose of educating young men. I sometimes wonder if the two Trevors wake up in the morning and just want to put a pillow over their heads and sleep in rather than read what the papers have to say next, backed up by vociferous parents and Old Boys. On balance the staff at College (and the other schools) know more about educating boys, coaching sport, picking teams and managing schools than me. The only area that I feel I am more qualified is being a parent to my son and daughter, so best I try to stick to that. I know the buck stops somewhere, but who would be a head of a school …??

    22 January, 2013 at 07:41
  45. avatar
    #49 Grasshopper

    @Gungets, you misread my post. I never implied College was on a downward spiral, I was talking about DHS and Kurt. You should know I think College is a great school and have the utmost respect for what they are doing there. Also, DHS are trying to stop the rot which I think is great too.

    22 January, 2013 at 07:08
  46. avatar
    #48 All Black

    @Pedantic: I think this is zonal rather than regional. Inland have to decide their winner who will play against the Coastal winner and that team will then represent the region, KZN/Dolphins. If I am correct.

    22 January, 2013 at 07:06
  47. avatar
    #47 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: @HORSEFLY NO.1: It is never as simple as it sounds and any explanation is tilted in favour of the oke explaining. I have seen the text message as well but have no idea if it was as a result of the kid/parent telling the departing teacher they were interested, or the teacher doing a little empire building (the DHS parent told me it was unsolicited) . It does appear that the teacher departing is a little low on faith with the raw material where he is going that he would entertain either scenario.

    And to lump La Marque into the scenario that he “saw the downward spiral” .. all rightie then ….

    Not to worry though, there are still a few little surprises coming this year which will weaken both arguments and give us a few more hours of entertainment esor. Nice … who wants a quiet life…

    22 January, 2013 at 06:55
  48. avatar
    #46 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, not according to Donaldson. Let’s make it clear here, Donaldson approached Glenwood. He was gatvol at DHS where he saw the downward spiral and Glenwood accepted him. Like in business people move for various reasons and teachers are exactly the same. Clifton ‘poached’ Gerry Goedeke from Glenwood or Gerry left for a better paying job. We don’t know all the reasons as we are not in these peoples heads. Also, like in business people like to work with people they know and yes Kurt probably said to a few of the kids I’m moving across the road so why don’t you come and have a look there, it’s great. However, the kids parents are the ultimate decision makers no matter what is put on the table. If they were that unhappy with DHS and saw a better opportunity at Glenwood for their son they would make the move. Same happens vice versa. DHS are battling to get out of a hole so any loss to them, especially to an arch rival is upsetting so they decided, not coming to the table to discuss it, to just cancel all fixtures. Marie Vermaak needs to learn to discuss things in an adult way rather than make rash decisions. I emailed her a few weeks back to ask what is happening on my Dad’s behalf, she took the easy option and diverted me to the DHS Chairman who has still not got back to me. I did the same with Glenwood and got a call the same day….La Marque probably did the same as Kurt, again the parents are the ultimate decision makers…..let’s start looking at the parents too as too many fingers are pointed at teachers….

    22 January, 2013 at 06:17
  49. avatar
    #45 HORSEFLY NO.1

    DHS has never lured a coach from another school and have him lure players to go with him! This has happened twice in a year now at Glenwood. La Marque and Donaldson!

    I know exactly which boys received SMSs…

    22 January, 2013 at 05:36
  50. avatar
    #44 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, that same coach that was at DHS knows of DHS’s attempts to lure Glenwood players whilst he was at DHS. DHS is not innocent in this either….

    21 January, 2013 at 21:48
  51. avatar
    #43 Pedantic

    @GreenBlooded: Yep .. that’s the T20 Challenge which is effectively a national tournament organised by Cricket SA.

    The regional semis are between Glenwood vs Westville and Kearsney vs DHS – the two winners will meet in the regional final on Friday @ Kingsmead.

    21 January, 2013 at 21:23
  52. avatar
    #42 HORSEFLY NO.1

    That’s because its a provincial tournament just like the Top 10 where they will probably meet too

    21 January, 2013 at 20:47
  53. avatar
    #41 GreenBlooded

    @Griffon: That still seems to be on. This tweet a few hours ago.

    WBHS Sport‏@WBHS_Sport

    1st Cricket vs Glenwood – T20 Semi Final: Match postponed to Tuesday 22 Jan on Bowdens due to rain @Westville_BHS

    21 January, 2013 at 20:15
  54. avatar
    #40 HORSEFLY NO.1

    I did mention it on Friday.

    Also, I think everyone beleives what I said last year about a former DHS cricket coach trying to poach players but failing dismally!

    21 January, 2013 at 19:34
  55. avatar
    #39 Griffon

    I’m sure Glenwood were playing Westville for a T20 match

    21 January, 2013 at 15:45
  56. avatar
    #38 BOG

    A hand bag and high heel fight between KZN and the Western Cape, should be a good contest

    21 January, 2013 at 13:39
  57. avatar
    #37 oldschool

    Maybe the old boys of each school could arrange a Rebel match for the boys ….at least the A team and 1st team okes ……to play each other on a rented field sometime this season …..a load of money could be generated at the door …..would be a sell out crowd ……… would be a great occasion for the boys , parents and old boys to display some unity against the headmasters decisions ….and to prove that both schools can infact compete (hopefully without incident)…….I would pay top dollar to witness such an act of defiance ….and probably some great rugger !!!

    21 January, 2013 at 13:29
  58. avatar
    #36 Greenwood

    OK so now I hear that Van Zyl is staying with the flies and no one is saying anything about it

    21 January, 2013 at 13:27
  59. avatar
    #35 All Black

    College never played Westville for many years because of certain incidents on and off the field.

    21 January, 2013 at 13:03
  60. avatar
    #34 Queenian

    This is not good for schoolboy rugby

    21 January, 2013 at 12:54
  61. avatar
    #33 beet

    @Ploegskaar: Please let me know if this happens Ploegskaar. I have no idea why the system catches some comments as spam. Will fix right away.

    Anyone who wants my tel. no for whatsapp or bbm pin, please email me.

    21 January, 2013 at 12:50
  62. avatar
    #32 Amalekite

    This is not the first time that 2 schools have ” fallen out “. The sad thing is that it sometimes takes years to get them back ontohe playing fields.
    For example, Affies and Waterkloof, who are neighbours and of similar strength, did not play each other for quite a few years. The reason is unclear, but rumour has it that it had something to do with Waterkloof buying Affies boys. I am glad to see that they have resumed their fixtures since 2012.
    Another one that springs to mind was St Charles and Greytown back in the late seventies. The story goes that there was a major brawl involving players and spectators. I believe that they never played each other again.
    I am sure that there are quite a few others….Crazy when you think that we are talking about kids here……What are we teaching them ?

    21 January, 2013 at 12:40
  63. avatar
    #31 Ploegskaar

    @beet: Any reason why all my latest comments are moderated?

    21 January, 2013 at 12:15
  64. avatar
    #30 GreenBlooded

    @star: I don’t think we will. I don’t think that both schools will make the same mistakes again given all the hanna-hanna that has gone on. But if there are conflicts in the future then they can be treated on their merits and hopefully resolved in a mature and dignified manner. This issue is a dead horse that must now stop being flogged.

    Another aspect to this which we must not forget is that on every ‘school transfer’ or whatever you like to call it, there is a parent who ultimately signs off on the deal. They also need to bear some responsibility.

    21 January, 2013 at 11:56
  65. avatar
    #29 Greenwood

    Good reading this – Just shows the emotions that abounds with Schools sports – I repeatedly hear
    “but its only sport” (from the wife) no its not – its more about sport becoming a way of life and more so recently so and also thanks to sites like this – who said out of season SBR life is boring . Every blogger will feel their school is right and the debates will continue

    No doubt the dust wil settle and leassons would have been learnt(hopefully) and Schoolboys sports
    in KZN wil return to normality …. I have another small issue to blog on to follow shortly .

    21 January, 2013 at 11:55
  66. avatar
    #28 The Beast

    @GreenBlooded: Well if all the controversy in SA Schools Sport did not involve Glenwood then I guess I would be a lot quieter.

    21 January, 2013 at 11:49
  67. avatar
    #27 The Beast

    Its a pity that they not playing cos now Westville will have to find another victory…as Glenwood was the one sure thing!!!!

    21 January, 2013 at 11:36
  68. avatar
    #26 star

    @ Beet- I have never said Westville were angels I think we are all unfortunately like teams in the Tour De France and are going to be plagued by issues of doping, over age ect. But what are the options now. GW will not play rugby against Westville which also has an effect on the hockey. : I would love as Greenblooded says to bury the hatchet and move on provided we do not sit with the same issues a year from now. That would be very short sighted. The reason I brought up the College issue was not some warped way to ” hammer” GW ( which I take personally as I still have to play golf with a lot of my GOB friends) but to illustrate a point as that is now part of the crisis regarding DHS. ( And what do you mean I am loud- I am very quiet and controlled :lol: )

    21 January, 2013 at 11:32
  69. avatar
    #25 Rugger fan

    Good example Gungets of what can happen. At the end of the day – every boy, administrator, coach and school is far smaller than the game.

    It is so sad that these issues are now dragged into main stream media and increase, rather than decrease any tensions. This is now likely to hang over these schools for a long time. It is sad that GW always seems to be in the mix (whether this is deserved or not – I can not say – but it getting to conspiracy theory status in my mind now 8) ).

    I really hope that they can resolve this and move on…. for the boys and all the games’ involved sake.

    21 January, 2013 at 11:31
  70. avatar
    #24 Green Hopper

    @GreenBlooded: Exactly my point 900 boys parents and school and two d*heads( headmasters) , rather just dump these two and get it sorted out
    As you say both have plenty blame here

    21 January, 2013 at 11:24
  71. avatar
    #23 Gungets Tuft

    @star: True that the College acquatics coach left and went to Glenwood and some kids went with him. There was some bad feeling which was resolved quickly and amicably. No refusal to play, the one former College boy played in the 1sts (rugby and Polo) and U15A, got the customary welcome from College for boys that leave (that they can be friends but never brothers), and live goes on.

    This to the extent that the College coach and La Marque got all the U15 boys together after the match at Glenwood, both teams, into a huddle and made sure that they were schoolboys and rugby players and not politicians. Good on them – the headmasters can learn from that and the way in which the situation was handled by Ron Jurie and Kershaw (and obviously their support staff).

    Still confuses me that the current staff feel that they are more important than the history of the schools – Glenwood 103? and Westville (78?). Cogs in the wheel, seem to be missing some teeth (and perhaps some ball … bearings) :mrgreen:

    21 January, 2013 at 11:03
  72. avatar
    #22 beet

    @star: No don’t get me wrong lots of Westville folks will testify to you being a good oke (and a bit loud). I’m referring to the Westville image of being the good guys that is being portrayed.

    I fully support the stand Westville made. By forcing the issue, it is now documented and I think the whole KZN system will benefit. It’s a pity Marne had to be stuck in the middle but gratefully his career is prospering at the moment. Glenwood seem to have some minor issues but to me it appears they do have one major issue. What if a few months after the game Glenwood learnt that on that day that Marne was not allowed to play, Westville were potentially knowingly doing something far worse. Would that be reason to be so pissed off that cancelling a rugby fixture seemed like a good idea (which it clearly was not)? Remember Kershaw already had the full backing of his own managing committee to withdraw from that March game.

    21 January, 2013 at 11:01
  73. avatar
    #21 ZnCoach

    If I may add my 2cents worth (better make it 5 cents as 2 cents no longer exists), this is just male driven egos here, what are we teaching the boys from these 3 great schools? That if you can’t resolve the play ground problems then you just stop being friends? I definitely don’t want to teach my 7 yr old that, talk like adults put the egos aside and think about the history and past relationships, because these 3 great schools were around long before the 3 headmasters were in power and will be around long after the 3 heads leave.
    Get the OB’s talking and make these gentlemen and lady see that the bigger picture is the schools and boys.

    21 January, 2013 at 11:00
  74. avatar
    #20 GreenBlooded

    @The Beast: I think your remarks and constant jibes at Glenwood and your personal attacks on Glenwood bloggers are more childish than both the Trevors combined!!

    21 January, 2013 at 10:54
  75. avatar
    #19 GreenBlooded

    @star: I think the issue has been debated to death. For what it’s worth, I think Glenwood have made some mistakes which hopefully they are learning some tough lessons from. But I also think Westville are far from innocent when it comes to ethics. We can run into another 100 or 200 posts debate on this but I am over it quite frankly. You seem to just want to continue hammering Glenwood (like bringing up and old College issue in your post above) so if that makes you feel good then go for it. I’m going to stand back and hope that both HM’s put their personal ego’s aside and act like mature adults.

    Look – we basically have 2 options here: firstly we can continue saying “You did it”, “No you did it” or “I am better than you” but this will not get 900 boys onto a rugby field this year. I think agreeing to disagree, putting the issue behind us, burying the hatchet and moving on. The debate will never end. I’m going with the former option. How about you?

    21 January, 2013 at 10:52
  76. avatar
    #18 Grasshopper

    @Star, happy to meet and discuss this. Graham Obeholzer is the Glenwood Old Boys Chairman and he is the man to discuss this with really. We need prominent Old Boys from all three schools to start making some noise and then the headmasters might wake up…

    21 January, 2013 at 10:39
  77. avatar
    #17 star

    @ Beet- if you knew me you would know what a good guy I am :lol: But honestly I would love to know the GOBs point of view but they seem to just want to move on and forget which I do not think will take us on to the ” High road” in the long run.

    21 January, 2013 at 10:30
  78. avatar
    #16 star

    @ Greenblooded- As we have discussed the real losers are the kids. I will not defend Westville blindly to the detriment of that process which should be bigger than all of us. However we still need to get to the root of the problem so that we can properly move forward. Otherwise we will just circle the issue like a bunch of clueless vultures until the next crisis( and there have been a few). The article referred to a DHS coach jumping ship and trying to bring players with him. Did that not also happen in the College situation? I am just pointing at the smoke and the obvious. We need to find a way to put it out.

    21 January, 2013 at 10:22
  79. avatar
    #15 The Beast

    It all started when adults were playing for Glenwood, surely we can move on from that now.

    There are no over aged boys in the cricket side or new recruits, were there??

    21 January, 2013 at 10:16
  80. avatar
    #14 beet

    @Grasshopper: I don’t think we must forget the past because it resulted in a landmark decision. I know of at least 2 cases where the HMA will be put to the test again this year.

    I have a feeling that Star, a WOB is told his school’s side of the matter but due to a breakdown in communication between the schools there is no feedback provided on Glenwood’s issues with Westville. The key for someone like Star now is to get to know what the GOBs know and then type that as well because the story then levels out a lot more and good guy impressions are erased.

    But at the end of the day Greenblooded is right. Finger-pointing is not going to help.

    21 January, 2013 at 10:14
  81. avatar
    #13 The Beast

    @Green Hopper: You are totally correct. The headmasters are the problem.

    21 January, 2013 at 10:10
  82. avatar
    #12 Green Hopper

    @sharkie: this is the point teh boys , not the headmasters

    21 January, 2013 at 10:09
  83. avatar
    #11 Green Hopper

    Seriously the arrogance of these two , damage has been done and if they stay it will continue rather get rid of these two headmasters and get on with it , this is bigger than this two idiots

    21 January, 2013 at 10:08
  84. avatar
    #10 The Beast

    So childish in my mind….common denominator again!!!!

    21 January, 2013 at 10:03
  85. avatar
    #9 Grasshopper

    @Greenblooded, hear hear! Forget the past let’s move forward…..

    21 January, 2013 at 10:01
  86. avatar
    #8 GreenBlooded

    @star: Your hypothetical is all about “Westville are the good guys – Glenwood are the bad guys”. With each side defending their own corner no matter what this will never get resolved. Let’s just agree that both schools have not done themselves any favours here and that this needs to be put aside now. The finger pointing needs to stop, the issue put in the past and move forward and enjoy some sport.

    21 January, 2013 at 09:56
  87. avatar
    #7 beet

    @star: Star this is why I promote the idea of Old Boy school representatives using the opportunity to talk to their equivalents on the other side in an official capacity but without school involvement. I have a feeling that old boys on both sides are being fed one side of the story and once they exchange notes only then will they be in a better position to judge, provided they are reasonably minded and open to hearing the truth no matter how hurtful it may be.

    The disputes that schools have are very much like the office politics we all encounter in the business world. Heads, teachers and coaches get so entrenched in the years of competition that a rivalry builds up on the side of the field as well, which has the potential to cloud good judgement, which I believe it has in this case, seeing how bad has gone to worse.

    21 January, 2013 at 09:27
  88. avatar
    #6 sharkie

    What a pity two such big schools in KZN. The only losers here are the boys that i am sure just want to get out on the park and compete whether it be cricket or rugby. Perhaps the NRU and Cricket Union need to intervene here and mediate what would appear to be a childish standoff bbetween two headmasters.

    21 January, 2013 at 09:13
  89. avatar
    #5 star

    @ Gungets- We thought we were playing GW this Saturday and that is something we did not know.

    21 January, 2013 at 09:12
  90. avatar
    #4 star

    Let me put a hypothetical scenario on the table. Westville make a stand against the playing of Marne in terms of their interpretation of an ” understanding” that had been reached by the headmasters. GW have a knee jerk reaction and cancel all rugby with Westville for 2013. (Questions could be asked why MHS and Hilton were excluded as they did exactly the same). Further complications arise as other sports such as hockey are effected as they are played on the same day and therefore also get lost. Westville realising that this is getting out of control want to force this to the table ( which would imply that they had tried previously) and so cancel the first term fixtures. I will leave it there. The reality is that some boys would not have played a proper game of cricket in months. I would be surprized if my boy remembered he is actually a left hand bat :lol:

    21 January, 2013 at 09:02
  91. avatar
    #3 Gungets Tuft

    The article – nothing we don’t know already.

    21 January, 2013 at 07:21
  92. avatar
    #2 GreenBlooded

    Bottom line: Glenwood cancelled 2013 rugby fixtures with Westville last year cos they were Pee’d off about the Marne issue. Westville responded this year by cancelling 1st term sport against Glenwood in retaliation. What a pair of pud-knockers. What a terrible example to be setting for boys from both schools. I’m sure they just want to play.

    The DHS conflict has been resolved according to Kershaw but Vermaak does not confirm this.

    21 January, 2013 at 06:38
  93. avatar
    #1 GreenBlooded

    Eish!! Lead story in the Mercury this morning………….Sports Row at Top KZN Schools. All about Glenwood/Westville/DHS. Reading it now.

    21 January, 2013 at 06:29

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