New Concept: BHP league tables – week ending 02 May 2015

BHP has come up with a new concept which could work (or not). He divided the schools into “Leagues” based on their category points (category points are based on previous years performances).
* A Premier A for the Top 20 schools ranked at 5 points.
* A Premier B for the schools ranked 4.5 and 4 points.
* An A league for schools ranked on 3 point.
* A B league for those below 3 points.

Now one can see how a school is doing compared to schools in their own “league”. Scoring still stays the same, but schools are now only competing against schools of similar strength.

1 Paul Roos
2 HJS Paarl BH
3 Monument
4 Bishops
5 Paarl Gim
6 Grey College
7 Nelspruit
8 EG Jansen
9 Outeniqua
10 Boland Landbou
11 Selborne
12 Oakdale
13 Affies
14 Grey HS
15 Glenwood
16 Waterkloof
17 Maritzburg College
18 HTS Middelburg
19 Wynberg
20 Garsfontein
2 Michaelhouse
3 Jeppe
4 Rondebosch
5 Kynoch Noord-Kaap
6 Diamantveld
7 Marlow
8 Dale
10 Bellville
11 Drostdy
12 Eldoraigne
13 Westville
14 Queen’s
15 St Andrew’s
16 Sentraal
17 Stellenberg
18 Hilton
19 Brandwag
20 Kempton Park
21 AHS Kroonstad
22 Menlopark
23 Kearsney
24 Tygerberg
25 Louis Botha
1 Durbanville
2 Middelburg
3 Worcester Gim
4 Volkskool Heidelberg
5 Brackenfell
6 Potch Gim
7 Oos-Moot
8 Rustenburg
9 Brandwag (Benoni)
10 Pionier
11 Hentie Cilliers
12 Hugenote
13 Voortrekker (Beth)
14 Welkom Gim
15 Kingswood
16 Trinityhouse
17 Wonderboom
18 Helpmekaar
19 DHS
20 George Campbell
21 Upington
22 Jim Fouche
23 Duineveld
24 Nico Malan
25 Ermelo
26 Northwood
27 Klerksdorp
28 Oudtshoorn
29 Strand
30 Fichardtpark
1 Marais Viljoen
2 Lichtenburg
3 Hudson Park
4 Tuine
5 Randburg
6 Parktown
7 Die Anker
8 Hugenote (Springs)
9 Vredendal
10 John Vorster
11 Linden
12 Hermanus
13 St Charles
14 Witteberg
15 Muir
16 Windhoek
17 St Benedict’s
18 Langenhoven Gim
19 Clifton
20 Merensky
21 Montagu
22 Monument Park
23 Potch BH
24 Dr Malan
25 Jan van Riebeeck


  1. avatar
    #47 BoishaaiPa

    @Dok F: Die current rankings is slegs op vanjaar se vertonings basseer. Die bepaling van in watter kategorie en dus liga n skool val is oor laaste 3 jaar se vertonings. Dus moet jy eers n skool katogoriseer (gebruik 3 jaar se data)…Dan rank jy hom volgens huidige seisoen uitslae.

    8 May, 2015 at 13:25
  2. avatar
    #46 BoishaaiPa

    @Tang: They are Premier B..category 4…So a team will gain 4 points if they win against PBHS.

    8 May, 2015 at 13:20
  3. avatar
    #45 Dok F

    @BHP Thanks vir dit. Ten minste weet almal nou waar almal gerate word. ‘n Gemiddelde oor ‘n paar jaar maak sin. ‘n Mens sal tog niemand tevrede stel nie. Mense sal tog vra as daar na die gemiddelde gekyk word hoe kom Gapsfontein daar na 1 jaar se goeie rugby. Ook hoe word Stellenberg bo Tygerberg gerate. Nadat Stellenberg vanjaar vir die eerste keer in 7 jaar vir Tygerberg gewen het. Ons leef daarmee saam en kyk voorentoe. BHP doen so voort. Ja interskole vanjaar gaan weer groot wees. Ek is definitief in die Paarl die dag om die gebeurtenis te kyk

    8 May, 2015 at 08:35
  4. avatar
    #44 BOG

    @BuffelsCM: Darem bygese, ek het dit darem nie met arrogansie gese nie. Selfs voor die wedstryd het ek gese dat dit enige kant toe kan gaan

    8 May, 2015 at 03:35
  5. avatar
    #43 BuffelsCM

    @BOG: Dit besef ek maar te goed Bog!! Dit was net om ‘n punt te maak dat mens maar ‘n wag voor jou mond moet plaas. So lees dit asb in daardie konteks

    7 May, 2015 at 21:20
  6. avatar
    #42 Cappie

    @Tang: Probably Premium A or B. I think only the top 20 in each division are shown here.

    7 May, 2015 at 16:59
  7. avatar
    #41 BOG

    @BuffelsCM: Daar is baie DVDs van vorige jare

    7 May, 2015 at 16:47
  8. avatar
    #40 Tang

    @BoishaaiPa – Where would you place Pretoria Boys?

    7 May, 2015 at 11:44
  9. avatar
    #39 Cappie

    @Two2: Agree!

    6 May, 2015 at 20:05
  10. avatar
    #38 Two2

    @BoishaaiPa: Miskien probeer jy te veel ouens gelukkig hou. Jy doen goed. Bly by die beproefde resep. Nou nou is almal so hartseer soos Bosveldpa!!

    6 May, 2015 at 20:01
  11. avatar
    #37 Cappie

    @BoishaaiPa: No problem, ten minste weet ons nou hoekom Affies so laag lê. Al het hulle met 100 punte gewen sou hulle nog steeds punte verloor het uit daai wedstryd uit. Nou nie regtig hulle keuse gewees om daai wedstryd te sou speel nie. Dis maar die storie!

    6 May, 2015 at 19:43
  12. avatar
    #36 BoishaaiPa

    Alle uitnodigingspanne word op n kat 3 geklasifiseer. Dis n kriteria wat ons lank terug op besluit het. Dis net mooi die gemiddeld.

    6 May, 2015 at 19:24
  13. avatar
    #35 Cappie

    @BoishaaiPa: Ag ek grap net met jou. Ek wou eintlik net gehoor het watse kategorie jy die SARU span ingeplaas het toe jy die berekening gedoen het vir die spanne wat teen hulle gespeel het, ofhet jy daardie wedstryde nie laat tel nie?

    6 May, 2015 at 18:16
  14. avatar
    #34 BoishaaiPa

    @Cappie: As jy oplet sal jy sien dat daar altesaam so 45 spanne Premier A en B opmaak..LB het laaste drie jaar hier rondom die hoe dertigs geindig in die gesamenlike rankings…hulle val dus in korrekte liga. As ek net op 1 jaar se vertonings moet gaan sal ons nie n goeie idee kry ons nou verlede jaar as voorbeeld moes gebruik sou Affies amper net net die A liga gemaak het…dan sou jy n nou n gemoan gesien het :mrgreen:

    6 May, 2015 at 18:11
  15. avatar
    #33 Cappie

    @BoishaaiPa: Sjoe maar Louis Botha is hoog gekategoriseer. Wonder waar sou die SARU span ingeval het. Seker Premium A of saam hulle op Premium B?

    6 May, 2015 at 18:00
  16. avatar
    #32 jakes

    Die EG Jansen/ Monnas finaal gaan ‘n riller wees Saterdag.. 2015 sover Monnas 1 EGJ 0. 18-8 die telling op Monnas se velde..kan EG Jansen dit 1-1 maak op neutrale veld Saterdag??

    6 May, 2015 at 16:56
  17. avatar
    #31 jakes

    BHP–I think this new ranking system is brilliant..well done..and bloggers probably do not realize how much work goes into this rankings every week..give credit where credit is due..

    6 May, 2015 at 16:50
  18. avatar
    #30 Andre T

    @MikeSt: Lol……….ek moet mos nou neutraal begin raak

    6 May, 2015 at 15:31
  19. avatar
    #29 Tang

    @BHP according to you – Pretoria Boys High should not play rugby.

    6 May, 2015 at 15:25
  20. avatar
    #28 BoishaaiPa

    @MikeSt: Ons probeer maar net gee wat die gepeupel vra! :mrgreen:

    6 May, 2015 at 15:18
  21. avatar
    #27 MikeSt

    @Andre T: Dit is n baie versigtige comment veral gesien vanaf n rugby kommentator. :wink: :wink: :wink:

    6 May, 2015 at 14:56
  22. avatar
    #26 Andre T

    @MikeSt: Dit is n final…………..and it’s on neutral ground

    6 May, 2015 at 14:48
  23. avatar
    #25 MikeSt

    @BoishaaiPa: Well done op die effort. En ek seker meer as die ander uit n kla oogpunt waardeer wat jy doen met die hele ranking sisteem en en en.

    6 May, 2015 at 14:18
  24. avatar
    #24 MikeSt

    Boland Landbou behoort n redelike maklike een te he die naweek………..

    6 May, 2015 at 14:16
  25. avatar
    #23 MikeSt

    @Andre T: Julle seker redelik gemaklik vir saterdag se game

    6 May, 2015 at 14:11
  26. avatar
    #22 Andre T

    @GimOB: Ag nee los die kind, ten minste bring hy bietjie aksie na die tafel

    6 May, 2015 at 13:24
  27. avatar
    #21 GimOB

    @GimmieGutsBo: Grootpraat boemerang gewoonlik in ‘n mens se gesig. Wag eerder tot heelwat later in die jaar as jy dan wil grootpraat.

    6 May, 2015 at 13:18
  28. avatar
    #20 GimmieGutsBo

    Rom rom rom bring bring bring Lotties sal n plan he vir die Boere. Klop julle maar eers vir Jansies, ons sal top 5 wees, moenie komkommer nie.

    6 May, 2015 at 12:59
  29. avatar
    #19 Andre T

    @GimmieGutsBo: Rom Rom BL Kom

    6 May, 2015 at 12:55
  30. avatar
    #18 GimmieGutsBo

    @BuffelsCM @Boishaai Pappatjie Nee wat, dis maklik, Bois choke maar altyd interskole, so ons het niks om oor bekommerd te wees nie, en ons het vir Lotties aan ons kant, en Grey nou nie eintlik iets werd vanjaar nie, gaan die nawekie sommer weer verloor op tuisbodem.

    6 May, 2015 at 12:51
  31. avatar
    #17 Gungets Tuft

    @beet: College results in KZN for the past 5 years seem to point to a different ranking domestically. Since 2010

    Hilton – played 5, Won 4, Lost 1
    House – played 5, Won 3, Lost 2
    Kearsney – played 5, Won 2, Lost 3
    Glenwood – played 11, Won – 0, Drawn 2, Lost 9
    Westville – played 6, Won 3, Lost 2, Drawn 1

    6 May, 2015 at 12:47
  32. avatar
    #16 BuffelsCM

    @GimmieGutsBo: Mens moet maar nederig bly my vriend !!

    Onlangs het iemand gevra hoe mens Boishaai klop. Die een kommentaar was iets in die lyn van: “kry die dvd van die wedstryd op 2 Mei”…..ons weet egter almal wat in Bloemfontein gebeur het.

    6 May, 2015 at 12:45
  33. avatar
    #15 kosie

    @BoishaaiPa: I really take my hat off to you for trying to create something meanindfull. In order to answer the question what is meaningfull, we need to look at the essence of a ranking system.

    To me a ranking system is to organise a group or in this case schools, in a ranked order. Either from good to bad or from bad to good. With this proposal we have different ranking systems for different criteria meaning we cannot compare. Because we cannot compare the Premier A with the B, we only have that, a ranking system. At best we can compare within a specific ranking meaning no 3 in theory should be stronger than 9.

    What is important to me is to compare everybody with everybody. This implies that the different levels wil fall away sothat we have one ranking system. The ideal would be an annual ranking system that does not take previous year’s rankings into considerstion as it clouds the essence of an annual ranking system.

    In the financial world, past performance predicts future performance, but in rankings of schoolboy rugby it is only an indicator. It does not predict the outcome.

    Therefore, have an annual ranking system that only takes relative strength of opposition played into account. This will have the effect that consistant schools will always feature but so too the flash in the pans in a year. Its almost like getting a grammy for your one hit wonder even if you never sing again. You get the recognition for your one song.

    6 May, 2015 at 12:15
  34. avatar
    #14 beet

    I imagine KZN alone during the last 5 years would be reanked:

    Maritzburg College

    So important for me when setting up leagues is to measure teams by the quality of their sort of traditional out of province opposition as well.

    6 May, 2015 at 10:47
  35. avatar
    #13 GimmieGutsBo

    Nuwe seisoen, ou seisoen dieselfde ding, kyk maar Lotter se rekord, played 10 lost only once…not bad not bad

    6 May, 2015 at 10:44
  36. avatar
    #12 BoishaaiPa

    @GimmieGutsBo: Dis n nuwe seisoen en dis nog lank tot Augustus…ek sal maar wag en sien wat gebeur dan.

    6 May, 2015 at 10:38
  37. avatar
    #11 Roger

    @Gungets Tuft: can’t trust the Cape outjies further than you can throw them :lol:

    if we go back 5 years KES sneaks in due to top twenty appearances in 2011 and 12 and just miss out on the class of 2009’s top tenner :mrgreen:

    6 May, 2015 at 10:34
  38. avatar
    #10 Gungets Tuft

    @BoishaaiPa: Cool, I see. ou Roger is going to have a medical event, KES must miss out by a year, I think they were 10th or something in 2012?

    6 May, 2015 at 10:18
  39. avatar
    #9 MikeSt

    @Roger: Actually only 8 years :wink: :wink:

    6 May, 2015 at 10:14
  40. avatar
    #8 GimmieGutsBo

    @boishaaipappatjie Dit help nie julle wen almal maar is nommer twee in die Perel nie !!! Rom rom rom Gimmies kom!

    6 May, 2015 at 10:07
  41. avatar
    #7 noordwes

    BHP.Ek dink hierdie is n baie goeie poging.

    6 May, 2015 at 10:06
  42. avatar
    #6 Roger

    @MikeSt: does EG go back 10 years?

    6 May, 2015 at 09:59
  43. avatar
    #5 BoishaaiPa

    @Gungets Tuft: Its purely based on appearances in the top 20 the last 3 years..

    6 May, 2015 at 09:27
  44. avatar
    #4 Gungets Tuft

    Without endorsing the ranking system, which I detest, with due respect to those who tirelessly maintain it, can schools like SACS, KES, Michaelhouse really be “B”league?

    6 May, 2015 at 09:02
  45. avatar
    #3 MikeSt

    @Roger: Agree then schools like KES and Jeppe would be B league :lol: :lol:

    6 May, 2015 at 08:45
  46. avatar
    #2 Roger

    leagues should be based on performance over 5-10 years to remove “flash in the pans!”

    6 May, 2015 at 08:42
  47. avatar
    #1 CharlesZA

    Add promotion relegation at end of season and I think we might be onto something here. Put them in 5 groups of 20, with top group 5, second 4.5 and so on. End of season you move up and your cat score changes. Top 3 and bottom 3 go up and down.

    6 May, 2015 at 06:47

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