Question about u14 rankings vs u14 cup

Quote from blogger Bosveldpa:

Hartseer dat daar ooit met “rankings” begin is op skole vlak.
Meer hartseer dat daar omtrent 10 verskillende rankings bestaan.
Hartseerste dat daar ook nou al ‘n o/14 ranking is.

There are mixed feelings on schoolboy rugby rankings. Most of us have seen the under-14 rankings put together by another website. I wanted to ask how people view these under-14 rankings in relation to say the Tuks-Reeks for under-14 teams. The Tuks consists of a group phase to determine table positions from which teams proceed to a knockout competition to determine one winner. In your opinion is it not as bad, worse, better or much better than under-14 rankings and why do you think this?




  1. avatar
    #5 BrotherBear

    O wee, O wee. Dat sommige mense ranking so belangrik kan ag en dan nog ontsteld raak indien hulle menings van die “publisher” verskil is maar ‘n refleksie op hoe groot (of klein) die wereld relatief gesproke is. Is lekker om te he as jou span goed doen maar minder aangenaam as jou span/ne nie perform soos jy glo hulle moet. Persoonlik geniet ek die rankings want dit verskaf my eindelose plesier om die manne se redekawel/redekappel deur te “scan”. Ek glo ook dat ‘n span op enige dag teen enige van die manne wat ten minste 10/15 plekke bo hulle “gerank” is wen (of verloor). Soos onlangs gesien (op die blog) word daar ook gereeld aan nuwe maniere gedink om die ranking anders voor te stel (ontwikkeling van meetinstrumente wat weer kan lei tot ander voordele). Dankie vir manne wat moeite doen en tyd opoffer.

    7 May, 2015 at 11:22
  2. avatar
    #4 Two2

    As n buitestaander wat nie meer kinders op skool het nie is dit lekker om hierdie “rankings” te volg. Dit is waar dat dit soms n bietjie skeef en kromgetrek is maar dit gee tog n prentjie van waar krag le en hoe die verskillende skole mettertyd en deur die jare verbeter. Volgende jaar hou ons hierdie jaar se nommer 1 O/14 dop en volg sy groei in o/15. n “Ranking” kan eintlik net subjektief wees as die een wat dit opstel betrokke is by n spesifieke skool wat daarby kan baatvind. Jammer “Boishaaipa”.Dit gese werk jy darem ten minste met n behoorlike formule en van al die “rankings” is joune moontlik die mees objektiewe en aanvaarbare een. Sal dit nie beter wees om net n top 20 “ranking” te he nie. “Ranking” bepaal tog immers krag en wanneer jy 50ste le is krag nie meer regtig ter sprake nie. Ons moet ook wegbeweeg van verwys na n nommer soveelste skool. Die ” ranking” verwys nie na n skool nie. Dit verwys na n spesifieke span. Hou so voort. Kan nie wag dat die rankings weekliks uitkom nie Die hartseerste vir my is egter dat iemand so hartseer kan raak oor sulke nonsens!!

    6 May, 2015 at 19:16
  3. avatar
    #3 Rugger fan

    Rankings are always subjective – and skewed in a certain manner. One just needs to take the annual MBA rankings for example at University.
    Wits Business School and UCT will argue about their relative position – and being in certain ranking – while the other schools will argue about the shortfalls or positives about the rankings they are on.

    I guess it is similar to WV being on the global school leadership forum – and even they will admit that they are not the best school in SA – but in a manner represent SA schools on that forum.

    Rankings always will be there and we’ll always do them in our own flawed and biased manner (why we love SuperBru and will debate ad nauseum about the make up of the KZN SBR CW team etc.)

    So in my opinion – they are merely an indicator – and no-one should take them too seriously. But do agree that transparency is needed on the make up – so you can debate the relative pros and cons.

    6 May, 2015 at 09:47
  4. avatar
    #2 oldschool

    Firstly , the site which is throwing out these age group rankings is totally inaccurate with regards results , weekly they have results of schools that did not even play each other that week , furthermore they post incorrect scores of the games , so the data is total bulldust ….sh1t in equals sh1t out !
    Secondly they are ranking second and third tier type schools amongst top tier type schools …and in many cases the top tier school is way below the second tier school in the ranking …..
    the only accurate way at age group level is to have a regional ranking system per province …..

    6 May, 2015 at 09:42
  5. avatar
    #1 MikeSt

    I personally don’t feel that any ranking system is wrong. I do think that people should change their attitude towards it.

    Rugby as a sport (school sport) is one of the most important if not the most important marketing elements in the modern school setup. It is on of the few school activities that is published in national newspapers on a regular basis.

    To eliminate all these different rankings maybe the blog administrators / owners should get together and get a ranking system in place that will be published throughout instead on schools using the one that is most beneficial for them.

    6 May, 2015 at 08:43

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