Annual KZN Sevens tournament – 06 Sep 2014

Glenwood’s Photonote Toshiba Sevens Rugby Tournament will take place on Saturday, 06 September 2014. 19 school will be in action:


Pool Team
A Glenwood
A George Campbell
A Port Shepstone
A St. Charles
A St. Benedicts
B Maritzburg College
B Dhs
B Clifton College
B Hillcrest High School
B Ethekwini Rugby Development
C Michaelhouse College
C Northwood
C Port Natal
C Glenwood Falcons
C Kloof High School
D Westville
D Pionier
D Midlands Development (Tbc)
D Hilton College
D Sarel Cilliers

Format: The tournament will be played on a 20 team format. Pools will be available on Monday, 01 September 2014.

Rules and regulations:

7-a-side variations of the rules apply.
Teams consist of a 12 players per game (7 players & 3 reserves and 2 non-playing reserves).
The toss takes place at half time of the preceding game at the referee’s tent.
Rolling substitutions are permitted but only from the halfway mark and through the field liaison.
Games are 7 minutes per side with a 2 minute half time break and then 4 minutes time between games.  In other words for each slot of 20 minutes it is made up of 7 min, 2 min, 7 min & then 4 minutes.
Any player receiving a yellow card must leave the playing field for a period of two minutes.
Any player receiving a red card is suspended for the remainder of the tournament.
Points are allocated for a win and draw in pool games. On conclusion of the pool games teams are placed 1 – 4 according to points. If points are equal after pool games the following format is used to decide the placing:

–          points difference, if still equal

–          the team scoring the most tries, if still equal

–          the team who scored the first try in the match between the teams on the same number of points, if still equal then the winner is decided by the toss of a coin.

In the quarter finals, semi-finals and finals, if the score is level after normal time then 3 minutes extra time is played.  The first team to score any points is then declared the winner (sudden death). If after extra time the teams are still level then the team that scored the first try in the final is declared the winner. If still level then the team that scored the most tries in the tournament is declared the winner. If still level then the trophy is shared.
Only the Cup Final is 10 minutes each way. ALL other finals are 7 minutes each way.

There will be a trophy for each Winner of the Cup, Plate, Shield and Bowl Division plus medals to take home. Trophies must remain at Glenwood. We will record and engrave your victory.


  1. avatar
    #127 Vin

    @BoishaaiPa: Hi BoshaaiPa, correct Pieter scored the try. I had left GCB in ’85 to go to KES so it was a huge game for me personally. That ’86 GCB side must have been one of their best 6 SA school players.

    16 September, 2014 at 13:33
  2. avatar
    #126 BoishaaiPa

    @Vin: mistake…No 15 Ruan broke the line and offloaded to De Haas who scored…

    11 September, 2014 at 13:21
  3. avatar
    #125 BoishaaiPa

    @Vin: As far as I know it was the Fullback Ruan vd Merwe who scored that late try cutting in from the back after an offload from De Haas.,,Ruan is a mate of mine and I have seen the footage of that game…Both of them featured on the PI Magazine program before the Maritzburg College vs Grey College game!

    11 September, 2014 at 13:05
  4. avatar
    #124 Grasshopper

    Well Bishops are sponsored by Vital Health so the whole ‘we not going professional’ argument can be thrown out. They can still remain a team and play running rugby with numbers. It will certainly help the referee and commentators if on TV. It helps the crowd and selectors too. Seems tradition can be upheld and still move with the times.

    11 September, 2014 at 12:05
  5. avatar
    #123 Vleis

    @Greenwood: When Bishops was regularly amongst the top few teams in the country in the 80’s and 90’s, their kit was ‘cool’. A bit like the chairman of the company driving to work in a jalopy when the pretenders were driving in their Porsches. However, now that Bishops has sunk back to senior manager status (sticking with the metaphor), it’s not quite so cool driving to work in a jalopy.

    Having said that, I’m certain that they couldn’t give a rats ar$e what we think about it. It is their tradition and good for them.

    11 September, 2014 at 11:57
  6. avatar
    #122 Greenwood

    Redblack White

    I’ve watched a couple of Bishops games on telly

    Must admit their Kit looks very drab – maybe some numbers will improve this :lol:

    11 September, 2014 at 10:38
  7. avatar
    #121 Redblack White

    @Gungets Tuft: On the numbers thing. I noticed that Bishops play without numbers – on TV nogal – do you know what gives?

    11 September, 2014 at 08:54
  8. avatar
    #120 Gungets Tuft

    @Dixon’s: Ja, its not that so much, but the discussions over “when caning was allowed boys had much better manners, and a good hiding never hurt me”, or “we never had numbers on our jersey’s, it’s a shocking thing” (not understanding that it is a requirement now). But the old timers have paid their dues, so I give them a listen, even if out of respect for their age and their steadfastness to the school. It’s all good, change happens and most of it progresses us. Some doesn’t, but no good throwing out babies with bathwater ..

    10 September, 2014 at 18:29
  9. avatar
    #119 Greenwood

    Hopper & Dixons

    I agree with you both – maybe the 1sts should walk behind the poles
    below the Ivan Clark Pav towards the Glenwood boys , & then hook a right thru a green tunnel ……………

    10 September, 2014 at 16:25
  10. avatar
    #118 Grasshopper

    @Dixon’s: I also don’t like the team running out of the Ivan Clark pavilion. They should come down the steps past the school as they always have done…

    10 September, 2014 at 14:53
  11. avatar
    #117 Dixon’s

    @Gungets Tuft: i cant really point fingers at the oldtimers…. i found myself doing the same thing a while back. After The Ivan Clark Pavillion was built, the 1st XV would run onto Dixons from the Mcdonald Road side under the poles. I hated it, i always expected them to come down the stairs in front of the pool and go along the stands and run on at the halfway line in front of the boys. I remember saying to a friend “when i was at school here they did things differently” and then i realised i sounded like the old timers and stopped talking!

    10 September, 2014 at 12:53
  12. avatar
    #116 Gungets Tuft

    @Dixon’s: Correct – and they never seem to find that anything has improved .. hence the notes to myself to be a little less judgemental about innovation. I am braced for the start of the next season, given that the school has just changed the appearance of the school crest/badge. It has already been the subject of some debate but pretty well accepted as far as I can tell, just a few dissenters. But, we smaak having them around. I think I mentioned that I sat next to our 1942 man at the 150th dinner. Good man, very passionate and proud.

    10 September, 2014 at 11:39
  13. avatar
    #115 Dixon’s

    @Gungets Tuft: The “in my day” Brigade!

    10 September, 2014 at 11:26
  14. avatar
    #114 Gungets Tuft

    @GreenBlooded: You will have seen the gazebo that the MCOBA put up next to Goldstones, in the shadow of the Kent Pavillion, reserved for our older vets. It never fails to make me smile to see the ballies showing up week after week, in their Old Boys kit and being rightly honoured by the school. I stand under correction but the 2 older guys matriculated in 1942 and 1944. I had a long discussion with one about my F-I-L who matriculated in 1948, the guy just missed him.

    If you want to have a discussion about how “soft” the school has become .. chat to these guys. I am making notes to myself

    10 September, 2014 at 11:10
  15. avatar
    #113 Grasshopper

    @GreenBlooded: maybe, not sure. I do know my grandad must be one of KES’s oldest living old boys at 89!

    10 September, 2014 at 10:56
  16. avatar
    #112 GreenBlooded

    @Grasshopper: “with ‘Bull’ Ritson holding pride of place at 214 lbs.”

    I am certain this will be Cecil Ritson – the current ‘oldest’ old boy – I think he captained the 1st team. His grand-daughters were at varsity with me. Good old toppie – he is well into his 90’s and still lives at home.

    10 September, 2014 at 10:27
  17. avatar
    #111 Grasshopper

    Another great extract; 1912 copy of ‘The Magnet’;

    Rugby, that tenderly fostered shoot, has sprung up marvelously since goalposts and other accessories have materialized. The keenness of the players now leaves nothing to be desired, save perhaps fewer ‘devil thorns’ on the pitch. Doubtless a three quarter when tackled will rise from a patch of lusty ‘devil thorns’ with more alacrity than from mere grass, and this makes a faster game…. A heartfelt prayer for a cleaned-up playing ground arises every Thursday. When will it be answered?

    In 1913 the School obtained a set of new jerseys. The School was able to field two teams, although the 2nd XV contained two masters. The 1st XV played DHS that year but DHS ‘were too much for our fledglings’. By all accounts, the side nevertheless acquitted itself well. The two masters in the 2nds played well and gave the boys a hot time, on the whole…

    Classic stuff! Imagine that these days…

    9 September, 2014 at 22:02
  18. avatar
    #110 Grasshopper

    Extract from the 1950 mag, 40 year anniversary mag;

    The highlight of the 1940 season was the tour embracing visits to Grey College, Kroonstad, PBHS & KES. We played 4 matches in 6 days and lost them all, nevertheless the tour was both enjoyable and instructive. The pack very nearly broke the platform scale at Bethlehem when they all piled on and turned the pointer to 1,376 pounds – an average of 172 – with ‘Bull’ Ritson holding pride of place at 214 lbs.

    I wonder if any spectator at the Ramblers Ground in Bloem, when we met Grey, will ever forget the sight of Ritson racing down the centre of the field with the ball under one arm and leaving his path strewn with prostrate Grey College players. Writing in ‘ The Friend’, after the game the Sports editor stated, ‘in forty years of watching rugby I cannot recall ever seeing a finer school pack – nor a poorer set of three quarters’

    Just love the old school writing…

    9 September, 2014 at 21:46
  19. avatar
    #109 Gungets Tuft

    @Playa: Mammon doesn’t count?? :mrgreen: :roll:

    9 September, 2014 at 20:01
  20. avatar
    #108 Grasshopper

    @Vin: jeez KES blinkers on, never heard of Glenwood? They only competed against KES at athletics in the Pentangular annually for about 10 years. The school is over 100 years old and part of the 50 or so traditional schools of SA. It’s like me saying I never heard of Jeppe, SACS or Rondebosch. Ignorance deluxe! Enjoy the polo…

    9 September, 2014 at 19:56
  21. avatar
    #107 Playa

    @Anti Green: Eish! and that’s 7 per team.

    9 September, 2014 at 18:58
  22. avatar
    #106 Anti Green

    @Playa: What is Dale going to do about the quota system, you going to have to find 7 white guys now. Maybe they will be poached from Glenwood. :wink:

    9 September, 2014 at 18:40
  23. avatar
    #105 Playa

    @Anti Green: Hahahaha! We’re no saints, but we try.

    9 September, 2014 at 18:21
  24. avatar
    #104 Anti Green

    @Playa: Hey Playa I thought the guys from Dale were the salt of the earth. 8-O

    9 September, 2014 at 18:11
  25. avatar
    #103 Playa

    @Anti Green: :lol: :lol: :lol: gotta love the Hopper

    9 September, 2014 at 18:07
  26. avatar
    #102 Playa

    @Gungets Tuft: Very interesting. Since I have a bit of time on my hands, I ook the liberty of googling some things. Interesting that Hilton is the only ‘ancient’ private school with no church affiliation.

    9 September, 2014 at 17:56
  27. avatar
    #101 Anti Green

    Come Hopper you not going to let Vin get away with that, a man of your intelligence and success. Been from Glenwood and all

    9 September, 2014 at 17:26
  28. avatar
    #100 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Bishops College which was founded in 1872, has been described as the forerunner to Michaelhouse, which was originally St Michaels College. Bishops was originally in PMB, upper end of Loop Street. First match against House – 1901.

    9 September, 2014 at 17:15
  29. avatar
    #99 Vin

    @Grasshopper: Now I have to go watch my son play polo,


    9 September, 2014 at 17:13
  30. avatar
    #98 Vin

    @Grasshopper: About the last word – I lied!
    1. Nothing against Glenwood never Knew about them until I started following this chat.
    2. My go was at you alwaaaaays blah blahing and posting stories in the chat about how awesome they are.
    3. humility and rational thinking from our supporters – hell they love the place.
    4. Twitter account – that is for KES supporters you don’t have to follow the account (good to see you do though).
    5. Everytime you get a chance you have a dig at KES and I know your grandfather went there. As for asking questions – you knew the answer to everyone of them.

    9 September, 2014 at 17:10
  31. avatar
    #97 meadows

    @Grasshopper: None other than that they are both, along with a few others, Diocesan colleges.

    9 September, 2014 at 17:06
  32. avatar
    #96 Grasshopper

    @Vin: Not sure why you have a thing against me and Glenwood but I’ll leave it with you to ponder. I haven’t really said anything bad about KES, just asking questions. A little bit of humility and rational thinking from your supporters would be good. Your Twitter accounts comes across as arrogant….that is all I’m saying. I know that 99% of KES fans are not so just saying toning it down a little would be good…

    9 September, 2014 at 17:01
  33. avatar
    #95 Grasshopper

    @Vin: Nope, that is what pundits in general say…not me boet….played 5 in 80 odd years doesn’t really show any trends considering we have played Maritzburg College over 164 times in 90 odd years, now that shows a trend….dominant College until 2005…

    9 September, 2014 at 16:56
  34. avatar
    #94 Vin

    @Grasshopper: Yep – because it suits you now. Tomorrow we may get another history lesson as we did earlier.

    I’m getting bored now so I’m going to let you have the last word.

    Ciao for now.

    9 September, 2014 at 16:53
  35. avatar
    #93 Grasshopper

    @Vin: Do me a favour and look for Warwick Crewe-Brown in your KES archives and pictures around the school, circa 1940 & 1941…..let me know if you see anything…

    9 September, 2014 at 16:53
  36. avatar
    #92 Grasshopper

    @Vin: Nope, the last 14 years have been quite successful and they always say judge a team on their last performance, so that is what I’m doing…..

    9 September, 2014 at 16:52
  37. avatar
    #91 Vin

    @Grasshopper: Just as I thought all that history at Glenwood but it’s only the last 14 years that count….hahahahahahaha.

    9 September, 2014 at 16:46
  38. avatar
    #90 Roger

    @Vin: Paarl Boys – beat them in 88 too, Paul Roos 1 loss (a hoooge one), Paarl Gim beat them in 98 (if I recall correctly), Affies and Grey Bloem yet to break our duck. Been close on numerous occasions…..

    9 September, 2014 at 16:42
  39. avatar
    #89 Grasshopper

    @Vin: Yeah, well done on those victories from the 30’s, 40’s and over 25 years ago. Last result 38-3 sounds lovely to me ;-)

    9 September, 2014 at 16:42
  40. avatar
    #88 Playa

    @meadows: Alright, thanks.I wasn’t sure what exactly.

    9 September, 2014 at 16:39
  41. avatar
    #87 Vin

    @Grasshopper: agains Grey I think it’s been 5 losses (worst was by 10 points if I’m not mistaken). Paul Roos well only know the one(enough said) the rest – I have no idea. But as Roger mentioned 4 out of 5 against that “powerhouse” Glenwood.

    9 September, 2014 at 16:35
  42. avatar
    #86 Grasshopper

    @Vin: So wins over Grey Bloem, Paul Roos, Paarl Gim, Paarl Boys or Affies? Please list them…

    9 September, 2014 at 16:30
  43. avatar
    #85 Grasshopper

    @meadows: Isn’t there a link between Bishops and Michaelhouse too?

    9 September, 2014 at 16:29
  44. avatar
    #84 Vin

    @Grasshopper: Yep – feel closer to Glenwood.

    9 September, 2014 at 16:27
  45. avatar
    #83 meadows

    @Playa: The connection between Peterhouse and Michaelhouse as i recall is that Peterhouse was established by a former Rector of Michaelhouse at the request of the then Archbishop.

    9 September, 2014 at 16:24
  46. avatar
    #82 Grasshopper

    @Vin: I would prefer to be a Ballito-burger which I am now, anyday. You guys flock here on weekends and any holiday in your droves and at speed…..something attracting you here… :wink:

    9 September, 2014 at 16:22
  47. avatar
    #81 Grasshopper

    @Vin: Northwood was a Glenwood banana skin from a few years back as was Trinityhouse for KES. I meant your record against Affies, Grey Bloem, Paarl Boys, Paul Roos & Paarl Gim the best 5 rugby schools in the country over a period of time…..

    9 September, 2014 at 16:21
  48. avatar
    #80 Vin

    @Grasshopper: There’s no burger like a Jo-burger. As I’ve told you before I love this place.

    9 September, 2014 at 16:18
  49. avatar
    #79 Vin

    @Grasshopper: If they had rankings? well okay then we’ll go with that.

    “record against decent opposition isn’t so hot…” what is their record against decent opposition or is that another “guess”?

    And as for Northwood banana skin – Got me there.

    9 September, 2014 at 16:15
  50. avatar
    #78 Grasshopper

    @Roger: Again, you don’t answer the question. Has KES ever beaten Grey Bloem?

    9 September, 2014 at 16:15
  51. avatar
    #77 Grasshopper

    @Vin: How is your Village up in the mine dumps?

    9 September, 2014 at 16:13
  52. avatar
    #76 Grasshopper

    @Roger: Grosvenor?

    9 September, 2014 at 16:12
  53. avatar
    #75 Roger

    @Grasshopper: yes we spanked some tiny, inconsequential little school from the Bluff in ’88 – properly!

    9 September, 2014 at 16:11
  54. avatar
    #74 Vin

    @Roger: Yep ’86 GCB had a great side – 6/7 SA Schools players plus 2 who went on to play for the Boks. De Haas scored under the poles after a great move to beat us.

    Hopper there is a village somewhere that is missing you.

    9 September, 2014 at 16:09
  55. avatar
    #73 Grasshopper

    @Vin: Well if they had rankings in those days I reckon they would have been. My uncle made the Danie Craven Craven Week ‘select’ team in 1965….

    KES have this amazing record spanking little schools around them, their record against decent opposition isn’t so hot…

    9 September, 2014 at 16:07
  56. avatar
    #72 Grasshopper

    @Roger: Gosh, ask most of the English schools who have played Grey Bloem and had 70 plus points against them, including College…..KES has avoided Grey Bloem clashes recently, thank goodness. We can’t have another Trinityhouse or Northwood banana skin….

    9 September, 2014 at 16:05
  57. avatar
    #71 Vin

    @Grasshopper: Thanks for the history update but you have mentioned them on this blog (on numerous occasions).

    1964, 1965, 1979 top ten? Come on Hopper you didn’t really say that?

    9 September, 2014 at 16:05
  58. avatar
    #70 Roger

    @Vin: was that at Saints in ’86 – I remember watching those poor fellows in green learning how to stand behind the poles all day ….. and that’s when a try was 4 points …….

    we played them at the Festival in ’88 and spanked them too……

    although they were good chaps to hang around with so lets not be too hard on Hopper – every school and Village has one :roll:

    9 September, 2014 at 15:59
  59. avatar
    #69 Grasshopper

    @Roger: I have but I still get retweets from KES mates and other rugby handles… blah, red is best, red this & that, teddy that etc etc. Good to see Brian and Warren Whiteley being friendly because in the end we are English brothers really..

    9 September, 2014 at 15:57
  60. avatar
    #68 Playa

    @Roger: Ah yes…I see now. Thanks for that

    9 September, 2014 at 15:49
  61. avatar
    #67 Roger

    @Grasshopper: sigh – unfollow Hopper – do yourself a favour – it will add years to your life

    9 September, 2014 at 15:48
  62. avatar
    #66 Grasshopper

    @Vin: Well just to give you a little history on Glenwood, we have played rugby since 1910, about 22 years before our fledgling brothers in Jozi. We first played Hilton in 1915, College in 1921 and DHS in 1922, at least a decade before you guys touched an oval ball. In terms of rugby in KZN, we sit at 5th in KZN for overall results behind the older schools of College, DHS, Hilton and Michaelhouse. Most of those we have a 40% win ratio (bar College at 25%), remembering the majority of the losses were in the early days when Glenwood was a much smaller school. We have 7 Springboks and 10 SA Schools players. We actually have a victory over Grey Bloem, does KES? Again, we are not rugby powerhouses but I can say that the 1964, 1965, 1979, 2000, 2008 and 2014 sides were all around top 10 in SA.

    9 September, 2014 at 15:48
  63. avatar
    #65 Roger

    @Playa: nope – Prince Edward was named after the chap who abdicated (get the movie The Kings Speech) – they changed their name from Salisbury Boys High in his honour in 1925.

    Kind Edward was named after Prince Edward’s grandfather – King Edward the VII. The name was changed from Johannesburg High School for Boys to King Edward VII School in 1911 when the good King passed on……

    Prince Edward is actually 4 years older than KES – established in 1898

    9 September, 2014 at 15:46
  64. avatar
    #64 Vin

    @Grasshopper: 152 caps between the two of them not too bad. As I said (let me just copy and paste for you) ‘rugby – no we aren’t a powerhouse never ever said we were’.

    And Prior to 2000 where was Glenwood as a rugby school my only memory is seeing them get 74 from GCB and before you say anything that was the same year GCB scored in the last minute to beat KES 22-18.

    9 September, 2014 at 15:40
  65. avatar
    #63 Grasshopper

    @Roger: I can but it’s good see how much smoke one can blow up one’s own ass, KES are the kings of that…..

    Glenwood prefer to do their talking on the field and not have to self promote, even though it irritates me to no end…

    9 September, 2014 at 15:39
  66. avatar
    #62 Grasshopper

    @Roger: Glenwood isn’t a rugby powerhouse never has been, we have always been around average in all sports with a few excellent years and individuals. 4 of your victories were when Glenwood was average and two of those were in the 1930’s and 1940’s when Glenwood was on a jolly up in the Vaal. Those don’t really count, you judged on your last game which was a 38-3 away win in 2004. Since then KES has been too scared to play Glenwood coming up with all sorts of lame excuses not too…heheheheh

    9 September, 2014 at 15:37
  67. avatar
    #61 Playa

    @Roger: @Vin: Just out of interest…I understand that there is a connection between Michaelhouse and Peterhouse in Zim, is there a connection between KES and Prince Edward in Zim?

    9 September, 2014 at 15:35
  68. avatar
    #60 Roger

    @Grasshopper: the “unfollow” button is your friend – but you just can’t bring yourself to do it can you Hopper?

    9 September, 2014 at 15:34
  69. avatar
    #59 Grasshopper

    @Vin: Yep and well done for that. I see Glenwood the ‘rugby’ school are 12th in the cricket cap ranking, not bad for a rugby school. A huge congrats to Brian Habana on his 100 caps and to Graeme Smith on his achievements, well done! What happened in rugby prior to 2000? Joe Van Niekerk and Brian are pretty recent Boks in terms of the schools history……

    9 September, 2014 at 15:33
  70. avatar
    #58 Roger

    @Vin: KES vs Glenwood

    played five won four

    not bad for a crappy rugby school versus a powerhouse

    he, he, he, he

    9 September, 2014 at 15:32
  71. avatar
    #57 Vin

    @Grasshopper: of rugby no we aren’t a powerhouse never ever said we were but seen as though you brought up cricket. Also managed to field both a rugby captain and cricket captain on the same weekend. But then hey I’m starting to sound like you now.

    KES has always been known for it’s cricket, water polo and athletics but we enjoy our rugby and can compete on the day.

    9 September, 2014 at 15:23
  72. avatar
    #56 Grasshopper

    @Vin: Never once said that, funny how the grapevine blows things up. FYI;

    Just saying KES is this ‘powerhouse’ of sport, only 2 boks?

    9 September, 2014 at 15:16
  73. avatar
    #55 meadows

    @Gungets Tuft: I was fortunate enough to hear the late David Rattray speak on Isandlwana a couple of times as well as on the life of Jan Smuts. He was a wonderful orator senselessly murdered in 2007.

    9 September, 2014 at 14:59
  74. avatar
    #54 Vin

    @Grasshopper: Yep Glenwood rules and always has………

    9 September, 2014 at 14:56
  75. avatar
    #53 Grasshopper

    @Vin: KES on Twitter….Redpower, redpassion, red…blah blah blah. Two Boks……pretty kak for a rugby ‘powerhouse’…

    9 September, 2014 at 14:46
  76. avatar
    #52 Vin

    @Grasshopper: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    9 September, 2014 at 13:34
  77. avatar
    #51 Anti Green

    @Grasshopper: Awesome Glenwood forever

    9 September, 2014 at 11:04
  78. avatar
    #50 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: That history is actually quite something, nice to see that it has been recorded. The late 1800’s were big years for the Midlands schools, College lost quite a few OBs in the Zulu wars, 7 at Isandhlwana alone, these men have a memorial on the battlfields. Hilton and House also have a great history during that time. I went to the Clark House dinner last year where Rob Caskie, a speaker who specialises in talks about those years, “reconstructed” the battle of Isandhwana – it was absolutely superb, something that the House and Hilton guys here could consider for a function at their schools. Thanks for the link – and well done Glenwood on the shooting title.

    9 September, 2014 at 09:15
  79. avatar
    #49 Playa

    @Grasshopper: Come on mate…I truly admire how our celebrate Glenwood’s victories, can you be humble in defeat as well? Just a thought :wink:

    9 September, 2014 at 09:10
  80. avatar
    #48 Grasshopper

    @star: How did your Under14A hockey do? :mrgreen:

    9 September, 2014 at 08:48
  81. avatar
    #47 Grasshopper

    @star: I believe Westville won without our top guys, well done.

    9 September, 2014 at 08:47
  82. avatar
    #46 star

    @ Grassy- what was the result in the softball between Westville and GW. I thought that was your banker. :mrgreen: Seriously no one is saying that GW is only a rugby school. Just some context and balance is required.

    9 September, 2014 at 08:36
  83. avatar
    #45 Greenwood

    I was impressed with St Charles – they had some good runners and will be a force to be reckoned with next year

    When they beat Glenwood their players punched the ground in delight

    Well done St Charles – hopefully Glenwood will start playing you guys in in the full format soon

    9 September, 2014 at 08:29
  84. avatar
    #44 Grasshopper

    Also, Glenwood the ‘rugby’ school winning the tennis;

    9 September, 2014 at 08:27
  85. avatar
    #43 Grasshopper

    Off topic, something Gungets might find interesting, Glenwood the ‘rugby’ school winning the musketry/target shooting and the history behind it;

    9 September, 2014 at 08:26
  86. avatar
    #42 star

    @ pedantic- the Westville website did confirm the Hilton victory the previous week and so 2 in a row :mrgreen: When I looked at the winning photo with Kershaw grimly holding onto the cup :lol: I noted that there were only 2 grade 12s in captain W. Smith and R. Kotze. There were at least 3 U16s and 2 of your returning X-Factor players( Ball and Tony Mahlangu) were absent as they were( together with stalwarts Braithwaite and B. Smith )on 1st team soccer duty. 2 more soccer players in Mhlamvu( GK2013) who has great feet and Shange were also missing and so this team has done us really proud in their absence. Lots to build on it seems.

    8 September, 2014 at 19:53
  87. avatar
    #41 Anti Green

    @Grasshopper: I think the majority of the schools play with Grade 11’s and lower, I know Port Natal had a few u16’s in their side. If that is fact, then the boys are well coached and have great skills.

    8 September, 2014 at 16:30
  88. avatar
    #40 Anti Green

    @star: Thanks was just interested, as Westville were devastating. I think that was the only tournament that House lost :mrgreen:

    8 September, 2014 at 16:26
  89. avatar
    #39 Pedantic

    @star: This is the 1st 7’s tournament Westville have won this year – believe me, we would have heard it in the press if they won any others :mrgreen:

    Westville were abysmal at the early tournaments where the 7’s trials players were selected and still had 5 players invited to trials but not all 5 attended – Kevin Smit the only one who went to final trials and he clearly had some stiff competition as a forward from Sibisi (7s specialist) , Palvie and Dixon.

    As a matter of interest, who were the standout Westville players?

    8 September, 2014 at 16:03
  90. avatar
    #38 Grasshopper

    Also, it seems the KZN side is grade 11’s downwards otherwise surely Jaco Coetzee and Morne Joubert would have been included and played…

    8 September, 2014 at 15:49
  91. avatar
    #37 Grasshopper

    Well done Westville. Were the teams at full strength? Maybe the KZN reps were kept out….

    8 September, 2014 at 15:48
  92. avatar
    #36 star

    @ Anti Green- I think Westville won the Hilton 7s tournament and just lost to House in the semis in the College event( which House went on to win.) I think there was a bit of tongue in cheek with the Westers comment when a team with 6 KZN reps loses to a team with zero representation.( and we are talking 7s here) . :mrgreen:

    8 September, 2014 at 12:58
  93. avatar
    #35 Anti Green

    @Westers: How did Westville do in the other tournaments? There were quite a few tournaments and the one at Glenwood was the final one, am I correct?

    8 September, 2014 at 11:50
  94. avatar
    #34 Anti Green

    @coach10: School had a good side plenty of pace, was a horrible way to lose.

    8 September, 2014 at 11:46
  95. avatar
    #33 Westers

    Well done to Westville. And not a single representative in the KZN sevens team. :roll:

    8 September, 2014 at 11:21
  96. avatar
    #32 Bok

    Knockout Rounds. – Cup Seminfinal – Westville Beat ST Charles …. Michaelhouse beat DHS aet…. Cup Final . Westville beat Michaelhouse…..Plate Semi-Finals – Glenwood beat Pioneer…. College beat Port Natal….Plate Finals… Glenwood beat College….. Shield Semi Finals….. Hilton beat Port Shepstone….KZN Development beat Northwood….Finals…Hilton beat KZN Development……Bowl Semi Finals…DHS 2nds beat George Campbell….Clifton beat Kloof…. Bowl Finals… Clifton beat DHS 2nds aet…..

    8 September, 2014 at 09:57
  97. avatar
    #31 Bok

    Pool Standings : Pool A – 1) St. Charles 2)Glenwood 3)Port Shepstone 4) George Campbell 5) St Benedicts.. Pool B – 1) DHS 2) M College 3) KZN Development 4) Clifton 5) Hillcrest… Pool C – 1) Michaelhouse 2)Port Natal 3) Northwood 4) Kloof 5) Glenwood Falcons … Pool D-1)Westville 2)Pioneer 3) Hilton 4)DHS 2nds 5) Sarel Cilliers

    8 September, 2014 at 09:48
  98. avatar
    #30 Bok

    Scores were level after extra time which meant House went through because they scored the 1st try of the game

    8 September, 2014 at 09:41
  99. avatar
    #29 beet

    @coach10: why weren’t DHS in the final then?

    8 September, 2014 at 09:14
  100. avatar
    #28 coach10

    Welldone to Westville, sorry for school who should have been in the final after a come from behind draw against house.

    8 September, 2014 at 09:09
  101. avatar
    #27 beet

    Westville’s path to the win

     Westville 22 –  DHS 5
     Westville 33 –  Sarel Cilliers 5
     Westville 26 –  Hilton 0
     Westville 28 –  Pioneer 0
     Westville 28 –  St Charles 10
     Westville 19 –  Michaelhouse 17

    7 September, 2014 at 22:51
  102. avatar
    #26 Grasshopper

    @kosie: a few…

    7 September, 2014 at 16:03
  103. avatar
    #25 Anti Green

    @GreenBlooded: They ended 3rd in their pool behind Port Natal. They played very well got some very skilled boys

    7 September, 2014 at 14:09
  104. avatar
    #24 GreenBlooded

    @Anti Green: Thanks. Any idea how Kloof fared? They got 2 boys into the KZN side…….

    7 September, 2014 at 14:00
  105. avatar
    #23 Anti Green

    @GreenBlooded: Eureka, I remember Hilton beat DHS 2nd side for the Shield

    7 September, 2014 at 13:55
  106. avatar
    #22 Anti Green

    @GreenBlooded: Clifton beat the KZN Development Side for the Bowl can’t remember who Hilton beat for the Shield. I will rack my brain if I remember will post it.

    7 September, 2014 at 13:53
  107. avatar
    #21 Anti Green

    @kosie: Hahahaha

    7 September, 2014 at 13:45
  108. avatar
    #20 Anti Green

    @GreenBlooded: What I can remember 1)Cup Winners Westville Runner Up MHS 2)Plate Winners Glenwood Runner UpCollege. The rest maybe Seabass can help here.

    7 September, 2014 at 13:34
  109. avatar
    #19 kosie

    @Grasshopper: What, no English?

    7 September, 2014 at 12:54
  110. avatar
    #18 Grasshopper

    @Anti Green: Glenwood is also a Xhosa, Zulu, Hindi, Gujurati, Tamil and Chinese school…

    7 September, 2014 at 12:44
  111. avatar
    #17 GreenBlooded

    @Anti Green: Do you have the winners and runners up in the various divisions?

    7 September, 2014 at 12:07
  112. avatar
    #16 Anti Green

    What a lovely day of rugby. Well done to Port Natal they played some fine running rugby. Westville deserved the win against MHS, what a final it was. I thought that Glenwood was an Afrikaans school. Westville is not to far behind on that. Seabass lekker to get some silverware you champion.

    7 September, 2014 at 10:02
  113. avatar
    #15 Playa

    @GreenBlooded: Amen to that! Watching paint dry is less predictable than watching the Boks. So sad. But like women who stay in an abusive relationship…we keep on watching them.

    6 September, 2014 at 10:37
  114. avatar
    #14 GreenBlooded

    @Playa: “indoctrinated with the bash it up all day mentality that exists in our professional set ups” – For exhibit “A” – tune in to DSTV Ch 201 at midday today!!! That and a whole lot of kicking.

    6 September, 2014 at 10:16
  115. avatar
    #13 Playa

    Slightly off the topic:
    I went to watch the Villagers Sevens last night at Brookside. What a spectacle, besides being distracted by my 3 year old who wanted to be everywhere except the stand. Disappointing that no one sent the write up on that event to this blog (looking at you Ploegie :roll: ).

    Anyway, if anything is to be taken from that experience is that SA is not short of running players.It is just too bad that they get indoctrinated with the bash it up all day mentality that exists in our professional set ups. I was highly impressed by The Tiere, who beat Bishops in the cup final. The skill set from both sides was simply off the top drawer.

    6 September, 2014 at 10:13
  116. avatar
    #12 GreenBlooded

    @Greenwood: Glenwood Falcons – probably a ‘B’ side of sorts to make up numbers.

    5 September, 2014 at 16:29
  117. avatar
    #11 Greenwood


    Our friends from the top of Town hill Not forfeit – but how about touch Rugby ??

    5 September, 2014 at 16:28
  118. avatar
    #10 Greenwood


    Ha ha – I was about to post a similar comment – you beat me to it

    Who are the Glenwood Falcons ?

    5 September, 2014 at 16:05
  119. avatar
    #9 GreenBlooded

    Semi-serious and semi-facetious question: what happens if Hilton meet Glenwood in the later stages? Forfeit the match?

    5 September, 2014 at 13:58
  120. avatar
    #8 Greenwood

    Maybe next year Gelofte or Werda could be in the mix

    5 September, 2014 at 13:38
  121. avatar
    #7 Greenwood

    Glenwood Falcons ???

    5 September, 2014 at 13:25
  122. avatar
    #6 Buffel

    @beet: Am sure one could get a full side from the grade 12’s. It is just 1 day. With 19 teams there is space for 1 more.

    21 August, 2014 at 16:13
  123. avatar
    #5 beet

    @Buffel: Word is that Kearsney has a leadership course on the go that weekend.

    21 August, 2014 at 15:42
  124. avatar
    #4 Buffel

    @beet: Frank Lubbe told me that they were scheduled to play there. Don’t know the reason behind pulling out.It is a pity because a well run event.

    21 August, 2014 at 14:43
  125. avatar
    #3 beet

    When I was at school Kearsney hosted the seven-a-side tournament. Now I see they aren’t even listed for the Glenwood event :(

    21 August, 2014 at 13:07
  126. avatar
    #2 beet

    @All Black: Tell the College marketing dept that :mrgreen:

    21 August, 2014 at 13:06
  127. avatar
    #1 All Black

    Maritzburg College Toshiba 7’S Tournament is on Saturday.

    21 August, 2014 at 13:04

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