School Rugby Fixtures & Results – week ending 02/08/2014

Tue 29/07/2014 Grey College 63 12 Fichardtpark
Tue 29/07/2014 Jim Fouche 13 25 Grey College Cherries
Sat 02/08/2014 Affies 22 36 Glenwood
Sat 02/08/2014 Maritzburg College 35 18 Pretoria BH
Sat 02/08/2014 Cambridge 53 0 Port Rex
Sat 02/08/2014 Dale 28 22 St Andrew’s
Sat 02/08/2014 Graeme 26 27 Kingswood
Sat 02/08/2014 Nico Malan 19 17 Daniel Pienaar
Sat 02/08/2014 Outeniqua 29 3 Framesby
Sat 02/08/2014 Selborne 19 10 Queen’s
Sat 02/08/2014 Oudtshoorn 17 20 Brandwag (Uitenhage)
Sat 02/08/2014 Oakdale 34 8 Marlow
Sat 02/08/2014 Grey HS 27 20 Grey College
Sat 02/08/2014 Jeppe 22 24 Monument
Sat 02/08/2014 Parktown 12 18 KES
Sat 02/08/2014 Bellville 21 22 Durbanville
Sat 02/08/2014 Bishops 14 36 Paul Roos
Sat 02/08/2014 Brackenfell 7 41 Drostdy
Sat 02/08/2014 Boland Landbou 17 17 SACS
Sat 02/08/2014 Hugenote 18 3 Strand
Sat 02/08/2014 Paarl Gim 16 15 HJS Paarl BH Interskole!
Sat 02/08/2014 Schoonspruit 31 5 Augsburg
Sat 02/08/2014 Stellenberg 30 6 DF Malan
Sat 02/08/2014 Swartland 14 40 Tygerberg
Sat 02/08/2014 Wynberg 15 0 Rondebosch
Sat 02/08/2014 AHS Kroonstad 52 0 Kroonstad HS
Sat 02/08/2014 Voortrekker (Beth) 57 18 Witteberg
Sat 02/08/2014 Welkom Gim 18 36 Goudveld
Sat 02/08/2014 Welkom THS 3 60 Hentie Cilliers
Sat 02/08/2014 Fichardtpark 66 10 Aliwal-Noord
Sat 02/08/2014 Sentraal (FS) 13 15 Duineveld
Tue 29/07/2014 Transvalia 29 29 Hugenote (Springs) Beeld: Large Sch. Reg. Final
Tue 29/07/2014 EG Jansen 24 21 Kempton Park Beeld: Macro Sch Reg Final
Tue 29/07/2014 Nelspruit 14 12 HTS Middelburg Beeld: Macro Sch Reg Final
Sat 02/08/2014 Rustenburg 12 70 Menlopark Beeld: Macro Schools
Sat 02/08/2014 Waterkloof 20 22 Kempton Park Beeld: Macro Schools
Sat 02/08/2014 Vereeniging Gim HTS Middelburg Beeld: Macro Schools
Sat 02/08/2014 Florida 17 25 Centurion Beeld: Macro Schools
Sat 02/08/2014 Volksrust 22 28 Transvalia Beeld: Large Schools QF
Sat 02/08/2014 Oos Moot 24 0 Linden Beeld: Large Schools QF
Sat 02/08/2014 Helpmekaar 19 15 Lichtenburg Beeld: Large Schools QF
Sat 02/08/2014 Hugenote (Springs) 25 20 Frikkie Meyer Beeld: Large Schools QF


  1. avatar
    #232 Playa

    @Queenian: Your under 16 forwards are quite mobile. The hooker and the one flank are quite special. You can get a fetcher at JJS.For bigger forwards, offer a farmer’s son or two from Hangklip a year’s supply of Twizza and Bob’s your uncle :mrgreen:

    5 August, 2014 at 11:23
  2. avatar
    #231 Queenian

    @Knight_CHS07: QC have some very good backline players in both Under 15A and Under 16A, the Smith boy playing Under 15A centre is unreal also the flyhalf and wing also the Under 16A 2 centres and one wing are very good. I think in 2 years time QC 1st team will have a backline second to none. Just hope they come up with some forwards.

    5 August, 2014 at 09:27
  3. avatar
    #230 tzavosky

    @Woltrui: “daai laaitie van Ben Vorster wat vleuel speel vir die Bulle O/19. Het gesien jy doen navraag oor sy kondisie n paar weke terug. Hy is in PUIK kondisie.”

    Bly om te hoor, want verlede jaar het hy die eet ding oordoen. Ken die laaitie van sy eerste o.9 wedstryd af en hy het baie potensiaal.

    Toko Maebane is ‘n vriend van my dogter en sy het hom baie aangemoedig om ‘n akademiese loopbaan te volg, maar hy het net rugby in sy kop. Jammer, want dis ‘n “smart” outjie en ek dink ook nie hy gaan dit groot maak nie.

    Dit gesê, ek is een van daai ouens wat glo die grootte van jou hart is belangriker as die grootte van jou lyf, en Toko is darem effens groter as sy losskakel!

    4 August, 2014 at 20:35
  4. avatar
    #229 tzavosky

    @Woltrui: Wolla, hier is ouens op klein plekkies wat skolerugby ken!

    Ek dink ek is die enigste ou wat ‘n Grey PE wen geroep het – na OP se vertoning teen VS in die CW was daai een op die kaarte.

    En ek het ook Oos-Moot teen Linden geroep. Iemand het onlangs hier geskryf BV moet in ‘n “hoër” voorseisoense interprovinsiale kompetisie speel, maar O-M, Frikkie Meyer, Standerton en Lichtenburg is almal in ons kompetisie (asook Montana), het redelik goed gevaar tot nou in die grootskole, so ek was redelik oortuig hulle sou Linden wen, maar nie so ver nie.

    Dan het ek ‘n programmetjie wat tred hou van wie teen wie gewen en verloor het, wat my ‘n goeie idee gee waar die kleiner skole staan. BHP se rankings help nie daarmee nie.

    Maar ek gee ou Beet ook so iets onder deur die tafel!

    4 August, 2014 at 20:25
  5. avatar
    #228 Woltrui

    @tzavosky: Groot slang in die gras!! Hoe kry Tzavosky dit reg om week na week bo aan die “pool” te eindig. Duidelik ‘n “connection” van Beet. Of n bietjie Binne informasie…. 8-O

    In ieder geval. Tzavosky tov daai laaitie van Ben Vorster wat vleuel speel vir die Bulle O/19. Het gesien jy doen navraag oor sy kondisie n paar weke terug. Hy is in PUIK kondisie. Groot fris Bulletjie. Moerse dik bene. Die binne sentertjie van julle is ook goed. In my opinie gaan hy egter sukkel met sy grote. Raak bietjie klein vir proffesionele rugby(weet nie hoe het hy laas jaar vergelyk met sy ouderdomsgroep nie?

    4 August, 2014 at 19:31
  6. avatar
    #227 Woltrui

    @netdiebeste: Sterkte!

    4 August, 2014 at 19:22
  7. avatar
    #226 tzavosky

    @netdiebeste: Dankie vir die verduideliking.

    Nee, wat, drop die ” mnr” en noem my sommer Tzavosky of Tsavendas, net wat jy wil.

    Sterkte vir Saterdag!

    4 August, 2014 at 18:08
  8. avatar
    #225 netdiebeste

    @BOG: What you say about the increase is correct. I sometimes think that we look at this picture and get reluctant to try something.
    That is what we decided at Belvedere and that is to do as the story says : “Lets throw back one starfish into the sea and you might just get 100 other people doing the same”
    Rugby has changed these 22 boys lives. From 8 boys not making their grade to only 1 last term.
    You can make a difference to one boy by just shouting positivity at him and the referee. Start doing that and you will suddenly see the boys getting respect for the game, you, spectators and eventually LIFE.
    Okay I will stop lecturing now.

    Love this game called RUGGAS.

    4 August, 2014 at 17:54
  9. avatar
    #224 netdiebeste

    @Playa: In Benoni. East Rand

    4 August, 2014 at 17:46
  10. avatar
    #223 Knight_CHS07

    @Playa: I agree, Selborne want to win both their remaining games. With that said though, a win over Dale will almost ensure them that they are ready for Grey.

    Dale is no push over, no Sir. They beat the Snobs Saturday, and the Snobs are strong, they(SAC) gave Selborne a tough time last term. So I say, anything is possible…the Dalians just need to BELIEVE.

    4 August, 2014 at 17:33
  11. avatar
    #222 Playa

    @Knight_CHS07: They’ll need to play the best game of their lives to remain unbeaten at home after Selborne. I fear that after two games of playing half-cooked rugby, this is when Selborne will turn in up. Especially with Grey PE the following week.

    4 August, 2014 at 17:20
  12. avatar
    #221 netdiebeste

    @tzavosky: Hallo Daar. Jammer maar ek weet nie wat u naam is nie so ek se maar Mnr.
    Dit is n’ nuwe kategorie wat hierdie jaar deur Beeld ingestel is.
    Dit is vir skole wat alhoewel hulle die hoeveelheid seuns in die skool het om in die Medium skole kategorie te speel, nie kompeterend genoeg is nie. Hulle kan dus aansoek doen om in die liga te speel en word n’ komitee goedgekeur.
    Ons hoeveelheid seuns is met ongeveer 30 te veel vir die klein skole liga en ons was aangebied om wel daar te speel agv die tipe skool wat ons is.
    Ons het egter besluit om eerder deel te neem in die middel kategorie om sodoende ons rugby te verbeter en die seuns n’ groter kans te gee om raak gesien te word deur keurders. Ek weet die kanse is skraal maar indien ons wen…… You just never know.

    4 August, 2014 at 17:20
  13. avatar
    #220 Playa

    @netdiebeste: Where is the school based?

    4 August, 2014 at 17:17
  14. avatar
    #219 netdiebeste

    @Deon: Hi Deon,
    Thanks a million for your reply.

    4 August, 2014 at 17:10
  15. avatar
    #218 Knight_CHS07

    @Playa: This Baboon is an MP3, it eats everything from Kudu, to Horse sHoes(CHS), Spanners(P.Rex), even Pink Panthers :mrgreen: .

    Well done to Dale for breaking the streak and extending their unbeaten run at the Grave Yard.

    4 August, 2014 at 15:30
  16. avatar
    #217 Playa

    Time to skin the Baboon!!!! Go Dale!!! Well done boys.

    A huge result for the Pyjama Boys as well. I hear they showed their class on Saturday.

    4 August, 2014 at 13:16
  17. avatar
    #216 Knight_CHS07

    @badboy: I was afraid you were going to say that. :mrgreen: . I’ll hide those boys myself if I have to. :mrgreen:

    4 August, 2014 at 12:39
  18. avatar
    #215 kosie

    @badboy: It’s only 847 km from Pretoria East to Queens College! Should not be a problem to sniff a good anybody!

    4 August, 2014 at 12:37
  19. avatar
    #214 badboy

    @Knight_CHS07: QC will have to keep the Bulls scouts at bay they can sniff a good Queenian from a 1000 km’s :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen:

    4 August, 2014 at 12:29
  20. avatar
    #213 Knight_CHS07

    @rugbyfan: The “Jerry Show” is always magical, what a player! He is a pleasure to watch…so proud of the Boy.

    The QC standout team for me was their 15A, gents, what a team! Selborne scored their points in the 1st half thanks to their bigger forwards, but QC u15A never gave up. Their back-line….OMG!!! those boys are talented, QC better hide those boys somewhere because they have a really good team on their hands.

    Overall, I was impressed by most of the QC teams i saw on the day. They guts the QC boys showed on Saturday proved to me that sometimes the scores are the true reflection of a game. Well Done to both teams (SC and QC)

    4 August, 2014 at 08:50
  21. avatar
    #212 Queenian

    @BOG: Hey us ECape farmers never sleep otherwise everything gets stolen.

    Grey PE won on Saturday and they deserved it but I doubt anybody else will beat GCB this year cannot see them making the same mistake twice. They just lucky they don’t play QC or JJS otherwise they would be in trouble. :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

    4 August, 2014 at 06:11
  22. avatar
    #211 Queenian

    @Ludz: Hey good to see you around thought you had disappeared for ever. :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

    4 August, 2014 at 06:07
  23. avatar
    #210 BOG

    @netdiebeste: A lovely story and knowing what effort is required to achieve this, very well done to the coaches and teachers who are involved with the teams. At the end of the day, “this is the real world” and you are indeed right- children are special and as their “custodians” , we should treat them as such. Sadly, its not happening and the children in need of care in SA, are INCREASING by 25000 per MONTH.

    4 August, 2014 at 02:56
  24. avatar
    #209 tzavosky

    @netdiebeste: Welgedaan!
    Ek sien julle speel in die “middel”-kategorie van Beeld, wat vir my nuut is. Kan jy verduidelik hoe en waar dit inpas by die ander kategorieë, asb.

    4 August, 2014 at 00:16
  25. avatar
    #208 Deon

    @netdiebeste: Brilliant. Well done.

    3 August, 2014 at 22:28
  26. avatar
    #207 netdiebeste

    Hi All. My first post and hope that I will not bore you with our schools story.
    Belvedere School is a school for children with special learning needs. In the old days it was called a special school.
    Well i believe that to be now even more true than ever. They are pretty SPECIAL.
    We are competing in against the maintstream schools in the Valke Medium schools. The following teams actually won the league:
    The first team lost in the final with 3 points.

    All three these teams actually then also qualified to play for the Beeld Trophy. The first time in the history of South African Rugby (according to our knowledge) that a special school has won their respective leagues against mainstream schools.

    Our first team also won the Beeld trophy qualification round on Saturday by beating Steelcrest 36 – 8.

    Well done boys you seriously deserve the title of SPECIAL.

    Hope there is some of you that would like to give me some indication if you know of any other special school that won a mainstream provincial league in the past.

    The u/14 and u/15 boys will be competing in the Beeld quater finals on Saturday 9 August in Mmombela Stadium and the first team will be playing in Polokwane.


    Thanks for reading. :-P

    3 August, 2014 at 22:25
  27. avatar
    #206 BOG

    @Queenian: Whats happening to the E Cape farmers? Sleeping late these days? You confirmed what I suspected- the match was won in the first 10 minutes with a mini Blitzkrieg. Precisely the same happened at CW when EP played FS. Serious scoring up front and from there, GCB/ FS had to play catch-up. Im just surprized that this was not expected and planned for. If it worked at CW, why not try it yesterday- and it worked. Its been a strange season for the Cherries. They have had some good results, beating first teams of schools which are in the “Top 40”, but then loosing unexpectedly. But however you look at it, a complete contrast to last year- one of the best Cherrie sides ever.@CHS08: Whats happening? Just showing humanity. It hurts me (I have gone through all lifes lessons and its not about me ), but its good for those young men- one needs to learn how to loose graciously- character building . But its not the end of the world. A win ratio of +-94% over a 100 yrs, is not to be snuffed at, and this team, has maintained that ratio. So, if that is “catching up”, then so be it. But being ahead, remember this. For others to “catch up”, GCB needs to slow down or stagnate and I would be surprized to see that happen

    3 August, 2014 at 14:16
  28. avatar
    #205 jakes

    Well done to Hugenote Springs as well. Their rugby has been picking up the last two years seeing that they were one of the best rugby schools in the country in the 80’s. Early 90’s. A draw against Transvalia was a big booste for them

    3 August, 2014 at 12:42
  29. avatar
    #204 Ludz

    Jerry was well looked after by Tian, Liam and David. Queen’s were starved of the ball in the 1st half, I was disappointed with Jam’s officiating of the breakdown, also can’t see how Johan van Heerden’s pass was forward which would’ve been a certain try for Queen’s, but alas Queen’s were much improved from April encounter. Avela Jubase (no.16 and captain), Uhuru Vanda (no.2), Johan van Heerden (no.4), Dancan Mureguzi (no.14), Reagan Oranje (no.9) and Allan Rautenhbach (no.8) were outstanding for Queen’s

    3 August, 2014 at 10:17
  30. avatar
    #203 CHS08

    @BOG: What’s happening with the Grey College rugby there Boggie or are the other schools catching up?

    3 August, 2014 at 10:01
  31. avatar
    #202 CHS08

    @Rugbyfan: We playing Queens the week after next week! Its going to be a tough encounter. @ Queenian: Jeremy Ward really impressed me with his defence during Craven Week! Queens did well yesterday but I get the feeling that Selborne’s rythym and intensity have dropped after the holidays! This is definetly the same Selborne side we saw last term. I think the ref was decent compared to that idiot from last week! We play Stirling next week we should get another 50 pointer. Then we have Queens.

    3 August, 2014 at 09:59
  32. avatar
    #201 Mike

    @BOG: @rugbyfan: @OudUppie: Every derby against Grey College we in PE are reminded of what a humble school you are, in victory and defeat. It’s a special win for the guys from PE, a really great day overall from everyone. Wishing our brothers from Bloem all the best for the rest of the season.

    3 August, 2014 at 09:51
  33. avatar
    #200 kcob

    Heard Kloffies could have done without SA Schools Flyhalf Thinus de Beer being red carded yesterday!

    3 August, 2014 at 08:53
  34. avatar
    #199 Queenian

    @Playa: Good to see the Tick Birds beat the snob’s.

    That was one for the team.

    3 August, 2014 at 08:03
  35. avatar
    #198 Queenian

    @GCollege86: So looks like it was a decent game glad Queens put up a fight.

    @rugbyfan: Agree QC have some great talent in the backline in Under 15/16 but I think it will all boil down to whether they can come up with a decent pack. QC next year with only have 4 players back and not much talent from last years Under 16 will be hard pushed to compete but we never know do we.

    3 August, 2014 at 08:00
  36. avatar
    #197 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: The Grey Cherries team disappointed me they had a enormous pack and camped on the Grey PE line for like 80% of the game but could not score I counted at least 10 moves were they had complete overlaps and did not pass all trying to score by themselves.

    This was a classic example of how to grab defeat from the jaws of victory.

    3 August, 2014 at 07:55
  37. avatar
    #196 rugbyfan

    @GCollege86: Selborne Under 14A impressed me they look like a real star team developing there will be interested to see how they go against Grey PE

    3 August, 2014 at 07:50
  38. avatar
    #195 rugbyfan

    @GCollege86: Agree the ref had a good game just thought the one get got really wrong but agree was a really Derby game very good.

    One thing I was impressed by although Selborne won the Under 16/15 A games in close games QC forwards were a bit small in both but the QC backline players in both these teams were really talented and in 2 years time I can see QC having a really good backline. Just depends if there forwards grow or not.

    Looking at all the banter between Queenian and CHS08 last week I think Cambridge will be hard pushed to beat Queens next week even without Jerry.

    3 August, 2014 at 07:47
  39. avatar
    #194 4×4

    @ rugbyman. Ek sou bitter graag ‘n game wou sien tussen Glenwood en Garsies. Sterkte met julle beeld semi’s. Met Kloof wat nou uit is hoop ek julle bring die Beeld trofee Pretoria toe. Nie dat ek ooit getwyfel het dat julle die jaar die sterkste xv span in Pretoria/gauteng is nie

    3 August, 2014 at 07:33
  40. avatar
    #193 OudUppie

    Congratulations to Grey High you deserve the win. Overall a great day. Thanks PE.

    3 August, 2014 at 07:31
  41. avatar
    #192 4×4

    Verduidelik net gou asb vir my waaroor die bohaai van beurse vroeer in die jaar gegaan het? As ek so na die tellings kyk wat OudAffie gepost het wonder ek hoeveel van die seuns wat die jaar vir hulle Glenwood se A-spanne gespeel het se beurse gaan onttrek word weens “non-performance”. 23 wedstryde gespeel waarvan net 2 deur Glenwood gewen is????? Dit lyk ook of net hulle A- spanne kompeternede rugby speel….hoe is dit moontlik? ‘n Verwagting word geskep dat as hulle A-spanne sterk is behoort die res van die spanne ook baie sterk te wees, tog nie?

    3 August, 2014 at 07:31
  42. avatar
    #191 GCollege86

    @rugbyfan: According to the ref the ball came off the QC players hand when he tried to tackle Britz. Dont really know about that one but he was on the spot. The try that was not allowed where the Selborne nr 1 scored and was called a knocked on, came off his knee. So doubtful calls both ways. In all I think the ref had a good game (for a Border ref) compared to the ref that blew the game last week between Selborne and Hudson. The Selborne boys knew it was going to be a much harder encounter than the previous game. The game plan to keep Jerry under control worked for Selborne but backfired on QC. I thought QC tried to hard to get the ball to Jerry and was very predictable and Selborne knew it by boxing in Jerry. He had the one opportunity with space only with the Selborne nr 15 to beat and scored a good try. In all a typical Selb QC derby.

    3 August, 2014 at 06:59
  43. avatar
    #190 GCollege86

    Selborne College vs Queens College on 2 August 2014 at Selborne College:

    Selborne 1st Rugby XV beat Queen’s 1st XV (19-10)
    Selborne 2nd Rugby XV beat Queen’s 2nd XV (17-7)
    Selborne 3rd Rugby XV beat Queen’s 3rd XV (31-5)
    Selborne 4th Rugby XV lost Queen’s 4th XV (31-5)
    Selborne 5th Rugby XV beat Queen’s 5th XV (50-0)
    Selborne 6th Rugby XV beat Queen’s 6th XV (29-17)
    Selborne 7th Rugby XV beat Queen’s 7th XV (22-5)
    Selborne U16 A Rugby XV beat Queen’s U16 A XV (22-5)
    Selborne U16 B Rugby XV beat Queen’s U16 B XV (43-5)
    Selborne U16 C Rugby XV beat Queen’s U16 C XV (53-0)
    Selborne U16 D Rugby XV beat Queen’s U16 D XV (52-0)
    Selborne U15 A Rugby XV beat Queen’s U15 A XV (22-14)
    Selborne U15 B Rugby XV beat Queen’s U15 B XV (33-12)
    Selborne U15 C Rugby XV beat Queen’s U15 C XV (33-12)
    Selborne U15 D Rugby XV beat Queen’s U15 D XV (53-12)
    Selborne U14 A Rugby XV beat Queen’s U14 A XV (47-0)
    Selborne U14 B Rugby XV beat Queen’s U14 B XV (34-12)
    Selborne U14 C Rugby XV beat Queen’s U14 C XV (64-0)

    Played: 18, Won: 17 and Lost: 1

    3 August, 2014 at 06:47
  44. avatar
    #189 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: And once again the “Jerry Show” produced the magic with a try under the poles. :mrgreen:

    3 August, 2014 at 06:37
  45. avatar
    #188 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Well done to Grey PE my heart bleeds for my men its along drive back to Bloem after a loss.

    I was at Selborne yesterday afternoon and was surprised by the fight Queens put up they were really physical and put Selborne under a lot of pressure, but there line out throw in’s let them down badly. Also a few bad calls did not help there cause David Britz try was not a try as he clearly knocked the ball on how the ref did not see that bewilders me, also a QC try was dis-allowed for a so called forward pass which was clearly not so the God’s were not with them yesterday.

    Pity about some off the ball fighting near the end were the one QC player was sent off but it was clearly his fault.

    3 August, 2014 at 06:26
  46. avatar
    #187 Queenian

    @CHS08: How was the Selborne vs Queens game the score shows a close game?

    3 August, 2014 at 05:19
  47. avatar
    #186 Queenian

    @BOG: Very glad I went down to the Phillip Field yesterday afternoon and all I can say is well done Grey PE you deserve that win. When a team show’s the guts and defence Grey PE showed yesterday they deserve the win. Ward was a mountain of a man in defence and how this boy did not get into SA Schools I do not know. The first 10 min won the game for Grey PE and the little kick overhead by Bosch was brilliant and he picked up to score. (Will say though Bosch does some crazy things and the rest of his play beside’s the tries was risky and poor.) But Grey PE never gave up even after wave after wave of Grey Bloem attacks which seemed like at any moment the flood gates would open up but some how Ward always seemed to get in the way.

    “Grey PE you made me proud” and for Ward all I can say “is give that man a Bells”

    3 August, 2014 at 05:17
  48. avatar
    #185 BOG

    Congratulations to the brothers of the other mother. It had to happen some time, and if I had to choose an opponent to loose against, it probably would be Grey High. It hurts, but by all accounts, a deserved win. :(

    3 August, 2014 at 01:57
  49. avatar
    #184 valke

    Well done Kempies !!

    Great win today !!

    good luck for next week.

    2 August, 2014 at 19:57
  50. avatar
    #183 Green Hopper

    @Anti Green: hey i know you are agreeing

    2 August, 2014 at 19:53
  51. avatar
    #182 Dave41

    @CHS08: I have seldom seen a schoolboy put his body on the line the way Ward did today. He was immense!

    2 August, 2014 at 19:51
  52. avatar
    #181 GreenBlooded

    @Mike: And so you should be Sir!! That is a massive result. One for the books. My father-in-law is an old boy of Grey High – he will surely be pleased about that. Well done!!

    2 August, 2014 at 19:41
  53. avatar
    #180 CHS08

    @Mike: Well done to Grey!!! I’m sure Ward was a wall on defence as always love the kid!

    2 August, 2014 at 19:35
  54. avatar
    #179 Anti Green

    @Green Hopper: Hey Hopper I’m agreeing with you. After all these years Glenwood played skillful 15 man rugby.

    2 August, 2014 at 19:33
  55. avatar
    #178 Green Hopper

    @Anti Green: we need to look at a new style in SA rugby , we are too Predictable and structures to defend , its impossible or near to , when there is good counter attack and if you have a game plan that defence is harder to structure , just look at the Paarl game today , the attack was predictable and hence the defence was structured to counter it , this has to change

    2 August, 2014 at 19:28
  56. avatar
    #177 Anti Green

    @Green Hopper: Of course

    2 August, 2014 at 19:10
  57. avatar
    #176 Green Hopper

    @Anti Green: well if thats what you call it , its called winning rugby in my book

    2 August, 2014 at 18:57
  58. avatar
    #175 Anti Green

    @Green Hopper: More like township rugby, run from anywhere

    2 August, 2014 at 18:51
  59. avatar
    #174 MSP12

    Well done Grey Pe on a great win, well deserved.Curwin Bosch, s 2 tries were fantastic.

    2 August, 2014 at 18:49
  60. avatar
    #173 Green Hopper

    I think it has a basis in all black rugby to a point , we as South Africa need to change our style , to predictable , evident in results in previous years in super rugby

    2 August, 2014 at 18:42
  61. avatar
    #172 Anti Green

    @Green Hopper: Have to agree. Dames got his game plan spot on, play unorthodox rugby against the disciplined structure of Affies.

    2 August, 2014 at 18:37
  62. avatar
    #171 Knight_CHS07

    @Mike: I can’t congratulate you enough. It’s a real pity that the game wasn’t televised, I would’ve love to see the highlights or even the repeat of the whole game. Any chance of you posting the video on YouTube? or the Grey PE school’s website? :mrgreen:

    2 August, 2014 at 18:36
  63. avatar
    #170 Mike

    @Pinotage: Thank you, and well done to all your sides. Travel home safe!

    2 August, 2014 at 18:30
  64. avatar
    #169 Pinotage

    Well done on your win today. Two special teams. Enjoy the win!

    2 August, 2014 at 18:22
  65. avatar
    #168 Green Hopper

    Was a great 1st team game, I think the 15a from GW deserved the win , refs last call was incorrect

    As for the main game , for 15 minutes there in the second half GW lost wind , but I must say what a difference from old GW style . Was possibly better than 2008 team , but next weekend will confirm this

    2 August, 2014 at 18:22
  66. avatar
    #167 Mike

    @Knight_CHS07: In my opinion yes it does. PE played out of their skins, 1st and 2nds. Henry Immelman didn’t have his best game today which upset Grey College because he clearly was there go to player. The pressure that Grey PE put on Bloem caused them to make uncharacteristic mistakes. PE deserved the win on the day definitely. Players like Pokomela , Ward, Van Niekerk and Bosch can all take a bow for playing some of their best rugby this year when it counted. Don’t think I’ll easily forget that 60m try Bosch scored today.

    2 August, 2014 at 18:18
  67. avatar
    #166 Knight_CHS07

    @Queenian: I told you….NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! Well done GREY PE :mrgreen:

    2 August, 2014 at 18:09
  68. avatar
    #165 Knight_CHS07

    @Mike:Does the Grey PE vs GCB 1st VX score reflect the performance on the field? So proud of our home boys, well done to the “Pyjama Boys” :-D

    2 August, 2014 at 18:06
  69. avatar
    #164 Dave41

    Great win for Grey PE. This game will long be remembered!

    2 August, 2014 at 18:01
  70. avatar
    #163 beet

    Grey PE has now beaten the No.1 and No. 2 teams in the country – Grey College and Paul Roos

    2 August, 2014 at 17:48
  71. avatar
    #162 Mike

    Congrats Grey PE ! Unbelievably proud of the first XV. A special win today against a brilliant Grey College team. You’ve done yourselves and your school very proud today.

    2 August, 2014 at 17:38
  72. avatar
    #161 phat55

    Wow congrats to Grey PE!! Didnt expect that one

    2 August, 2014 at 17:13
  73. avatar
    #160 Gungets Tuft

    Grey PE 27 – GCB 20. What a result for the PE boys. They must be stoked.

    2 August, 2014 at 17:10
  74. avatar
    #159 Anti Green

    Well Done Mr Dames your boys were the monster green machine today. Thought it would be 50 points but Affies made a comeback. The inter play between forwards and back line was awesome. Looked like a Springbok side.

    2 August, 2014 at 17:06
  75. avatar
    #158 CyndiAtRugby

    @OudAffie: Thank you for all the scores. My heart breaks for the Glenwood U14E and D teams but can imagine the bragging rights for the Affies boys.

    Thank you Affies fraternity for hosting our boys. Its a long road home for them – hope they are safe.

    2 August, 2014 at 16:39
  76. avatar
    #157 Woltrui

    Glenwood/Affies: Glenwood deservedly won this clach against Affies. Glenwood dominated the game from the kick off. The loose trio of Glenwood, definately one off the best loose trio combination in SBR in SA in 2014, led the onslaught. All three of them had a very good game. The 8th man of Glenwwod stood out and a person can see why he was picked for the SA schools. Affies didn’t really have an answer against the hard runing of hte loosies. Later in the game the Glenwood tight 5 also started to dominate. Excellant win for Glenwood. Congratulations.

    2 August, 2014 at 16:33
  77. avatar
    #156 Hanswors

    Waterkloof het die hele 2 de helfte sonder hull SA skole loskakel gespell wat deur die skeidsregter met n rooikaart van die veld gestuur is nadat hy in die eerste helfte n geelkaart gekry het. Die ref het n strafdrie vir
    Kemton gegee.
    Geluk aan
    Kempton maar 1 man kort vir n volle 2 de helfte en dit nogal jou skopper en planmaker is nooit n wedstryd nie.

    2 August, 2014 at 16:08
  78. avatar
    #155 jakes

    And there Kempton Park does it again against Waterkloof. In 2013 they knocked Waterkloof out of the Beeld trophy by 1 point. In 2014 they beaten them again by 2 points and dashed their hope in the Beeld trophy. Kempies seems to be the party spoilers for Klofies the last 2 years. It must have been a hell of a game again. Well done Kempies!!!

    2 August, 2014 at 15:51
  79. avatar
    #154 OudAffie

    AHS vs Glenwood 1 en 2 Augustus 2014
    O/14 E wen 141-0
    O/14 D wen 114-0
    O/14 C wen 42-10
    O/14 B wen 35-7
    O/14 A wen 25-22
    O/15 E wen 32-0
    O/15 D wen 47-0
    O/15 C wen 54-3
    O/15 B wen 34-0
    O/15 A wen 19-15
    O/16 E wen 27-7
    O/16 D wen 29-12
    O/16 C wen 53-10
    O/16 B verloor 6-10
    O/16 A wen 34-21
    8stes wen 46-0
    7des wen 42-5
    6des wen 52-3
    5des wen 24-17
    4des wen 37-7
    3des wen 27-5
    2des wen 27-14
    AHS Witbulle verloor 22-36

    Gespeel : 23
    Gewen : 21
    Verloor : 2
    Gelykop : 0
    Punte vir : 969
    Punte teen : 204
    Gemiddelide telling : 42-9

    2 August, 2014 at 15:45
  80. avatar
    #153 Gungets Tuft

    Massive game at PBHS. Home side lead 18-14 shortly after half time, then 3 quick tries by College sealed it 35-18. From the commentary I was getting the score doesn’t reflect the game, took 2 gamebreakers from Marcel Coetsee to break the dam wall. Sounded like an epic match, what we always expect from PBHS.

    2 August, 2014 at 15:41
  81. avatar
    #152 Mike

    Grey Cherries 16 – Grey High 2nds 21. Full time

    2 August, 2014 at 15:30
  82. avatar
    #151 Gungets Tuft

    @phat55: Grey High 2nds just beat the Cherries 21-16. Big result that …

    2 August, 2014 at 15:29
  83. avatar
    #150 phat55

    What time is the GCB vs Grey High game?? Or whats the score if in progress already?

    2 August, 2014 at 15:22
  84. avatar
    #149 GreenBlooded

    GW 36 Affies 22 FT

    2 August, 2014 at 14:43
  85. avatar
    #148 kosie

    Goudeld 36 – 18 Welkom Gim FT. Great game by Goudveld backs.

    2 August, 2014 at 14:32
  86. avatar
    #147 GreenBlooded

    GW ahead 23-8 at ht

    2 August, 2014 at 14:01
  87. avatar
    #146 kosie

    Goudveld 19 – 8 Welkom Gim HT

    2 August, 2014 at 13:57
  88. avatar
    #145 Greenwood


    thanks for these scores – my lightie at Affies not answering his phone

    2 August, 2014 at 13:56
  89. avatar
    #144 Gungets Tuft

    @GreenBlooded: Follow @AffieOuer on twitter. No College rugby scores coming through. Glenwoods U16A 24-21, 3rds 27-5, U15a 19-15, U14A 25-22, 2nds 27-14.

    2 August, 2014 at 13:20
  90. avatar
    #143 phat55

    Well done to the PRG boys on a convincing win at Bishops.playing some Bishop’s style rugby with 5 tries to 2.Cornel Smit & Saud can keep their heads high with some good play though.

    2 August, 2014 at 13:13
  91. avatar
    #142 PRondersteuner

    Paul Roos 36, Bishops 14. Well done manne!!!!! Daar is net geen keer aan julle nie. Baie trots!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    2 August, 2014 at 13:06
  92. avatar
    #141 GreenBlooded

    No scores from Pretoria?

    2 August, 2014 at 13:02
  93. avatar
    #140 OudUppie

    U16A GC 71 vs GH 0

    2 August, 2014 at 11:52
  94. avatar
    #139 OudUppie

    U15A GC 7 vs GH 13

    2 August, 2014 at 10:34
  95. avatar
    #138 OudUppie

    U16C GC 91 vs GH 7
    U14A GC 19 vs GH 12

    2 August, 2014 at 09:43
  96. avatar
    #137 Hanswors

    Jakes , kwart oor 12.

    1 August, 2014 at 22:48
  97. avatar
    #136 CHS08

    Its going to be a cracking weekend gentlemen. Off to the Queens and Selborne derby and oh I do believe Cambridge can beat Queens! Have a lovli weekend gents! Let’s watch some rugga!

    1 August, 2014 at 22:15
  98. avatar
    #135 jakes

    Valke en Scrummie Thanks for the feedback. EGJ dominated the Falcons region again this year. Well done EGJ. Does anyone know what time the game between kempies and klofies are played tomorrow

    1 August, 2014 at 22:13
  99. avatar
    #134 beet

    Seems like this is set to be an awesome weekend of SBR everywhere except in KZoccer.N :-x

    1 August, 2014 at 17:23
  100. avatar
    #133 MikeSt

    @ROOIBUL: @valke: Dis sommer bloot bullshit dat so iets gebeur. Ek hoop Beeld en die Valke doen iets hieraan want so kan dit wragtig nie aangaan nie.

    1 August, 2014 at 16:46
  101. avatar
    #132 ROOIBUL

    @valke: Yip,
    I think they thought they were going to play against Nellies, but I am glad that they are not playing, because of the distance to travel to Vereeniging. But the 0/16 game are still on.
    Its best to stay at home and watch the games on tv. :wink:

    1 August, 2014 at 12:37
  102. avatar
    #131 Vleis

    @Andre T: How was the Monnas game v the school from England (Sedbergh)? According to Sedbergh’s twitter page, it was “an absolute classic game and will go down as one of the very best”. Did Monnas have their full 1st team? If so, then the pommie school must be reasonably good.

    1 August, 2014 at 12:27
  103. avatar
    #130 valke

    @ROOIBUL: I wish schools would not wait until 1 day before a game to cancel the fixture.

    They knew for more than a month that they would play HTS or Nellies. Were they going to play if it was against Nellies ?

    1 August, 2014 at 12:18
  104. avatar
    #129 Knight_CHS07

    @rugbyfan: Stranger things have happend :mrgreen: . Look at what has happend so far this season(Grens beat QC, QC beat Grey PE etc), so I’m backing my boys against QC.

    @Queenian: QC never gives in against Co-educational schools especially in the Border region. I’m hoping for a good game tomorrow (Selborne vs Queen’s). The Grey PE vs GCB match…well that’s another matter. Nothing is Impossible!

    1 August, 2014 at 11:26
  105. avatar
    #128 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Agree with you on the Grey PE vs GCB I don’t see Grey PE pulling this one off.

    1 August, 2014 at 11:11
  106. avatar
    #127 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Sorry my spelling at school was not great “Jerry the King” :oops:

    1 August, 2014 at 11:10
  107. avatar
    #126 rugbyfan

    @CHS08: @Knight_CHS07: I think it will take a lot more from Cambridge to beat QC than Jerry being out. :lol:

    1 August, 2014 at 11:08
  108. avatar
    #125 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: And its “Jerry” :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen:

    1 August, 2014 at 11:06
  109. avatar
    #124 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Agree with you Queens are up against it on Saturday and if Jerry is not there I am afraid maybe a 30 point loss.

    You speak about Grey PE vs Grey Bloem if you look at Grey PE besides the 3 who got into saschools Ward and the wing were very unlucky not to make it so I think if they have a chance this is the year, “although I doubt it” they just don’t seem to have the mental will power to beat GCB. Might be wrong?

    1 August, 2014 at 11:03
  110. avatar
    #123 Queenian

    @Knight_CHS07: I think the chances are that Gerry will not play against Cambridge so maybe you can sniff a victory there although I warn you the QC team in the last 4 or so games is a lot more settled.

    1 August, 2014 at 10:58
  111. avatar
    #122 Queenian

    @CHS08: @Playa: It will be a big loss for Queens if Jerry cannot play on Saturday I think that would put any chance of an upset out of the picture.

    Also if the SA schools players are not allowed to play Grey PE will be in for a hiding against Grey Bloem. This will be a very interesting match up as on paper a team with 3 SA schools players should beat the team with only one although I don’t see the Boys from PE beating GCB.

    1 August, 2014 at 10:55
  112. avatar
    #121 ROOIBUL

    Game between HTSM and Vereeniging Gim this weekend was cancelled by VGim.

    1 August, 2014 at 10:34
  113. avatar
    #120 Knight_CHS07

    @Playa: I’m also hoping he won’t be available for the CHS game as well :mrgreen: . Caaaamaaaan CAAAMBRIDGEE!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    1 August, 2014 at 09:47
  114. avatar
    #119 Playa

    @CHS08: I hope he wont be available on 23 August :mrgreen:

    1 August, 2014 at 09:31
  115. avatar
    #118 valke

    @jakes: Hi Jakes.

    o/14 A ( 5-3 ) ; o/15 A ( 14-12 ); o/16 A ( 19-0 ), het almal hulle liga gewen.

    1 August, 2014 at 09:19
  116. avatar
    #117 scrummie

    @ Jakes – EGJ het al die games gewen,

    O/14 A 5 – 3 Kempies,
    O/15 A 21 – 12 Ver Gim
    O/16 A 19 – 0 Kempies

    1 August, 2014 at 08:37
  117. avatar
    #116 beet

    @CHS08: I think all the boys are allowed to play for their schools this Saturday but not sure about next weekend. The brief from SARU says the SA Schools team will meet on Sunday 10 August. I assume that means that all 28 will be withdrawn from fixtures on 09/08/2014

    1 August, 2014 at 08:18
  118. avatar
    #115 CHS08

    Do you any of you gentlemen know whether or not Jerry will be playing for Queens tomorrow?

    1 August, 2014 at 08:08
  119. avatar
    #114 jakes

    MikeST/ Valke. Weet julle dalk wat met EGJ se JNR spanne in die Valke finaal gebeur het?? Ek hoop EGJ se 1ste span sal hul form terugkry teen Menlo moontlik volgende week. Aan die ander kant die Waterkloof/Kempton Park semi in 2013 was ‘n riller toe Kempies met 1 punt gewen het..Was een van die beste games in 2013. Saterdag behoort weer ‘n grote te wees tussen die twee

    31 July, 2014 at 19:05
  120. avatar
    #113 Lindenpa

    @scrummie: Die 1stes speel 11h00.

    Randburg (ons buurskool) se O/14’s speel 09h00 teen Pretoria-Noord, ons O/16’s speel 10h00 teen Pretoria-Noord en die eerstes 11h00 teen Oos-Moot. Sal maar die O/16’s so 10h30 los om Oos-Moot toe te jaag.

    31 July, 2014 at 16:21
  121. avatar
    #112 MikeSt

    @ROOIBUL: Geez man wat n verassing was dit nie. Ek dink die skole wat die langer pad stap is in elk geval beter af met meer game time na die lang breek.

    Ek kon sien Dinsdag ook ons span was baie geroes na hulle 6 weke nie saam gespeel het nie so dit speel n groot rol.

    31 July, 2014 at 14:00
  122. avatar
    #111 ROOIBUL

    @MikeSt: Ek het jou dit mos gese.
    Al het ons V-Gim al goed gewen, kan hulle Saterdag verloor as hulle weer so swak gaan speel soos Dinsdag. Dit was die swakste game wat hulle die jaar gehaat het veral die 2de helfde, HT score was 12-6 en daar was (in die 1st helfde) 3 driee wat moes gewees het, maar hulle kon nie afrond nie. Nee die Bulle se koppe was nie reg nie. :cry:

    31 July, 2014 at 13:54
  123. avatar
    #110 scrummie

    @ LindenPa – Jip sal daar wees. Hoop jul sleutelspelers is reg. Hoelaat jol 1s ?

    31 July, 2014 at 13:50
  124. avatar
    #109 MikeSt

    @ROOIBUL: Yep julle speel Monnas na Saterdag. Dit behoort regtig nie te moeilik te wees vir julle Saterdag nie.

    Was seriously geskok toe ek hoor julle het verloor. Bad luck man dis teen die verwagting in gewees.

    31 July, 2014 at 13:14
  125. avatar
    #108 ROOIBUL

    @Lindenpa: Baie dankie vir die inligting!
    Sterkte vir julle.

    31 July, 2014 at 13:08
  126. avatar
    #107 Lindenpa

    @ROOIBUL: Ja, Pumas is bo die Leeus so hulle sal `n tuiswedstryd he.

    31 July, 2014 at 12:54
  127. avatar
    #106 Lindenpa

    @scrummie: Ek hoop ons is reg! Ons scrummie se pa het die wedstryd tussen Oos Moot en Tuine gaan kyk en ek is seker dat hy al die inligting aan die afrigters gegee het. Ons sukkel steeds met beserings aan sleutelspelers, maar ek hoop maar almal het Saterdag hulle A-game! Ons het verlede Saterdag teen Florida `n oefenwedstryd gespeel met 4 agterlynspelers en die kaptein (slot) wat nie daar was nie a.g.v. beserings en siektes. Die Gr 11’s wat ingestaan het was net nie opgewasse nie.

    Sien ek jou daar?

    31 July, 2014 at 12:46
  128. avatar
    #105 scrummie

    @ LindenPa – Baie dankie vir die info. Jul reg vir Oos-Moot ?

    Net n tip : pas hul nom 8 op en pasop vir hul agterlyn, sterk 10 wat hou v lyn aanval en vinnige buite backs. Tuine het hul ore aan gesit met vinnig game.

    Gebruik dit of nie :mrgreen: . Hoop nou net nie hul het hul span verander nie anderste help boonste niks 8-O

    31 July, 2014 at 12:22
  129. avatar
    #104 ROOIBUL

    @MikeSt: Mike sal HTSM dan tuis teen Monnas speel as hulle Vereeniging Gim Saterdag kan wen.

    31 July, 2014 at 12:19
  130. avatar
    #103 Oakdale supporter

    @Playa: Sorry for the late reply.
    Oakdale vs Marlow on Supersport Select (210) at 12h05.

    31 July, 2014 at 12:03
  131. avatar
    #102 MikeSt

    @valke: Weet jy dalk hoe laat die game is? Sien die Waterkloof manne was Dinsdag daar met video kameras en all……………..

    31 July, 2014 at 11:57
  132. avatar
    #101 valke

    @MikeSt: Ek hou nie van voorspellings nie, maar ek hoop jy is reg ! :lol:

    31 July, 2014 at 11:11
  133. avatar
    #100 MikeSt

    @valke: nee man easy game vir Kempton hulle is Waterkloof se nemesis.

    31 July, 2014 at 11:08
  134. avatar
    #99 valke

    @Lindenpa: Baie dankie !

    So Waterkloof kom Kempton toe Saterdag. Gaan ‘n lekker harde game wees.

    31 July, 2014 at 11:02
  135. avatar
    #98 Lindenpa

    @valke: Die makroskole se prioriteitslys is as volg:

    1. Luiperds
    2. Valke
    3. Pumas
    4. Leeus
    5. Bulle

    Dit lyk my nie Limpopo het enige makroskole wat Beeldtrofee speel nie.

    31 July, 2014 at 09:57
  136. avatar
    #97 Rugbyman

    @valke: die makro skole se prioriteitslys verskil van die ander… ek sal more die voledige lys vir julle probeer plaas… sukkel om dit met my foon te doen…

    30 July, 2014 at 20:32
  137. avatar
    #96 valke

    @Lindenpa: Hugenote het die eerste drie gedruk, en is daarom deur, sover ek verstaan.

    Ek neem aan die prioriteits lys wat jy vroeer geplaas het is van toepassing op al die ligas, insluitend Makro skole ?

    2. Leopards
    3. Bulls
    4. Pumas
    5. Lions
    6. Valke

    30 July, 2014 at 15:50
  138. avatar
    #95 Lindenpa

    Daar speel Transvalia en Hugenote toe gelykop en Hugenote is die Valke se kampioene (ek neem aan omdat hulle eerste telling aangeteken het).

    Hierdie naweek se wedstryde in die Beeldtrofee lyk nou as volg, en die wenners speel volgende Saterdag teen die span tussen hakies in die kwarteindstryd:

    1. Volksrust vs Transvalia – (Pietersburg)
    2. Oos Moot vs Linden – (Klerksdorp)
    3. Lichtenburg vs Helpmekaar – (Tuine)
    4. Frikkie Meyer vs Hugenote – (Standerton)

    30 July, 2014 at 12:47
  139. avatar
    #94 Playa

    @Oakdale supporter: Will it be on Supersport, and at what time?

    30 July, 2014 at 08:29
  140. avatar
    #93 Oakdale supporter

    @Playa: Oakdale vs Marlow will also be televised.

    30 July, 2014 at 08:20
  141. avatar
    #92 Playa

    @spilly: Only the Selborne – Grey PE match will be televised as far as I know.

    30 July, 2014 at 07:47
  142. avatar
    #91 Andre T

    Aan die einde van die dag…………………lei alle paaie maar na die Woesrand

    30 July, 2014 at 07:04
  143. avatar
    #90 BOG

    @Woltrui: Jy moet onderskei tussen “verknog en konserwatief” en mense wie, anders as n rondloper hond, beheer oor hulself het. Om in die nag, rond te sluip Wesrand toe, soos n honger jakkals, is nie iets om oor te spog nie- veral as dit maar uitsluitlik in die kop is, eerder as realiteit

    30 July, 2014 at 03:54
  144. avatar
    #89 spilly

    @GCollege86 The Selborne vs Queens game ,is this been televised , and will i be able to live stream the game on my computer. Hope your son is doing better, and all the team plans on track for the game .

    29 July, 2014 at 23:48
  145. avatar
    #88 Ploegskaar

    Marius vd Westhuizen will be in charge of the Paarl Derby, while Quintin Immelman will take charge of the Boland/SACS game on the Farm. Definitely two quality refs for the Paarl games this weekend, both guys have a great feel for the game, so looking forward to some quality rugby under sunny skies. Also just a special mention to JC Fortuin who was the man in the middle for the Boland/Stellenberg game this past weekend. Mr Consistency as always and allowed for the wet and muddy conditions perfectly on the day, showed again nothing beats experience.

    29 July, 2014 at 23:09
  146. avatar
    #87 Deon

    @Losbal: Nag Losbal, moenie te veel komkommer oor Saterdag se interskole nie, een van julle twee sal wen.


    29 July, 2014 at 22:18
  147. avatar
    #86 Losbal

    I bow to your superior Stb knowledge.
    Nag ou grote.

    29 July, 2014 at 22:14
  148. avatar
    #85 Deon

    @Losbal: Nie geweet van die disleksie nie. Of is dislektie iets anders as disleksie?

    29 July, 2014 at 22:04
  149. avatar
    #84 Losbal

    Vriend (amper is ek nou n dislektiese skitso)

    29 July, 2014 at 22:01
  150. avatar
    #83 Losbal

    Konteks my vriens, konteks….

    29 July, 2014 at 22:00
  151. avatar
    #82 Deon

    @Losbal: Ek glo nie draadsitter is die korrekte beskrywing vir jou nie, ek vermoed mooiweersvriend, verraaier of skisofreen is meer in die kol :

    Losbal • 2 years ago
    na 4 Aug is Gim weer number 1 – dis seker


    Losbal • 2 years ago
    Nou vir die 4de….en dan’s die boishaai brekers weer nr 1


    29 July, 2014 at 21:49
  152. avatar
    #81 Losbal

    Paarl Interskole:
    dis soos om te kies tussen Federer en Nadal
    BH het die styl en grasie van Federer, Gim die wil om op die dag te wen soos Nadal
    of in sokkerterme….
    Gim vir die FA Cup final op die dag
    BH vir die Premier League deur die seisoen

    vanjaar is daar min te kies tussen die twee, maar my geld is op Gim…hoewel ek die BH gentlemen graag die bordjies sal wil sien verhang na ‘n paar maer jare.
    hoe”s daai vir draadsit?

    29 July, 2014 at 20:09
  153. avatar
    #80 Woltrui

    @Proppie: Grizzlies!! Nee wat Proppie. Die manne hier van die Ooste hop oor Wesrand toe as ons deesdae aksie wil hê. Lollipop is deesdae die in plekkie. Dinge raak deesdae erg verveeld hier in die hoofstad. Paar erge konserwatiewe en verknogte Oompies in die area jong.
    En praat van vervelig. Hoe vervelig sal ons rugby nie wees as Affies jaar in en jaar uit met almal afreken nie. Veral met daai spul Krugersdorpertjies. Dus niks fout by Affies nie, gee net die ander outjies ‘n blaaskansie. Baie soos wat die magtige en geliefde Bloue Bulle die afgelope seisoen of wat doen :wink:

    29 July, 2014 at 20:05
  154. avatar
    #79 BOG

    GCB vs Fichardtpark 63- 12 ( Stopped 38 mins)
    Cherries vs Jim Fouche 25-13

    29 July, 2014 at 19:01
  155. avatar
    #78 MikeSt

    @Rugbyman: Viva Viva stem saam met jou laat ons net na n foto van n ander skool kind kyk dan is ons in die dog box. Raak lekker afgesaag die ou storie nou

    29 July, 2014 at 18:19
  156. avatar
    #77 Proppie

    @Woltrui: ou Wollas miskiem moet jy een Saterdag oorkom Grizzlies toe. Kyk hoe speel die laaities ruggas en laat aand kuier die manne tot lat die bloed loop. Sonder enige moelikheid.
    Daai helmet swaaier is beslis nie uit ons community nie. Julle oukies uit die Ooste moet miskien julle grend skoene uittrek in julle kaalvoete onder ons tafels instoot. Julle sal baie suprise word. Ons is dalk bietjie annerste gepleister maar binne is ons maar dieselfde. Hier ook maar ‘n paar poepolle wat dink hulle gatte stink nie.

    Maar synde ons nou ons vallies so uitpak wat gaan aan met jou Affies. Kry op julle moere die hele tyd. Ek skiem ons moet ‘n game reel tussen julle en ons laaities. Dit sal mos nou grend wees man. Lekker man lekker. Daarna gooi ons bietjie chuck op die rooster met ‘n paar Kasteeltjies. Maar met helmets slaan nie sommer nie. Meeste van ons darem al karre.

    29 July, 2014 at 17:39
  157. avatar
    #76 Woltrui

    @Proppie: Prop ek sien die hoi poloi van die Bulle laat julle nou weer klub rugby speel na die moleste met die motorfiets helmets 8-O

    29 July, 2014 at 17:27
  158. avatar
    #75 Playa

    @Proppie: :lol: :lol: :lol: Noted!

    29 July, 2014 at 16:54
  159. avatar
    #74 Proppie

    @Playa: They always come in two son. Oom Andre is referring to the size of a womens cans. You must always be carefull when answering his comments

    29 July, 2014 at 16:47
  160. avatar
    #73 Playa

    @BoishaaiPa: Two please if possible, Oom! :mrgreen:

    29 July, 2014 at 16:43
  161. avatar
    #72 Andre T


    Ek gaan maar eerder weer kaaskoeke en room bedien…… grootste tip vir vandag was n 38 C

    29 July, 2014 at 16:41
  162. avatar
    #71 Proppie

    @Andre T: Al waneer ons gop ruil, bietjie byt en bietjie vastrap soek is ‘n fight van ‘n heel anner aart. Jy sal natuurlik nie verstaan nie want vir R 30 beweeg daai Russe seker nie baie nie. Maar ja ook rugby ne.

    29 July, 2014 at 16:25
  163. avatar
    #70 Andre T


    Ag ou Prop die Tuine boys trap en hap dat die spoeg spat

    29 July, 2014 at 16:16
  164. avatar
    #69 Proppie

    @Rugbyman: Hoe gaan dit met ons oukies daar by julle? Smaak my hulle is oraait maar blykbaar eye hulle maar steeds ons cherries. Jy kan die man uit Tuine vat maar nie die Tuine uit die man nie ne.

    29 July, 2014 at 16:15
  165. avatar
    #68 Rugbyman

    @Andre T: mmmmmm

    jys seker reg….

    29 July, 2014 at 16:06
  166. avatar
    #67 Proppie

    @Andre T: Niks sulke dinge nie mr T. Ons is nie daai tipe nie. Ons game jol ons hard en gee geen genade nie. Maar dis dit. Lekker man lekker. As jy na ‘n game teen ons oukies van die veld stap sal jy weet jy was in ‘n game. En nou ja net ‘n klein dingetjie aan die oukies. Hier ruk en pluk ons nie soos ‘n klomp poefterkies aan mekaar nie weet as jy aan ons ruk gaat jy grond toe. En nou ja as jy dan per ongeluk getok word. Dit was nie aspris nie. Ons byt nie en ons skop nie. Dit is girls wat so faait. Lekker man Lekker. Harde game gewees teen Oos Moot en nou vir die grotes.

    29 July, 2014 at 16:02
  167. avatar
    #66 Lindenpa

    @Djou: :-D

    29 July, 2014 at 16:00
  168. avatar
    #65 Djou

    @Andre T; @Rugbyman: :mrgreen:

    29 July, 2014 at 15:58
  169. avatar
    #64 Andre T


    Ou RM………ek kan nie glo jy reageer elke keer op die aanvalle deur boosdoeners.

    Ignoreer die gespuis

    Jy sal van jou kop af raak as jy moet verduidelik aan elke individu met n skedel vol gemors

    Ek begin Bekommerd raak oor wat alles in jou skedel skud

    29 July, 2014 at 15:56
  170. avatar
    #63 Djou

    @LindenPa: Die tellings tussen Garsfontein en Helpmekaar was op SchoolrugbyS:
    o.14 Garsies wen 45-10
    o.15A: Helpies wen 19-18
    o.16A: Garsies wen 13-7

    29 July, 2014 at 15:54
  171. avatar
    #62 Rugbyman

    @Djou: en natuurlik een van daai identiteitslose ouens is wat uit die heup uit skiet…

    29 July, 2014 at 15:53
  172. avatar
    #61 Andre T


    Waar het jy nou al n Tuine man gesien wat nie daar onder in die losskrums n hap of twee vat nie?

    29 July, 2014 at 15:53
  173. avatar
    #60 Rugbyman

    @Vra maar net: Issit… Dis nuus vir my… Gelukkig word garsfontein deesdae genader soos enige van die ander groot skole deur kinders en hulle ouers oral oor die land… Snaaks dat as iemand na ons toe wil kom daar altyd een of ander stront storie van beurse, sakgeld, selfone, karre, ‘n reis na die maan ensovoorts uitgedink word…

    Geen haai kraai egter as kinders skuif na menlo, kloof, monnas, affies, paarl gim, grey, boishaa, paul roos ens. nie…

    Gaan praat maar net iewers anders strooi… As kinders wil skuif na ons toe gaan ons hulle beslis nie weg wys nie… Eks al so gatvol vir die ou storietjie

    29 July, 2014 at 15:52
  174. avatar
    #59 Lindenpa

    @scrummie: Die O/16, O/15 en O/14 uitspeelwedstryde vir hierdie naweek is as volg:

    Piet Retief vs Oosterlig
    Pretoria-Noord vs Linden
    Lichtenburg vs Helpmekaar
    Ben Vorster vs Heidelberg Volkskool

    Secunda vs Hugenote
    Potch Gim vs Helpmekaar
    Frikkie Meyer vs Transvalia
    Tuine vs Riebeeckrand

    Lichtenburg vs Helpmekaar
    Pretoria-Noord vs Randburg
    Ben Vorster vs Transvalia
    Standerton vs Hugenote

    29 July, 2014 at 15:52
  175. avatar
    #58 Djou

    @Rugbyman: Moet asb. nie eens reageer op Vra maar net nie. Hy is net iemand wat stir, min weet en geen waarde toevoeg nie.

    29 July, 2014 at 15:50
  176. avatar
    #57 Proppie

    @Andre T: Lekker man Lekker mr T. Ja die vure het tot laat gebrand in Tuine die naweek. Ons manne oefen hard en ons dink ons staan werklik ‘n goeie kans. Hoop die game is teen Helpies. Ons almal hierso voel dat ons ook die jaar Affies kon pop. So timmer ons vir Helpies dan kan ons mos die scores vergelyk. Vir te lank het die Ooste ons mannetjies gerob. Ons try nou om hulle hierso te hou. Met Juvie, Naas en Heinie wat voor hardloop gaan ons daai grend oukies van Jouburg biekie Tuine welwillentheid gee. Lekker man Lekker. My laaitie is so opgewonde dat hy Saterdag sy tokse aangetrek het en weer bietjie begin draf het. En mr T ons tanne word nie gebruik in die game nie. Ons is die skollies nie.

    29 July, 2014 at 15:49
  177. avatar
    #56 Andre T

    @Vra maar net:

    Is daar enige iets fout daarmee?

    29 July, 2014 at 15:49
  178. avatar
    #55 Vra maar net

    @Rugbyman: Ek verstaan die Gapsfontein broers het weer ‘n klomp beurse aan Tygerberg kinders aangebied deur agent Z 8-O

    29 July, 2014 at 15:46
  179. avatar
    #54 Rugbyman

    @LAEVELDER: Tx vir die info

    Nelspruit word altyd onderskat om een of ander rede…

    Geluk Nellies!

    29 July, 2014 at 15:44
  180. avatar
    #53 Andre T

    Die sagste deel van enige Tuine man……….. is sy tande

    29 July, 2014 at 15:37
  181. avatar
    #52 scrummie

    @ LindenPa – Okay baie dankie. Dan is JIP se info verkeerd. Die formaat is selfde vir O/14 tot O/16 neem ek aan ? Die Tuine vs Lichtenburg/Helpies behoort n riller te wees, sekerlik die game vd QFs. Lichtenburg/Helpies moet maar BAIE salf en pleisters saam bring want Tuine is nie sag nie (span en veld)

    29 July, 2014 at 15:33
  182. avatar
    #51 Lindenpa

    Eindtelling: EG Jansen 24 – 21 Kempton Park

    29 July, 2014 at 15:27
  183. avatar
    #50 Tjoppa

    @Andre T: 17 Julie 2014

    29 July, 2014 at 15:24
  184. avatar
    #49 Andre T


    My vraag was vir n datum…………????????

    29 July, 2014 at 15:23
  185. avatar
    #48 Andre T

    Geluk aan Nelspruit.

    Teen wie speel Nelspruit en HTS nou onderskeidelik?

    29 July, 2014 at 15:22
  186. avatar
    #47 Tjoppa

    @Andre T: Rugby die een met ronde bal is voetbal.

    29 July, 2014 at 15:21
  187. avatar

    0/14s wen 19-3 teen Middelburg Hoer, 0/15s verloor 20-27 teen HTS, 016s wen 25-12 teen HTS (Saterdag in Middelburg) , vandag wen eerstes 14-12 teen Tegnies! Great jaar weereens vir NHS! Laas jaar ook 7 spanne Puma Champs en eerstes top 10!

    29 July, 2014 at 15:19
  188. avatar
    #45 Andre T

    Ek het so bietjie voeling verloor met skole voetbal………..wanneer word die 28 man groep aangewys asb?

    29 July, 2014 at 15:18
  189. avatar
    #44 Andre T

    Ek is bevrees maar Hoer Jongenskool Paarl sal die jaar koning kraai

    29 July, 2014 at 15:15
  190. avatar
    #43 Rugbyman

    @LAEVELDER: Wat was die eindtellings…?

    29 July, 2014 at 15:10
  191. avatar
    #42 Lindenpa

    Grey College 63 – 12 Fichardtpark. Game stopped.

    29 July, 2014 at 15:10
  192. avatar

    Nelspuit nou Puma kampioene in 0/14s , 0/16s en 1 stes!! plus heelwat B spanne en 4des :wink:

    29 July, 2014 at 15:06
  193. avatar
    #40 Lindenpa

    EG Jansen 21 – 14 Kempton Park na drie deur Martin van Wyk.

    29 July, 2014 at 15:05
  194. avatar
    #39 Lindenpa

    Kempton Park 14 – 11 EG Jansen : halftydtelling.

    29 July, 2014 at 14:50
  195. avatar

    Nelspruit 14 HTS Middelburh 12 (Puma Final op Middelburg)
    Go Rhino’s!!

    29 July, 2014 at 14:48
  196. avatar
    #37 beet

    @Andre T:

    It’s meant to symbolise how the week has gone for one of the two schools in recent years. It starts off as

    “i” and ends up as “!”

    upside down


    29 July, 2014 at 14:46
  197. avatar
    #36 QC86

    @Mike: I heard from a person that was at the SA u18 trials last week that Curwin was the standout 10,in fact he said best flyhalf there by far.EP hooker the best to,watched that guy play at Graeme day and rated him the best on the day,not blind all the time :mrgreen: sounds good

    29 July, 2014 at 14:41
  198. avatar
    #35 Tjoppa

    @Andre T: Want!

    29 July, 2014 at 14:36
  199. avatar
    #34 Andre T

    Hoekom is daar n uitroepteken na Interskole??????????

    29 July, 2014 at 14:35
  200. avatar
    #33 Lindenpa

    @Rugbyman: Wat was julle tellings teen Helpmekaar verlede naweek? Ek weet dit was net oefenwedstryde, maar sal nogtans graag wil weet.

    29 July, 2014 at 14:34
  201. avatar
    #32 Lindenpa

    @scrummie: Ek het nie die berig in die Jip gelees nie, maar ek is wel in besit van `n skrywe van die Noordvaal-unie wat hierdie naweek se wedstryde bevestig. Ek is ook in besit van die organigram vir die kwart- en semifinaal en die finaal en kan jou verseker dat die uiteensetting hierbo korrek is.

    Indien Jip daarvan verskil is hulle verkeerd. :wink:

    29 July, 2014 at 14:32
  202. avatar
    #31 Lindenpa

    @scrummie: Assuming that Transvalia will be the Valke champions, this will be the position for Saturday 2 August:

    All 6 runner-ups of the various regions, together with the 2 champions of the regions that are lowest on the priority list for 2014, will be playing in the first qualifying round of the Beeld trophy for big schools. The other 4 champions go directly through to the quarter finals on 9 August. The priority list for 2014 is as follows:

    1. Limpopo
    2. Leopards
    3. Bulls
    4. Pumas
    5. Lions
    6. Valke

    The champions of the Lions (Helpmekaar) and the Valke (presumably Transvalia) will therefore play in the qualifying round. The games will be as follows (home team first):

    1. Volksrust vs Hugenote
    2. Oos Moot vs Linden
    3. Lichtenburg vs Helpmekaar
    4. Frikkie Meyer vs Transvalia

    On 9 August the quarter-finals will be as follows (home team first):

    1. Pietersburg vs winner of 1 above
    2. Klerksdorp vs winner of 2 above
    3. Tuine vs winner of 3 above
    4. Standerton vs winner of 4 above.

    29 July, 2014 at 14:28
  203. avatar
    #30 BOG

    @Mike: So, climate change has come to PE- at last. The weather use to change more than 4 times a day, a few decades ago.

    29 July, 2014 at 14:25
  204. avatar
    #29 Mike

    @OudUppie: Hopefully two full strength teams against each other. Looking forward to a big one ! Good weather here in PE now , but then again the weather here changes four times a day so you never know.

    29 July, 2014 at 14:06
  205. avatar
    #28 Rugbyman

    @kosie: Tx… So baie graag ons 1stes op hulle wou loslaat…

    Dankie vir die heads-up!

    29 July, 2014 at 14:02
  206. avatar
    #27 kosie

    @Rugbyman: Niks minder verwag nie! Uitruiling van intelligensie is tot almal se voordeel!

    Geniet die games! en laat die groot kanonne maar brul!

    29 July, 2014 at 13:59
  207. avatar
    #26 Rugbyman

    @kosie: Ek dink so… Hulle het ons via hulle agent gevra om NIE met on 1stes te speel nie… Ons sal egter so paar van ons grofgeskut op die bank laat sit en hulle loslaat indien nodig… Moenie worry nie, ons sal SA se naam hoog hou!

    29 July, 2014 at 13:49
  208. avatar
    #25 kosie

    @Rugbyman: Speel julle RGS High Wycombe?

    Eldo het Saterdag teen hulle gespeel. O/16 het ver gewen en teen die einde het vorries agter gespeel en agter manne voor. Dink dit was nie mooi van hulle nie. Maar seuns is maar seuns.

    Senior span was net O/17 want hulle het dit so versoek. Dus was dit eintlik 3de 4 de span manne met 2 bench manne. 1 ste helfte was Eldo gereiflik voor maar toe stuur RGS hul O/18 manne op 2 de helfte. Eindtelling – gelykop.

    Kyk maar die kat uit die boom. Hulle is sterker as wat hulle wil voorgee en wil bittergraag ‘n SA span klop. Dink steeds Garsies sal wen maar neem maar net kennis van die taktiek. Hulle O/18 manne is beter as die gemiddelde Engelse span wat hier kom toer

    29 July, 2014 at 13:46
  209. avatar
    #24 scrummie

    @ LindenPa & Cappie – Volgens gister se berig in Jip koerant speel Pietersburg teen wenner v Tuine/Volksrust in kwarteindstryd speel wat beteken Tuine/Volksrust moet DIE naweek jol want volgende naweek is kwarteindstryd.

    QF :

    Klerksdorp vs Helpmekaar/Valke 2
    Pietersburg vs Tuine/Volksrust
    Standerton vs Oos-Moot/Frikkie Meyer
    en dan seker Valke 1 vs Lichtenburg/Linden

    Hoop ek is reg :mrgreen: , boonste info is soos ek dit verstaan van wat in Jip Sport gese is.

    As ek verkeerd is sorry …

    29 July, 2014 at 13:44
  210. avatar
    #23 beet

    @Knight_CHS07: Yeah this is an error. Originally it was Grey College vs Jim Fouche and Grey High vs Framesby on 02/08/2014 but that has since changed. The Cherries will be in PE not Bloem on Saturday.

    29 July, 2014 at 13:34
  211. avatar
    #22 BoishaaiPa

    @Playa: How many tickets do you need boet?…

    29 July, 2014 at 13:25
  212. avatar
    #21 Cappie

    @Lindenpa: Baie dankie, goed verduidelik.

    29 July, 2014 at 13:23
  213. avatar
    #20 Playa

    @Toffee: Brave call re Bishops. But with dry weather on the cards, the conditions will suit them, so we’ll see. If I cant get interschools tickets, I’ll be at Pileys. Wynberg should walk it over Rondebosch :mrgreen:

    29 July, 2014 at 13:05
  214. avatar
    #19 Lindenpa

    @Cappie: Die eerste rondte van die Beeldtrofee word gespeel deur al 6 die naaswenners en 2 van die wenners, nl die wenners van die 2 streke wat laaste op die prioriteitslys vir die jaar is. Hierdie jaar is die Leeus en Valke laaste op die prioriteitslys, derhalwe speel Helpmekaar en Transvalia (indien hulle vir Hugenote vandag wen) ook in die eerste rondte. Die 4 wenners van hierdie naweek se wedstryde speel volgende naweek teen die ander 4 streekswenners, wat outomaties deur is na die kwarteindstryd.

    Hierdie rondte is in werklikheid nie die kwarteinsdtryd nie, maar `n kwalifiserende rondte. Dit is waarom Tuine, Klerksdorp, Standerton en Pietersburg (almal wenners van hulle streke) nie hierdie naweek speel nie.

    29 July, 2014 at 12:35
  215. avatar
    #18 Rugbyman

    @valke: You are correct… Playing the winner of centurion and florida…

    29 July, 2014 at 12:29
  216. avatar
    #17 Rugbyman

    @scrummie: We arent playing them with our first team… Combination of 2nds 3rds and a few 1st team guys are on the bench who needs gametime…

    29 July, 2014 at 12:26
  217. avatar
    #16 MikeSt

    Paarl Gim with 10 points……………… :!: :!: :!:

    29 July, 2014 at 12:18
  218. avatar
    #15 MSP12

    @OudUppie, should be a great interschools as usual. Junior and High.

    29 July, 2014 at 12:17
  219. avatar
    #14 OudUppie

    Looking forward to the trip down to PE this weekend. Weather predictions look much better than 2 years ago. Hopefully a nice dry field this time.

    29 July, 2014 at 12:08
  220. avatar
    #13 Toffee

    I will definitely be at the Wynberg/Rondebosch game. I expect Wynberg to win but it will be a lot closer this time.

    We are having fine weather with no rain predicted until Sunday and I think Bishops will pull off a win against Paul Roos at home, they will be hurting after last Saturday.

    Paarl Boys to take the Interskole

    29 July, 2014 at 11:52
  221. avatar
    #12 Cappie

    Hoe speel Lichtenburg dan teen Helpmekaar. Het hulle dan nie verloor teen KHS nie, of gaan die wenner deur na die semifinaal toe en die verloorders in die streke speel uit in ‘n kwarteindstryd?

    29 July, 2014 at 11:40
  222. avatar
    #11 Knight_CHS07

    Beet, isn’t Grey High playing Grey College this weekend? If that is so…then which GCB team is playing Louis Botha this saturday? It can’t be the same Cherries that are scheduled to be in PE saturday right? :-?

    29 July, 2014 at 09:01
  223. avatar
    #10 All Black

    @valke: Ok great. Thanks.

    29 July, 2014 at 08:50
  224. avatar
    #9 MikeSt

    @valke: Yes its going to be tough and no certain winner in this one……

    29 July, 2014 at 08:39
  225. avatar
    #8 scrummie

    Garsfontein playing against Royal Grammar from UK today I think but only their seniors.

    29 July, 2014 at 08:33
  226. avatar
    #7 valke

    @MikeSt: Lot of people in this part of the world have been looking forward to this game for a long time !

    I know both sides are confident of getting the win this afternoon.

    EG stole it last time out, with some individual brilliance at the end.

    29 July, 2014 at 08:32
  227. avatar
    #6 valke

    @All Black: Garsfontein is already through to the QF of Beeld and will only play again on 9 August
    I think they will play against the winner of Florida vs. Centurion.

    29 July, 2014 at 08:27
  228. avatar
    #5 MikeSt

    Big game today for us up here in the cold North………

    29 July, 2014 at 08:10
  229. avatar
    #4 All Black

    Hi Beet. Do Garsfontein not play 3rd term rugby?

    29 July, 2014 at 08:07
  230. avatar
    #3 Playa

    @BuffelsCM: Yikes! I was late to the ruck last year. Let me start hussling for them now.

    29 July, 2014 at 07:54
  231. avatar
    #2 BuffelsCM

    @Playa: Fine weather is predicted Playa! …………to get the ticket(s) might be a problem though :) (if you don’t get there early)

    29 July, 2014 at 07:50
  232. avatar
    #1 Playa

    Mmmhh…pondering a drive up to Paarl this Saturday if the weather is friendly

    29 July, 2014 at 07:04

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