Paarl Boys High vs Paarl Gim – biggest school rugby game in SA

From Premier Interschools:

Saturday 2nd August 2014 the Paarl will once again be divided between North and South, between Gimmie and Boishaaier, between Bloedwors and Galpil. Actually, for the whole preceding week the Town is split into two camps. The Blue and White of Boishaai and the Maroon, Green and Gold of Paarl Gim. These colours will feature on almost every tree, gate, porch or window of Main Street Paarl.

During the weekthere will be functions and re-union get together’s and old friends and foe’s reminiscing about the days gone by. The first salvo’s on the rugby field are fired on the Wednesday evening as the two Old Boy teams lock horns in what can only be described as a friendly but fierce game.

Thursday afternoon see the “Goffels” and “Hommels” (G and H teams) playing their own unique brand of rugby before Friday morning when it kicks into the business end of the weekend. This is the time when the two schools have their Big Brags in the school hall. Here the Rugby and Hockey warriors that will represent their respective teams on the Saturday are introduced and the first teams get capped for Interschools.

There are only 4 rugby matches played on the Saturday at Faure street Stadium. This year the games start at 11h30 with the u/15A match, followed by u/16A, the Seccies and then the main match of the Firsts commencing at 15h30. Friday afternoon the rest of the teams battle it out on the fields of the host who this year is Paarl Boys High. The two main attractions on the Friday afternoon is the u/14A match and the “main” match of the Third teams or the “Chiefs” and “Chippies” as they are known among the locals.

This is all but an appetizer for the Big One!…Arguably the biggest schoolboy match in the world! Paarl Gymnasium vs Paarl Boys’ High!. Old Boys and supporters come from afar to witness yet again one of the toughest rugby matches a schoolboy can hope to be involved in. History shows that it is always a close game between these two rivals with the average winning margin since 1915 being only 5 points!

Wins per school per 10-year period

Period Matches Gimmies Boishaai Draw
2004-2013 10 8 1 1
1994-2003 10 4 6 0
1984-1993 10 3 5 2
1974-1983 10 7 3 0
1964-1973 10 6 4 0
1954-1963 10 4 6 0
1944-1953 10 2 5 3
1934-1943 10 6 2 2
1924-1933 9 2 5 2
1915-1923 7 5 1 1
96 47 38 11




  1. avatar
    #101 tandemfitarborsurculus

    Boishaai het hulself weereens in die voet geskied deur op die naaste nipper die kapteinskap oor te gee aan n hoogs talentvolle speler, maar na my beskeie mening nie die “koel en kalm” leierskap weerspieel, wat n span nodig het tydens interskole nie.
    n Mens torring eenvoudig net nie aan n span net voor interskole nie. Die dinamika se versteuring is net te riskant. ( dit sluit posisie verandering in )
    Die span moet bevestig en gevestig wees voor die Junie vakansie.
    Ai, dit kon so maklik andersom gewees het.
    O ja, geluk Gim, jul het dit weer reggekry !

    5 August, 2014 at 19:58
  2. avatar
    #100 PaarlBok

    @Tandem: Sorry my vriend, het maar net my opinie gegee. Moet se dis nogals lekker om buite die Paarl box te dink.

    5 August, 2014 at 08:30
  3. avatar
    #99 Rooibaard

    @ Tandem – I don’t for one moment believe that any school’s future of worth is determined by the result of a rugby match. You’re right in that respect. But to call your 1st team average is an insult. It not only demeans the team itself, but Gym’s achievement in beating them. Good Heavens, your school is number 2 in the world and among the top 5 in the country. In the 40 years I’ve watched interschools I have never seen an average Boishaai team. They’ve always been skilful, abrasive and far more than just competitive. They WILL fight till the end, they WILL roll up most teams, they ALWAYS have the most effective pack of forwards in SA and the tide WILL turn for them.

    5 August, 2014 at 08:22
  4. avatar
    #98 DieBos

    @Tandem: Average skill? This is a very good side and on Saturday things didn’t work out for them. Shit happens. Hopefully non of the players read the shit you write about them!

    5 August, 2014 at 06:50
  5. avatar
    #97 gimmie

    Firstly, bad luck to our boishaai bloggers, the game could have gone either way…I must say though that the spirit in which all the games were played was fantastic..even though Boishaai dominated on Friday, a lot of the games were close and hard fought…even though Gim has dominated the past 10 years at first team level, the battles have been very close and Boishaai remains one of the powerhouses of SA schools rugby…Gym has unfortunately been decimated by injuries this year. We have had to play with a wing on 9, and several of our star players were short of match fitness due to injury, viz Visagie, Willemse, Human etc. I note that several of my Boishaai friends feel that Boishaai dominated proceedings on Saturday. I am however not so sure that is correct. Playing against the wind Gym led 3-0 at half time, and after 50 min we led 13-3. Invariable in these type of games the team trailing is more desperate and make more of the play. The same happened in 2011, 2012 and 2013 with Gym taking a comfortable lead, and defending it successfully. I know that Christoph feels that his teams would have played more rugby if they needed to, but in the end in these games it’s all about winning, so it needs to be seen in that context. Be that as it may, I think both schools can be proud of a wonderful weekend of sport and camaraderie..

    4 August, 2014 at 23:30
  6. avatar
    #96 Tandem

    @PaarlBok: PaarlBok thank you for your concern and recommendations .Please do not worry about us .We are actually ok .I know who you are so can actually understand why you think from your point of view it is a big issue but really Boishaaiers dont think like that , our world is much bigger and a school rugby victory does not determine our self worth .Keep focussing on Paul Roos or Gym or where ever you going to move to next .

    4 August, 2014 at 23:00
  7. avatar
    #95 Tandem

    @Losbal: HiLosbal : Boishaai do not have a ” kop ding ” against Gym . The lost of Saturday had nothing to do with ” kop
    ding ” . Saturday had nothing to do with the previous years . Last year Boishaai lost interschools because Gym was by far the better team . This year we lost due to a combination of not using our chances and plain bad luck and frankly our team is really a team with unbelievable guts and determination but very average skill . No real ” game breakers ” in this team . The team was punching above their weight so far which is a credit to our coaching team and the hard work of this team . We who are close to the team and school knows that the future is very exciting and that our structures are in place to do very well for long . Also lets not forget to give credit where it is due , Gym played well and used their opportunities and their star player , Hermanus kicked his penalties when it counted .

    4 August, 2014 at 22:50
  8. avatar
    #94 PaarlBN

    Ek het nie seuns nie, maar geniet rugby en dink ek onthou nog iets sedert my jongdae in die Bolandspan. Baie geluk aan die Gim onder 19A span- julle verdien die wen.

    Vanjaar het ek deur my dogter se belange by Boishaai se eersterugbyspan, begin om hulle wedstryde te kyk. Ek het net die St. John`s toernooi gemis. Saterdag was ek uit my hart jammer vir hierdie moedige spannetjie, want hulle guts het hierdie jaar hulle skool se trots geword en `n groot verskil gemaak. `n Kenmerk van die manne was hulle saamspeel en vir mekaar speel, want daar was nie sterre in die span nie. Dis jammer dat hulle Saterdag nie kon deliver nie. Die nr 6 flank en die hele voorry van Boishaai verdien ekstra vermelding, want hulle was regtig die “workhorses” wat nie omgegee het om elke wedstryd alles te gee nie. Die 80kg haker met die groot hart en leeumoed wat die groot 120kg slot van Gim reg van voor tackle het my hart Saterdag warm gemaak. Ek is volgende jaar weer langs die Boishaai veld.

    4 August, 2014 at 18:05
  9. avatar
    #93 Playa

    @BOG: Eish! Coffee is all I could get there.

    4 August, 2014 at 17:01
  10. avatar
    #92 Rooibaard

    Dit is moeilik om “catch up” rugby te speel as jy 16-8 agter is. Die opposisie weet presies wat jy gaan doen omdat die tyd wat uitloop jou daartoe dwing. Die Gim drie het gekom as gevolg van verdedigingsdruk wat toegepas is. Wat ookal die rede vir die foute – dit gebeur op alle vlakke van rugby.

    Daar was werklik vele uitblinkers – die 2 agstemanne sou beslis die CW-span versterk het. Du Toit was beseer, maar Luus is nie eers raakgesien nie. Ek het ook 2 goeie nommer 6e gesien. Boishaai se lynstaan was baie goed so ook die beheer van die losbal. Verdediging aan beide kante was enorm. Miskien was Gim se kalmte en planmatigheid die deurslaggewende factor. Die instaankaptein (Luus) het sy beste wedstryd vanjaar gespeel en goed gelei. Wayno Visagie het ook net betyds tot die stryd toegetree. Soos met alle interskole ‘n sierraad vir tradisie, kameraadskap en goeie sportmangees en onderwys. Trots om verbind te wees met Paarl se skole – almal van hulle.

    4 August, 2014 at 16:40
  11. avatar
    #91 knowthegame

    @BoishaaiPa: beste ding wat uit Boishaai kom-Spoegwolf-wat n band

    4 August, 2014 at 14:43
  12. avatar
    #90 BoishaaiPa

    @Losbal: Gim het die game op 16-8 al klaar in die sakkie gehad. Daai laaste 7 punte vir BH was maar mostert na die maal. BH se 1ste 20 minute het hulle die game gekos. Mens moet jou punte vat wat jy kan in so wedstryd.1 punt of 10..n verloor bly dit!

    4 August, 2014 at 14:26
  13. avatar
    #89 BOG

    @Playa: If you had enough to drink, they become more understandable. And that applies to even Afrikaans speaking folks from elsewhere

    4 August, 2014 at 14:11
  14. avatar
    #88 Playa

    I thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere and rugby at Faure Street Stadium. Up there with the best I have ever seen. Lovely bunch of people, though I forgot my Afrikaans dictionary in my classroom back in King.

    Boishaai were both the better and worse (paradox I know) of the two sides on the day. An easy kick missed in the early stages and two fumbles at the try line would have made the difference for them. Big difference though was that Gim played more like a team, while Boishaai needed certain individuals to get things going. By the time they clicked, the ref was ready to blow the final whistle.

    Hard luck Boishaai, well done Gim!

    I’ll definitely be back in Paarl next year. I am making this my annual pilgrimage to Paarl.

    4 August, 2014 at 13:57
  15. avatar
    #87 PaarlBok

    Die hokkie interskole is ook baie interresant. Gim het 18 jaar gevat voor hulle kon wen in 2005, sedert dan nog net een keer verloor. In die laaste 10 jaar het Gim se dogters nog nooit verloor nie.

    4 August, 2014 at 13:52
  16. avatar
    #86 Losbal

    BHP, die geskiedenis sal wys dat Gim 2014 interskole gewen het. Daar is nie ‘n remarks kolum nie. Weet nie wat BH gaan doen om die albatros om hul nek te verwyder nie.
    Hierdie jaar het 1 punt die wereld se verskil gemaak. Gim is in ekstase, BH verslae. Maar as BH nie soveel foute gemaak het nie en die 19A’s gewen het, was interskole vir Gim ‘n treurmare met 3 uit 22 spanne wat kon wen. Maar as is verbrande hout…..
    Wat Vrydag se wedstryde betref was BH in ‘n ander klas. Selfs die laer spanne is goed afgerig met baie struktuur. Niks fout hier nie.
    Die 19A’s was regtig beter op die dag – 2 driee teen 1. Gim se drie het ook gevolg op ‘n BH fout. Verder het Gim nie 1 keer gevaarlik gelyk nie.
    Maar hulle het dit maak werk en dis waaroor interskole gaan.
    In die era ’85 tot’95 het BH weer die botoon gevoer en Gim kon met baie sterk spanne weer nie ‘n wen koop nie. So draai die wiel…..
    Hermanus was koelkop pale toe. Gim se nr 8 baie goed. Vir BH was 6 flank en veral 13 senter goed.
    Miskien is PaarlBok reg….dis ‘n kopding.
    Well done aan albei skole se spelers en afrigters oor die 2 dae.

    4 August, 2014 at 13:41
  17. avatar
    #85 BoishaaiPa

    @GimOB: Ek weet mens speel net so goed soos jou opposisie jou toelaat, maar wees nou eerlik..hoeveel invloed het Gim gehad op n miskop reg voor die pale en n aanslaan met n oop doellyn?..Toe die druk aan was het hulle eers begin punte aanteken, maar toe te laat!..Dis nou maar water onder die brug. Daar is altyd volgende jaar om na uit te sien!

    4 August, 2014 at 12:07
  18. avatar
    #84 PaarlBok

    @GimOB: Boishaai se probleem is dat hulle glo hulle wen die interskole na vrydag se wedstryde. Kuier tot laat en dan kom hulle saterdag terug aarde toe met n bang. Die ergste is die verskonings maandag, dan is die die ref of verloor teen hulself, my raad aan hulle is om hul gewoontes te verander en Wim Gericke of een of ander iemand te kry om dit tussen die ore reg te kry. |Dis waar hulle jaar na jaar interskole verloor. Ek kan nou nog nie glo dat hulle die hokkie verloor het nie.

    4 August, 2014 at 09:53
  19. avatar
    #83 GimOB

    @BoishaaiPa: Die opmerking: ‘teen jouself verloor’ het ek op die blog in Augustus 2011 en 2012 ook gelees. Dis onmoontlik om teen jouself te verloor as jy teen opposisie wedywer (buiten natuurlik in die kaartspel ‘Patience’ waar jy teen jouself en geluk wedywer). Soms maak mens foute tydens wedywering weens druk wat deur jou opposisie op jou toegepas word, en dan verloor mens soms as gevolg daarvan!

    4 August, 2014 at 09:44
  20. avatar
    #82 PaarlBok

    @Rooibaard: Ek dink dit vertel nie Boishaai se verhaal nie , liewers Gim se verhaal. Gim se u16As het laas as u13s Interskole gewen en het dit omgedraai die jaar. Als met afrigting te doen, Helmut Lehmann het daar gehelp die jaar. Boishaai was veronderstel om als te wen, maar het gechoke op die dag erger as die Protea krieketspan.

    4 August, 2014 at 09:01
  21. avatar
    #81 Tjoppa

    @iRugby: My ou maat as jy nie weet wie jy is nie en dan BoishaaiPa se hulp die heeltyd moet inroep stel ek voor jy gryp tegnologie en sy voordele onmiddelik aan. Of liewerste siende jy so vergeetagtig is laat iemand jou naam, adres en BoishaaiPa se telefoon nommer op al jou onderbroeke skryf met permanenete merkers. Ons hier by die ouetehuis het ook ‘n paar sulke mensies en ‘n ou moet maar hulle met geduld behandel. Dit is egter die eerste keer dat ek van iemand lees/hoor wat al sy goeie dade kan onthou maar nie sy eie naam nie. Eendag gaan jy nog lees van jou goeie dade en die ou prys.

    4 August, 2014 at 07:48
  22. avatar
    #80 BoishaaiPa

    Dis erg genoeg om Interskole te verloor, maar om teen jouself te verloor is nog erger!..Maar nou ja…Ons traai maar weer volgende jaar..Die outjies try hulle beste en maak maar foute….

    @Ploegskaar: Moenie so donnerse snob wees nie..”Life from Stone”…eish!…drink n goeie Du Toitskloof daar uit Rawsonville man…

    4 August, 2014 at 07:15
  23. avatar
    #79 Deon

    @Ploegskaar: Raka Quinnery is Pietie Dreyer se vlagskip, maar ek glo Spliced is Raka se beste waarde vir geld. As jy ‘n seeman is heg mens boonop baie waarde aan die term “spliced”

    3 August, 2014 at 22:48
  24. avatar
    #78 Ploegskaar

    @Deon: Ek drink wyd, min beter as Springfield se Life from Stone op ‘n warm somersdag, met ‘n vissie op die kole. En die Wholeberry sorg saam met die Hartenberg en Uitkyk vir so bietjie verskeidenheid in die winter. Selfs ‘n Raka Quinnery so nou en dan, en baie skelm, ‘n R&R :mrgreen:

    3 August, 2014 at 22:32
  25. avatar
    #77 Deon

    @Ploegskaar: Abrie Bruwer is ‘n meester. Dog julle geniet net Bartho se juwele op die Plaas!

    3 August, 2014 at 22:21
  26. avatar
    #76 Ploegskaar

    @Deon: :mrgreen: Darem net ‘n skolegame, na die skaapboud pot en Springfield Wholeberry was alles vergete!

    3 August, 2014 at 22:19
  27. avatar
    #75 Ploegskaar

    @iRugby: Dan is jy ‘n baie beter mens as ek, sou my gat krap. Maar jou lojaliteit is teenoor die skool, nie die “bestuur” nie, die het jy al baie sien kom en gaan. Doen so voort.

    3 August, 2014 at 22:16
  28. avatar
    #74 Deon

    @Ploegskaar: Shit happens!

    3 August, 2014 at 22:13
  29. avatar
    #73 iRugby

    @Ploegskaar.Jy weet as n mens n Old Boy is ,vir jare op die skool se Old Boys bestuur gesit het,vir 4 jaar die werwing uit sy eie sak gedoen het vir die skool en ook baie seuns in HJS ,Gim ,Grey Bloem en P.E. Waterloof,Affies ,Monnas ,Paul Roos en Monnas vir jare al geleenthede help skep en jou lojaliteit word in twyfel getrek dan lag ek dit maar af en vat dit van wie dit kom!!!

    3 August, 2014 at 22:09
  30. avatar
    #72 Ploegskaar

    @Deon: Omtrent alles! Ag jong, dis ‘n jong span, een week op en die volgende week af, maar alle krediet aan SACS.

    3 August, 2014 at 22:00
  31. avatar
    #71 Bere73

    Baie geluk aan Paarl Gim, het die game baie geniet!

    3 August, 2014 at 21:59
  32. avatar
    #70 Deon

    @Ploegskaar: Wat het skeef geloop op die Plaas?

    3 August, 2014 at 21:36
  33. avatar
    #69 Ploegskaar

    @iRugby: Dis reg, die lewe deur ‘n blou bril…wonder net of hulle jou lojaliteit waardeer…

    3 August, 2014 at 21:28
  34. avatar
    #68 iRugby

    @Rooibaard .In 2012 was die 0/16 telling HJS 22 Gim

    3 August, 2014 at 20:32
  35. avatar
    #67 iRugby

    @Tandem.Jyt nou die kat totaal aan die gat beet!Vra vir Boishaaipa wie ek is.Wie is jy?

    3 August, 2014 at 20:29
  36. avatar
    #66 Ploegskaar

    Baie geluk aan die Paarl Gim spelers en Christoff en Hendrik met die wen. Bois het hulle kanse gehad, maar Gim het hulle s’n beter benut. Luus en Du Toit was yster, BMT man Hermanus dalk die verskil. Beste oomblik was Jacques en JD wat hul oud-spanmaats na die eindfluitjie op die skouers getel het, dis waaroor skolerugby gaan, die kameraderie en great memories.

    3 August, 2014 at 19:59
  37. avatar
    #65 Rooibaard

    Having watched the match for the third time I realised how close the match really was – as was predicted.

    I think the referee spoiled the match as a spectacle by allowing players to fall over the ball and kill quicker possession.

    What has become apparent is that Boishaai has excellent under 14,15 and under 16 teams, but they seem to fade towards under 19 – still among the best in the country, but not as dominating as they were at age group level. The score of the present 1st XV when they were under 16 was 37-5 in Boishaai’s favour.

    3 August, 2014 at 18:44
  38. avatar
    #64 Tandem

    @iRugby: This now clearly exposed you as a Gym supporter and all now makes sense !!

    3 August, 2014 at 17:19
  39. avatar
    #63 PaarlBok

    Gim se 1st teams het skoonskip in al die sporte gemaak. Die hokkie 5-3 gewen en die u16A 1-0. Geluk aan die Gimmies. Die u16 A rugby se wen verdien ook n high 5.

    3 August, 2014 at 07:22
  40. avatar
    #62 iRugby

    @Greenhopper.Now which other schoolboy game that you know of attracts more than 20 000 supporters?Well done Grant Hermanus you were the difference,well done Christoff Lotter and your team you capatilised on your oppurtunities .

    3 August, 2014 at 07:04
  41. avatar
    #61 BuffelsCM

    @Tandem: Well said my friend! Those little things make the difference on any given day……….and as you’ve said all the boys gave their best !!

    2 August, 2014 at 20:42
  42. avatar
    #60 Tandem

    @BuffelsCM: You are 100% correct . Boishaai could have and should have won the game but history will show it was not to be this year . Boishaai won 17 out 21 rugby
    games but as we all know it means very little in terms of bragging rights . I personally believe that Boishaai played above their ability this year because frankly although there are some very gutsy players whom are very proud to play for the Boishaai jersey the team is not in terms of general talent the most gifted team . At the end Paarlbok was correct Hermanus’s BMT was very evident today and was the real difference between the teams . As a passionate Boishaaier I am obviously hugely disappointed tonight but as a sportsman have to congratulate Gym with the win . They followed the same very simple game plan which worked for them the last few years and it worked well today . I saw how gutted the boys were after the game and then remembered again , at the end it is just young men playing their hearts out for their respective teams and as long as we know that the team tried their best ( which they did ) it will just be sour grapes not to give credit to the winning team on the day .

    2 August, 2014 at 19:38
  43. avatar
    #59 Green Hopper

    thought it was a good game , but biggest in the world???? humbug , though gim were lucky with the break away try, but one must make the best of any opportunity and they did

    2 August, 2014 at 19:25
  44. avatar
    #58 BuffelsCM

    @beet: I agree about Gimmies using their opportunities.

    If you have 61% possession you should in most cases win your matches and therefore Boishaai can only blame themselves. That try and penalty goal in the 1st half should have been scored by Boishaai. In tight matches those opportunities determine the outcome of a match.

    And what about Grant Hermanus? He has been out for so long but he is still very reliable. He slotted the penalty kicks with ease. He made a huge difference IMO too !

    Both number 8s had good games too

    2 August, 2014 at 18:28
  45. avatar
    #57 beet

    Gimmies took their chances well. Boishaai didn’t.

    I thought the Boishaai no.8 CF du Toit was a huge presence throughout the game and unlucky not to be player of the match.

    So Gim has now won 9 out of the last 11 with 1 drawn

    2 August, 2014 at 17:30
  46. avatar
    #56 phat55

    Well done to Gimmies!!

    2 August, 2014 at 17:20
  47. avatar
    #55 BOG

    Ek is so neutraal, (sedert Paarlbok se vertrek) ek hoop beide spanne wen. n vreedsame en beseringsvrye dag vir almal

    2 August, 2014 at 09:56
  48. avatar
    #54 Tandem

    Boishaai won 15 out of the 16 games on Friday . Good start to the weekend . Yes Paarlbok we know you will say it is all about the first team result but it is really a great performance by the boys today and in my opinion it is as important to do well over all teams as just to judge the weekend on one game .

    2 August, 2014 at 01:41
  49. avatar
    #53 PaarlBok

    @bhkgpa: Dis nie net hy nie maar ook die kaptein. Hul ervaring gaan van die jong manne rondom hulle ander spelers maak en ek was nog altyd n sterk Taigh Schoor man. Ek gaan ongelukkig die rugby mis die jaar, sal dit opneem en later kyk maar sal verseker die hokkie gaan kyk. Sterkte aan beide spanne , dis n voorreg om betrokke te wees met interskole.

    1 August, 2014 at 10:45
  50. avatar
    #52 bhkgpa

    @PaarlBok: probleem is op 9 en 10 vir Gim en hier gaan boishaai hom wen. Grant lank buite aksie, is wel briljant maar sal nie sommer na n game laasweek, weer die ou Grant wees nie

    1 August, 2014 at 10:35
  51. avatar
    #51 bhkgpa

    @PaarlBok: baie goeie game gewees, kon verder gewen het, maar eerste helfde was vol foute. 2de helfde egter baie goed. boishaai ook goed gespeel en was tot einde in game, well done gimmies.

    1 August, 2014 at 10:32
  52. avatar
    #50 bhkgpa

    @Ploegskaar: sal doen hopelik sal die Saterdagaand n slag lekker wees om te kuier na die game! Glo boishaai sal hom deurhak, maar gaan close wees.

    1 August, 2014 at 10:31
  53. avatar
    #49 PaarlBok

    As ek oordeel aan die twee spanne se wedstryde teen PRG sou ek verseker die Bloues die voordeel gegee het MAAR Gim bring n ander span saterdag, Hermanus en kie het BMT in groot maat en gaan daai GalPille rol more. Bishaai kan diepte hê maar saterdag gaan dit blou niks tel nie. Dis XV vs XV en die span wat pitch op die dag gaan hom vat en dit gaan Gim wees.

    1 August, 2014 at 10:30
  54. avatar
    #48 Rooibaard

    Dit gaan beslis “tight” wees. Elke span het sy sterkpunte. Soos gewoonlik sal dit beslis word deur 1 of 2 stukkies individuele briljantheid. Dit maak Interskole uniek. Almal hoop, maar niemand is seker nie – al is een span die gunsteling.

    Vanmiddag gaan taai wees. Boishaai het seker die grootste diepte in SA skolerugby.

    1 August, 2014 at 09:19
  55. avatar
    #47 PaarlBok

    Geluk aan KleinGim se rugbyspan, 20-10 is n groot oorwinning.

    1 August, 2014 at 09:15
  56. avatar
    #46 PRondersteuner

    In my beskeie opinie dink ek Boishaai gaan dit vanjaar vat. Sterkte daar aan al die spanne. Ek hoop die weer hou uit tot na die game. Ek hoor daar is ‘n koue front met sterk wind oppad.

    31 July, 2014 at 16:44
  57. avatar
    #45 PaarlBok

    As n neutral die jaar voorspel ek Gim gaan weer die interskole wen. Hokkie gaan Boishaai vat. Netbal het Gim reeds gewen maar die dogters hokkie is baie 50/50 met Gim die gunsteling.

    31 July, 2014 at 13:58
  58. avatar
    #44 Ploegskaar

    Great little appetizer on the upcoming Paarl derby and a great preview on some of the players, well some of the Paarl Gym players anyway…

    31 July, 2014 at 12:44
  59. avatar
    #43 Grasshopper

    Sorry Beet, the Jeppe vs KES game is the biggest and was last weekend, a little late… :wink:

    30 July, 2014 at 20:54
  60. avatar
    #42 Ploegskaar

    @bhkgpa: Reg so, maar kom kuier gerus waneer die gallus domesticus fuckedupnus daar by jou uitgewoed het. Ek kan in elk geval nie bekostig om nou my ZA uitvoer, HACCAP of VPN status in gedrang bring nie.

    Geniet die rugby Saterdag.

    30 July, 2014 at 20:32
  61. avatar
    #41 bhkgpa

    @Tjoppa: :wink:

    30 July, 2014 at 19:27
  62. avatar
    #40 Tjoppa

    @Roger: I think we must insist if a march like this does not comply to all quotas they can not begin to march. Seeing that protest marches are the new national sport. Common Tarpeys we need to hear your voice lets force all races to take part. I insist.

    30 July, 2014 at 17:06
  63. avatar
    #39 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Jy is ‘n aap maar ‘n ou aap ne. Beste manier om ‘n man stil te kry is om sy “bluff” te roep. Maar wil julle nie stop om daai groente in te voer nie hoe nader hoender aan vleis se pryse kom hoe nader kom ek aan my daaglikse porsie.

    30 July, 2014 at 17:04
  64. avatar
    #38 Roger

    @GreenBlooded: what’s life without a little protest action here and there :roll:

    30 July, 2014 at 16:55
  65. avatar
    #37 bhkgpa

    @Ploegskaar: sorry kan nie kan doen nie, bio-sekuriteit is baie erg op my plaas, veral nou met die helse nuwe siekte, ek dink ebola virus of so iets, sal eerder nie kans vat nie, maar dankie in elkgeval.

    30 July, 2014 at 16:29
  66. avatar
    #36 Woltrui

    @Oakdale supporter: Die Paarliete moet bid dat die Grey Bloem Onnie nie die “game” blaas nie. Sou dit wees sit ek al my geld op Grey Bloem om te wen :mrgreen:

    30 July, 2014 at 16:23
  67. avatar
    #35 Ploegskaar

    @bhkgpa: ‘n Ope uitnodiging dat jy my kom besoek en dan wys ek jou ons hoender verpakkings lyn. Hoender word bevrore gesny en verpak in ‘n higiëniese omgewing (1.8Kg, 4Kg en 6Kg) en daar is geen pekelmasjiene of spiraal yskaste teenwoordig nie. Ek sal jou met graagte ‘n toer van die res van ons produksieaanleg ook gee, sodat jy jou kan vergewis dat daar geen onderduimshede aan die gang is nie. Jy kan dan met graagte volledig hier kom verslag doen.

    30 July, 2014 at 16:15
  68. avatar
    #34 bhkgpa

    @Ploegskaar: ag ou ploegie ek is nou moeg vir ons gesprekkie, jy praat steeds nie sin nie en bg artikel het boggerol met my uit te waai. Ek weet nie eers wie supreme is nie. EK IS MAAR N KLEIN VARS HOENDER BOER.Dit verander egter steeds nie julle modus operandi van ontvries, verpak, spuit waar nodig, vries weer, ontvries en verkoop nie. Julle val mos nie onder “boere” nie, so tot dit verander en julle nie meer die loopholes in die invoerwette kan gebruik nie, sal ons 2 maar altyd verskil oor boerdery of invoer en verkoop van ysblokkies soos julle doen. 8)

    30 July, 2014 at 15:59
  69. avatar
    #33 Ploegskaar

    Rapport: 2010-12-25
    Terwyl die vere die afgelope week gewaai het oor Supreme Poultry se selferkende herverwerkte hoender, het Rapport nou ook vasgestel daar is aanduidings dat “vrot” hoender die eerste fase van dié herverwerkingsproses deurgemaak het.

    ’n Interne dokument van Supreme wat in Rapport se besit is, verwys na 912 kg “verrotte produkte” wat vir herverwerking gestuur is. Supreme beweer hulle het dié vlerkies vernietig en het dokumente om dit te staaf. Maar toe Rapport vra om dié dokumente te sien, wou mnr. John Nielson, Supreme se bemarkingsbestuurder, dit nie verskaf nie.

    “Ons is bereid om deel te neem aan enige geloofwaardige, onafhanklike oudit van ons voedselveiligheidsprosedures.” Me. Tish Stewart, woordvoerder van Supreme se beherende maatskappy, Country Bird Holdings, het gesê die dokument verteenwoordig net die eerste stap van ’n goed bestuurde proses wat in dié geval gelei het tot die vernietiging van die produk.

    Rapport is in besit van verskeie soortgelyke dokumente wat boekstaaf hoe duisende kilogramme hoender waarvan die vervaldatum verstryk het, vir herverwerking gestuur is. Volgens bronne met eerstehandse kennis van Supreme se prosesse word die ou voorraad van oor die hele land heen na Supreme se aanleg in Botshabelo naby Bloemfontein gestuur.

    Dáár kyk iemand glo of die produkte na die vernietigingsaanleg moet gaan en of dit vir herverwerking gestuur moet word. Volgens die bronne word dié dokumente dan eers ingevul. Die knuppel is in die hoenderhok gegooi toe Supreme erken het dat hulle hoender wat nie verkoop is nie weer ontvries en in chloor was.

    Dan word dit ingespuit met pekelwater en weer gevries voordat ’n nuwe vervaldatum daarop geplak word. Supreme het verlede week geen melding gemaak van waar dié herverwerkte hoender opeindig nie. Dié week het hulle wal gegooi deur te sê dit word nié aan twee van hul grootste kliënte – Pick n Pay en Shoprite Checkers – verskaf nie, maar wel aan ander verbruikers.

    Regskenners meen dié weergawe van Supreme is skreiend omdat dit beteken hulle bedrieg arm mense. Supreme het ook die afgelope week gesê die herverwerking vind op “beperkte skaal” plaas. Hulle verwerk 2 000 ton hoender per week. Rapport se bronne sê dit is “honderde tonne” wat só herverwerk is.

    Hulle sê ook dis “onmoontlik” dat ál die herverwerkte hoender nét in fabriekswinkels verkoop word. Dié winkels is eenvoudig te klein daarvoor en die omsette te laag. Supreme het nie vrae hieroor beantwoord nie.

    30 July, 2014 at 15:41
  70. avatar
    #32 bhkgpa

    @Vra maar net: jong vars hoender is in aanvraag so ek sal maar moeilik iets hê om te braai, dalk kan ou ploegie vir jou n stukkie ingevoerde hoender ontvries. Maak groot vuur want daardie hoender gee soveel water af, die kole is dood lank voor die hoender gaar is :mrgreen:

    30 July, 2014 at 14:29
  71. avatar
    #31 Vin

    @GreenBlooded: Could be KES boys on an outing, trying to get hold of my son but he said he’s doing some affirmative shopping. Hopefully he gets something nice for the house. :-)

    30 July, 2014 at 14:19
  72. avatar
    #30 GreenBlooded

    @Vin: @Roger: KES Boys perhaps? Don’t your kids know how to behave there in the Big Smoke? You see – you will never get this type of thing in KZN. Okes are too chilled here for that. Too much money, not enough sea daarso….. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    30 July, 2014 at 14:12
  73. avatar
    #29 Proppie

    @Woltrui: And the way Affies is playing the rest of the year you are a GalPiet. When are you changing your name because I hear no more Woltruie new new satin shirts. Maybe explain you oukies way of play now that you are hiep like the other schools. Maybe you must change your name to SyBloes. Think of it maybe a pink blouse.

    30 July, 2014 at 13:45
  74. avatar
    #28 Oakdale supporter

    @Woltrui: Is the ref from Grey? Bloem or PE???? :lol: :lol: :lol:

    30 July, 2014 at 13:43
  75. avatar
    #27 Woltrui

    Having seen both these teams play this season it is to close to call in my opinion. An obscure bounce of the ball or a “grey” refery decision can deside the game. Traditionally I support the boitjies from Perel Gim. Thus for this week alone I am a “Galpil” 8)

    30 July, 2014 at 13:34
  76. avatar
    #26 Woltrui

    @Roger: @Vin: @Vleis: Hiehiehiehiehiehihe….. No stopit guys :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    Eish, you’s Jburgers!!!

    30 July, 2014 at 13:29
  77. avatar
    #25 BOG

    And they do have something in common- both wear long, short gray “short flannels” to just above the knee – like Affies.

    30 July, 2014 at 12:55
  78. avatar
    #24 BoishaaiPa

    @BuffelsCM: I heard dfferent versions I dont know which one is the true story!….Someone in the know should try and explain the real story.

    30 July, 2014 at 12:55
  79. avatar
    #23 Playa

    @Vin: @Roger: Hahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: you guys are killing me!

    30 July, 2014 at 12:09
  80. avatar
    #22 Greenwood


    Wow ! that’s really impressive – I do remember watching a game on TV
    some years ago at that venue and what stood out the most was the huge crowd – the vibe must be something else

    30 July, 2014 at 11:58
  81. avatar
    #21 BuffelsCM

    @Greenwood: According to Supersport it will be shown on SS1 from 15.20 to 17.00.

    The Bloedwors and Galpille should be explained by the old boys on the site. Boishaaipa should be able to tell us

    30 July, 2014 at 11:06
  82. avatar
    #20 Vleis

    @Vin: Hence why they feel no remorse after stealing all the EG Jansen kids – some midseason!

    30 July, 2014 at 10:59
  83. avatar
    #19 Vin

    @Roger: But then of course we don’t care if they steal our children and our pretentious, botoxed wives because we aren’t worried about family!

    30 July, 2014 at 10:53
  84. avatar
    #18 BoishaaiPa

    @Dixon’s: The Faure street Stadium is much bigger than any schoolfield around…It has a Main pavillion plus a South and North Pavilion plus an open seating across the main, with grass embankments… Then it has an Athletics track around plus a old cycle track and all that is also used for seating. The “Younger” Old Boys stand right along the touchline behind fencing and dont use any seating. With all that space that is taken up the place is packed to capacity and that is around 20000…No school facility in this country can accomodate more than 10 000 people watching the game.

    30 July, 2014 at 10:37
  85. avatar
    #17 Roger

    @BoishaaiPa: and its accounted for don’t forget – because they charge R10 at the gate :lol:

    in JHB we are behind the curve – we still allow people in for free – lest they hurdle our twenty foot walls and electric fences and avoid the rotweilers and steal our Cayennes and molest our pretentious wives and steal their diamonds :mrgreen:

    30 July, 2014 at 10:27
  86. avatar
    #16 Dixon’s

    @Roger: hahahahahaha!!!!

    dont know about that …. from what i saw on TV the Jeppe-KES game seemed to be massive!!! surely no other game can top that!!!!!!!

    30 July, 2014 at 10:17
  87. avatar
    #15 BoishaaiPa

    @Roger: O Yes..Forgot about that…They can pack 20 000 people around a schoolfield

    30 July, 2014 at 09:58
  88. avatar
    #14 Roger

    no ways – the biggest – no ways – never

    Glenwood-DHS is waaaaay bigger – didn’t you know :mrgreen:

    30 July, 2014 at 09:39
  89. avatar
    #13 Dixon’s

    Can somebody please explain to me the story behind the nicknames Bloedwors and Galpil

    30 July, 2014 at 09:31
  90. avatar
    #12 Greenwood

    Anyone know if this will be televised ? by Premier Inter schools ??

    30 July, 2014 at 08:28
  91. avatar
    #11 BoishaaiPa

    @Andre T: Wie is ou Dikkes?…Ek is 85Kg prime cut….

    30 July, 2014 at 07:48
  92. avatar
    #10 Andre T


    Ou Dikkes………………ek dink hierdie is julle jaar

    30 July, 2014 at 07:38
  93. avatar
    #9 BoishaaiPa

    @Rooibaard: Die regte Interskole..vir die massa deelnemers en vir 80% van die skool gebeur op die Vrydag…Wanneer elke liewe outjie belangrik voel al speel hy vir die F span!…Die Saterdag wedstryde by Faure str is 4 A-Spanne wat die cherrie op die koek is. Interskole se “wen” word wel bepaal op die uitslag van die hoofwedstryd, maar die “sukses” word egter die Vrydag bepaal…Die skool gaan oor meer as net 15 rugbyspelers!

    30 July, 2014 at 07:18
  94. avatar
    #8 Tandem

    @Rooibaard: Yes we only focus on games on Friday , as bhkgpa is saying Boishaai is the underdogs on Saturday !

    29 July, 2014 at 17:49
  95. avatar
    #7 Rooibaard

    Boishaaipa – konsentreer julle nou op die Vrydagwedstryde.

    29 July, 2014 at 16:49
  96. avatar
    #6 BoishaaiPa

    @GimOB: Ons kan maar die games na enige veld toe skuif..dit sal nie veel verskil maak aan die Vrydae uitslae nie!.. :mrgreen:

    29 July, 2014 at 11:15
  97. avatar
    #5 Vra maar net

    @bhkgpa: @Ploegskaar aka Stephan en Connie. Ek dink julle 2 moet ‘n vredespypie rook. My voorstel elkeen van julle bring julle beste snit vir ‘n braai en ek en BoishaaiPa sal dit beoordeel en die vrede herstel. Wat van na interskole? :lol:

    29 July, 2014 at 10:38
  98. avatar
    #4 GimOB

    @bhkgpa: Hoeka!

    29 July, 2014 at 10:20
  99. avatar
    #3 bhkgpa

    @GimOB: onthou Gim oefen nie so baie soos boishaai nie. Gim is mos die volslae gunstelinge en daarom word die veld nie baie gebruik nie :mrgreen:

    29 July, 2014 at 09:23
  100. avatar
    #2 GimOB

    @PRondersteuner: Skuif die wedstryde Gim toe! Velde is in uitstekende kondisie ten spyte van wedstryde teen sacs saterdag en toerspan laasweek.

    29 July, 2014 at 09:12
  101. avatar
    #1 PRondersteuner

    @BoishaaiPa: O ok. Gaan die velde ok wees vir die interskole? Ek weet die wedstryde is Saterdag op die dorpsveld, maar die ander is mos daar.

    28 July, 2014 at 14:31

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