Will it be the WP finals roadshow again in 2014

The first of the 2014 provincial youth rugby weeks is about to kickoff. As usual its the under-13 Craven Week starting on Monday, 30 June 2014 that gets the ball rolling. If you don’t remember how the  major youth week finals of 2013 panned out, here’s a quick reminder:

u18 Craven Week Western Province 45 29 Golden Lions
u16 Grant Khomo final Western Province 22 15 Blue Bulls
u13 Craven Week Western Province 11 10 Blue Bulls

It was Western Province, Western Province and more Western Province! They claimed all three titles in 2013. In case you’re wondering what happened at the Academy Week, well that title went the way of their neighbours South Western Districts after the latter squeezed by Province 22-19 on Day 2 and then convincingly beat EP 32-7 in the unofficial final. The bottom-line is that the Western Cape oozes talent. They have a first class rugby culture going down South. Yes the quota requirements do work in favour of their school provincial teams but just look at the number of players the Western Cape churns out for senior rugby – it’s proportionately higher than the rest of the country. There is definitely a concentration of gifted players in the region and say whatever you like, this contributes to the outstanding youth week results. The only question that remains unanswered and its becoming an age-old question now is: how is it that in a region with so much talent and so much to offer the transformation process, finds itself limited so severely in terms of youth week representative teams? Surely its obvious to everyone that the Western Cape and specifically Western Province needs and deserves an extra team at each age-group level.


  1. avatar
    #10 slinger

    WP u13 die Pumas verwoes, lyk my hul op regte pad na 1ste game.

    30 June, 2014 at 14:28
  2. avatar
    #9 Tjoppa

    @slinger: Gaan jy. Waar kry ons die program?

    30 June, 2014 at 11:54
  3. avatar
    #8 slinger

    @Tjoppa: Dink jy reg, maar buite perde hierdie jaar groot en WP span goed maar moet eers click… Gaan n interessante week wees.

    30 June, 2014 at 11:52
  4. avatar
    #7 Tjoppa

    @slinger: Nou wil jy wragtig he die klomp hierbo moet my verwurg. Maar ernstig nee ek glo nie. ‘n Minder goeie Affies met ‘n Garsfontein sonder sy ouderlinge kwesbaar, met die ander skole daar maar nie heeltemal daar nie. Dink ek nie die manne gaan die pyp rook nie. Maar soos voorheen kan ek verkeerd wees. My geld op die manne van julle se wereld.

    30 June, 2014 at 11:47
  5. avatar
    #6 slinger

    @Tjoppa: Sien hy oorspronklik daar uit jul wereld Tjoppa, het hom ontmoet en nederige seun, dit kom beslis nie van die noorde af nie!

    So na Saterdag, glo jy die Bulls het die kannone om die jaar iets te doen op CW?

    30 June, 2014 at 11:41
  6. avatar
    #5 slinger

    @maroon8: Nie seker wat jy bedoel nie?

    30 June, 2014 at 11:38
  7. avatar
    #4 Tjoppa

    @slinger: Weet natuurlik hy is grootgemaak hier in die noorde. As ek reg onthou 0/12 & 13 die Bulle verteenwoordig. Maar oulike kind.

    30 June, 2014 at 11:31
  8. avatar
    #3 maroon8

    @slinger: Stilte vertel ook ‘n storie…..

    30 June, 2014 at 11:28
  9. avatar
    #2 slinger

    @maroon8: Dit is al n paar jaar die gesprek agv die talent en top skole in die WP. Jou voorstel van noordelike skole en suidelike skole in die WP saam valid, soos reeds genoem, wat noem jy die spanne, ens. Maar definitief n punt om te bespreek.

    In vandag se koerant n merkwaardige storie oor Edrich Venter, die WP se Cravenweek kaptein. Hy het 3 been oorplantings gehad en moes elke keer terugkom na operasies! Nooit geweet nie, sommer meer respek vir die jong man, dis n voorbeeld vir enige speler wat terugslae met beserings kry. Hoop hy lei ons span tot nog n CW wen!

    30 June, 2014 at 09:51
  10. avatar
    #1 maroon8

    Almal sal saamstem dat dit moet gebeur.Die vraag is net…..watter skole groepeer saam en onder watse naam. Plaas jy Paarl Gym,Boishaai,Paul Roos en Boland Landbou in een groep? En noem jy hulle wat? WP of Boland Country Districts? Maak nie regtig saak nie want daar sal net een wenner wees…..Skolerugby en natuurlik die seuns want dit skep meer geleenthede en blootstelling.Hoe vinniger dit gebeur,hoe beter! As die WP sy halwe Disa kan prysgee kan hy wragtag stem ingooi hier…..

    30 June, 2014 at 06:53

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