Westville vs College

Westville and Martzburg College meet on Saturday in what is building up to be a cracker of a game. There isn’t much separating the two schools on the BHP Top 50 national rankings and this closeness between the two is expected to translate into a tightly contested game. College has a number of challenging fixtures coming up in the third term but for Westville, this game represents the end of their recognised inter-schools matches for 2014.

As far as KZN is concerned, Glenwood who host Kearsney at the UKZN (Durban) grounds on Saturday are in pole position with only current second placed College in with a chance of overtaking them. Westville needs the win over the weekend to possibly overtake Kearsney and claim fourth. Michaelhouse is currently third.

KZN Top 8

1 Glenwood 6 6 0 0 245 90 155 24 4.00
2 Maritzburg College 6 5 0 1 188 94 94 20 3.33
3 Michaelhouse 6 4 0 2 164 105 59 16 2.67
4 Kearsney 6 4 0 2 120 130 -10 16 2.67
5 Westville 5 2 0 3 151 102 49 8 1.60
6 Northwood 6 1 0 5 93 166 -73 4 0.67
7 DHS 6 1 0 5 79 180 -101 4 0.67
8 Hilton 7 1 0 6 88 261 -173 4 0.57


  1. avatar
    #48 Jordaan

    Played 24
    Westville 16
    College 6

    Great day of rugby with some very close games.

    21 June, 2014 at 20:06
  2. avatar
    #47 star

    @GB- On Bowdens 2. You should be able to hear them before you see them as they do a huge warcry before they run on in the vicinity of the old scoreboard. They are joined by several matrics including some of those in the 1sts and 2nds. Pure unadulterated fun is the key here.

    20 June, 2014 at 14:19
  3. avatar
    #46 Black and white

    @Griffon: have watched these boys a few times now and they actually have loads of fun . They also take their rugga fairly serious and put in some big hits . decision making at critical times not always the best but boy is it great entertainment . They clearly are mates and reflect the real essence of schoolboy sport !

    20 June, 2014 at 13:54
  4. avatar
    #45 GreenBlooded

    @Griffon: Which field? I’ll make a point of watching it. Love those games – no BS – the guys just play for the love of it.

    20 June, 2014 at 13:28
  5. avatar
    #44 Griffon

    It seems like both schools didn’t have enough players for a ninth team. But I do know that Westville have their matric tean as 8ths and they are quite entertaining to watch. I believe that they are undefeated so far, so should be a good game without the seriousness of high team games. These boys just go out to have fun and make serious noise. Even the 1sts and 2nds come out to support which means a lot. I bbelieve they play at 11 tomorrow

    20 June, 2014 at 13:19
  6. avatar
    #43 Ploegskaar

    @Westers: Topic Monitor says hockey is very far off the topic, we are yet to establish if it is in fact a sport.

    20 June, 2014 at 12:24
  7. avatar
    #42 GreenBlooded

    @All Black: Bugger!!!! Now I see the U16E game has been cancelled. :evil: :evil:

    20 June, 2014 at 12:06
  8. avatar
    #41 GreenBlooded

    @All Black: I’ve got dibbs to ref it if it’s back on. No technical penalties – very basics at the breakdown – very short advantage – clear and obvious stuff only. They will have a jol!!

    20 June, 2014 at 11:12
  9. avatar
    #40 All Black

    @Westers: Agreed. Good idea. The hockey should enjoy as much support as possible. At Michaelhouse, all rugby is stopped whilst the 1st team hockey match is on.

    20 June, 2014 at 10:40
  10. avatar
    #39 Westers

    @All Black: It’s a pity some of the hockey cannot be played on Friday evening, perhaps even the 1sts. I think they would get greater support than on a Saturday. With the Westville astro being away from WBHS is makes it difficult to try and watch hockey and rugby in the morning. Parking will be a major problem, particularly tomorrow.

    20 June, 2014 at 10:21
  11. avatar
    #38 All Black

    I do believe that College were half a team short for the 9th’s. Some injuries higher up were a problem. Such a pity as some of the hockey boys would have loved to get a shot at playing but their matches are at Kearsney making it impossible to get down in time. Some of them have never played a rugby match for College so would have been a spectacle of note. Best game of the day.

    20 June, 2014 at 09:11
  12. avatar
    #37 Gungets Tuft

    @Westers: Don’t know who cancelled. I know the injury count is climbing so if College cancelled maybe it was just a personnel shortage. {shrug} .. Would have been nice if they played …

    I am not going to Bonthuis your question, innocent until otherwise, gnome sane ….

    20 June, 2014 at 08:02
  13. avatar
    #36 Westers

    @Gungets Tuft: I hope the dreaded flu is not coming back to haunt College :mrgreen:

    20 June, 2014 at 07:49
  14. avatar
    #35 Gungets Tuft

    @Westers: Nicotine Ninth’s – Legend team. D6 definitely says it is off.

    19 June, 2014 at 23:21
  15. avatar
    #34 Westers

    @GreenBlooded: Nothing from Westville side yet. Great pity if it is cancelled.

    19 June, 2014 at 22:37
  16. avatar
    #33 sparkie

    Have to agree with star going to be a cracker as well as some good match ups in age groups. Hockey will also be hard fought.

    19 June, 2014 at 21:47
  17. avatar
    #32 McCulleys Workshop

    @Roger: If I remember correctly they were sent for Psychological observation and the trail set to resume in Sept?!

    19 June, 2014 at 20:55
  18. avatar
    #31 Roger

    @Bonthuis: really? Where are they at now – prison yet?

    19 June, 2014 at 19:01
  19. avatar
    #30 Bonthuis

    @Roger: …and needless to say they were Glenwood Old Boys. Fits in well with the geographic area…

    19 June, 2014 at 17:52
  20. avatar
    #29 GreenBlooded

    @Westers: No sooner do I post that than I get an alert on the College D6 that the 9th team game is cancelled…… :( :(

    19 June, 2014 at 15:53
  21. avatar
    #28 GreenBlooded

    @Roger: Good question! They were in court a few months back. Hope they go some serious jail time. Bunch of thugs.

    19 June, 2014 at 15:49
  22. avatar
    #27 GreenBlooded

    @Westers: Awesome!! Last chance to have a whirl for their school and they come running. You’ll find this will be the most enjoyable of the day. I’d actually put my hand up to ref that game – nothing technical, just clear and obvious stuff. I’m sure they will have a blast.

    19 June, 2014 at 15:48
  23. avatar
    #26 Roger

    @Bonthuis: did some Glenwood chap use your face as a trampoline once? Gotta move on mate – there’s a whole new world out there.

    On a separate note – can any of you KZN types tell me what’s happened to those chaps who killed that British soldier outside of Kings Park? It’s gone very quiet on that front?

    19 June, 2014 at 15:28
  24. avatar
    #25 Westers

    @star: I also saw that for the first time this season Westville will put out a 9th team. I heard that Matrics are coming out the woodwork to play in this team. Great to hear.

    19 June, 2014 at 15:27
  25. avatar
    #24 Westers

    @star: I have heard that no players will be rested this weekend. I also heard all players from last weekend are fit.

    19 June, 2014 at 15:25
  26. avatar
    #23 Westers

    @Bonthuis: Try reading the posts without looking at the bloggers names. Maybe you will interpret better. You are getting worked up about nothing.

    19 June, 2014 at 15:23
  27. avatar
    #22 GreenBlooded


    What does this say “Which is the other team that beat Ville?”

    Ummmmm – it means which other teams beat Westville. Was it confusing? I’ll try and use shorter words next time…..

    19 June, 2014 at 14:42
  28. avatar
    #21 Grasshopper

    @Bonthuis: I’m not from the Burra!

    19 June, 2014 at 14:27
  29. avatar
    #20 Bonthuis

    @Grasshopper: Actually it was you Burra boys that used to cause all the trouble at Sand Pebbles in the ’90’s – starting fights every night, just like you do on the rugby field, I guess nothing has changed, part of your make up!

    19 June, 2014 at 14:24
  30. avatar
    #19 Grasshopper

    Funny enough at Rovers in the 90’s it was us Glenwood Boys that helped you Westville boys when attacked by other schools ‘gangs’ but hey ho, not appreciated….

    19 June, 2014 at 14:21
  31. avatar
    #18 Bonthuis

    @GreenBlooded: What does this say “Which is the other team that beat Ville?” Why do you have to make comments like this, we know what you are doing?

    Did Glenwood play Grey College this season or are you waiting to request to play them on an off year again like you always do, huh?

    While you at it, why don’t you call your other Glenwood mates and get them to jump in here too, that’s usually how you scumbilo gang operate.

    I’m waiting…

    19 June, 2014 at 14:18
  32. avatar
    #17 GreenBlooded


    Both games this weekend will be crackers. GW must NOT underestimate Kearsney. This could well be their banana-skin for this season. College in a cracker on Bowdens on Old Boys Day is going to be a tough one – but they will be up for it and wanting to prove themselves after the disaster on Goldstones last year. 2 cracker games to round out the season and for many the last games in their school jerseys. Good luck to them all.
    Which is the other team that beat Ville?
    @star: College U15A also lost to DHS this last weekend…… :roll: :evil:

    Which part of this is discrediting Westville?
    Which part of this is disrespectful?

    Where have you been this morning? In class at Ville – or in Albert Park smoking Whoonga? Wake up my boy…..

    19 June, 2014 at 14:04
  33. avatar
    #16 Grasshopper

    @Bonthuis: read the post again, 2nd paragraph, what does it say?

    19 June, 2014 at 13:56
  34. avatar
    #15 Bonthuis

    @GreenBlooded: Okay, let’s start with baby steps with you…what is the title of this blog? It’s about Westville and College and their match up on Saturday, it’s not about Glenwood, so let’s talk about Glenwood on another page. Secondly, stop trolling the blogs and looking for any opportunity to discredit Westville and the massive accomplishments they’ve had in the world of sport over the last 10 years, it shows a real lack of class and smacks of jealousy! We all know what your plan is being on this particular page, if you haven’t got anything respectful to say then go away!

    19 June, 2014 at 13:53
  35. avatar
    #14 star

    @ GB- Westville likewise and so it will be a very good match up. :mrgreen:

    19 June, 2014 at 12:10
  36. avatar
    #13 GreenBlooded

    @star: College U15A also lost to DHS this last weekend…… :roll: :evil:

    19 June, 2014 at 12:04
  37. avatar
    #12 star

    @ Thumper- what about the U15As. Westville lost to Hilton and College to House. I think there will be a bit to prove there as well.

    19 June, 2014 at 11:52
  38. avatar
    #11 Amalekite

    @beet: I regret that I do not know the number of tries scored in those games :oops:

    19 June, 2014 at 11:49
  39. avatar
    #10 beet

    I just need a bit of help for the Bonus Points – I think it will make it more meaningful. Either that or using the 10 point margin system I used for the regional tables

    Westville 15 32 Glenwood – GM
    Kearsney 19 11 Northwood – NW
    Maritzburg College 31 6 Northwood – MC
    Glenwood 17 14 Michaelhouse – MHS
    Kearsney 13 12 Westville – Wvl
    Westville 33 9 DHS – ??? Wvl tries
    Michaelhouse 34 32 Westville – ??? tries for each please
    Hilton 17 31 Kearsney – need to read report again
    Michaelhouse 20 13 Hilton – HC
    Glenwood 38 13 DHS – GM
    Northwood 32 14 Hilton – NW
    Maritzburg College 29 17 Kearsney – MC
    Northwood 11 27 Michaelhouse – MHS
    Hilton 18 15 DHS – DHS
    Glenwood 27 14 Maritzburg College – ??? I think GM got 4 tries
    Northwood 6 11 DHS – NW
    Maritzburg College 37 5 Hilton – MC
    Hilton 7 67 Glenwood – GW
    Michaelhouse 24 25 Maritzburg College – MHSx2
    DHS 16 33 Kearsney – KC
    Glenwood 64 27 Northwood – ??? definitely GM. Need to see if NW got 4 tries
    DHS 15 52 Maritzburg College – MC
    Hilton 14 59 Westville – Wvl
    Kearsney 7 45 Michaelhouse – MHS

    19 June, 2014 at 11:27
  40. avatar
    #9 Buffel

    @Amalekite: Injuries on both sides. Playing at Varsity – can count as a neutral venue. Don’t think we will be caught like a deer in the headlights this time around.
    All these comments I am making sound like I am clutching at straws but it is another day and I am sure the brains trust have something up their sleeves. :mrgreen:

    19 June, 2014 at 11:19
  41. avatar
    #8 Thumper

    @star: True Star. I think the U16A and 1st, 2nds and 3rds rugby will be crackers as well as the U14A and 1st hockey sides. Look forward to a great day of school boy sport. 8)

    19 June, 2014 at 11:10
  42. avatar
    #7 star

    @ GB- House by 2 points on Meadows. Unfortunately this season will go down very much as a ” what if” type scenario. What if we had kicked the ball into touch against Kearsney in the last minute or got the selections right against GW or not passed to the Grey College player with 5 minutes on the clock. Even the game against the very good Selbourne was lost ( 6 points) on this basis. But that is life and you hopefully learn and move on.
    This Saturday besides the 1sts, there will be bragging rights for the U16As who are ranked 6( Westville) and 9(College) and in the hockey it will be the clash of the titans and whoever wins will end up the numero uno in SA. Lots to look forward to on Saturday. Must just pace myself a bit as I am not as young as I think I am and the morning after pain seems to linger a lot longer than I used to remember. :mrgreen:

    19 June, 2014 at 10:53
  43. avatar
    #6 Amalekite

    @GreenBlooded: Glenwood by 17 points, Kearsney by 1 point and House by 2 points.

    19 June, 2014 at 10:36
  44. avatar
    #5 GreenBlooded

    Which is the other team that beat Ville?

    19 June, 2014 at 10:17
  45. avatar
    #4 Amalekite

    If Tedder plays, then Kearsney may limit the damage to about 20 points. Without him, it could get ugly, especially if Dixon is still out.

    19 June, 2014 at 10:15
  46. avatar
    #3 Amalekite

    Beet, I think that it would be nice for your table to start reflecting bonus points, as per Super 15 to make things more interesting.

    19 June, 2014 at 10:13
  47. avatar
    #2 star

    It would be interesting to see the team sheets bearing in mind the earlier comments about players being rested and the fact that there has been a spate of injuries.

    19 June, 2014 at 09:52
  48. avatar
    #1 GreenBlooded

    Both games this weekend will be crackers. GW must NOT underestimate Kearsney. This could well be their banana-skin for this season. College in a cracker on Bowdens on Old Boys Day is going to be a tough one – but they will be up for it and wanting to prove themselves after the disaster on Goldstones last year. 2 cracker games to round out the season and for many the last games in their school jerseys. Good luck to them all.

    19 June, 2014 at 09:34

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