KZN school rugby weekend – 07/06/2014

DHS vs Kearsney, Michaelhouse vs Maritzburg College, Northwood vs St Charles and Hilton vs Glenwood

DHS vs Kearsney
DHS’s televised game against Kearsney is probably their last opportunity in 2014 to cause their first KZN inter-schools upset in years. Victories against the 3 big KZN government schools have virtually dried up and the last win against one of the KZN big 3 private schools came in 2011. Although they will start this home game as underdogs, DHS needs to believe they can win. Kearsney should not be able to outscrum them, out jump them or even outplay DHS in the rucks. Kearsney will however come at them with the sort of unwavering determination to succeed that has seen them box above their weight for most of the season. It’s up to DHS to produce solid defence and then to make good decisions when they do have ball, where they should be settling their goal to obtain at least 50% of possession. Some interesting matches also lie ahead in the junior A-team games. DHS has achieved pleasing results this season and if they can keep it up, they should start producing fairly competitive 1st XV’s in a couple of years time.

Michaelhouse vs Maritzburg College
This game is a hard one to call. The home team Michaelhouse is a better team than they get credit for. At the same time they seem to be short on x-factor options and don’t always fully enhance the value that a 15-man rugby approach has to offer. As a result one gets the feeling that even if they play convincingly well, they are bound to leave the door open. Michaelhouse has a potential weakness in midfield with several centres ruled out injured.

College has strong physical pack of forwards who have proven to be more than capable of getting over the advantage line. They are now also getting good direction from their flyhalf but for all the front-foot ball they generate, their backs have not always been as effective off recycled possession as they ought to be. If they can up their slickness and put their finishers into space, they will hold the upper hand even on an Old Boys’ Day when the opposition is bound to have a huge support base. There are questions over the fitness of the College motivator slash captain. His presence counts for a lot.

On a side note this season the College managing of returning from injury players has already raised questions about whether they are in defiance of the Headmaster’s Agreement re: using free substitutes aka the squad system, with the College Head of Rugby defending the action as being the optimal way to reintroduce rehabilitated players in accordance with medical advice that calls for restricted game time.

Northwood vs St Charles
It’s Northwood’s Old Boys’ Day so the Knights will play in front of a full house. After securing a comfortable 31-6 victory against Port Natal last weekend, the home team will want to produce more of the same with perhaps just a little more ball going down the backline. Between their flyhalf’s big boot and their heavy pack of forwards Northwood are bound to dominate territory and possession. Word from Pietermaritzburg is that the Saints have been working hard after experiencing a tough time at DHS where they were on the losing end of a familiar 31-6 scoreline. The visitors will be looking to play smarter rugby and improve on their ball security at rucks and at set pieces.

Hilton vs Glenwood
Glenwood are expected to emerge as victors from from this game but it’s not certain what they will aim for here. After the Monnas defeat, they will want to show more assertiveness in the pack while also playing more to their strengths out wide. At the same time with so many players committed to KZN representation in a few weeks, they may be looking to pace themselves. One possible strategy might also be to give it horns for 35-minutes in the hopes of piling on the points and then just sitting on a useful lead for the next 35. Hilton needs to make their midfield defence airtight. They also desperately need to gain more cohesion and at the same improve their attacking options. Ball retention is key if they want to be competitive.

Commitment plus for Hilton sportsmen
This weekend Hilton will field 15 rugby teams and 12 hockey teams against Glenwood. That’s a total of 417 players in a school of just ±550, which an amazing 76% conversion ratio and something to be really proud of.


  1. avatar
    #50 Buffel

    @beet: Going to be very interesting. You need to play your ‘A’ team on day 1 to try and secure a date with Province on day 2 but then who do you play to try and get into the final game on the Saturday. Choices, choices but am sure they have a plan.

    Well done to Tedder and Coetzee for being named Captain and Vice Captain respectively. As mentioned before these boys are mates which helps when getting them prepared for a tournament of this stature. Team building will be that much easier.

    10 June, 2014 at 05:14
  2. avatar
    #49 beet

    @kcob: I think they made a really good choice by naming Tristan Tedder as Craven Week captain.

    All that remains to be seen is whether or not the coaching staff find a starting role for him in Craven Week Game 2. If KZN wins the first game, they will more than likely play WP in Craven Week Game 2.

    9 June, 2014 at 21:28
  3. avatar
    #48 kcob

    Awesome capping ceremony at Growth Point Kings Park tonight. I really think these team has some awesome friendships, just watching those kids together! It will stand them in good stead this Craven Week!

    9 June, 2014 at 20:44
  4. avatar
    #47 Far Meadows

    @Gungets Tuft:Yip , interesting Saturday evening for them :oops:

    It is Patch’s son , his eldest son played for the MHS 1sts last year in the midfield.

    9 June, 2014 at 07:36
  5. avatar
    #46 Gungets Tuft

    @Far Meadows: Eeisch. Must be Patch Furniss’s lightie. Same year as me. There was a Walker in my year but I am pretty sure it’s not his boy. I knew about Walker and Egberink, always a pity when the line is broken, such is life. Plenty at House, Hilton and KC.

    Some interesting dinner time chat in 2 of those homes on Saturday night

    9 June, 2014 at 06:27
  6. avatar
    #45 Far Meadows

    @Gungets Tuft:Yes, must be the same family , this boy’s father is definitely a College old boy.

    With Walker and Egberink, that makes it three College old boys sons in the House 1stXV.

    8 June, 2014 at 23:42
  7. avatar
    #44 Gungets Tuft

    @Far Meadows: Is Furniss related to the Furniss family that went to College in the late 70’s.

    8 June, 2014 at 21:30
  8. avatar
    #43 Far Meadows

    @GreenBlooded: It was those turnovers that killed any momentum that House was building. In the first half Bader Pretorious was very good ( his kicking for poles was not up to his usual standard though ), Liam Furniss on the right wing for House was also very good. Tattam was also missed in the midfield.

    It was good to see Egberink back after a long term injury, even though he only had a 5 min cameo appearance before getting yellow carded.

    8 June, 2014 at 20:33
  9. avatar
    #42 GreenBlooded

    @Far Meadows: I also thought that Tharrat had a great game – working tirelessly at the breakdown and effecting many critical turnovers. Once again – Stuart gave his standard 200% contribution. What he lacks in size he makes up for with heart. Seba and Van Der Linde are proving to be a more than capable half-back combination as well. Coetzee and Guma were the pick of the backs for me.

    8 June, 2014 at 20:03
  10. avatar
    #41 umbiloburger

    @Jordaan: In the years gone by College were remembered as the top school, not only because of their 1XV results, but because they dominated all the age groups too. SBR is about all the teams and not just 1st teams.

    8 June, 2014 at 18:24
  11. avatar
    #40 Jordaan

    @umbiloburger: that’s okay, once our boys get to open age group we dominate.

    You sound a big like the DHS guy, carrying on about u14, 15 and 16 results for the last 10 years, but, the DHS 1st XV hasn’t beaten College, Westville or Glenwood for a decade.

    Having said that, have to admit great result for MHS though.

    8 June, 2014 at 16:16
  12. avatar
    #39 Far Meadows

    @GreenBlooded: Agreed, it was a game that lived up to expectations.

    You mentioned the breakdown, I thought that the breakdown was where College won the game, le Roux was immense and was my man of the match.

    Once again the very good MHS 2nds didn’t disappoint with a good win.

    8 June, 2014 at 12:59
  13. avatar
    #38 umbiloburger

    @GreenBlooded: When did House last beat MC at U15A? Orchy must be devastated. He is solid coach and given some more years under the belt he will be a top coach.

    8 June, 2014 at 12:47
  14. avatar
    #37 GreenBlooded

    Great main match on Meadows yesterday – nail biting stuff. House got off to a massive start with 2 tries in the opening 3 minutes but College clawed their way back into the game and it was closely contested affair throughout. An epic encounter which I rate in the same league as the 44-40 match last year – great running and fierce physical battles at the breakdown. Almost a pity one team had to win – it really was as close as the scoreboard suggested.

    8 June, 2014 at 12:19
  15. avatar
    #36 GreenBlooded

    @sharkie: @Far Meadows: Unblieveably yes – Michaelhouse U15A won 26-17 after a very evenly contested game. Michaelhouse got 2 late tries to seal the victory. They were up for the game and had clearly prepared well. The celebration after the final whistle was quite unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed at this level – it was RWC final stuff. Clearly a very prized scalp which will give the U15A bragging rights for a long time to come. College will have to do some soul searching going forward.

    8 June, 2014 at 12:06
  16. avatar
    #35 Gungets Tuft

    @sharkie: Yes. House scored 2 tries in the last 4 minutes to take it.

    8 June, 2014 at 12:05
  17. avatar
    #34 sharkie

    @umbiloburger: did college 15a lose to MHs 15a

    8 June, 2014 at 12:01
  18. avatar
    #33 Far Meadows

    @sharkie: I don’t think so.

    8 June, 2014 at 11:31
  19. avatar
    #32 sharkie

    Did michaelhouse under 15 a beat mc 15 a

    8 June, 2014 at 11:00
  20. avatar
    #31 seabass

    @beet: Clifton 45 – Treverton 14 in a very chilly Mooi River

    8 June, 2014 at 10:26
  21. avatar
    #30 umbiloburger

    @Grasshopper: Brilliant game…..but GW were just too strong at A team level and at1st level. The u14 game was competitive up until half time but then the floodgates opened. The u15 game was too one sided with game being stopped after 27 minutes. The u16 game was a good encounter but despite several injuries GW ran away comfortable winners. In the 1st team it was men against boys unfortunately.

    8 June, 2014 at 08:49
  22. avatar
    #29 umbiloburger

    @Jordaan: Waiting……but we are at College!! What happened to your U15A side? That’s a bitter pill to swallow. When last did Mc U15A lose to MHS?

    8 June, 2014 at 08:43
  23. avatar
    #28 Jordaan

    Great win for the Monument / Waterkloof 2nd XV.

    7 June, 2014 at 22:10
  24. avatar
    #27 Jordaan

    Sounds like a great game, what a win for College, Michaelhouse are extremely difficult to beat at home this season. Glenwood watch out, we coming for you!

    7 June, 2014 at 21:59
  25. avatar
    #26 Rhino

    WBHS 2nd XV 43 vs Voortrekker 1st XV 5


    7 June, 2014 at 19:53
  26. avatar
    #25 Umtata

    @Tigger: wow!!!

    7 June, 2014 at 17:52
  27. avatar
    #24 Grasshopper

    @Tigger: wow, must be Glenwood’s biggest win over Hilton ever and at Hilton!

    7 June, 2014 at 17:47
  28. avatar
    #23 Tigger

    Glenwood 67 Hilton 7

    7 June, 2014 at 17:46
  29. avatar
    #22 Gungets Tuft

    College 25 – 24 House. Wasn’t there, twitter makes it sound like an absolute cracker, converted try by College on the hooter to take the win. Roberts had a blinder with 3 tries. Sick at home, sounds like a missed a classic.

    7 June, 2014 at 16:38
  30. avatar
    #21 meadows

    @Buffel: MHS have probably enjoyed their most successful streak against College since 2008 winning in ’08,’09,’10 and again in 12 with losses in ’11 and ’13 so College shouldn’t have quite the same aura as a few decades ago. The longest losing streak against any oppositions was against College from ’69 to ’79 – 11 years and 12 games played.

    7 June, 2014 at 14:57
  31. avatar
    #20 beet

    @All Black: I saw a cat thermometer at 9am. it read -2 degrees. Anyone wanting to Man Up runs the risk of Man Down :)

    7 June, 2014 at 10:15
  32. avatar
    #19 Buffel

    @meadows: That counts for a lot so the MHS boys must just play what is put infront of them on the day. Wish I was there to watch. Fantastic cool sunshine weather and with the atmosphere it will be electrical.

    7 June, 2014 at 10:13
  33. avatar
    #18 meadows

    @Buffel: There is something about the history with College. Just ask any of the 2007 side who suffered their only defeat on Goldstones. They rocked up as the overwhelming favourites even without two of their 6 Craven Week players, Lambie and Ross Cronje who were at the SA Schools game, and were beaten by a highly motivated College side on College OB’s day. i don’t think that that College side had a single player at Craven Week.

    7 June, 2014 at 10:02
  34. avatar
    #17 Buffel

    @Jordaan: This MHS side does have something special about them as a team. Brad Roberts an inspiration in the pack with his never say die attitude and well led by Walker from the base but there is something about playing College. They might not be at full strength but they have history on their side and that is always in the back of your mind.
    Anyway that is what happened to us when we played them in'”83.

    7 June, 2014 at 08:44
  35. avatar
    #16 Jordaan

    Given the weather and a few other factors such as injuries, this should College’s toughest away fixture of the season.

    7 June, 2014 at 01:41
  36. avatar
    #15 Buffel

    I see that College have a few key injuries so that should even things up. It is going to be a great spectical with it being old boys day at MHS ,just hope the weather plays ball. Good luck to all involved and hope the injuries are down to a minimum.
    OBS and a couple JW Blacks should keep you all warm at a chilly MHS.

    KC not taking SCHOOL lightly and will have to be on top of their game to come through unscathed.

    6 June, 2014 at 16:38
  37. avatar
    #14 Far Meadows

    @meadows: Yip , it was chilly in Nottingham Road this morning, no snow but there was sleet overnight and there was lots of ice on car windscreens this morning.

    Jackets , blankets and OBS will definitely be the order of the day tomorrow!

    Come 3:00pm , the banks next to Meadows will be nippy to say the least :mrgreen:

    6 June, 2014 at 15:58
  38. avatar
    #13 Deon Pitzer

    @beet: Rule nr 5! Google it.

    6 June, 2014 at 14:06
  39. avatar
    #12 All Black

    @beet: Man up.

    6 June, 2014 at 13:52
  40. avatar
    #11 meadows

    @beet: Nice to see Robbie Diack (2003) starting for Ireland against Argentina on the weekend.

    6 June, 2014 at 13:02
  41. avatar
    #10 meadows

    @All Black: Mountain at the head of the Dargle valley

    6 June, 2014 at 12:48
  42. avatar
    #9 beet

    I would like to watch the MHS vs MC match but the cold is very off putting :(

    6 June, 2014 at 12:30
  43. avatar
    #8 All Black

    @meadows: Inhlosane??????

    6 June, 2014 at 12:14
  44. avatar
    #7 meadows

    I’ve just seen a picture of snow covering Inhlosane this morning – a medicinal hip flask is going to be essential for anyone at Balgowan tomorrow.

    6 June, 2014 at 11:49
  45. avatar
    #6 CyndiAtRugby

    @meadows: Very true and the weather at Monument last week was not very cold. I’m looking forward to getting awesome photos in the crisp midlands air.

    6 June, 2014 at 11:38
  46. avatar
    #5 meadows

    @CyndiAtRugby: it would be much more of a home advantage against the Durban schools. The College boys are a bit more used to the midlands winter. :-D

    6 June, 2014 at 10:49
  47. avatar
    #4 Buffel

    no rain-just a pleasant day in the midlands- come now you townies. Great autumn weather.

    6 June, 2014 at 10:48
  48. avatar
    #3 CyndiAtRugby

    The icy weather at both Hilton and Michaelhouse may end up by being the key play maker. Snow will be interesting, rain and sludge not so much.

    6 June, 2014 at 10:45
  49. avatar
    #2 GreenBlooded

    @meadows: I heard that there was even snow overnight in Balgowan? Hoping that is just a nasty rumor cos I have a dawn patrol match to blow and can’t say I’m relishing that in icy temperatures!!

    6 June, 2014 at 10:41
  50. avatar
    #1 meadows

    According to the forecast it is going to be icy cold at Balgowan on Saturday :(

    6 June, 2014 at 09:44

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