Kearsney’s Medworth rugby stand upgraded

Here is some good news for those attending the Kearsney Easter Rugby Festival during April and actually also for anyone who like myself who might have once or twice in the past struggled to find a seat on Kearsney’s jam-packed main stand during one of the big KZN inter-schools derby days.  The Kearsney main stand, arguably the best school rugby stand in KwaZulu-Natal is being extended. The improvements will increase seating capacity as well the covered area.KC stand

From Kearsney:

“There is much excitement amongst the Kearsney community at the rapid progress of the upgrade of the Medworth Stand, alongside Stott Field. The project is scheduled to be completed in time for the first match of the rugby season in March 2014.

The grandstand has been expanded to increase seating and roof coverage, a much needed boost considering Kearsney’s micro-climate and given the tremendous crowds that come along to enjoy the rugby and the family atmosphere on a Saturday and the tens of thousands who travel to Kearsney to catch the action of the annual Kearsney Easter Rugby Festival. The opportunity has also been taken to upgrade the medical facilities within the grandstand, following consultation with medical experts, allowing Kearsney to provide world-class facilities and the best possible emergency care for injured players. All four players’ change rooms will be renovated and a brand new Ladies toilet facility will be located closer to the Coffee Shop on the southern side of the Medworth stand.

Our thanks go to a number of generous Old Boys and the team of parent medical doctors who have assisted with the project.”

The annual Kearsney Easter Rugby Festival will be held from Thursday, 17 April to Monday, 21 April this year.


Thu 08h30 17/04/2014 KZN u13 Dev TBC
Thu 09h30 17/04/2014 Kearsney HTS Middelburg
Thu 10h45 17/04/2014 Framesby Monument
Thu 12h00 17/04/2014 Westville Nico Malan
Thu 13h15 17/04/2014 Selborne Affies
Thu 14h30 17/04/2014 Glenwood Dale
Thu 15h45 17/04/2014 Grey College EG Jansen
Sat 08h30 19/04/2014 KZN u13 Dev TBC
Sat 09h30 19/04/2014 Selborne Framesby
Sat 10h45 19/04/2014 HTS Middelburg Nico Malan
Sat 12h00 19/04/2014 Kearsney Dale
Sat 13h15 19/04/2014 Glenwood EG Jansen
Sat 14h30 19/04/2014 Grey College Westville
Sat 15h45 19/04/2014 Affies Monument
Mon 08h30 21/04/2014 KZN u13 Dev Highbury Prep
Mon 09h30 21/04/2014 Nico Malan Dale
Mon 10h45 21/04/2014 Glenwood Framesby
Mon 12h00 21/04/2014 Westville Selborne
Mon 13h15 21/04/2014 Affies HTS Middelburg
Mon 14h30 21/04/2014 Grey College Monument
Mon 15h45 21/04/2014 Kearsney EG Jansen


  1. avatar
    #33 Buffel

    The surface at Kearsney looking like a billiard table. A far cry from the tufts of grass we had to endure but would not have changed it in the world. A special place for the KOB’s. 1981- U15 ‘A’ KEARSNEY 18 COLLEGE 6. I will take that win as one of my finest moments in my rugby career. Snyman and crew came up against a very committed bunch of boys having been handed a hiding in u13 and u14 on Snows. Those were the days.

    11 February, 2014 at 18:42
  2. avatar
    #32 Grasshopper

    @Gungets Tuft: have you seen the Glenwood turf when not mangled by two thousand games on it. Used to be the Super 15 teams favourite until Northwood sorted theirs, closer to their hotels in Umhlanga.

    11 February, 2014 at 18:41
  3. avatar
    #31 Buffel

    @Gungets Tuft: been there-he should be laying the turf at Lords if you go by his sound knowledge of playing surfaces etc. There is no one to match him when it comes to ground prep according to him.

    11 February, 2014 at 18:35
  4. avatar
    #30 Buffel

    @beet: there is one problem with the Hilton ground. It is like playing at the old beachwood ground-running on sea sand. Atmosphere great-surface poor.

    11 February, 2014 at 18:32
  5. avatar
    #29 Playa

    @Grasshopper: One of those things you have to see live to appreciate. Believe me, a derby day at QC never lacks atmosphere…you wont even notice the track.Throw in 8000+ spectators at a QC vs Dale/Selborne/Grey/St Andrews game

    11 February, 2014 at 16:12
  6. avatar
    #28 Ludz

    @Grasshopper: clearly never been to the Rec :lol:, best schoolboy arena in the country, ask any Kingswoodian, Andrean, Grey, Dalian, Selbornian, Kearsney lad, College lad etc who’s had the privilege of playing on the Rec. It’s electric atmosphere and the surroundings

    11 February, 2014 at 16:11
  7. avatar
    #27 Gungets Tuft

    @beet: Northwood have the best turf, no question. Always nice and green. Just don’t get caught up in conversation with the groundsman … trust me on that.

    11 February, 2014 at 15:21
  8. avatar
    #26 beet

    I really like the field set up at Hilton. It’s a bit like a mini amphitheatre and a really special place when there is a big crowd.

    11 February, 2014 at 15:14
  9. avatar
    #25 beet

    @All Black: The Northwood ground is really nice and they now even have a really nice open stand for the boys on the seaside of the ground facing their concrete stand.

    However in terms of best stand just like at Glenwood, the major draw back at Northwood are those pillars in way of viewing the entire field.

    11 February, 2014 at 15:11
  10. avatar
    #24 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Dunno – just posted the link. Never been there either. Other than Goldstones (of course) my favourites in KZN are House and Hilton. Lekker feel to them, I like the grass banks, like the fresh air feel of them. I see SACS rate highly in the poll, I don’t get that at all. Not my favourite, probably because it has been wet and cold every time I have been there.

    11 February, 2014 at 14:46
  11. avatar
    #23 Woltrui

    @Grasshopper: Affies has got huge stands, on the eastern and western side of the rugby field. Unluckily the rugby field is surrounded by the athletics tracks so the stands is not close to the rugby field. I think the atmosphere at KES, Jeppe and PBHS is better than at Affies because the spectators is close to the playing field.

    11 February, 2014 at 14:17
  12. avatar
    #22 Grasshopper

    @Gungets Tuft: If that pic is of the Rec, sorry never been there, the field surrounds look a little bare and to have an athletics track around it spoils the atmosphere. Personally I think the Piley Reece, Goldstones and Hilton are the best I have seen. Michaelhouse & Kearsney are pretty nice, Northwood & Glenwood are great to for accoustics. Nothing better than the warcries reverberating off the main school buildings..

    11 February, 2014 at 13:46
  13. avatar
    #21 Grasshopper

    Doesn’t Affies have a huge stand?

    11 February, 2014 at 13:41
  14. avatar
    #20 All Black

    Beet spoken like a true KOB. “Arguably the best stadium in KZN? ” :mrgreen: Northwood and Kearsney have very similar scenarios but we will give it to Kearsney. Kind of like the Goldstones Kent Pavillion though. :twisted:

    11 February, 2014 at 13:08
  15. avatar
    #19 Gungets Tuft

    @rugbyfan: Hmmmm. We remember 1985 quite fondly as well. Sorry … :roll: .. but you walked into one of the best College sides ever.

    11 February, 2014 at 12:52
  16. avatar
    #18 QC86

    @rugbyfan: it was a great day,to cap it i scored a try :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    11 February, 2014 at 12:38
  17. avatar
    #17 rugbyfan

    @Gungets Tuft: Ye played at the Rec a few times agree very nice ground stand must seat at least 5000 people was there 2 years ago the changes have made it even better. Remember playing Queens there in 85 there must have been at least 8000 people there and what a bummer we lost. :oops:

    Agree must be one of the best.

    11 February, 2014 at 12:21
  18. avatar
    #16 rugbyfan

    @Buffel: Will help for the festival

    11 February, 2014 at 12:18
  19. avatar
    #15 Gungets Tuft

    @rugbyfan: One of the sports sites did a poll recently. Everyone voted for their own schools :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    The Rec ran away with it

    11 February, 2014 at 12:09
  20. avatar
    #14 Buffel

    @rugbyfan: hence the extensions. will add another 450+ seats under cover. Saw it yesterday and it is really taking shape. roof on. bring on KERF.

    11 February, 2014 at 11:45
  21. avatar
    #13 rugbyfan

    I think it would be a good thing to hear what all and sundry have to say who has the best stand and grounds?

    Although this one at Kearsney looks good was there two years ago I would say its far to small.

    11 February, 2014 at 11:31
  22. avatar
    #12 Grasshopper

    @kcman: At Glenwood all 150metres of stands are for guests, Old boys, teachers etc. The boys are put on about 10 wooden temporary stands, it actually makes for a great atmosphere as the boys sing directly to the crowds. The same goes for Westville and DHS, actually most KZN schools…

    11 February, 2014 at 08:52
  23. avatar
    #11 Grasshopper

    @kcman: OK, then build another for the parents, old boys/girls and guests.

    11 February, 2014 at 08:51
  24. avatar
    #10 kcman

    @Grasshopper: At Kingswood the boys and girls have the stand as well, it was built for them, not for the visitors.

    Awesome new stand at Kearsney, one they can be proud of.

    11 February, 2014 at 08:49
  25. avatar
    #9 Grasshopper

    @kcman: Well in my day, it was about being subordinate until you earned the right for luxuries, the whole fagging system. So maybe allow matrics but the rest on wooden stands. Parents and visitors are older and should be respected, they have earned the right to be on the stands as guests of the school. Maybe my old fashioned values no longer apply these days where the boys think they are their parents and teachers equals….

    11 February, 2014 at 08:46
  26. avatar
    #8 kcman

    @Grasshopper: In my opinion it is the boy’s school so why should they be relegated to the wooden stands? I am all for the boys getting it all.

    11 February, 2014 at 08:36
  27. avatar
    #7 Grasshopper

    It doesn’t look a huge extension, is only another 10m added to the end?

    11 February, 2014 at 08:36
  28. avatar
    #6 RBugger

    Looks very impressive – bring on Kerf

    11 February, 2014 at 08:17
  29. avatar
    #5 Gungets Tuft

    Very nice. Almost a pity that College play at Goldstones this year, I don’t have a handy excuse to go to Kearsney to have a look. Might squeeze in a KERF match …

    10 February, 2014 at 14:54
  30. avatar
    #4 geronimo

    Well done to Kearsney.

    Seating was always an issue – we look forward to seeing this good investment and perhaps the Kearsney lads can still squeeze in on the end.

    Sitting behind the poles has however always been exciting!

    10 February, 2014 at 14:18
  31. avatar
    #3 Grasshopper

    @Westers: Agree with you, the boys should be on the wooden temporary stands…

    10 February, 2014 at 13:46
  32. avatar
    #2 Westers

    Great addition. But I have always found it a bit strange that on Derby days most visitors are relegated to the wooden stands and the boys get the luxury of shade/shelter.

    10 February, 2014 at 13:40
  33. avatar
    #1 Greenwood

    saw this on Saturday – lightie played cricket there

    Very impressive – extended roof completed both sides – still sorting out change rooms though – yup ! by far the best SBR grandstand I’ve seen

    can’t wait for Kerf – we always get there early complete with Duvets , blankets Hot Coffee – sit right at the Top – don’t get kicked in the back …

    10 February, 2014 at 13:12

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