Massive corruption in South African schools

Thursday, 06 February 2014. A Corruption Watch report revealed there is evidence of large-scale corruption in schools.

According to the Corruption Watch organisation 12% of reports on all kinds of corruption since it started in 2012 related to alleged corruption in schools.

The reports indicated that principals, school governing body members and, to an extent, teachers, manipulated and abused the school system to enrich themselves.

Public funds received for infrastructure maintenance and upgrading, and sourcing of learning materials, funding of feeding schemes were amongst the revealed types of abuse.

A survey indicated that there was corruption at both public and private schools.

Read the full aticle by SAPA in the Mail & Guardian here:


  1. avatar
    #74 jakes

    @ Bog- I have a very strong feeling that the words ” I told you so” will be spoken by you to a few of the above commentators in the very near is only a matter of time..

    10 February, 2014 at 14:19
  2. avatar
    #73 Gungets Tuft

    @BOG: Ok then, assume that you have won me over. “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine, motivated by pure hate” – a quote by Che Guevara by the way, the one who inspired the red berets, has convinced me that the catastrophe promised in 1990 (after 35 years of Swart Gevaar” from the Nats), is finally upon us. I wish to join your movement. What’s the next step. Please don’t say Stevie and Sunette, I am so afraid they might sing that I will be forced to take my own life.

    Let me outline what I have done – starting in 1981 when Oom PW decided that he had seen enough of me and kicked me out of his band of broers –

    Provided myself and my family with internationally accepted qualifications
    Diversified investments with something like 50% (and growing) of my nett wealth offshore. Not because I am panicking, but with the exchange rate going west due to growth rates in SA lagging, it just makes sense
    Lived in the UK for long enough to know that I could NEVER live there again.

    All I believe is that exaggeration is never helpful. If you believe “a deliberate, calculated , unemotional and objective assessment, based on present trends and events” is provided by dodgy stats and a EFF banner ….

    However – your statement “A lie doesnt become truth, wrong doesnt become right and evil does not become good because its repeatedly told , even by many” – we can agree on that.

    Best we leave it there – there is little agreement to be had I am afraid.

    10 February, 2014 at 06:51
  3. avatar
    #72 BOG

    Sure, be comfortable in fools paradise. You see the writing is on the wall- you are just hoping that you are reading it incorrectly. You are delusional if you think that political indicators are things that you “prove”in a laboratory. Thats why people are so susceptible and vulnerable to deception. And its proven by history. Guessing and making wild predictions is one thing, but a deliberate, calculated , unemotional and objective assessment, based on present trends and events, is as accurate as any science. Dont believe otherwise and I have seen the accuracy of that, proven over and over again.A lie doesnt become truth, wrong doesnt become right and evil does not become good because its repeatedly told , even by many.An example of my “imagination”, is the following, off an EFF banner: “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine, motivated by pure hate” Try and find that in your local paper. Clearly you do believe that when 3 wolves and a sheep must decide on the next meal,it is democracy. Keep on dreaming- the reality check is approaching fast!

    10 February, 2014 at 05:24
  4. avatar
    #71 Gungets Tuft

    @BOG: I don’t regard 3rd Degree with any more confidence than I do Carte Blanche. Consumer TV, see if you can dig up their sources, I would be convinced then, even share my baked beans with you

    9 February, 2014 at 17:35
  5. avatar
    #70 Gungets Tuft

    @BOG: A basic rule of debate, you claim it, then prove it. You make a statement the put the burden of proof on me. No Sir, that’s not the way it is done. I heard statements of doom like this in 1990, again in 1994, and every election since then. Prove your statements or they are just claims. I pay very little attention to claims. And call me what you like, the sticks and stones are also just claims.

    9 February, 2014 at 17:29
  6. avatar
    #69 BOG

    Im going to conclude with the following. Being drawn out by people who clearly do not want to know, irritates me. I made relevant comments under a particular heading, not to impress or convince anyone. Corruption, like crime, is just a symptom or consequence of bad government@Roger: For convenience, you are right.FB is certainly not the source of that list but “3rd Degree” is. Not a single point on that list can be refuted. But those are just “superficial” issues.There are many more serious issues present, but denial has always been a convenient form of escapism. In SA, its been like that for a long time and it has not changed.@Gungets Tuft: You claim to rely on science. As far as politics is concerned, its clearly not the case. You are guessing. I say again. I commented here and I dont care a damn if you believe me or not. You cannot refute a single one point on that list and I think you are too afraid to accept the truth. Unlike you, Im not over confident in the media ito reliability, but the source is “3rd Degree”You continue to ignore what I have been saying to you- thats your choice. I have been around long before the digital age, and to be honest, do not even know how to copy and paste.@Tjoppa: Lyk my jy is hardhorende doof, of onder die invloed van iets. Ek is alles behalwe belangrik, en om te insinueer dat ek dit voorgee, bevestig dit. Gaan lees maar wat ek reeds gese het. Ek is egter nie bereid om my oe te sluit vir die waarheid en deel te neem aan sinnelose gesprekkies asof daar absoluut niks verkeerd is nie. Julle steur julle aan die muurbehangsels terwyl die fondamente besig is om te verkrummel.Om myself uit te spreek oor iets onder n relevante hoof, is nie n poging om myself as belangrik voor te hou nie. Is dit wat jy doen elke keer as jy hier iets te se het oor skoolrugby? You all seem to be very comfortable in the fools paradise which you have created for yourselves. You subscribe perfectly to the example of the bloke who jumped off the 50th floor. As he passed the 30th, someone shouted at him” how is it going?” So far, so good, he replied. Thats exactly what you are doing- ignoring the indicators.But time wil tell and we all should know who was right in about six years from now. In the meantime, keep the doors locked and the Rotweilers awake.

    9 February, 2014 at 16:53
  7. avatar
    #68 Tjoppa

    @Gungets Tuft: Tow truck driver se gat with all that Latin.

    I agree on this 100% with you. Let the young’s ones take over. It is their future.

    On another subject. You heard Jono was dropped from the Varsity Cup game to the bench. Replaced by the blind side loosie of last week. Although Rudolph had a blinder at six he is at best a lock or blind side flanker. This poor boy is going to be dropped next week for being a poor no 8 and so this gemors will carry on week after week.

    9 February, 2014 at 16:19
  8. avatar
    #67 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Bog it sounds like you are a well informed person. It sounds like you are active in current politics. It sounds like you are a very important person. It sounds a lot like bullshit too. If you are really this bigshot with all the knowledge why do you not jump on the soapbox and tell the world what they should know. Why hide. I can only make my ill informed decisions, under the influence of brannas & Coke, if people like you are not willing to tell all. So either shut up or bring the proof of who and what you are and what have you done to be so important, at this stage in your eyes only.

    9 February, 2014 at 16:08
  9. avatar
    #66 Gungets Tuft

    @BOG: We will agree to disagree then. I have found exaggeration to be the most dangerous and inaccurate indicator o anything. You stated the “facts”, it is my right to ask you to back them up. You haven’t done so. Pulling the whole ad hominem argument by saying my head is in the sand because i do not subscribe to your thinking means I ignore your argument completely, as you so mine because you feel that my character is flawed because I do not take you at face value. It’s called an impasse. Such is the digital age, everybody has a copy&paste argument that is a winner, I will make my peace with that.

    You give the young people of today far, far too little credit. Julius will win some seats, but the younger generation have seen through him already, his base will age out. I am massively optimistic of the “born free” generation, just watch them go, now that they are no longer on our wake. Just watch. Our kids will fix what we broke, we need to just get out of their way.

    9 February, 2014 at 14:14
  10. avatar
    #65 Roger

    @BOG: you got that list straight off Facebook Bog – c’mon admit it :mrgreen: It’s been “liked” by every Tom, Dick and Harry. Facebook – now that’s a reputable source :mrgreen:

    9 February, 2014 at 13:43
  11. avatar
    #64 BOG

    @Gungets Tuft: As I pointed out, I could not care less if you believe me or not. What I quoted above, was merely that provided by “3rd Degree”. A serious observer could add a lot more. Are you kidding? You really base your assessment on current events on that what you saw in the 80s. Clearly, you are even less informed than what I thought. If you really wish to gain knowledge of politics, you need to listen to opinions across the whole political spectrum, from Julius to Steve and even wider. But you are clearly showing symptoms of a very old “SA disease”- political blindness, or put diplomatically, naivity. My comment on Obama was merely to conclude what we discussed recently and has no baring on this heading. I said that like the weather report, they base their prediction on indicators. Likewise, there are political indicators, which, if used correctly, are as accurate. Eg polls suggest that Malema will get between 4 and 5% this election, which will give him around 16 seats, only marginally less than the official opposition on 6%. For the next 5 years all he needs to do is say what the masses want to hear-disasterous for the country but music to their ears and he will come very close to government. But if you are comfortable with your head in the sand, who am I to tell you to change position. You clearly dont like facts and Im afraid the end result will come as a much greater shock.@Tjoppa: Your head is pumped full of propaganda. They give you a TV, rugby , brandy and Coke and you are oblivious of the country burning around you.Until its too late of course. Making the best of things, does not require you to be blind. And for the record, I do far more than you perhaps realize, certainly more than the average citizen. But that is my business.

    9 February, 2014 at 11:39
  12. avatar
    #63 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Thank you Bog I was starting to pack my belongings but I see I am safe. My eyes are shot, struggle to see anything this morning. My breasts I am sure is not in demand and my balls, well lets just call them used. My tongue and liver after last night’s poker well lets just say I wish I can replace them.
    Bog South Africa is what we make of it. It is your decision and I am going to use an old saying ” Do you want to be part of the problem or the solution”. Wake up and make a difference.

    9 February, 2014 at 07:32
  13. avatar
    #62 Gungets Tuft

    Calling all pockets ou Bog. I spent years in the “townships” during the late 70’s and 80’s, if you think the country has deteriorated since then you are just wrong.

    As for brininging Obama into this, are you serious?

    You have stated that South Africa heads various crime categories as well as a number of socio-political calamity lists, but little verifiable, that bothers me. The onus is on you to provide backing for the statements or stop defending them. My interest just wanes when I can’t use some sort of science to measure something. It’s pedantic I know, makes me quite boring.

    9 February, 2014 at 06:22
  14. avatar
    #61 BOG

    @Gungets Tuft: Oh, on second thoughts- if you were referring to my “list” above, that was just what was mentioned on the program “3RD Degree”, not known to be too critical of government. Any political student or serious observer worth his or her salt, could ad a lot more to it. And just as a matter of interest, here is something off a flier distributed at JHB taxi ranks: “In a rush to get money? The best prices for all your body parts and organs. We pay keen cash for: Eyes (R5000); Breasts(up to R1800); Tongue (up to R2500 cash); Testicles (R1600); Hands ; Kidney. Contact Dr Ubas clinic: 073 604 5678. And on another matter, do a little research on the game called “Assassin” and backed by cartoon strips. Its distributed in SA

    9 February, 2014 at 03:57
  15. avatar
    #60 BOG

    @Gungets Tuft: Proof of what? Everything mentioned is verifiable. And the old saying is- “Dont go for the messenger if you dont like the message, and yes, it includes “Steve and Sunette” You should start asking proof from sources who are perceived and generally accepted as being reliable, but are not.The ones the public gobble up every day. You should ask yourself why there are 3 murders in 4 hours and only one is reported in a newspaper, hidden at the bottom of the middle pages.You should ask yourself why the horrific nature of the murders- barbaric torture, are not reported . Until recently, it was not difficult for those media monopolies, to control information which reaches the public. But things are changing through the social media and more are realising that the wool has been pulled over their eyes for too long. And just to recall a matter which we discussed recently, Obamas approval rating among those who supported him at the last election, the young between 18 and 24, was 41%. (Just thought Id let you know) And some of the “numbers” as you call it, were released by the SAPS itself, generally not known for reliability. If anything, they could be worse. Lastly, I could not care a damn if you believe what I say or not. Im not here to convince anyone, but having spent more than 30 years in an environment , both in and outside of SA, where I was directly exposed to matters of this nature,Im sufficiently capable of making a fairly accurate assessment of the “condition” of SA. And as I pointed out earlier, you do not even require a PHd in political science to reach that conclusion. A simple essay, under Politics, Economics and Social Challenges, leaving out emotion and being objective, should point you to a very worrying assessment. But I guess the “proof is in the pudding” and for that, you will have to wait for 5-7 years from now.

    9 February, 2014 at 02:44
  16. avatar
    #59 Gungets Tuft

    @BOG: Proof please. You put those numbers out there, lets have some reputable references that do not include Steve and Sunette.

    8 February, 2014 at 21:37
  17. avatar
    #58 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Andre le Roux du Toit aka Koos Kombuis asseblief Bog. Mr T dalk familie van jou? Jul skryfstyl en humor bykans dieselfde. Dig en sing jy ook op Tassies?

    Boggie die aarde sal sy gat moet roer my tyd raak min. Kan nie wag nie.

    8 February, 2014 at 12:39
  18. avatar
    #57 BOG

    @Andre T: @Speartackle: Ek is nie beindruk met julle litirere vaardighede nie- julle steel van Dozi. En is julle saam in n kooi- as ek kyk na die tydsverskil van julle posts? En ou Tjoppa? Pasop! die aarde kom vinnig nader !

    8 February, 2014 at 09:20
  19. avatar
    #56 Andre T

    @Speartackle: Ek dink hy is erens op n kano in die Kaspiese see

    8 February, 2014 at 07:39
  20. avatar
    #55 Speartackle

    @BOG: En die hele wereld word stil
    en luister in die donker uur
    na die naggeluide
    van Spear se klavier

    8 February, 2014 at 07:37
  21. avatar
    #54 BOG

    @Djou: In hulle poste- soos die bokwagter, hulle baas.

    8 February, 2014 at 03:50
  22. avatar
    #53 Djou

    Terug na die topic. Meeste korrupsie vind plaas in KZN, Oos-Kaap en Wes-Kaap skole – meestal laerskole – wat voedingskemas aanbied. Die hoof is gewoonlik voor in die koor en verkoop al die kos en ander skenkings wat vir die kinders bedoel is aan ander mense. Stoorkamers vol geskenke en kos is in sommige se huise opgespoor, maar raai wat – hulle is steeds in hul poste.

    7 February, 2014 at 19:01
  23. avatar
    #52 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Eintlik Gatiepie wat van die 50e verdieping gespring het. Toe hy verby die 30e vloer trek, vra iemand” Hoe is dit?” Sover, OK antwoord hy. Dit is so beskrywend van ons toestand in die land en julle het dit peagtig geillustreer. Die grond kom vinnig nader, mense. @Speartackle: Ek dink jy dink aan David Kramer agter die Volksiebus.

    7 February, 2014 at 18:32
  24. avatar
    #51 Tjoppa

    @Speartackle: Of Gatiep wat van die derde verdieping val. Toe iemand hom vra wat het gebeur se Gatiep ” Wetie kom self nou net hier aan.”

    7 February, 2014 at 16:31
  25. avatar
    #50 Speartackle

    @BOG: Eintlik is ek eens met jou……..dit laat my dink aan die Capie eendag daar in die Robinsonpas by my verby met n bicycle sonder brieke…………sy uitroep…………’master, eks in my moer’

    7 February, 2014 at 16:26
  26. avatar
    #49 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Nee nee so wen jy nie ‘n argument nie. Kom jy is tog ‘n slim en opgevoede mens.

    7 February, 2014 at 16:25
  27. avatar
    #48 BOG

    Tyd vir my “flexi- slapie” Sluit julle deure, hekke, vensters , hou die honde wakker, en laai julle wapens Andersins, n rustige naweek

    7 February, 2014 at 16:24
  28. avatar
    #47 BOG

    Ja meneer, las sommer kakpraat in Afrikaans daarby. Ongeag hoe julle na die situasie kyk, is ons tot by ons neusgate in die stront. Dit is ongelukkig die harde werklikheid en ons het nog nie naastenby die finale produk gesien nie. So, projekteer dit wat jy nou sien vorentoe- 5, 10 en 15 jaar en dit raak skrikwekkend. Hoop maar julle skop die emmer in die volgende 5 jaar of pak julle goedjies. Teen daardie tyd sal julle R25 vir n liter petrol betaal en R30 vir n Britse (swak) pond

    7 February, 2014 at 16:19
  29. avatar
    #46 Tjoppa

    @Speartackle: BunnyChow en ‘n Carling op die strand, Shirley, Poker Aande met pelle, Grens stories, Leon Schuster, oesters by Knysna ag ek is lekker hier.

    7 February, 2014 at 16:12
  30. avatar
    #45 Speartackle

    @Tjoppa: Kevin Pietersen, Clyde Rathbone, Jurie Els, Casper de Vries, Evita Bezuidenhout, Jacob Zuma, Grasshopper

    7 February, 2014 at 16:08
  31. avatar
    #44 Tjoppa

    @BOG: 1) Sonskyn 2) Rugby 3) Charlize Theron 4) Biltong 5) Braaivleis 6) Die bqry van die Bolanders 7) Die reuk van reen (8) Namakwaland se blomme 9) Mrs Balls Chutney 10) Springbokke 11) Affies 12) Polisiemanne se dogters 13) Vryheid van spraak 14) Carling Black Label 15) Middag donderstorm 16) Pap en sous 17) Bosveldvuur 18) Capies se segoed 19) Loftus Versveld 20) Tassies moet ek nog aangaan?

    7 February, 2014 at 16:04
  32. avatar
    #43 BOG

    @Tjoppa: “Overgenietsynde postiwiteit”? Gryp grashalms meneer of is dit “Bullshit baffles brains”? Eerder as een vir een, laat ek sommer maar vir jou n klompie gee in twee landstale- en dit is geensins alles nie. 1)Hoogste misdaad in wereld 2)Hoogste elektristeits pryse prop. to geldeenheid 3)Hoogste kospryse 4)Werkloosheid 5) Sellulere tel.oproepe 6)Meeste verkagtings- elke 4 mins 7)Vierde hoogste mmordsyfer -50-60pd 8) Meeste openbare protesoptogte (2013) 9) Hoogste vigsyfer 10)President met laagste skoolopleiding 11)5th lowest GPO (out of 176) 12) Highest GINI (inequality) 13) Highest depreciating currency 14) Most hi-jakings 15)Most infant murders 16)Most elderly rapes (over 65) 17) Worst education system 18) Most expensive presidential home 19)Highest teenage pregnancies. Ek kan nog vele gee, oa dat 50% vd bevolking onder 25 jr is en dat dit gaan verdubbel in die volgende 15-20 jaar- volgens demograwe. Herkou maar solank. O ja, en die Zim min van Waterwese, Dr Samuel Nkomo, beweer dat n meermin hulle verhoed om water te verskaf aan Bulawayo. Seker n varswater meermin met net soveel grate as n tiervis, of hoe?

    7 February, 2014 at 15:52
  33. avatar
    #42 Tjoppa

    @jakes: America America land of?

    7 February, 2014 at 15:46
  34. avatar
    #41 jakes

    @ Bog- jou laaste comment spot on, kon dit nie beter gestel het nie. Die mense in SA verwar “realiteit” met ‘negatiwiteit” . As jy praat oor realitiet wat aan die gebeur is, dan noem die mense jou negatief..Realitiet is dat suid Afrika baie vinnig besig is om sy agterend te sien, en dis nie ‘n negatiewe stelling nie, dis aan die gebeur>En vir mense wat hulle self laat paai en se dat ander lande net so groot korrupsie het, hulle praat seker dan van ander Afrika lande..Hulle was definitief nog nie in Australia on NZ nie..

    7 February, 2014 at 15:45
  35. avatar
    #40 Speartackle

    @Woltrui: 2 – 0 Wollies. Suarez in die 1ste helfte en Surridge in die doodsnikke

    7 February, 2014 at 15:40
  36. avatar
    #39 Roger

    @Gungets Tuft: never made it at College, or Natal, or Hampshire, or Surrey, or Yorkshire, or his first IPL franchise, or England …….. you follow the pattern. At some point KP has got to wake up and realize KP’s the problem and not the rest of the cricket world. Don’t let Piers Morgan fool you – England eventually cut their losses – good for them

    7 February, 2014 at 15:37
  37. avatar
    #38 Woltrui

    @Speartackle: Dear Mr Spanner Speartackle. Ars enal?? Looking for trouble Mr Spanner? We will speak again on Monday. Eish you’s Liverpool skollies! :wink:

    7 February, 2014 at 15:36
  38. avatar
    #37 Speartackle

    @BOG: Skies ou Bog, was bietjie besig vandag. Roep maar as jy iemand in jou hoek soek.

    7 February, 2014 at 15:26
  39. avatar
    #36 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Ek is steeds hier Bog. Overgenietsynde positiwiteit het tog altyd beter resultate gelewer as negatiewiteit. So Bog wil jy deel wees van die oplossing of die probleem.

    7 February, 2014 at 15:22
  40. avatar
    #35 BOG

    Het “Speartackle” se laptop ingegee? Ek merk “hy” het verdwyn. Die term “negatiwiteit” word deur vele misbruik om mense te snoer. Positiwiteit moet gegrond wees op realisme. n Geneesheer wie kanker diagnoseer of n weervoorspeller wat n koue front voorspel, is nie negatief nie. Di gegrond op die realisme van die “aanwysers” Dit sal jou verbaas, maar daar is iets soos “politieke aanwysers” dikwels meer akkuraat as eg, maar dit word doelbewus vermy om die arme pionne in SA te mislei en te bedrieg.

    7 February, 2014 at 15:18
  41. avatar
    #34 Tjoppa

    @Andre T: My ou skoonma was nie eers so swartgallig nie. Miskien is dit beter as hy verdwyn.

    7 February, 2014 at 15:01
  42. avatar
    #33 Andre T

    @Tjoppa: Ek het eenkeer vir Bog uitgedaag oor iets, kan nie onthou wat maar ekt gewen en toe verdwyn hy vir n maand, Pasop hy is nie die beste verloorder hier rond

    7 February, 2014 at 14:55
  43. avatar
    #32 Andre T

    @BOG: Wie is my Russiese maatjie?

    7 February, 2014 at 14:54
  44. avatar
    #31 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Ek verwys jou na my uitdaging hierbo aan Jakes. Wil jy deelneem.

    7 February, 2014 at 14:52
  45. avatar
    #30 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Ek dink die opskrif hier is “korrupsie” en dit is presies waaroor ek my uitlaat. Ek sit nie met my kop in my gat nie. Ek dink ek is n objektiewe (en opgeleide) waarnemer om wel n geskoolde mening uit te spreek. Dit is nie n kwessie OF die land gaan val nie- hy is BESIG om te val. Enige in diepte assessering sal dit bevestig. En jy foef nie n PHd in Politieke wetenskap te he om tot die slorsom te kom nie. n Eenvoudige opstelletjie onder die hoofde Politiek, Ekonomie en Maatskaplike Uitdagings, sal vir jou n openbaring wees. Hou net emosie daaruit en wees objektief@Andre T: Nee, Nies 24 het my geblok. Hulle hou nie vd waarheid nie en as hulle jou nie kan oordonder met al hulle maatjies wat daar deelneem, dan is jy uit. Lyk my jou Russies geselsmaat kry die oorhand, of hoe?

    7 February, 2014 at 14:49
  46. avatar
    #29 Andre T

    @jakes: Ek sal koebaai waai ja, maar ek gaat nerens

    7 February, 2014 at 14:32
  47. avatar
    #28 Andre T

    @jakes: Nee Jakobusie, ek gaat nerens

    7 February, 2014 at 14:31
  48. avatar
    #27 Tjoppa

    @jakes: Jake then I challenge you to a game. Name one thing bad about South Africa and I will name one good thing. Let us see who lasts the longest.

    7 February, 2014 at 14:29
  49. avatar
    #26 jakes

    @ Tjoppa again, please grow up, this discussion is about South africa in general, not of one school. But again you get stuck like an old broken record and can’t contribute to meaningful discussion.
    @Andre T , adapt or waai , as jy nie jou klappe afhaal nie, mag jy dalk ‘waai”

    7 February, 2014 at 14:26
  50. avatar
    #25 Tjoppa

    @Andre T: Jy nog steeds met die Russe deurmekaar. Jy moet kom poker speel. Ou Shirley het die hots vir Gungetsie maar ek dink jy sal haar kan oortuig. Sy hou van manne wat met hul hande kan werk.

    7 February, 2014 at 14:22
  51. avatar
    #24 Andre T

    @Tjoppa: Nee boet, daai goed is soos spookasem man, gee my n Pushkin

    7 February, 2014 at 14:17
  52. avatar
    #23 Tjoppa

    @Andre T: Give that man a Winhoek Light. Wag gee die donner sommer ‘n kas. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    7 February, 2014 at 14:13
  53. avatar
    #22 Andre T

    Almal het n opinie oor die toestand van die land, wie doen iets daaraan? Of is almal net praters?

    Jakes – Wat doen jy daaromtrent? Wat is jou bydrae?

    Bog – Ek weet ten minste jy neem deel aan News 24 se praatjies maar het jy al erens opgestaan en n standpunt gemaak?

    Boys………..adapt or waai

    7 February, 2014 at 14:11
  54. avatar
    #21 Tjoppa

    @jakes: “threw” does not seem that the schools in Boksburg deteriorated that much in the past 50 years. :evil:

    Or is scraping threw a new sport. Like beer bottle threwing or threwing your breakfast.

    7 February, 2014 at 14:05
  55. avatar
    #20 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Nee magtig Boggie wat te hel is fout met jou. Suid Afrika is goed soos hy nou is. Ons het rugby, sonskyn en ou tannie weduwees om elke hoek en draai. Poker aande kan jy heelnag speel met R 50 sonder om jou klere te verloor. Dit is net ou Shirley wat elke keer vergeet om geld te bring.
    Die wereld heen sit ons met korrupsie en alles wat slegs is, waaroor julle dag na dag aangaan asof Suid Afrika die eiland van vrot in die wereld is. Sit vir ‘n oomblik stil en kyk om jou. Daar is soveel om oor dankbaar te wees. Die stront van jou stop vandag.

    7 February, 2014 at 14:00
  56. avatar
    #19 jakes

    @ Bog- I have to say I agree 100% with you on this one..The people’s resolution to the problems the country is facing is, “ignore it and it will go away.” Reality is that we are heading for troublesome times ahead with schools already closing due to the violence escalating. Other schools just do not have the funds to continue and scraping threw day by day..

    7 February, 2014 at 13:58
  57. avatar
    #18 Tjoppa

    @jakes: Can only grow older, not much though, would that help?

    7 February, 2014 at 13:53
  58. avatar
    #17 jakes

    @ Tjoppa -please grow up thank you.. :wink:

    7 February, 2014 at 13:49
  59. avatar
    #16 BOG

    @jakes: Goodness me, Im in agreement with you. I might even find Boksburg on Google soon. It has become a natural response to something that we cannot stomach or feel helpless to address. What we cannot respond to with political correctness, invariably a lie, we choose to ignore or avoid, somehow thinking that the problem will simply disappear. The honeymoon period is around 15 years in Africa- after uhuru, colonialism, apartheid, or whatever you wish to call it. In SA it was always going to take 6-7 yrs longer- that is soon. No, its not going to get better- what we have had so far, is as good as it will get.From here its going to get a lot worse, and avoiding it, will not change that reality.

    7 February, 2014 at 13:48
  60. avatar
    #15 Tjoppa

    This coming from a person who supports a school where horesetrading and kidnapping of innocent boys is accepted and encouraged. Tsh Tsh What is becoming of this world.

    7 February, 2014 at 13:41
  61. avatar
    #14 jakes

    This is an article about corruption in SA schools and people swing the topic to cricket. Eish!! Sounds like a kind of head in the sand approach. People generally just want to ignore and not want talk about the reality of where this country is headed to..which will ultimately have a negative effect on all our sports.. :( :(

    7 February, 2014 at 13:33
  62. avatar
    #13 Gungets Tuft

    @Roger: One mans pratt is the next mans maverick, who when lead properly carries on winning matches for you. College won’t disown anyone, we can however wish he was a bit more of a team man. It’s probably why he never made it at College but such is life. College has better and worse, but they remain College for life.

    7 February, 2014 at 13:31
  63. avatar
    #12 Gungets Tuft

    @Woltrui: Don’t sound so surprised. There’s another College boy that for some inexplicable reason is not getting a look in. Darren Dupavilon. Brilliant death bowler, rated by the SA Schools selectors in their Top 11 of all time. Hope his time will come, circumstances conspiring at the moment.

    7 February, 2014 at 13:26
  64. avatar
    #11 Woltrui

    @Roger: Maritzburg College boytjie?? I must agree with you Roger. A rare talent, a must for the test side.

    7 February, 2014 at 13:14
  65. avatar
    #10 Roger

    @Andre T: nope – guessing Smith? He and KP are none too friendly

    @Woltrui: now there is a Collge boy who would never get downgraded to ex – get him in the Test side pronto

    7 February, 2014 at 13:06
  66. avatar
    #9 Woltrui

    Jeez guys is it not to early to have discussions on cricket related issues on the blog? I just woke up with a massive babelas called David Miller. Where did that laaitie grew up and what did his parents feed him? It was a sickening experience to watch him toy with the mighty Titans.

    7 February, 2014 at 13:02
  67. avatar
    #8 Andre T

    @Roger: Do you know who the SA cricketer was who blew the whistle on KP’s sms?

    7 February, 2014 at 12:43
  68. avatar
    #7 Roger

    @Gungets Tuft: but – having said that – he is still a bloody good cricketer. If he had ever made it to the Proteas set up I am pretty sure his talents would have been nurtured and enhanced – no place for egos in that enviroment and the Klusners, Bouchers, Kallis’ and Pollocks of the world would have nipped it in the bud.

    7 February, 2014 at 12:35
  69. avatar
    #6 Roger

    @Gungets Tuft: i thought perhaps ‘cos he is such a pratt College would have downgraded him to ex :mrgreen:

    7 February, 2014 at 12:32
  70. avatar
    #5 Gungets Tuft

    @Roger: College former 2nd XI cricketer. College boys are College boys for life.

    I’m also curious – why do you ask?

    7 February, 2014 at 12:02
  71. avatar
    #4 Roger

    heh GT – I’m curious – would Kevin Pietersen be regarded as a former College 2nd XI cricketer or and ex College 2nd XI cricketer :lol:

    7 February, 2014 at 09:36
  72. avatar
    #3 Gungets Tuft

    “It (the survey) was conducted through social networking platform Mxit and sampled 3284 respondents aged between 13 and 34.”

    Not wanting to kill the messenger here, but .. MXit??

    More of a poll than a survey?

    I don’t think they are wrong, but query the method

    7 February, 2014 at 09:25
  73. avatar
    #2 Andre T

    Thought this was public long ago. Here in Saxonwold we’ve known it for a long time. Bog seems to be surprised about it and he worked for the government.

    7 February, 2014 at 08:20
  74. avatar
    #1 BOG

    Well, if it did not happen, it would have been an exception. The whole system of governance is a sewer of decay and a time bomb just waiting to explode. More people know about this than what you think. Why is the country in flames? From Limpopo to Milnerton, from Bronhorstspruit to Bekkersdal, from EL to Uitenhage— A lack of “service delivery”- a nice description for grand theft and plunder. Back to schools. Ironically, the teachers who are involved in this corruption, are often the very ones toy toying so often.

    7 February, 2014 at 08:10

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