A new reason to take concussions seriously

The NFL has just settled litigation relating to a class action by ex-players in respect of post-career illnesses they allege they suffer as a result of concussions suffered during their playing careers. The settlement is for an amount of $765 million.

The players contend that the NFL knew of the dangers of concussions and failed in their duty of care to the players in not preventing further damage by providing proper medical care and equipment to guard against concussions.

The players contend that a link exists between the proliferation of mental illnesses that ex-players are suffering from later in life and the numerous concussions suffered during their playing careers. The players alleged that teams just sent them back out to play or threatened to terminate their contracts. This created a culture which compelled players to play through concussions.

Turning to rugby one becomes concerned when you see players who are clearly concussed being sent out back onto the field of play after having been administered the puerile “field test”. George Smith’s knock to the head in the 3rd test against the British and Irish Lions comes to mind. There have been other instances in local games where the team’s interests are put above the individual’s health related interests. What of school boy rugby which is even less regulated than the senior ranks?

The litigation is a sobering reminder that pro-active steps need to be taken to protect players even if such players insist that they want to return to the field.

1 Comment

  1. avatar
    #1 Rugger fan

    And then there is this link regarding a 14 y.o. who it has been judged died after a second knock on the rugby field. He was apparently concussed early in the second half but continued playing. he died after a second knock around the time of the final whistle.


    5 September, 2013 at 14:14

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