Cape Schools Week took place at Paarl Gymnasium from Saturday, 22 June until Wednesday, 26 June. 15 games were played. Western Cape won 8. Eastern Cape won 7.
Wed, 26-Jun | DAY 3 | |||
A-FIELD | ||||
08h00 | SACS | 8 | 10 | Grey High |
09h20 | Wynberg | 36 | 15 | Dale |
10h40 | Boland Landbou | 13 | 10 | Selborne |
B-FIELD | ||||
09h20 | Rondebosch | 15 | 16 | Queens |
10h40 | Paarl Gim | 57 | 5 | Muir |
Mon, 24-Jun | DAY 2 | |||
14h00 | Rondebosch | 17 | 23 | Selborne |
15h20 | SACS | 17 | 19 | Queens |
16h40 | Wynberg | 31 | 9 | Muir |
18h00 | Boland Landbou | 8 | 20 | Grey High |
19h20 | Paarl Gim | 38 | 3 | Dale |
Sat, 22-Jun | DAY 1 | |||
14h00 | Boland Landbou | 34 | 22 | Dale |
15h20 | Rondebosch | 27 | 31 | Muir |
16h40 | Paarl Gim | 27 | 25 | Grey High |
18h00 | Wynberg | 26 | 20 | Queens |
19h20 | SACS | 9 | 11 | Selborne |
@Tjoppa: Dankie en rus goed. Boggie is weer vroeg more op!
@Tjoppa: Jy kan dit slegs doen in skole rugby as jy die ander span geklop het. Maar ek klink nou vir myself deur die k%k. Wen moet nooit alles wees nie.
@Koos Roos: Mag die beste span wen Koos. Mag die regte span die beste wees.
@Koos Roos: Ek gaan maar nou inkruip, Ou Koos net een ding as jy jouself nie as no1 sien nie sal jy dit nooit word nie. Deur jou teenstander as die beste te beskou sal jy altyd no2 bly.
@Tjoppa: Maar Nuweland was ‘n lekker plek Saterdag. Oor twee weke gaan dit weer wees! SA spanne weet mos hoe om mekaar op die einde uit te skakel of tuis semi’s te ontneem.
@Tjoppa: Net soos Affies, Gim ens.
@Tjoppa: Nee ou Tjoppa, hulle bly maar ‘n “benchmark”. Ons gaan nie onsself no 1 kan noem as jy hulle nie kan klop nie.
@McCulleys Workshop: Send them to Stellenbosch. We can try and beat them with a under 16 side. We allready sent you a flyhalf. He should beat them on his own game. Bader Prinsloo.
@Koos Roos: Julle mik maar laag ou Koos? Synde Greystaat se status as rugbyland deesdae aanhoudend houe vat.
@Koos Roos: if you spoke to any of the Greens, they would confess that their U16’s would Klap most first sides in KZN, very twitchy about U16 status, as is M College.
Ek het nogal aan ou Boggom se “blootstelling aan goeie rugby” gedink, maar wou niks sê nie, want laas toe ek oor spelling gepraat het het hy sy ma se onvermoë om hom by ‘n goeie universiteit in te skryf geopper as verskoning. Ernstige man…
@Predator: Nee ons sal niemand onderskat nie. Boland Landbou herinner ons elke jaar dat landbouseuns en hart saamloop. Ons is net baie opgewonde oor ons o16 groep. Ou Boggie se manne is ons eintlike teiken!
@Koos Roos: Oakdale het ons o/16 gemaklik gewen ,hulle het ‘n baie goeie span,…’n baie goeie pak forwards en spoed agter. Julle sal moet ligloop. Begeesterde manne die Oakdalers ( hulle speel mooi aanskoulike rugby ).
@Predator: Ons blaas maar koud en warm vanjaar. Ek is seker dis maar net die “logistics” wat nie uitgewerk het nie. Ons speel teen meeste van jul bure. Dalk werk vlg jaar uit. Hoe weeg julle o16’s op teen bv Oakdale? Wil ook net seker maak oor al ons oorblywende wedstryde.
@Predator: Go Kwaggas.
@Koos Roos: Ek spot net, maar dit behoort seker een van die monster games van die jaar te wees. Altwee die spanne het al uitstekende rugby die jaar gespeel. Ek hoop dat Affies tog hulle weg kan vind om die Kwaggas op hulle 90 ste verjaarsdag te speel. ons was nogal teleurgesteld toe Paul Roos nie teen ons wou speel aan die begin van die seisoen nie, ons is honger vir sterk kompetisie en PR is definitief een van hulle.
@Djou: Al die tradisionele derbies is spesiaal. Dink nie mens kan een uitsonder nie.
@BOG: Watter blootstelling aan watter goeie rugby, ou Bog? Jy het seker nie die Cheetahs teen Stormers bedoel nie.
@Predator: Sorry, kyk graag mooi rugby. Maar as julle met ons bure kompeteer is ons geneig om hulle te ondersteun. Selfs Boishaaiers sal agter ‘n Gimmie staan as die vyand van elders is. Sien dit gereeld op rugbyfeeste en as Grey bv Kaap toe kom. Dink egter julle het ‘n puik span.
Ek nooi almal na die Saterdag iewers in September wanneer die Kwaggas Paarl Gim se gatte skop in die Burger finaal. Ek sal maar baie van die pannekoeke koop by die klubhuis sodat hulle darem voel dat daar ten minste ondersteuning vir die OOV was, want ek glo almal sal die Kwaggas support daardie dag. Dankie by voorbaat vir die res van die Wes Kaap se ondersteuning.
@Woltrui: Kom ek settle gou. Ek was in dieselfde skool as Jannie de Beer in die ou NOVS, maar was altyd die “odd one out” omdat ek Grey en die OVS ondersteun het. Plaaslik (in Tshwane) hou ek net daarvan om die spel te geniet wanneer ek tyd kry. Affies/Grey bly my gunstelingwedstryd – die gees is onbeskryflik en ek het nog geen ander skolestryd met sulke gees beleef nie – selfs nie die Paarl derby nie. Die Paarl derby is die grootste, maar daar is net iets anders by ‘n Affies/Greywedstryd.
Wat die Bondedag betref, ek weet nie of die sterkste spanne gespeel het nie. Die CW is egter altyd anders – ‘n wen op Bondedag waarborg nie ‘n wen by CW nie. Ek vermoed egter die Bulle sal steeds te veel skietgoed vir die ander spanne he. Gelukkig kan ek my troos aan die Bondedag oorwinning.
@Djou: Djou die Vrystaat se Craven Week span is, soos jy weet, een van die bestes. Ek het geen problem dat die bulletjies met 2 punte teen hulle verloor het nie. En ja, nadat ek die hond ‘n paar maal geskop en ‘n lafenis benuttig het, kon ek perspektief op die wedstryd kry.
Die speelveld gaan baie gelyk wees by die Craven Week. Die stilte daar uit die diep suide maak my erg bekommerd. In my beskeie opinie moet die bergbokke die vroee gunstelinge wees. Gevolg deur die SWD, die Vrystaat en die Magtige Blou Bulle 8)
@BOG: Watter fotos?…Die van die Cape Schools?..Nee ek is nie op enige van hulle te sien nie aangesien ek nie daar was nie…
@Djou: Djou dit was die O/16B spanne. Soortgelyk aan die O/18 akademie week. Sien die Magtige Bulle se O/16 C’s was ook onoorwonne. Garsies het n aantal spelers in die Bulletjies spanne gehad. Vandaar dat ek gedink het jou lojaliteit sou dalk verdeel wees.
@Wollas: Verdeelde lojaliteite???
Pyn is erg. Enige Bul-span wat die Cheetahs troef veroorsaak seer. Ek begin egter al gewoond raak daaraan, maar dit maak dit steeds nie makliker nie. Was dit die o.16A-spanne? Grant Khomo begin eers aanstaande week. Het ‘n vermoede dit kan 0.16B wees. Kyk nou net wat het op die Bondedag met die 0.18A-span gebeur. Seker julle het dit nie verwag nie, of hoe?
@BOG, jammer dan, nie bedoel om enige iemand te ontstel nie. Geniet jou naweek.
@Deon: Dankie vir jou ongevraagde spellessie oor iets wat ek lank gelede opgegee het. Ek het met BHP gepraat- hy ken die storie. Ongelukkig moes ek op Maties swot- my ma het nie geld gehad vir n beter universiteit nie. Ek hoop dus jy vergewe my. Ek het met jou gepraat oor jou opmerking oor die TEORIE van evolusie.@Koos Roos: Ek het gereageer op die ander se kommentaar. Voor jy aanstoot neem, moet jy darem eers gaan lees wat se daardie blaffende foxterriertjies om jou. Miskien sal blootstelling aan goeie rugby Saterdag, help met die frustrasies in die Kaap.
Bog, ek dink dis Squadron en Red Heart, nie Squadren en Redheart nie. Hoekom het jy fotos van my?
@BOG: Boggie, ek het net sop gehad vanaand. Kaapse winter. Maar jy spreek 2 persone aan in jou blog. Dan praat jy met een. Onsamehangend ook vir die grootste deel. Die wereld is groter as die OFS en Orania. Om die Kaap se talent so te misken grens aan wat ons keurders partykeer doen. Nee man ou Bog, jy ken mos rugby!
Mnr Beet. Kan ek asb moontlik opgradeer na n Magtige Blou Bulle avatar? In die lig van die naderende Craven Week. Sal dit op prys stel.
@Djou: Mnr Djou. Sien die Magtige Bulle(om ons moderator aan te haal) het die greystaters vandag in die finaal van die 0/16 bondedag afgestof. Verdeelde lojaliteite gehad neem ek aan?
@Mike: Looking at the list you are right. Most would never have played for Stormers. Both Adriaanses had to leave to play provincial rugby while Stormers was struggling with props. Willie le Roux played for Boland – right under their noses and they let him go. Ditto Elgar Watts. Daniller never stood a chance in the Cape. Barnes – who is Barnes they would have said. Rather get Liebenberg.
@Bog: Jy het eintlik klaar my punt gemaak. “Discarded” by WP en blom tussen die Grey manne. Nou wil hulle vir Piet van Zyl koop, wat uit Grey se 3e span later ontwikkel het. Wat moet arme Louis Schreuder dink. Sal nie verbaas wees as hy sy tasse pak nie.
@BoishaaiPa: @Deon: Ek het na daardie fotos gekyk. Is jy die knaap met die lang rooi ore? Dit kom wanneer jy Squadren Rum in n Redheart bottel aanhou om ander te beindruk. En dit lyk vir my of die nadelige gevolge nou verder begin gaan as net die ore. Hoe doen daardie “wonderspannetjie” van julle? Miskien sal n toer deur die Bolandse platteland help om die gees n bietjie te lig, of hoe? Deontjie, is jy een van daardie misleide mannetjies wie glo dat n spesie se gat en mond van plekke verwissel het oor “ongeveer 350 miljoen jaar” alhoewel daar geen bewys is van transisie nie. Ek het ten minste nou begrip vir jou verwarring in die algemeen.@Djou: Dont get carried away with the few alien players in the Cheetahs side. They were overlooked and discarded because they required a bit of fine tuning and finishing and that they got at the Cheetahs. Go to GCBs FB, scroll down to the article which appeared in The Citizen by Jake White in which he elaborates on the profound influence and impact of Grey on the Cheetahs success.
4 boys from Cape region in Cheetahs starting 15 and another 2 on the bench. 6 Grey Bloem in starting 15 and 3 on the bench.
Hennie Daniller (Paarl Gim)
Willie le Roux (Paul Roos)
Johann Sadie (Paarl Gim)
Robert Ebersohn (GB)
Raymond Rhule
Riaan Smit
Piet van Zyl (GB)
Philip van der Walt
Lappies Labuschagné (GB)
Heinrich Brüssow (GB)
Ligtoring Landman
Lood de Jager
Lourens Adriaanse (Paarl Gim)
Adriaan Strauss (GB)
Coenie Oosthuizen (GB)
Replacements: Ryno Barnes (Paarl Gim), Trevor Nyakane, Waltie Vermeulen (GB), Boom Prinsloo (GB), Sarel Pretorius (GB), Elgar Watts (Klein Nederberg), Howard Mnisi.
@Djou: ill be supporting the Cheetahs, live in cape town though. The cape players playing there realistically wouldn’t have been given the chance at WP..Apparently its going to serve as a trial game for Piet van Zyl
@Paarl bloggers : Who will you be supporting Saturday?
Stormers or Cheetahs?
So many players from the Cape region in the Cheetahs team these days. Don’t know how many, but they might surpass the Grey Bloem boys.
@Woltrui: Maar die storie van jou is dit die waarheid? Hoe gaan dit met Trixie se spene.
Unfortunately wasn’t able to make it out to Paarl, thanks for all the updates. The EC schools seemed to give a much better showing of themselves, always good for the game.Well done to GIM and WYNBERG on been unbeaten, would have liked to seen Selborne Wynberg game. Hopefully next year
Vrystatt het mos op ‘n tyd in die Kaap Kolonie geval. Grey Bloem sal dan miskien wil speel teen Gim in die toernooi.
@Koos Roos: Ja, want hulle word gekeur en gaan deur n keuringsproses om in te kom in die koshuis, so dit is maar die “cream of the crop” soos jy se!..Ek sou dit nogal geniet as HJS en PRG en Bishops ook kan deelneem aan die Cape Schools..Dan kan hulle ook spanne soos St Andrews, Marlow, Kingswood etc intrek. Skole waarteen ons omtrent nooit speel nie. Ek dink hulle moet ook dalk fokus daarop om dan geen CW of Akademie spelers toe te laat om te speel nie..Amper dan soos pure “amateur” rugby!
@BoishaaiPaDie persentasies mag dalk reg wees maar al daai kinders blink in iets uit. Koshuiskinders vorm gewoonlik die kern van die meeste spanne. Wat Boishaai en PRG se afwesigheid by die week betref, het ek ook gewonder. PRG speel egter ten sommige van die Oos Kaap skole by ander geleenthede. Dis dalk die rede. Ek mis vir Ploegie!
@Kingcharles: SACS missed an easy (although nothing was easy in this weather!) conversion that would have tied the match at 10 all. Nice game though – SACS had most of the possession & territory in the 2nd half but Grey were just too good on defence.
@sacssupporter: thanx boet,wish i could have watched some of those games with you oke’s,saw some photo’s,mud bath,our surfer boys would have hated that,bad for their hair.
@QC86: SACS played Grey, Muir & Dale in 2011 Cape schools in KWT and won all three….SACS played Selborne at grey High festival in 2012 and beat them.
I watched Saturday’s game and it was damn close – SACS were much smaller but played likt terriers and could have snatched a win with a penalty kick after full time that was hooked wide…nice game though!
@Woltrui: dok Craven wat so slim was, WP sou mos nerens gewees het sonder Maties nie en hulle sou dan ook in Boland geval het of hoe?
@BoishaaiPa. Ek dink nie Bog hoef te oefen om stront te praat nie, daar is nie veel anders om te doen in die Vrystaat nie. Agv evolusie het die strontpratery maar ‘n genetiese ding geword. Onthou, hulle is nie werklik vertroud met die term voorstad(soos in Noordelike Voorstede) nie. Dis maar ‘n provinsie met net een stad, Boomfontein of so iets, wat eintlik maar net ‘n voorstad is van Egoli, in ‘n ander provinsie, waar twee unies deur ‘n rivier geskei word wat na een of ander antieke vorm van vervoer of ‘n sport vernoem is. Ek dink die Jukskeit.
@BOG: Oefen jy hard daaraan om so baie stront te praat of kom dit van nature?
@Woltrui: Nee my maat dit kom van die skeiding destyds met die twee provinsies. Stedelik se voorwaarde was destyds dat hulle die Paarl en Stellenbosch behou.
As hulle nie oor die voorstede kan besluit nie, verbaas dit my geensins dat hulle die sentrale streek wil ignoreer wanneer dit kom by skolerugby nie. Dit is maar n geval dat hulle net so rigtingbedoderd is as wat hulle rugbykennis ontbreek.

@PaarlBok: Mnr ek dag dit is om rede die WP weet waar die goeie rugby spelertjies bedrywig is. Nou snoep hulle die Bolandertjies
@Tjoppa: Tjoppie ploegskaar is die outjie wat die vieslike benamming het. TBFKAP Vieslik. Vieslike naam. Om mede bloggers so sleg te se. Skande vir die goeie naam van Boland Landbou. ‘n Skool wat alreeds ‘n goeie wen oor die bekende Affies van Pretoria behaal het.
@Woltrui: Jy weet mos dit kom van ver in die geskiedenis. Dis ‘n ooreenkom wat gesluit is in die 1900s tussen WP Stad (nou WP) en WP Platteland (nou Boland)
@Tjoppa: Hahahaha! Quite possible
Aksie fotos van dag 3:
Lanbou vs Selborne:!/media/set/?set=a.551127278266645.1073741834.550133058366067&type=1
Gim vs Muir:!/media/set/?set=a.551083151604391.1073741833.550133058366067&type=3
Like asb Brakkies Sport Fotos se blad, die man ry die wereld vol en doen dit als vir lynlopers en skoolsport sport liefhebbers soos ek en jy.
@Woltrui: @Woltrui: En toe die juffrou jou naam vra in graad een? Bly jy net stil. Na baie pogings vra sy toe desperaat “wat noem mamma as sy jou roep” Jou ou gesiggie helder toe op en met ‘n tranerige stemmetjie gil jy toe “Blikseeeeeeeeeem”. Nou ja hoop ou Trixie KUK in joe skoene.
@BoishaaiPa: Tjorts BHP. As U nou net aan ons kan verduidelik hoekom die Paarl skole vir die WP speel en nie vir die Boland nie?
@BoishaaiPa: stem 100% saam
@Woltrui: Hoert julle hiere..ek is nog hier ..Ploeg is reg..die Noordelike Voorstede sluit NIE Paarl en Stellenbosch in nie….Dis tradisioneel Boland…Paarl is 40 km weg van Noordelike Voorstede..Bishops en Rondebosch is 20km…Daar is baie seuns uit Noordelike Voorstede wat na Paarl/Stellenbosch skole toe gaan maar in realitieit maak hulle minder as 20% van die totaal van die leerlinge uit…Ek weet..ons het nou die dag die HJS se 900 plus seuns se oorsprong nagevors…slegs sowat 15% kom uit die Noordelike voorstede gebied!..die res is van platteland en Paarl/Wellington!…Landbou se % is nog minder!…Die Oos-Kaap skole kan bly wees HJS en Paul Roos speel nie ook in die toernooi nie want dan was die % wenne vir Oos Kaap aansienlik minder!..

Ons maak dit n span poging Mnr Beet. Ons vat hom grond toe tot na die skorsing
@Woltrui: Lang storie. As ‘n mens oor die Noordlike woonbeurte van die Kaap praat, verwys jy na die omgewing wat Paarl en Stellenbosch insluit. Heeltemal korrek. Maar Ploegie het ons lankal probeer oortuig dat dit eintlik nie die geval is nie. Hy was verkeerd, kon dit nie hanteer nie en het iewers gaan weg kruip. Ware storie!
Hy is ook skaam oor die feit dat hy gese ‘n Engels sprekende Saffa nie die work kak K-U-K kan spel nie en het homself vir ‘n verder drie maande daarvoor geskors.
Wanneer ek klaar is om sy naam deur die modder te sleep gaan die Boland Landbou nedelaag teen Grey PE die kleinste van sy probleme wees
@beet: TBFKAP??? (Tjoppa Bly F KA Praat????). Hehehe. Goeie een Ploeg!
@beet: He? Wat nou Mnr Beet?? Waar is ons maaitjie Ploegie?
“So another CSW comes to an end, and once again it was an absolute pleasure to have the opportunity to see the various schools from these 2 regions compete. Players from the CSW to watch at CW are Hollis, 8th man for Queens and Velleman, 6 flank from Grey PE. Both were a cut above the rest IMO, and should shine at CW and the near future. Hollis gets over the advantage line every time, even from a standing start or with little space, while Velleman is Brussouw and Louw rolled into one, absolutely destructive on the ground and carries the ball up equally well.”
It looks like Tian Nel was the difference maker today.
From TBFKAP (The bogger formerly known as Ploegskaar):
“Oh, and tell Tjoppa his favourite 10 from Boland kicked a penalty on the siren to win the game for Boland, in the swirling wind and on the angle from touch on the 10m line.
Special talent, but unfortunately lost to Australia for the near future.”
If that kick did not go over EC would have won CSW 8-7.
@Playa: Or was it the boys gone on a fun ride to Hatfield?

all 2 point losses..Must have been heartbreaking for the boys…Its a shame that we had many players out but at the end of the day its still our 1st team. Well done to the EC schools and well done to the SACS boys.
@Jamjar: I didn’t even realise.They are the 2 sides that played the best rugby, so they deserve to walk away unbeaten.
Wynberg & Paarl Gym the only unbeaten teams at Cape Schools week!
Well done to Grey and Queens on their wins today.Better outing by the EC troops this year, the 2011 edition was pretty disappointing.I think only Selborne managed to win more than one game.
Well done to all the boys who participated. The festival was a true reflection of sportsmanship, and from the 2 days that I witnessed, rugby really was the winner.
My highlight was those boerewors rolls.Probably the biggest I have ever seen
@Queenian: That must have been a lot of fun.Those Gauteng tsotsis are quick hey, you cant be safe enough.
I haven’t heard anything about the Queens score yet.
@Gestreep: Thanks
@Queenian, Queens 13- 8 Bosch FT
@Koos Roos: Thanks for the acknowledgement boet.
@QC86: I think Dale/Queens/Selborne will all be holding hands next year praying for a miracle.
@Playa: Be carefull of saying Muir stole Dale war cry, Muir is a lot older.
@Playa: Hey looks like I missed quite a lot of action here got back from Pretoria last night my son was playing in the Waterkloof Under 13 week had a great time beside one of our buses were stolen.
What was the QC vs Rondebosch score
Boland Lanbou 13 -10 Selbourne FT
@Playa: The work you guys do with those boys is something to be proud about. Winning at all cost is the wrong motto. At Dale you teach these boys to love the game. Magic. By the way, your u16’s looked decent at u15 and 16 tournaments in Paarl the past 2 years. As u 15’s last year the kept PRG (considered best in SA) quite well. Vasbyt Boet!
@Woltrui: Nee man, moenie vir Bog so vroeg aanvat nie. As ek na die tyd van sy blog kyk, maak ek een afleiding: Boggie issie ‘n oggendmens nie! 8)
Halftime Paarl Gim 52 – Muir 0
It’s lonely out here.I need people to hold hands with.At least you guys have a decent under 16 group coming up.
@Playa: don’t be to hard on your self,Selborne in the same boat next year,very few first and second team players left,i heard only 4,we can hold hands soon
Another rough day at the office for Dale.
Wynberg 38-Dale 15
Although i did not attend this weeks games,it looks as if there were some pretty exciting ones,i for one am a little dissapointed that Grey High did not beat Paarl Gym as they had 9 of there 1st xv players out,but heard through the grapevine that Grey also played 6, 2nd xv players themselves although all there players were available,so on both sides the contest was watered down,but a good game none the less.Has anyone a report on this mornings game ? which was won by Grey by 10 points too 8,i understand its wet in Paarl today,also would have thought Grey with there powerful forwards would have been much too strong for SACS ,but the scoreline suggests otherwise
Het nog nooit ooit ooit daaraan gedink of gedoen. Vandag egter, op hierdie wonderlike hoeveld wintersoggend van die 26 ste Junie 2013, steun ek n visvoet span. Gooooooo Booooland Landbou!!!!!!!!!!
Van: Anoniem in die Vrystaat.
koud en nat in die Paarl.
@BOG: Ai Oom Bog. Ek stry nie jong. My Onies op skool het dieselfde gese. “Jou dom onnosele klein f@kkertjie! Hoekom is jy so stout!” is woorde wat ek gereeld moes hoor.
@Woltrui: Die woord verkramp, was eers gebruik deur die “ander” de Klerk, Wimpie. Jy kan maar self gaan oplees wat hierdie ou siel daarmee bedoel het. Anders gesien, is dit van toepassing op iemand wie nie die volle kapasiteit van sy brein gebruik nie. So gesien, voldoen jy aan die volle omskrywing vd begrip, ongeag hoeveel jy rondle in die vleispotte van Johannesburg. Dit maak jou nie “verlig” nie en allermins intellektueel. Net dom.
@Woltrui: Trixie slaap seker by die miesies se voete. Hoop nie mamma is ‘n nursie nie.
@Tjoppa: Nou net vir haar jou boodskap gegee. Sy se ek moet my uit die voete maak of ek slaap vanaand weer saam die blerrie waghond, Trixie.
@Woltrui: Se vir jou vrou sy moet met jou praat. Se vir haar jy is alleen.
@Koos Roos: Ploegskaar is, lyk my, skuit bang. Dalk met die oog op die Craven Week dat die kerel vroeg vroeg al ‘n B line maak 8)
@Ploegskaar: Ploegie, Moegeploeg is ‘n TV reeks! NIE ‘n man van die Plaas nie. A nee a, waar is julle bekende guts? Jou insette oor al die ander skoolspanne? Iemand moet vir Wollie in toom hou. Iemand wat vir ‘n Bolander lag soek k&k.
@Ploegskaar Ja ek verstaan jou frustrasie, ek het gedink Boland sal met al die CW spelers uit die sterkste span wees. Hou moed more wen julle weer!
Well done Paarl Gim looks like next year will be another good one if your second team are performing this well.
@Ploegskaar: NEE MAN Ploegster!! Jy kan mos nie nou al groet nie. Pokkit!! Met wie gaan ons Noord Valies dan kan “faait”. Die Souties van KZN wat hul rugby soooo ernstig opneem of daai verkrampte Greystaters? Heroorweeg jou besluit en kom met hernude geweld terug ou vriend. Die Craven Week le voor en as alles volgens plan verloop gaan ek julle WiePie mannetjies nog so sleg se dat die see julle nie gaan afwas nie!! En wie gaan dan vir die jong bergbokkies opstaan. A nee a kerel.
Things got a bit too physical for Dale in the 2nd half
Final score,PG 38 Dale 3
There will be some sore bodies from both sides tonight
@Playa: Not bad going by Dale.
Ploeg,there’s a little girl in a pink jacket here,running around,are u close by.
Dale 3 Paarl Gim 12 Half time
Grey PE 20 Boland 8, well done Grey, good team from what I saw Saturday. Personally, what an embarrassment, the last straw of a poor 2013 season, irrespective of what happens from here. Cheers ’till 2014 boys, signing off for 2013, chat next year
Muir 9 Wynberg 31
Anyone know what happened with the Grey PE-Boland game?
@kcman: So far so good for the EC teams…hope Dale can pull off the upset of all upsets tonight
Queens College 19 Sacs 17
@QC86: Well, its been effective to date and they are 2/2 after today’s win against ‘Bosch. I fear Boland may be in for a tough one against the Pajama boys tonight, the latter deserved more against Gym, looked well balanced in the forwards and backs and really played a nice attacking game. If the Boland 10 gets space to dictate and play for field position, they have an slim outside chance, but it should be Grey by a comfortable margin. The Boland/Selborne game will be a WW1 trench battle by the sounds of it, same game plan, so whoever is most effective in the 10/12 channel on the day, will take it.
Queens 10 Sacs 10 at halt time.
@QC86: @kcman: Nicely done!
23-17 Selborne won!!!
@Playa: selborne up 23 17 10 min to go
@QC86: Any more updates on Selborne?
@BoishaaiPa: curry and port will give you a helleva heart burn just trying to save your life,Queens and Grey are worth the drive
@QC86: By the time I get to Paarl the Selborne game will be long gone over..I am in the middle of Cape Town foreshore at the moment!
Selborne lead 18 – 11 halftime
@BoishaaiPa: Get in your car now and go you won’t be sorry,Selborne up 18 11 at halftime
Selborne lead 18 -8
I am contemplating going through to watch the 18h00 and 19h20 games…but “on da udder hand”…There is a lekka Curry and Port waiting at home….decisions!
@Ploegskaar: he was afraid you would make him off load some inter links in town,those big boys you talk about have no game plan, except channel ONE and channel ONE and channel ONE AND THEN KNOCK ON or turn over,has been for the last 10 years,sorry can not get excited about our rugby,change is as good as a holiday,i need to put my feet up next to your fire and share that red
@QC86: Eish!Hahaha!You’ll get a real time report on the Grey and Dale games tonight,I promise
Maybe beet can help out here. I get some “502 Bad Gateway” error message when I try to access the website on my blackberry.
@Ploegskaar: I couldn’t spot the pink boots.
the few pints I had at The Crown before the games may have tainted my colour vision.
@QC86: Did not come over to say hi either! Watched 1½ games with a few Queens OB’s, good fun and nice to see how the EC guys support each other at these festivals! Very impressed with the Queens 8, got over the gain line every time he had the ball. Unfortunately did not stay for the Selborne game, but looked like they had a couple of big boys there.
@GimOB: @Ploegskaar: Oh boy!We could see some cricket scores.The boys from the Eastern Colony don’t do well in these conditions
@Woltrui: Ey! Don’t air out dirty laundry here.What happened in the Maritzburrow beergarden, stays in the Maritzburrow garden.
@Woltrui: who needs friends,only watches the Dale game,heard he didn’t even help ploeg catch those pink gumboots,waste of a ticket if you ask me,stay at home playa and send somebody with a black berry,info we got was hours old
@Playa: The playing conditions are going to be tough today and the field will be an absolute mess by the 2nd or 3rd game. All the best to the players (and spectators) from both regions with today’s games, will be following the scores on twitter, with a glass of red, in-front of a warm fire.
@Playa: Ha ha ha ha!! “Internet connection problems”. Playa Mr Beet used that excuse at the KERF. The bloggers then had to find out it was as matter of fact troubles in the now famous Maritzburrow beergarden. Rumours even suggested a Mfazi somewhere in the pipeline.
. Just come out with it. Does Paarl Gim have a nice beergarden?? 
@Playa: Not raining yet, heavy weather on its way, though.
@GimOB: How’s the weather out there in Paarl?I hope it’s nothing like Cape Town…pouring heavily here
@QC86: Yip. The schedule for Wednesday has also changed to allow the EC schools to leave earlier. All on Stoopstats.
@GimOB: thank you,i see some time changes as well,games now start at 14h00
@QC86: It wasnt the most exciting of games.Selborne came back from 0-9 down at half time to take the game by scoring all the points in the second half to win 11-9.
@GimOB: Wil net dankie sê vir ‘n lekker dag se rugby by julle skool Saterdag, dalk net die klank van die sirene bietjie afdraai, my ore tuit nou nog!
@QC86: See for match reports of all matches
@CapeMan: thanx for the correction,
sorry,sounds like the Selborne ,sacs game was a close affair ,a little match report would be nice 
Great day of rugby up in Paarl. Sorry boys, my internet connection was very poor, couldnt send updates but I see there were bloggers on point.
BL had to dig deep for their win against Dale.A game of 2 halves where Dale were the better team in the first half, and BL took over in the 2nd half.
Muir were the hungrier and better side against Rondebosch, and so were Paarl Gim and Wynberg in the games that followed.Selborne also did well to dig out a win against SACS.
Cán’t wait for today’s games. Will be there for the Grey-BL and Dale-PG games.
@GCollege86: ja grant said he scored the try,not bad for a u16 player,just hope he does not hurt himself
@QC86: Rudi, Tian sê Morgen het glo man of the match gekry.
The Eastern Cape teams gave a much better account of themselves than I expected. The team I thought would go down by 40 actually won
. Very good for the tournament when that sort of thing happens.
So it ended 3-2 to W/Cape with a points for and against of 123-109 with the bulk of those 14 points difference coming from Boland Landbou beating Dale 34-22 (PD of 12).
@gimmie: Congrats on the win today ! Heard it was hard fought and close at the end. No disgrace at all losing to the best side in the country on their home ground in the last seconds of the match. Would also have liked Grey to play Gim with all their regulars though. An annual fixture or at least more matches between Grey and Gim would be great. All the best for the rest of the season !
@vicci, hard luck it was a hard fought match. I totally agree that we should play each other more regularly. I wonder whether it would be possible to arrange an annual fixture?
@gimmie: Jip they did Congrats on a fine win.Your second stringers showed a lot of character and guts .They definitely upped their game and deserved the win.I still would have preferred our lads to play your first team as I believe it would still have been a competitive match.It really became a lose lose situation to us .If we win it gets labelled as a win a against a second and loss is even worse.Il love the idea of WC vs EC but should seriously reconcider the timing and try to nullify the CW effect.I would really like to see PG andGPE became a regular fixture as over a period of time ithink they would squaere up nicely.I \
@QC86: Did you rest some players? Watched the Gym/Grey and 1st half of the Queens game with some “Queens OB’s”, think they might have been in JJ though
Selborne 11 sacs 9
@Ploegskaar: Wynberg 26 Queens 20
Good show by Boland today, pack good in the set piece and loose with 4 lock outstanding. Dale 10, 13 and 15 brilliant but the bigger hard running Boland boys just too much on the day.
Hats off to Grey Pe for a good game against Gym 2nds, well coached pack with the locks brilliant on Gym ball. Backs well coached and defended like tigers. Grey 6 my MOM, they deserved more on the day.
Wynberg in the lead when I left, deservedly so. Queens 8 very good though.
Spectators at CSW really getting a good treat. Gimmies come up with a late winner vs Grey PE 27-25
This is a huge upset, on the levels of the Glenwood-Campbell scale. Well done Muir. Now to maintain this kind of form in the future and not be the whipping boys among the traditional big boys schools
Apparently Muir ran everything and it worked.
Bosch started with first choice players on the bench. When the heavy weights came on in the 2nd half, they could not swing the game. Muir had Ol’ Man Mo on their team by then.
Huge upset
Muir 31 – Bosch 27 after 58min….WOW
“As was the case against Wynberg, SACS are without important players like Rodgers (shoulder), Basson (eye), Murray (hamstring) as well as Labuschagne (hip) and Williams (ankle). Joel MacQuene was selected for the WP Academy team but will tour with SACS but won’t be available for all 3 games” This is an article from our rugby website. Here is the link
@Koos Roos: You commenting about the Wynberg/Paarl Gim scenario again? If you want to, we can debate about that again..I have no problems. @QC86: The boys beat Selborne last year at the Grey festival 28-23.@beet: I appreciate the vote of confidence beet. It seems we dont have 6 of our 1st team players because 5 are injured and 1 is in the academy side. This tips the scales in Selbornes favour unfortunately
. Im hoping that our 2nd team players can step up and play out of their skins to beat Selborne.
RB 7 Muir 12 halftime
RB 7 muir 7 played 26 min
Boland 34 Dale 22, Rondebosch 0 muir 7 played 11 min
@Koos Roos: In hindsight the issue you mentioned should have been handled with more sensitivity on this website particularly with regards giving the benefit of the doubt to the school and going move to separate the actions of the individual/s concerned from what the school stands for.
Issues like this will continue to surface and I’ll be more cautious in future.
Capeman is definitely not an outsider who just came here simply to cause a commotion or get a reaction. He has been commenting here about SBR long before the incident. His comments have added value in the past.
I think we all have to appreciate that we differ from each other on a lot of issues. Remorse or conviction about comments is at the own discretion of each and every individual here.
as well as Paarl Gim today of course.
@beet: Not entirely sure. But keep in mind that there are 9 craven week players and 4 academy week players in the squad. So if EP has imposed the same rule on Grey as WP did on Gim, Grey actually is at more of a disadvantage. Also, injuries are part and parcel of any season, of which both sides have players out. But I maintain what I said earlier: If you play in a 1stXV jersey of your school, then you are representing your 1stXV. No one can then say oh there were second and third team players in the side. Both Grey High and Paarl Gim will play the best side they can field under what ever circumstances there are. I’m looking forward to this result either way. Credit must go to the Grey coaches for wanting to play all the top sides in the country this year (Affies, Paul Roos, Outeniqua, Grey College,etc.)
@beet: Geen probleem. Ek verstaan die doel van die blog. Wat ek ook verstaan is dat waneer ons komentaar lewer, dit korrek moet wees. Die opmerking oor die “beweerde” insident het wyd opspraak verwek. Komentaar wat ‘n top skool skade berokken het, het gevolg. Nou trippel hy eenvoudig terug, asof niks gebeur het nie. Ek wil nie nou weer ‘n kan wurms oopmaak nie, maar meen dat ‘n verskoning nie onvanpas sou wees teenoor daardie skool nie. Jy is welkom om met my te verskil. Ek neem egter die opmerking ter harte en beskou dit as die laaste wat ek hieroor gaan blog.
@CapeMan: back to back wins????? far as i know the last time Selborne and SACS played was in King 2011 and SACS lost,correct me if i am wrong ,sorry
@Mike: Who’s have you heard might be out Mike?
@Koos Roos: It’s gonna be better to lead by focusing on rugby and rugby related issues rather than engaging another blogger like this. To me this kind of approach just = downward spiral.
Different if someone comes out with an opinion here that you disagree with and you respond to that opinion with your own form of constructive view.
@gimmie: There are a couple of injuries and EP players not in the starting line up. Is anyone at Gim to give us some feedback ?
WELCOME back CapeMan! Any new stories?
Eish who stole our Gimmies trui
Usually only the Grey Bloem one gets nicked.
@vicci, will grey pe be fielding a full strength team tomorrow?
Wish I was in Cape Town to see these games…Hope the boys can pull back to back wins against Selborne. Should be a really hard physical battle. If Basson and Keagen Wheeler get going, it should be a win for us. Goodluck to all the teams and especially the WESTERN CAPE SCHOOLS 8)
@gimmie: Thanks for clarification
@vicci, WP rugby makes the decisions. The WP craven week side are on a 3 day training camp and our Academy week players are not allowed to play as WP do not allow any player to play for their school within 14 days of a tournament. Our coaches enquired whether we may use our players for the Grey game but we were not granted permission. I am personally very disappointed that WP could not support this festival by making the players available. I hope that this clarifies any misconception regarding our team for this week. We are not resting any players. They are simply not available…
@GimOB: So who prevents you from fielding your CW players
@BoishaaiPa: Cool thanks. I better get my act together quickly then.
@Playa: 3rd August…You will need to purchase tickets ahead of time at either of the two schools else you wont get through the gates on the Saturday.
@BoishaaiPa: Jaaaaaaaa, Boet!
@BoishaaiPa: Alright I see, makes sense.
When is Interschools? I would like to be part of that crowd.
@beet: Paarl Gym respects their opposition immensely. The only reason why we do not field our first choice team is because we are not allowed to play our 8 Craven/Academy players and injuries to Schickerling and Oosthuizen. Other than that, our best available team will play.
@Ploegskaar: 2011 is beslis op die veld verloor met 9 punte wat in kwartgebied misgeskop was!..Deur dieselfde skopper wat vorige Sat 10/10 teen SACS oorgesit het!..kon daai een nie so lekker verstaan nie…O ja..en n halleluja drop deur Gim fullback binne sy eie halfgebied!…eindtelling 21-19….Span kon nie meer doen as wat hulle gedoen het nie!…Dit was een van daai dae wat die rugbygode n ander game gaan kyk het!
@Muzi: Well, can only be for the place kicking then
@BoishaaiPa: Nee wat, vir my net ‘n groot vis in ‘n klein liga gewees.
@BoishaaiPa: Nee wat, beide die laaste interskoles is tussen die ore en nie op die veld verloor nie. Was toevallig by albei daardie wedstryde wat julle daardie groot loesings uitgedeel het, 75-0 teen SACS 2011 en 80-5 teen Biskoppe 2012. Miskien moet ek interskole gaan kyk, lyk my ek is ‘n gelukbringer
@Muzi: Being 100% serious all junior contracts limited to 1 year wef 2014. A lot of junior contract holders was told that their services was not needed after October also. The boys are desperate and are looking at the Carlton Clubs for an income. This will also explain the sudden competitiveness of the Carlton Cup. Maybe yoy must cancel a coach post and employ a book keeper. By the way heard the UIF offices made provision for the infux of claims with a special counter for ex bulls players
I think you may be right we damn flat broke…now we won’t be able to sign half the 2013 SA schools Under 18 team.
Well with 8 Bulls senior players leaving
Tjoppa on a serious note where on earth did we get the money to offer Pollard an extension until 2017 
@Muzi: Muzi just confirmed the Bulls are so broke from next year only 1 year contracts to juniors. The sale is still going strong I see. Wonder if it is the rats abandoning sinking ship or maybe……. you guys are really broke. Siestog.
… I must say very disappointed with that Warner story he needs to learn how to fight…..Orie on the other hand geez that was rough. 
Agree with you sir…..

I know after that gemors he dished out in france I thought the Bulls would get rid him…..
That’s the plan Beerwinkel is going to be a key player for the Bulls especially at inside centre…like I said before if you can kick regardless of any position you play then the Bulls will offer you a lucrative junior contract.
@Woltrui: Lol Moffie you’ve made my day
….please be careful you’re about to provoke a few sensitive bloggers.

@Ploegskaar: Jou pel ou Tony Stoops het daai mannetjie darem kwaai gepunt sedert 2010 al….kon egter nie sien wat Tony gesien het nie en sien dit nou nog nie!
@Ploegskaar: Taaier is miskien beter voor Interskole..Ons het laaste 2 jaar vir SACS en Bishops gehad net voor Interskole en met groot tellings gewen en kyk hoe het dit ons gehelp!…
@Muzi: See you guys signed that powerhouse place kicker Beerwinkel until 2015, I assume for Pollard off-days?
@BoishaaiPa: Jip, Boland 27 Julie oppie Plaas, maar bygesê, dink beslis julle draw is taaier!
@Woltrui: Is that the same Moffie stuff that 6 or 7 Bulls forwards in the JWC dished out to Wales on Wednesday?…
@Muzi: The Sharks is a logical choice for Thomas..WP still have Kitshoff who is only 21 and a few other good looseheads at jnr level and for the player to get decent gametime, Sharks is a better option. Bulls have plenty of good young looseheads as well. It just makes sense for the player and the 2 provinces..not like some signings where a player will eventually get little gametime and gets waisted on the bench like we have seen in the past..when one knows that is going to happen you make a noise about it!
@Muzi: Good day Mr Muzi!! Thought I was the lone cowboy North Vaal blogger left. Only Klofie Pa making a cameo every now and then. Tjoppa seems to have made a B line. No more controversy in the Vaal. Can’t wait for the rugby to start up north again. The proper rugby. Not this mofie stuff the guys down in the “deep south” and KZN are used to 8) .
I’m very surprised no one is making funny noises about Thomas du Toit signing for the Sharks…if he was going to the Bulls Mr Beet could have written another article about our Xander and Werner aggressively poaching players from the cape.
jersey…it looks rather ridiculous. 
Hi, hope you well please kindly advise Tjoppa to get rid of that Pink
@Ploegskaar: Ek neem aan dis waaneer hulle teen BL speel!..Ek weet nie wie van ons twee het die k@kker draw nie…Ons het PRG en Rondebosch die 2 games voor Interskole…Gim het SACS en julle…
@Playa: I dont think their key players are playing at all. The PG squad for this tournament consists mainly of 2nd and 3rd team players. That is what I was told 2 weeks ago and what I would suspect Gim will be doing as they still have Interschools in early August and would not like to loose some of their key players before then. JD Schickerling and Oosthuizen is both injured at the moment at might just be ready for then. Then again..they might just pitch up with their full strength squad, but I doubt that the No 1 spot is high on their priority.
@BoishaaiPa: Hulle kan maar gerus ‘n paar ouens rus vir die game die week voor interskole ook
@beet: Very brave move.They should have rather rested key players in Dale and Muir games.
@beet: Yep, that is what I heard as well..There is a bigger game in early August that they are preparing for…
and probably miss half the game as well!
@Ploegskaar: in the pursuit of pink gumboots you should be warm enough
@Playa: Will be crispy for sure, but sure the rugby will warm us up!
Boland Landbou met 15, Rondebosch met 25, Paarl Gim met 25, Queens met 5, Selborne met 10. 8)
I’ve heard that Paarl Gim will only be fielding 3 regular first choice players: Conradie (2), van Niekerk (3) and Cilliers (6). Coaches seem very confident with their depth though. I say advantage Grey PE if Grey has their CW players.
@BOG: Trust me, Muir will put up a fight.They may get a hiding, but they will go down fighting.They have a young team,and this experience will put them in good stead for 2014.
@Ploegskaar: All in all,Day 1 will be a great day of rugby.I hope these clouds don’t amount to a downpour.But reports say Paarl will have sunny skies tomorrow.Cold but no chance of rain.
@Playa: Gym and ‘Bosch are the stronger of the WC reps this year, with Boland, Wynberg and SACS probably on par and struggling for consistency. Don’t count your boys out against Boland, the latter has after all lost against SACS and Premier B opposition Stellenberg, as well as taking heavy losses against GCB, Kearsney and Glenwood. Boland traditionally finishes the season stronger, so I expect them to lift their game for their remaining fixtures, but the results of the Gym/Grey and ‘Bosch/Muir games are to my mind the only certainties.
@Mike: Hahahaha!Much to my disapproval, my wife (ex KHS girl) has this massive obsession about Grey…(I think she wishes I had gone there rather).She now insists we send our son there.
What I always enjoy though is how the teams from each province support each other.Making tunnels for their neighbours etc.This festival is a true example of sportsmanship.Long may it live on.
@Mike: I’m sure Affies fans will be supporting your school as well today
@Playa: How gracious of you to support us this weekend playa
I’m almost 100 percent sure all the sides will be fielding their strongest teams this week , especially on day 1. So no excuses whichever way the result goes. All the best to the EC teams !
@beet: I beg to differ.Depending on the weather, Queens and Selborne should win their games.
And of course, Dale may just upset the Boland boere
Jokes aside, the only definite is probably just the Dale-Boland game where BL should win.Muir have a very handy side this year, and havent been the whipping boys we’re used to.They will give it their all against Rondebosch, who themselves are a very good side.the latter 3 games can go either way.Though Paarl Gim should win against the pyjama boys
@Ploegskaar: Dalian through and through…Muir stole our War Cry

But supporting all the EC teams this weekend…including the pansies
A good chance that WP will clean-sweep Day 1
Paarl Gim vs Grey High will be a goodie if the teams can field their best possible lineups including CW players.
Wynberg seems to depend on which Wynberg team pitches up this year, so Queens have a chance.
Diplomacy is the ability to send someone to hell and make him look forward to the trip. Much the same spirit here. Supporters looking forward to a hiding? With all respect, is the Muir/ Paarl Gim not a massive mismatch? Muir is not a shadow of its former “glory”
@Playa: You a Muir supporter?
Cant wait!!!
I am told that all schools are playing their Craven week players at Cape Schools Week – I think they have been told they can play but cannot play all three – so there should be some really exciting games – I am looking forward to three days of great schoolboy rugby….GO SACS!
Back on earth, in the the tranquil and untainted deep south, at last some exciting games between some proper rugby schools and quality SBR sides to look forward to. First up the Black Machine vs the Tick Birds: All the best to the Boland Boere, 8 games left for the season and for most of the team the last 8 for their school and of their SBR careers. Make it count, boys.