Wynland Skole vs Southern Suburbs Schools 2009-2013

UPDATED. Here compliments of BHP is a factual analysis table of the results achieved by the four Wynland Skole namely Boland Landbou (BL), Paarl Gymnasium (Gim), Paul Roos (PRG) and Paarl Boys High (HJS) in their matches against the four Cape Town Southern Suburbs schools of Bishops, Rondebosch, SACS and Wynberg. It goes so way to explaining why the Wynland boys seem to dominate WP age-group team selections every season.

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 P W L D %Wins
Win Lose Draw Win Lose Draw Win Lose Draw Win Lose Draw Win Lose Draw
BL 2 2 5 0 3 1 4 0 2 1 20 16 4 0 80.00%
Gim 2 2 5 0 2 2 4 0 3 0 20 16 4 0 80.00%
PRG 1 1 3 1 3 0 2 4 0 3 0 1 19 14 2 3 73.68%
HJS 4 0 4 1 4 0 4 0 3 0 1 21 19 1 1 90.48%
9 5 17 2 12 3 16 0 11 1 80 65 11 4 81.25%


  1. avatar
    #50 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Sak Sarel. My jongste is nog besig om die fondamente te le, akademies gesproke, vir haar toekoms. Di baie prematuur vir dink aan aftree. Soos julle soms te kenne gee, het ek al een been in die graf. Ek en my vrou is aktief in kindersorg en dan praat ek nie van ons eie nie, en sorgbehoewende kinders in SA NEEM TOE met 25000 (25 DUISEND) per MAAND !! Absoluut skrikwekkend.

    7 June, 2013 at 19:29
  2. avatar
    #49 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Wanneer tree die oom se jongste af?

    7 June, 2013 at 17:20
  3. avatar
    #48 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Jy ry op GESKIEDENIS. As ek reg onthou, is jou jongste al 5. Wat toe gewerk het, werk nie noodwendig nou nie.

    7 June, 2013 at 17:07
  4. avatar
    #47 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Van Tjop se knolle weet ek dadels Oom, maar myne is doodreg, dus ‘n uitsondering op die reël vir my generasie, of hoe?

    7 June, 2013 at 16:09
  5. avatar
    #46 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Ja ou Bog hou ook nie so lekker daarvan nie maar die Geskiedenis gaan wys hulle het by die Bulle Bokke geword. Hoe het ou Steve Stofsuier nou weer gesing. Maak die Bokke almal bulle. So nou glo die hele Vrystaat dit en trek almal boontoe.
    Vang of eet nie vis nie. Dus le slegs langs die Hennops om te tan.

    7 June, 2013 at 15:33
  6. avatar
    #45 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Ek merk dat julle weer fantaseer oor dinge wat julle nie het nie. Dit gebeur wanneer jy langs die Hennops sit- jou gedagtes gaan op loop. Het jy darem een van daardie “readied curried” karpe gevang? Gaan kyk gerus na die spotprent in vandag se Volksblad van die Bokke met die blou truie wat op die veld draf. Gerieflikheidshalwe is dit op Grey se FB ook.

    7 June, 2013 at 15:26
  7. avatar
    #44 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Net gedog my mensekennis is maai toe. Sou dan my vriedskap met Bog ook moes heroorweeg.

    7 June, 2013 at 15:02
  8. avatar
    #43 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: Hulle het nie gehang nie, hulle het afgevries, daar was selfs bleddie sneeu op die berge, en dit aan die begin van Junie!

    7 June, 2013 at 14:57
  9. avatar
    #42 Tjoppa

    @BuiteBreek: Die probleem kom as jy die goeters nie by die kooperasie koop nie maar by Dischem.

    7 June, 2013 at 14:33
  10. avatar
    #41 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Balls hanging that low got nothing to do with the cold. Ploeg die oom dog jy’s ‘n stoetbul.

    7 June, 2013 at 14:28
  11. avatar
    #40 Playa

    @sacssupporter: What the SSBurbs schools need to do is to soften up their “area in-take” criteria.Tough for parents who live in the northern suburbs to get their kids into the SSburb schools.I know a mate who had to move to Pinelands in order for his son to make the waiting list at Rondebosch Prep.Though I work in Rondebosch, I live in Tableview, I have been advised to ‘move closer’ to have a chance at getting my kid into SACS/Rondebosch.I fortunately have 5 years to plan for that move :mrgreen: That is one of the limitations the SSburb schools have in as far as creating depth of talent.

    Bishops has been fortunate in that they have a large contingent of boarders from outside CT, and also have great feeders in Bishops Prep and Wet Pups.

    7 June, 2013 at 13:03
  12. avatar
    #39 CharlesZA

    @BoishaaiPa: Ek is dood seker, ons het nie baie teen daardie spanne gespeel nie maar toe ek in Std 6 en 7 was het ons hulle almal maklik gewen. Het vir ander spanne runs extra gegee net om ordentlike targets te he om te chase. Dit was wel in Std 6 en 7. In matriek het ons in Semi final teen PRG verloor waar final teen Bishops op Nuweland was.

    @Buitebreek ons het soorgetlyke uitklop kompetisie gespeel en dit gewen in ons Std 7 jaar, Dink in Std 9 het ons in final verloor. Seker nou nie so great nie. :) Net n jaar of 2 voor my was Renier Munnik op Tygerberg en hulle het alles gewen met hom in die span.

    Het jaarlikse games teen Rondebosch gehad maar dit was nie regtig n krieket game gewees. Dit was basies n vloek match tussen ons en Jonothan Trott.

    7 June, 2013 at 12:54
  13. avatar
    #38 BuiteBreek

    @Gestreep: Drugs en steroids en groeihormoon is goed wat jy gebruik om die diere en gesaaides gesond te hou! Almal weet mos dit! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    7 June, 2013 at 12:07
  14. avatar
    #37 BuiteBreek

    @Ploeg: ‘n Blitsige 82 sê jy! Blitsig was nie my sterk punt nie. Open om die shine van die bal af te haal. Staan vir paar beurte, kry minimale lopies en wag net vir lemoenbreek. :mrgreen:

    7 June, 2013 at 12:06
  15. avatar
    #36 Gestreep

    @sacssupporter. Both Paarl Gym and Paarl Boys signed up for the initiative(Ek dink nie die manne op die plaas weet wat drugs is nie)

    7 June, 2013 at 12:04
  16. avatar
    #35 sacssupporter

    Us Southern suburbs schools have huge respect for our friends up the N1 – you guys attract talented rugby players from far and wide through being great rugby playing schools with excellent coaching and other rugby structures – your old boys support is unbelievable and long may it last. The southern suburbs schools are getting their acts together with more and more talented players coming through their systems – what we lack is the incredible depth of player strength that you guys have. Trust me even though we have a go at you we are proud to have four of the strongest rugby schools in the WP!
    In closing I must ask how many of the Wineland schools have signed up for the SAIDS initiative that all schools should be signing up for – That’s the institute for drug free sports?

    7 June, 2013 at 11:47
  17. avatar
    #34 Ploegskaar

    @BuffelsCM: Ou maat, ek het in 1987 in die WPNS span gespeel (saam met Springbok losskakel Louis Koen, toe van LS Panorama) en tot die laaste rondte proewe gegaan, maar daai tyd was krieket vir die Soute, so no chance! Selfde op HS waar ek 90, 91 en 92 daar was.

    7 June, 2013 at 11:22
  18. avatar
    #33 Ploegskaar

    @BuiteBreek: In 1990 het ‘n sekere HS President se eerstes daardie WPNS-Liga gewen, in die finaal teen HS Strand. ‘n 15-jarige middelorde kolwer was daardie jaar aan die brand en het ‘n blitsige 87 in die finaal geklits :mrgreen: Twee jaar later het ons teen ‘n sterk Tygerberg span in die Sammy Bloch 30 boulbeurte finaal op NNK se veld gespeel. Die speler van die wedstryd was ‘n gr. 8 leerder van Tygerberg, Renier Munnik, met Derek Brand wat agter die paaltjies vir hulle was. Beide het later privinsiaal gespeel. Johan en Riaan van Niekerk, wat lank klubkrieket hier in die Kaap gespeel het, was ook deel van daardie Tygerberg span.

    7 June, 2013 at 11:18
  19. avatar
    #32 BuffelsCM

    @BuiteBreek: Iets anders oor krieket: Eric Simons was in 1979 in Settlers High in Bellville in Matriek (ook my jaar). Op universiteit was daar ‘n Rondebosch “old boy” saam met my. Volgens hom het die spelers van die Suidelike Voorstede vir Eric in die Nuffield-span behandel soos ‘n “outcast” omdat hy van Bellville was !! Snobs !!

    7 June, 2013 at 10:56
  20. avatar
    #31 Grasshopper

    @BoishaaiPa: agreed, all schools offer scholarships and bursaries, no issue with that but for me having a performance clause of some sort is wrong. So if you don’t play A team then we withdraw the bursary sticks. Maybe just reduce it to 75%….some parents can’t afford it and suddenly get lumped with full fees…..transparency of bursaries is key too. How got, how much and how many…..takes away all the hearsay and grapevine stories. Same applies for KZN…

    7 June, 2013 at 10:54
  21. avatar
    #30 BuiteBreek

    @BuffelsCM: Dis waar, die suidelikevoorstede se krieket was en is seker steeds op ‘n ander vlak. Eric Lefson, Wynberg se afrigter, ken beslis sy storie.

    In 1986 of daar het Jaco Burger van Tygerberg die SA Nuffieldspan gemaak as ek reg onthou. Dan waar daar ‘n Johan van der Merwe van Bellville wat ook WP gespeel het in die vroeë 90’s. Dis nou wat ek kan onthou.

    Soos jy tereg opmerk, spelers in prov spanne van daar is maar skraal.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:51
  22. avatar
    #29 BuffelsCM

    @BuiteBreek: Dinge is maar steeds dieselfde! Bellville se O/19s wat vanjaar 2 kompetisies in die Noordelike Voorstede gewen het, het teen 1 of 2 van die groot kanonne van die Suidelike Voorstede gespeel en het maar swaar gekry.
    Dit is soos die rugby: as jy nie gereeld op ‘n hoë vlak meeding nie, is jy aanvanklik uit jou diepte wanneer jy teen die groot skole speel.
    Jean Strydom, (die Bellville losskakel) het die WP-span gehaal, wat nogal ‘n prestasie is. Jy word nie sommer gekies as jy van die Noordelike Voorstede is nie.
    Ek weet 2 jaar gelede het Rudolph Cronje van Stellenberg ook die WP-krieketspan gehaal.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:39
  23. avatar
    #28 Queenian

    @BoishaaiPa: Thanks

    7 June, 2013 at 10:34
  24. avatar
    #27 BuffelsCM

    @BoishaaiPa: Dit was mos Jean Bredenkamp se jaargroep (die span van 2011) – baie goeie seun daardie. Ek was op sy pa se begrafnis toe Jean in graad 6 of 7 was.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:29
  25. avatar
    #26 BOG

    @BoishaaiPa: “natural habitat”? You speak as if one has hair and the other feathers? I wonder which is which? Lets not start another controversy or revive the Boereoorlog- in the Cape nogal.

    7 June, 2013 at 10:27
  26. avatar
    #25 BoishaaiPa

    @Queenian: No..there you have it wrong. Kids from Southern Subs dont go to Wineland schools. The northern subs kids go to Wineland schools. While PRG and Boishaai is dual medium, they are about 80% afrikaans while Boland and Gim is 100% afrikaans. Southern Subs kids are about 90% english speaking and thus their natural habitat is most definatly not in the Winelands!

    7 June, 2013 at 10:21
  27. avatar
    #24 Queenian

    I think the record does the suburb school no good but I think what you must remember is that quite a few kids leave these schools to go the Winelands schools

    7 June, 2013 at 10:10
  28. avatar
    #23 BoishaaiPa

    @BuiteBreek: My seun se matriejaar (2011) speel hulle die Vrydagaand die Cobra finals vir die 20/20 teen Wynberg op Nuweland, nogal op TV ook…HJS verloor die die game, maar speel net die volgende dag n “Time” game teen Wynberg en klop hulle toe met 4 paaltjies…Dit was nou soete wraak want hulle het die “regte” game gewen!..lol

    7 June, 2013 at 10:03
  29. avatar
    #22 BuiteBreek

    @BHP @CharlesZA: Ek onthou ons het in die 80’s altyd die Peter Buttner uitklop toernooi of iets gespeel. Die wenner van die Noordelike Voorstede (gewoonlik Tygerberg, Bellville of DF Malan) het dan teen die wenspan van die Suidelike Voorstede gespeel. (Wynberg of Bishops meestal). Een finaal het Gibbs ons uit die poel gespeel op Bishops se veld. Dink hy was toe in st 7 of so. Ons het maar meestal stert tussen die bene in die bus geklim. Daai 30km van daar tot by huis was baie ver.

    7 June, 2013 at 09:57
  30. avatar
    #21 BoishaaiPa

    @CharlesZA: Is jy seker oor die krieket?…Noordelike skole het glad nie in dieslfde liga gespeel as Paarl en PRG skole die laaste paar jare nie..Stellenberg het so nou en dan teen een van Wynberg of SACS gespeel , maar dit was nie n gereelde fixture nie. Die 4 Suidelike Voorstede skole, PRG, Gim en HJS het in dieslfde liga gespeel alhoewel die wynland skole onder Boland geval het. Die laaste 5 jaar het WP 0/19 nog net 1 keer vir Boland geklop in die jaarlikse WP/Boland dag. In 2011 bv het Boland in 5 dae vir WP 3 keer geklop..Eers in 20/20, toe in n 3 dae game (wat net 2 dae gehou het) en toe weer in n 50 over game. Kersie op die koek was die “final” van die Coke Week. WP vs Boland by Rondebosch, toe wen Boland weer met 6 Paaltjies. Boland skole se krieket is dus glad nie so swak nie! In 2012 het HJS ook die nasionale Pro20 kompetisie gewen.

    7 June, 2013 at 09:40
  31. avatar
    #20 BoishaaiPa

    @Grasshopper: Funny how the boys that cant make it in a tough and competitive environment where always on some kind of bursary that was withdrawn or shyte like that…I heard so many stories like that it is actually laughable..Parents trying to justify the misjudgement of their kids abilities and cant live up to their expetations…Some kids are just not able to adjust away from home and parents need to accept and know their kids. Dont blame the school or spin some story. I know the Wineland schoosl recruit, but so do the Southern Subs schools as well….My son got letters inviting him to come to Wynberg and Rondebosch because of his cricket. Nothing wrong with that, exactly the same thing that the Wineland schools do. There is no promises made of bursaries , just an aknowledgement that the school would like to offer a talented youngster a place as most of these schools you have to apply for and are put on a waiting list. The invite just ensures that you would be accepted.

    7 June, 2013 at 09:25
  32. avatar
    #19 Ploegskaar

    @Grasshopper: Wynland/Winelands schools. Good call to give the Farm a skip last Saturday, was shit cold and had to pick my balls out of my socks when I got home!

    7 June, 2013 at 08:49
  33. avatar
    #18 Grasshopper

    @PaarlBok: I know that, I live in Kenilworth. Beet describes the Paarl and Stellenbosch schools as the Wynberg schools…..

    7 June, 2013 at 08:43
  34. avatar
    #17 Ploegskaar

    @Grasshopper: Did you ask her why Tygerberg HS, if they stay in Durbanville?

    7 June, 2013 at 08:23
  35. avatar
    #16 PaarlBok

    @Grasshopper: Wynberg is in Cape Town, not near Paarl or Stellenbosch.

    7 June, 2013 at 07:58
  36. avatar
    #15 Umtata

    Winning 11 games out of 80 is a poor record,

    7 June, 2013 at 07:50
  37. avatar
    #14 CharlesZA

    @Grasshopper I think it is public knowledge that the kids from NS gets actively recruited by Wynland schools. Even back when i was in school in late 90s it happend and some of the guys would filter back in Std 7,8 and 9. Was always exciting to hear the news of a player from PRG or Gim that came back. :) They did however never patch up with us in cricket. For the tough games we had to play the Cape Schools.

    7 June, 2013 at 07:10
  38. avatar
    #13 Grasshopper

    Spoke to a parent who lives in Durbanville, she reckons the Wynberg schools started giving out bursaries at grade 8 level to all the best kids in the northern suburbs so concentrated all the rugby strength in Paarl and Stellenbosch, her two sons were 2 of them. However they stopped the bursaries when they dropped to the B team, so she had to move them back to Tygerberg. Don’t shoot me now, this is what she said cant prove it true or false, but not sure why she would lie….

    7 June, 2013 at 07:00
  39. avatar
    #12 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: Was vandag in julle mooi dorp om my paspoort te hernu. Mis die skool, ontbyd by Kika en ons wonderlike vriende by Proviand, maar sien die sproeiers loop ten minste nie by Brug!

    6 June, 2013 at 16:10
  40. avatar
    #11 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: My fout..het vir Beet verkeerde file gestuur…die opdateerde een is in sy inbox!

    6 June, 2013 at 15:55
  41. avatar
    #10 Vleis

    I guess the question that one must ask is what have the Wynlands schools got right in the past decade or two. When I was at school, the Wynlands schools were good but were relatively closely matched to the Cape Schools. Indeed, I’d be interested to find out what Bishops’ results were v the Wynlands schools from ’85 to ’90, as I’m sure that they would have won much more than they lost…but I could be wrong. I certainly remember even St Stithians beating Paarl Boys in the late ’80s in Paarl. 8-O

    6 June, 2013 at 15:41
  42. avatar
    #9 Ploegskaar

    @beet: Sad, but indeed true, and may well end 2/2 for Boland this season. Now please change that 2012 log to 4/0 for all the Wynland skole to make me feel better! :mrgreen:

    6 June, 2013 at 13:57
  43. avatar
    #8 beet

    @Maroon: Ja sorry. It was a draw, which is the equivalent of a big win on Markotter, so you can understand my confusion :)

    6 June, 2013 at 13:50
  44. avatar
    #7 Maroon

    @beet: no Beet. No wins for the southern boys at Markotter.

    6 June, 2013 at 13:48
  45. avatar
    #6 beet

    @Ploegskaar: Eish correct. The win was actually by SACS vs BL

    6 June, 2013 at 13:39
  46. avatar
    #5 Ploegskaar

    @beet: The 4 Winelands schools all played 4 and won 4 against the Cape Schools in 2012.

    6 June, 2013 at 13:32
  47. avatar
    #4 Ploegskaar

    @beet: Not even a win, just a 22-22 draw.

    6 June, 2013 at 13:25
  48. avatar
    #3 Ploegskaar

    Boland het verlede jaar teen al vier Kaapse skole gespeel en al 4 gewen, tuis teen SACS en Rondebosch en weg teen Bishops en Wynberg?

    6 June, 2013 at 13:00
  49. avatar
    #2 beet

    At one stage earlier in the season it seemed like the Southern Suburbs teams would do a lot better than just 1 win at the Markotter in 2013.

    6 June, 2013 at 12:48
  50. avatar
    #1 PaarlBok

    Dankie BHP!

    6 June, 2013 at 12:43

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