School Rugby fixtures & results – week ending 06 May 2023

School Rugby fixtures & results – week ending 13 May 2023

Sat.06May Noordheuwel 27 17 Oos-Moot NWU Prestige Final
Sat.06May Middelburg 11 13 Heidelberg VS NWU Prestige 03rd Place
Sat.06May Die Anker 24 15 Rustenburg NWU Prestige 05th Place
Sat.06May Marais Viljoen 29 22 Wesvalia NWU Prestige 07th Place
Sat.06May Hugenote (Springs) 15 10 Lichtenburg NWU Prestige 09th Place
Sat.06May Montana 21 17 Potch Gim NWU Prestige 11th Place
Sat.06May Zwartkop 22 19 Jeugland NWU Prestige 13th Place
Sat.06May Potch Volkskool 14 07 Oosterlig NWU Prestige 15th Place
Sat.06May Grey College 41 00 Selborne
Sat.06May Hilton 36 33 Durban HS
Sat.06May Kearsney 20 23 Michaelhouse
Sat.06May Maritzburg College 42 15 Glenwood
Sat.06May Westville 31 43 Jeppe
Sat.06May St Charles 23 12 Clifton
Sat.06May Bishops 31 25 SACS
Sat.06May Paul Roos 19 24 Paarl Gim
Sat.06May Stellenberg 29 41 HJS Paarl BH
Sat.06May Milnerton 24 35 Rondebosch
Sat.06May Durbanville 61 03 Drostdy
Sat.06May Strand 45 00 Hermanus
Sat.06May Brackenfell 18 13 Parel Vallei
Sat.06May Grey HS 08 35 Wynberg
Sat.06May Daniel Pienaar 17 17 Framesby
Sat.06May Kingswood 36 11 Stirling
Sat.06May Dale 26 07 Cambridge
Sat.06May Pearson 10 07 Nico Malan
Sat.06May Graeme 23 24 St Andrew’s
Sat.06May Queen’s 46 03 Port Rex
Sat.06May HTS Middelburg 25 32 Kempton Park
Sat.06May Transvalia 43 17 Klerksdorp
Sat.06May Garsfontein 50 21 Waterkloof
Sat.06May Monument 41 20 Nelspruit
Sat.06May Helpmekaar 75 15 Menlopark
Sat.06May Northcliff 14 19 St David’s
Sat.06May Secunda 55 10 Hans Moore
Sat.06May St Alban’s 07 34 Pretoria BH
Sat.06May St Stithians 17 26 St Benedict’s
Sat.06May Parktown 22 73 KES
Sat.06May St Andrew’s School 05 40 St John’s
Sat.06May Pietersburg 49 14 Hans Strijdom
Sat.06May Dr Malan 12 06 Florida
Sat.06May Welkom Gim 43 08 Voortrekker (Beth)
Sat.06May Trio 29 00 Goudveld
Sat.06May Hentie Cilliers 22 22 Witteberg
Sat.06May Sentraal 07 33 Fichardtpark
Sat.06May Grey Peaches 57 00 Louis Botha


  1. avatar
    #314 BoishaaiPa

    @tzavosky: Stem saam…was ook baie lyfstraf gegee as kind by skool en huis. Ek was nou ook nie ma se soetste kind nie bygesê…maar basies geen uitwerking op my gedrag gehad nie. Net meer hardegat geraak. Het gelukkig daai leerskool gebruik om anders op te tree teenoor my eie kinders.

    13 May, 2023 at 21:41
  2. avatar
    #313 Smallies

    @Djou: nou nog n tradiesie ,jy was nie in Brill as jy nie try uitslip nie

    12 May, 2023 at 20:01
  3. avatar
    #312 Djou

    @Smallies: Ja, dit was gegewe! 😜😜😜

    12 May, 2023 at 19:58
  4. avatar
    #311 Smallies

    @Djou: uitslop uit Brill uit ?

    12 May, 2023 at 19:52
  5. avatar
    #310 Djou

    @tzavosky: Die kondensmelk een was uiters gewild. Ons was net stupid om die leë blik die eerste keer in die koshuiskamerasblik te los. Busted, maar nie pak gekry nie, wel ekstra strafstudietyd!
    Daarna het ons die leë blik in iemand anders se koshuiskamer gelos! 😄😄😄😄

    12 May, 2023 at 19:43
  6. avatar
    #309 Smallies

    @tzavosky: 🤣🤣🤣ja het nou nie so aan dit gedink nie…

    12 May, 2023 at 18:42
  7. avatar
    #308 tzavosky

    @kantako: Daar’s ‘n paar “oortredings” waarvoor jy nie ‘n kind kan straf nie – daai “bal speel in die yard is een”, kondensmelk “steel” uit die spens uit is ‘n ander.

    12 May, 2023 at 18:36
  8. avatar
    #307 tzavosky

    @Smallies: Daai “poging aangewend om nie weer gevang te word nie” is die hoogtepunt van my dag – gespreek deur ‘n ekspert van gevangenes!

    12 May, 2023 at 18:32
  9. avatar
    #306 kantako

    @tzavosky: pak was moer seer, maar niks het seerder gemaak as wanneer my pa of ma se hulle is teleurgesteld in my nie, en ek was n soeterige seun.

    Maar wanneer my pa vir my se “jy speel nie met n bal in my yard nie” en wragtig gaan die volgende kaphou deur n venster dan moes ek hardloop, daar was geen tyd vir n gesprek oor teleurstelling nie.

    12 May, 2023 at 18:30
  10. avatar
    #305 Smallies

    @Grizzly: pakslae was nooit n afskikmiddel nie ,dit is bloot die straf vir jou oortreding…ons het dit geweet en was heeltemal bereid om dit te risk…

    12 May, 2023 at 17:05
  11. avatar
    #304 Grizzly

    @tzavosky: Vir lank daarna nie.Ook was ek baie in die aande dorp toe…nie weer n geleentheid gekry by die skietbaan nie maar sou weer.

    Punt is n pak slae het my nooit gestop doen wat ek wou nie.My seuns is 25 en 23 onderskeidelik.Eks trots om te se hulle het nooit n pak slae in hul lewe gekry nie.

    Hiers bloggers wat die een ken en hul kan getuig van sy geaardheid,opvoeding,maniere ens.Uit my ondervinding weet ek dit werk nie.

    12 May, 2023 at 16:57
  12. avatar
    #303 Smallies

    @tzavosky: ek twyfel ,maar ek glo hy het n daarwerklike poging aan gewend om nie weer gevang te word nie🤣🤣🤣

    12 May, 2023 at 16:53
  13. avatar
    #302 Smallies

    @Grizzly: kan net dink hoe lekker jy gesit het met aand studie tyd….

    12 May, 2023 at 16:51
  14. avatar
    #301 tzavosky

    @Grizzly: Het jy opgehou rook na daai pak slae?

    12 May, 2023 at 16:49
  15. avatar
    #300 Grizzly

    @Smallies: My rekord staan seker vandag nog,18 in minder as 16 ure.

    12 by die koshuis en 6 by die skool.Dorp toe geslip,rook by die koshuis en voels geskiet by die skietbaan toe die onnie kantoor toe was.

    Martin wat gesplit het by die skietbaan loop seker vandag nog met knoppe op sy kop rond.

    12 May, 2023 at 16:43
  16. avatar
    #299 Smallies

    @tzavosky: hy het maar sy share gehad 🤣🤣veral as dit gekom het by sy ma backchat….

    12 May, 2023 at 16:38
  17. avatar
    #298 tzavosky

    @Smallies: Kom ek vra jou so, hoeveel keer moes jy jou seun se gatvelle aftrek hom van hom te maak wat hy is?

    12 May, 2023 at 16:20
  18. avatar
    #297 Smallies

    @tzavosky: Dok ek moet jou se ek het ALTYD die ses gevat ,sak seer klaar ….geen grudges nie niks oor en verby.Ek het twee jaar terug 900km gery om my matriek wiskunde onderwyser se begrafnis by te woon.Hy het my gatvelle weekliks af getrek,Joe VD Berg en sy rottang het n helse impak op my lewe gehad…

    12 May, 2023 at 16:05
  19. avatar
    #296 Smallies

    @Rainier: my pa het my ook geleer om my eie opinie oor iets te ontwikkel en dit te handhaaf indien ek oortuig is van my sienning 🤣🤣🤣

    12 May, 2023 at 15:51
  20. avatar
    #295 tzavosky

    @Djou: Na my beskeie opinie, die 1 wedstryd skorsing maak ‘n kind seerder as die 6 houe – lg kweek wrokkigheid, wat nie ‘n goeie ding is nie.

    En, ja, ek was ook in die koshuis, en moes ook soms houe vat, maar ‘n vaderlike gesprek van die koshuisvader het ‘n groter bydrae tot my karaktervorming gelewer as die 6 van die bestes – vrees kweek nie lojaliteit nie en is selde ‘n drywer van goeie gedrag.

    12 May, 2023 at 15:01
  21. avatar
    #294 Rainier

    @kantako: So gepraat van houe in die gesig vat – een koshuisvader was bekend dat die man soms ‘n knertsie of twee gevat het. So jaag ons een lang naweek kak aan in die koshuis en die man tree ons aan in sy studeerkamer en pluk sy rottang nader. Die eerste sondaar kom uit ‘n baie bekende Wynland familie en die man buk. Van waar ek in die ry staan sien ek die spasieering vir die eerste hou is bietjie knap en voor ek iets kan se slaan daai man ‘n magtige hou. Die rottang krul mooi om die boude en die punt tref my pel op die voorkop. Hy slaan soos ‘n os neer, daar is bloed en die res van ons hardloop vir ons lewens. Hy het later met ‘n pleister en ‘n moerse knop terug gekom kamer toe.

    12 May, 2023 at 13:40
  22. avatar
    #293 Rainier

    @Smallies: En tog het jy steeds soms daai dwarstrekkerige houding – duidelik nie genoeg pak gekry nie… :-D :-D

    12 May, 2023 at 13:24
  23. avatar
    #292 Djou

    @Smallies: 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    12 May, 2023 at 12:58
  24. avatar
    #291 Smallies

    @Djou: einste storie …..flip dis nie maklik gewees nie,vandag dink ek met heimwee terug aan daardie jare

    12 May, 2023 at 11:51
  25. avatar
    #290 Djou

    @Smallies: Ek het pak gekry by die skool en dan weer by die huis 😁😁🥶🥶

    12 May, 2023 at 11:36
  26. avatar
    #289 Smallies

    @kantako: stem saam ,maar dan bel hy nog steeds jou pa ,Vlekkie Aucamp het rowe op jou gat uit geslaan ,en my pa was n Polisie reservis wat ook lyfstaf gegee het….my gat was moertoe na so n sessie

    12 May, 2023 at 10:15
  27. avatar
    #288 kantako

    @Smallies: die hoof het ons gevra, gaan jy 6 houe vat of moet ek jou pa bel
    Dan buk ons maar, want as hy jou pa bel gaan jy houe in jou gesig vat en jou rugby gaan gestop word. So die hoof se gekleurde rottang was nie so erg in daardie keuse nie.

    12 May, 2023 at 10:10
  28. avatar
    #287 Smallies

    @Djou: ja en dan was oom Vlekkie Aukamp ,die hoof van Stoffberg en my pa goeie vriende ,nou dan kry ek pak by die skool ,dan bel oom Vlekkie my pa en vertel hom ….. dan foeter my pa my weer by die huis 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 twee pakke vir een skelm rook

    12 May, 2023 at 08:33
  29. avatar
    #286 Grizzly

    @Smallies: Ek laat natuurlik uit dat daar absoluut masjien onnies was in my lewe.Vir daai is onderwys n roeping nie n beroep nie.Baie,die meeste suksesvolste persone vandag op beroeps en sport sal altyd n onnie of 2 in hul verlede uit wys wat n groot indien nie die grootste rol gespeel het in hul pad na sukses.

    12 May, 2023 at 06:23
  30. avatar
    #285 Djou

    @Smallies: @tzavosky: Ek het soos Smallies in ‘n onniehuis grootgeword, so die uitgekontrakteerde dissipline na die skool kon ek ongelukkig nie ontwyk nie.
    Maar ja dok, jy is reg, kinders was, is en sal stout wees. Dis deel van grootword. Maar vandag se strawwe beteken niks. In my matriekjaar is 5 lede van die 1ste rugbyspan geskors vir een wedstryd na hulle 6 van die bestes intvang het.

    Archie het goed gedoen. Well done aan jou seun!

    12 May, 2023 at 05:35
  31. avatar
    #284 Smallies

    @Grizzly: ek het in n onderwysers huis groot geword,my ouers het gespesialiseer in remidieerende en spesiale onderwysers, hulle was altyd maar by verbeterings skole en skole vir kids met verstandelike gestremdhede …. nou weer Anker natuurlik presies waar my pa skool gehou het in Brakpan….maar ja dis n edel beroep wat ek nie wil he nie ,gee my eerder maar kriminele want ek weet presies hoe om met hulle te werk ,die klein helletjies van vandag….. fok ek weet nie wie die ergste is nie hulle ,of hulle ouers nie ….

    12 May, 2023 at 05:14
  32. avatar
    #283 Mountainview

    @JongMatie: Ietwat “after the fact” maar ek dink jy mis die punt rakende Stellenberg se promosie tot die Premier A (of is dit nou Premier A1?). Die maatstaf vir insluiting was nog altyd die aantal spanne wat in die veld gestoot kan word en nie hoeveel wedstryde die 1stes en jou ander spanne gaan/kan wen nie – as dit die geval was moes ‘n paar van die SS al lankal Prem B toe geskuif het…Die uitslae teen Boishaai was maar droewig (daar was darem ‘n draw ook) maar die oorgrote meerderheid van die wedstryde was óf close óf ten minste kompeterend. Dit was dieselfde vs Gim, wie toevallig nie een /14 wedstryd gewen het sover ek kan onthou nie. Teen Boland het S’berg iets soos 15 of 16 uit die 18 wedstryde gewen.
    S’berg speel al vir etlike jare, elke jaar teen Gim, Boland en gewoonlik die meerderheid van die SS skole, en dan ook Outeniqua & Oakdale – al wat eintlik anders is is dat Boishaai die jaar bygekom het (daar is ook nie ‘n fixture teen PRG nie) en ‘n Prem B fixture of twee weggeval het, so die “leerskool” is maar weinig anders as in die onlangse verlede – die 1ste span kry net nie die results nie maar dis mos maar hoe dit soms gaan…

    11 May, 2023 at 23:58
  33. avatar
    #282 tzavosky

    @Djou: Man, ek smaail altyd as mense sê “die jeug van vandag…” so asof hulle nie self kinders was nie. Die droogmakers, uitdagers, skoorsoekers, slaplêrs, ens was in almal se tyd daar, en ek dink nie as ‘n kollektief was hulle veel anders as 1000 jaar terug nie.

    Ek dink wel in die verlede is ouerlike verpligtinge uitgekontrakteer aan die skool, kerk, staat, en ander toepaslike organisasies. Maar dis oor die afgelope 30 jaar terugverplaas na die ouer toe, waarvan baie nie toegerus en opgewasse is vir die taak nie. As die Tzavosky Party aan bewind kom, sal ‘n voornemende ouer eers ‘n eksamen moet paas, soos wat hy moet doen om ‘n bestuurder – of geweerlisensie te kry.

    Self is ek daarvan beskuldig dat ek nie genoeg omgee nie. Ou Archie wat voorheen op die blog was/dalk nog lees hier, het oor my seun se Gr9 rekeningkunde geskryf, “die leerder toon absoluut geen belangstelling in die vakgebied nie”. Toe die man Rek101 in sy Bedryfsingeneurs studies moes doen, het hy met ‘n billike 75% geslaag. Helikopter ouerskap is ook nie die antwoord nie.

    11 May, 2023 at 23:05
  34. avatar
    #281 Djou

    @tzavosky: As ek vandag op skool kon wees sou ek verskriklik stout gewees het sonder om in die moeilikheid te beland. Nou ken jy die truuks – stout wees sonder om onnies kwaad te maak.

    11 May, 2023 at 20:43
  35. avatar
    #280 Grizzly

    @Smallies: My een seun se meisie het hierdie jaar begin,klaar dept hoof in 4 mnde?!

    Dis die beroep wat ek laaste sal beoefen maar het baie af gerig op laerskool vlak.So ek hou van die kinders maar ek en onnies is nie pelle nie.

    11 May, 2023 at 20:23
  36. avatar
    #279 Grizzly

    @Asterix: Ek is glad nie op hoogte van die onder spanne nie.Ek is net n suporter en het baie min insight.

    Ek sal se Garsies 1-4 /14 en /15 met Menlo /16.Af sal ek net spek skiet en soos n fool lyk,ekt nie n clue nie.

    11 May, 2023 at 20:20
  37. avatar
    #278 Smallies

    @tzavosky: ja nee kyk ek stem saam met jou dut vat nogals b@lls vandag om daai joppie te doen….

    11 May, 2023 at 17:22
  38. avatar
    #277 tzavosky

    @Smallies: Man, ek het ook ‘n dogter in die onderwys – iemand moet vir ons kinders se kinders skoolhou. Jare gelede kon jy bv onderwysers wat Afrikaans gee tien uit ‘n bossie skop, en ek hoor hulle is deesdae hoendertand skaars.

    Ek sou sê jy moet jou dogter bewonder daaroor.

    11 May, 2023 at 17:11
  39. avatar
    #276 Smallies

    @Grizzly: ek is bitter bly my kinders is klaar met skool ,wat my dogter besiel het om in die onderwys in te gaan weet ek nie.Seker maar my ouers se gene wat in haar gestalte kry

    11 May, 2023 at 16:00
  40. avatar
    #275 Grizzly

    @Smallies: Yes,en in die 80’s,90’s was daai skool nie jou maat nie.

    Ek dink met die tye en dinge in jou gesig moet mens vinnig op tree voor dit te laat is.Niemand is emien teen niks nie.

    11 May, 2023 at 15:54
  41. avatar
    #274 Smallies

    @Grizzly: Hugenote in Springs het weer die teen oorgestelde gedoen …..en geduik

    11 May, 2023 at 15:20
  42. avatar
    #273 Asterix

    @Grizzly: Dit is nou wat mens noem dink uit die boks, maar dit sal nooit gebuer nie. Kinders sal dan ook liewers net na Affies toe gaan.

    Hoeveel spanne dink jy gaan wen tussen die skole, die naweek.
    * 4 oopspanne Garsfontein baie ver (weet nie waar het Menlo 4de span gekry nie).
    * 14,15,16 A spanne Menlo maar close (dalk Kan Kaya vir ons beter voorspelling maak)
    * 14,15,16 B spanne 1 vir Menlo en 1 vir garsfontein en 1 gelykop
    * C spanne , Garsfontein almal meer seuns in skool en diepte (weet nie waar kry menlo C spanne nie)

    Netbal Menlo sal meeste wen maar ook close, Dogters hokkie menlo meer wen as verloor en seuns hokkie sal garsfontein wen.

    11 May, 2023 at 15:19
  43. avatar
    #272 Grizzly

    @AbsolutMenlo: Wat ek sal doen maar ek kan nou al die old boys en girls en onies en ouers van beide kante hoor hart aanvalle kry.

    Ek wed jou die future boys and girls en onnies en ouers sal 80% stem…omdat dit sin maak en die 2 skole nog 10-15 jaar gaan tyd koop vir wat eventually gaan gebeur..dit kan nie hier bespreek word nie.

    Ek sal Menlo meisies maak en Garsies seuns.Menlo Meisies Hoer en Garsfontein Seuns Hoer.Hulle word dan suster skole soos Affies hulle.

    Suiwer uit n rugby oog punt gaan ons dan kan interskole hou teen die Kaap,Grey en Affies ens en meer as kompeterend wees.Belangriker gaan iets herleef wat uit gesterf het met die spanne wat in die veld gestoot kan word.Garsies gaan seker tyd vat en n sukses maak van hul onder spanne en more miskien dieselfde by Menlo maar hulle sal nooit apart kan interskole hou nie.Dieselfde aan Menlo se meisies kant.

    11 May, 2023 at 14:55
  44. avatar
    #271 AbsolutMenlo

    @Asterix: Jy is absoluut reg wat die juniors aanbetref. Harde tyd vir die oop spanne, maar kom ons kyk.

    11 May, 2023 at 14:03
  45. avatar
    #270 Asterix

    @AbsolutMenlo: I believe the juniors are still strong enough to be competitive every week and will win more that what they will loose, this will help Menlo not to be regulated, it is only open teams that are currently struggling big time, ( as you mentioned due to many reasons), With all due respect to Marais Viljoen and Nelspruit, I still believe on the day Menlo will win with more teams and will stay in the top league as all the teams points count towards the relegation table.

    11 May, 2023 at 09:03
  46. avatar
    #269 AbsolutMenlo

    @Vleis: … vison from the top.

    Thank you, 2023 is going to be tough but we need to fight to the end not to be regulated.

    11 May, 2023 at 07:34
  47. avatar
    #268 AbsolutMenlo

    @Asterix: You can add Wian Faber (Stade Francis), Bernard vd Linde (Bulls), Divan Venter (Tuks/Bulls), Stean Pienaar (Lions) and Tiaan Lange (Bulls) to the list.

    11 May, 2023 at 07:17
  48. avatar
    #267 Deon

    @apple: I am older than Aubrey Fat F…. Man Mountain.

    11 May, 2023 at 05:47
  49. avatar
    #266 Vleis

    @AbsolutMenlo: What do you think was the reason for the below par performances from the senior teams?

    Good luck for the rest of 2023!

    11 May, 2023 at 01:15
  50. avatar
    #265 apple

    @Deon: Neil Ellard, yes, and Hugo Schonken – that makes you 1988

    11 May, 2023 at 00:34
  51. avatar
    #264 OUD ANKER

    @Djou: Ja maar op Loftus is dit ook die lugdruk se skuld. Vra vir @ Deon, hy is ‘n expert op lugdruk.

    10 May, 2023 at 21:55
  52. avatar
    #263 Smallies

    @Deon: Moenie Jake White se Jeppe jare vergeet nie

    10 May, 2023 at 20:44
  53. avatar
    #262 Deon

    @Smallies: Feite. Ook die geniale Basil Bey van Bishops, en Mnr Smit van beide Tygerberg en President se wonderlike 80’s spanne. En dan natuurlik Mnr Faasen van Hoërskool Strand se spanne wat soms in die 80’s die Wynland spanne oorheers het.

    10 May, 2023 at 20:39
  54. avatar
    #261 Asterix

    @Rugbyman: Ek dink dit kan dalk hard wees by die juniors, dink die o/14a game kan een vir die boeke wees saterdag, respek vir jou nederigheid maar dink julle gaan rekort telling opsit by die 1stes.

    Oor volgende jaar, julle is op die regte pad baie geluk, affies gaan moet wyd kyk julle juniors gaan een van die dae dieselfde as die 1ste en 2de span wees vir Affies dalk daar ook wen. Met waterkloof kan dit net goed wees vir pta rugby, sterkte en geluk.

    10 May, 2023 at 20:31
  55. avatar
    #260 Smallies

    @Rugbyman: Ek vermoed dit gaan n bloedbad wees Saterdag….van uit n neutrale buitestander se oogpunt af,Menlo het eenvoudig nie die grof geskut om Garsies te rattle nie…..ja dit gaan hard wees vir 20 min maar daarna sal Garsies beheer oorneem …

    10 May, 2023 at 20:22
  56. avatar
    #259 Rugbyman

    @Asterix: Die beste opedag by Garsies ooit! 30% meer mense wat besoek het as laasjaar… dis great! Watch ons o14s volgende jaar! Die jaar se spannetjie doen ook heel goed!

    10 May, 2023 at 20:22
  57. avatar
    #258 Rugbyman

    @Asterix: Neewat, ek glo Menlo sal hulle game lig vir die bure… ons is tog die aardsvyand. Ons het geen twyfel dat saterdag kliphard sal wees nie. Ons het self n paar beserings. Sien uit na ‘n lekker harde game!

    10 May, 2023 at 20:18
  58. avatar
    #257 Smallies

    @Deon: As prof van legendes in skole rugby praat dan moet mens Skonk Nicholson en Dries Van Der Waal se name ook in die hoed gooi…

    10 May, 2023 at 20:16
  59. avatar
    #256 Asterix

    @Grizzly: Dink menlo sal oor 3 tot 4 jaar weer bietjie opklim, baie afrigters en direkteure verloor by baie sportsoorte die laaste jaar of twee.

    Well done met julle opedag vandag, dink dit was baie goed gewees.

    10 May, 2023 at 19:41
  60. avatar
    #255 Asterix

    @kantako: I believe Menlo can be competetive again but will never be the best, they are situated to close to Affies and will always focus more on athletics and making sure all the sport offered are at a very high level. The majority of the recruting at grade 8 will also always hurt them at 1st side level. Lets hope they can get something sorted quickly. I am still very concerned what might happen the next 3 weeks. I hope they can surprise me a bit.

    I wanted to answer you on a prev post, they / Menlo currenly do have a couple of professional players, Nolan Pienaar BB, Niel beukes BB, Luhan Potgieter FS, Bulls currie bekr scrumhalf can’t remember his name and a centre playing at France stade a fabion surname if i remember correctly. This is just a couple that I can quickly recall.

    10 May, 2023 at 19:38
  61. avatar
    #254 Deon

    @BoishaaiPa: Ek het ‘n heilige ontsag vir Mnr Richard Visagie gehad, en ook vir die ander Visagie , en daai ou Engelse oom wat die prestige kadette en orkes hanteer het by HJS ook. Sy sêgoed is nou so op my tong. Ek dink “Ush Ush please be quiet.” Maar veral vir Richard Visagie. HJS se weergawe van PRG se Mnr Bill Moolman, maar met respek gesê, met meer rugbykennis as wyle Oom Bill (RIV), wie se asse na sy afsterwe op Markotter gestrooi is.

    10 May, 2023 at 19:31
  62. avatar
    #253 Grizzly

    @Asterix: Eks oor daai een,wat almal net graag wil he is dat die span wat wen dit op verdienste doen.Laasjaar was daar ook isues met die Monnas final.

    As daar kraperigheid is moet dit voor die deur van die organisers gele word.Speel na SAS dans die speel veld gelyk vir almal.

    Ja Menlo in diep waters.Ek glo hulle werk onverpoos na volgende seisoen.

    10 May, 2023 at 19:20
  63. avatar
    #252 kantako

    @AbsolutMenlo: i hope so, as some individuals have done the school a lot of harm on the rugby side.
    I will send you my CV, no reason Menlo cant be the best rugby school in PTA, just stop painting false fairytale for parents.

    10 May, 2023 at 19:18
  64. avatar
    #251 kantako

    @AbsolutMenlo: fair enough

    10 May, 2023 at 19:16
  65. avatar
    #250 Kantman

    @Ploegskaar: Jip, en ja/nee is meestal genoeg. Sterkte vir Saterdag op die plaas, glo daar is baie manne wat duim vashou vir Boland. Maar vir julle gesin gaan daar ‘ wenner wees.

    10 May, 2023 at 19:08
  66. avatar
    #249 Asterix

    @Grizzly: Ongelukkig sal mens nooit weet nie, ek voel regtig jammer vir garsies want aan die die een kant is dit n helse kompliment gewees met al die spelers wat opgetrek is, en die ander kant het hulle sonder baie top spelers gespeel in semis. Met die seisoen wedstryd by Menlo het menlo weens beserings weer sonder 7 spelers gespeel en was hulle eers op vol sterkte net voor doe playoffs. Menlo het egter vir Monument op vol sterkte gewen om top 4 te eindig en die game tussen garsfontein en monnas daai jaar was ook baie naby gewees. Voel nogsteeds jammer vir garsfontein en Menlo want daar sal altyd verwys word na die spelers wat nie gespeel het nie.

    Ek hoop net vir Menlo garsfontein lig nie hulle krieket bat saterdag nie, menlo sukkel baie en soos ek verstaan het hulle iets soos 14 beserings in hulle 1ste-2de span groep. (Ek nie direk by die skool betrokke nie so hoor net van ander ouers)

    My beskeie mening is dat menlo het nie huidiglik genoeg diepte om teen hierdie top spanne te speel nie. Ek dink dit kan dalk beter wees om in die B liga te speel op ‘n lang termyn basis.

    Die volgende drie weke is garsfontein, waterkloof en dan affies. Ek kry menlo regtig jammer, dink hulle gaan naby aan 250 punte in totaal afstaan in die 3 weke.

    10 May, 2023 at 18:51
  67. avatar
    #248 Grizzly

    @Djou: Dit was 7,5 eers en toe 2 beserings met ons 13 wat nr 7 was wat ook nie daai game kon speel nie.

    So 7 in daai starting line up was net te veel gevra.

    10 May, 2023 at 17:42
  68. avatar
    #247 Smallies

    @Djou: ek stem en daardie storie van hulle kort meer x factor spelers is bullshit
    Jy sit met Ambrose Papier,Gans,Jacobs,Arendse,Moodi,Kriel ,Goosen en Knoetse daar fok hoeveel meer XFactor kry mens as daardie groep agterlyn spelers

    10 May, 2023 at 16:40
  69. avatar
    #246 AbsolutMenlo

    @Vleis: Up to 2019 the recruiting from grade 8 and the junior structures were excellent. We did lose a player here and there but definitely not the reason for the below average performance at 0/19 level.

    I believe this year will be a turning point for Menlo rugby!

    10 May, 2023 at 15:42
  70. avatar
    #245 Djou

    @Smallies: @OUD ANKER: Die Bulle verloor op Loftus ook, so daar is iets anders wat Jake moet soek as verskoning!

    10 May, 2023 at 15:31
  71. avatar
    #244 Djou

    @AbsolutMenlo: Only one vs 6 – big difference!!!!!

    10 May, 2023 at 15:28
  72. avatar
    #243 AbsolutMenlo

    @Kaya 85: Garsfontein on the day lost against a better Menlo team that was also impacted by SAS.

    SAS will again play a role …

    10 May, 2023 at 15:23
  73. avatar
    #242 AbsolutMenlo

    @kantako: No accident the 2019 Menlo team qualified for the 4th spot.
    That group was special ranked top 10 during the junior age groups. Granted they did underperform until the 2019 playoffs but from there they were brilliant.
    SAS players will always play a role and Menlo was also impacted.

    Current status for Menlo is obviously not good but as loyal Menlo supporters we will stand behind the team win or lose … that is the real Menlo spirit! What we now need is stability and for the powers to be to realize that SBR at tier 1 level requires a totally different vision and support.

    10 May, 2023 at 15:16
  74. avatar
    #241 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER: daar was seker te veel suurstof vir hulle gewees…

    10 May, 2023 at 14:52
  75. avatar
    #240 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies: Dit was Saterdag nie Jake se skuld nie. Die Bulle het nie geweet hoe om die lugdruk te hanteer nie…

    10 May, 2023 at 14:29
  76. avatar
    #239 Smallies

    @Grizzly: Jong met die gehalte manne wat hy tot sy beskikking het verstaan ek nie waarom hy so sukkel om die Stormers te klop nie….

    10 May, 2023 at 12:46
  77. avatar
    #238 Grizzly

    @Smallies: @BoishaaiPa: Ek dink Jake doen goed by die Bulls.Onthou waar was hulle voor hy gekom het.Paar groot name verloor dan kan jy nie op daai vlaj speel sonder top klas slotte nie.Soek n RG of 2.

    Mens moet maar net aanvaar Province het n goeie span.Dinge werk vir hulle onder Dobson amper soos die Bulls destyds onder Heyneke.

    10 May, 2023 at 12:16
  78. avatar
    #237 Smallies

    @BoishaaiPa: Ek dink dis meer n geval van Jake White weet nie hoe om die potensiaal wat hy het in die bulls te ontsluit nie….

    10 May, 2023 at 12:07
  79. avatar
    #236 BoishaaiPa

    @Deon: Nou daai was seker een van jou mees insigewendste plasings. Dit sal dalk vir Jake kan help om die Bulls se vertonings die laaste tyd te verduidelik want hy soek nuwe verskonings. Richard is ook al n rukkie weg by HJS, maar miskien hopelik het hulle die week op sy nommer gedruk om daai lynstaan probleme op te los.

    10 May, 2023 at 11:17
  80. avatar
    #235 Deon

    @tzavosky: Oom, ek is meer as een keer gevra , en ek het probeer om nie te antwoord nie, juis omdat ek dink hierdie is nie die plek vir mediese gesprekke nie. Ek het my op oom se meerdere kennis beroep vir ‘n term of twee wat betref kondisies/patogene soos mononucleosis. Die res het ek maar vanaf Harvard, John Hopkins ens gekry die afgelope drie jaar. Ek sal later meer aandagtig lees en probeer om daardie publikasie te vind. Die ou ding van virus vs bakterie, verskil in grootte, verskil in gasheer, en die verskillende metodes van oordrag. Steeds interessant en soms uitdagend vir leke soos ek.

    10 May, 2023 at 09:20
  81. avatar
    #234 tzavosky

    @Deon: Ek sien jy noem my naam. Eerstens dink ek nie hierdie blog is die regte plek om mediese kontroversies, politiek (uitgesluit skolepolitiek rondom rugby), edm te bespreek nie.

    Maar as jy wil weet hoe moeilik dit is om gevestigde (wan-) idees in medisyne te verander, lees gerus Morton Thompson se boek “The Cry and the Covenant”, gebaseer op die lewe van Ignaz Semmelweis, wat die mediese wêreld in die 17de eeu probeer oortuig het dat puerperale sepsis by vroue in kraam grootliks vermy kan word deur die was van hande voor die vrou ondersoek word. Eintlik was Semmelweis die “vader van aseptiese tegniek” en nie Joseph Lister nie

    Dit gesê, ek onthou ‘n dag in 1979 toe Prof Walter Prozesky (toe hoof van die Virologie Instituut) in die Mikrobiologie klas kom staan het en gesê het, “Ek het ‘n belangrike aankondiging om te maak: Pokke is uitgeroei”.

    So, as ‘n jonger persoon my vra oor die nut van immunisasie, dan wys ek hom die litteken op my linker bo-arm en vra hom hoekom hy nie ook so ‘n litteken het nie. En die antwoord op daai vraag is, “omdat Tzavosky een het”. Cheers.

    10 May, 2023 at 08:17
  82. avatar
    #233 Deon

    @Kantman: Nou nog meer as ooit, met 100% van die data ten gunste van die vaksien, die Pfizer ontwikkelingsdokumente, die Israel en Ierland gevalle, en nog vele, met geen portuur beoordelde data wat enige melding maak teen die vaksien se effektiwiteit en veiligheid nie, kan ek nie verstaan hoekom daar nog anti-vaxxers is nie. Ek respekteer almal se reg tot liggaamlike sekuriteit/veiligheid en integriteit, so indien hulle dit nie wil neem nie, so be it. Maar ek verstaan nie hoekom sommige nie kan verstaan dat met hulle baie hoër virale lading potensiaal agv nie die vaksien neem nie, hulle nie my 90 jarige ma se reg tot selfde respekteer wanneer sy haar kleinseun se rugby wil gaan kyk by die skool nie????, en hulle kan sê dit is nonsens maar hulle kan nooit sê hoekom nie. Jy moet eendag gaan nalees wat die antivakser kritici, sommige bekende medici van die era , aanvanklik kwyt geraak het oor Jenner se vaksien en later die Spaanse Griep een, vandag nog oor die polio en masels vaksiene, en hul “boosters”. Daar is net een manier wat ons ooit kan hoop om teen sekere kankers wat uit virusse ontstaan (Oom Tsavosky ken beter terminologie), HIV ens te ent en dit is mRNA omdat dit een armpie heg aan een armpie van DNA, en die regte boodskap kan oordra. Ek sal dit nooit my geliefdes ontneem nie. Mooi dag vir jou en dankie vir jou absoluut briljante plasings, veral die laaste paar.

    10 May, 2023 at 06:01
  83. avatar
    #232 Deon

    @Ploegskaar: Nee man, jy hoef nie eers tussen die lyne te lees nie.

    10 May, 2023 at 05:22
  84. avatar
    #231 Deon

    @apple: Apologies for the disappointment. All the best for the Grey game. I really hope you guys win and keep the Winelands flag flying high. Given your score last weekend I do not think you need metaphysics though so let’s skip mention of vaxx vs muthi, and you do have Richard Visagie. BHP did mention lineout problems though. I can still recall some excellent Boishaai war cries about Bombek and Aubrey Man Mountain (Neil Allard/Ellard) if that may help. All the best.

    10 May, 2023 at 05:22
  85. avatar
    #230 Smallies

    @Kantman: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ek ken nie daai nie.

    10 May, 2023 at 05:19
  86. avatar
    #229 apple

    @Deon: I thought it was insightful but don’t think it is going to help us against Grey on Saturday

    9 May, 2023 at 23:20
  87. avatar
    #228 Ploegskaar

    @Kantman: Soms antwoord iemand jou, maar antwoord nie jou vraag nie, nê?

    9 May, 2023 at 23:05
  88. avatar
    #227 Grizzly

    @kantako: Clasic post,well done.

    9 May, 2023 at 22:10
  89. avatar
    #226 Kantman

    @Deon: Glad nie en ook heeltemal

    9 May, 2023 at 21:05
  90. avatar
    #225 Kantman

    @Smallies: Die MRNA vaksien vir Covid.

    9 May, 2023 at 21:05
  91. avatar
    #224 Deon

    @Kantman: Dis nou net nog ‘n onderwerp vir onmin, en ons moet rugby praat. Toe ek vir Rainier ontstel het het ek besef ek het sonder bedoeling oor ‘n belangrike lyn getrap. So vergewe my as ek nie volledig antwoord nie. Om dit by rugby te hou, volgens Boishaaipa se voorskrif, weet net, as ons ‘n ordentlike mRNA vaksien gehad het in 1713 toe Kommandeur Johannes van Steeland se Orang Lama ( ek vermoed hulle was al Orang Lama – waar die woord ‘oorlams’ vandaan kom) Bataafse Vloot in Tafelbaai aandoen, waar hul vuil, pokke besmette beddegoed gewas was deur slawe, sou 90% ( dis die werklike persentasie) van daardie tyd se Khoi bevolking in die Kaap nie deur die pokke virus uitgewis gewees het nie, en skolerugby in die Kaap en Garsfontein sou nog sterker wees. Dis een van die hartseerste hoofstukke in SA geskiedenis en my plasing het nie die doel om daarmee te spot nie. Indien Sir Almroth Wright se 1896 tifus vaksien sowel as sosiale afstand spasie beskikbaar was vir die boere vroue en kinders in Boereoorlog konsentrasiekampe eerder as net vir sekere Britse soldate sou ons 5 miljoen meer belastingbetalers in SA gehad het en die Blou Bulle, Leeus en Vrystaant sou genoeg spelers hê om ook aantreklike rugby te speel soos die WP. In kort, vaksiene en sosiale aftandhouding kon beide my grootoumas red, een in Nazi konsentrasiekampe, een in ABO konsentrasiekampe, en skolerugby baie anders laat lyk het vandag. Hoop dit antwoord jou vraag.

    9 May, 2023 at 20:46
  92. avatar
    #223 PRondersteuner

    @Grasshopper: Rugby is a relegion in many schools. Especially smaller schools in the platteland. Those boys would give everything to play against a SS school. Even it’s against the b or c team. They will probably loose by a lot, but it will mean a lot to them. That’s how Stellenberg improved so that they now play with the big boys. I’m sure Glenwood will get there again.

    9 May, 2023 at 19:59
  93. avatar
    #222 Smallies

    @Kantman: wat is vaccination?is dit soos vacation maar net vir langnaweke of minder as 5 dae?

    9 May, 2023 at 19:56
  94. avatar
    #221 Kantman

    @deon Ek geniet jou kommentare en stem meestal saam. Veral as jy spesifiek raak oor bewoording en die geskiedenis so mooi uitlê. Wonder net al ‘n rukkie, met geen bybedoelings, of jy al jou mening verander het oor die toegang tot wedstryde van mense wat nie vaccination geneem het nie?

    9 May, 2023 at 19:47
  95. avatar
    #220 Kantman

    @NealW: The top 6, historically based on SBR ranking for last 12 years, do play each other. Only 2 matches missing this year: Monnas vs Affies, Monnas vs HJS. Never gonna be home/away in same year, to expensive and not enough time.
    SS punch above their weight. Last year Rondebosch beat 3/4 Wineland schools. And that ‘big’ u16 team from Gim took a hiding against Wynberg last year.

    9 May, 2023 at 19:38
  96. avatar
    #219 Rainier

    @Grasshopper: That was unacceptable and should never happen. There was also a lot of unhappiness amongst the old boy community about the picture.

    9 May, 2023 at 19:33
  97. avatar
    #218 Grasshopper

    @PRondersteuner: Landbou schools as an example, always punching above their weight. Boland, Oakdale, Marlow etc BUT that is because rugby is a religion in those schools and the boys are mostly or all boarders. Big Gov schools only have a third of the boys playing rugby, if that…

    9 May, 2023 at 19:24
  98. avatar
    #217 PRondersteuner

    @NealW: I don’t know how long you have been on this blog, but a lot of smaller or Tier2 schools get a lot of support here. I can’t comment on schools in other areas, but there’s a lot of schools in WP and Boland that’s doing very well. They want to be competitive. Smaller’s not always weaker.

    9 May, 2023 at 19:14
  99. avatar
    #216 Smallies

    @Grasshopper: I know you guys do not play Grey ,I was using them as an example because I do know how much effort they put into ALL their teams….

    9 May, 2023 at 19:08
  100. avatar
    #215 Grasshopper

    @NealW: That was my suggestion and yes, it will become a Top10 rotational league and hopefully a new blog, where those schools supporters can discuss. Traditional English schools are my passion so hopefully they fall into Tier2 and play down the line 20 fixtures a week with close scores down the line. The Jeppe vs Westville results were case in point, very close.

    9 May, 2023 at 19:07
  101. avatar
    #214 Grasshopper

    @Smallies: At 1st team and A team level, I’m fine with it (go as big as you like, although 221-0 won’t happen at that level). So festival rugby, not traditional fixtures where the whole school plays. Grey Bloem is not a traditional fixture for us, I would prefer the DHS fixture returned.

    9 May, 2023 at 19:04
  102. avatar
    #213 OUD ANKER

    @Kaya 85: I told you, your prediction was shocking….but to be honest, I did not see that one coming either!

    9 May, 2023 at 19:01
  103. avatar
    #212 Smallies

    @NealW: If I can make a suggestion,rather than lowering your standard of opposition improve the standard of your program ,better coaches better condition better scouting and so on ,unfortunately staying a top traditional rugby school takes a lot of effort and adaptation….remember the saying hard work always beats talent if talent do not work hard…the wineland schools Grey and others have very talented players …..but they work unbelievably hard ,both on the pitch and behind the scenes….

    9 May, 2023 at 18:34
  104. avatar
    #211 NealW

    @JongMatie: I don’t have a solution other than the obvious of having teams play down etc. I was trying to find out how people thought about the overall situation this wasn’t a “my school is better than your school discussion’. I may be wrong but if this blog is anything to go by those who follow the elite group don’t seem to care if rugby is receding in lets call them the “tier 2” traditional rugby schools. Seems like somebodies’ suggestion of the top 6 playing each other is the way it is going – maybe its already half there. Those like kantako who believe the big wheel turns and that schools will somehow resurrect themselves may find themselves disappointed.

    9 May, 2023 at 18:26
  105. avatar
    #210 Smallies

    @Grasshopper: there are always two sides of the coin….if you want to be a top 10 first team school you must be willing to play the other top 10 schools and all their teams…win or loose,that is the choice you make when you commit to playing Grey ,Affies and the Whinelands powerhouses you take the good and the bad in one scoop unfortunately….

    9 May, 2023 at 18:23
  106. avatar
    #209 kantako

    @Grasshopper: thank you for the insight.

    9 May, 2023 at 18:09
  107. avatar
    #208 Grasshopper

    @kantako: Tom was a mistake that many schools made, including DHS with Payi. An unfortunate case of poor documentation and it happened everywhere, still happens now. Glenwood were the scapegoat and took the brunt of it. I would probably blame it on then headmaster Kershaw who we all know about. Nothing to do with Glenwood as a community or the parents. I don’t remember Glenwood every scoring more than 100 points against anyone at any level, so not sure where that jibe came from. We usually stop games at 50 if it’s a mismatch. JJ van der Mescht was a once in a generation type player, huge for his age. He was lucky to play with other very good players like Jayden Hendrickse, Rynhardt Jonker etc. iN 2018 their biggest victory was 83-0 vs HTS Middelburg, but games are not stopped at 1st team level only lower age group teams. That is where it should apply. Your comment on investing in just a 1st team is wrong, Glenwood has been playing rugby since 1910, 113 years. We’ve had many good 1st teams in that time without investment. We are certainly no flash-in-the-pan new kids on the block. Just this weekend was the 175 encounter with Maritzburg College. The point is more recently we recruited from further afield to compete with the Top 10 or 20, that strategy can’t be maintained so we dropping back to a natural ranking of probably 30 to 40 in the country, where we were for decades. I’m OK with that. I would rather we get the best possible in at grade 8, coach and nurture that team through to matric, rather than recruit in grade 10. Also, focus on the C,D & E teams as that is where the late developers will come from.

    9 May, 2023 at 17:51
  108. avatar
    #207 kantako

    @Grasshopper: Grassie its not your fault, but there was a time where Mr Erasmus played 22 year old Toms vs 18 year old boys. Thats worse than beating someone of your own age 221-0. Thats sending a young man to hurt kids. Then the Era when Glenwood won the Sanix and smashed all the schools, that was fine for them, and the big team of JJ vd Mescht who also beat everyone by 50, then Glenwood liked playing. I remember at the Glenwood festival when that team was U/16 they put 70 points in all 3 their matches, and loved it.
    Dont hate the player. Hate the game.
    They had a model that is no longer working for them and this happens.

    I hear you, and agree with the expensive private schools, those parents are leaving the country. But there was a time where Tom Naude in Pietersburg and Stofberg in Brakpan was smashing teams and winning the Admin Cup. Then the demographics changed, and other schools changed their marketing strategies etc. Those schools now play very low rugby, not their faults. It is the way of life.

    If Glenwood/Selborne or whoever, feel they can still play Grey. Then play Grey. But dont cut games short or try to control the game, lets not focus on the weak kid, lets focus on the strong kid who wakes up 5am everyday and works his ass off to make a Grey starting team. This is his reward as well. If then Glenwood/Selborne feel they dont like it, get out of the fixture, new schools like Secunda, Noordheuwel and Die Anker will rise and one day play fixture against Grey for as long as they can keep up.

    Then it will be someone else’s turn again and again.

    Tru Top 10 rugby schools invest in much more than just a good 1st team to keep this going for 50 and 100 years.

    9 May, 2023 at 17:39
  109. avatar
    #206 Grasshopper

    @PRondersteuner: I don’t agree with that. There is a definite pooling of rugby talent in the Northern Suburbs, Paarl and Stellies. Bishops is not is a great rugby ‘feeder’ area. Anyway, this is only going to get worse and the droves move to the Cape

    9 May, 2023 at 17:34
  110. avatar
    #205 Vleis

    @PRondersteuner: Yes and no. The souties generally mature later than the dutchies, which can create dangerous mismatches in the junior age groups because it’s not just size where they are at a disadvantage…but more importantly pace and strength.

    In u15, my son was 1.6m tall, 46kg and had the physique of a 12 year old. I used to genuinely sometimes fear that he’d get obliterated if he tried to tackle a hard 85kg centre who could run the 100m in 11 seconds. Ironically, he somehow got through those age groups relatively unscathed, but now that he’s 25 and quite large, strong and fast, he gets injured all the bloody time! :(

    9 May, 2023 at 17:14
  111. avatar
    #204 PRondersteuner

    @NealW: 2018 PRG had a brilliant 1st team that only lost against Grey College. Against the two Paarl schools PRG won 4 games out of 36. Some of those losses were with big scores. 2019 PRG won nothing against the Paarl schools and 2 games against Grey College in Stellenbosch. Again with some big scores. In 2022 those same boys who lost by big scores in gr8 and 9, won their games against both Paarl schools and Grey College. PRG lost 6 out of 19 against Boishaai and 5 out 17 against Paarl Gym. PRG lost only 3 games against Grey College. If Bishops can’t put enough teams out there to play schools like PRG, Paarl Gym, Boishaai,etc then it’s got nothing to do with the state of the game in general. Then it’s a Bishops problem, not a rugby problem.

    9 May, 2023 at 16:04
  112. avatar
    #203 Grasshopper

    @NealW: I have a theory that people won’t like. With so many wealthy families leaving South Africa, the conveyor belt of kids has stopped going to the private schools, they are just too expensive for the average person. Now you seeing Venter’s and Van Rooyens pop up in NZ Schools lists. My sister is Head of Maths at a school in north Auckland with 80% of the kids being ex Saffa, mostly Afrikaans. There is semigration to the Cape, mostly the Winelands, Gaansbaai, Hermanus etc so those areas are pooling players too. With a focus on 1st team the other kids are just giving up. I don’t see a rosy future for those schools in ‘rougher’ areas without a BE. Basketball will probably take over within 20 years….

    9 May, 2023 at 15:24
  113. avatar
    #202 JongMatie

    @NealW: We have heard all your excuses – give us solutions.

    9 May, 2023 at 13:53
  114. avatar
    #201 Smallies

    @NealW: your last sentence is of great interest….Scools like Grey, PRG and Boishaai have massively strong first teams precisely because they don’t focus exclusively on first team performance….

    9 May, 2023 at 13:51
  115. avatar
    #200 NealW

    @PRondersteuner: Better opposition improves your game when you are competitive. If you play a game of tennis against Roger Federer and he aces you 4 times in a row (per game) and destroys your serves believe me your game won’t improve. You will have lost 6-0 and the only time your racket touches a ball was when you served. I think with the SS schools Wynberg and Rondebosch are hanging in there but SACS and Bishops are struggling. At bishops the number of boys playing are down last year u16’s barely got two teams together. PRG played Bishops the other day and despite the lower teams playing a team down (ie B’s vs C’s etc – I see Selborne did the same against Grey) the u14 and u 15’s didn’t score a point between them the u16’s managed one try in the C team. It goes without saying all the teams lost and really only the 1sts were competitive. But the health of rugby shouldn’t be measured by the success of the first team. Loads of people only focus on that 1st team result and don’t notice that things are not as rosy as it seems.

    9 May, 2023 at 13:37
  116. avatar
    #199 Kaya 85

    @Oud Anker

    I see your boys won.

    9 May, 2023 at 12:51
  117. avatar
    #198 Grasshopper

    @Grizzly: Yep, probably a parent who took the infamous pick. Like the Magnificent 7 ;-). World record breakers….

    9 May, 2023 at 12:14
  118. avatar
    #197 Smallies

    @Grizzly: dit was so iets gewees…

    9 May, 2023 at 12:11
  119. avatar
    #196 Smallies

    @Grasshopper: mate it’s not as bad as it seems,like I said those boys were probably making fun of each other allready on the way home ,its much worse going home after loosing a game you were absolutely expecting to win…like the English in 2019….

    9 May, 2023 at 12:10
  120. avatar
    #195 Grizzly

    @Smallies: Dis hoekom liga by NV soveel sin maak,krag teen krag.As n skool laaste eindig skuif hy af en versa visa.

    By jou feeste word jy uit genooi so dis die verantwoordelikheid van die organiseerdes om toe te sien dat daar nie miss matches is nie.

    Net n punt op daai foto,ek ken nie die feite nie maar as ek moes bet is dit deur n ouer sonder die mede wete van Grey personeel geneem en versprei…wie ookal skuldig is dis laakbaar.

    9 May, 2023 at 12:07
  121. avatar
    #194 Smallies

    @PRondersteuner: vestaan jy …..

    9 May, 2023 at 12:07
  122. avatar
    #193 Grasshopper

    @PRondersteuner: 50 and 70 are very different to 150 or 200 or 221…hahah. I get learning at 50-0 yes

    9 May, 2023 at 12:05
  123. avatar
    #192 PRondersteuner

    @Smallies: 2019 het Grey vir PRG ‘n moerse klap gegee op Markotter. Ek onthou 2013 was dit ook so. As ek reg onthou het Grey in altwee daai games meer as 50 opgesit. Van die laer spanne het hier by die 70 gedraai. Dit gebeur maar, maar PRG het baie daaruit geleer.
    Van my seun se pelle het 2019 ver verloor, maar verlede jaar gewen. Die seuns van altwee spanne praat tot vandag nog oor hoe lekker daai games was. Op Markotter in die modder. Die game is gestop want die ref konnie meer die spanne uitken nie. :mrgreen:

    9 May, 2023 at 12:04
  124. avatar
    #191 Smallies

    @Grasshopper: They lose plenty games ,Last year PRG almost whitwashed Grey, Affies and Boishaai regularly wins more than 50% of their games…

    9 May, 2023 at 11:44
  125. avatar
    #190 Grasshopper

    @Smallies: I would call 221-0 a poesklap! I don’t even know how it was possible even with no opposition, kicks at goal etc take time and I think at D team level it’s 25 mins a half. Maybe they were just drop kicks. Some Grey boys have never lost a game in their lives so not sure if they know what losing is like…

    9 May, 2023 at 11:40
  126. avatar
    #189 Smallies

    @Grasshopper: I agree with you up to a point ,my veiw is that sometimes you win sometimes you win big ,sometimes you lose and sometimes you take propper snotklap, it happens ,it does not detract from your school at all it’s shit that happens, thats all ….

    9 May, 2023 at 11:36
  127. avatar
    #188 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER: ek het gedink om dit te doen maar het teen dit besluit omdat ek nooit vir hulle gejol het nie ….

    9 May, 2023 at 11:34
  128. avatar
    #187 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies: Jy moet daai jersey se kleur van jou verander na Brakpan se groen en wit…pappie!

    9 May, 2023 at 11:31
  129. avatar
    #186 Grasshopper

    @Smallies: No pity party at all, just ridiculous it was even allowed. Dude I’m not woke but there are limits..

    9 May, 2023 at 11:25
  130. avatar
    #185 Palma

    @NealW: For the first time in memory Selbornes C and D teams played GCBs drop down teams. So even though the A teams got humiliated, the C and D teams were much more competitive against Grey D and E teams, with Selborne managing to win a couple of games.

    But this only solves part of the problem. Once the A teams are getting pummeled what can you honestly do besides considering scrapping the fixture or gritting your teeth and taking the annual 90 against an A tier team?

    9 May, 2023 at 11:25
  131. avatar
    #184 Smallies

    @Grasshopper: It happened its over nobody committed suicide because of it …lets stop with the pity party everytime something crappy happens….I can promise you that score will be the highlight of their 10 year reunion ….the jokes being made will be legendary ,and boys are much tougher than we give them credit ,they proparbly were already making fun of each other on yhe way home….

    9 May, 2023 at 11:20
  132. avatar
    #183 Smallies

    @Grasshopper: mate the A and B field are far removed from the Tomix and Windmill fields where that paricular game was played ,I was there on that day and only found out before the first team game when all the boys were gathering at the Main field….

    9 May, 2023 at 11:08
  133. avatar
    #182 Grasshopper

    @Smallies: Doubt it. A team winning 150-0 after 40 mins would attract attention from many spectators, parents and school kids. But yes OK…PLUS the other results over 100 and 150. 9 games in total went over 100 points….

    9 May, 2023 at 11:03
  134. avatar
    #181 Smallies

    @Grasshopper: Grey has Rugby fields all over the school grounds….they are not concentrated in one area… its very much a possibility that he only found out after the fact….

    9 May, 2023 at 10:57
  135. avatar
    #180 Grasshopper

    @PRondersteuner: Staggering is the answer if you want to play against stronger schools. A Glenwood 1st team is really a Cherries level, so A vs B etc. At lower levels, E vs G…

    9 May, 2023 at 10:54
  136. avatar
    #179 Grasshopper

    @Smallies: After the event, did they not see it on the day? Then a gloating picture next to the scoreboard. Unless the fixture was played at another venue I cannot believe he didn’t know what was going on.

    9 May, 2023 at 10:52
  137. avatar
    #178 Smallies

    @Grasshopper: Grey College’s director of rugby, Wessel du Plessis, agreed with Dames.

    Du Plessis said he would’ve stopped the game if he was aware of what was going on at the time.
    The last paragraph of the story you posted the link to….

    9 May, 2023 at 10:50
  138. avatar
    #177 PRondersteuner

    @NealW: 10/15 years ago the Southern Suburb schools were cannon fodder for the Wineland teams. It was almost a rest Saturday where teams could relax a bit against the “souties”. And I mean no disrespect at all with that, BUT the past 10 years Wynberg, Rondebosch, Bishops and to a lesser extend, SACS improved a hell of a lot. They are way more competitive than before. Perhaps from the c-teams down it becomes less competitive, but that’s why a PRG E-team will play a Bishops C-team. Like @Smallies: says. Better opposition will improve your own game.

    9 May, 2023 at 10:47
  139. avatar
  140. avatar
    #175 Grasshopper

    @Rainier: Explain how a score ever got to 221-0 and then a victory pic was taken next to the scoreboard afterwards…..what is that?

    9 May, 2023 at 10:30
  141. avatar
    #174 Djou

    @Kaya 85: Garsies beat Helpies 50-22 and Menlo 46-28 in the league matches – both away from home!
    You can find all the results close to the bottom of the blog under the Fixtures/Results section.

    9 May, 2023 at 10:26
  142. avatar
    #173 Rainier

    @Grasshopper: I doubt it is weird sadistic urge, there is also a lack of respect if a team starts clowning around to stop running up the score. Stopping a game at a certain point should always be a consideration and an ad hoc decision between the coaches – unfortunately some coaches are a-holes.

    9 May, 2023 at 10:22
  143. avatar
    #172 Grasshopper

    @Grasshopper: Sorry, add Paarl Gim to tier 1.

    9 May, 2023 at 09:57
  144. avatar
    #171 Rainier

    @NealW: That bus has left the station. In the 80’s schools like Sentraal, JF and HTS had annual matches against Grey and were competitive. Currently the Grey 3rd team will be favorites if they had to play any of the Bfn schools. It is a sad reality and I doubt there is any way to change the status quo.

    9 May, 2023 at 09:50
  145. avatar
    #170 Kaya 85

    @kantako: I remember Garsies lost the semi because their SA schools players werent there….but didn’t realize there was a whole back story…yet on the day Menlo destroyed Helpmekaar, who had been one of the best teams that year…what was the Helpies Bere score?

    9 May, 2023 at 09:49
  146. avatar
    #169 Grasshopper

    @NealW: You hit the nail on the head! It’s like some sort of weird sadistic urge to ‘smash’ teams to smithereens and to not stop until it’s embarrassing for the losing team. Maybe it’s a cultural thing. Everyone loves to win and win big, but we should have a mercy rule. If 50 points are on the board at halftime, stop the game. I remember taking 50 points from Maritzburg College regularly, but that was a full game. It never felt good, I can’t even imagine taking 100 points in like 50 to 60 mins. These professional school teams are playing at a University level of physicality but the speed of schoolboys, it’s intense. At Glenwood over the years, we were lucky we usually had a big pack to compete, big boys from Afrikaans households in Toti, the Bluff, Queensburgh. The soutie surfers were the backs. Now days, schools like Grey Bloem have provincial u13 players in their C teams! Talent is being pooled in a few schools which means it becomes an exclusive club of say 10 schools who can really compete across the board. Really only Grey, Paarl Boys, Paul Roos, Affies & Monnas can compete across 20+ teams without cricket scores. They should play each other at least twice a year, then one level down you have say Maritzburg College, Grey PE, Westville, Glenwood, Rondebosch, Wynberg, SACS, KES, Jeppe & Northwood, schools that can put out 20 teams but lack the depth. They would be super competitive across the board, they play each other twice a year. The point I’m making is rugby is not just for the 1st team, you need depth. Also, lesser players want to enjoy the game too. Concentrate your best coaches in the D, E and F teams to get the basics right and then get the right fixtures where the opposition is of similar strength. That is the only way to keep boys, not in the A team, playing the game and enjoying it. Getting smacked 100 points is dejecting and pushes boys to stop, as it’s not enjoyable and likely to get injuries..

    9 May, 2023 at 09:47
  147. avatar
    #168 NealW

    @PRondersteuner: I’m not sure those other schools in Bloem feel it helps their rugby to send the kids out to be cannon fodder for Grey. Its like a tipping point is reached and getting it back becomes very difficult.

    9 May, 2023 at 09:16
  148. avatar
    #167 NealW

    @Vleis: My point exactly.

    9 May, 2023 at 09:05
  149. avatar
    #166 NealW

    @Kantman: These big scores invariably are a result of size difference. I agree that top schools have both (size and skill). You just have to stand next to the field to see the difference its so obvious – I’m not exaggerating when I say it is an average of at least 10-15 kg per player. When a school has some size in their particular year – here I think of Selborne when Goosen and Taylor were in the pack – then they were very competitive with top tier schools like Grey College. The schools who are on this mission always make sure that is the case.

    9 May, 2023 at 09:03
  150. avatar
    #165 Smallies

    @PRondersteuner: As jy jou rugby wil verbeter moet jy sterker spanne speel …dis hoe eenvoudig dit is

    9 May, 2023 at 08:17
  151. avatar
    #164 PRondersteuner

    @Smallies: Grey en PRG het baie seuns en het altyd meer as die normale aantal spanne. Grey en Boishaai is die enigste skole wat teenstanders het vir elke span van PRG. Twee weke terug het PRG se o19H teen Affies o19H gespeel, want Gim het nie soveel spanne nie. Geen skande nie. Daar word ‘n plan gemaak. Waar ‘n wil is, is ‘n weg. Dit gebeur elke week by PRG. Die ander skole moet net wil, maar lyk my dis die probleem in Bloemfontein. Soos @Ploegskaar: vir @NealW: gesê het. Dit kan net die standaarde verhoog van daardie skole. Miskien moet Vrystaat skole unie die skole verplig om teen Grey te speel as hulle vir provinsiale skole spanne in aanmerking wil kom.

    9 May, 2023 at 08:06
  152. avatar
    #163 Grizzly

    @Smallies: Thanks!!Lyk actualy cool.Ja Affies met hul parkering op Loftus dae maak n bank vol geld.Garsies se bywoning ook nie bad nie.

    Dan weer Affies se wildsfees,daai klub 600 bars uit sy nate.Ek verstaan daars baie huurders vir Garsies se Astro turf hokkie baan deur die week en naweke as hul nie daar is nie,so ja mens moet vandag doen wat jy kan.

    9 May, 2023 at 06:43
  153. avatar
    #162 Smallies

    @Grizzly: net omdat jy so mooi gvra het 🤣🤣🤣

    9 May, 2023 at 05:49
  154. avatar
    #161 Smallies

    Ek het so n bietjie my somme gaan afstof ,hierdie som verduidelik die waarde van n sterk rugby program vir n skool 2018 Grey teen PRG Bloemfontein geskatte bywoning was 25 000 mense kom ons trek 2000 af vir skoliere wat gratis in gaan dan lyk die som so
    23000 x R 20 ingangs geld = R 460 000 net by die hek ,ons praat nog nie eers van hotdogs en pannekoek inkomste nie…..doen nou die som by Affies PRG Boishaai ens en dan verstaan mens hoekom hulle dit doen

    9 May, 2023 at 05:44
  155. avatar
    #160 OomPB

    PRG vs PG alle uitslae
    u14C 67-0, u14B 43-0 u14A 24-17
    u15D 31-8, u15C 0-5, u15B 5-26 u15A 20 elk
    u16C 31-0, u16B 31-21 u16A 20 elk
    U19G 38-6 u19F 50=10, u19E 27-3, u19D 10-15 u19C 15-28 u19B 17-47, u19A 19-24
    Total wenne 9-6

    9 May, 2023 at 04:06
  156. avatar
    #159 beet

    @Kantman: Yes that would be a nice exercise. Lets see what can be done.

    8 May, 2023 at 23:14
  157. avatar
    #158 beet

    @NealW: I do believe its different strokes for different folks.

    My opinion – Selborne needs to reevaluate their rugby relationship with Grey College annually. There is a lot to be gained from the experience, plus there have been times in the past when the Selborne 1st XV have been competitive and achieved favourable results. However at the same time if Selborne sees itself on a different path, there are probably more competitively rewarding interschools rugby fixtures that can be set up as an alternative.

    I have always thought Grey College should try have a home and away against Affies every season. And it wouldn’t be a bad idea for Selborne to have a similar arrangement with Grey HS.

    I once had a discussion with JP Jamieson, a Kingswood old boy who went to Grey HS for some 12 years before that :mrgreen: Jokes but JP was playing junior rugby for EP after school and wanted to know who the Sharks hooker was that he’d be up against. It turned out to be Andrew du Plessis and JP said I know him, I’ve been playing against him since u9. So maybe a lot harder for Grey HS to turn their back on that fixture for many reasons. But since they are forging better relations with the SS4 schools these days, maybe a second match against Selborne might feature in the planning as well.

    I saw the u16 result of Selborne against Grey College and Grey HS vs PRG. I have to wonder what happens in two years time when these boys represent their first XVs. Are the EC boys going to develop and improve drastically or are the schools going to recruit to improve their fortunes or do they accept their fate in 2025 or do they look at other markets where they see the opportunity to compete with a chance to win.

    Anyways generally if the A-teams are taking a beating, the lower teams are suffering more against the national powerhouses. I think in the cases of Glenwood and Maritzburg College, their decisions to end interschools ties with Grey College were little to do with the hockey or rugby A-team results but more of a holistic rugby view.

    8 May, 2023 at 22:59
  158. avatar
    #157 kantako

    @Strepie: ek wil met jou verskil. Ek dink rugby is n skool se grootste bemarker. Selfs pappas met dogters sit hulle dogters in n skool met n sterk rugbykultuur. Rugby trek great atlete, wat dan ook die jaar afskop met n goeie atletiekseisoen en lekker gees, rugby trek toeskouers en tv wedstryde en borge en toernooie, dit gee die skool en hulle leerlinge goeie blootstelling.

    Wat ek wel dink die verskil maak is dat die Top 5 Rugbyskole oor die laaste 20 jaar, almal ook n great tradisie en trots het, met goeie balans. Ek wil so ver gaan en se die Top 20 rugbyskole van vandag het almal mooi opgevang, en hulle bied almal baie meer as net n sterk rugbyprogram aan. Maar dit het by rugby begin.

    Suid Afrika is baie geseend met top skole daar is nie baie plekke in die wereld waar leerlinge sulke skool ondervinding kan kry met akademie, sport, kultuur en sosiale geleenthede nie. Miskien in Amerika.

    8 May, 2023 at 22:46
  159. avatar
    #156 kantako

    @Kaya 85: yes they won the trofee that year by accident. They finished 4th on the log with EG, Noordheuwel and Waterkloof, all could have taken the 4th spot up until the final round matches.

    Garsfontein (5 or 6 SA schools players) and Menlo (3 SA schools players) got knocked out in the Semi Finals. Thus leaving Menlo and Helpmekaar in the final. Besides winning that watered down final, there was nothing to write home about the Menlo 2019 team, the season was in fact so low that the coaching staff changed after that match.

    Menlo narrowly beat Trio and Heidelberg Volkies in their 60th Festival, Heidelberg didnt even make the final of the Puk tournament.

    Menlo will soon be knocked out of the Cup and into the B division, but will then forever (like with Athletics) claim they are the best in the Universe.

    Where is Bees who made the promises ? Until they get rid of the Principal and the saying “DIE” menlopark, they are in for a downhill ride. They have always lied to parents at junior level, thus getting good results with big players, but once the parents saw the truth, they could not sustain the model. Show me the last rugby player from menlo who is currently playing Professional rugby now, through all those years of recruiting.

    Drop the Ego menlo. Follow Garsies and Kloof. Advertise your Director of Sport and your Director of rugby positions. Dont look for a big name, look for people to do the job.

    8 May, 2023 at 22:37
  160. avatar
    #155 Strepie

    Hou in gedagte, n seun gaan na n skool nie uitsluitlik net vir rugby nie, maar ook oor die roemryke naam wat die skool het, en n skool het n roemryke naam nie bloot oor rugby prestasies nie, maar oor die gevormde produk wat hy die werêld instuur.

    8 May, 2023 at 22:31
  161. avatar
    #154 Strepie

    @Smallies: Stem saam.
    Stephen, jou kop is reg aangeskroef!

    8 May, 2023 at 22:27
  162. avatar
    #153 Kaya 85

    @Vleis: Menlopark won Virsekerbeker / Noordvaal Cup in 2019 right? This year’s matrics were u14s that year

    8 May, 2023 at 21:39
  163. avatar
    #152 tzavosky

    @Smallies: Ek onthou ook daai som wat gemaak is, maar ek dink dit was laer as 30% – iets soos 15-20%, en ek praat ook onder korreksie.

    Op o/13 vlak het die wat vroeër ontwikkel ‘n groot voordeel bo die laat ontwikkelaars, maar hier teen 0/16 het die laat outjies ingehaal, dan gaan dit meer oor wie die hardste aan hulle skills gewerk het.

    8 May, 2023 at 21:20
  164. avatar
    #151 Vleis

    @Kaya 85: St Alban’s used to play an annual Classic Clash against Menlo. Menlo mostly won but the scores weren’t too terrible until about 2010 when Menlo started recruiting heavily. Thereafter, the scores at 1st team level did not widen too badly, but the scores at age-group level ballooned to such an extent that St Alban’s terminated the fixture in 2014. Souties generally mature later, so the gap in size, pace and strength (and thus, the risk of injury) is much greater in the junior groups than in the senior groups.

    Anyway, even during said period of high recruitment, Menlo produced dominant junior teams but underwhelming 1st teams (other than 2019). You’ll have to ask a Menlo person why that happened but I heard rumours about star juniors sometimes leaving before becoming seniors, complaints about coaching at open level, etc. Now that the junior recruiting is not as intense as it was five or ten years ago, the 1st team seems to have dropped a whole tier in performance levels.

    Of course, the above reflects the views of an outsider…so I’m happy to be corrected by a Menlo insider.

    8 May, 2023 at 20:32
  165. avatar
    #150 Smallies

    @Kantman: ek praat nou onder baie streng korreksie maar ek het lank terug iets gelees dat die conversion rate vanaf O13 CW na O18 CW so iets soos 30% is

    8 May, 2023 at 19:19
  166. avatar
    #149 Kantman

    @beet I would be interested in a blog that shows how many u13 ‘Cravenweek’ boys join a specific school. Simply because I think it is overstated most of the times and have little bearing on overall or 1st team results. But happy to be corrected.

    8 May, 2023 at 19:08
  167. avatar
    #148 Kantman

    @NealW: I think you need to seperate size from skill in the debate. Size imbalance may cause injuries, but not skill. Skill and practise will cause serious big scores.

    8 May, 2023 at 18:34
  168. avatar
    #147 NealW

    @Ploegskaar: Look Stellenberg won a single game against HJS on Saturday but every game was close, this wasn’t a lop sided encounter. So the schools are evenly matched and I’m sure everyone enjoyed their Saturday morning. I didn’t even see all the Selborne results against Grey but two of their A teams lost by 90 points so I think its a given that the B’s and C’s were worse. I don’t often see Landbou lose by these big margins but can’t say I’m an expert. You think everything is hunky dory and we must just soldier on because it keeps our standards up. However I’m seeing schools struggle to put teams out on the field which means the standards are dropping and the reason is obvious who wants to take 90 points and end up in hospital on a Saturday morning. Even you have to admit something has changed since we played in the 80’s (apologies if the decade is wrong).

    8 May, 2023 at 17:57
  169. avatar
    #146 Kaya 85

    No one has commented about the almighty beating Helpmekaar dished out to Menlopark. I didnt see the game but must be a big psychological boost for Helpies afer their erratic form in April.

    8 May, 2023 at 17:25
  170. avatar
    #145 Smallies

    @Ploegskaar: net so….

    8 May, 2023 at 17:15
  171. avatar
    #144 Ploegskaar

    @NealW: Guys, seriously, Boland Landbou is in no different position than the 4 SS schools and Stellenberg vs the 3 big Winelands teams every year. Last time we beat HJS was 2009, Gim 2017 and PRG 2016. Yet we would never consider dropping these fixtures, even though we have also had many years where our lower teams take huge beatings, or where we win no games on derby day at all. Competing with these schools allow us to maintain high standards, compete and beat other schools and strengthens our resolve to improve and aspire to their standards. Stellenberg knew it was going to be tough, but these are the very reasons why they pushed for promotion in the first place. In my opinion you will see real stagnation and eventually degradation of your rugby structures once you stop playing them. As an aside, the last time that we beat all 4 SS teams in one year was 2012, so there has been no Winelands Big 4 for a long time, just 3, but we will continue to work and improve so that we can be part of that prestigious club again

    8 May, 2023 at 17:07
  172. avatar
    #143 Smallies

    @NealW: I have a question for you ,is it realy the top 6 getting to strong ,or is it a case of some schools not willing to do the hard work to be competitive……If Garsfontein can do it and Noordheuwel can do it and Stellenburg can do it why cant others…in stead of complaining roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty….just my opinion

    8 May, 2023 at 16:47
  173. avatar
    #142 NealW

    @Smallies: Sure Selborne teams are still going to be competitive in the Eastern Cape but these big scores do nobody any good. Look what happened to Grey – there is no more competition for them in Bloem. They have to travel miles to get a game that is competitive. Over professionalized schools eventually destroy the rivalry and competition around them. It starts slowly and before you know it there is nobody to play against. The Cape is kind of unusual in that the number of top schools is impressive but even here I can see some traditional boys schools can no longer compete and so the numbers start dwindling. Someone joked about the top 6 playing each other – be careful what you wish for.

    8 May, 2023 at 15:56
  174. avatar
    #141 Smallies

    @PRondersteuner: nie een van die ander Bloem skole kan 20 spanne in die veld stoot nie …dis die probleem

    8 May, 2023 at 15:45
  175. avatar
    #140 Deon

    @JongMatie: Dit sal seker nog gebeur. Hopelik is Piet dan weer Pienk, Koos Kombuis sit weer met sy kitaar is die kantlokaal en wissel tussen sy bottel Tassies en die mikrofoon, en ons kan hoor hoe die Eersterivier by Prima, Nova en Markotter verby reuse rotse soos strooihalmpies saamsleur Valsbaai toe terwyl die Pieke se sneeu smelt van die son wat daaragter opkom en Altyd Helderder skyn.

    8 May, 2023 at 15:44
  176. avatar
    #139 Deon

    @Rugbyman: Behalwe dat jy weer die gesprek tussen my en Djou Honour moet gaan navolg, oor beide onderwerpe, gaan ek nie antwoord hierop nie. By my is die onderwerp van koop, en ‘n paar ander wat mense aanstoot gee, gesluit.

    8 May, 2023 at 15:34
  177. avatar
    #138 PRondersteuner

    @Smallies: Grey College het ‘n groot nadeel mbt tot sterk kompetisie nader aan die huis. Om na 2 maande die eerste keer tuis te speel is nie lekker nie. Outeniqua en Oakdale is seker die enigste ander spanne wat min of meer dieselfde probleem het.
    Hoeveel hoërskole is daar in Bloemfontein? Kan daar nie iets gedoen word om daardie skole sterker te maak nie? Beter afrigters of so iets? Verskoon my onkunde, maar ek ken nie regtig die opset daar nie.

    8 May, 2023 at 15:27
  178. avatar
    #137 Smallies

    @JongMatie: ek dink nie julle besef altyd hoe bevooreg julle is nie, Grey moet die hele land vol ry om krag teen krag games te kry ,julle ry 60km of minder …..

    8 May, 2023 at 14:40
  179. avatar
    #136 JongMatie

    Die Kaapse/Wynland Premier liga in die Kaap het nie sy gelyke nie.
    Week in en week uit belaglike strawwe kompetisie.

    8 May, 2023 at 14:33
  180. avatar
    #135 Rugbyman

    @Hanswors: Ek het toevallig ook die o14c span game gekyk! Die twee spannetjies het alles gegee! Ek het sommer hoendervleis gekry!

    Stem met jou saam oor die musiek… ek sal dit in die regte ore fluister… Dankie vir jou kompliment rondom ons span, dit is ‘n smart groep seuns! Hulle werk vrek hard!

    8 May, 2023 at 14:31
  181. avatar
    #134 Rugbyman

    @Deon: Dink nie Djou het verwys na enige graad 11s nie. Dalk het jy dit by ‘n braaivleis vuur gehoor met een of ander luukse Bolandse wyntjie?

    8 May, 2023 at 14:28
  182. avatar
    #133 Smallies

    @NealW: I totally get that mate👍👍 that’s why I said that of you play against the likes of the winelands schools et al every week and you shine you must be good…same with all the schools in that group ….Selborne included,just because they took a 90 against Grey do not mean that they won’t klap Hangklip in Queenstown properly….

    8 May, 2023 at 14:27
  183. avatar
    #132 Kaya 85

    @Deon: Credo nos in fluctu eodem esse

    8 May, 2023 at 14:02
  184. avatar
    #131 Kaya 85

    @Toffee: Wynberg looking very good so far this year!

    8 May, 2023 at 13:58
  185. avatar
    #130 JongMatie

    @NealW: Do you suggest a top 6 comp, teams playing 5 times against each other annually??

    8 May, 2023 at 13:54
  186. avatar
    #129 NealW

    @Toffee: I think something like that will have to be looked at because the gap is just too big and its having an effect on boys actually wanting to play rugby.

    8 May, 2023 at 13:52
  187. avatar
    #128 NealW

    @Smallies: I thumb sucked the Grey flyhalf to make a point I am not implying he isn’t a great player. However the point is still valid ie those who play with strong packs have an easier ride. There is a huge gap developing between a small group of schools in say the top 6 versus the rest. When there are derby days like Selborne vs Grey College teams are taking 90 points – there are multiple injuries – and I don’t know what good it does anyone.

    8 May, 2023 at 13:45
  188. avatar
    #127 JongMatie

    @Deon: Deon, wanneer ontmoet ons vir n bier by de Akker?

    8 May, 2023 at 13:18
  189. avatar
    #126 Smallies

    @Deon: tjorts proff…

    8 May, 2023 at 13:12
  190. avatar
    #125 Deon

    @Smallies: :lol: Ten minste, my “askiese” kom altyd uit die hart, en al is ek soms ernstig, ook hier, is dit gewoonlik omdat ek iets nie verstaan nie, maar is ek steeds mal daaroor om die draak te skeer en die gek te steek. Maar ek neem aan hierdie is nie die plek daarvoor nie. Ek vra al meer as 50 jaar askies , mens raak gewoond daaraan. Cheers Kapelaan Smal, tot later.

    8 May, 2023 at 13:09
  191. avatar
    #124 JongMatie

    @Deon: Bwahahahahahaha!!!!

    8 May, 2023 at 13:08
  192. avatar
    #123 Deon

    @JongMatie: Broer, as ek my “wysheid” afsmeer op PRG gaan ons nog baie meer verloor. Cheers vir eers

    8 May, 2023 at 13:06
  193. avatar
    #122 Smallies

    @Deon: jy gaan nou -nou weer askies moet vra Proff🤣🤣🤣

    8 May, 2023 at 12:57
  194. avatar
    #121 JongMatie

    @Deon: As jy jou wysheid deurgee en ekstra klasse verniet aanbied aan ons eerstes, mag ons rekord teen Gim, Boishaai en Grey dalk net net verbeter. Jy klink na n man wat meesterplanne tot stand kan bring :)

    8 May, 2023 at 12:57
  195. avatar
    #120 Deon

    @JongMatie: Akkoord.

    8 May, 2023 at 12:56
  196. avatar
    #119 Deon

    @Smallies: Mens kan nog probeer blyby die Joneses, maar vergeet van bybly by die Djou-nses.

    8 May, 2023 at 12:55
  197. avatar
    #118 Deon

    @Djou: Sien, nou het jy die woord “weer” in daai sin geplaas en nou is die stoutgat binne my weer lus om dit te misbruik en die JongMaties onder ons sal weer hul panties in ‘n knoop kry. Maar, tyd is min, en kubervriendskappe nog minder so ek moet hardloop lol. Mooi week vir jou Djou

    8 May, 2023 at 12:53
  198. avatar
    #117 JongMatie

    @Deon: Dalk net net slim genoeg vir die post matrieks van Dubanville en Bishops :)

    8 May, 2023 at 12:53
  199. avatar
    #116 Deon

    @JongMatie: So vinnig van Ex alto vincimus tot Ex infra vincimus, of dink ek nou aan die verkeerde maroentrui/beret op die forum?

    8 May, 2023 at 12:51
  200. avatar
    #115 Deon

    @PRondersteuner: Ja ek weet ook nie, maar ek besef meer en meer dat dit sinneloos is om dit enigsens te bespreek want mens gaan niks kan verander nie, ek ek verstaan alles nie of eers goed genoeg om te kan oordeel of dit behoort te verander nie.Miskien is dit die beste soos dit nou ontwikkel. Ek sukkel bloot wanneer iemand sê “almal doen dit” en die bespreking relevant maak nie, asof almal dieselfde doen. Maar weereens, dis ‘n “moot court”.

    8 May, 2023 at 12:49
  201. avatar
    #114 Toffee

    @ NealW. Some good points. I seem to remember a few years back that Wynberg would play Paarl Gym one year and Paarl Boys the following year. So not both Paarl schools in one year. It may be in the interest of the development of say a Paarl Boys under 15a side to play Paul Roos/Paarl Gym twice a year rather than posting 50+ against a Southern Suburbs side four times in a year and then to play only two of the Southern Suburbs schools every year, alternating annually. Just a thought.

    8 May, 2023 at 12:45
  202. avatar
    #113 Deon

    @Rugbyman: Dis vir Djou wat jy die inligting moet deurgee, nie vir my nie. Ek reageer op sy inligting. Mooi week vir jou ook.

    8 May, 2023 at 12:45
  203. avatar
    #112 Smallies

    @JongMatie: Grey PRG is pretty special in sy eie reg ,ek glo dat indien PRG die game op Danie Craven host hy uitverkoop sal wees….

    8 May, 2023 at 12:44
  204. avatar
    #111 Deon

    @Rainier: Jy mag van my dink wat en soos jy wil, wees net billik; ek het van meets af eksplisiet gestel dat ek nie na die spesifieke seun verwys nie, aan beide jou en aan Djou. Ek het nog nooit Grey Primêr die instansie of sy leerlinge “beswadder” nie. Die res van my aanvanklike reaksie het ek uitgevee, dit sou niks verbeter nie. Ek is werklik spyt dat ek die forum vir jou onplesierig maak. Gewildheid is vir my irrelevant, tog is hierdie is ‘n forum waar baie ou vriende al meer as ‘n dekade in die beste trou gesels, ek het geen reg om dit te verander nie, al is dit nie eers doelbewus nie, so wat jy noem is stof tot nadenke. Dis net skoolrugby afterall.

    8 May, 2023 at 12:44
  205. avatar
    #110 JongMatie

    @Smallies: a cut above the rest

    8 May, 2023 at 12:42
  206. avatar
    #109 Smallies

    @NealW: the fact that that flyhalf shines against the quality opposition that he faces week in and week out tells me he is very good 👍

    8 May, 2023 at 12:41
  207. avatar
    #108 JongMatie

    @Smallies: Ons smag, hunker, neig en aspireer na n Paarl interskool gevoel.

    8 May, 2023 at 12:39
  208. avatar
    #107 Smallies

    @ Hanswors Ek dink die aanlyn verkoop van kaartjies is n slim manier om diefstal te voorkom …..

    8 May, 2023 at 12:38
  209. avatar
    #106 Smallies

    @JongMatie: dink net n Grey PRG game voor 100 000 toeskouers…..

    8 May, 2023 at 12:33
  210. avatar
    #105 BoishaaiPa

    Ek gee nou nie om wie koop wat nie..Maar as Boishaai nie voor Saterdag n beter lynstaan kan koop nie gaan dit maar swaar trek teen Grey!..

    8 May, 2023 at 12:29
  211. avatar
    #104 JongMatie

    @Hanswors: Hoekom word daar enigsins musiek gespeel?

    8 May, 2023 at 12:10
  212. avatar
    #103 Hanswors

    Ek het baie lanklaas gepos maar lees baie gereeld almal se insette en skud ook maar net my kop.
    Was bevoorreg om Saterdag die rugby by Garsfontein te kon gaan kyk. Vanaf die onder 14’s tot by die eerstes.
    n Eerste vir my was die kaartjies wat jy voor die tyd online moes koop en nie meer by die hek nie. Dit was so lekker om die onder 14C span seun te sien speel asof hy vir die Springbokke speel. Elke seun het sy beste gegee en daar moet nooit net gefokus word op die A spanne nie. Skole rugby in sy geheel is nie meer die skole rugby wat ons geken het nie, goed of sleg?
    Garsfontein het n baie goeie span wat BAIE gevaarlik is as hulle die bal in hand het. Ek het nog min indien ooit op skolevlak soveel talentvolle seuns in een span sien speel, so n span sien jy nie elke jaar op skolevlak nie geniet die span en sy vertonings.

    Die tipe rugby wat gespeel word was uitstekend en die druk wat n span kan bou om strafskoppe te vat veral as jy n skopper het wat weet wat hy doen kon mens sien in die onder 16 wedstryd. Daardie losskakel van Waterkloof het baie goed geskop.
    Die opmerking wat Djou gemaak het oor die Kaapse verteenwoordiging in die Waterkloof se 2 de span het vir my meer gelyk na agtergeblewe spelers wat van skole nader aan Pretoria af kom .
    Skole rugby bly koning!
    N laaste positiewe opmerking aan Garsfontein…laat die DJ asb die klank bietjie afdraai terwyl die rugby aan die gang is of glad nie musiek speel nie. Dit was beter met die eerste span maar dit was oorverdowend op die hoofpawiljioen met die voorwedstryde!!!

    8 May, 2023 at 11:43
  213. avatar
    #102 JongMatie

    @OUD ANKER: Few tweaks here and there, but unfortunately this level of rugby and professionalism is not going to change.
    Look at college football.
    Since work opportunities have developed from sport after school – this will be the status quo.

    Get use to it :)

    8 May, 2023 at 11:11
  214. avatar
    #101 OUD ANKER

    @NealW: What a fantastic post!! Agree 100%.

    8 May, 2023 at 10:22
  215. avatar
    #100 Rugbyman

    @Deon: Kom ek help jou gou reg. Garsies werf op graad 8 vlak. Ons gaan egter nou meer klem daarop plaas.

    Daar is GEEN seun in ons 1ste span wat laasjaar graad 11 in ‘n ander skool was en nou in graad 12 in Garsfontein nie. Sonder om nou slim te raak oor slange en Charlie Chaplin hou ek dit maar kort en kragtig vir jou. Lekker dag.

    8 May, 2023 at 09:45
  216. avatar
    #99 JongMatie

    @Rainier: Verskoon hom maar, hy is n verleentheid vir PRG (My trotse Alma Mater).

    8 May, 2023 at 09:26
  217. avatar
    #98 Rainier

    @Deon: As jy niks weet van ‘n situasie nie sal ek waardeer dat jy liewers jou oningeligte opinies vir jou self hou. Jy dra niks by tot die blog by met betrekking tot die skole rugby nie, ek kan net aan neem dat jy geen vriende het om mee nonsens te praat nie en jy dus hier kom aandag en kontroversie soek.

    Ek hoef nie details te gee nie oor die spesifieke situasie nie, maar ek sal nie stil bly en toe laat dat jy met jou beterweterige snedige aanmerkings Grey Primer beswadder nie.

    Soos ander bloggers reeds aangedui het maak dit jy dit regtig onsmaaklik vir ander mense op die blog.

    8 May, 2023 at 09:23
  218. avatar
    #97 NealW

    @JongMatie: At least most results were close. Only one or two big scores. My guess teams were evenly matched.

    8 May, 2023 at 09:17
  219. avatar
    #96 PRondersteuner

    @Deon: @Djou: Wie om te “koop”, wanneer om te “koop” is ‘n kuns wat min skole kon bemeester. Doen jy dit op o14 vlak, ontwikkel die seun nie genoeg nie, en moet jy dit weer doen in gr11 of miskien 10. Ek persoonlik weet van heel paar sulke gevalle. Die teenoorgestelde gebeur ook. Herschel Jantjies het 014e heelagter gespeel en het self ontwikkel. 5 jaar terug toe “koop” of “werf” of wat dit ookal genoem word, ‘n sekere skool hier in die Wes-Kaap vier provinsiale skrumskakels vir o14. Hoeveel van hulle het in gr11 en matriek 1ste span gespeel? Ek weet van een wat gr10 ophou rugby speel het.
    ALLE skole “koop” gr11 as daar ‘n behoefte is. Ek het geen probleem daarmee nie, maar as die skool net uit ‘n 1ste span bestaan agv dit, is dit nie reg vir my nie.

    8 May, 2023 at 09:11
  220. avatar
    #95 JongMatie

    Stellenberg vs Boishaai.
    Stellenberg wen 1 uit 18.

    8 May, 2023 at 08:59
  221. avatar
    #94 NealW

    @Grasshopper: I think the problem is much deeper than just standing behind the posts. What is happening is that rugby is loosing its shine. What nobody talks about is that those 90 point drubbings are usually accompanied by a massive number of injuries- many of them very serious. I watched Bishops vs P Gim last year and it was like a battle field with the number of Bishop boys in the Noordhelp tent. When the teams lined up you could see a 10-15 kg difference per boy. The results where inevitable – would the P Gim parents like their sons playing against Maties I wonder because that was the difference in size I was seeing. I watched the u16a game and I think half the Bishops team was injured during the game. The result was that Bishops struggled to even have a u16C team that year and I think they are down to 5/6 open teams this year. Rugby is being hollowed out all the focus is on 1st team rugby and their results. The real health of rugby at a school is how many boys want to play and enjoy themselves. The bottom line is that the elite rugby schools are on their own mission. Their “A” teams are packed full of Craven week players and the “B” teams aren’t far behind. I don’t see what good comes from playing them (and I sometimes wonder what they learn themselves – for instance is the Grey College flyhalf any good since he has probably only played behind a winning pack his whole life). This relentless march to professionalism is taking the fun out of rugby and is actually leading to the demise of rugby in many traditional boys schools. Selborne is lucky in that this is probably the only complete miss match they have during the year. In the Cape the southern suburbs schools endure it 4/5 times a season.

    8 May, 2023 at 08:51
  222. avatar
    #93 Smallies

    @Deon: keeping up with the Joneses het al baie mense bitter koffie laat drink….

    8 May, 2023 at 07:41
  223. avatar
    #92 Djou

    @Deon: Jy mis die heel eerste punt in jou eerste sin. Hulle was! Anyway, so what of hulle nou was of nie.
    My punt is julle fokus so op Garsfontein dat julle die res mis. Maw, die res kan werf uit die Kaap, solank dit nie Garsfonrein is nie!
    Dink Garsies moet maar weer begin om troppe Kaapse kinders te werf.

    8 May, 2023 at 07:29
  224. avatar
    #91 Deon

    @Smallies: Jaloesie, begerigheid dryf die mens , en net soos ‘n mamba is sy besigheidskant baie anders as sy nie-besigheidskant. Jy moet daardie film van Charlie Chaplin, Modern Times kyk. Dit gaan basies oor koop/verkoop ratte in masjiene. Al seker 90 jaar gelede gemaak. Beginsels geld ongewysigd. Mooi week vir jou.

    8 May, 2023 at 05:39
  225. avatar
    #90 Deon

    @Djou: Ek het maar net saam met die vloei van jou verwysing na Kloof se Kaapse spelers gesels. Waar die helfte van julle huidige eerstespan buite Garsies op skool was toe hulle Graad 11 was, is irrelevant, solank hulle nie in Garsies was nie, dis die punt. Beginselsaak, nie ‘n artikel oor toerisme nie. Toerisme is immers die Honourable Memba de Lille se afdeling. Die skok, ongeloof en pyn in my rein Kaapse hart wat betref die feit dat Garsies nou eers besluit het om in Graad 8 te werf eerder as Graad 11 soos tot twee jaar gelede, volgens jou bieg in die belydenishokkie, taan steeds nie. Wat dit nou maar op neerkom is dat skole, of dit nou PRG is of Baardscheerdersbosch Middelbare skool,Protem of Ouplaas is, as mens openlik praat moet mens jou skool se koper se kwaliteit en prestasie net so weeg soos jy jou skool se afrigter, kondisoneerder, selfs skool, ens weeg. Dit kan in baie gevalle, veral as iemand in Graad 11 deur byvoorbeeld ‘n PRG gekoop word, meer fundamenteel belangrik wees as afrigting. Toegang tot fondse gaan baie skole se doodsteek wees, nog baie Selborne gevalle veroorsaak ( hulle het wel die fondse) en die wenners onder ons gaan oneerlik slegs ons afrigting, gees, kultuur en etos prys, nie ons finansies of ons koper se besigheidsvenuf nie. Dit voel al hoe meer of mens kitsgesig of kitsroem koop. Ek het nie werklik ‘n probleem daarmee nie, solank die impak van jou koop, eties of nie, graad 8, 11, 2, ongeag, deel van die spog bly.

    8 May, 2023 at 05:33
  226. avatar
    #89 Smallies

    @Deon: Jaloesie is n lelike deng proff….

    7 May, 2023 at 22:06
  227. avatar
    #88 Smallies

    @Grizzly: ek is bietjie te uitgesproke vir daai ikoniese trui🤣🤣🤣 ,ek sal wel n plan maak vir n ander prentjie

    7 May, 2023 at 21:35
  228. avatar
    #87 Grizzly

    @Smallies: Ek vergeet die heel tyd.Wil jy nie daai Avatar weer terug verander na daai ikoniese trui of Kovsies.

    Ek skrik my elke keer in n ander bloed groep in as ek by jou kom🤣🤣

    7 May, 2023 at 19:16
  229. avatar
    #86 Palma

    @Smallies: It is a difficult situation.

    When one looks at other results from different sporting codes it is more competitive. Selborne squash won comfortably, the hockey games were very competitive with Selborne 14a winning and the 1st team drawing.

    But of course rugby is what matters above all. The other sporting and cultural codes are an afterthought.

    7 May, 2023 at 19:07
  230. avatar
    #85 Djou

    @Deon: Swak aanname van nogal ‘n aktuaris, filosoof, ens.
    Hulle kom uit Pretoria en omgewing. Nou dat jy weet, wat nou?

    7 May, 2023 at 19:01
  231. avatar
    #84 Djou

    @Smallies: Dalk kan Grey se 14 B of C teen A spanne speel tot Selborne weer reg is.

    7 May, 2023 at 18:58
  232. avatar
    #83 Deon

    @Smallies: Die Selborne wedstryd was ‘n goeie ding tot dit nie meer een was of ooit weer kan word nie. Jy het mos gelees wat Rainier sê Grey Primêr se koshuis aan die Oos-Kaap doen, so julle is sekerlik deel van die probleem?

    7 May, 2023 at 17:51
  233. avatar
    #82 Deon

    @Djou: Net interessantheidshalwe, daardie helfte van die 2022 Eerste Span wat jy geweet het is nog Graad 11, waar in die Kaap was hulle nog Graad 11? Ek was nog altyd onder die indruk julle werf slegs op onder 14, en glad nie graad 11 se omgewing nie. Nuus vir my dat julle nou eers besluit om onder 14 te werf.

    7 May, 2023 at 17:48
  234. avatar
    #81 Bush

    The House and Hilton games look like they were great games. Hilton taking the spoils by 3 points in a high scoring game. And House taking it by 3 points as well. 3 seems to be the number. 2 3 House. The 2nd House Vs Hilton is going to be a machine game. Can’t miss that. Let’s hope the Midlands refs aren’t available for this game

    7 May, 2023 at 17:03
  235. avatar
    #80 Rugbyman

    @Kantman: nee, nee, nee… daars nie net monnas nie… daars heelparty ander skole wat ook die pap dik aanmaak… ons vat dit week vir week. Saterdag is dit Menlo en glo my hulle sal hulle game lig vir ons! Elke game in die Noordvaal Cup is kliphard!

    7 May, 2023 at 16:46
  236. avatar
    #79 Smallies

    @Djou: exactly my point ,so what is the solution? Selborne is perhaps Greys oldest interschools….it needs to continue,the East London games are usually much closer ….Selborne also are one of only four schools to have beaten Grey since 2017

    7 May, 2023 at 16:17
  237. avatar
    #78 Djou

    @Smallies: For the losing side it is not nice. And if it continues, the derby may get cancelled, eventually.

    7 May, 2023 at 16:10
  238. avatar
    #77 Djou

    @Kantman: Sal jou uit jou suspense haal.
    As jy reg onthou het net Garsies se 1e span gewen verlede jaar by Kloof. Weet nie of jy daardie dag daar was nie, maar die aankondiger het dit die hele tyd afgekondig. En na die 1e span wedstryd het Kloof se ondersteuners gedurende ‘n kort kuier dit duidelik gemaak Garsies gaan elke wedstryd verloor in 2023.
    Ek kon nogal hul punt insien. Kloof het ‘n goeie o.16 wen gehad en 2es het ook gewen. En hulle sou spog met sterk o.14’s en ‘n groot groep uit die Kaap.
    Ek het stil gebly. Want ek het geweet die helfte van Garsies se 1e span was graad 11. En voor die beserings Garsies se o.16 span geteister het, het hulle goed gedoen. (Trouens al Garsies se spanne was geteister deur beserings, maar is nie as verskoning gebruik nie. Dis deel van die game en gebeur oral, maar sjoe, nie op daardie skaal nie).
    Maar Garsies besluit toe om ook o.14’s te werf, so dit was onverwags vir Kloof.
    En gister was ‘n “eye opener”. Kloof se 2es het 6 Kaapse spelers gehad, waarskynlik graad 11, maar het steeds verloor, nes die o.14’s. Kloof se o.15 het Garsies oorheers. By o.16 het albei spanne 2 drieë gedruk, maar Kloof het ‘n briljante no.10 wat alles van elke hoek tot vanuit sy eie halfgebied oorskop. Dit was die groot verskil.
    Daar het jy dit.
    Met bekerrugby is baie dinge onvoorspelbaar. Monnas, Helpmekaar en Noordheuwel gaan groot toetse wees, veral die 2 wegwedstryde.

    7 May, 2023 at 16:05
  239. avatar
    #76 Grizzly

    @Kantman: Helpmekaar en Norries ook maar moet se die Bere lyk goed.

    Soos rugbyman egter se beserings en SAS is altyd n faktor soos bv in 19 toe Garsies die beste in NV was.

    7 May, 2023 at 14:43
  240. avatar
    #75 Kantman

    @Djou: 🤣 Julle piesangskille is verby, great seisoen sover. Dalk nog net Monnas wat in julle pad kan staan.

    7 May, 2023 at 14:40
  241. avatar
    #74 Smallies

    @Djou: @Palma: @Grasshopper: it’s a difficult one this….

    7 May, 2023 at 13:55
  242. avatar
    #73 Djou

    @Palma: There is absolutely no value in matches with those scores.

    7 May, 2023 at 10:13
  243. avatar
    #72 Djou

    @Kantman: Moenie vir my sê jy het deur al verlede jaar se posts gegaan om dit te soek nie? 🙈🙈🙈

    7 May, 2023 at 10:11
  244. avatar
    #71 boerboel

    opwindende wedstryd tussen stellenberg en hjs- telling vlei hjs-hjs swaar gekry in skrums en baie lynstane verloor-agterlyn baie gevaarlik- wiaan mentoor ook binnekort fiks- hy is baie talentvol maar nog nie 018/19 rugby gespeel nie

    7 May, 2023 at 09:38
  245. avatar
    #70 Grasshopper

    @Palma: Exactly why Glenwood cancelled the derby, teams were taking 100 plus point, no point. Basically standing behind the posts all day. Nobody learns anything….

    7 May, 2023 at 09:11
  246. avatar
    #69 Palma

    Well done Grey always a privilege to have derby with you. That being said, alarm bells might be ringing at Selborne over this fixture. Both 14a and 16a took 90 points.

    Selborne and Grey have always had a great relationship and have been playing each other for decades. But we might have to question whether this derby benefits either school.

    7 May, 2023 at 09:04
  247. avatar
    #68 Djou

    @Wonder: Ja, wys net jy moenie te vinnig grootmond wees nie!
    Maar was lekker om weer met Leelu en Rainier op te vang.

    7 May, 2023 at 07:29
  248. avatar
    #67 Deon

    BAIE geluk Gim. #gimmieguts
    Knap gedaan Boishaai ook
    Hard luck PRG/Stellenberg

    7 May, 2023 at 06:26
  249. avatar
    #66 Kantman

    @Wonder: @djou Ek het nie hierdie belofte iewers gesien nie, kan julle my help met ‘n verwysing?

    6 May, 2023 at 21:02
  250. avatar
    #65 Kantman

    Wynberg 35-8 Grey PE, great result away for WBHS. Eastern Cape struggling this year?

    6 May, 2023 at 20:49
  251. avatar
    #64 PRondersteuner

    @OomPB: Seccies wedstryd was ‘n goeie game tot die rooikaart.

    6 May, 2023 at 19:39
  252. avatar
    #63 Wonder

    @Djou: Wat het toe van Kloof se belofte geword dat hulle al die games gaan wen? Sover ek weet het Garsies 0/14a en b gewen en 4 tot 1.

    6 May, 2023 at 19:11
  253. avatar
    #62 OomPB

    Gim was net beter as PRG. Hul seccies was uitstekend. Altyd lekker as die twee speel.

    6 May, 2023 at 19:05
  254. avatar
    #61 PRondersteuner

    Twee baie goeie spanne wat op Markotter gespeel het vandag. Daai seuns het alles gegee. Wedstryd was tot die einde nog enigiemand s’n. In my opinie was Gim se voorspelers net te goed vandag.

    6 May, 2023 at 19:02
  255. avatar
    #60 Kaya 85

    @JongMatie: At the moment Stellenberg are the “Italy” of the Cape Premier A, but the standards are very high (emphasis on the word VERY).

    6 May, 2023 at 19:02
  256. avatar
    #59 Djou

    @speler23: Nog altyd o.19 gewees!

    6 May, 2023 at 17:56
  257. avatar
    #58 Kantman

    @JongMatie: Gim het hard moes werk vir ‘n wen op Markotter. PRG raak sterker vir my soos die seisoen aangaan

    6 May, 2023 at 17:30
  258. avatar
    #57 Smallies

    @JongMatie: nie vir sussies nie….hulle gaan n harde learning curve he die jaar

    6 May, 2023 at 17:15
  259. avatar
    #56 JongMatie

    @Smallies: Stellenberg het nou al teen Gim, Landbou, Wynberg en HJS verloor.
    Premier in Kaap is nie vir sussies nie.

    6 May, 2023 at 16:57
  260. avatar
    #55 Smallies

    @JongMatie: jissie nou net julle game klaar gekyk ,wat n riller….Ek sal Boishaai nooit afskryf nie jy maak n fout as jy dit doen

    6 May, 2023 at 16:44
  261. avatar
    #54 JongMatie

    @Smallies: Gim is n kwaliteit span.
    Ek raak bekommerd oor Boishaai.
    Sonder 4 manne gespeel vandag en vir Stellenberg in Durbanville geklop 41-29.

    6 May, 2023 at 16:34
  262. avatar
    #53 Smallies

    @Wonder: Kloof het n kekker span die jaar ,well done

    6 May, 2023 at 15:58
  263. avatar
    #52 Wonder

    Kon sien die Garsies was moeg na Wildeklawer,3 games in 7 dae is nie maklik nie maar ek vat enige dag ‘n wen met 29 punte teen Kloof. Garsie Trots.

    6 May, 2023 at 15:52
  264. avatar
    #51 speler23

    goeie wen vir Garsfontein en Helpmekaar

    6 May, 2023 at 15:09
  265. avatar
    #50 speler23

    jammer nie gesien nie

    6 May, 2023 at 15:08
  266. avatar
    #49 speler23

    Hi daar rugby ondersteuners van alle skole ek was baie lank laas op die blad. Lees graag alle komentaar . Wil graag weet of die Noordvaal nog steets net vir o/18s is of het dit verander na o/19

    6 May, 2023 at 15:06
  267. avatar
    #48 Smallies

    Dankie aan Selborne,altyd lekker om die Engelse in Bloem te he, eerste tuis wedstryd vir Grey goeie wen gewees ,nou vir die GROTE volgende week in die Wynlande

    6 May, 2023 at 14:57
  268. avatar
    #47 kantako

    @speler23: O/19

    6 May, 2023 at 13:50
  269. avatar
    #46 speler23

    Hi daar kenners van skole rugby kan iemand my s^e of die Noordvaal ‘n onder 18 of ‘n onder 19 tormooi is . laaste wat ek verneem het was dit net vir o/18
    ek suport skole rugby

    6 May, 2023 at 13:32
  270. avatar
    #45 Wonder

    @4×4: Oakdale was goeie toes.
    Ek hoop nie Kloof raak te Happy en brand iets af by Garsies nie :-P

    5 May, 2023 at 18:27
  271. avatar
    #44 4×4

    Waterkloof se eerste groot toets die seisoen is Saterdag teen Garsies.
    Hoop die Helpies manne toon bietjie beter sportmanskap die jaar en wil nie ‘n fight pick met Menlo na die eindfluitjie geblaas het nie.

    5 May, 2023 at 16:45
  272. avatar
    #43 Smallies

    n Paar lekker games due naweek ,PRG v Gim ,Kloof v Garsfontein, Grey v Selborne….Grey se oudste interkole wedstryd dink ek .
    Dan in Bloem Fichies teen Sentraal ,ek is bevrees dat Sentraal n pakslae gaan kry ,hartseer hoe ver hulle terug gesak het ….en dan het hulle rugby veld ook nog weg gespoel ….

    4 May, 2023 at 07:25
  273. avatar
    #42 Djou

    Leelu, waar is jy?
    Gaan ‘n lekker game wees. Gaan jy kom kyk?

    4 May, 2023 at 06:52
  274. avatar
    #41 AbsolutMenlo

    @beet: @Vleis: One of those seasons where it is important to win the close games. Looking forward to the season!

    @Rugbyman: Die verrassing wat ek soek is natuurlik Menlo teen Helpmekaar :wink:
    Sterkte vir Saterdag mag die beste span op die dag wen.
    Geluk ook met ‘n puik Wildeklawer.

    4 May, 2023 at 06:50
  275. avatar
    #40 Rugbyman

    @AbsolutMenlo: Neewat, die cup is wawyd oop! Enige een van 5 skole in my opinie kan hom wen! Beserings speel altyd ‘n rol asook SA skole spanne later. Ek weet watter verassing jy soek… Waterkloof is nog onoorwonne die jaar en dit maak hulle baie gevaarlik! Gaan baie taai game wees! Dis ‘n local derby, so it can go either way!

    4 May, 2023 at 06:07
  276. avatar
    #39 Vleis

    @beet: Agreed. Norries, Helpies and EG can beat anyone if they click; Klofies are unbeaten thus far and Monnas (who are already looking pretty good) almost always improve in the latter part of the season – especially when there is a Trophy at stake.

    3 May, 2023 at 23:22
  277. avatar
    #38 beet

    @AbsolutMenlo: Some interesting matches lie ahead.

    Garsies have to be regarded as favourites based on consistency this year but the five in the chasing pack have the potential to transform the Cup into something special in their bid to make the final.

    3 May, 2023 at 23:12
  278. avatar
    #37 AbsolutMenlo

    Tyd is hier begin van Noordvaal beker rugby … sien dit is vir die volgende 3-jaar die SDC Noordvaal cup met sponsorship van die Skills Development Corporation.

    Garsfontein tans die obvious gunstelinge met Monnas, EGJ, Noordheuwel, Helpmekaar en W/kloof wat volg.
    Persoonlik hoop ek vir ‘n spesifieke verrassing die naweek …
    Met Menlo wat weg speel sal ek na my naaste skool gaan kyk na Garsfontein vs W/kloof.

    Sterkte aan al die skole!

    3 May, 2023 at 21:24
  279. avatar
    #36 Kantman

    @Gimnasias: Ek dink nie dit is so erg nie?

    3 May, 2023 at 21:16
  280. avatar
    #35 Kaya 85

    @JongMatie: I hear you…not easy listing a top 50.

    3 May, 2023 at 20:30
  281. avatar
    #34 Kaya 85

    @Surgite: Parktown gutsy this year…could it be a turning point for them

    3 May, 2023 at 20:28
  282. avatar
    #33 Gimnasias

    @OomPB: dis n feit. As Kyle beseer raak is daai agterlyn dood. Ai dis jammer die man moes plek maak vir Koen laasjaar met Interskole.

    3 May, 2023 at 18:32
  283. avatar
    #32 Surgite

    Parktown vs KES, one of the historical derbies of Joburg. KES looking good this year, will be very tough for Parktown but hoping it’s a close one in what is their centenary year.

    3 May, 2023 at 17:04
  284. avatar
    #31 Grasshopper

    @Palma: removed, not sure why. I think the lower teams getting pummelled away & cost to tour maybe became too much. I’m glad it’s off, getting klapped by 100 is not fun & of no benefit to anyone.

    3 May, 2023 at 16:10
  285. avatar
    #30 Palma

    @Grasshopper: What happened to the GCB fixture for Glenwood?

    3 May, 2023 at 16:07
  286. avatar
    #29 Grasshopper

    @Palma: I fear you may be right. Grey at home start with like a 20 point advantage. I’ve seen some really good Glenwood sides taken apart there, 70 plus. If it’s kept to 50 it feels like a victory. We all remember the ludicrous 221-0-gate. In what normal world would a school or ref or coach allow that. Good luck!

    3 May, 2023 at 15:54
  287. avatar
    #28 SB Rugby

    @SO: dankie 076-941-4310

    3 May, 2023 at 15:00
  288. avatar
    #27 Kaya 85

    @Palma: When I watched Selborne recently they had a very strong sturdy pack, and some good elusive runners but did not click as a team, hard to pinpoint why… but I have a great deal of respect for Selborne and the school/coach’s philosophy that teachers coach and manage all teams, not ‘pro’ coaches.

    3 May, 2023 at 14:41
  289. avatar
    #26 SO

    @SB Rugby: Wat is jou email of nr dan stuur ek vir jou die NWU program vir Saterdag

    3 May, 2023 at 14:33
  290. avatar
    #25 Palma

    @Kaya 85: We have been competitive against Grey in recent years. But Saturday might be the return of the 2000’s when Grey would put 50 on us every year.

    3 May, 2023 at 14:10
  291. avatar
    #24 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER: ek geniet nou nog n Broffie as ek langs die viswaters sit in die middel van die winter 1 vinger branna en maak vol met swart koffie ….maar net een anders eidig die hoek dalk net in jou vingers

    3 May, 2023 at 12:16
  292. avatar
    #23 Vleis

    @Kaya 85: 8))

    3 May, 2023 at 11:57
  293. avatar
    #22 OUD ANKER

    @Kaya 85: As always, I love your comments as much as your predictions, however your Anker-Rustenburg prediction is shocking and the comment completely inappropriate! How can you offer a cappaccino to somebody from Brakpan, unless of course it is a “doctored” cappuccino. Vryburger used to have bloody strong and robust players in our day, it was never a walk in the park going there!

    3 May, 2023 at 10:38
  294. avatar
    #21 JongMatie

    @Kaya 85: Kaya,

    Give us your rankings 1-50!

    2 3 Nories

    3 May, 2023 at 10:34
  295. avatar
    #20 Grasshopper

    @Kaya 85: Nice work Kaya. Boishaaipa is like part of the furniture here, no chance of shifting his respect. Legend! But you are developing into a legend yourself, keep up the good work

    3 May, 2023 at 10:28
  296. avatar
    #19 Kaya 85

    @Vleis: ah

    Pretoria Boys High 36 – 12 St Albans

    by the way, Kaya’s Wildeklawer Round 1 Predictions = 10 / 10 Correct.
    So for the rest of this week at least, can I please get the same respect as BoisHigh Pa :) around here.

    3 May, 2023 at 10:16
  297. avatar
    #18 Grasshopper

    Plus the 2nd game in 2022, Glenwood won 28-22

    3 May, 2023 at 09:17
  298. avatar
    #17 Kantman

    @Jakkals: Grey tuis gaan amok maak

    3 May, 2023 at 08:41
  299. avatar
    #16 Grasshopper

    Glenwood vs College, one of the best derbies there is. I fear College will be too strong for Glenwood at home. Played since 1921 in 169 games.
    College wins: 106
    Glenwood wins: 48
    Draws: 15
    % wins: 28.4%

    Since 2000
    2000 W 24 – 18
    L 16 – 28
    2001 L 12 – 37
    L 6 – 15
    2002 L 3 – 33
    L 0 – 28
    2003 L 8 – 30
    2004 W 26 – 24
    L 7 – 21
    2005 L 5 – 12
    L 7 – 30
    2006 L 0 – 24
    W 19 – 14
    2007 W 19 – 12
    2008 W 15 – 7
    W 47 – 10
    2009 W 15 – 7
    W 41 – 10
    2010 W 20 – 13
    L 16 – 35
    2011 W 31 – 30
    W 31 – 3
    2012 D 16 – 16
    D 27 – 27
    2013 W 44 – 40
    W 33 – 15
    2014 W 27-14
    W 21-20
    2015 W 57-12
    2016 W 33-26
    2017 W 32-17
    2018 W 37-12
    W 41-0
    2019 W 15 – 7
    W 37-25
    2020 DNP
    2021 DNP
    2022 W 23-22
    2023 ?

    Go Green!

    3 May, 2023 at 08:39
  300. avatar
    #15 Jakkals

    Piesang skille vir Grey College, Garsfontein en SCC. Op papier staan die opponente geen kans die naweek…..maar Rugby word op gras gespeel.

    3 May, 2023 at 08:27
  301. avatar
    #14 OomPB

    PG die groot guns telling teen PRG. Kyle Smith gaan die verskil tussen die twee spanne wees. Die man is in top form.

    3 May, 2023 at 06:50
  302. avatar
    #13 Vleis

    @Kaya 85: 8))

    P.S. you left the soutie derby of Pretoria out of your predictions! Sadly, the underdogs have been decimated by injuries, so it could get ugly.

    3 May, 2023 at 01:32
  303. avatar
    #12 Kaya 85

    @Vleis: Vryburger (RIP)

    2 May, 2023 at 23:16
  304. avatar
    #11 Vleis

    @Kaya 85: Well…don’t leave us hanging – which school is that? :-? :-D

    @Gimnasias: I’ll take your word for it. :lol: The only July that I ever watched was when my mate’s dad’s horse won it out of the blue many, many years ago!

    2 May, 2023 at 23:03
  305. avatar
    #10 Kaya 85

    @Grizzly: @Gimnasias: @Vleis: thanks Beet for my nice new jersey, it’s my old school who no longer even play rugby.

    2 May, 2023 at 22:53
  306. avatar
    #9 Gimnasias

    @Vleis: lyk soos Muis Roberts se top toe hy 10 jaar gelede die July gewen het.

    2 May, 2023 at 22:28
  307. avatar
    #8 Vleis

    @Kaya 85: :lol: :lol:

    P.S. – whose kit is in your avatar?

    2 May, 2023 at 22:12
  308. avatar
    #7 Grizzly

    @Kaya 85: Lekker kaya,nice outfit!!Ya,keep it going!

    2 May, 2023 at 21:54
  309. avatar
    #6 Kantman

    @Kaya 85: Enjoy this every week – please keep it going!

    2 May, 2023 at 21:27
  310. avatar
    #5 Monas

    Fannie Du Toit sportgrounds in Potchefstroom

    2 May, 2023 at 20:10
  311. avatar
    #4 Djou

    @Kaya 85: Interesting call on the draw!
    Like the optimistic 3!

    2 May, 2023 at 18:50
  312. avatar
    #3 Kaya 85

    Predictions & Predilections

    Noordheuwel 33 – 18 Oos Moot (NH to find fast space out wide)
    Middelburg 27 – 16 Heidelberg Volkies (tough vs tougher, …tougher wins)
    Anker 12 – Rustenburg 28 (sorry Oud Anker…but if Anker wins I’ll stick you a cappuccino)
    Grey College 58 – 3 Selborne (I’m optimistic about the 3)
    Hilton 24 – 34 Durban (DHS winning friends all over with their pluck, toughness, and positive approach)
    Kearsney 15 – 17 Michaelhouse (K need another generation of du Preez’s)
    PieterMaritzburg 21 – 18 Glenwood (G’s goalkicking lets them down)
    Westville 18 – 32 Jeppe (Jeppe on power streak, but must only go to the beach after game if they win)
    St Charles 26 – 18 Clifton (nothing to write home about)
    Bishops 22 – 23 SACS (Grit over polish)
    Paul Roos 25 – 25 Paarl Gim (big match tempo…this is going to be a treat, enjoy!)
    Stellenberg 19 – 18 Paarl Boys (upset, but Jade Brigade believe it)
    Grey High 23 – 29 Wynberg (home town refs can’t guarantee every out of town team will lose)
    Garsfontein 40 – 20 Waterkloof (Beasts of the East)
    Monnas 44 – 19 Nelspruit (Stampede)
    Helpmekaar 20 – 16 Menlopark (trying hard, but homeground advantage too much for Menlo)
    Parktown 16 – 36 KES
    Northcliff 22 – St Davids (suburban bliss)
    Welkom Gim 35 – 14 Bethlehem Voortrekker (hope in the Free State)

    2 May, 2023 at 18:34
  313. avatar
    #2 Kaya 85

    Where are NWU finals happening?

    2 May, 2023 at 16:16
  314. avatar
    #1 SB Rugby

    @beet het jy of enige iemand anders die program vir puk reeks wedstryde Saterdag ? Dankie

    2 May, 2023 at 14:09

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