Wildeklawer holds the key to more top ranking match-ups in 2023

The ABSA Wildeklawer 2023 rugby fixtures are expected to be released soon. There are bound to be several mouthwatering match-ups.

ABSA Wildeklawer and NMI Toyota Menlyn Noord-Suid are the two premier schoolboy rugby festivals in South Africa.

As South African schoolboy rugby gathers momentum in a move towards a league for the ranking table toppers, it is maybe an idea for the organisers of the two leading festivals to work together to ensure that opportunities arise for the leading schools who do not have annual derbies to play each other.

If the eight schools listed above played each other, that would be 28 matches in total.

As things stand, there are 16 matches confirmed.

Of the schools in closer proximity, the following matches are missing:

1) The battle of the Witbulle – Affies vs Monument
2) In the Western Cape – Paul Roos vs Outeniqua (Paul Roos will travel to George to participate in the Outeniqua Centenary Festival. All A-teams except the 1st XV will play each other
3) In the Western Cape in 2023 – HJS Paarl Boys’ High vs Outeniqua

The latter could even amount to a 2023 championship decider.

In 2019, as under-14A’s, Boishaai and the Kwaggas were the top two ranked schools in South Africa.


  1. avatar
    #17 JongMatie

    @Trots HJS (Tandem): Altyd welkom.
    Ek het so bietjie afgekoel nadat ek gister vreeslik ontsteld was oor die kommentaar hier.

    24 January, 2023 at 11:23
  2. avatar
    #16 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @JongMatie: Dankie vir jou gebalanseerde kommentaar. Ons het ook in die verlede bloggers gehad wat werklik nie ons skool se waardes verteenwoordig het nie. Ons kan almal trots op ons skole wees sonder om die ander af te kraak.Ek kies my skool elke keer weer maar dit beteken nie dat daar fout met die ander is nie. Ons het mos almal vrye keuses waar ons wil wees en kies ons skole met ons eie kriteria.

    23 January, 2023 at 23:48
  3. avatar
    #15 Strepie

    @JongMatie: So baie binnegevegte het ek lanklaas gesien.
    Die Paarl skole het maar Stellenbosch se nommer :wink:

    23 January, 2023 at 16:48
  4. avatar
    #14 JongMatie

    Ai Deon..jy is besig om ons skool se naam deur die modder te sleep.
    Hou op afkyk op ander skole.
    Ons het nog SO baie werk om te doen.
    Het jy enige idee hoe ver bv ons agter is met wenne teen die Paarl skole – dit is BAIE my ou maat…
    Boishaai het nou twee jaar in n ry die top seun in die land, akademies opgelewer.
    Ons, as oud PRG’s moet ernstige introspeksie gaan doen.
    Ons sit met al die fondse in die wereld, maar kan MET dit nogsteeds nie die mas opkom nie.
    Erens is iets groots fout, ek weet nie wat nie, weet JY dalk?

    23 January, 2023 at 10:23
  5. avatar
    #13 Deon

    @Palma: Hey Palma, good to “see” you. Just banter, and concern, as a patriot, concerned citizen. Trying to determine whether Paarl Boys and Grey Bloem still classify as schools. I for one do not think Strepies’s institution qualifies as a school anymore. More like a Boys’ town. Grey Bloem even worse.

    21 January, 2023 at 17:23
  6. avatar
    #12 Palma

    @Deon: Paul Roos’ matric results are incredible, but it’s a bit harsh to dismiss Affies matric results don’t you think? They have a 92% Bachelor pass rate, which is fantastic for a government boys school when compared to other boys schools.

    21 January, 2023 at 11:46
  7. avatar
    #11 Deon

    @apple: It is actually 511 for us, rest correct. I doubt you grasp the meaning of that expression.

    21 January, 2023 at 04:55
  8. avatar
    #10 apple

    @Deon: new year, same chip on the shoulder

    20 January, 2023 at 21:29
  9. avatar
    #9 Deon

    @Djou: Hi Jo, hoop dit gaan goed. Ek neem aan en hoop Garsies se akademie lyk goed. Paarl Boys,Grey en Affies se 2022 resultate is darem weer skokkend swak né? Ons verwag dit nou al van Boishaai en Grey Bloem, maar darem nie van Affies nie. PRG 235 matrieks 784 A’s
    Affies 235 466 A’s
    Grey C 233 210 A’s
    HJS. 180 342 A’s

    20 January, 2023 at 16:22
  10. avatar
    #8 Djou

    @Arend: Ja, net 8 skole is op die lys!

    15 January, 2023 at 16:29
  11. avatar
    #7 Arend

    @Djou: watter lys? Beet se lys? Stem saam met jou, die ander is top skole.

    14 January, 2023 at 11:51
  12. avatar
    #6 Arend

    @Strepie: stem saam. HJS het die Kwaggas se sterte geknoop. Net jammer dat daar vanjaar nie ‘n datum is om die games te kon laat aangaan. Erg vir my.

    14 January, 2023 at 11:49
  13. avatar
    #5 Strepie

    @Arend: Boishaai het die laaste dekade of twee meer as gereeld teen Kwaggas gespeel en hulself goed van hul taak gekwyt.

    13 January, 2023 at 12:57
  14. avatar
    #4 Djou

    @Arend: Waarom is Stellenberg en Oakdale ens. nie op die lys nie? Hulle is sekerlik ook topskole!

    12 January, 2023 at 10:19
  15. avatar
    #3 Arend

    @JongMatie: hulle speel gewoonlik net die groothonde. Hulle nuwe man sal wil beindruk. Hy is goed met travel.By hoeveel skole was hy die afgelope 5 jaar?

    9 January, 2023 at 20:38
  16. avatar
    #2 Arend

    Dit is erg dat Boishaai Kwaggas mis die jaar. Ek hoop Wildeklawer kan paar van die manne bymekaar kry. Vir Kwaggas sal Framesby ook lekker fixture wees by Wildeklawer. Kwaggas speel hulle ook nie vanjaar. Ek hou duimvas.

    9 January, 2023 at 20:34
  17. avatar
    #1 JongMatie

    Speel Garsies darem die ander groot honde later in die jaar, want volgens die matriks is dit slegs Affies en Monnas?

    9 January, 2023 at 09:55

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