What the other ranking systems are saying

This is going to be a defining weekend for the ranking systems with Grey College playing Affies, HTS Middelburg up against Nelspruit and EG Jansen vs Garsfontein. That should have been 6 out of everyone’s Top 10 in action but somehow HTS Middelburg only holds down position 12 in SASchoolSports’ rankings. Another goodie will be HJS Paarl against Wynberg. Last year’s number 1 team just got beaten by the KZN team that a prominent Western Cape website described as “overhyped”. One has to say that for those Cape locals that bought into that statement about Glenwood, this must have been a difficult week indeed. Anyway HJS has responded by making a host of changes to their starting line-up for the Wynberg match. KZN teams did suffer at the hands of Paarl Gim over Easter but now that highly rated Klofies has suffered the same fate, things are looking up for the schools from the Last Outpost. Two games of interest to Top 20 aspirations sees Glenwood play Hilton and Westville up against Kearsney. In spite of improved form Paul Roos is still lying much lower down on the logs than most expect from one of the leading rugby schools in the country. A good performance against Gimmies, could help persuade websites to bump them up the rank order a bit. As for the SBR Thumbsuck, well it’s really starting to live up to it’s name in as far as rating teams between position 11 and 20 is concerned. Extremely tricky to do without a formula. Over-reliance on current form without giving equal weighting to results from earlier on in the season, can be a severely limiting factor for any ranking system that is based on the principle of sucking out the thumb.

Rugby15 Rugby15 SA Schools Sports SA Schools Sports SBR’s Thumbsuck
This week Last Week This Week Last Week
1 Affies Affies 1 Paarl Gim Paarl Gim 1 Paarl Gim
2 Paarl Gim Paarl Gim 2 Affies Grey College 2 Outeniqua
3 Grey College Grey College 3 Grey College Affies 3 Grey College
4 Outeniqua Outeniqua 4 Outeniqua Outeniqua 4 Affies
5 Garsfontein Waterkloof 5 Garsfontein Waterkloof 5 Garsfontein
6 EG Jansen Garsfontein 6 Nelspruit Garsfontein 6 Waterkloof
7 Nelspruit Nelspruit 7 Waterkloof Nelspruit 7 Nelspruit
8 Waterkloof HTS Middelburg 8 Pretoria BH EG Jansen 8 HTS Middelburg
9 HTS Middelburg EG Jansen 9 Kearsney Pretoria BH 9 EG Jansen
10 Monnas Monnas 10 Wynberg Wynberg 10 St Andrews
11 St Andrews HJS Paarl BH 11 EG Jansen St Andrews 11 Monnas
12 Kearsney Noord-Kaap 12 HTS Middelburg Kearsney 12 Rondebosch
13 Glenwood St Andrews 13 Rondebosch HTS Middelburg 13 Kearsney
14 HJS Paarl BH Kearsney 14 St Andrews Noord-Kaap 14 Wynberg
15 Wynberg Oakdale 15 HJS Paarl BH HJS Paarl BH 15 HJS Paarl BH
16 Rondebosch Wynberg 16 Kempton Park Oakdale 16 Glenwood
17 Grey HS Rondebosch 17 Hilton Rondebosch 17 Centurion
18 Oakdale Grey HS 18 Marlow Monnas 18 Oakdale
19 Paul Roos Paul Roos 19 Oakdale Marlow 19 Westville
20 Transvalia Centurion 20 Bishops Centurion 20 Die Brandwag
21 Noord-Kaap Pretoria BH 21 Monnas Trinityhouse
22 Menlopark Menlopark 22 Trinityhouse Grey HS
23 Centurion Die Brandwag 23 Menlopark M.College
24 St Albans Marlow 24 Grey HS Bishops
25 Westville Transvalia 25 Noord-Kaap Paul Roos
26 Pretoria BH Bishops 26 Westville Menlopark
27 Boland Landbou KES 27 Glenwood Westville
28 Bishops SACS 28 Paul Roos Hilton
29 Hilton Boland Landbou 29 SACS St Benedicts
30 SACS Hilton 30 M.College SACS


  1. avatar
    #66 Woltrui

    @QC86: You are right QC. Grey’s scrums were brilliant. The loosehead prop was in my opinion their man of the match. He also had a great run and offload for Grey’s first try.

    14 May, 2013 at 15:22
  2. avatar
    #65 QC86

    @Woltrui: i enjoyed Greys scrums thu, against a big pack like that they did very well,but the rest belonged to Affies,i have never seen Grey make so many basic errors before ,and it only came from pressure.No13 is very special

    14 May, 2013 at 15:13
  3. avatar
    #64 BuffelsCM

    @Oakdale supporter: Ek is self nuut hier – lyk my ons moet maar op ons plek wees !!
    Oakdale het regtig wonderlike fasiliteite op die plaas. Ek was verlede jaar daar met die toernooi in die Maart / April-vakansie. Ek hoop die seuns waardeer dit daar !

    14 May, 2013 at 14:39
  4. avatar
    #63 Woltrui

    @QC86: Hi QC86. Baie dankie QC. Ons slaan die Vrystatertjies hoog aan. Om die rede dat ons die wen waardeer. Gister het die plaaslike koerant, Beeld, nogals ‘n kwart blad artikel in die nuusafdeling geplaas rakende die oorwinnning.
    Dankie ook aan Grey Bloem vir ‘n wonderlike dag. Verstaan van die onderwysers en ouers die ontvangs was wonderlik.

    14 May, 2013 at 14:34
  5. avatar
    #62 QC86

    @Woltrui: hy wollie jou manne het mooi gespeel :wink:

    14 May, 2013 at 13:48
  6. avatar
    #61 Oakdale supporter

    Ek is nuut hier,maar lees al ‘n tydjie al die kommentaar. Ek wonder wat gaan Boishai saterdag op die plaas teen Oakdale maak. DIe rankings plaas hulle so 14-15 terwyl Oakdale 18-19e le.
    Maar onthou dis op die plaas!!

    14 May, 2013 at 13:34
  7. avatar
    #60 Tjoppa

    @Woltrui: My tone krul. A wholesale uitverkoping aan die gang. ‘n Lekker paar maar jare wat voorle. Pleks neem hulle ‘n finansiele kundige in diens om hul aksies aan hulle te verduidelik. Hoor Serfontein wil 3x huidige salaris he om aan te bly.

    14 May, 2013 at 13:32
  8. avatar
    #59 PaarlBok

    @DieBos: Wanneer speel julle teen die magtig Grey span? Weet Boishaai gaan die 25ste Osfontein toe.

    14 May, 2013 at 13:00
  9. avatar
    #58 DieBos

    @PaarlBok: Markotter vir die gryskleur gaan nie lekker wees

    14 May, 2013 at 12:51
  10. avatar
    #57 PaarlBok

    @BOG: Jy het nog so twee verlore nodig om daai kop kleiner te kry. Hopelik sal Boishaai en Paul Roos jou level headed kry.

    14 May, 2013 at 12:34
  11. avatar
    #56 BOG

    @PaarlBok: Hoe se hulle- ek sal op jou snert reageer met die minagting wat dit verdien. Maar ja, jy is reg. Vir n Grey ondersteuner is twee verlore nie baie algemeen nie. Kan jy en wakker kakker vir my miskien help met advies? Julle het tog jare se ondervinding hiermee, in so mate dat julle nie meer die verskil ken tussen depressie, frustrasie en misplaasde uitbundigheid en opgewondenheid nie. Laasgenoemde toestand kom maar so elke 5-6 jaar voor, of is ek nou te rojaal? Miskien eerder 7-10 jaar?

    14 May, 2013 at 12:13
  12. avatar
    #55 PaarlBok

    @BOG: Twee verlore en ons is nog nie by die helfte van die seisoen nie, gedink na laasjaar sou jy dit nou al kan vat, maar niks maak nie. Verloor is ‘n goeie ding vir ‘n groot kop.

    14 May, 2013 at 08:45
  13. avatar
    #54 Woltrui

    @Maroon: Dink RG Snyman en Schikerling gaan dan nog baie teen mekaar speel as BB en Wp spelers. Sal verbaas wees as die 2 nie saam SA skole span haal nie. Gerugte doen die rondte dat die Bulle die belt moet styf trek tov hul finansies. Te veel jong talent, wie eers oor ‘n aantal jare gaan deurkom by die seniors, aangeskaf oor ‘n tydperk?

    14 May, 2013 at 08:40
  14. avatar
    #53 BuffelsCM

    @Maroon: Ek is bly om te hoor van JD. Volgens Die Burger van vandag is EW Viljoen op pad Kaap toe in 2014. Pieter Jordaan gaan egter terug Bloem toe. Hy is seker maar ongelukkig – weet net nie wat die storie agter die storie is nie

    14 May, 2013 at 08:24
  15. avatar
    #52 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Huh uh. Onthou hierdie profetiese woorde.

    14 May, 2013 at 05:39
  16. avatar
    #51 BOG

    Afleidings en tjorts. As oorwinnings van n paar punte as “gemaklike” oorwinnings en loesings hier beskryf word, sal kommentare van die verlede iewat aangepas moet word na “slagtings” “uitwissings”, “skoolmoorde” ens ens– Ag wat, ek gun julle die ou plesiertjie. Dit gebeur so selde en as dit julle n bietjie lig vir die volgende paar jaar se depressie en frustrasies, dan is ek bly. Geniet maar julle stront

    14 May, 2013 at 03:51
  17. avatar
    #50 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: Nee Tjoppa, dink Gim is onoorwinbaar die seisoen, Saterdag het hulle gecruise.

    13 May, 2013 at 22:22
  18. avatar
    #49 Ploegskaar

    @Maroon: Beide die o15 en o16 wedstryde behoort kompeterend te wees, terwyl die o14’s ‘n taai seisoen het. Moet se ek het min beter as julle o16 groep van verlede jaar gesien, wat het van Klein Lubbe en sy neef geword?

    13 May, 2013 at 22:20
  19. avatar
    #48 Ploegskaar

    @BuffelsCM: 13 strafskoppe is verdoel, maar daar was nog 4 wat misgeskop is. Ek skat daar was omtrent 35 strafskoppe in totaal, maar ongeag geld dieselfde basiese riglyne altyd: Speel jou game, speel in die opposisie se helfte en speel die ref. Wat die vleuel betref doen hy goed op die veld, maar is nie ingelig oor die res.

    13 May, 2013 at 22:17
  20. avatar
    #47 Maroon

    @Ploegskaar: die 0/16 wedstryd gaan ‘n mooi een wees Saterdag. Ons skuld julle vir die draw laas jaar :).

    13 May, 2013 at 21:18
  21. avatar
    #46 Maroon

    @Woltrui: ek hoor dat JD reeds by WP geteken het. So ook EW Viljoen.

    13 May, 2013 at 21:16
  22. avatar
    #45 Tjoppa

    @Woltrui: Toe toe as Affies so gemaklik met Grey kan klaarspeel wat is die res nou. Sweer Bog skree vir Waterkloof na die storie.

    13 May, 2013 at 20:49
  23. avatar
    #44 Tjoppa

    @Woltrui: Die debakel is dat Pollard loskakel speel nadat gewys is hy is ‘n beter binnesenter. Dit is die debakel. Verklaar dalk die Vodacombeker se “sukses”.

    13 May, 2013 at 20:47
  24. avatar
    #43 Tjoppa

    @Tjoppa: verdediging die ou hande en koue werk nie so lekker saam nie.

    13 May, 2013 at 20:46
  25. avatar
    #42 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Nee wat onthou net as jy die game nie na Alfons kan skuif nie. Bring Alfons game toe. In die ou dae het almal mos hul hande met Deap Heat gesmeer en per ongeluk die teenstander se oe gevryf, natuurlik per ongeluk. Wat van so bietjie Alfons Jam om die stadsjapies se konstitusie bietjie om te krap.
    Kom ons wees bietjie ernstig ek persoonlik dink as julle forwards gim kan besig hou en genoeg bal aan daai no 10 gee, gaan julle meer as Alfons Jam in hulle gesig smeer. Ek dink Gym is oorwinbaar. Maak die game stadig en plaas hulle onder druk met verdiging. Nie te vergesog nie.

    13 May, 2013 at 20:45
  26. avatar
    #41 BuffelsCM

    @Ploegskaar: Hallo Ploegskaar – ek sien daar is Saterdag 13 strafskoppe oorgeskop in die wedstryd teen Stellenberg! Hoeveel strafskoppe was daar dan in totaal ? – klink my die skeidsregter het die wedstryd dood geblaas of is ek verkeerd ?
    Weet jy wie het geblaas ?
    So jy sê die Bellville-mannetjie is ‘n aanwins. Ek hoop sy maniere het ook verbeter ?

    @PaarlBok: Ek hoop regtig die WP het hulle al “geteken” – as hulle nie het nie, is daar groter fout as wat ons gedink het !

    13 May, 2013 at 17:52
  27. avatar
    #40 Woltrui

    @Ploegskaar: Ons beskryf dit natuurlik nie as “n Pollard-debakel” nie.
    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    13 May, 2013 at 16:59
  28. avatar
    #39 Ploegskaar

    @PaarlBok: Ag Oom, die beserings en diepte affekteer ons mos maar meer as ander, maar tradisioneel eindig die Boland manne darem die jaar sterk, so ons hou moed en ondersteun deur dik en dun. Boland se o/16’s doen goed sover hierdie jaar en ek het Saterdag hulle wedstryd geniet (soos die res wat ek al hierdie jaar gesien het) , met Slabbert en die vleuel van Bellville definitiewe aanwinste. Die o/15’s met Attie aan die voorpunt doen ook goed, maar lyk my hy groei nou eerder sywaarts as opwaarts, so sou hom oor die volgende jaar of twee haker toe skuif.

    Wat daardie vreesaanjaende trio betref, hou ons maar duime vas, want die unie kan beslis nie nog ‘n Pollard-debakel bekostig nie. Daardie haker wat homself so deur die jare opgespeel het deur die spanne het my ook beindruk, terwyl Nel beter is elke keer wat ek hom sien.

    13 May, 2013 at 16:36
  29. avatar
    #38 PaarlBok

    @Ploegskaar: Ek hoop en bid net dat WeePee wakker skrik en vir JD/Rikus/Jac so gou as moontlik teken. Hulle gaan nog ‘n grotes word (is al klaar groot, menende spelers)

    13 May, 2013 at 15:53
  30. avatar
    #37 PaarlBok

    @Woltrui: Lyk my Klofies sukkel nou ‘n bietjie maar sal verseker weer terugkom. Sterkte met jul seisoen.

    13 May, 2013 at 15:50
  31. avatar
    #36 PaarlBok

    @Ploegskaar: Dankie Ploeg, moet erken dat Paul Roos baie goed gevaar het. Het vir Slabbie gekry vrydag, hy lyk en klink nou pure boer. Jy moenie so praat nie, ons het helse respek vir die plaas se boere, geen maklike game nie, weet nie hoe lank Gim se geluk gaan hou nie. Een of ander tyd val daai wiele af.

    13 May, 2013 at 15:47
  32. avatar
    #35 Woltrui

    @PaarlBok: Affies Gim so ‘n grote gewees het. Gim vir my die mees gebalanseerde span. Baie goeie pak sonder enige swak plekke en puik agterlyn. Affies het nog ‘n steil bult voor in 2013. Klofies wat hulle lippe aflek om ons te roer. Outenikwa en Glenwood weg. 8-O

    13 May, 2013 at 15:44
  33. avatar
    #34 Ploegskaar

    @PaarlBok: Oom, kan ons maar die punte stuur vir die eerstes se wedstryd op die 27ste Julie, en dan speel net die o/14, o15 en 16a’s? Ek sien voorspooksels van daardie 76-13 slagting in 2010 :oops: Net ‘n grappie, geluk met Gim se segetog sover, hulle was Saterdag beswaarlik uit tweede rat, maar deurgaans in beheer met 2, 5 en 9 uitstaande.

    13 May, 2013 at 15:38
  34. avatar
    #33 PaarlBok

    @Woltrui: Geluk met jou span se groot wen in Osfontein. Heeltyd geweet Grey Bloem = Bog is overrated die jaar maar ‘n Gim vs Affies wedstryd sou ‘n grote gewees het nou.

    13 May, 2013 at 15:19
  35. avatar
    #32 Woltrui

    Suspect this weeks top 7 ranking will look as follow:
    1. Paarl Gim
    2. Affies
    3. HTS Middelburg (3 unbeaten teams)
    4. Outenikwa (1 loss)
    5. EG Jansen (1 loss 1 draw)
    6. Garsies (1 loss 1draw)
    7. Grey Bloem

    13 May, 2013 at 14:53
  36. avatar
    #31 RBugger


    Agreed, I watched Westville come of age in the second half of the Outenique game – I think they held them score-less in the second half and you could sense that Westville took a lot of confidence from that.

    What a pity the game was rained out this weekend, I really hope it is rescheduled.

    Does Westville play Glenwood? Would be a great game to watch – I find it funny how Glenwood big themselves up, the reality is, they had a fantastic win over Paarl Boys, who by all accounts are not that great this year, but other than that, they have lost a number of games and looked very average.

    Kearsney are by no accounts number one yet, they still have a lot of games to win, but currently, when they fire, I feel they just have a bit more of an x factor about them.

    Let’s just hope Westville – Kearsney gets played at some point this season.

    13 May, 2013 at 09:20
  37. avatar
    #30 Rhino


    Agreed on most of what you say …… however i think you could say the 2 spot currently is a toss up between Westville and GW………….. not just say GW and i think we too have proved ourselves since our initial beatings and also by the arguably top 2/3 sides in the country who also hammered some other top 10/15 schools… but i do feel KC is favourite to win as on paper your side rocks and has more big names and all.. but Westville has a good record over KC, as you know, esp over last 10 years ish……………. but time will tell and it should be a great game and shoulda been televised like it was in 2010 when we thumped you 36 -5 or something on TV on ure old boys day ( sorry i had to add that lol ) – but yep i am hoping we can win but not banking on it… all the best. hope its a great game and no injuries.

    11 May, 2013 at 01:11
  38. avatar
    #29 RBugger

    @All Black – Surely based on the perfotmances thus far, the number 1 and 2 must be KC and GW… If KC get past Westville this weekend, which will no doubt be tough, the remainder of their games are at home (besides Saints who are based in Joburg anyway) and I simply feel they are too strong at home for the likes of MC,DHS AND Hilton

    10 May, 2013 at 15:27
  39. avatar
    #28 All Black

    Love it. All the talk about who is number 1 in KZN. Long season ahead.

    10 May, 2013 at 14:56
  40. avatar
    #27 RBugger

    With regards to the ranking system, it should simply be a province on province system. School Boy Teams do not get to play against each other in order to formulate a correct National Rating System. In my mind, the only school who I believe can call themselves number 1, is Paarl Gym – this is based on who they have played and how they have simply dominated.

    With regards to KZN – at present, I would have to think Kearsney and Glenwood are the number 1 and 2 in the region – but Kearsney will need to beat a very spirited Westville away from home to ensure this position

    10 May, 2013 at 13:48
  41. avatar
    #26 Ploegskaar

    @Westers: Success has been few and far between this season, so every win to date is important for me :mrgreen: BTW, agreed on the SASS rankings, currently they are working purely on a played/won/lost system without regard for opposition, so a waste of space and time. All the best for the biggie tomorrow.

    10 May, 2013 at 13:34
  42. avatar
    #25 Westers

    @Grasshopper: I agree with all your comments. I am simply saying you cannot rely on a ranking system that has such dramatic movements from one week to the next.
    Good luck for your first home game tomorrow. Should have been the second.

    10 May, 2013 at 12:47
  43. avatar
    #24 Westers

    @Ploegskaar: Sorry if I did BL a dis-service saying they lost all games at KERF. Agree that they are traditionally a strong school and in years to come when Glenwood look back in history there will be no comments that say it was a weak year for BL.
    Look forward to BL playing Westville at some point in the future and good luck to them for the rest of the season.

    10 May, 2013 at 12:45
  44. avatar
    #23 Westers

    @Greenwood: Agree 100%. Don’t think the 3rd term game will happen. UNFORTUNATELY Wesville don’t play rugby in 3rd term.

    10 May, 2013 at 12:42
  45. avatar
    #22 Ploegskaar

    @Westers: You are correct, Boland is having a poor 2013 to date and will probably end somewhere in the late 20’s if they continue this form. They did win one match at KERF against Nico Malan, but the latter is admittedly having a wobbly season as well. Boland will be back and competing with the best again (where they have always been and belong) in 2014, with a good 2015 and 2016 on the cards as well and I honestly hope we get to play Westville somewhere over that period. Grassy is right though, any win against Boland is an achievement, irrespective of form, as they always have the potential to upset even in an off season.

    10 May, 2013 at 12:07
  46. avatar
    #21 Greenwood

    Westers – fair enough — some good points there

    no doubt the 2 local big ones tomorrow will show some movement on the rankings

    read with interest the possibility of Glenwood – Westville match in the 3rd term ???

    If Westville don’t traditionally play in the 3rd term they must make a plan , get the old boys to put pressure on the school

    This HAS to happen for the sake of Kzn rugby – BUT you do know this has to be at Dixons

    No doubt these 2 schools will be top of the KZN pile this year and this match would be of epic proportions – here’s to wishing and hoping !

    10 May, 2013 at 11:54
  47. avatar
    #20 Grasshopper

    @Westers: I think the point is we all knew Glenwood were not ranked 40th or so where they had them. Glenwood is top 30 at least. We lost to Kearsney at Kearsney by a point but where about 30 positions lower than them. Therefore, on that ranking they just realised they were wrong. I would say currently Glenwood is around 15th to 20th. If they can beat Monnas, Affies, College twice and Grey Bloem then they will be top 10, but that is unlikely….especially Grey Bloem on their patch. Monnas there is a chance. Affies too big and too powerful methinks. As for Westville’s win against KES that was expected too even if played away based on KES’s poor season to date. For me the close scoreline was actually a surprise, either KES played extremely well or Westville played OK. Now that the Glenwood vs Westville fixture is back next year let’s hope it’s at Glenwood as it was supposed to be this year…….will be a cracker that I will try fly up from the Cape to see…

    10 May, 2013 at 11:49
  48. avatar
    #19 Westers

    @Greenwood: Beating Boland Landbou was not unexpected and nor was the margin. If you had not beaten them by this type of score you would/should have been disappointed. Kearsney beat them by a similar margin at their festival and I think they lost all 3 games their. The win against Paarl BHS was excellent and deserve recognition. However to come from somewhere outside the top 30 to 13th is a massive jump. Your example backs up my point on the SASS site where Hilton did play St Charles (at home) and climbed from one place below to 9 places above Westville, who beat KES away. In addition there is the straight result that Westville have beaten Hilton this season. No ranking system worth its salt would create such a situation.
    I am not having a go at Glenwood. I think they deserve to be in the top 30. It is the ranking system which changes so dramatically that I am having a go at.

    10 May, 2013 at 11:32
  49. avatar
    #18 beet

    @Grasshopper: Important for now is that Monnas has lost to Jansies and Klofies has beaten Nellies. Jansies lost to the Rooibulle (HTS) and Nellies beat Garsies.

    It is bound to get even more tricky to figure out who belongs above who else as the season goes on. :)

    10 May, 2013 at 11:29
  50. avatar
    #17 Grasshopper

    I think the rankings make for interesting debate, the top 10’s are very close. Although I would put swap Monnas and Waterkloof around. Monnas are looking good. We play them on our Old Boys day in June, will be a massive game against a top side….

    10 May, 2013 at 11:23
  51. avatar
    #16 Greenwood

    Westers – Glenwood beating 2 highly ranked WC schools in the space of 2 days at WK is no
    mean feat – this would make anyone compiling the rankings sit up and take note & bump Glenwood up on the rankings

    I don’t think these rankings are meaningless – thumbsucks as such – there is still thought and reasoning that go into these “rankings” which making interesting reading – quality of opposition would have be taken into account too

    for example – If Glenwood had beaten say Voortrekker & St Charles they (Gwd) would not had featured in these Thumbsucks (No disrespect to these 2 schools here)

    10 May, 2013 at 10:46
  52. avatar
    #15 Woltrui

    SBR top 20. Insiggewend dat 6 van top 10 Noordvaal spanne is. Gooi Monnas, wie ek vermoed St Andrews gemaklik sal klop, ook in en die Noordvalies beklee 7 van top 10 spanne.

    10 May, 2013 at 10:28
  53. avatar
    #14 Westers

    SBR Thumbsuck looks far more realistic to me. The movement from one week to the next
    in Rugby15 and SASS is ridiculous. Rugby15 has Glenwood coming from nowhere to 13 in one week, while on SASS Hilton rocket up from 28 to 17 after a home win against St Charles, leaping over Westville whi climb only one place after an away win over KES. No logic in these two ranking systems.

    Beet, drop these rankings from your articles. They really are meaningless.

    10 May, 2013 at 10:00
  54. avatar
    #13 Grasshopper

    @kcman: add Pukke to that up in Potch! Wildeklawer is not always in KZN and at KERF I believed they stayed in the hostel. These festivals are tough as some of the games are played early morning, something KZN schools are not used to and without the usual 1300 supporters doing war cries, a schools in the same boat really so no excuses there. Just saying all home grounds should be fortresses, Goldstones in KZN being one of the hardest to break. Grey Bloem is like Alcatraz!

    10 May, 2013 at 07:14
  55. avatar
    #12 kcman

    @Grasshopper: Glenwood have played at KERF and WK, which were both in KZN on a field all Glenwood boys have played on annually. For sides from the EC and WC it’s slightly different going to a Festival and playing on a field once, your boys stayed in their own beds, the other boys were in hostels and the attraction of touring does mean that I am sure they had a few late nights as well.

    10 May, 2013 at 07:04
  56. avatar
    #11 Grasshopper

    @kcman: the same can be said for every school, Glenwood have played about 12 games this season already and only playing their first home game this weekend against Hilton. Ask any KZN side how hard it is to win at Glenwood on Dixons. Glenwood have been on the road for a few months now and results have been getting better :-). No disrespect to the other schools St Andrews have played but only really big wins there are PBHS, Bishops and Brandwag. The acid test will be Grey PE and the colleges, but even they are blowing hot and cold this year. Selborne looking like the whipping boys there….now await the abuse from the EC bloggers…

    10 May, 2013 at 07:00
  57. avatar
    #10 kcman

    @Grasshopper: A lot of people on this Blog will never realise how tough it is to go and win away at Queens and at Dale. Many great sides have arrived there only to be walloped. These festivals do not always show the true strength of many school sides. A Queenian will lift himself a lot more when he plays Selborne and Dale compared to when they play eg. Glenwood or PRG at a festival.

    10 May, 2013 at 06:45
  58. avatar
    #9 kcman

    @Queenian: This SAC side is a solid one, 3 standout players in Ryan Horne at 12,Sintu Manjezi at 4 and David Murray at Loosehead. Tyler Paul at 5 has also been inspirational for them, they have a good pack and some decent backs but I don’t think we have seen the best of them as yet and they have only played 1 match on Lower so far this season.

    10 May, 2013 at 06:42
  59. avatar
    #8 Queenian

    @kcman: Thanks mate did not have all the results

    10 May, 2013 at 06:37
  60. avatar
    #7 Queenian

    Well i know they have beaten the following Pretoria Boys H/Helpmekaar/Danial Pienaar/Graeme/Brandwag/Bishops not sure who the others were.

    I suppose there true test is when they play Grey PE/Queens/Selborne/Dale all still to come and as far as i know besides Grey the other 3 are played away which will test there strength.

    10 May, 2013 at 06:36
  61. avatar
    #6 kcman

    @Grasshopper: SAC Results this season
    v Daniel Pienaar in Uitenhage 29-7
    v Bishops at SAC 28-21
    v Pearson at Graeme Festival 21-12
    v Helpmekaar at Saints Festival 31-12
    v St Stithians at Saints Festival 32-15
    v Pretoria Boys High at Saints Festival 22-20
    v Graeme College at Graeme 23-22
    v Brandwag in Uitenhage 19-18

    Resultas taken from SAC Website.

    As can be seen they have a lot of close wins, seems like they have the BMT to get over the hurdle.

    10 May, 2013 at 06:35
  62. avatar
    #5 Grasshopper

    @Queenian: fair enough, but who were the 9 wins. Brandwag is still a little unknown this year. Selborne and Queens we have an idea from the festivals and recent results….

    10 May, 2013 at 06:32
  63. avatar
    #4 Queenian

    @Grasshopper: I do know St Andrew have won all there 9 games to date including there win against Brandwag this last weekend currently the EC/Border no 1 team. Got a very good team i beleive they would do well against any of the top teams.

    10 May, 2013 at 06:01
  64. avatar
    #3 Grasshopper

    For me the thumb suck actually looks the closest to a proper top 20. Hopefully Mr Dobson eats his hat now after a rather dumb ‘over-hyped’ comment, that just fed the fire of the Glenwood boys. I would have used that in the change room to motivate the boys. Monnas for me should be slightly higher, they looked very good at Wildeklawer. Also St Andrews, not sure what they have done to be so high. Can anyone let us know their results to date…

    10 May, 2013 at 05:56
  65. avatar
    #2 BOG

    What history DOES show, is a count of 34-4 since 1953, in favour of GCB !!!! Greytt stuff!!

    10 May, 2013 at 05:49
  66. avatar
    #1 Tjoppa

    Beet do you really want to place the other rankings as all is flawed especially that SBR’s Thumbsuck? :mrgreen: Hope after Affies win on Saturday they will be able to squeeze past Grey College. But HISTORY has shown in order to pass Grey you need to win them by 30 points or more.
    Go BHP yours is at least outcome based.

    10 May, 2013 at 05:17

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