Wildeklawer Player and Team of Day 2

With most of today’s Saturday games being televised, it would be good to see who you rate over the course of today’s action. Let us know who you’d pick for your:

  • Player of the Day
  • Back of the Day
  • Forward of the Day
  • Team of the Day

Woltrui’s choices:

Span van die dag: EG Jansen
Voorspeler van dag: Loskop stut van Monnas. Frans van Wyk
Agterspeler van dag: Loskakel van EG Jansen Ruan Potgieter
Speler van dag: Morne Swart, no 7, van EG Jansen

Beet’s choices:
Team of  the day: Monnas. There were some closely contested big games but nothing quite came close to the thrill of the Monnas vs Grey College game, in which Monnas did just about everything to deserve to win it but somehow didn’t. They should have taken their penalty kicks near the end.
Player of the Day: JD Schikerling (Paarl Gim)
Forward of the Day: Morne Swart (EG Jansen). Monnas no.8 Wiehan Jacobs also very good.
Back of the Day: Jurie Linde (Affies)
Character of the Day: Corne Vermaak (Glenwood) who put a nightmare first half behind him and did well in the second half.





  1. avatar
    #143 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: There is suppose to be 1 GCB player from that game who is still alive and current 94 years old who will be there.

    9 May, 2013 at 13:04
  2. avatar
    #142 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: The last i heard the program for that day had changed a bit seen the schools are writing exams at that time and it would be just at the end of the rugby season. At present it looks like this for the day: which i think is the 17 or 24 August.

    11:00 Aliwal North Under 13A Vs Queens Under 13A
    12:00 Aliwal North Under 14A vs Queens Under 14B
    13:00 Elloit 1st vs Queens 3rd,s
    14:00 Aliwal North 1st vs Queens 2nd,s
    15:00 Aliwal North Club vs Queens/GCB Barbarians teams(They allowed 30 players)

    So it looks like the main game now is the Aliwal Club vs a team of Grey/Queens old boys from those area,s which there are plenty.

    Although it was said when i was up at Queens reuion that there were still talks of them trying to get GCB vs Queens game to go in hand with the game that took place there 75 years ago on the opening of the club which ended in a 6-6 Draw

    9 May, 2013 at 13:02
  3. avatar
    #141 QC86

    @Grasshopper: Matt Williams and brother Jeff from Selborne :-D

    9 May, 2013 at 12:51
  4. avatar
    #140 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: And when will that be.

    9 May, 2013 at 12:46
  5. avatar
    #139 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: You mentioned a month or so back that Queens might be playing GCB at the Aliwal North Rugby Club 75 year rugby celebration any more news on that.

    9 May, 2013 at 12:45
  6. avatar
    #138 Grasshopper

    Glenwood Old Boy Shaun Malton makes SA Barbarians side; http://www.glenwoodhighschool.co.za/old-boy-sa-barbarians-xv

    FYI to others who may recognise some of their old boys in the side…

    9 May, 2013 at 12:20
  7. avatar
    #137 rugbyfan

    @Gungets Tuft: I will try and make some calculation to update it to 2012 not sure how this was work out got this from a Grey Old boy who died in 2003 so not sure how the calc,s were done. It also gives like a running total from 1922 per year who had the best average.

    Will try and summaries it and send it to Beet and let him make a blog out of it.

    Over the years Old Man Lotter did alot of data collection on Free State schools especially rugby this was the only country wide one he did.

    He was a GCB old boy so some people might claim he info would favour GCB but so be it.

    Just very difficult when you are not sure how he did he,s calc,s but if you look at the list of schools on the list i put up historically it makes sense.

    9 May, 2013 at 11:58
  8. avatar
    #136 rugbyfan

    @Gungets Tuft: Only Rugby

    9 May, 2013 at 11:50
  9. avatar
    #135 Gungets Tuft

    @rugbyfan: Is this an overall sports rating, or particular sports?

    9 May, 2013 at 09:52
  10. avatar
    #134 rugbyfan

    @badboy: @Queenian: Here is that list of historical ranking done from 1922 to 2000 it looks like it was done out of points score of 10 here are all the schools who had a raking of 8 and above.

    GCB 9,23/Paarl Gym 8,61/Bishops 8,43/Queens 8.60/Paarl boys 8,54/MC 8,51/Grey PE 8,54/St Andrews 8,12/Selborne 8,03/Paul Roos 8,13/KES 8,04/DHS 8,11/Dale 8,09/Pretoria Boys 8,07

    Those were the only schools thats had a points score of over 8 remember this takes 78 years into account so schools like Affies would only started to get good results by 60,s there score for this period is 7,36 so a bit off.

    Not 100% sure how the calculation works but i could try and update it till 2012 and see how it looks.

    The other interesting thing is that GCB average only became top in 1974 when they over took Queens.

    9 May, 2013 at 09:47
  11. avatar
    #133 BOG

    @Queenian: And then, in this particular week, how can I forget an Affie, AB de Villiers- also, a more than “useful” FH

    9 May, 2013 at 04:28
  12. avatar
    #132 Tandem

    @badboy: Agree

    8 May, 2013 at 22:08
  13. avatar
    #131 Queenian

    @badboy: Small world

    8 May, 2013 at 13:39
  14. avatar
    #130 Queenian

    @BOG: Agree funny how good flyhalfs become good cricketers as far a i know Darryl Cullinan and Kenny Mac were the only people who got honours for 4 sports at Queens.

    Another Queenian who comes to mind is Ivor Foulkes played flyhalf 1972 (Nother one who beat GCB) and played 1st class cricket for Border and Northern Transvaal for a long time.

    8 May, 2013 at 13:38
  15. avatar
    #129 BOG

    @rugbyfan: Strange how many good flyhalves, were also good cricketers. Peter Kirsten comes to mind. Had it not been for injury and that he chose cricket, we would not have known who Naas Botha was, Herchell Gibbs is another example.

    8 May, 2013 at 12:58
  16. avatar
    #128 rugbyfan

    @badboy: Queenian will know Kenny Mac they have the same surname come from the same town and have the same Granfather only difference is i think Kenny got all the sporting talent. :mrgreen:

    @badboy: Did you not say you a De Villiers or something.

    8 May, 2013 at 12:26
  17. avatar
    #127 rugbyfan

    @badboy: Ye as Bog said i happen to be around when people like Darryl Cullinan/Gary Loest and Steven Dell were at Queens so ye!

    Played 5 won 0 lost 5 bummer.

    Ye and must say Cullianan is the best flyhalf i have ever seen at schoolboy level.

    And as for Queenian i am sure he is the best 4th team player i have seen played gainst him when i played Under16A we used to play there 4th team only person i new who used to go off the field at half time for a smoke. :mrgreen:

    8 May, 2013 at 12:22
  18. avatar
    #126 BOG

    @badboy: Who is your father- just first name and and initial will do. If I remember correctly, NF clean bowled Kenny Mac, first ball when they played cricket. NF played centre in that period, the best school centre I have seen to this day. Your dad will know him.

    8 May, 2013 at 12:01
  19. avatar
    #125 BOG

    @badboy: By asking Rugbyfan that question, I think you touched a raw nerve, If I remember correctly, its in that period, of Darryl Cullinan, that we did not have a good run against Queens. Thankfully I was abroad then with no internet, so I was spared this disaster. I only heard it much later from my brother-in-law, an OQ, by mail.

    8 May, 2013 at 11:54
  20. avatar
    #124 badboy

    @Queenian: Ye played against them in Under12 then GCB stopped playing them.

    My father played against Queens in 1969/70 they lost 3-9 in 1969 and won 9-6 in 1970 my father was friendly with a Old Queenian by the name of Kenny Mc Ewan was a great schoolboy rugby and cricket player also was a great cricketer played for EP/WP/Essex/Western Australia and SA in the Rebel test really a stand up guy. Maybe you know him my father still friendly with him to this day.

    8 May, 2013 at 11:50
  21. avatar
    #123 Queenian

    @badboy: You ever play against Queens

    8 May, 2013 at 11:44
  22. avatar
    #122 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: @BOG: He actually checked :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    8 May, 2013 at 11:41
  23. avatar
    #121 badboy

    @Queenian: Checked the website you must be on drugs nothing like that there.

    @rugbyfan: Whats was your record against Queens?

    8 May, 2013 at 11:39
  24. avatar
    #120 Queenian

    @badboy: Ask Rugbyfan what his rugby record playing against Queens was.

    8 May, 2013 at 11:36
  25. avatar
    #119 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: @BOG: @badboy: How dare you Grey Bloem men discuss my beloved JJS without me. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    @badboy: If you want to know what school is aligned to JJS just look at there rugby jersey it is identical to Grey Bloem in fact i think GCB donate them to JJS. And if you look at the GCB website you will see under Prefects they have College Prefects/Hostel Prefects and JJS Prefects. :mrgreen:

    Please go and check your web site.

    8 May, 2013 at 11:31
  26. avatar
    #118 rugbyfan

    @badboy: JJS as Blog said is a reform school on the outskirts of Queenstown. Some say that at Queens when you get detention you go to JJS they were always known to us as Queens other half.

    But dont worry i know Queenian personelly he is a stand up guy he only spent 1 year at JJS. :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen:

    8 May, 2013 at 11:24
  27. avatar
    #117 BOG

    @badboy: About four-and-a-half decades ago. Unfortunately, some of the inmates escape before they complete the program at JJS, as you can see here. They are inclined to wear pink shirts, support the BBs and live in Pretoria. Not to mention the nonsense they talk.

    8 May, 2013 at 11:24
  28. avatar
    #116 rugbyfan

    @badboy: I left GCB in 1985 i think Blog left just after the Boer War :mrgreen:

    8 May, 2013 at 11:21
  29. avatar
    #115 BOG

    @badboy: JJS is the reform school for boys on the outskirts of QT. Like the Tempe tigres, there are many stories about JJS, but many are exaggerated. But your ignorance about them, at least confirms that GCB, REALLY has no connection and that its undeniably an external and integral campus of Queens. But some, like Queenian, turn out quite solid citizens in the end.

    8 May, 2013 at 11:19
  30. avatar
    #114 Tjoppa

    @badboy: If you take into account Bog’s knowledge in history at least as late as 1924. Nobody can accumulate so much knowledge by reading. Bog was there when most happened.

    8 May, 2013 at 11:18
  31. avatar
    #113 badboy

    @BOG: @rugbyfan: When did you folks leave the best school in the world

    8 May, 2013 at 11:15
  32. avatar
    #112 badboy

    @Queenian: Was this JJS thing between you Bog and Rugbyfan is that some code word or something. Sorry i think i am a bit younger than you folks so i might have missed something.

    8 May, 2013 at 11:12
  33. avatar
    #111 badboy

    @Tandem: Going on paper Paarl Gym should win inter schools by a few points at least dont see Boishaai getting a win here.

    8 May, 2013 at 11:08
  34. avatar
    #110 PaarlBok

    JD Schickerling het al laasjaar SA Skole gespeel en sekerlik nie iets die jaar gedoen om sy plek te verseker nie. Sonder hom alleen sal Gim ‘n ander span wees, vat Bothma en dalk Vermeulen uit en dis verseker ‘n ander span. Ek se nie dit sal gebeur nie maar noem dit net. Interskole tussen Gim en Boishaai is ‘n hele ander wedstryd as om teen Waterkloof te speel by Wilde Klawer.

    8 May, 2013 at 09:55
  35. avatar
    #109 Hanswors

    Ek weet daar is goeie spelers in die spanne wat hier ter sprake is maar so ook is daar goeie spelers is spanne wat nog nie TV blootstelling gekry het nie. So wat die SA Skole aanbetref, moet nie die bok slag voordat hy geskiet is nie……….

    8 May, 2013 at 09:43
  36. avatar
    #108 PaarlBok

    @gimmie: Dankie my Gimmie vriend. 2011 die perfekte voorbeeld. Soos Naas in die ou dae gese het die CC word nie in Mei gewen nie, Interskole word in Augustus gewen en daar kan nog baie gebeur. Gaan ‘n groot gatslag wees as van Gim se top spelers dalk SA span haal en hulle speel op diese;fde dag as interskole. Kan dalk die jaar gebeur met die SA skole span wat in Aus gaan toer.

    8 May, 2013 at 09:26
  37. avatar
    #107 gimmie

    @Tandem, 2011 is an example. Gym had a poor season and Boishaai was the clear favorites .

    8 May, 2013 at 07:48
  38. avatar
    #106 Tandem

    @PaarlBok: If you look at the last 10 years interschool results you will see the favourite team always won . The days of the “underdog” winning is long gone . The coaches are to good and the teams to well prepared . It is nonsense to suggest a weaker team stand any chance against the stronger team in the modern era . The teams are to professional . It is like to suggest Namibia can win against the All Blacks in a one off game . How can it be possible ? Pure logic will tell you that the best teams now always win . The story that everyone has an equal chance is an old woman story of a bygone era . It is just not happening anymore . Show me one year in the last 10 years where the weaker team won the game .Take a complement when it is genuine and enjoy what is well deserved .Hopefully next year the wheels will turn .

    7 May, 2013 at 23:29
  39. avatar
    #105 CyndiAtRugby

    @Queenian: Thank you. I am suitably impressed with the lads too. :mrgreen: Here’s hoping that they keep the fires burning.

    7 May, 2013 at 12:29
  40. avatar
    #104 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: You would say so! :mrgreen:

    7 May, 2013 at 10:53
  41. avatar
    #103 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: JJS are just a off shoot of Queens it is like there prison department. :mrgreen:

    Otherwise agree with you thinking Grey College Bloem are by far the best

    7 May, 2013 at 08:42
  42. avatar
    #102 Queenian

    To all Glenwood bloggers i will give your team its due they are performimg well and look like they could easly land up in the Top 10 this year.

    7 May, 2013 at 08:33
  43. avatar
    #101 Queenian

    @BOG: Hey mate Monas beat Grey 4 years in a row that must hurt but not a record 40/49 against Queens mate nobody will ever beat that.

    But will agree with you in one thing people who who say that Grey was lucky to beat them are living in a drean world they can just be lucky Grey did not beat them by 40 points thats there luck.

    I have also been around and have watched GCB since 1967 and nobody comes close to them not even by a ” country mile” :mrgreen:

    Maybe JJS :lol:

    7 May, 2013 at 08:30
  44. avatar
    #100 PaarlBok

    @DieBos: Die u16s en u15s gaan goeie wedstryde wees. Myself hou van die seuns (Kleingim se lotte vorm die basis van die spanne) van u7 al dop en was uitstekende laerskool spelers wat nou begin hul talent verwesenlik in toks rugby. Beide ouderdoms groepe was dream teams as u13s , het gesukkel om naby hul talent te speel as u14s en begin nou eers regtig naby daai kaalvoet [potensiaal te kom.

    Spelers van Gim om dop te hou by die u15s is die kaptein Bernard Swart, Sal nooit sy strafskop van sy eie 10m lyn vergeet teen Outeniqua nie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dku9vW_EpOY

    en by die u16s Taigh Schoor wat nou naby WP u16 span is. ‘n Uitstekende sportman wat ook Boland krieket speel van sy u9 dae en nou een die vinnigste boulers in die Wes Kaap is.

    Skryf maar neer die name hulle gaan nog grootes word.

    7 May, 2013 at 08:11
  45. avatar
    #99 PaarlBok

    @Tandem: Nee my GalPil vriend, ons twee weet dat Interskole altyd ‘n game van sy eie is. Ditto Gim teen Paul Roos. Dis verseker nie soos toernooi wedstryde wat op neutrale velde plaasvind nie en die span wat in die derby/interskole wedstryde wen is die een wat op die dag die beste speel. Met afskop beteken uitslae gedurende jaar niks nie, word die wenner bepaal deur die span wat sy als gee vir die volle wedstryd. Soos my Kwagga vriend Wakker Akkers dit gestel het was Gim baie gelukkig teen hulle om in George te wen.

    7 May, 2013 at 08:00
  46. avatar
    #98 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Sure, I guess its the teacher who is now an international ref, who you are referring to. We have the same opinion of the refs in Tshwane and WC. Its an opinion which seems to be shared by the panel. Other than what Djou has already said about certain supporters, I can hardly ad. You confirm it very nicely. To revert to such comments, is a sad reflection.

    7 May, 2013 at 07:26
  47. avatar
    #97 Tjoppa

    Ek gaan draf.

    7 May, 2013 at 05:48
  48. avatar
    #96 Tjoppa

    @BOG: No Boggie that is situated in Bloem remember the history.

    [comment content deleted]

    7 May, 2013 at 05:47
  49. avatar
    #95 BOG

    Somewhere, I read the comment of someone from the WP on “how blessed they are with the refs they have” I was in stitches for half an hour and after that, required a cold shower at this early hour. Do you manage the “QI Academy for Honest Refs” ?

    7 May, 2013 at 05:33
  50. avatar
    #94 Tjoppa

    @beet: Beet simply put I think with the talent available to Affies and the results speak of one thing. Proper game plan and coaching lacking. I am sorry to say this but if Grey unsettle Affies in the front that is going to be that. All forwards always standing in the back to run with the ball. Except for their no 6 not one willing to put his body on the line. Too many show ponies for my liking. And it break my heart as I know quite a few of these lads.

    They are overpowering weaker teams and then win on individual brilliance. Unfortunately, and I am saying this the whole year, with the talent available they should compete with Gym and Kwaggas UNFORTUNATELY ……….

    7 May, 2013 at 05:31
  51. avatar
    #93 BOG

    @beet: Well said regarding the issues with GCB. You know the old story about falling off a horse. Get back on asap !! Tjoppa obviously lost a girl friend to a Grey boy during the course of his life and in stead of addressing it with her immediately after the incident, allowed it to simmer over 50 years to a point where his bitterness is now manifested in his comments on SBR. I too, have been around for a few decades and I wish I had R5- even R1- for every time that I heard about GCBs “luck” in a particular game or how much “better” their opponents were (yet still lost) And the results looking back? A win ratio of 94% + – an unbelievable record that will make even Man United envious. Obviously, there are times when the team lacks outstanding “superstars” but its in those times where we have seen the side adjust and adapt (to conditions) and where we have seen the Grey guts and determination and the knowledge of who they are representing, pull them through. In many ways, this team is much like the team of 2011. No match is a certainty, yet they are capable of beating any team in SA on any given day. It would therefore not surprise me if they loose no more games this year. And as far as Monnas goes, they do have the best record of any school in SA, against Grey. They are the only team to have beaten GCB for 4 consecutive years. The stats against them is Played 15 Grey 8 and Monnas 5. I expect them to do well against Grey even during an “off” year as they seem to be having, because they just seem to lift their game for this encounter. And I dont think that GCB would ever underestimate them – what ever season they may be having. Monnas came at Grey with everything, and under difficult playing conditions, stood their ground and overcame and yet again, had a “lucky” win.

    7 May, 2013 at 04:40
  52. avatar
    #92 Ploegskaar

    Regte :?:

    6 May, 2013 at 23:36
  53. avatar
    #91 Ploegskaar

    @gimmie: Schools that always provide a fair game are Bishops on the Piley, Bois at Brug and Wynberg at Hawthornes. Toughest away games are Drostdy at Trappes, Oakdale op darie Plaas and …..Kriel, in no specific order. Die regret Plaas, well there you get a fair game, solank jy groet!

    6 May, 2013 at 23:35
  54. avatar
    #90 Djou

    @Beet: You nailed it! Chance of a lifetime (beating Grey) gone as a result of the decisions.

    6 May, 2013 at 23:20
  55. avatar
    #89 gimmie

    @Beet, I agree that Affies was easily the better teambut my disappointment stems from their style of play. They have so much raw talent but lack structure and understanding of the modern game. Their back line play so deep it reminds me of rugby in the 70s. This Saturday’s grey cb – Affies encounter is going to be epic. What do you think will happen? The game is not televised so the ref may play a major role, unfortunately..from past experience, I doubt whether GYM would have beaten Kwaggas in George if it was reffed by an SWD ref and not televised. That is the unfortunate reality about a lot of schools rugby… The worse is going to Oakdale, an absolute disgrace…

    6 May, 2013 at 22:40
  56. avatar
    #88 beet

    @Djou: The weather conditions were key in the Monnas/Grey game. It’s a bit like horses for courses. I think on a dry field that mobile Grey pack with locks who play like loose-forwards could take the Monnas heavies right out of the game.

    So true about defence and decision-making. Grey’s defence was good but it wasn’t perfect. They conceded redzone penalties and Monnas’ livewire captain who had a decent game otherwise, erred by not taking the points on offer, especially considering he had an educated boot in the form of his #10.

    6 May, 2013 at 22:24
  57. avatar
    #87 beet

    @gimmie: I tend to think people are underestimating Affies. Maybe not no.1 but a good team. The weather conditions were not great on Sat. The wind added to the trickiness of handling and Affies definitely did not master conditions. But if anything the disappointment with Affies was the absence of big ball-carriers similar to those of Gim’s – even Salmon vH struggled to generate go forward. I think on a drier Affies are a team to be reckoned with. They have big enough forwards to compete with the best schools. Jurie Linde isn’t a player in the same mold as Oosthuizen of Gim but he does bring a different dynamic to the game and for him to perform as well as he did when it was slippery underfoot says a lot about his ability. To me the only thing close about that Paul Roos game was the score. Affies were easily the better team. It’s a pity they didn’t have one of those Maritzburg College wings on their team. Thys van Wyk is a big lad who did some positive things and it’s nice to see him looking to keep the play alive, but he didn’t look like he had the straightline speed or power game to hurt PRG defence when he was given space. I’ve seen him play fullback and maybe on Saturday Affies would have gotten more mileage out of Thys at 15 and underutilised Keyter on the wing.

    6 May, 2013 at 22:15
  58. avatar
    #86 Djou

    @Gimmie: Remember the field was wet and suited Monnas with their bigger pack of forwards. Would have been a different story on a dry field suiting Grey’s style of play. I thought Grey’s defence was awesome. And defence is very much part of the game – just look at what the Stormers achieved last year with their defence pattern. Agree, Monnas took the wrong decisions, but decisions can win or lose the game for you – as the Sharks again discovered over the past weekend. Also, EG doesn’t have a bad team at all, and Monnas haven’t played Garsies. EG and Garsies play each other this weekend.

    6 May, 2013 at 22:10
  59. avatar
    #85 Grasshopper

    @gimmie: agree with you on Grey, lack height and weight in the pack. Monnas looked the better side but maybe the weather played into the bigger packs hands. Grey are definite top 5 but no1 not sure, they will probably go out and whack everyone from now on including my beloved Glenwood in Bloem….

    6 May, 2013 at 22:01
  60. avatar
    #84 gimmie

    Beet, I must say I am unconvinced by Grey CB. I thought Monnas were the better team, the GCB pack simply lacks bulk. Also, the same Monnas team lost to EG and Garsies. Mind you Affies was also pretty unconvincing against Paul Roos….after the weekend I have changed my mind, I think the Kwaggas will destroy Affies..they are so exciting to watch! I also think Rondebosch is a team worth watching…Clint van Rensburg is an excellent coach and they seem to be going well this year…

    6 May, 2013 at 21:47
  61. avatar
    #83 Tjoppa

    @beet: No issues with Grey the school and its learners But.
    Who is this Elle Goulding? The only Ellie we know is Tannie Ellie van Dallas. And she could not sing. And us Afrikaners only know Sakkie Sakkie and Steve Stofmeyer.
    For anyone beating Gym. I a willing to put money on that not happening this year.
    And I will not start wishing for Affies beating Kwaggas who then must beat Gym and then Affies will be number one Like you know who.
    Gym WILL be no 1 this year.

    6 May, 2013 at 21:40
  62. avatar
    #82 Tandem

    @beet: Paarl Bok is thinking by putting the underdog around Boishaai neck they can move the pressure on Boishaai . He is an old fox this Paarl Bok . Very cunning this friend of us . :twisted:

    6 May, 2013 at 21:31
  63. avatar
    #81 Tandem

    @PaarlBokYou must be smoking something my friend ! Do you really think anyone will fall for that old trick ?

    6 May, 2013 at 21:25
  64. avatar
    #80 beet

    @Tjoppa: I can’t help you with whatever issues you have with Grey College :mrgreen:

    I’m pretty sure that ever since I started the Thumbsuck, Grey have been below Outeniqua.

    With regards to the Grey vs Outeniqua game, my feeling is it could have gone either way. Whether you call that luck or not is immaterial now. Anyway it’s not my job to defend GCB, They have a huge support base. For what it’s worth, I wish Monnas had taken their kickable penalties near the end on Saturday because I felt they deserved to get the result out of that game. Again some might call GCB lucky vs Monnas, in the same way as losing 22-20 to the Kwaggas and having what appeared to be a try disallowed might be regarded as unlucky.

    Personally I love watching Outeniqua play and I’ve said all along that it would be nice if a non-traditional powerhouse team ended at no.1 for a change. Although as the Elle Goulding song goes: Anything can happen, it doesn’t look like HJS or PRG will be the teams to stop Gim’s unbeaten run in 2013. Perhaps Outeniqua will get a 2nd shot at Gim in the Burger Trophy.

    6 May, 2013 at 21:19
  65. avatar
    #79 Tjoppa

    @Grasshopper: Was only commenting regarding question of Djou. I know three boys in your 1st 15 and they are all happy at Glenwood. All Boertjies in murg en been. Must be the sun, sea and bikinis that keep them that happy. But congrats on excellent game on Saturday and hope you can carry this forward.

    6 May, 2013 at 20:46
  66. avatar
    #78 Grasshopper

    @Tjoppa: Glenwood’s coach is fluent in die taal and quite a few of its players but I can say at least 6 of the team have no clue about die taal, in fact it does not matter, they are all proud Glenwood boys and it showed in the celebrations at the end :-)

    6 May, 2013 at 20:41
  67. avatar
    #77 Tjoppa

    @beet: And Kwaggas win against Grey. Would you say that was luck. Reason why I am asking is if taking account your rankings you definitely think that way.

    6 May, 2013 at 20:37
  68. avatar
    #76 Tjoppa

    @Djou: All Glenwood’s calls during the game is already in the Taal. So not much else to learn what really matters.

    6 May, 2013 at 20:33
  69. avatar
    #75 Tjoppa

    @Klofie Pa: Jy het twee pragtige seuns. Weet mos waar Waterkloof fouteer sal die gespot lank loop MAAR se vir hom ‘n loosie wat sy werk doen sal altyd strafskoppe afstaan. Het geen rede gesien vir die geelkaart nie. Maar ja julle het nou onopgevoede en ongeletterde spelers. Wat is volgende?

    6 May, 2013 at 20:31
  70. avatar
    #74 Woltrui

    @PaarlBok: Paarlbok volgens my Gim in ander klas as die ander spanne die jaar. Vermoed slegs n Kwagga span op vorm kan julle aanvat. Dink julle gaan Paul Roos lelik pakgee. As Affie ondersteuner is ek die rugby gode dankbaar ons speel nie die jaar teen julle :mrgreen:

    6 May, 2013 at 20:31
  71. avatar
    #73 BoishaaiPa

    @Grasshopper: Dont get me wrong,that was the best Boishaai team available and not an “off” team. I just think on the day they made way to many errors and lost possesion, but that is also due to the pressure from GW. Both teams made unforced errors that resulted in points for the opposition. GW defence in that one period was the crucial turning point that gabebthem the self believe I think. Come August we will have to much more clinical if we want to compete with Gim.

    6 May, 2013 at 20:25
  72. avatar
    #72 Grasshopper

    @gimmie: thanks again! We don’t play Kearsney again until next year. We lost by a point at Kearsney in the last minute early season. 2014 will have to be the year to revenge two last minute losses in 2012 and 2013…..

    6 May, 2013 at 19:42
  73. avatar
    #71 beet

    @PaarlBok: Very little of what you posted there makes sense. :)

    At this rate Gim will be the overwhelming favourites to beat Boishaai in August.

    Gim’s wins against Outeniqua and Klofies were the furtherest things away from luck.

    6 May, 2013 at 19:32
  74. avatar
    #70 gimmie

    @grasshopper, as I noted before, get your coaches to plan the season properly. I have always been impressed by the enterprising way you play, very entertaining. Your defense structure can improve and I also thought you play too much rugby in your own halve. Victories such as this one against one of SA’s top rugby schools will give confidence to your team to do even better.i am very curious to see the result of your next encounter with Kearnsney… That’s one you must win…

    6 May, 2013 at 19:20
  75. avatar
    #69 McCulleys Workshop

    @PaarlBok: I assume you are being sarcastic about Gim, as there is no comparison.

    6 May, 2013 at 19:01
  76. avatar
    #68 DieBos

    @PaarlBok: Stem saam. Paul Roos definitief beter as 3 weke gelede. Spelers soos Daniel du Plessis word nie hier genoem nie, maar kan groot impak hê. Gim se forwards gaan egter te sterk wees vir PRG. Veral in lynstane. Gaan nogtans mooi game wees. Ook die o/16’s. Albei is baie goeie spanne en het vorige 2 jaar gelykop gespeel teen mekaar as ek dit nie mis het

    6 May, 2013 at 18:03
  77. avatar
    #67 Grasshopper

    @BoishaaiPa: Thanks for the congrats, for Glenwood this is a milestone even if it was against an off Boishaai team. I don’t think Glenwood played their best either on the day but obviously had that 1 point defeat from a few years back in their heads as motivation to win, they probably wanted it more. Also, who knows what would have happened had the normal extra 10 minutes been played. Anyway, for our rugby to improve we need morale boosting wins like this to give us belief that we are pretty good and can compete with the best. So I think it’s just Gim we don’t have a win against

    6 May, 2013 at 17:20
  78. avatar
    #66 PaarlBok

    @wakker akker: Boishaai is defnitief die gunsteling vir interskole. Gim sal moet vorm kry anders gaan dit nag wees met interskole. Maar ons moet eers die naweek verby Paul Roos kom, wat altyd ‘n moeilik wedstryd vir Gim is. Op Stellenbosch is hulle altyd die gunsteling. Gaan ‘n moeilike een vir die Bloedworse wees en sal Gim defnitief na ‘n baie hoeer rat moet oorskakel as hulle die Maroen Masjien van Stellenbosch wil klop.

    Gim was baie gelukkig sover om eers die Magtige Kwaggas en toe die gevaarlike Klofies te klop.

    6 May, 2013 at 16:55
  79. avatar
    #65 wakker akker

    @BoishaaiPa: weet hoe jy voel oor jou span.So het ek gevoel toe ons Gym verloor het.Ons het genoeg skietgoed om hulle te kon klop maar op die dag nie gebeur.Ek dink nog steeds julle het n goeie span maar ;gel” nog nie reg saam nie.Was by albei wedstryde BOISHAAI TEEN kWAGGAS en Kwaggas teen Gym.As ek die wedsryde opweeg teen mekaar ,dan was julle pak vir my beter as die van Gym.Kan nie wag wanneer julle mekaar pak nie.Ek voel daar kan n groot verrassing wees.

    6 May, 2013 at 16:29
  80. avatar
    #64 Djou

    @Hanswors: @ Tjoppa: I gather the kids must be good in English. I can understand moving from an Afrikaans/English school to another Afrikaans/English school, but moving between languages can become academically challenging – if you are not well versed. Unless you are very good in rugby or languages and prepared to work hard academically, such move will eventually count against a person.

    6 May, 2013 at 13:19
  81. avatar
    #63 BoishaaiPa

    First of all..let me extend my congratulations to Glenwood on the win against Boishaai. In a very scrappy match they made the least errors and probably deserved the win more than we did. I am still living in hope that this Boishaai team will come to the party and live up to their potential. They are a much better team than what is currently showing on the field!

    Second..In relation to the original thread…

    Player of the day: JD Schickerling..Givin the strenghth of opponents he faced, he dominated his lineout and contact sessions….

    Forward of the Day: Must be JD Schikerling as mentioned above…Honourable mention must go to No 7 Luaan Dowie (Noord-Kaap), No 7 Morne Swart (EG), No 8 CF du Toit (HJS), No 8 Salmon v Huysteen (Affies),

    Back of the Day: No 11 Hillford Clarke (Noord-Kaap)…just for that pure speed try against Boland!…Honourable mention to No 10 from EG (Potgieter?), 13 Jurie Linde (Affies), 15 Corne Vermaak (Glenwood), 12 Ryan Ooshthuizen (Gim)

    Team of the Day: Boland Landbou – To pull off a win against Noord-Kaap while being so depleted shows guts and lots of heart. Well done to them

    6 May, 2013 at 13:00
  82. avatar
    #62 Klofie Pa

    @Tjoppa: Het jy jou translate button ontdek Tjop??
    Seker nie die einde hoor van daai blaps nie!! :oops:

    6 May, 2013 at 11:05
  83. avatar
    #61 Tjoppa

    @Hanswors: Nee wat I think you are going to upset a few teams. Must first teach some players the basic rules “of hands in maul” :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: and then you can compete with 15 players. Like I said previously 1 and 2 at least 20 points better than the rest. My money on you against a very average Grey and Affies, all depends on what you allow them to do.

    6 May, 2013 at 10:17
  84. avatar
    #60 Hanswors

    @Klofiepa: Ek ken daai lied….het dit ongelukkig nog nie self ervaar nie. Die loskakel verwys nie na ‘n spesifieke speler nie – enige loskakel in die Noorde wat onder 16 is en wat goed is …..

    6 May, 2013 at 09:20
  85. avatar
    #59 Klofie Pa

    @Hanswors: Wat het die girl gesing toe sy op en af op die ou se skoot gespring het in die kar… we all going to Durban….
    Is dit die swart nr 10 waarvan jy praat Wors??

    6 May, 2013 at 09:07
  86. avatar
    #58 Hanswors

    @Djou: Die oorlopery van Tjoppa verwys ne die nr 3 van Klofies wat hierdie jaar oorgeskuif het na Glenwood. Daar is al klaar van GW se kant af navrae begin doen na ‘n onder 16 loskakel wat goed is wat sal oorweeg om GW toe te kom met die oog op volgende jaar.

    6 May, 2013 at 09:00
  87. avatar
    #57 Hanswors


    Lendo het in al 2 die wedstryde gespeel vir Klofies, Hy het egter eers 2 weke terug begin rugby oefen en sou hiedie jaar nie rugby speel nie.
    Ons hoop hulle kan opstaan na die 2 verlore teen die Kaapse spanne. Dit is regtig 2 goeie spanne en ek dink nie Klofies moet nou sommer afgeskryf word nie.

    6 May, 2013 at 08:56
  88. avatar
    #56 wakker akker

    @Queenian: Ons hoop om Paarl Gym nog vanjaar in die Burger finaal te speel.Hoor my,dit sal n ander storie wees. Ons verwys na Kwaggas.

    6 May, 2013 at 08:21
  89. avatar
    #55 GimOB

    @Queenian: Remember that these players are schoolboys. It’s early days in their mental toughness growth. Funny results and surprises do happen. That is why teams that ‘are supposed to win’ do lose sometimes. That is all part of growing up. It is therefore brave to predict that a team will not be beaten. I am sure they will take the compliment, though!

    6 May, 2013 at 08:19
  90. avatar
    #54 BOG

    @rugbyfan: @Queenian: GCB may occasionally get less points than the opposition, but they NEVER loose and are always the best. :mrgreen: Perhaps Premier schools can spring a surprise, also here. But then, GCB must not get less points than their opponents again this year. And what is going to happen if FS schools and the BBs play in the “final” at CW ? That will really upset some observers . In fact, we may then, just see some abdominal ulcers developing over night.

    6 May, 2013 at 08:12
  91. avatar
    #53 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: As for Paarl Gym there team must rate as one of the schoolboy teams of the last 10 years i will put money on them not losing any game this year. They will clean up even at Cape Schools week without the 7 or so players playing at Craven Week. And by at least 30 points a game Dale and Muir maybe even by 50 points.

    6 May, 2013 at 07:02
  92. avatar
    #52 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: Agree with you about St Andrews they look like Eastern Cape Team of the year dont see anybody knocking them over.

    6 May, 2013 at 06:58
  93. avatar
    #51 rugbyfan

    Surprise package of the year must be St Andrews they just keep winning even away from home this weekend they over came the brute pack of Brandwag and now the only thing i see being in the way of a unbeaten year is Grey PE and Queens who the latter they play away which they always find hard beating the Queenians at the Rec.

    But defiantly look like the ECape team of the year.

    6 May, 2013 at 06:55
  94. avatar
    #50 rugbyfan

    Paarl Gym team is a cut above the rest this year they should end the year at No 1 without a doubt.

    Grey College season decider will be the Affies game win that and they will be No 2 pity no Paarl Gym game this year so we will never know. If Affies beat GCB the Kwagga,s will be No 2 by a country mile.

    6 May, 2013 at 06:52
  95. avatar
    #49 BOG

    @Tandem: The selection of the SA schools side is controversial at the best of times. And that is AFTER CW. To try and do so before CW is even more non-sensical. Issues other than merit, seems to weigh heavier. And if a particular team looses during the week, it further diminishes the chances of the individuals in the team. And WP has certainly not won.

    6 May, 2013 at 05:02
  96. avatar
    #48 Tandem

    @gimmie: Was just joking with you . Gim nr 8 should also make the SA school team . Gim may even have 4 players in SA team ( Bothma , Vermeulen ,Schickerling and Oosthuizen) . Regarding WP using their professional coaches to select the team , I agree actually .

    5 May, 2013 at 23:01
  97. avatar
    #47 Tjoppa

    @Djou: If I have it correct the one prop and apparantly two other players also. Can just confirm the prop Koos Tredoux. One other boy joined them already in Gr 8 Norne Joubert the other players rumours.

    5 May, 2013 at 22:05
  98. avatar
    #46 Boom

    Forward player- #6 from Outeniqua
    Backline player- Jurie Linde also the Outeniqua 10 spotted holes in the grey defence and kicked balls into big gaps for his pacey wings to chase down, great play maker and reads the game very well
    Team- Glenwood showed guts, as did Monnas, tough call.

    5 May, 2013 at 21:27
  99. avatar
    #45 gimmie

    @ oom Kaspaas, ek dink spanne soos Ronebosch, Wynberg, Bishops en SACS is kompeterend vanjaar. tygerberg is ongelukkig hopeloos soos ander Noordelike voorstede skole. gauteng het ook maar nie veel nie. Tussen die WP skole behoort ons baie kompeterend te wees.

    5 May, 2013 at 21:09
  100. avatar
    #44 Oom Kaspaas

    :?: hoe kry ek sommer met die intrapslag ‘n BH trui?

    @gimmie: kan dit wees dat voorspelers bv in A span is , maar agterspelers in ander span? het in ou dae so gewerk. Kombinasies (haker en slotte, voorry, lostrio, skakelpaar, senters, agterste 3) word soms ook oor proefspanne versprei.

    Kom ons wag vir die finale spanne.

    Wat die HJS betref, dink ek op vorm behoort slegs 1 of 2 spelers ‘n kans te staan.

    Oorgrote meerderheid behoort uit Gim te wees. Dan PRG . HJS, Tygerberg, en Kaapse skole sal die balans met enkelinge opmaak.

    Vraag: behalwe vir Gim, lyk dit asof die ander Kaapse skole swakker is gemeet teen Gauteng veral. Speel die WP @ Tvl en N Tvl?

    5 May, 2013 at 20:41
  101. avatar
    #43 gimmie

    oom Kaspaas, ek weet nie hoe dit werk nie, it boggles my mind…WP should kick out all school representatives,and professionalise the set-up under the supervision of John Dobson. Let the coaches submit a list of players they believe should be considered and leave it to the PROS. Jacques and Stef from WP Academy can also assist…

    5 May, 2013 at 20:24
  102. avatar
    #42 gimmie

    @Tandem, with your lock Van Niekerk as Captain, just because Richard can and to insult Rikus and JD…I was impressed with Paul Roos, their structures were much improved, Affies were just too physical and had too much individual brilliance.. Players who should be certainties for SA Schools: EW at 15, Duhan at 11, Jurie at 13, Galant at 12, Human at 10, JD at 5. Vermeulen at 7. RG at 4. Phillips was disappointing at 9, really rated him last year. Looking forward to Affies vs Grey next week, should be epic battle….

    5 May, 2013 at 20:16
  103. avatar
    #41 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: Ek merk jy stel vir my ‘n strik sodat ek my polities-onkorrekte bek weer afskiet. Oom Bog kan die een verduidelik.

    5 May, 2013 at 19:19
  104. avatar
    #40 Djou

    @Tjoppa: What do you mean by “oorlopery na Glenwood”? Did some Waterkloof-players move to Glenwood?

    5 May, 2013 at 19:13
  105. avatar
    #39 Tandem

    @gimmie: Gimmie , I agree that to have 7 Boishaai players in the team is questionable , I expected at least 9 ! :twisted: :twisted:

    5 May, 2013 at 19:10
  106. avatar
    #38 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Is dit nou 11 van Boishaai en 11 van Paul roos?

    5 May, 2013 at 19:02
  107. avatar
    #37 Ploegskaar

    @Oom Kaspaas: Geen kriteria anders as die 11/11 voorwaarde nie.

    5 May, 2013 at 19:00
  108. avatar
    #36 Ploegskaar

    @Oom Kaspaas: Oom moet vir Beet vra vir ‘n Boishaai trui, oom lyk so bietjie grys van die koue :wink:

    5 May, 2013 at 18:58
  109. avatar
    #35 Oom Kaspaas

    @gimmie: hoe werk die proefspanne se samestelling?

    5 May, 2013 at 18:54
  110. avatar
    #34 Tjoppa

    @Hanswors:Hou die seuns al vir jare dop maar ek dink hul jaar sal volgende jaar kom. Baie sterk in ouderdomsgroepe gewees. Wonder egter hoe gaan die oorlopery na Glenwood hulle krag voor benadeel. Glo nie 0/16’s van die jaar gaan ‘n beduidende invloed he op hul prestasies volgende jaar nie.
    Wat het van Lendo Greyling geword? Weet jy?
    Maar kom ons wees eerlik Paarl Gym en Kwaggas uitsonderlik die jaar. En enige span wat hoop om hulle te wen sal hul eers voor moet pakslae gee. En ongelukkig het geen ander span in die land daardie vermoe nie. Miskien Monnas ek weet nie. Die enigste span wat enigsins nog ‘n kans volgens my staan om no 1 te word is Affies MAAR ek twyfel sterk. Het nog nooit soveel talent op die veld bymekaar gesien wat sulke gemors opdis nie. Dit strompel van een wedstryd na die ander en wen met een of twee oomblikke van individuele briljantheid.
    Ek dink Paarl Gym is die no 1 van vanjaar.

    5 May, 2013 at 18:22
  111. avatar
    #33 Hanswors

    @TJOPPA: Ek stem saam met jou stelling dat Klofies se agterlyn nie oipgewasse teen die ooms was nie – ek verneem uit ‘n betroubare bron dat net die 9 en 15 in Gr 12 is.

    5 May, 2013 at 18:09
  112. avatar
    #32 Tjoppa

    @gimmie: Do not worry this is going on all over. Not saying it is right. We must however understand it is selectors selecting and not the boys. Maybe this is the reason of so many WC schoolboys looking to move up here.

    5 May, 2013 at 10:53
  113. avatar
    #31 gimmie

    I wrote earlier in the week that I found it mind boggling that Boishaai had 7 players in th WP A team. Yesterday in my view proved conclusively that the selectors should resign as they are at best clueless or at worse not objective. I want to again stress that this is not about more Gimmies in the team, I think 5 is the right number. I just cannot see how a team that has now lost 3 games, beat Graaf Reinnette by 2 points, Bishops by 4 and drew with Rondebosch at Newlands day can have nearly halve the team. Having now seen them play 3 games only Dante and both Du Toits should be in contention. boishaaiPa @ Tandem, am I missing something?

    5 May, 2013 at 09:45
  114. avatar
    #30 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyrealis: Sinvolhied kry dit nerens in die reels nie. Verduidelik asb.

    5 May, 2013 at 07:59
  115. avatar
    #29 Tjoppa

    @Klofie Pa: Watter een die oulike een of die ander een. Moet se dit wat hulle oor die “onopgevoede” een se is waar. Ongelukkig is dit net daar waar die game werklik buite julle bereik geraak het. Maar sy werk was om balle te vertraag en nou ja uitgevang en gestraf. Maar wonder steeds oor die laaities in die agterlyn. Hulle was werklik fisies nie opgewasse teen die ooms nie.
    Maar jou reaksie soos ons jou leer ken het.

    5 May, 2013 at 07:58
  116. avatar
    #28 Ploegskaar

    @Klofie Pa: So ‘n bek verdien ‘n 6-pack Graeme Beck Game Reserve, sal daai tyd en plek nog saam met jou en ‘n paar van die minder kakkerige ouens hier vind. Respek, ou maat.

    4 May, 2013 at 21:46
  117. avatar
    #27 Rugbyrealis

    Die”groundrules” van die blog het betrekking:HOU ASB DAARBY om sinvolhied te verseker!

    4 May, 2013 at 20:33
  118. avatar
    #26 jakkie

    @Klofie Pa: jys darem maar ‘n lekker ou!!

    4 May, 2013 at 20:19
  119. avatar
    #25 Klofie Pa

    Weer n lekker pak gekry!! ai tog!!
    Maar dankie vir n lekker game Gim. Nie sommer dat my seuns afkom en se “Pa wat n lekker game ten spyte van die telling!”
    Baie geluk aan Gim!! Julle verseker een van seker die beste skoolspanne ooit!!

    4 May, 2013 at 20:05
  120. avatar
    #24 jakkie

    Grey le Maandag seker nr.1

    4 May, 2013 at 19:52
  121. avatar
    #23 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Onthou om jou tanne in die glas water te sit anders sluk jy hulle in en praat dan rerig deur jou poepol. Onthou ook bietjie jik by die water te gooi. Slaap vanaand by vriende want bussie loop ma stadig huis toe. Die Affie pappies babbel en Klofies dink. Nag ou lelik.

    4 May, 2013 at 19:25
  122. avatar
    #22 BOG

    @BOG: Man, probeer nou regtig konsentreer. Ek gaan nou kyk hoe die BB gepiets word. En moenie vergeet om vir die nagsuster te vra vir n teug suurstof en daarna vir jou snoesig toe te maak nie. Nag

    4 May, 2013 at 19:20
  123. avatar
    #21 Tjoppa

    @BOG: r r r r r. Laptop baie oud en die e wil nie altyd tik nie. Sal egter bedag wees met die er. Sal hom pienk verf dan sal ek seker wees om nie in swak smaak met jou koespondeer nie.

    4 May, 2013 at 19:19
  124. avatar
    #20 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Dit wil voorkom asof daar helderheid by jou deurgebreek het. Laat ons aan die einde vd seisoen praat- dan het ons die onlangse geskiedenis/ rekord beskikbaar. Jou voortdurende gebruik vd woord “Gey”, dui egter op swak smaak en ek kan nog daarby voeg, maar nodeloos om te se, is ook iets waaraan ons gewoond geraak het. Die oorsprong? Jaloesie en afguns.

    4 May, 2013 at 19:14
  125. avatar
    #19 Tjoppa

    @BOG: So die skeidsregter se foutjie teen Kwaggas het julle verdien want eintlik het julle nie verdien om te wen nie. So jou geteem was pure verniet. Of was dit bad luck.

    4 May, 2013 at 19:11
  126. avatar
    #18 BOG

    O, en wat jy se, is bloot spekulasie. Bad luck, sover ek weet, is nie deel van hulle woordeskat nie. En soos wat ek gese het, het Monnas toevallig die beste rekord van alle skole, teen GCB, ongeag hulle “posisie op watter ranglys” ookal. Daar is dus altyd groot respek vir hulle.

    4 May, 2013 at 19:07
  127. avatar
    #17 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Kyk Grey rugby al 14 jaar dus goed vertroud met wat jy se. Wat ek se is dat jul oorheersing van rugby einde se kant toe staan. Maar kom ons speel mooi en praat aan die einde van die seisoen. Of dalk al so gou soos Saterdag. Maar soos ek reeds gese het Affies se spelpeil so onvoorspelbaar soos jou poepe. Een droog vier nat. Nag ou lelik.

    4 May, 2013 at 19:06
  128. avatar
    #16 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Soos wat ek vir jou gese het,sal wat jy se, miskien net moontlik as n opinie kwalifiseer. Di egter duidelik dat jy nie vertroud is met Grey guts nie. Dikwels, wanneer dit moontlik nie so goed gegaan het nie, het daardie guts die wa deur die drif geneem. Maar di iets wat jy onwaarskynlik sal verstaan. Wat die eerste wedstryd betref, dink ek nie dat hulle n afdag gehad het nie. Inteendeel. Die seisoen is nog lank en teen die einde daarvan, mag jy net MOONTLIK groter begrip he vir wat ek hierbo gese het.

    4 May, 2013 at 18:59
  129. avatar
    #15 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Geen vlakke van frustasie nie Bog. Julle geskiedenis staan soos ‘n paal bo water Maar wanneer laas het ‘n span wat nie eers in die top 20 is julle so verniel nie. Jul skrumwerk is om die minste te se verdag en jul agterlyn bra gemiddeld. My persoonlike opinie is dat die Kwaggas is erg af dag teen julle gehad het. Soos ek reed gese het 4-20 kan mekaar enige dag wen maar 1&2 ten minste 20 punte beter as enige ander skool. Jul 2de jaar nie no 1 nie. In die geskiedenis wanneer laas het julle sulke bad luck gehad Boggie.

    4 May, 2013 at 18:46
  130. avatar
    #14 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Jy is nie n uitsondering nie. Baie het al die fout gemaak, gehoop (en gebid) vir hulle ondergang, maar meer dikwels as nie, sonder sukses. Inteendeel, slegs in 5% vd gevalle. Dit verklaar waarskynlik julle hoe vlakke van frustrasie.

    4 May, 2013 at 18:38
  131. avatar
    #13 Tjoppa

    Geskiedenis geskiedenis geskiedenis. Julle is reg om geslag te word en ek wonder of die undercoached, no game plan, warm en koud Affies julle dalk net Saterdag gaan verniel nie.

    4 May, 2013 at 18:31
  132. avatar
    #12 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Siestog tjoppie, laat my eendag weet as jy ooit vir GCB steun teen n ander span. Daardie dag loop ek op water. Maar met n telling van 34-4 oor die jare, sal ek ook gefrustreerd voel en n pienk hemp dra. Jou kommentaar, met die rek van grense en redelikheid, sal moontlik net-net deurglip as n opinie.

    4 May, 2013 at 18:28
  133. avatar
    #11 Tjoppa

    @BOG: At least they do not stop the games when it rains. Must be why Monnas almost whipped you guys. If it rains in Bloemfontein everybody must sit on the stoep and stare. Well done Monnas the team that deserved but could not win today. Guts by die emmersvol

    4 May, 2013 at 17:57
  134. avatar
    #10 BOG

    Also here, we will have as many opinions as we have comments. A side and an individual can also only as well as the opposing players allow you to play.

    4 May, 2013 at 16:18
  135. avatar
    #9 Woltrui

    Span van die dag: EG Jansen
    Voorspeler van dag: Loskop stut van Monnas.
    Agterspeler van dag: Loskakel van EG Jansen
    Speler van dag: Morne Swart, no 7, van EG Jansen.
    EG, Paarl Gim en Outenikwa tans die form spanne in Sa. Garsies wat vandag 60 punte teen Centurion opgesit het ook n vorm span.

    4 May, 2013 at 15:59
  136. avatar
    #8 wakker akker

    KWAGGAS uitstekend. Julle is ysters.

    4 May, 2013 at 13:16
  137. avatar
    #7 wakker akker

    Glenwood .Dink julle het baie verkeerd bewys vandag. Great effort en welgedaan.GimOB dit is maar net wat ek opgelet het.My opinie nie almal sin nie.BOG hulle moes seker n bietjie van daai Durbanse brand hol kerrie geeet het

    4 May, 2013 at 13:06
  138. avatar
    #6 BOG

    @wakker akker: Ek dink die rede vir hulle goeie vertoning is dat hulle nie curry saam met hulle pa geeet het gisteraand nie. Of hoe? :mrgreen:

    4 May, 2013 at 11:56
  139. avatar
    #5 GimOB

    @wakker akker: Ai, ai, ou rakker!

    4 May, 2013 at 11:29
  140. avatar
    #4 gimmie

    @Grasshopper, Glenwood is wasting opportunities, they should be leading…

    4 May, 2013 at 11:18
  141. avatar
    #3 wakker akker

    Gym nie so goed vertoon.Shinckerling al wat regtig sy lyf op spel gesit het.Vermeulen te veel in agterlyn en kom nooit verby eerste tackle nie.Teen Outeniqua was hy ook deur 65kg Human en no. 9 op twee verskillende oomblikke hard aarde toe gebring.Wel twee mooi tackles gemaak maar nie impress.Rikus konstante wedstryd.6 en 7 van waterkloof beter vertoon.

    4 May, 2013 at 11:03
  142. avatar
    #2 beet

    Marco Holmes continues his good work for Jansies and flyhalf Ruan Potgieter proving to be a very useful ball player.

    4 May, 2013 at 10:16
  143. avatar
    #1 beet

    Well so far an excellent performance by JD Schickerling with Ryan Oosthuizen, Rikus Bothma, Grant Hermanus and Wyatt Murphy looking very good for Gim.

    4 May, 2013 at 10:16

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