Brackenfell Sports Weekend – stunning line-up of Western Cape Schools


The HS Brackenfell organisers have put together an unbelievably good list of schools for their festival. A total of 96 teams will take part.


Brackenfell Sports Weekend – Saturday 09 March 2019
HS Brackenfell : A-field (30min x 2)
08:00 HTS Bellville 1st XV vs Jan van Riebeeck 1st XV
09:05 Edgemead 1st XV vs Montana 1st XV
10:10 Labori 1st XV vs Strand 1st XV
11:15 Milnerton 1st XV vs Wynberg 1st XV
12:20 Bellville 1st XV vs SACS 1st XV
13:25 Durbanville 1st XV vs Paarl Gim 1st XV
14:30 Stellenberg 1st XV vs Oakdale 1st XV
15:35 Brackenfell 1st XV vs Outeniqua 1st XV
HS Brackenfell: B-field (30min x 2)
08:00 Milnerton u16A vs Worcester Gim u16A
09:05 Fairbairn 1st XV vs Bonnivale 1st XV
10:10 Robertson 1st XV vs Melkbosstrand 1st XV
11:15 Fairmont 1st XV vs Bredasdorp 1st XV
12:20 Bosmansdam 1st XV vs Martin Oosthuizen 1st XV
13:35 Outeniqua u15A vs Milnerton u15A
14:30 Stellenberg u15A vs Oakdale u15A
15:35 Bredasdorp u16A vs Melkbosstrand u16A
HS Brackenfell:C-field (30min x 2)
08:00 Paarl Gim u15A vs Durbanville u15A
09:05 Worcester Gim u15A vs SACS u15A
10:10 Bellville u16A vs SACS u16A
11:15 Stellenberg u14A vs Oakdale u14A
12:20 Stellenberg u16A vs Oakdale u16A
13:25 Boland Landbou u14A vs Outeniqua u14A
14:30 Outeniqua u16A vs Brackenfell u16A
15:35 Paarl Gim u16A vs Durbanville u16A
Laerskool Brackenfell: (30min x 2)
08:00 Montana u15A vs Bosmansdam u15A
09:05 Melkbosstrand u14A vs Bredasdorp u14A
10:10 Edgemead u16A vs Martin Oosthuizen u16A
11:15 Worcester Gim u14A vs Milnerton u14A
12:20 Robertson u16A vs Bosmansdam u16A
13:35 Fairbairn u15A vs Robertson u15A
14:30 Bredasdorp u15A vs Melkbosstrand u15A

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  1. avatar
    #36 Kattes-Strofes

    @BrotherBear: Brombeertjie ! Of moet ek liewer sê “Brother from another mother”! Ek wil nou nie negatief klink nie, maar ai! Daar is min hoop vir die Brakkies vir 2019 en 2020, en miskien selfs tot in 2021. Manne het darem vandag op Nuweland “guts” getoon teen n Milnerton span wat baie verbeter het oor die laaste klompie jare. Het gisteraand by skoolhoof gehoor dat daar in die 2021 matriek groep, ongeveer net 100 seuns in hul graad 8 jaar, ingeskryf het. Van hierdie manne, is daar net oor die 20 manne wat ruggas jol. Het dus vanjaar ook net een O/16 span. Lyk darem of dinge daarna sal verbeter. O/14 en O/15 groepe lyk darem heel skaflik, en ek glo hulle sal vorentoe kompeterend wees. Vanjaar se O/15 groep sal seker maar moet help in 2021.

    Sien julle het goeie wen teen Klofies gehad. Sien dus ook uit om julle wedstryd teen Boishaai te volg die naweek.

    13 March, 2019 at 00:08
  2. avatar
    #35 BrotherBear

    @Kattes-Strofes: jy gaan nog wragtag vir Brakkies in die wereldbeker in promote – 2019 “ek se”.

    12 March, 2019 at 19:32
  3. avatar
    #34 Kattes-Strofes

    Het nou net Boishaai en Paul Roos se spanne vir more gesien ! Soos ek verwag het, is beide op vol sterkte. Dit is mos nou hoe dit moet wees en wys ook waarom skole soos hulle, altyd aan die voorpunt draf. Geen foefies soos manne in watte toedraai nie. Ek is ook trots op my ander gunsteling, Brakkies, dat hulle ondanks n baie onder gemidelde ,tot swak groep vanjaar, nog nerens probeer wegkruip het nie. Hulle het tot dusver vanjaar, en ek glo ook hulle sal ook nog vorentoe, baie pak vat ! Maar ek het nog niemand van hulle (spelers en coaches) hoor kla oor onnodige bollie soos beserings ens. nie. Well done ! Partykeer moet mens ook pak kan vat soos n man !

    11 March, 2019 at 21:14
  4. avatar
    #33 Kattes-Strofes

    @boerboel: Ek hoor jou ! Maar Drosdy het ook blykbaar atlete uitgehad. Ek weet rerig nie goed Boishaai se O/14 span vanjaar is nie. Ek glo jou egter dat hulle talentvol is, en vorentoe sal verbeter.

    Ek weet nie of jy die O/14 wedstryd teen Drosdy gekyk het nie. Indien wel, glo ek jy sal saamstem dat hulle n meneer span het.

    11 March, 2019 at 16:47
  5. avatar
    #32 Kattes-Strofes

    @Gifappel: Giffie ! Respekvol moet ek van jou verskil. Praat gerus met die seuns ! Een en almal wil die geleentheid hê om op Nuweland uit te draf! Dit is ook moontlik die laaste geleentheid vir hulle om dit te kan doen. Ek weet hoe opgewonde my klong destyds was, en selfs fotos, waarop hy nie eers die fokus was nie, gesoek en afgelaai het.

    Dan moet skole nie ook kom met die storie van “dit is nie ons 1ste span nie”.Wanneer jy jou skool se eer verdedig, is die manne wat opdraf jou 1ste span. Die telbord wys nie bv. Brakkies 2des nie. Anders sal mense met allerhande stront verskonings kom, oor hul beseerdes en manne wat nie beskikbaar is nie. Ek weet dat Boishaai en Brakkies beslis met hul beste spanne sal opdaag, al het eersgenoemde ook taai opposisie die komende naweek.

    11 March, 2019 at 16:41
  6. avatar
    #31 Gifappel

    @CharlesZA: Nuweland is vreeslik afgewater, die sentiment oor Nuweland moet ook maar laat vaar word.

    Skep iets nuuts, oorspronklik en uniek.

    Dit is nou tyd vir verandering, superrugby stadions is omtrent dolleeg…

    11 March, 2019 at 11:25
  7. avatar
    #30 CharlesZA

    @Gifappel: Sal nie verbaas wees as ons Seccies more aand speel. Affies Vrydag is n groot game vir ons.

    11 March, 2019 at 10:50
  8. avatar
    #29 boerboel

    @Kattes-Strofes: ek dink HJS speel weer teen Drostdy se junior spanne-sal dan n beter idee sit-5 manne by atletiek-net week geoefen etc

    nie verskoning nie maar daar is baie talent in die groepie

    11 March, 2019 at 09:44
  9. avatar
    #28 Gifappel

    @Kattes-Strofes: Het Drostdy die hele Worcester Laer ‘all star’ span gekoop?

    Drostdy se eerstespan maar nie baie sterk nie.

    Moenie te veel in HJS se telling lees nie.

    More aand is dit Nuweland.

    HJS moet sommer sy Hommels na die sirkus stuur.

    11 March, 2019 at 08:48
  10. avatar
    #27 PlattelandMan

    @Kattes-Strofes: Hi Oom Kattes. Ek dink oom het laasweek die vraag gevra van hoeveel Worcester Primêr seuns van laasjaar in daardie span is. ek het Saterdag met ‘n baie geloofwaardige brong gesels wat aangedui het dat net twee van daardie seuns in Drostdy se o/14A span is.

    11 March, 2019 at 08:40
  11. avatar
    #26 Kattes-Strofes

    @Gifappel: Jip ! Eerste span gister op Porterville vir HTS Drosdy met 64-3 geklop. O/16A wen 41-19, O/15A wen 36-10 en O/14A verloor 21-0. Hoor 1ste span het weer baie skietgoed. Sommige Boishaai ondersteuners het vrae om die O/14 span se uitslag. Ek het egter vir Drosdy se O/14 span verlede naweek in aksie gesien, en is seker dat daar bitter min, indien enige span vir hulle vanjaar sal klop. Werklik n baie talentvolle en goed afgerigte span.

    10 March, 2019 at 22:46
  12. avatar
    #25 Gifappel

    HJS al gespeel?

    10 March, 2019 at 21:58
  13. avatar
    #24 Kattes-Strofes

    @Ploegskaar: Thanks, Ploegie ! Jip! Ons Brakkies spanne moes ook maar sonder ons WP atlete (Altesame 29 WP atlete, moet byvoeg darem nie almal seuns nie), en beseerdes klaarkom. Soos jy weet, het ons nie enige diepte nie, en daarom is selfs n redelike uitslag, al is dit n verloor, teen n gesiene rugby skool soos Boland, vir die Brakkies n goeie vertoning.

    10 March, 2019 at 11:33
  14. avatar
    #23 Ploegskaar

    @Kattes-Strofes: 19-5, against a u15 Landbou team missing all their athletes (like the u14 team). Nonetheless a great sporting weekend that provides one with a good look at the season’s opponents

    10 March, 2019 at 10:36
  15. avatar
    #22 Kattes-Strofes

    My observations of the day,s u/19 main matches.

    Milnerton will be the surprise package this season in the WP. They totally outplayed Wynberg, winning 46-14. Although the latter claimed afterwards that this was their second team, nothing must be taken away from a well drilled and classy Milnerton. In fact, even if Wynberg,s claim are proven to be true, I still believe that they would have had a very tough time against this Millies side.

    SACS had to work hard for their 19-7 victory over Bellville. I expect them to be competitive against their Southern Suburbs neighbours, but unfortunately I also think that they will struggle against the Winelands powerhouses.

    Durbanville gave a spirited 1st half performance against Paarl Gim. However ! The Gim,s slow poisen took their tole in the 2nd half, as the well conditioned and talented Paarl outfit, took control of proceedings, to run away with the match 32-0.

    Stellenberg really have a good team this year. They have a solid pack of forwards, that execute the basics very well. Flyhalf Nivan Petersen is a capable no.10, that controls play very well. They have very few noticable weaknesses, and were full value for their 21-10 victory over the Oakdale Bulls. The latter, strangely, do not have the same big juggernaut pack, as we have come to expect from the Riversdale farmers.

    Hosts Brakkies are in for a torrid season. They do not have the forwards who can dominate opponents, and this hampers their free running backs, who tried to run everything, even under extreme pressure. Things are looking more brighter for the future, as the Brakkies juniors, with a weakened U/15A side (missing 6 key players) narrowly losing 15-7 against Boland, and their U/14A, beating Strand 35-0.

    Outeniqua, as I expected, has a quality side, full of youngsters ( heard there were no less than 8 players in the side, that is still u/17). Although they were not really tested today, I still think they will be a handfull for many an opponent.

    9 March, 2019 at 21:26
  16. avatar
    #21 AntonT

    Stellenberg 24 – Oakdale 10

    9 March, 2019 at 17:19
  17. avatar
    #20 AntonT

    Stellenberg het die wind baie goed gebruik. Toe die matrieks 0/16 was het hulle Outeniqua ‘n goeie pakslae gegee. Stellenberg gaan moeilik wees die jaar. Nou al oorwinnings oor Oakdale en Drostdy.

    Outeniqua het ‘n klomp jong ouens in die span, meer as die helfte was verlede jaar nog 0/16 maar ek dink hulle het die grote en gewig voor. Met twee baie goeie losskakels. Thorne het Cravenweek gespeel verlede jaar en die ander 10 is deel van die SA 0/17 ontwikkelings groep. Ek weet daar is baie spoed op die vleuels maar kon dit nie in die wedstryd sien nie. Eindtelling Outeniqua 62 – Brackenfell 0

    9 March, 2019 at 17:16
  18. avatar
    #19 Oakdale supporter

    Kan die manne(of vroue) wat more by Brakkies se dag is asb tellings opsit. Ek sal veral graag die ouderdoms groepe se tellings tussen Oakdale en Stellenberg wil sien. Baie Dankie

    8 March, 2019 at 15:24
  19. avatar
    #18 PlattelandMan

    @CharlesZA: Ons manne moes maar kwaai duik. Kon darem al die fringe spelers ‘n kans gee asook my twee sterk maar onfikse stutte. Ons het ongelukkig ‘n net net te klein groep om ‘n 2de span te hê so ons het gister se wedstryd gebruik om ons diepte te toets en daardie manne wedstryd fiksheid te gee. Paar van die manne laat rus voor Saterdag se wedstryd teen Hoërskool Oudtshoorn.

    Ek het een van die manne in SPAR raakgeloop. Wonder of dit nie maar was vir ‘n “lining”nie.

    8 March, 2019 at 08:07
  20. avatar
    #17 CharlesZA

    @PlattelandMan: Sien ons 3des goeie wen behaal daar by julle vandag. Maar die bars in die dorp dophou vannaand. Paar gevaarlike coaches wat ons 3des coach.

    7 March, 2019 at 18:05
  21. avatar
    #16 PlattelandMan

    @CharlesZA: Sal dan lekker wees om julle volgende jaar weer hier te ontvang. Bietjie Netbal ook saambring.

    6 March, 2019 at 12:50
  22. avatar
    #15 beet

    @Wittes: No I didn’t know it was on this weekend. I’ve heard about it in past years and seen a few pictures. I’m sure this is the first time I’ve heard the name Dal Josefat. Anyway enjoy!

    5 March, 2019 at 21:21
  23. avatar
    #14 CharlesZA

    @PlattelandMan: Kry die groter skole om B spanne ook te bring. Die 2 dag idee is ook nice want vir ons wat 3 spanne het wat met bus vroeg moet ry om 08:00 te speel en dan eers na 16:00 by skool kom, raak die dag lank.

    5 March, 2019 at 19:34
  24. avatar
    #13 PlattelandMan

    @Wittes: @CharlesZA: Ons kan dit so maak. Probleem lê dan by kleiner skole wat nie kans sien vir groot tellings teen groot skole nie. Daar is baie versoeke van skole wat in ag geneem word ook en verkorte wedstryde maak dit maklik. Ek oorweeg om volgende jaar dalk die fees oor twee dae te hou met spanne wat dan ver ry wat in koshuis kan oorbly en twee bietkie langer wedstryde te kan kry.

    5 March, 2019 at 18:42
  25. avatar
    #12 Wittes

    @beet: yeah… athletics mate… don’t tell me you’re not aware of the WP Championship’s between SWD,Boland and WP this coming weekend in Paarl..Gonna be jam-packed full of excitement as well

    5 March, 2019 at 18:28
  26. avatar
    #11 CharlesZA

    @PlattelandMan: Kan julle nie die games volle games maak eerder as die 20 minute goed sonder skoppe. Verstaan nie hoekom dit so moet wees.

    Ja was n goeie wen gewees, manne het baie goed verdedig. Hoop ons kan nog so n performance kry die naweek.

    5 March, 2019 at 13:50
  27. avatar
    #10 PlattelandMan

    @CharlesZA: Net so. Rig nou o/11 en o/19A af. Beplan om volgende jaar die Tierefees nog ‘n bietjie uit te brei. Sterk moontlikheid vir verversings vir die plaaslike toeskouers ook.

    Baie geluk met die o/19A manne van Stellenberg se wen. Het bietjie op SSL gekyk. Was amper ‘n derbydag met Juniors by ons en eerstes op Landbou.

    5 March, 2019 at 10:46
  28. avatar
    #9 CharlesZA

    @PlattelandMan: Jy mos by Hopefield gecoach. Jy nou by Dirkie Uys?

    5 March, 2019 at 10:41
  29. avatar
    #8 PlattelandMan

    @Kattes-Strofes: Was baie lekker om die Brakke op Moorreesburg te hê. Moet saamstem oor daardie o/14 span, hulle was baie indrukwekkend. Ek is ook beindruk met hulle o/16 groep se groei. Ek het laasjaar ‘n o/15 span afgerig wat teen hulle gespeel het maar daardie selfde seuns lyk na ‘n “different breed”. Baie goeie konditioneringswerk ook.

    5 March, 2019 at 10:28
  30. avatar
    #7 Kattes-Strofes

    Beet ! I agree. However! Brakkies have now established a solid relationship with Wynberg, and it would seem that this fixture will become an annual event. Wynberg also played Brakkies last season, at round about the same time.

    This is also about gaining more experiance against some of the big boys, which I believe will benefit the age group sides in the future.

    By the way ! The Brakkies juniors (u/14 and 15) has an even a bigger challenge. They played this week-end shortened matches at Mooreesburg against Stellenberg and Drosdy, and will face Wynberg tomorrow and Boland on Friday evening.

    I must mention the brilliant u/14 team of Drosdy. They have everything. Power, pace, size and skill. Heard that no less then 12 provincial primary schoolboys (a number of Worcester primary,s great team of last year) are in their squad, and it really showed. Totally outplayed both Brakkies and Stellenberg.

    5 March, 2019 at 00:51
  31. avatar
    #6 beet

    @Kattes-Strofes: Wow! No disrespect but isn’t that overkill. Wynberg have Milnerton on Saturday. I would bank on them getting by in that one quite comfortably. But for Brakkies to take on Berg then the Kwaggas??? Big ask! #mountain_climbing :-P

    4 March, 2019 at 23:38
  32. avatar
    #5 Kattes-Strofes

    @beet: Hi Beet ! Brakkies will be playing Wynberg at home tomorrow (Tuesday 5 March). All the various age groups A and B teams will be in action, starting 15h00. The 1st teams kick-off is at 17h00.

    4 March, 2019 at 22:53
  33. avatar
    #4 beet

    @Wittes: whahahaha. I googled Dal Josafat thinking it was a religious occasion of sorts. I assume you are referring to athletics?

    I think Brackenfell Rugby Day is going to be too good.

    4 March, 2019 at 22:42
  34. avatar
    #3 Wittes

    Wat n heerlike naweek om na uit te sien, nogals jammer dat dit gepaard gaan met die WP High Schools Athletics Champs te Paarl…
    Sou graag rugby wou sien maar Dal Josafat sal maar moet doen die naweek….sterkte aan al die spanne betrokke en mag rugby seevier op die dag

    4 March, 2019 at 20:07
  35. avatar
    #2 beet

    For me this is the surprise of 2019 so far. Such a good line up. Well done to the organisers. I really hope supporters turn out in their droves for this festival. For a day of great SBR, I think it will be hard to top this anywhere in SA this season.

    13 February, 2019 at 08:52
  36. avatar
    #1 Kattes-Strofes

    Looking forward to see how most of the best “boerewors curtain” schools will perform against many of the Western Cape,s big dogs. Two of the Nothern suburbs powerhouses, Stellenberg and Durbanville, that have commendable jacked up their rugby programme, will obviously be fully tested by Oakdale and Paarl Gim, respectively. The hosts, Brakkies, who also now have started to re-energize their rugby, will be facing a daunting task, against , what some of my inside informants tell me, is very powerfull Outeniqua lineup.
    Also nice to have some of the Southern Suburbs flag bearers, SACS (against Bellville) and Wynberg (against a Milnerton outfit that have shown some marked progress the last couple of seasons), strutting their stuff.

    12 February, 2019 at 11:47