Schoolboy rugby on TV

Unconfirmed but there appears to be great news for school rugby fans again in 2013. Megapro and Premier Interschools have 11 top quality live matches for 2013.

The programme has a distinct Western Cape flavour to it with half of the 22 teams involved in the broadcasts being from the province. Gauteng will feature four teams in the form of  KES (2), Jeppe and Monnas. Surprisingly Affies is omitted. Grey College will make three appearances. KZN’s Maritzburg College and Glenwood have one home game apiece. Grey High from Port Elizabeth, the only Eastern Cape team, completes the line up.

Full Schedule:

20-Apr-2013: KES vs Jeppe
27-Apr-2013: Outeniqua vs Paarl Gim
11-May-2013: Paul Roos vs Paarl Gim
18-May-2013: Maritzburg College vs KES
25-May-2013: Grey College vs Paarl BH
01-Jun-2013: Glenwood vs Monument
08-Jun-2013: Bishops vs Rondebosch
20-Jul-2013: Paarl BH vs Paul Roos
27-Jul-2013: Grey College vs Grey HS
03-Aug-2013: Paarl Gim vs Paarl BH
17-Aug-2013: Paul Roos vs Grey College


  1. avatar
    #70 CyndiAtRugby

    Eish, hope there are no ‘health & safety’ okes out there reading this. Can you imagine trying to get all those thousands of people out of the gates in an emergency? Its bad enough at the end of the 1st team game!! :wink:

    26 March, 2013 at 09:55
  2. avatar
    #69 Greenwood


    I was told by a teacher that seated stands -tuck shop & pool area can hold 7000 – add 2500 boys ,the old boys and family – 12000 quite possible especially against the Flies

    26 March, 2013 at 08:54
  3. avatar
    #68 Grasshopper

    Glenwood can host up to 5/6000 on their stands, I know because the whole school of 1,250 takes up about a quarter of the stands which wraps around the ground. Granted its seated closely but that is what happens on big derby games. Kearsney has quite a big main stand, Affies has a big stand too.

    21 March, 2013 at 07:05
  4. avatar
    #67 rugbyfan

    @BuiteBreek: Seating at schools matches is always a problem at big schools games not many schools that can seat more than a 1000 people on there stands would be interesting to find out what school has the biggest staduim facilty in SA all my years of traveling around i think the biggest stand at a school that we at GCB played against was most likely the Rec in Queenstown not sure how many they could seat but must be close to 4000/5000 if my memory serves me right.

    And other big staduims at school?

    21 March, 2013 at 06:41
  5. avatar
    #66 rugbyfan

    At least i see 3 GCB games here wonder how this was decided. As it seems very much like a Western Cape based thing even with Grey Bloem there it seems more a sum of they were pick because of there opersition.

    21 March, 2013 at 06:36
  6. avatar
    #65 BuiteBreek

    I’m sorry to burst a bubble, but i don’t think any school can boast a pavilion with a capacity of more than 3000. I’ve been lucky enough to have seen rugby played at GCB, Affies, Gim, Boishaai, Boland Landbou, Oakdale, Drostdy, Pretoria Boys, Grey PE, Framesby and a few others. Grey, Affies and Gim most probably can seat the most people. The Danie Craven Stadium seat 16000 with about 3000 on the main stand. . There is no way that any school can have host close to that number of people. That is why a game like Boishaai and Gim is moved to other bigger venues.

    21 March, 2013 at 00:31
  7. avatar
    #64 Grasshopper

    Damn! Going to be in Australia on business that week. Will have to send my dad down to get the low down…

    20 March, 2013 at 22:23
  8. avatar
    #63 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Its on Saturday the 18th of May. Will be massive!!

    20 March, 2013 at 21:38
  9. avatar
    #62 GreenBlooded

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Will be there like a bear!!

    20 March, 2013 at 20:12
  10. avatar
    #61 Grasshopper

    @horsie, what is the date of the game? Might have to make a sneaky trip up from the Cape to watch?

    20 March, 2013 at 19:18
  11. avatar
    #60 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Yeah at DHS Glenwood games theres literally no walking space. You have to be around from earlier to see the 1st team properly. There could be way more if there were proper stands and seat accommodation.

    Will you be at the game this year? think one or two of them will be quite close and a couple of the A team games may well be DHS victories :lol:

    20 March, 2013 at 18:28
  12. avatar
    #59 Grasshopper

    @Boishaaipa, hence I estimate 12000 at a DHS vs Glenwood game. Both schools have a permanent pavilions on one side for spectators, these take about 6,000 at Glenwood, maybe 5000 at DHS, then there are the 2500 boys on stands on the other side. The rest of the area is filled with spectators about 3 deep, so the 3,500 or so. Many more would come if it was held in a proper stadium. KES hosting more than that sounds a little inflated to me…

    20 March, 2013 at 17:29
  13. avatar
    #58 Woltrui

    @Gungets Tuft: I dont normally suport a sharky but I hope you stay the “lead dog”. Kick a%$! :mrgreen:

    20 March, 2013 at 17:09
  14. avatar
    #57 Gungets Tuft

    @Roger: Fantastic news. It’s already been a long struggle for him, I hope that he carries on improving and shakes off all the effects.

    20 March, 2013 at 16:50
  15. avatar
    #56 Roger

    @Gungets Tuft: Hello Gungets – fyi – Bidli attended assembly at the school this morning and was awarded full colours for cricket – very touching scenes. Check the website for photos.

    20 March, 2013 at 16:42
  16. avatar
    #55 Gungets Tuft

    @beet: And add the numbers of Old Boys on special reunions. In 2000 there were close to 5000 Old Boys on Goldstones. This year will be the same, the OBs circle the field about 10 deep, the warcry is loud .. if somewhat disjointed due to the amount of Fanta that has been phuza’d from 7pm the night before, as well as by the fact that many of us have not recovered from accidentally swallowing muti that we used to protect the livestock from the Rindepest. I would guess about 8 – 10 thousand people including a full turnout from the boys from both schools.

    20 March, 2013 at 16:08
  17. avatar
    #54 beet

    @BoishaaiPa: Its a good point. We tend to overestimate the SBR crowd sizes. I think an accurate measure is to look at the home schoolboy supporters at a compulsory to attend game and then guestimate the size of the rest of crowd from there, knowing how many boys attend the said school.

    20 March, 2013 at 15:28
  18. avatar
    #53 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: If you take all the boys from Grey and Boishaai you will get around 2000 boys sitting on the open pavillion. That pavillion is the filled to the max. Take another 2000 people on the main pavillion and the “houtdek” plus another 1000 or so milling around the field I would guess that it would be between 5000 to 6000 people max that was there in 2011…My gut says at most it could have been around 5000…The PRG vs Grey game played in the Danie Craven stadium in the same year wat packed to capacity and that was around 16000 people…

    20 March, 2013 at 15:22
  19. avatar
    #52 BOG

    @BoishaaiPa: Engineering would have required too much of the precious time which I set aside to spend at varsity. But my common sense tells me that what you are saying, is correct. It was on that, which I did my guess work. How many, do you think, attend the GCB/ Boishaai, on average, in Bloem? The boys alone, must be close to 1200?

    20 March, 2013 at 14:30
  20. avatar
    #51 BoishaaiPa

    Faure street is a much bigger area and stadium than any school field and its official seating capacity is around 15000. Then there is still the grass embankments and the whole cycle track that gets used during Interschools as well. Because you can only enter with a valid ticket, ticket sales is quite accurate and sales in excess of 20 000 is recorded. To be able to fit 15 000 to 20 000 people around any schoolground field (who would be able to see the match) would be a feat beyond any civil engineering abilities!…Unless some schools have Pavillions that can seat in excess of 10 000 people (About the size of Danie Craven pavillion in Coetzenburg), I fail to see how they can get 15000 plus spectators around a school rugby field..maybe on the grounds yes…but definatly not watching a match on a schoolfield.

    20 March, 2013 at 14:00
  21. avatar
    #50 Gungets Tuft

    @Greenwood: Eeesch, I get it from a spot next to Flanagans Panel Beaters .. {snigger} .. I am not joking, just past Beets lunch time hangout …

    Incredible Deception might sell them, Govans less likely. If you don’t come right then drop me a mail to the gungets at gmail address and I will see what I can do. Reasonable price, probably about R400 at most.

    20 March, 2013 at 13:56
  22. avatar
    #49 Gungets Tuft

    @Woltrui: I can see for miles …. South Pole almost …

    But I can feel hot breath on my nought and hear the pitter-patter of little paws on the snow … if my luck runs out it is going to a constellation of starfish for me .. 8-O

    20 March, 2013 at 13:54
  23. avatar
    #48 Greenwood


    Thanks – so we can get copies of Glenwood games from the school

    the 1st thing that comes to mind is that I would very much like to see that USA Schools –
    Glenwood match in I think 2011 that was stopped early because of that huge fight in the last ten minutes with the game being abandoned – I saw this in real time where a sinned binned USA player ran 80 meters from under his poles to join in the fight – even the USA coach climbed in – lasted about 2 minutes – very exciting to watch – not a good advert for SBR though but something i’ll never forget

    Th yanks were being beaten by a High School and could’nt handle it

    the lightie recorded the game but battery went flat 5 minutes before the barney

    20 March, 2013 at 13:44
  24. avatar
    #47 Greenwood

    Beet – Gungets

    thanks for this info – will get hold of a Manhattan unit

    where would I get this Govan Mani – Hi Fi Corp maybe ?

    20 March, 2013 at 13:28
  25. avatar
    #46 Woltrui

    @Gungets Tuft: Whats happening on Superbru. How is the view

    20 March, 2013 at 13:18
  26. avatar
    #45 Gungets Tuft

    @Greenwood: Just to clarify – I “record” to PVR, then play-back via the Manhattan which records …

    20 March, 2013 at 13:10
  27. avatar
    #44 Gungets Tuft

    @Greenwood: Buy yourself a Manhattan USB Audio/Video Grabber. Plugs into the USB port on a PC and records the video to your PC – then burn a DVD or keep it on an external drive – yours forever.

    20 March, 2013 at 13:07
  28. avatar
    #43 beet

    @Greenwood: You will be able to get a hard copy from Glenwood.

    Also you should google the DSTV problem. Lots of solution and ways to get around PVR recorder issues online.

    20 March, 2013 at 12:11
  29. avatar
    #42 Greenwood

    Horsefly No. 1

    Glenwood – DHS game last year

    I’m a bit peed off here – I “recorded ” this game on my dual view PVR which I rated as one of the best SBR games I have ever seen – The PVR packed up and I lost this recording – had a huge fight with DSTV about this because I tried everything to record this to a digital media center which cannot be done – apparently the “recording ” or playlist is only a shortcut to a program which is stored on DSTV computors

    If the decoder packs up you lose everything – enjoyed showing my mates this game but now its gone forever – what a pity !

    20 March, 2013 at 11:31
  30. avatar
    #41 BOG

    @Klofie Pa: Die getalle wat ek gegee het, is maar raaiwerk. Ek was al by beide Affies en PBHS wanneer Grey daar gespeel het en dit was propvol. Maar ek het gehoor dat die derby tussen Boishaai en Gym die meeste toeskouers lok- ek aanvaar maar hulle woord daarvoor. Miskien kan BHP vir ons groter duidelikheid gee.

    20 March, 2013 at 10:43
  31. avatar
    #40 PaarlBok

    Week ends of death:
    27-Apr-2013: Outeniqua vs Paarl Gim
    11-May-2013: Paul Roos vs Paarl Gim
    then THE match of the season
    3 August: Paarl Gym vs Paarl Boys’ High at Faure Street Ground in Paarl

    20 March, 2013 at 09:58
  32. avatar
    #39 Roger

    @Grasshopper: and KES Jeppe is definately the biggest :mrgreen:

    20 March, 2013 at 09:43
  33. avatar
    #38 Roger

    @Grasshopper: they have to find a way to fund their bursaries somehow Hopper :mrgreen:

    20 March, 2013 at 09:43
  34. avatar
    #37 Grasshopper

    Here we go again, the debate about which derby is bigger. Unless we have audited attendance stats thumb sucked numbers are what are stated. The Paarl Gim vs Boishaai derby is officially the biggest, but again it’s because it’s held in a stadium. To me this takes away from the traditions of home ground advantage and playing on the schools hallowed turf. A Glenwood vs DHS, Glenwood vs Westville, College vs Glenwood, Michaelhouse vs Hilton, Westville vs Kearsney derby could easily get in excess on 20,000 spectators if their grounds had the space. I mean there are 2500 boys just to start with. If these derbies were played in stadiums they would be bigger than they are. Glenwood charges R10 to enter on these games with the money going to charity. Based on this actual figures can be determined. I believe last year there was 12,000 at the DHS vs Glenwood game…but in the end we will all support our own derbies and each is unique.

    20 March, 2013 at 09:22
  35. avatar
    #36 Roger

    @Woltrui: you could take these games to small stadiums to accommodate the crowds but would lose all the atmosphere

    20 March, 2013 at 09:17
  36. avatar
    #35 Woltrui

    @Roger: KES definately one of the school boy rugby pitches in Gauteng whith the best atmosfere. The beautifull trees and the pavillions which is very close to the pitch makes it a special place to watch rugby. Through in a 1000 boys singing and you’ve got a real cauldron of emotion. My only critism is that the pavilions, although surrounding the pitch, is very small and don’t allow a lot of spectatures. You must really go to the trouble to watch a Affies Pretoria Boys High game. Affies big pavillions is to small to accomodate all the spectators. If a person is not sitting 3 yours before the kick off, go home. No space. 8-O

    20 March, 2013 at 09:03
  37. avatar
    #34 Klofie Pa

    @BOG: I can asure you a game between Affies and PBHS exceeds 15k!!!With us and Affies the count was not far behind. And this year its at Affies and will in my opinion be a match that will draw more than 20k.
    @BHP weet dis nog nie bevestig nie. Ons het beurt gehad verlede jaar. Dit is soos Wollie se n uitstekende geleentheid vir skole om hulself ten toon te stel. Sou ook meer van die skole in KZN wil sien sodat ek kan agterkom waarom die Souties sulke lang opstelle skryf oor die manne!!!
    Just pulling your legs guys!!! 8)

    20 March, 2013 at 08:40
  38. avatar
    #33 Roger

    @BOG: one day when in JHB take in a KES-Jeppe derby – 18,000 easily. In 1990, at the Jeppe centenary, at Jeppe, they reckon in excess of 22,000 – Jake White coached Jeppe then and James Dalton was supposed to play but was suspended for punching in the previous game. James will tell you that he missed the two biggest games of his career due to suspension – KES-Jeppe in 1990 and the World Cup Final in 1995 :-D

    20 March, 2013 at 08:39
  39. avatar
    #32 Woltrui

    @BoishaaiPa: Jy is reg BoishaaiPa. Ons kla met een groot wit brood onder die arm. Inderwaarheid ‘n groot poging om skole rugby op TV uit te saai. Persoonlik geniet ek die gees wat by die rugby heers, gee nie om of dit arthur is wat teen mather speel nie. Groot dankie vir die manne wat dit moontlik maak.
    Die uitsaai van die land se bestes, te wete die Pretoria skole, sal egter op prys gestel word :mrgreen:

    20 March, 2013 at 08:00
  40. avatar
    #31 BOG

    A culture is indeed something which needs to be built. The Boishaai and Gym clash is already well known and draws a crowd in excess of 15000. Several others are growing in stature. The ones with GCB and Affies, PRG , Boishaai ,Selborne is not quite there, but growing each year- more than 10000 spectators. What is more, there is good support for all the teams, right through to the U14 G side.

    20 March, 2013 at 07:51
  41. avatar
    #30 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Green Hopper:
    Yeah it’d be great to show them if it were Grey because their teams are consistently awesome, some schools recruit in select years, not always having the best team

    20 March, 2013 at 07:41
  42. avatar
    #29 Green Hopper

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: i think its about building a culture , look at the cheeries from Grey , and the u16 from Grey , the culture starts down at these levels

    20 March, 2013 at 07:36
  43. avatar
    #28 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Green Hopper:
    Yeah I also heard the comments by the club players about how great a crowd it was even though it was nowhere near as loud as it was for the 1st team game. I also agree on the quality of the two games, the club gamenever struck me and didn’t really grab my interest whereas the main game where every tackle, line break, penalty, kick was greeted with cheer did.

    Don’t know about U16A and 2nd team game,think that would benefit just those who have relations to the schools playing only

    20 March, 2013 at 07:33
  44. avatar
    #27 Green Hopper

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: agreed , if was at that game and i had old boys standing behind me , also the players and supports from the two clubs, they mad eth comments on how it was fantastic to play under and in the environment
    what was of stark contrast was the type of game, whilst these where two premier side clubs , it just didn’t seem as fast or as slick as the first team game that followed , and surprisingly the club supporters made these comments.
    One can’t look or try and work each one in isolation, the TV and sponsors are good and assist in bringing the entire unit together and with way it was set up it really worked and I know it was only a trial , but feedback was that they were going to make it an annual event
    Something needs to be done to bridge the gap from SBR to Club , even if the boys start at Clubs at School,
    I think what would have been really good , would have been u16 A game, then a Club u18 game, then school 2nd team followed by Premier Club warm up to the 1st team,
    Here the school boys will have a interest in the u18 club boys and even know them ,
    It’s a model that can only work in favour of all

    20 March, 2013 at 07:23
  45. avatar
    #26 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Totally agree with Greenhopper, the Club vs SBR has also come to my mind. While club rugby is good for SA Rugby structures, there’s something about SBR!
    I know people are complaining about some other people not finding interest in DHS Glenwood game but they did, I was surprised by some of my mates calling me during the match last year from all over SA and talking about it, telling me what a great advert it was for SBR.

    20 March, 2013 at 06:44
  46. avatar
    #25 Green Hopper

    @beet: What I think has been realised is that barring the Super rugby there are more people at schools boys rugby games on a Saturday and all day Saturday then Club Rugby , I think the Varsity Cup has shown a fair bit of interest , but by far a school day event has far more strike effect for Sponsors and possibly more market penetration at lower costs , reaching a far wider audience , you have people that are there for the support of the kids , you have old boys and you have old boys etc watching from all over the world
    Whilst I might have a particular bias in wanting to see Games on TV , I certainly think that games event from u16 and 2nd and 1st teams games should be shown , it will certainly drive up interest and as a business model it will certainly have great possibilities, I am all for it ,
    I think also it would help with selection of players and games can be recorded and reviewed, I just look at the interest in the DHS vs Glenwood game last year , even the Clubs have recognised that in order to get crowd support they play the warm up game to the 1st team, whilst they might feel a bit lowered by this in terms of seniority , they have to forsake this for the publicity and chance to play in front of large crowds and then it is televised in addition. I thought this combination of the three was a good all round affair and that it helped school and club ,
    Clun needs the exposure and boys need to bond with this at school as we lose too many after school, and the assistance of sponsors through TV and this is a wonderful concept

    20 March, 2013 at 01:13
  47. avatar
    #24 BoishaaiPa

    @Klofie Pa: Soos jy sal sien is dit “unconfirmed”…Ek sal eerder wag vir die offisiele weergawe voordat daar aanames gemaak word. Probleem is dat daar baie faktore ter sprake is wat nie genoem word nie. Die Pta skole word nie afgeskeep nie, daar is egter struikelblokke wat nog oorkom moet word. Dis nie so eenvoudig as wat dit klink nie. Daar is baie ure se harde werk agter die skerms ingesit deur Tiaan en Megapro om skolerugby te bevorder. Dit is slegs die begin!…Hou die spasie dop! :mrgreen:

    19 March, 2013 at 22:07
  48. avatar
    #23 Klofie Pa

    @Woltrui: dink nogal na die suksesvolle dag van sport en die getalle mense wat daar was, sou ek heel eerste in die kantoor van daan pierre gestaan het en beding!!!
    tiaan strauss…. ai goeie memories van die spanner!!!
    was n yster.

    19 March, 2013 at 16:59
  49. avatar
    #22 Woltrui

    @Klofie Pa: Thought Affies and Klofies would be a top quality derby to show. Maybe Tiaan Strauss (the MD?) got so many hidings from the Blue Bulls that he is still uncomfortable with everything north of the Vaal. :mrgreen:

    19 March, 2013 at 16:46
  50. avatar
    #21 Roger

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: drop in the ocean and of no interest to advertisers – hence the reason FNB are downscaling

    19 March, 2013 at 16:13
  51. avatar
    #20 Tjoppa

    @Klofie Pa: Maybe if too many games are shown more kids will want to move to PTown. Were will we host them all. Ag and what will the parents say if they do not make the C side

    19 March, 2013 at 16:12
  52. avatar
    #19 HORSEFLY NO.1

    They aren’t MY proper games of interest. They’re just my KZN ones. The ones I’d like nationally aren’t those(beside DHS one)

    On the contrary, DHS vs Glenwood last year apparently had QUITE a few viewers on TV. Forgot the numbers

    19 March, 2013 at 16:06
  53. avatar
    #18 Roger

    @beet: you are right – supporters like school boy rugby for its passion, never say die attitiude and willingness to have a go – results (mostly) are incidental – which is why it is best viewed live and local derbies attract significant crowds. Unfortunately, to use the example, very few people will tune in to watch Glenwood vs DHS on TV, other than those who would ordinarliy go to the game anyway.

    19 March, 2013 at 15:43
  54. avatar
    #17 beet

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: School rugby is very much still in the Vodacom Cup league when it comes to viewership. A lot of money will have to be ploughed in to grow the TV Audience. Very difficult. As you can see your games of interest are all here in KZN. Is the average rugby supporter from everywhere else in SA more likely to go out of his way to watch a KZN derby or have zero interest?

    19 March, 2013 at 15:37
  55. avatar
    #16 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Yeah they did but then SBR wasn’t as famous as now. Hopefully they’ll start airing more games.
    My KZN Wishlist(in order of importance):
    DHS vs Glenwood
    Glenwood vs College
    Kearsney vs Westville

    19 March, 2013 at 15:30
  56. avatar
    #15 Klofie Pa

    seems like cables are just to short to reach and cover
    a couple of schools in P- Town :?:

    19 March, 2013 at 15:29
  57. avatar
    #14 beet

    We are irritated because FNB Classic Clashes cut back on live TV games but it is still good to the schools and has helped schools out for many years. The schools are getting something out of hosting a match they would have otherwise have had to pay for themselves.

    19 March, 2013 at 15:16
  58. avatar
    #13 HORSEFLY NO.1

    DHS vs Glenwood last year was aired last year as a classic clash and not inter-schools. Hope they get to air it this year live! Was awesome last year and was played in good spirit. Good spectacle for SBR with great war-cries for both schools

    19 March, 2013 at 15:04
  59. avatar
    #12 Ploegskaar

    Wat ‘n teleurstelling. Gelukkig sal hierdie uitsendings dus beslis nie inmeng met wedstryde gaan kyk en lyne loop nie.

    19 March, 2013 at 14:50
  60. avatar
    #11 Maroon

    I might be wrong, but as I have it, schools are approached and sign up for Premier Interschools. The idea is only in it’s second year and will grow to incorporate more schools. They had to prove it as a business concept first and then attract sponsors in order to grow. FNB classic clashes started off as a great idea, but has been watered down to a farce.

    19 March, 2013 at 14:32
  61. avatar
    #10 Roger

    @Slam: so Kes Jeppe is botyh a classic clash as well as a premier inter schools clash – interesting!

    19 March, 2013 at 14:32
  62. avatar
    #9 BOG

    @Roger: As far as I know and confirmed by Slam, a reduced number are televised, but most, from what I can gather, are not- only sponsored. I think BHP once commented on this.

    19 March, 2013 at 14:18
  63. avatar
    #8 Slam

    @Roger: according to rugby365 they are taking place

    19 March, 2013 at 14:08
  64. avatar
    #7 Roger

    @beet:@BOG: are classic clashes no more?

    19 March, 2013 at 13:36
  65. avatar
    #6 beet

    @Roger: Thanks :twisted:

    19 March, 2013 at 13:17
  66. avatar
    #5 BOG

    @Roger: Lets be honest. The “FNB Clashes” became , or is a farce. Not so much the matches itself, but the “performance” of the commentators. And all the FNB “clashes”, I believe, are no longer on air. FNB just sponsors the day.

    19 March, 2013 at 13:08
  67. avatar
    #4 Ooorkant Loftus

    A lot of very exciting matches lined up for all of us to look forward to.
    Where will one be able to see what games will be FNB clashes this time round.

    19 March, 2013 at 12:44
  68. avatar
    #3 Amalekite

    @Roger: Clearly certain schools get preference:
    Paul Roos, Paarl Gym, Grey Bloem, Paarl Boys – All with 3 games each.
    KES – 2 games
    Bad luck if you support some the other top schools such as Dale, Queens, Framesby, Affies, Waterkloof, Centurion, Selborne etc.

    19 March, 2013 at 12:39
  69. avatar
    #2 Roger

    interesting – wonder what is happening with the FNB Classic Clashes? KES – Jeppe was always sponsored as such – as where others?

    19 March, 2013 at 12:13
  70. avatar
    #1 Roger

    Heh Beet – check this out: Shamelessly lifted from 365:

    Megapro have drawn up their list of matches for 2013 – all top matches, all to be shown on television.

    Some of the schools involved were on the FNB Top 20 at the end of the 2012 season Paarl Boys’ High (1), Paarl Gim (3), Grey College (4), Outeniqua (5), Paul Roos (8), KES (12) and Grey High (17). In fact all of the teams are perennially top teams in South Africa and will provide great contests.

    In all there are 11 matches.

    Premier Interschools Fixtures 2013

    20 April: KES vs Jeppe at KES

    27 April: Outeniqua vs Paarl Gym at Outeniqua

    11 May: Paul Roos vs Paarl Gym at Paul Roos

    18 May: Maritzburg College vs KES at Maritzburg College

    25 May: Grey Bloem vs Paarl Boys’ High in Bloemfontein

    1 June: Glenwood vs Monument at Glenwood

    8 June: Bishops vs Rondebosch at Bishops

    20 July: Paarl Boys’ High vs Paul Roos at Paarl Boys’ High

    27 July: Grey Bloem vs Grey PE in Bloemfontein

    3 August: Paarl Gym vs Paarl Boys’ High at Faure Street Ground in Paarl

    17 August: Paul Roos vs Grey Bloem at Paul Roos

    19 March, 2013 at 12:11

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