SA Schools Cricket team 2012

Cricket South Africa (CSA) on Thursday, announced the South Africa Schools XI team after the closing ceremony of the Coca-Cola Khaya Majola Under-19 Week in Potchefstroom.

South African Schools XI – 2012

  1. Diego Rosier – captain (Noord-Kaap – Griqualand West)
  2. Shakier Abrahams (Grey Boys’ High School – Eastern Province)
  3. Wesley Coulentianos (St. John’s College – Gauteng)
  4. Daryn Dupavillon (Maritzburg College – KwaZulu-Natal Inland)
  5. Clyde Fortuin (St. Joseph’s College – Western Province)
  6. Craig Kirsten (Kearsney College – KwaZulu-Natal)
  7. Greg Oldfield (Michaelhouse – KwaZulu-Natal Inland)
  8. Vasili Orros (Grey College – Free State)
  9. Shaylen Pillay (King Edward VII – Gauteng)
  10. Ngazibini Sigwili (Hudson Park – Border)
  11. Jason Smith (Wynberg Boys’ High – Western Province)
  12. Anrich Nortjé (Brandwag – Eastern Province)


  1. avatar
    #26 star

    @ Gungets- I think one wife is more than enough :lol: I still think there is too much influence from the wrong quarter. It can’t all be about my” precious”. When I watch the College boys line up behind the poles after Westville has scored yet another try :mrgreen: and they put their hands on their hearts these are traditions bourne on the field of battle and not around a table having a skinny cappy.
    @ Horsy- I hope not as any last minute moves are extremely problematic for all concerned.

    28 December, 2012 at 10:48
  2. avatar
    #25 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Are the 16 going to WBHS still going there or has the Madam gotten hold of a couple of them too?

    26 December, 2012 at 17:35
  3. avatar
    #24 Gungets Tuft

    @star: if you had to choose to send your son to every school that you have family from you would need more wives :wink:

    Make no mistake, the moms make the final decision. The men might say differently but I am right. Luckily for me my wife’s family are also College boys so the decision was easy to support my son’s choice. You don’t know the Madam. If you did there would no more questions.

    @Horse – I think only 1 were on the list and withdrew. Not an issue. College and boarding school is not the place for the undecided. The 1/2 hearted will not last, nor is it a place where you send your boys to “make men of them”, that is the parents job.

    It is all as it should be, anyone who can be convinced to move had never really decided in the first place.

    26 December, 2012 at 16:40
  4. avatar
    #23 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Gungets Tuft:
    Very sad. Seems College and DHS are the main losers here. How many boys is College and DHS getting now and how many were they initially getting?

    26 December, 2012 at 15:15
  5. avatar
    #22 star

    @ Gungets- Moms cabal- Seriously who is making the decisions? There is a joke about the teaparty/bookclub influence. When I told a well known College old boy about my decision he commented about history and the line of the father. I do not think further comment is necessary.

    26 December, 2012 at 15:07
  6. avatar
    #21 Gungets Tuft

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: The Madam had some success, managed to persuade 2 or 3 to change their minds, 1 College possible and 2 DHS. The other 2 she was targetting have decided on College anyway but have been removed from the “Group” on BBM. It was quite childish. Another ex-DPHS mom was basically ostracised – much to the amusement of the College moms. It is so transparent it is silly, but Madam was trying to build a competitive sports side that would carry her son, as has happened for a couple of years. High school is going to wake her up, unless Kearsney subscribes to parental pressure – which I am sure it does not (know a good number of parents there from the last 5 years or so).

    26 December, 2012 at 14:06
  7. avatar
    #20 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Round about the 40 margin too. Not too many Prep boys,lots of GWD Prep boys and a bunch of other boys. Will be a strong group but not as strong as this years one.

    @Gungets Tuft:
    Sad that DPHS didn’t release their scholarship winners on the Patter this year so I don’t know how many DHS is getting, only know of 3, do you know how many?

    Also sad that it has to come to parents doing these things, did the mom succeed in changing the kids choices from College to Kearsney?

    MHS was also strongarming though, many good kids going there, 3 very talented sportsmen from Prep too(the other with the same surname as the GWD head, maybe you know him?).

    Think DHS will have better luck as far as DPHS goes in 2013, this year was quite bad

    26 December, 2012 at 13:26
  8. avatar
    #19 Gungets Tuft

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Hilton were strongarming this year – properly. I know a College dad who’s second lightie was at Merchiston was badgered 1/2 to death, invited back for increased offers about 5 times. He has decided on College after all, kid was Merchiston 1sts for everything, you will hear his name mentioned – I will say “I told you so” when it does, but right now I just can’t remember it … :roll:

    Kearsney – there was a little Mom’s cabal working very hard to recruit at DPHS – not all the tactics were admirable. Have seen copied of texts and BBM’s highlighting “problem areas” at other schools – mainly College – to try and divert at least 2 of the DPHS boys. Snot nice John, snot nice at all. Then I had a wee dram with another Kearsney dad 2 days ago – his 3rd lightie heading off there this year (and his eldest to Rhodes where my daughter is going) – and he is a top man – who dislikes College more than any other school … :-) .. so it’s not pervasive, just prominent …. bwahhahhaaa …

    And at least one very good DPHS boy, top sportsman and academic, heading off to House where Dad is an Old Boy …

    26 December, 2012 at 12:54
  9. avatar
    #18 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, do you know how many DHS gave out?

    26 December, 2012 at 12:49
  10. avatar
    #17 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Yip. IMO it just shows how much pressure schools are under to get some real good sportsmen nowadays. A couple of years ago 29 scholarships wouldve been enough but not anymore. Remember, they offer 12 acaademic scholarships so 30 odd sports ones plus one or two cultural bursaries.
    Don’t know how many, usually the boys who made KZN for a sport get 100% and also the top 2 or 3 from the academic scholarship exam…

    26 December, 2012 at 10:46
  11. avatar
    #16 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, yep but of the 40 odd that includes academics. The ideal is to get an academic also good at sport. Of 220 boys coming in 40 is not that bad in my honest opinion. Also, how many of those are 100% bursaries/scholarships?

    25 December, 2012 at 21:50
  12. avatar
    #15 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Gungets Tuft:
    I have no idea who the other kid is. A couple of kids have made late decisions though, one of the KZN rugga players from Prep has now changed to Hilton, another kid snubbed Clifton for College in the 3rd term. Don’t know about Kearsney, but I hear that Mom did some sublime work for them

    25 December, 2012 at 21:26
  13. avatar
    #14 Gungets Tuft

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: I know a few of them – good lads. Still think the jump from primary to high school is huge and promise at primary school is just that .. promise. One late drop-out going to Clifton, pity, but the travel burden to PMB every week is not for sissies. It is a trip a week for sport and at least a trip every 4 weeks for return on Mondays. Sounds like a doddle but it’s not. If you are not in a lift club it is a pain in the arse. We are one down in our lift club, hopefully have a ready replacement.

    Two DPHS boys to Glenwood – one of them John Allen’s lightie – who is the other?

    25 December, 2012 at 18:49
  14. avatar
    #13 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Gungets Tuft:
    College I think has 7 Prep boys coming there next year. Two of them highly sought after, one is KZN golf,cricket,rugby,hockey, talented kid

    25 December, 2012 at 11:27
  15. avatar
    #12 HORSEFLY NO.1

    I saw the 2012 picture from one of the boys who received a bursary and come to think of it it couldve been a couple more but I definitely counted 42. Someone mentioned here earlier that WBHS had 72 boys on bursary for 2011 grade 8’s whilst I think DHS would have similar numbers to GWD.
    Interesting that GWD has gotten 2 DPHS boys on scholarship for next year whilst Kayser isn’t going there as previously thought. Lots of GWD Prep kids though, about 10

    25 December, 2012 at 11:24
  16. avatar
    #11 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: There were 18 at College in 2012, 20 the year before. Probably 10 of those are 3rd party funded – Allan Grey, Jacques Kallis etc.

    25 December, 2012 at 09:52
  17. avatar
    #10 Grasshopper 25 December, 2012 at 06:28
  18. avatar
    #9 Grasshopper

    See here, 32 bursaries and scholarships awarded in 2011;

    25 December, 2012 at 06:26
  19. avatar
    #8 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, I have never said 20 something, I in fact included links to pictures of the scholarship evening with 30 something and that was a few years ago. Not surprising it has increased considering other schools offer more. How many did DHS and Westville give out? How do you know it was exactly 42?

    25 December, 2012 at 06:24
  20. avatar
    #7 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Glenwood with 42 scholarship recipients for 2013. Takes the whole”we only offer 20something” garbage out!

    25 December, 2012 at 00:52
  21. avatar
    #6 kcob

    Well done to Sibs (DHS u16) and Tedder (Kearsney u16) being picked for the u19 Cubs Team.

    What are the Cubs:

    23 December, 2012 at 20:39
  22. avatar
    #5 HORSEFLY NO.1


    Yah but that’s SA B team. Doesn’t matter though, its all over and a new season awaits us!
    Former GWD Boy Sibonelo Makhanya also did pretty well at Coke Week being one of the top bowlers and pitching in with a few runs. He is only 16 this year so watch out for him

    23 December, 2012 at 11:22
  23. avatar
    #4 Grasshopper

    Kyle Symmonds made the Colts side….

    23 December, 2012 at 11:15
  24. avatar
    #3 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Surprising not to find any WBHS boy here since they were so good this year…

    23 December, 2012 at 08:51
  25. avatar
    #2 Grasshopper

    Well done to all the boys picked, especially the KZN boys. College and Kearsney have had great years with boys being picked in both the SA Schools rugby and cricket sides…

    23 December, 2012 at 08:06
  26. avatar
    #1 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Once again a very well done to all selected especially the KZN boys.
    I always wonder how well we would do with just one KZN side

    23 December, 2012 at 02:36

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