DHS & Glenwood meet to discuss rugby player

Information from a reliable source indicates that a meeting took earlier today (Tuesday 06 November) between the Glenwood and DHS heads. This was at the latter’s request. The meeting was to discuss the move of a prominent Grade 11 First XV rugby player from DHS to Glenwood. The tone or outcome of the meeting is not known at this stage but the two leaders having to meet face to face suggests it was a very serious affair.

In September 2012 several KwaZulu-Natal headmasters failed to reach an agreement on the issues surrounding the transfer of boys from one KZN school to another.  They decided that this matter was to be discussed further by the “State Boys Schools” and then taken to the ISASA schools conference.

The Headmaster’s Agreement (HMA) that did come into effect at the meeting held in September has no “jurisdiction” in this particular DHS/Glenwood matter. Had the student in question been classified as an under-19 player next year, in terms of the HMA he could possibly have faced a similar sanction  to the one imposed by three schools on Marne Coetzee earlier this year. The new HMA states that an under-19 player must have written Grade 10 final exams at the school he plays rugby for. However since the player in question will still be under-18 in 2013, there are no restrictions preventing him from playing rugby for Glenwood.

In all of this, consideration has to be given to what is in the student’s best interests and there also has to be a level of respect attached for the decision made by his parent/s or guardian/s.

The big picture concern is the state of the relationships between KZN schools. As the gap between school sports and professional sports narrows, the pressures brought about seem to be having an adverse effect on family values. Schools are entrusted to teach these to their students, perhaps it’s the teachers who are now in need of a bit of guidance.

(All comments made on Monday and Tuesday about the transfer have been moved to below this post)


  1. avatar
    #215 star

    @ Beet- You would be surprised. A lot of the properties were call Woodside because they were on the edge of things. That is how Stellawood got its name :mrgreen: I tease my oldman that his family had the compounds and my old lady the estates. Really p…. him off. :wink:

    15 November, 2012 at 14:43
  2. avatar
    #214 Greenwood

    Cindy – you are bailing so soon ? this may be a predominatly rugby site but comments drift into other aspects and sports at schools -here again Durban and surrounding High Schools seem to have quite a following from old boys who feel that their time at school was special and not only iro rugby – one of my regrets is that at primary school we only played cricket and soccer I moved from Bellair Primary -to GWD- I had never heard of rugby or Glenwood so this was a revelation to me and life changing – so away from rugby to swimming – I went to Glenwood’s Gala this year – awesome – take 1100 boys and pack them into Glenwoods confined swimming pool area and let them rip with their war cries – quite an experience

    really awesome !!double the vibe and volume we hear at rugby

    15 November, 2012 at 13:44
  3. avatar
    #213 beet

    @star: Any chances you being related to Henry Fynn, Francis Farewell, Piet Maritz and/or Vasco da Gama as well. How about that guy from the ark – Noah was his name? :grin:

    15 November, 2012 at 11:37
  4. avatar
    #212 star

    @ Greenwood- Thanks for that.Briefly the potential link is my great grandfather John Dixon who had the 2nd house after the Manning family in Manning Road( pays to be first). His son ” Laddie” Dixon actually lived in Queensburgh and so I would need to find out who Jack’s father was. I also wonder why Jack went to College (without incurring the wrath of our resident College boys :mrgreen: )

    15 November, 2012 at 11:09
  5. avatar
    #211 Greenwood

    Star – Jack Dixon I know he went to Bellair Primary School – same as me but many ,many years before me
    there was a posting on this blog some time ago about his tenure at Glenwood – he was Headmaster when I was there – a very imposing figure – had a few stripes accross the buttocks on one or 3 occasions from him – will post some comments on him later on – he did wonders for GWD and was a well respected figure -stern looking and quite imposing -when I first saw him I shat myself – but he was fair and wonderfull person to have as Headmaster I dont think there will be many who will disagree with this

    15 November, 2012 at 10:09
  6. avatar
    #210 CyndiAtRugby

    @oldschool: Hear hear, was also thinking that rugby season needs to start again. I think I’m going to give this a break until then.

    13 November, 2012 at 09:47
  7. avatar
    #209 Green Hopper

    Having read this and I admit not all, I think that GW have the opinion that if a boy approaches them and they can afford the scholarship etc, and he has a good CV , well then where have the gone wrong , I don’t think that they are poaching as much as is noted , the marketing of the school, the results , and the high standards , have parents deciding , I think that many parent thought that other schools might eventually change , but this hasn’t happened ,

    13 November, 2012 at 00:05
  8. avatar
    #208 CyndiAtRugby

    @Gungets Tuft: Your hillbilly comment …

    12 November, 2012 at 13:15
  9. avatar
    #207 beet

    Hi all. I’m moving these comments about parents and bursaries to another post so that this valuable input isn’t lost

    here : http://schoolboyrugby.co.za/blog/?p=1561

    12 November, 2012 at 09:27
  10. avatar
    #206 Gungets Tuft

    @CyndiAtRugby: “Hmmm well that pans out with what others have said about College parents”

    Not sure what you mean. Feel like giving me some context?

    11 November, 2012 at 18:49
  11. avatar
    #205 CyndiAtRugby

    Well done!!

    @Grasshopper: Makes me a bit nervous if you are making decisions based on these blogs. My son is at the school and the 2 of us have a good laugh at the unsubstantiated nonsense posted here – regardless of the claims of validity.
    @Gungets Tuft: Hmmm well that pans out with what others have said about College parents :wink:
    @GreenBlooded: Well done!!
    @Andre T: I haven’t been propositioned for years but have to decline seeing as I promised my folks that I would’t return to Monna’s territory :roll:

    10 November, 2012 at 18:59
  12. avatar
    #204 GreenBlooded

    @All Black: The outcome of the meeting will probably not be made known because it does not suit the general agenda if the outcome did not find that Glenwood acted improperly. From what I have heard (phone call) the guy’s father approached SE and asked about the possibility of Glenwood taking his son as he was not happy at DHS. Glenwood were happy to have the guy – who wouldn’t be? If that is not cool – I’m sure we would have heard heaps about it by now.

    I think we all need to see this entire headmasters agreement so that we are all on the same wavelength with it. There was a single paragraph published here a while ago about U19’s. Beet – is it possible to get the agreement and publish it here?

    I find it odd that it would include the clause you allude to above. If a kid joins school X on scholarship and is unhappy there – how does he make a move without it costing a hell of a lot of money? Better make sure you choose wisely the first time – kinda like getting married!

    9 November, 2012 at 12:21
  13. avatar
    #203 All Black

    What was the outcome of this meeting? I thought all schools were following the agreement that if a boy left one school for another they had to pay full fees at the new school and could not go on a bursary? very simple.

    9 November, 2012 at 08:08
  14. avatar
    #202 beet

    I’ve put my name on SuperBru, so anyone joining our pool can check it out. :razz:

    8 November, 2012 at 17:43
  15. avatar
    #201 Grasshopper

    @Bog, sorry boet was just randomly naming bloggers from 365, didn’t mean to implement you. It was probably Gerhard (aka a Glenwood teacher) who did it.

    8 November, 2012 at 17:34
  16. avatar
    #200 star

    And so only GB and I have the big ones.I feel like the guy who is asked to volunteer and as he puts his foot forward everyone takes a step back.Oh well my son will have to develop a very thick skin.

    8 November, 2012 at 17:21
  17. avatar
    #199 HORSEFLY NO.1

    And I am …
    Horse Fly!! Can’t really put my name out as my kid is still at school and I don’t want any personal attacks on him.
    I wonder if there are any schoolboys posting here…..

    8 November, 2012 at 16:46
  18. avatar
    #198 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Being pro- Jewish, Im not exactly to popular there at the moment. Neem kennis AT- Jou ma was mos n Jodin.Ek staan op vir hulle, maar is oorwegend alleen.

    8 November, 2012 at 15:59
  19. avatar
    #197 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Although you are probably right, that comment would probably have been more apt in a debate on the Praag website…

    8 November, 2012 at 15:48
  20. avatar
    #196 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: With regards to goat meat, you are so right, you would not believe the size of some goat herds in the Barrydale/Ladismith/Calitzdorp/Laingsburg area. Likewise Karoo Lamb is also a bit of a myth, as many lambs that are slaughtered in the Karoo originate as far away as Namibia and as close by as Pofadder and Bredasdorp.

    8 November, 2012 at 15:46
  21. avatar
    #195 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Arm is nie n skande nie, solank jy skoon is, het my ouma gese. And many must get used to the prospect of having a lot les than they have had until now.

    8 November, 2012 at 15:41
  22. avatar
    #194 BOG

    Bokslagters? That comes from the days when meat was cheap. Now, almost all eat goat, but tell their friends that they are eating “lekker Karoo tjops” By the way, it tastes virtually the same

    8 November, 2012 at 15:37
  23. avatar
    #193 Ploegskaar

    @Andre T: No, not you, don’t be so sensitive. Also nothing wrong with being poor, but you only had to be at the Linkin Park concert last night to appreciate how many common Afrikaans people there are out there. Having said that, that does not even burn my arse as much as the elitist and inclusive snobbery of some people in some dingy dorpies around Cape Town.

    8 November, 2012 at 15:37
  24. avatar
    #192 Andre T

    @Ploegskaar: Like me?

    8 November, 2012 at 15:21
  25. avatar
    #191 Ploegskaar

    @Andre T: That’s it! Bokslagters, i.e. common and poor Afrikaans people. I am very familiar with the term and although I have lost touch with my roots, I come accross many that refresh my memory daily.

    8 November, 2012 at 15:11
  26. avatar
    #190 Andre T

    @Ploegskaar: Bokslagters……………Please google the word ‘bokslagters’

    8 November, 2012 at 15:04
  27. avatar
    #189 Ploegskaar

    @beet: She is in fact an Eastern European trophy wife me thinks.

    8 November, 2012 at 15:00
  28. avatar
    #188 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Although I did not go to JJ Serfontein Reformatory like you, calling Cape Town a city for sissies is very harsh. In the heartland of the northern subs where I grew up, all the schools were like your alma mater, and as Andre T once said, they don’t call us katslagters for nothing.

    8 November, 2012 at 14:59
  29. avatar
    #187 BOG

    @Grasshopper: I never realised that I was a chief suspect of “stealing” your identity. No, I assure you, I was banned for responding to “Comrade Joe” very appropriately, may I ad. I then changed to a female to regain entry, but other than that, no–.Also, I did not try to hide that, Perhaps you should look for suspects in Durban. I notice that you are in Cape Town, the city for sissies, There, you only require burglar bars, an alarm, and a 9mm Pistol. Come to GP, where all the excitement is. There, you need a few body guards and automatics as well.Nevertheless, welcome back and I hope that you have that little purple book in the pocket. You may need it sooner than what you think.

    8 November, 2012 at 14:52
  30. avatar
    #186 Andre T

    @BOG: I’m sure Miss Styger will disagree there.

    8 November, 2012 at 14:32
  31. avatar
    #185 BOG

    @GreenBlooded: I told you that his anatomy requires Viagra to keep up with his mind.

    8 November, 2012 at 14:29
  32. avatar
    #184 GreenBlooded

    @beet: This is the West Rand we are talking about. It’s all part of what gives the place it’s special charm. :twisted:

    8 November, 2012 at 14:23
  33. avatar
    #183 Andre T

    It’s like Monday night special at the Spur…..buy one get one free

    8 November, 2012 at 14:22
  34. avatar
    #182 Andre T

    Women reckon I move and sway like a 30 year old.

    8 November, 2012 at 14:20
  35. avatar
    #181 beet

    @Andre T: Yuss 35! You struck gold there. That’s almost trophy wife age. :mrgreen:

    8 November, 2012 at 14:12
  36. avatar
    #180 Andre T

    @GreenBlooded: She’s actually younger than me as her daughter is only 35 now.

    8 November, 2012 at 14:08
  37. avatar
    #179 GreenBlooded

    @Andre T: You have a skoon-ma at your age?

    8 November, 2012 at 14:01
  38. avatar
    #178 Rugger fan

    @Gungets Tuft: Agree with you – happy to let you know if you mail me.

    I am a College OB – class of 85
    My son is a decent player – but not at any of the schools generally blogged about.

    8 November, 2012 at 13:58
  39. avatar
    #177 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Actually the original was from South Africa, a photographic book called “Die Platterlanners”. My cousin who is a professional photographer has the book. It caused a storm at the time because the author toured the Platterland and apparently conned a lot of locals into posing for him, then dumped it in a book that makes out that the platterland is populated solely by people with no branches on their Family Trees. The book is no longer in print. This photo is by a long, long way not the most “offensive”.

    8 November, 2012 at 13:47
  40. avatar
    #176 Grasshopper

    @Gungets, that pic is missing some Irish hurling sticks…..it was originally from Ireland….hahaha, love it though….

    8 November, 2012 at 13:30
  41. avatar
    #175 Ploegskaar

    @Andre T: Well said, and as Gungets Tuft said earlier, many still have kids at school, are well known in communities or are very closely involved in SBR, so blogging anon allows for a bit of edge.

    8 November, 2012 at 13:28
  42. avatar
    #174 Gungets Tuft

    @Andre T: Ou Andre, don’t worry boet, I will post my own photo. This is me posing with Rudolph just after the Staaldraad story broke.


    8 November, 2012 at 13:27
  43. avatar
    #173 Grasshopper

    @Andre, you obviously know my mates or family as only they know me as big Al…..give me some idea who you are?

    8 November, 2012 at 13:19
  44. avatar
    #172 Andre T

    The problem is when you become friends here and know each other’s names then it takes the sting out of the bite. Then it’s not so nice to drill each other anymore. I used to give Duppie a lot of kak until we became friends, same with Affiepa, Leon Meecham, Speartackle and even BHP(who once ran away from me at a Paarl festival)
    I even have to be Beet’s friend as he has me on WhatsApp with my profile pic. To avoid problems with other bloggers you must be like me, say it as it is and always tell the truth with no stupid stories. In my 3 years on rugby forums my nose has only been broken twice, once by Barend(we’re best friends now) and once by my clean mother.

    8 November, 2012 at 13:19
  45. avatar
    #171 Andre T

    @Gungets Tuft: Thanks Gungie, I never get mails from you anymore. Not mates anymore? I’ll post a pic of you on here.

    8 November, 2012 at 13:11
  46. avatar
    #170 Andre T

    @Grasshopper: Come on Grassy. You still believe I did that? I’m a fun guy but will never do anything like that. At Kearsney 2011 someone told me already who you were and I could have spilled the beans, but what for? No Big Al, not me.

    8 November, 2012 at 13:08
  47. avatar
    #169 Gungets Tuft

    @star: If you want to know who I am – mail me. Not going to out myself here because my son is at school at College and has mates at Westville, DHS, Glenwood, Northwood, Michaelhouse, Kearsney, Clifton – with lots of those boys reading these blogs, and I don’t want him implicated in my ranting esor. I use the same name across several blogs where people might not be as generous as you affable bar-stewards.

    Besides, many of you know who I am, Beet, Star, Greenblooded, All Black, Horse #1, Madevu. Ask and you shall receive.

    8 November, 2012 at 13:03
  48. avatar
    #168 Grasshopper

    Everyone knows who I am anyway, my pic was posted on 365 (a pic of me doing Movember in 2006 before it was even known in SA and was ridiculed for) after either Andre T or Bog or some other blogger stole my identity and started posting controversial blogs. 365 claimed they would stop this but never did so other bloggers got very confused and I even had the Glenwood crew contact me asking if I was Grasshopper, which I was but there were 2 or even 3 of us……to be continued…

    8 November, 2012 at 12:57
  49. avatar
    #167 beet

    @Andre T: The way the Kings are contracting juniors now, I’m starting worry a little about our E/Cape supply line. The Grey Bloem pipeline seemed to dry up a few years back. Maybe with the Lions in the mess they are, we need to start aiming for “KLN” :smile:

    8 November, 2012 at 12:54
  50. avatar
    #166 Andre T

    @GreenBlooded: Kwa Xhosa Natal

    8 November, 2012 at 12:47
  51. avatar
    #165 GreenBlooded

    @Andre T: Just a question: how did the Z button break on your laptop?

    8 November, 2012 at 12:41
  52. avatar
    #164 star

    @ Andre T- I am sure Greenblooded and myself were the centre pairing for the Dream R365 power team.Weren’t you the coach/manager/toilet roll boy? I am still waiting for your serious input on the property near Obies.

    8 November, 2012 at 12:33
  53. avatar
    #163 Andre T

    Cyndi…….I promise you…….never a dull moment. If you’re into Pina Colada, getting caught in the rain, if you’re not into health food, and you’re into champagne, if you’re not into yoga…….come with me and escape.

    8 November, 2012 at 12:28
  54. avatar
    #162 Andre T

    Andrew Grant and Nick Moon……….sounds like a nice half back pairing for Llanelli’s 3rd XV. I’m Andre T………….Vrede Class of 1967. Big fan of Ballyhoo, John Paul Young and McCulley’s Workshop. Marital status: Single – Batchelor. Allergic to confetti. Love fillet steak and vodka. Current occupation – Playboy millionaire. Sigaret brand – Camel Plain. Shoe size – 11.5………waist 44…..Golf Club membership – Randpark and Klerksdorp…….handicap – 5………Callaway Driver and irons……Yes putter……Foot Joy shoes and gloves. Anything else?

    8 November, 2012 at 12:14
  55. avatar
    #161 Ploegskaar

    @Ludz: One of the latter, even got Close to the Crested Hills and In this, Her honour forced on me! Good reads though.

    8 November, 2012 at 12:12
  56. avatar
    #160 GreenBlooded

    Jack Dixon – here goes:

    He was a Maritzburg College Old Boy.
    He was the second Headmaster of Kloof High School in 1963. He served for only a year before moving to Glenwood as Headmaster from 1964 until 1981 – the schools longest serving headmaster to this day if I’m not mistaken. The main rugby field at Glenwood is named in his honour.

    I missed the old bugger by a few years but he was the inspecting officer (he was a commandant) at the cadet parade when I was in third form.

    I’m sure Hopper can provide a much better story than me – he’s the research/history king of guy. I’m just a dumb techy.

    8 November, 2012 at 12:11
  57. avatar
    #159 star

    @ Greenblooded- I will join you on the front lines

    Nick Moon
    Westville class of 1981
    Hilton class of 1982( The first time the female sex was admitted- My timing was inch perfect.)
    Can you also help me with info on Jack Dixon for some family research I am doing?

    8 November, 2012 at 12:01
  58. avatar
    #158 GreenBlooded

    @Andre T: Are you bored? The joys of old age – nothing to do and all day to do it in.

    I think Cyndi’s challenge scared them all away…….

    8 November, 2012 at 12:00
  59. avatar
    #157 Andre T

    Is there a power failure in KXN?

    8 November, 2012 at 11:42
  60. avatar
    #156 All Black

    @GreenBlooded: Yep, all changed. The profit thing is more Varsity College and acadamies. Dbn Varsity won the Moor Cup in our years. Now they have nothing. We wont see much change as any successful institution is a threat to the Academy. Tuks and the Bulls are right next to each other and share facilities. Houses have been converted in the suburb separating the two ‘campuses’. No more than 2km’s to everything.

    8 November, 2012 at 09:43
  61. avatar
    #155 Andre T

    @CyndiAtRugby: Cyndi, you and I are the only ones with the guts to show who we really are. On 365 I was banned, suspended, sued to such an extent that my son, Speartackle had to take over and I went into hiding. That is why I’m so much calmer these days and spend free time participating on this blog. I can assure you with the exception of 2 bloggers here, they know who they are, this must be the best forum around and KXN can be proud of their bloggers. Real fine gentlemen and I hope they invite me to their year-end function. Perhaps the 2 of us can go together(depending on your looks). Do you want me to send you a pic of myself? Otherwise I’m on the Landbou Weekblad dating site under the name ‘Monna Monster’

    8 November, 2012 at 09:39
  62. avatar
    #154 beet

    @Grasshopper: The Varsity College campus at Riverside is really nice. Pity they can’t somehow be granted Varsity Cup status. It has the setting to carry a great student vibe and would be good for the Sharks in terms of attracting players. Perhaps not so good for the Sharks Academy tho.

    8 November, 2012 at 09:35
  63. avatar
    #153 Gungets Tuft

    @All Black: Onderstepoort takes 130 a year, only 30 girls of which 15 is reserved for PDIs. Not an easy entry despite her great marks. She is not too upset – O-Poort really leans towards dometic and farm animals and she want to be involved with wildlife. Not sure she wants to look after Tannie Esme’s poodle for a living.

    8 November, 2012 at 09:34
  64. avatar
    #152 GreenBlooded

    @CyndiAtRugby: Sorry didn’t see your comment or I would have replied striaght away. Many people here know exactly who I am – it’s just that blogging is normally done using an personna in most case. But for those who don’t know who I am:

    Andrew Grant
    Glenwood Class of 1988

    I’m going to draw the line at phone numbers, physical address and email for the reasons Grassy mentioned.


    Let’s see who else fronts up.

    8 November, 2012 at 09:30
  65. avatar
    #151 Grasshopper

    @Gungets & All Black, the bloke who started out Varsity College definitely found a gap in the market with regards to helping UNISA students and is now driving around in a Ferrari I believe, I was one of those ignorant students lured by the supposed great campus life, girls etc. Little did I know that I was going to be lectured by 3rd year students who had no idea how to lecture. It might have changed since 1997 though…..

    8 November, 2012 at 09:26
  66. avatar
    #150 GreenBlooded

    @All Black: Witnessed the decline of UKZN first hand in the late 80’s. 2 years of gees (RAG, Intervarsity, SU parties etc) and then….nothing. Interesting times – police on campus firing tear-gas, water-cannons to disperse unruly mobs, students arrested – eish!! Gives me the heebie-jeebies. And it wasn’t profit motive that did it although that may be the case today.

    8 November, 2012 at 09:25
  67. avatar
    #149 All Black

    @Gungets Tuft: Onderstepoort very difficult to get into. Apparently only 20 a year? Rhodes is a great Varsity. Great traditions, and drinking. :mrgreen: Stellies too far.

    8 November, 2012 at 09:24
  68. avatar
    #148 Gungets Tuft

    @CyndiAtRugby: Huh??

    This is my real name. My dad was a hillbilly who named me after the first thing he saw or heard. Apparently something my mother said during labour ….

    My younger brother’s name is Norra Gairn

    8 November, 2012 at 09:23
  69. avatar
    #147 Grasshopper

    @Cyndi, very happy yo blog with my actual name if others did too. The point of these blogs is to remain anon so that if things get heated people don’t start threatening physical abuse like what happened on 365 and one of the reasons I left there. If people can keep things tidy and mature then happy to blog my real name, sit down and discuss issues with the school itself etc. I am a passionate Old Boy wanting to put some money into the school but want to know all is above board and legit before doing so. These rumours etc spread by non Glenwood bloggers make me have second thoughts. I don’t really care if Glenwood has a rubbish rugby side as long as it’s all kosher and the boys are having fun. Obviously winning a few games does morale good and gives me some ammo around the braai to fire at my Westville, College, DHS and other school Old Boy friends…

    8 November, 2012 at 09:14
  70. avatar
    #146 Gungets Tuft

    @All Black: Perhaps, I just look forward to a single year at KZN (Durban or Westville campus) when students don’t start protests, stone the cops, fellow students and cars, burn libraries and lecture theatres. UKZN did not even enter the discussion when choosing a Uni for my daughter for next year. 4 insitutions were considered, Onderstepoort declined, UP, Rhodes and Stellie accepted, she is almost certainly going to Rhodes.

    8 November, 2012 at 09:10
  71. avatar
    #145 All Black

    @Gungets Tuft: I think UKZN has fantastic facilities and is actually quite well run.They have no interest in sport as the funding is not there. I realise the latest stabbings etc on campus dont do much for the reputation of the place but it just takes some serious intent to turn it around. I remember the days when Durban had a strong Varsity, PMB varsity, Defence team, Tech team etc. The competition was huge and boys stayed in KZN enjoying campus life etc. Now we have nothing except institutions that are based on profit making. Have nothing against people making a profit and seeing a gap in the market but the fact that there is a gap is the problem. In fact I have no problem with Acadamies making money but then be open about it. Just sad that our kids have to look at the Cape and upcountry to experience true Varsity life.

    8 November, 2012 at 08:54
  72. avatar
    #144 Gungets Tuft

    @All Black: Didn’t know tha actual stats. I have no problem with the theory of dedicated Sports Academies – I just look at the University of Pretoria model where it is run in conjunction with a superb academic program and turns out the likes of our Oarsome Foursome, Cameron vd Berg, many of the Bulls signings (plus Reegan, Daniel and Jesse!!), Titans cricket youngsters etc. Pity that UKZN cannot get their act together (assuming they have parts of an act to get together??).

    8 November, 2012 at 08:32
  73. avatar
    #143 All Black

    @Gungets Tuft: Well said Gungets. The Sharks academy has produced approx 54 Sharks out of approx 1000 players. Guess who paid for the 54? The next question is, Do they make a profit? The answer is yes, a very good profit. They offer a degree in conjunction with Varsity College. 66 started one of the Bcom courses at the beginning of the year, 4 are left.

    8 November, 2012 at 07:49
  74. avatar
    #142 Ludz

    @Ploegskaar: I doubt it, the tens are in January and I might be in Joburg in January, so I doubt, I’d love to see the old guys, the are 2 sets of 3 brothers I know, Mr Harker’s sons and the Cullinans, which ones are we talking about?

    7 November, 2012 at 22:03
  75. avatar
    #141 kcob

    Crap, wish Steve Jobs was able to fix my predictive spelling thing on an iPad, swear it’s not my education :mrgreen:

    7 November, 2012 at 21:40
  76. avatar
    #140 kcob

    PS: thought it was not cool to talk about youngster under controversy, at this age, the parent are likely the decisionmakers, or at least they should be, and therefore the kid should not mention not be mentioned – not cool.

    7 November, 2012 at 21:33
  77. avatar
    #139 kcob

    Ok, this star player from DHS everyone seems to be fighting over, just hope the bloke does not get hurt, and his career is over! One massive hit can change it all, and then hope he enjoys the move? Surely this has got to be about balance. Just had a chat with an agent today, and was interested to hear the balanced kids are this who do remain grounded by sound parenting and an education and the fun that comes with studying and variety cup rugby. Look forward to seeing this taken perform next year – unnecessary pressure already upon this poor guy!

    7 November, 2012 at 21:32
  78. avatar
    #138 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @GreenBlooded: @Grasshopper:
    LOL! You still obviously don’t know what Glenwood has offered van zyl do you?? Maybe then you will quieten down a bit? Till then…
    Oh and don’t worry,I already know the names and dates.
    Can you honestly tell me that Glenwood would have said no to a SA U16 prop?

    7 November, 2012 at 21:23
  79. avatar
    #137 CyndiAtRugby

    Mmmm have to wonder how this debate would read if everyone used their actual names and didn’t hide behind blog names. :?:

    7 November, 2012 at 21:18
  80. avatar
    #136 Gungets Tuft

    @GreenBlooded: I must agree that at the moment Glenwood (given the La Marque still has very cordial relations with College – no reason for that to change), Glenwood would have asked College for the same reference. SLM is a pretty straight up and down oke – not surprised that they declined. As for Westville accepting – remember that they are all government schools so the boy HAS to be allowed to school somewhere. If his home town is Westville then they will quite likely have been told to take him. Best this one just get dropped, all is not as it seems and we have a 16 year old who is the centre of attention. Move along, nothing to see here.

    7 November, 2012 at 21:15
  81. avatar
    #135 Grasshopper

    @Greenblooded, Horsie loves to spin any sort of rumour yarn he can against Glenwood. I’m not saying Glenwood is innocent, it’s obvious they are no saints. But it’s so funny when the pot calls the kettle black……..

    7 November, 2012 at 20:49
  82. avatar
    #134 GreenBlooded

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: “I know for a fact that Glenwood would have taken him anyway, anything to boost their rugby.”

    You’ve already spun one yarn here that is devoid of truth – this is now your second. Please do not presume to ‘know for a fact’ anything about Glenwood. The only 2 boys I know of who have moved schools for discipline reasons are a College boy who was kicked out, applied at Glenwood who refused and was accepted at Westville. The other was kicked out of Westville and was accepted at……….DHS!! Both were rugby players. I’ll give you names and dates if you like privately.

    7 November, 2012 at 20:21
  83. avatar
    #133 GreenBlooded

    @NW_Knight: …or a figment of someone’s imagination :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    7 November, 2012 at 20:17
  84. avatar
    #132 NW_Knight

    A few – as I said, strategic recruitment. (ps. not sure where the Sharks academy story came from, but can confirm that it’s utter rubbish).

    7 November, 2012 at 19:42
  85. avatar
    #131 Ploegskaar

    @Ludz: You coming down for the (I think) 10 a side tourney in Cape Town next year. I have been invited by an OQ to partake (one of 3 brothers you know well). Hear it is a blast, violent 2 minute bursts followed by seizure of all vital functions.

    7 November, 2012 at 19:42
  86. avatar
    #130 HORSEFLY NO.1

    If he is that then he and mrT will definitely be a force to be reckoned with in two years time…
    As we are on that subject, any more players coming in at NW?

    7 November, 2012 at 19:36
  87. avatar
    #129 NW_Knight

    @Horsey: No rumors there. He’s quite a “Beast”. Fortunately, our recruiting is done the old fashioned way, scouting at GK etc.

    7 November, 2012 at 19:28
  88. avatar
    #128 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Gungets Tuft:
    Sorry if I got the story wrong but my point was that DHS still didn’t take him because of the baggage.also,wouldn’t have been right to do so.
    I know for a fact that Glenwood would have taken him anyway, anything to boost their rugby.
    About northwood, it was a bit of a joke with a bit of truth in it. They recently got a SA U16 prop from some other province and are RUMOURED to not be finished.
    Tell me more… Maybe I can also tell you on the extra incentives I’ve been speaking of about leroux

    7 November, 2012 at 18:35
  89. avatar
    #127 Gungets Tuft

    @BOG: See, now all the okes now have to go and splash a little water on their faces and do some lamaze breathing to make sure they don’t deliver their babies. Normally I would point provocative okes at my usual advisory link – here http://www.amishrakefight.org/gfy/ – but I sense you are a nice guy, so don’t go there, it is reserved for bad okes …. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    7 November, 2012 at 18:20
  90. avatar
    #126 Gungets Tuft

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Not sure it was actually like that. DHS asked College why he was leaving and on that basis decided to not accept him. It was a reference request from DHS rather than a request to not accept from College. NW_Knight will tell you that they have had applications from boys who don’t make the grade.

    Horsie – you will need to mail me at gungetstuft[at]gmail.com if you want more info than that. Snot for public consumption .. gnome sane?

    7 November, 2012 at 18:15
  91. avatar
    #125 BOG

    And the other rumour is that they are establishing a colony of Eskimos on North Beach !!!

    7 November, 2012 at 18:10
  92. avatar
    #124 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: That actually sounds like GCB migrating to Durbs. With all the FS players going there after school anyway, I would have moved GC long ago, GCD sounds ok to me.

    7 November, 2012 at 18:02
  93. avatar
    #123 Ploegskaar

    @Gungets Tuft: At last, someone says it like it is, but unfortunately it will sail completely over the heads of the intended targets.

    7 November, 2012 at 17:56
  94. avatar
    #122 Gungets Tuft

    @BOG: Tsk, tsk, tsk – naughty boy!!!

    Look what you’ve done now, got the manne all of a froth. They will say “bring it on” but secretly, like the rest of us, quietly dropped a little brownie in their shorts. So, looking at it a little more calmly …….

    It’s not giong to happen any more than it has already happened at the Sharks Academy, where there are two types of kids. The real contenders, scouted and funded to attend – and the ultimate long shots who have parents that believe they are much, much better than their silly billy high school coach says. This second lot are accepted to the academy, just as they are to all the academies and top schools, to fill the coffers for the genuinely talented few. I mean … someone has to pay the bills.

    There – I said it.

    7 November, 2012 at 17:47
  95. avatar
    #121 HORSEFLY NO.1

    The Superschool would survive if the government provided for them…
    Yes schools have limited budgets but you have to remember that they are NPOs. Schools also decide where a lot of its budget goes and Glenwood has about 40 or so percent of its money going to rugby alone. Its their choice and I respect it but I don’t like how it somehow includes taking from. KZn schools.

    Oh,and most kzn schools give out about 40 or so bursaries including your beloved green school.
    And the whole’Glenwood could have said no but who would’ thing is why Glenwood is running out of friends mate…
    DHS not so long ago turned down a College boy who had made SA U16 rugga because College asked us nicely to… Would Glenwood have ever done the same thing!????

    7 November, 2012 at 17:42
  96. avatar
    #120 HORSEFLY NO.1

    The Superschool would survive if the government provided for them…
    Yes schools have limited budgets but you have to remember that they are NPOs. Schools also decide where a lot of its budget goes and Glenwood has about 40 or so percent of its money going to rugby alone. Its their choice and I respect it but I don’t like how it somehow includes taking from. KZn schools.

    Oh,and most kzn schools give out about 40 or so bursaries including your beloved green school

    7 November, 2012 at 17:39
  97. avatar
    #119 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, finally some humour from you! Well done boet! Good to see you can have a laugh…

    7 November, 2012 at 17:38
  98. avatar
    #118 HORSEFLY NO.1

    That Superschool thing is a bad idea. Indeed. An article was. Made on it and I’m not too sure but I think schools met and decided no on it.

    The only good that there would be would be no more controversy of buying from the schools as everyone would be there and it would provide sporting success for the country but sjoe how boring would KZN rugby be? Can’t imagine a KZN dchools rugby time where Glenwood wasn’t being picked on for buying,Hilton buying but always escaping the bullet,WBHS trying to be the best at everything and their story headings on their website,DHS being critisized about its rugby and the demographics and Northwood secretly offering places to the Sharks academy in exchange for the boys transferring to the school…life would be difficult :mrgreen:

    7 November, 2012 at 17:29
  99. avatar
    #117 Grasshopper

    @Horsefly, the same goes the other way. DHS gained Travis and Dane Logie (SA Surfers) from Glenwood because Glenwood did not give out surfing bursaries and colours but DHS did. That was their decision and no fuss was made, other than ridicule and banter when the schools surfed against each other. The same would appear to be the case here, Le Roux obviously got cheesed off with being bumped to the bench and said I have had enough lets go to where I will be recognised. Glenwood could have said no but who would say no to a talent who has left on his own accord.

    7 November, 2012 at 17:27
  100. avatar
    #116 Playa

    @BOG: Hahahahahahaha!WOW!Unmanageable at JJ and sent to Monnas!!!
    Andre T, your thoughts?

    7 November, 2012 at 17:23
  101. avatar
    #115 Grasshopper

    Yes, bring in a Durban Sports Academy High School and they can try and operate without funds and see what happens. There is no such thing as infinite money supply unless you are Roman Abramovich. This idea that schools give out hundreds of bursaries is crazy (Glenwood have a budget too). Schools have to operate at break-even or at a slight profit to exist. Let the Academies give out bursaries and scholarships and then try and get gov or lottery backing to fund it. Schools can no longer give out freebies to every kid even with a few wealthy Old Boys. Looking at the financials of a big boys school they could probably give out a max of 30 100% bursaries a year…

    7 November, 2012 at 17:22
  102. avatar
    #114 HORSEFLY NO.1

    More of ‘hello, we know you have a problem with this(which I won’t mention) and we can help you out if you accept our offer’. If he left on his own we certainly wouldn’t be making a fuss! I understand your thinking of’he’s a star player so surely DHS wouldn’t let him go like that’ but understand that School doesn’t need people who don’t want to be there. This happened in 2009 when another ‘star’ who goes by the name of Wade Elliot left DHS at the end of his grade 11 year. He had a fallout with his cricket coach and left on his own. Nobody made a fuss or tried to stop him…

    7 November, 2012 at 17:20
  103. avatar
    #113 GreenBlooded

    @BOG: Hell mate – I hope you are right. Then the schools can concentrate on what they should be doing – academics with sport focussed on developing life skills. I would not consider that suffering at all. The ‘professional’ schoolboy players can go to SuperRugbyHighSchool and the ‘amateurs’ can play each other on an even footing as it was in my days. Who will this SuperSchool play against?

    7 November, 2012 at 16:52
  104. avatar
    #112 GreenBlooded

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: No but then neither did you. Who approached who? Was it “Come to Glenwood – you will do much better with us” or was it a case of “I’m not that happy where I am, I think I can do much better with you and there will be more opportunity”.

    The answer to this question make the world of difference to what Glenwood stands accused of. Was the kid and his folks correct to gap it onto what they considered to be a faster track to rugby glory? I say no but others might say yes. Not really the point.

    Who approached who??

    7 November, 2012 at 16:49
  105. avatar
    #111 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @the greens
    You wanna know? Scroll up.
    Then tell me if your source /s told you about the extra incentives from Glenwood.
    People are very deceptive.

    7 November, 2012 at 16:39
  106. avatar
    #110 BOG

    @GreenBlooded: How true is the rumour that I heard, fresh from the horses mouth. Poaching from each other, has become such a problem in Durban, that they are now establishing an exclusive rugby school there where all the talent will be concentrated. The establishment will be offering the normal academic subjects, with an emphasis on maths and science, along with sport subjects- management, bio-kinetics,physiotherapy ect. And they apparently, wont be shy with bursaries-big ones and they will be recruiting openly. This seems to be a case of two dogs fighting over a bone and the third taking it. If the rumour proves to be correct,all you blokes are going to suffer.So, make peace brothers.

    7 November, 2012 at 16:38
  107. avatar
    #109 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, I have also checked and it seems you forgot to add a previous layer…

    7 November, 2012 at 16:34
  108. avatar
    #108 GreenBlooded

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Seems like my suspicions were correct and that your story didn’t quite add up afterall – a simple telephone call is sometimes all that is required.

    So tell us now – who approached who??

    7 November, 2012 at 16:21
  109. avatar
    #107 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Ok let’s not work with hopefullys and ifs. Let’s just work on facts and the fact is that DHS will never offer what Glenwood has…
    Its not as is the lad was unhappy at DHS, matter of fact my boy tells me he always looked happy and sometimes a little too happy.
    Also, you can always tell through someones expression in rugby matches whether he’s happy and from what I saw he was happy but has now succumbed to the offer.
    Please, don’t start unneccesary rumours!

    7 November, 2012 at 16:12
  110. avatar
    #106 Ludz

    :lol: :lol: @BOG: hahahahahahahahaha, unmanageable at JJ goes to Monnas

    7 November, 2012 at 14:58
  111. avatar
    #105 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: And at in his lower teens?

    7 November, 2012 at 14:17
  112. avatar
    #104 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Sure, Im in my mid 20s.

    7 November, 2012 at 14:13
  113. avatar
    #103 BOG

    @Ludz: That was in response to a comment from AT about me being at Hangklip. Did you know that their nickname was the Kondosse? I have shared a few stories about them over time but I dont think many believed me. The one goes back many yrs. When they had teams playing there, the younger kids were told by the snr players to congregate at the 25 (22) and if a player of the opposition got through and heading for the try line, they let rip with catties. Im sure that many of the stories are exaggerated, but the one I am sure is not, is that those kids who become unmanageable at JJ, are sent to Monnas.

    7 November, 2012 at 14:09
  114. avatar
    #102 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: In age I am probably 3 decades behind the 2 of you and where it matter half a length in front and still in full operational order…

    7 November, 2012 at 14:07
  115. avatar
    #101 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Goodness me, I am certainly confused and a pensioner. And after reading your comments and that of a few others, I was under the impression this WAS a confused pensioners blog. AT is pushing seventy, you half a length behind him—.certainly confused, what else could I expect?

    7 November, 2012 at 13:59
  116. avatar
    #100 GreenBlooded

    @Grasshopper: Check your gmail account. Not the hopper one – the 2011 one.

    7 November, 2012 at 13:28
  117. avatar
    #99 Grasshopper

    There is always one, The Beast! So he hates Glenwood so much he wants the fixture scrapped from all teams, give me a break. The whole system seems corrupt, just some schools are more publically dragged through the mud then others. No one says a thing about Hilton’s recruitment from local schools…….it’s becoming a bit over the top now…

    7 November, 2012 at 13:13
  118. avatar
    #98 oldschool

    one thing that is becoming very clear is ….BRING ON RUGBY SEASON ….so that we can start blogging about actual games …..should be a cracker of a SBR season next year….with many schools having to settle some 2012 debt !!

    Cant wait , should make for some tough battles all over the country !!

    7 November, 2012 at 12:44
  119. avatar
    #97 Ludz

    @BOG: you were at JJ, am shit scared of those okes, they are rough

    7 November, 2012 at 12:03
  120. avatar
    #96 Ploegskaar

    @Andre T: That depends on where they end up, I suppose, but if they stay in the FS, unfortunately yes.

    7 November, 2012 at 11:41
  121. avatar
    #95 Ploegskaar

    @oldschool: I appreciate your argument, but due to the substantially shorter career span available to a modern rugby player (as opposed to the 35 – 45 years to other working professionals), you need to take any possible measure at your disposal to enhance your chances to get picked up as quickly as possible. If the shortest possible route is to move schools, so be it.

    7 November, 2012 at 11:37
  122. avatar
    #94 Andre T

    @Ploegskaar: In fact, isn’t that the problem with most of their players?

    7 November, 2012 at 11:29
  123. avatar
    #93 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: The comments were with reference to Sias Ebersohn specifically and in my opinion GCB 9’s and 10’s in general. Your buddy Andre T moved the topic from Jorrie Muller, to Willem de Waal and so forth. Threads are difficult to follow on here, but please try to keep up, otherwise you may come accross as a confused pensioner from time to time.

    7 November, 2012 at 11:27
  124. avatar
    #92 GreenBlooded

    @oldschool: Again – I do not approve of any of these activities for the exact reasons that you mention. The life skills learned through sport are far more important than the sport skills themselves and I think the entire school sports community have strayed from these ideals in recent years. It’s crazy. Sports Bursaries should be banned – it is corrupting the entire system.

    What get’s under my skin is the way some opportunistic bloggers come slithering out of the woodwork when there is a juicy bit of anti-Glenwood news about and jump on the bandwagon when their schools are far from innocent. Some of the critics don’t even have the balls to identify which school they support but are quick to want to “Doom the Hoppers away”.

    I don’t think that what Glenwood have done is right at all IF (bolt underline italic) the facts here are correct but I do think they attract far more than their fair share of criticism.

    7 November, 2012 at 11:22
  125. avatar
    #91 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: What does those players have to do with GCB- just asking?
    Ludz- I shared with you the symptoms of Altzheimers the other day, and we see it wonderfully illustrated here. And for the record, I started off at JJ Serfontein, affectionately known as the “Kondosse”, that bastion of education, situated on the outskirts of Queenstown. That is where I cut my teeth, so to speak. The rest is history, they say.

    7 November, 2012 at 11:17
  126. avatar
    #90 Andre T

    @oldschool: Bog is a perfect example of this.

    7 November, 2012 at 11:07
  127. avatar
    #89 oldschool

    @GreenBlooded: @Ploegskaar: yes and no !!
    Unless the individual is a corporate superstar and is head hunted from time to time through out his carreer and finally becomes the head of a large company ….in my experience many job hoppers that base their moves entirely on the immediate benefit of a increased pay cheque are often the ones whom are over looked for the serious management positions or partnership oppurtunities as they do not have the passion , commitment , work ethic or values that often count in favour of the loyal hard working guy …..and many of these atributes are learned from school and parenting …..so it comes back to my initial statements of what are we teaching these kids whom are willing to throw away one school tie for the next so easily ???

    7 November, 2012 at 11:02
  128. avatar
    #88 Ploegskaar

    @Andre T: @Andre T: FA Meiring, Lance Sherrel, Darius Botha? You are right, there are many more.

    7 November, 2012 at 10:51
  129. avatar
    #87 Andre T

    @Ploegskaar: Neil Hugo

    7 November, 2012 at 10:47
  130. avatar
    #86 Ploegskaar

    @Andre T: Nah, that’s just a GCB problem, always playing behind a dominant pack at school and not knowing how to cope when playing under pressure behind a losing pack on the big stage.

    7 November, 2012 at 10:47
  131. avatar
    #85 Ploegskaar

    @Andre T: For all my Jorrie jokes I actually thought he was a talented rugby player, no John Villette though, and by no means the worst to don the Bok Jersey. That honor in my opinion still belongs to either Koen or van Straaten. Sorry Louis.

    7 November, 2012 at 10:44
  132. avatar
    #84 Andre T

    @Ploegskaar: I think Sias bases his game on de Waal’s.

    7 November, 2012 at 10:42
  133. avatar
    #83 Andre T

    @Ploegskaar: And with it. He was fearless defender though.

    7 November, 2012 at 10:36
  134. avatar
    #82 Ploegskaar

    @Andre T: Ouch again, but Willem did at least win a CC with FS, if I am not mistaken. Having said that, he may have “protected” Jorrie a bit as he was more of a kicker than a passer. Jorrie was reasonably harmless, without the ball.

    7 November, 2012 at 10:32
  135. avatar
    #81 Ludz

    :lol: @Andre T: hahahahahaha

    7 November, 2012 at 10:32
  136. avatar
    #80 Andre T

    @Ploegskaar: Imagine if Jorrie had to play outside Willem de Waal how bad he would have been then?

    7 November, 2012 at 10:20
  137. avatar
    #79 Andre T

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Bog actually went to Hangklip. There are no records of him being at Grey Bloem. His infatuation with the Bloem franchise is clearly an obsession. He spends most of his day up and down their website.

    7 November, 2012 at 10:17
  138. avatar
    #78 Ploegskaar

    @QC86: Ouch!

    7 November, 2012 at 10:17
  139. avatar
    #77 QC86

    @Ploegskaar: and dont forget about losing to Selborne in 2011

    7 November, 2012 at 10:08
  140. avatar
    #76 GreenBlooded

    @All Black: Yup – amazing how quickly some will climb up the moral high ground ladder. Just hope I have a front row seat when it comes crashing down – it’s going to be really entertaining.

    I agree with you and I’ve said it before – school scholarships need to be outlawed whether they are directly from the school or from the ‘we know nothing about it benefactors’. A sure way to put a stop to this is by withdrawing from fixtures against schools which are offensive. I think the only reason it doesn’t happen is because it could expose some dirty laundry all round.

    7 November, 2012 at 10:03
  141. avatar
    #75 Gungets Tuft

    @oldschool: I don’t suppose you can turn people down if they apply, but I suspect that schools might be tempted to do so if the lightie was a serial offender at his current school. The schools have some self examination due if they have gone out recruiting, the parents a MASSIVE amount of introspection if they are telling their kids they can jump ship at the first sign of trouble, or the first sign that there might be a better deal to be had somewhere else – I think it encourages mercenary thinking that is not a positive for life. But hey, as Greenblooded points out, it is par for the course in pro-rugby and soccer, so it can be treated as just changing jobs for better conditions and a better salary {shudder .. salary .. cold chill down my back at the thought of being a wage slave!!!}. Does “earning a salary” apply at school .. eeisch .. would nae want to put my lightie under that kind of pressure, where my rugby form is worth R30K, R65K, R125K .. a year.

    Anyway, my lightie would tell me that the money was his .. :-)

    7 November, 2012 at 09:59
  142. avatar
    #74 Ploegskaar

    @Greenwood: Agreed, rugby offers a short but lucrative career and if making it requires moving schools to better your chances, so be it. It is no different to job-hopping, an acceptable practice to further your career prospects in the professional world. Ethos, pride etc. may provide good memories, but don’t pay the bills, so maybe everyone should just accept the professional era and move on.

    7 November, 2012 at 09:58
  143. avatar
    #73 oldschool

    @Greenwood: School boy rugby proffesional ???? ha ha , when did this happen ???
    Dog eat dog rules here ????
    Geez boet , these are frikken 16/17 year olds (ok Maybe the odd 23 yr old)….whom over 90 % will discontinue playing the game after U21 , and whom less than 1 % will actually have carreers out of the game …..

    7 November, 2012 at 09:53
  144. avatar
    #72 Ploegskaar

    @Andre T: And almost undoing all those achievements by producing the occasional Jorrie.

    7 November, 2012 at 09:49
  145. avatar
    #71 oldschool

    @Gungets Tuft: Welldone Gungets !!
    SBR is so much more than winning games , the educational benefits are huge , teaching boys many life lessons such as commitment , bravery , freindship , modesty in victory , dealing with losses , goal setting , working hard for a cause , team work , decision making , confidence ……
    besides the friendships that are formed from both team mates and opposition …..
    all this other crap is really unecasary , i hear people saying its the parents and boys choices to switch schools at these late stages , maybe so , but the schools themselves should turn away boys like that instead of invite them in , where is there loyalty and passion for their existing school ….all for what a few free years of schooling ….what lesson is that boy learning …its OK to jump the fence every time you are not happy about something !!!
    Absolute bullshat !!!

    7 November, 2012 at 09:47
  146. avatar
    #70 Andre T

    @Ludz: I suppose that’s highly debatable. Fortunately Monnas don’t recruit, we take what comes our way and they become SA Schools captains and Sharks stalwarts and Springbok legends and State Presidents.

    7 November, 2012 at 09:31
  147. avatar
    #69 Ludz

    @Andre T: Josh came to Queen’s of his own choice, as did Johan Meyer in grade 9, he was coming from Hudson Park, not Hangklip by the way, he left Hangklip toward the end of his primary school career. Sour grapes from them I suppose, Josh’s younger brother is still at Hangklip and doesn’t wanna come to Queen’s, Josh chose to go to Queen’s

    7 November, 2012 at 09:24
  148. avatar
    #68 Greenwood

    Ok so hopefully Van Zyl may end up at Glenwood – you can’t tell me that DHS did not make a counter offer – they won’t just let this talented player go
    so if you have the same “offer” on the table surely the decision to move would be that of the player and the parents’. If School did not make an offer then its their loss. Van Zyl is Afrikaans – Glenwood has many Afrikaans boys -a high perentage -maybe this was a factor taking into account the demographics of “school” (no disrespect here in this comment at all) Like it or not we must all wake up and smell the roses here – I’m not condoning poaching of players or defending Glenwood – the reality is that SBR is
    professional and this was a watershed year – just as Doc Craven resisted professionalism in SA rugby -change was inevetable – no doubt Glenwood will also lose players to other schools in future – dog eats dog rules here and we have to accept this and move on

    7 November, 2012 at 09:23
  149. avatar
    #67 Gungets Tuft

    @Ludz: Senzo was a special case. The kid jumped from school to school. Started off at Northwood (I think), jumped to College without College knowing the background, then jumped to Glenwood. I don’t think it was poaching in that case. Then managed to get himself sent off for a punch on Goldstones in the 1sts game there …. like I said .. special kid :-)))

    7 November, 2012 at 09:21
  150. avatar
    #66 Andre T

    @Ludz: Ludzie, jeepers mate……..during my debit card cloning trip in Queenstown I stayed with people who’s Hangklip sons had a different story. As a matter of interest……..were Josh Stander and Johan Meyer in Queens from grade 8?

    7 November, 2012 at 09:16
  151. avatar
    #65 Andre T

    Yes, maybe this whole thing is just to lighten up Durban which on the keper beskou is a rather dull port. Same with Bloedrivier and The Great Trek, word is going around it never even took place. Just stories to charge up the dutchies.

    7 November, 2012 at 09:11
  152. avatar
    #64 Ludz

    We don’t experience this problem in the EC. Simply because schools respect each other and don’t poach players, I heard from a lad who was at Glenwood from grade 8 to grade 10 that Senzo Mtshali was poached from Maritzburg College which shows a complete disregard for your opposition school

    7 November, 2012 at 09:08
  153. avatar
    #63 All Black

    @GreenBlooded: Lets just say that the truth will come out and those jumping on the band wagon will be left with red faces. This rubbish has got to be stopped and those in the middle of it all ‘preach’ a good game. :wink:

    7 November, 2012 at 09:07
  154. avatar
    #62 NW_Knight

    Couldn’t agree more with you, All Black. However, I have learnt to wait until the truth comes out rather than listening to rumors, as often they are figments of someones imagination.

    7 November, 2012 at 09:05
  155. avatar
    #61 GreenBlooded

    @All Black: I wonder who that could be?? Someone associated with one of the ‘innocent yappers’ perhaps?

    7 November, 2012 at 09:00
  156. avatar
    #60 All Black

    I hear of promises being made by a coach to boys re getting into Academy etc are also doing the rounds? It appears that another school is also trying ‘aggressive marketing tactics’? Do these schools not know that the truth always comes out?

    7 November, 2012 at 08:52
  157. avatar
    #59 The Beast

    @ Gungets

    You are so right, this obsession with winning at all costs is destroying the beauty of school rugby. Glenwood are the PROBLEM!!!!!! I suggest the KZN schools scrap them from the fixture list.

    7 November, 2012 at 08:48
  158. avatar
    #58 NW_Knight

    @Greenblooded: No scholarships offered to any boys at any KZN schools that I know of. Unfortunately, only a limited number of scholarships, so one has to be selective. No pot of gold to use.

    7 November, 2012 at 08:35
  159. avatar
    #57 Gungets Tuft

    @GreenBlooded: Was this years 1st team #9 in matric, or is Glenwood looking for some depth and cover. Can’t believe it is good for morale to see this happening so soon after the 2012 year turned into a disappointment (by Glenwoods standards). Tall trees and wind is one thing but there is such as thing as an “ill wind” as well.

    I think it is short sighted of the parents and the boy himself (if he had much to do with it), your best memories of school are not going to be that you turned out for the DHS or Glenwood 1sts, or that you were unbeaten, even that you got a pro contract – your memoreis are going to be built around the mates that you spent 5 years with at the (supposed to be) most carefree time of your life. Instead we get all this focus on a 16/17 year old lightie who should be strolling around in nothing more stressful than his testosterone froth. Eeeisch.

    7 November, 2012 at 08:24
  160. avatar
    #56 GreenBlooded

    @BOG: Exactly!! Nothing drags the trolls out like a bit of bad Glenwood press.

    7 November, 2012 at 08:22
  161. avatar
    #55 GreenBlooded

    @NW_Knight: So no scholarships (both from the school and the medical aid) offered to boys from other schools then??

    7 November, 2012 at 08:19
  162. avatar
    #54 NW_Knight

    True – just got to hope the tree isn’t rotting at the bottom. Recruitment going well and above board.

    7 November, 2012 at 08:12
  163. avatar
    #53 GreenBlooded

    @NW_Knight: Because the tall tree catches the most wind that’s why. How is your recruitment drive panning out?

    7 November, 2012 at 08:07
  164. avatar
    #52 NW_Knight

    It’s like watching an episode of “Lie to Me”, something like “I did not have sex with that woman” – and we all know how that turned out! :-D

    7 November, 2012 at 08:05
  165. avatar
    #51 BOG

    And now all the “innocent” are yapping along. You may not have been caught with your fingers in the cookie jar, but why the heck are your cheeks bulging? To drive some people insane, does not require much driving!

    7 November, 2012 at 08:01
  166. avatar
    #50 GreenBlooded

    @beet: Perhaps your source can also reveal the outcome of that meeting?

    If Glenwood is so repulsive then I suggest you all petition your respective schools to not play against them in all codes. But please be fair and apply the same standard to all schools who do the same. We may end up with no school sport at all in KZN and can concentrate on academics.

    7 November, 2012 at 07:58
  167. avatar
    #49 NW_Knight

    Seems like always the same school at the center of every controversy – wonder why!

    7 November, 2012 at 07:55
  168. avatar
    #48 Andre T

    @The Beast: There is something strange, in the neighbourhood……..who’re you gonna call?……..Ghostbusters.

    7 November, 2012 at 07:49
  169. avatar
    #47 The Beast

    Glenwood are at it again. Why is Glenwood always the centre of all controversy? Maybe it’s time for all KZN schools to actually abolish this fixture because Glenwood is all about poaching and stealing players from other schools. it stinks. Glenwood needs to go, enough of these locusts, get a can of doom out and spray them away. Enough is enough.

    7 November, 2012 at 07:47
  170. avatar
    #46 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Andre T:
    Its sad hey. And its all just for a good 1st rugby side.its also amazing how Glenwood and its supporters praise it on how right they get it in grade 8 when they buy left,right and centre in grade 10 and upwards

    7 November, 2012 at 07:46
  171. avatar
    #45 Andre T

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: This approaching thing is bullshit. All these ‘franchise’ schools do it all over in Bloem, Pretoria, Stellenbosch, Paarl and in Durban. It’s an obsession for these schools to lure the best players and it drives me insane.

    7 November, 2012 at 07:31
  172. avatar
    #44 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Andre T:
    There’s a fuss because it wasn’t his independent decision to leave. And Glenwood approached him

    7 November, 2012 at 07:22
  173. avatar
    #43 All Black

    Sick of this rubbish. Always the same guys in the middle of the controversy. Speak to their staff and you will see exactly what is happening. Enough said.

    7 November, 2012 at 07:21
  174. avatar
    #42 Andre T

    Crikey, why the fuss? If a boy wants to leave let him leave. I just can’t understand why he’s going to Glenwood and not a powerhouse like Kearsney or Michaelhouse. I mean why would an accountant work for Terblanche & Sons if he could join Price Waterhouse?

    7 November, 2012 at 07:02
  175. avatar
    #41 HORSEFLY NO.1


    Haha he’s initially from one of those schools(port natal, sarel cilliers or something like thatt)

    7 November, 2012 at 06:54
  176. avatar
    #40 BOG

    Van Zyl? As an outsider, I have the perfect compromise. Send him to Port Natal

    7 November, 2012 at 06:15
  177. avatar
    #39 Gungets Tuft

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Don’t have the Skonk info. And not too close to the 1sts and not willing to hazard a guess. We had pretty good depth last year, the top 4 teams in Open did OK, the U16’s were pretty good, so the signs are good for a decent team. But remember we had a really good team this year until 1/2 of them ended up in the medical tent, so I will just pitch up and watch the rugby, enjoy it as I always do. Apparently there is gypsey set up next to Madame Zingara that is good with that sort of stuff though :-)

    6 November, 2012 at 22:22
  178. avatar
    #38 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: 1. Not assuming that it was Westville that called off the fixture, did not even hint at that. I know the fixture is off, I know that Westville think that Glenwood recuited against teh agreement, know that Glenwood think Westville acted in bad sportsmanship. Who did what is not the point, just that there is bad blood because of an incident where both schools blurred the edges. Know that it is bad for schoolboys.

    2. Not having a pot at Glenwood – I was having a pot at you. You take situation you know nothing about and make statements of fact which are not true.

    3. It’s not because Glenwood are a tall tree or mediocre. I object to the way Hilton recruited last year and then blurred the edges by having the boy repeat a Grade. It assumes we are stupid, that they will say that he joined in Grade 10. They will dress it up, probably claim it was necessary to catch up from NSC to IEB or something but we all know what it was.

    Just don’t try to justify, try and inform yourself properly first. Your school does well, I like that. Effort needs to be rewarded with success or there is no example for others to follow. Just make sure that the effort to improve is primary, not the effort to attract. It’s not offsides yet, but that “aggressive” could turn “oppressive” in the blink of an eye, don’t for a second think that there is not widespread strain in the schoolboy system right now.

    And that “what more could a DHS supporter want” statement, pretty decent example of ad hominem …

    6 November, 2012 at 22:17
  179. avatar
    #37 HORSEFLY NO.1

    What bad rumour have I told here??I was just sharing that van zyl will be at glenwood next year and was telling people that Sean offered him. A lucrative scholarship then you come and say that we are trying to bring Glenwood down??
    I stopped wondering about what Glenwood does after a couple of their staff members told me.as I said before they just fall short of calling it criminal mate.

    6 November, 2012 at 22:10
  180. avatar
    #36 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, bored now! No, what I am saying is that Glenwood’s recruitment is clever at the grade 7 level. I would never condone recruitment from a rival school after that. What happens after that is unknown to me as I don’t believe rumours. I wonder in Calvin Smith and Cameron Wright chose to go to Hilton? I wonder if those kids from the Easter Cape chose to go to DHS and Glenwood or if they were lured. Anyway, it seems you have achieved what you wanted, a bad rumour about Glenwood…….what more would a DHS supporter want. My dad is loving it….

    6 November, 2012 at 21:43
  181. avatar
    #35 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Do you have the participating teams for Skonk next year?
    Also, how is your 1st side looking like and which of your U16 boys are going to be 1st team in your opinion

    6 November, 2012 at 21:42
  182. avatar
    #34 Grasshopper

    @Gungets, I don’t need to google ad hominem I studied law as part of my BComm degree so know exactly what it means. I’m not sugar coating I am just stating a fact and am loyal to my alma mater. If they are really doing dodgy things behind closed doors then it needs to be stopped asap and as an Old Boy and businessman I am in a position to maybe stop these sorts of things. Yes the Westville fixture is off, but why assume it was Westville who refused. It could have been the other way around due to Westville’s refusal to have the same independent check as the others and use their own ‘auditor’. Anyway, just sick and tired of every Tom, Dick and Harry taking a pot at Glenwood, it’s boring now. If Glenwood slipped into mediocrity I can tell you nothing would be said, it’s only that they are doing well so people look to pick holes…..it’s part and parcel of being successful in sport. Even Usain Bolt is being questioned after the Lance Armstrong affair…

    6 November, 2012 at 21:37
  183. avatar
    #33 HORSEFLY NO.1

    ‘Just because Glenwood does it aggresively does not make them worse it makes them clever’
    Are you trying to say that Glenwood is smart for buying from other KZN schools aggressively??
    OMW.amazing how you see everyone as trying to make themselves better than GW when they start stating facts which you obviously have no blooming idea about.
    I also heard the exact same thing you are saying. Where Glenwood came to him at a vunreable time.
    If only grassie knew… I hear he wants to go back to College though, could be just rumours…

    6 November, 2012 at 21:35
  184. avatar
    #32 Gungets Tuft

    @Gungets Tuft: Ad hominem …

    6 November, 2012 at 21:12
  185. avatar
    #31 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Just cannot have a discussion with you about this. No nerve hit, why the hell would there be, just you keep on sugar coating absolutely everything with Glenwood. You have no personal experience with this one. I do. I see the personal BBMs to his mates in the BE, I know exactly what happened, I know EXACTLY the conversation with the parents and exactly the motivation. In this case you can deny until the cows come home but you are just being hopeful that you might be right.

    I could give a rats arse now that it is done, I hope the lighties parents have made the right decision. Glenwood is not going to be a bad thing even if he does not go on to play representative rugby so no harm done. But take off the rose tinted glasses boykie, it’s not quite as peachy as you think. Rather just say that all is fair in love and war and move along, that is far closer to the mark than you repeatedly trotting out the “was actually offered a bursary to Glenwood in grade 7 ….” story. I can tell you though, if schools carry on blurring the edges then old friedships will be tested – cast your eye onto the fixture list for next year and tell me I am wrong. And do me a favour – google “ad homimum” before you reply.

    6 November, 2012 at 21:09
  186. avatar
    #30 Grasshopper

    @Gungets, hit a nerve there obviously. I don’t know the full story but who does unless you are the kid yourself and/or his parents. People may claims they know the whole story because they know kids personally. Well that does not cut it for me because I know from personal experience the decisions made may have personal reasons, gut feelings etc and in the end are made by the people involved, all the rest is hearsay. Anyway, point made and move on…..this story is old anyway….

    6 November, 2012 at 20:57
  187. avatar
    #29 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Not the whole story boet, everyone knows the circumstances with the U15A player. Of course he was free to move, but do you think it would have happened if

    1. He had not just been subject to justifyable discipline (along with a number of others, including 3 other A team players)

    2. A prominent member of staff, rugby and acquatics coach had just left to go to Glenwood.

    Not querying the kid (or his parents!!) right to move him, just make sure you tell the whole story, or at least don’t try and whitewash it. And please don’t do either of us the disservice of trying the “jealous, tall poppy, wind in the trees, clear cut” story with me, not going to wash. The kid’s folks were approached at a time when the Glenwood folk knew he would be vulnerable and it worked. Walk away from this example .. it’s the right thing to do.

    6 November, 2012 at 20:48
  188. avatar
    #28 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, I get my info from the source, my dad who is an Old Boy paying for the DHS ‘revival’. When I mentioned 2nd tier I meant those kids at schools like Port Natal, Suid Natal, Kloof, Hillcrest, Gelofte, Pinetown etc who get lost in the system. Yes, one of DHS’s spingboks is actually a Kloof Old Boy, BJ Botha. He only moved to DHS on a good offer. Mate, Glenwood are pretty good at most sport being the the top 5 in KZN for most, so your throwing your eggs in one basket argument is weak. You are just trying to tarnish Glenwood to make yourselves better. Rather concentrate on focussing on your strengths than trying to find fault with others. Michaelhouse, Hilton, Kearsney, Northwood, DHS and every school has lured players from other schools. Just because Glenwood does it aggresively does not make them worse it makes them clever……people always hate to see a rival school doing well so will create spin and embelish stories to make it seem worse……

    6 November, 2012 at 20:34
  189. avatar
    #27 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Very stupid example. Which school is 2nd tier that we have mentioned here?? College?? DHS??
    Think before you ink! And Slam might be speaking of Westman you never know.you can sugarcoat it all you want but truth is that scholarships are all that matter these days! Some of us don’t put 60+ percent of our budget into rugby alone!!
    Since you are back in SA , ask the right people and they will all tell you. I’ve had Glenwood staff members juuust stopping short of calling it criminal.

    Once again, I will admit that it does happen once in a blue moon that a boy leaves on his own to another school but these days that practice is very,very rare and this isn’t one of those. Best coaching?? LOL, if that was the biggest factor then the boy would have gone to Kearsney or Hilton.bwahahahaha

    6 November, 2012 at 19:16
  190. avatar
    #26 Grasshopper

    @Slam, yes the Under15a kid was actually offered a bursary to Glenwood in grade 7 and one to College, he chose College, was there for a year and then decided to take up his bursary at Glenwood which was still on the table….seems clear cut to me. It seems the highest trees do catch the most wind when it comes to poaching rumours. One never seems to think that maybe the kids move because they want the best coaching and to play with the best team mates to ensure their rugga gets better and they don’t get lost in a weak team….I know of many brilliant players lost to the system because they played for 2nd tier schools…

    6 November, 2012 at 19:05
  191. avatar
    #25 GreenBlooded

    @Slam: Before you have a premature ejaculation, it’s hardly a controlversy – just a disagreement between Horsey and me. Slow down son – wait for it.

    And I believe the boy who moved from College to to Glenwood was U15A – not U16A but who cares about facts when there is some Glenwood bashing on offer right?

    6 November, 2012 at 19:02
  192. avatar
    #24 Slam

    No ways not another schoolboy transfer controversy involving Glenwood. Of course the hoppers insentivise these deals. Same thing happened to the College U16A lad who moved last year. Same sh*t different day

    6 November, 2012 at 18:23
  193. avatar
    #23 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @GreenBlooded: just likea stubborn child Glenwood refuses to listen. I now know of 4 boys who have moved to Glenwood in the past 4 years. Only one was not offered a scholarship and left by himself. The other 3 were offered things which DHS were not prepared to offer.
    Same for Leroux.also, its also smart for DHS to not cause a debacle as to not get the bad name that WBHS got after the whole Marne thing.
    The incentives are too sensetive. And I will therefore not mention.
    Lastly, the Glenwood game is the only one where DHS plays on tv so I’m sure they would not like to risk the free marketing as a big debate could obviously cause the games to be called off next year.
    Does also help that the current 1st XV coach is cool headed

    6 November, 2012 at 18:20
  194. avatar
    #22 GreenBlooded

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Why don’t you want to mention these ‘incentives’ here? Tell the whole yarn – not half of it.

    6 November, 2012 at 17:54
  195. avatar
    #21 GreenBlooded

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: It’s not that I feel obligated to defend Glenwood. Your yarn just doesn’t make sense and seems to follow a trend – that being that whenever anyone moves to Glenwood from another school, and for whatever reason, it is immediately assumed that Glenwood poached the kid and offered him money.

    I ask you again – why is DHS not protesting this gross breach of ethics and the HMA after having lost one of their star players to Glenwood poaching? Why are the other headmasters not threatening to withdraw from matches as happened last year – since Glenwood are once again in breach of this sacred agreement? There is more to this than you know or are telling.

    6 November, 2012 at 17:53
  196. avatar
    #20 HORSEFLY NO.1

    I heard it from his coach who is very close to him. I will not mention the incentives here but if you are. So eager to know then give me your email address and I can give you. You simply don’t know to what extent Glenwood is willing to. Go for its rugby. I understand you feel obligated to defend them but I’m not just spreading rumours but telling you what is. If you can’t handle it then I’m so sorry for you.

    6 November, 2012 at 17:20
  197. avatar
    #19 GreenBlooded

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: How do you know that? Were you present when this offer was made? If not then it is hearsay. And what pray tell did Glenwood offer this kid that was ‘against our values and ethos’? Drugs? A lapdance at Teasers? A visa to Israel? You make me laugh.

    This kid was certainly a star and not someone DHS would let go of just like that without a fuss. Regardless of whether you had a replacement for him, you could have used him in the 2nds or on the bench. There is more to this.

    Hey – if you are into spreading rumours about Glenwood I heard this one a few weeks ago: The Glenwood A team coaches line their boys up every morning and give them a pink tablet to take. Bwahahahaha. Go and tell everyone about that now.

    6 November, 2012 at 17:04
  198. avatar
    #18 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @greenblooded and pedantic
    Well I know the truth and the truth is that Glenwood aapproached him with a scholarship and some extra incentives which DHS would simply not offer as goes against our values and ethos. I do think that DHS has not cried about it because of the more than suitable replacement at flyhalf.

    6 November, 2012 at 16:18
  199. avatar
    #17 GreenBlooded

    @Gungets Tuft: Grade 11 this year according to Horsey.

    6 November, 2012 at 15:41
  200. avatar
    #16 Gungets Tuft

    @GreenBlooded: What grade is van Zyl in, what age group is he moving to – I assume Open?

    6 November, 2012 at 15:23
  201. avatar
    #15 GreenBlooded

    Once again – if Glenwood have acted outside of the HMA then one would expect there to be an outcry – which there isn’t. So besides Horsey’s contention that this so-called dubious offer was made, we don’t really know that there was one do we? And I don’t beleive for a second that DHS would just let this kid go quietly if there was one – the story just doesn’t add up.

    Glenwood has one of the best rugby program in KZN (possibly the best) and it is therefore expected that the discerning rugby player would want to go there even it if means leaving his current school so let’s not jump on the bandwagon everytime it happens.

    6 November, 2012 at 14:51
  202. avatar
    #14 Pedantic

    @Greenwood: While I understand what you are alluding to, the fact of the matter is that the offer should never have been made in the first place!

    There is also the possibility that the parent/kid in question was unhappy and applied to Glenwood – but we will never really know the truth.

    6 November, 2012 at 14:11
  203. avatar
    #13 HORSEFLY NO.1

    but then again how do you expect the school to improve if all its best players kept leaving??
    the fact that these boys choose DHS at grade 8 level shows that its still a popular choice with the young ones but other schools just dont give a rat. i get what you are saying but it all comes down to loyalty. stick it out and you will be rewarded. after all, everyone remembers that guy who shined while his pack didnt help him much instead of that guy who was just another part of a team of stars.

    6 November, 2012 at 13:54
  204. avatar
    #12 Greenwood

    If I were a star player in a school like DHS that has such a rich sporting history but at this time
    cannot compete with Glenwood , College & the likes in 1st team Rugby I would certainly consider an offer from an opposition school that is performing well – I felt for the DHS 1st team at Glenwood this year- they played vey well but could not get the points on the board ,however although they lost badly my mates at the match agreed we still feel a deep respect for “School” and there were some standout stars in the flies team one of them was this lad in question – lets hope that we do not have a repeat of the situation we had this year

    6 November, 2012 at 13:43
  205. avatar
    #11 HORSEFLY NO.1


    wbhs only claim to have had one u19 player whom has been there since grade 10. what a load of bulldust

    6 November, 2012 at 12:45
  206. avatar
    #10 HORSEFLY NO.1

    there is not a big story about it because we dont want one…
    it was done undercover i.e Sean and co told him to tell dhs that he wanted to leave but was offered no scholarship which he did but he later admitted that he is in fact getting a 100 percent scholarship at Glenwood.
    one of the reasons for leaving was that he will be better recoginsed by scouts at glenwood etc

    once again , we dont mind. theres no place for people like that at DHS anyways…

    6 November, 2012 at 12:30
  207. avatar
    #9 Grasshopper

    @Horsie, if that is true it also reflects on the kids parents to accept that. They obviously have no loyalty to the school or not happy……it’s not just the school offering that is not great it’s the parents accepting. Again, this is happening with ALL schools….

    6 November, 2012 at 12:17
  208. avatar
    #8 GreenBlooded

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: If that is the case then it’s not cool at all. And against the HMA which is why I’m surprised there hasn’t been a hullabaloo about it. Which makes me think it’s not all true??

    6 November, 2012 at 12:17
  209. avatar
    #7 HORSEFLY NO.1

    thats true, except that he is on scholarship, was approached by Sean and accepted the scholarship as it came with some perks which i wont mention here.
    really sad how you can approach players from a school with such a good relationship with you like that…
    not cool

    6 November, 2012 at 12:01
  210. avatar
    #6 beet

    @GreenBlooded: I agree. There is no way you can prevent a boy from playing rugby even if he gets a bursary or scholarship and/or he is the best in the world simply because his parent/guardian made a decision to move him from one school to another.

    HOWEVER the HMA says if he turns 19 in matric, he can’t play rugby for his new school UNLESS he was at the new school since gr.10.

    6 November, 2012 at 10:31
  211. avatar
    #5 GreenBlooded

    @beet: I think the HMA is to stop schools luring kids from other schools by offering financial incentives. You cannot stop someone moving schools for personal reasons if there is no carrot.

    6 November, 2012 at 10:09
  212. avatar
    #4 beet

    @GreenBlooded: @Greenwood:
    He will not be u19, so the Headmasters Agreement does not apply. I think!

    6 November, 2012 at 09:54
  213. avatar
    #3 GreenBlooded

    @Greenwood: I think the headmaster’s agreement only applies to scholarship kids. If a kid decides to leave DHS and go to Glenwood (completely understandable :twisted: :lol: ) and is paying his way then you can’t really stop him. Freedon of choice, freedom of association and all that stuff.

    6 November, 2012 at 09:45
  214. avatar
    #2 Greenwood

    Horsie — van Zyl going to Glenwood next year ? are you serious ?? – what about the “Headmasters agreement”

    6 November, 2012 at 09:08
  215. avatar
    #1 HORSEFLY NO.1

    i see. That DHS flyhalf Leroux Van Zyl is going to Glenwood next year…

    5 November, 2012 at 16:55

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