School Rugby fixtures & results – week ending 07 March 2015

Sat 21 Feb Kynoch Noord-Kaap 33 5 Klerksdorp
Sat 28 Feb AHS Kroonstad 24 14 Fichardtpark
Sat 28 Feb Louis Botha 10 3 Welkom Gim
Sat 28 Feb Kalahari (Kuruman) 20 14 Hentie Cilliers
Sat 28 Feb Lichtenburg 7 60 Kynoch Noord-Kaap
Sat 28 Feb HTS Middelburg 45 14 Transvalia
Sat 28 Feb Middelburg 27 13 Ermelo
Mon 02 Mar Pionier 18 18 Kearsney Northern Natal Tour
Tue 03 Mar Hugenote (Springs) 5 20 Eldoraigne
Wed 04 Mar Sarel Cilliers 15 30 Kearsney Northern Natal Tour
Fri 06 Mar Stellenberg 67 0 Parel Vallei
08h00 Sat 07 Mar Duineveld 15 12 Grens Fichardtpark S/D
09h10 Sat 07 Mar AHS Kroonstad 13 36 Upington Fichardtpark S/D
11h30 Sat 07 Mar Goudveld 12 24 Marlow Fichardtpark S/D
12h40 Sat 07 Mar Welkom Gim 24 36 Kynoch Noord-Kaap Fichardtpark S/D
13h50 Sat 07 Mar Louis Botha 14 3 Landboudal Fichardtpark S/D
15h00 Sat 07 Mar Sentraal 24 22 Diamantveld Fichardtpark S/D
16h10 Sat 07 Mar Fichardtpark 24 24 Hentie Cilliers Fichardtpark S/D
09h10 Sat 07 Mar Sand du Plessis 15 13 Hangklip Fichardtpark S/D
13h00 Sat 07 Mar Nico Malan 32 3 PW Botha Gill College R/D
14h00 Sat 07 Mar Despatch 14 0 Winterberg Gill College R/D
15h00 Sat 07 Mar Pearson 87 0 Michausda Gill College R/D
16h00 Sat 07 Mar Gill 0 26 Oudtshoorn Gill College R/D
Sat 07 Mar Linden 41 8 Brits NWU Vaal Reeks
Sat 07 Mar Ben Vorster 21 23 Oos-Moot NWU Vaal Reeks
A Sat 07 Mar Transvalia 0 52 Monument Tuks-Reeks
A Sat 07 Mar Centurion 3 65 EG Jansen Tuks-Reeks
B Sat 07 Mar Garsfontein 45 17 Ermelo Tuks-Reeks
C Sat 07 Mar HTS Middelburg 47 19 Klerksdorp Tuks-Reeks
C Sat 07 Mar Rustenburg 19 24 Eldoraigne Tuks-Reeks
D Sat 07 Mar Pietersburg 26 24 Vereeniging Gim Tuks-Reeks
Sat 07 Mar George Campbell 36 0 KZN Development
Sat 07 Mar Muir 52 7 Victoria Park
Sat 07 Mar Union 10 3 St Andrew’s School
Sat 07 Mar Jim Fouche 17 15 Voortrekker (Beth)
Sat 07 Mar Nelspruit 20 25 Waterkloof
Sat 07 Mar Helpmekaar 10 23 Die Anker


  1. avatar
    #75 Lindenpa

    @beet: Beet, I will try to find out. Drostdy’s principal was Linden’s previous principal, so a bit of history between the two schools.
    EDjou: Ek probeer niks inlees in Helpmekaar se verloor nie alhoewel ek graag wil. Op hierdie stadium gee ek hulle die voordeel van die twyfel. Linden sal hulle wel later vanjaar raakloop.

    Ek verstaan Linden se O/15’s het vanmiddag vir Menlopark in ‘n oefenwedstryd 25 – 19 gewen. Die eerste spanne het net teen mekaar geoefen en nie wedstryd gespeel nie.

    10 March, 2015 at 22:06
  2. avatar
    #74 Ploegskaar

    @CharlesZA: Not at all, those in charge only mean well, the comment was tongue in cheek and I appreciate that every school has its own way of running things

    9 March, 2015 at 22:50
  3. avatar
    #73 CharlesZA

    @Ploegskaar: You not very fond of those in charge of the rugby there? Didnt watch the game myself but will give feedback as I see it and wont need anyone’s permission. Wish they updated their social media (twitter) more frequently during games. Last update I saw was the B side leading the powerhouse from the south Camps Bay 26-0 at half time. :wink:

    9 March, 2015 at 20:26
  4. avatar
    #72 Djou

    @Lindenpa: Ek sal wel heelwat inlees in Helpmekaar se verloor. Hulle het topspelers afgestaan aan ander skole. En onthou, die ander skole neem ook deel aan atletiek en kon ook nie juis oefen nie.

    9 March, 2015 at 20:21
  5. avatar
    #71 ben

    @Lindenpa: o/15A en 1ste span

    9 March, 2015 at 19:41
  6. avatar
    #70 Ploegskaar

    @CharlesZA: Any thoughts on stand-out players, set-piece play and structures on defence and attack? Just make sure that you have your answers vetted and signed off by the kenners en wysemanne daarso before you post though, they do not take kindly to any old uninformed opinions from outsiders.

    9 March, 2015 at 18:39
  7. avatar
    #69 Djou

    @beet: I still want to know. Did Grey win on Saturday? :mrgreen:

    @Cappie: Yes, some of the toughest games Affies ever played were the trials. Hope for a speedy recovery to all the injured. We need a strong Affies side. I can believe that a number of the grade 11’s will come through. Very good u.16 side last year.

    9 March, 2015 at 18:22
  8. avatar
    #68 valke

    @Lindenpa: Linden behoort goed te doen met hulle een afrigter aanwins, die ander een….. wel, dalk nie so ‘n groot aanwins nie.

    9 March, 2015 at 15:53
  9. avatar
    #67 valke

    @jakes: Only wish the Anker guys will stop complaining, and realize that they can compete with the bigger teams.

    They have very talented players in that team.

    9 March, 2015 at 15:49
  10. avatar
    #66 beet

    @@ben: do you know if the Menlo vs KES trial run is still on for this weekend?

    9 March, 2015 at 15:31
  11. avatar
    #65 beet

    @Lindenpa: thanks.
    I guess I can’t ask you why Linden games vs Drostdy and I think it’s Stellenberg were cancelled.

    9 March, 2015 at 15:29
  12. avatar
    #64 Lindenpa

    @ben: Al die spanne, of net O/15’s?

    9 March, 2015 at 14:51
  13. avatar
    #63 ben

    Menlo en Linden Dinsdag 10 Maart 15;30 te Linden

    9 March, 2015 at 14:21
  14. avatar
    #62 Cappie

    @Djou: Van die hardste rugby was op uitstalling by die Boereplaas tydens die proewe, en die beseringspook het wel sy draai kom maak. Ons hoop vir spoedige herstel. Daar was interessante verwikkelinge. Spelers wat verlede jaar eerste span gespeel het, gaan dalk nie hierdie jaar die eerste span haal nie. Die graad 11 groep is soos die graad 12 groep lekker sterk.

    9 March, 2015 at 14:01
  15. avatar
    #61 Lindenpa

    @beet: I am no longer involved with the school as my last son was in matric last year, but I will contact Francois Vosloo and get it for you. I know that they are playing Dr Malan this Saturday.

    9 March, 2015 at 13:33
  16. avatar
    #60 beet

    @Lindenpa: Are you able to send me Linden’s fixture list for this season

    9 March, 2015 at 12:09
  17. avatar
    #59 Lindenpa

    Ek sal nie te veel inlees in Helpmekaar se verloor teen Die Anker nie. Helpmekaar konsentreer meer op atletiek en het onlangs weer die Super Interhoer gewen. Baie van hulle rugbyspelers is nog by atletiek betrokke en sal eers later vir die rugbyspanne beskikbaar wees. Nogtans baie geluk aan Die Anker.

    Linden het `n mooi oorwinning gehad oor Brits (41 – 8). Die O/15A span het 72 – 7 gewen, O/15B 78 – 0 en die tweedes 57 – 7. Hierdie jaar het Michael Bondesio as onderwyser en Pietie Meyer as buite-afrigter betrokke geraak en alle aanduidings is dat Linden se rugby weer goed sal doen in 2015.

    9 March, 2015 at 10:04
  18. avatar


    Kon die game nie bywoon! Ons het somehow glad nie n goeie trackrecord teen Kloof nie.. Kan nie onthou wanneer laas ons eerstes n wen gekry het nie .. hier en daar het n ouderdoms span al n knoop deurgehaak.. maar dis n droogte wat gebreek sal moet word. Moet byvoeg dat Waterkloof baie meer gereeld as ons feature op die rankings en dat hul selde n swak span het.. Waterkloof is n span wat op n gegewe dag enige ander skool selfs Top 5 kan laat les opse . Sterkte vir jul Bere ook vir die jaar..sien uit na n lekker jaar se skolerugby

    9 March, 2015 at 09:33
  19. avatar
    #57 scrummie

    @ Kosie – Stem saam jou :mrgreen: . Hier word ook mooi, harde rugby gespeel :!: :!: . As jy iets wil weet vra gerus ek sal prober antwoord soos ek kan, het n goeie idee vd Moot/Noorde skole se spanne

    9 March, 2015 at 08:54
  20. avatar
    #56 Rugbyman

    @LAEVELDER: lyk of dit ‘n baie close game was…?

    9 March, 2015 at 08:29
  21. avatar

    Baie geluk Waterkloof.. Sterkte vir die res van die seisoen… Jul kan n groot jaar he!

    9 March, 2015 at 07:50
  22. avatar
    #54 kosie

    @scrummie: Jy mag 100% reg wees met die spanne van die Moot. Wat ek eintlik se is dat daar ook mooi rugby in die Moot gespeel word en dat mens ‘n tydjie kan maak om ook daar te gaan rugby kyk. Ons hoor min op die blog van die Moot skole.

    9 March, 2015 at 07:36
  23. avatar
    #53 scrummie

    @ Kosie – Sal eerder se OM en Wonderboom, Montana en JV sal goed wees maar OM en WB in my opinie die sterkste in Moot/Noorde maar anyway dis my opinie. Resultate sal vanself prt :lol:

    9 March, 2015 at 07:04
  24. avatar
    #52 Djou

    @Rugbyman: Ek is doodseker dit sal net beter gaan. Hoop die skool se beplanning is volgende jaar beter – dit is moeilik om atletiek te doen tot Dinsdag en Woensdag te begin met rugby.
    @Kosie; Yip, ek onthou daardie dae, selfs toe kleine Hendrik Verwoerd met Naas in hul geledere vir Affies die skrik gegee het.

    8 March, 2015 at 20:41
  25. avatar
    #51 Rugbyman

    @Djou: ek hoop ons verras jou volgende keer… onthou ons het woensdag middag proewe gespeel en net een oefening gehad donderdag middag… daars in my opinie heelwat spelbrekers :wink:

    8 March, 2015 at 19:05
  26. avatar
    #50 kosie

    @Djou: Ja Tuine kan gerus bygevoeg word. Waars die dae toe FH Odendaal ook sy man kon staan? Wonderboom is vir my ‘n bietjie van ‘n anomalie. Met hulle getalle behoort hulle baie beter te vaar.

    8 March, 2015 at 18:16
  27. avatar
    #49 Djou

    @Kosie, Jammer, ek bedoel Tuine, hoewel Wonderboom soms goeie spanne oplewer.

    8 March, 2015 at 17:49
  28. avatar
    #48 tzavosky

    @pietretief: Volgende Saterdag speel Montana tuis teen Ben Vorster.

    Gister het Oos-Moot hier teen BV gespeel en gewen. Albei spanne lyk verroes en maak basiese foute, maar dit sal waarskynlik verbeter. Dit lyk of die fiksheid pla. O-M kort ‘n losskakel wat kan dikteer. Groot en gewillige pak, sterk baldraers in die middelveld, maar min flair agterlangs. Volgens my nou.

    Bygesê, dit was omtrent 30 grade, wat dinge nog moeiliker gemaak het.

    8 March, 2015 at 17:45
  29. avatar
    #47 Djou

    @4×4: Soos jy weet sit dit nie in enige span se broek om Nelspruit in Nelspruit te klop nie. Om dit te doen moet jy of baie beter wees, of ‘n onpartydige skeidsregter hê. Aangesien laasgenoemde baie skaars is, moet Kloof ‘n sterk span hê.
    Ja, Garsies het mooi blootstelling gekry, maar soos Rugbyman noem, hulle was maar middelmatig. Het nie die groot spelers en talle spelbrekers van verlede jaar nie.
    Het die manne mekaar weer afgeskryf by die Affie-proewe?

    @Kosie: Ek dink jy kan Wonderboom ook in die groepie noem.

    8 March, 2015 at 17:43
  30. avatar
    #46 kosie

    @4×4: @pietretief: Die spanne om na te kyk sal wees, Oos- Moot, John Vorster en Montana. Hulle sal sukkel om Affies, Garsies, Menlo en Kloof te klop. Ek probeer net se dat die moot/ Noorde skole mooi harde rugby ook speel.

    8 March, 2015 at 14:29
  31. avatar
    #45 4×4

    kosie..watter skole vanuit die Moot stel jy voor moet ons dophou die jaar? @rugbyman…mooi blootstelling wat Garsies gekry het in die Rapport vandag..lyk my die mannetjies het net so bietjie die voet van die pedal afgehaal die 2de helfde…dalk wou hulle nie die opposisie verneder nie. Die rede waarom ek na Kloof verwys het as die weeskind is bloot omdat daar nie veel aandag deur die bloggers aan hulle geskenk was “voor seisoen” nie, maar die oorwinning oor Nelspruit moet notisie van geneem word…dink hulle steek weer hand op?

    8 March, 2015 at 14:09
  32. avatar
    #44 pietretief

    @kosie: waar kan mens sien wanneer en waar die skole van die moot en die noorde speel.

    8 March, 2015 at 12:30
  33. avatar
    #43 Rugbyman

    @kosie:thanks! dit gaan beslis n baie rowwe seisoen wees… ons sal egter baie beter as gister moet speel, anders wag daar n moeilike jaar! Die potensiaal is daar, maar ons het nog maar min geoefen en die seuns was baie verroes…

    8 March, 2015 at 11:57
  34. avatar
    #42 kosie

    @4×4: Die spanne wat jy noem is seer sekerlik die Great Dane’s van Pretoria. As jy goeie harde rugby wil sien waar krag teen krag rugby opgedis word, maak ‘n draai in die Moot omgewing. Die manne speel mooi harde rugby.

    8 March, 2015 at 11:37
  35. avatar
    #41 kosie

    @Rugbyman: Geluk met jul oorwining! As die hemi net op 1 silinder gevuur het, wonder ek net hoe Garsies gaan lyk as die V8 op al sy silinders vuur! Daar wag ‘n rowwe tydjie voor vir Garsies hierdie seisoen. Sterkte!

    8 March, 2015 at 11:31
  36. avatar
    #40 Rugbyman

    @4×4: ek dink nie kloof is n weeskind nie… hulle het n goeie span en ons weet dit…

    Garsies was gister nie naastenby op hulle beste nie… net so 1 van die 8 silinders het gewerk… baie ruimte vir verbetering…

    8 March, 2015 at 10:36
  37. avatar
    #39 4×4

    Baie geluk aan Garsies, Kloof, Eldo en EG Jansen met hulle oorwinnings die naweek

    8 March, 2015 at 10:14
  38. avatar
    #38 4×4

    Bosvekdpa…die spanne on dop te hou uit Pretoria is Affies, Garsies en Menlo. Daar is ‘n weeskind wat glad nie onderskat moet word nie…waterkloof…die spanne sê afrigters is baie goed en met Affies wat ‘n totale nuwe afrigting span het vertrou ek dat die arrogansie waarna jy vewys uit die weg geruim sal word.

    8 March, 2015 at 10:09
  39. avatar
    #37 Bosveldpa

    Arrogansie van die “leierkorps” nie die seuns!
    Seuns het hulle kant gebring, maar as jy verkeerde kombinasies speel en elke week n ander span, dan kan jy net doen wat jou leierkorps jou toelaat om te doen.

    8 March, 2015 at 06:11
  40. avatar
    #36 Bosveldpa

    @pietretief: Kry maar my info via, via, via. En omdat ek maar ‘n sagteplek vir hulle het al die jare doen ek moeite om te probeer kontak hou deur vriende se vriende. Kyk moenie ‘n fout maak nie Affies het elke jaar great seuns. Ek het verlede jaar se groep regtig jammer gekry want die seuns het GEEN support gekry van onderwysers en afrigters nie, GEEN. Dit sluit die hoof in. Arrogansie die hoof rede.
    Klink net asof egos die jaar weer gaan bots…
    Sal sien en my oor op grond hou.
    Wens hier wil ‘n skool uit VerreNoord weer opmars en verassings lewer.
    Local is lekker!

    8 March, 2015 at 06:09
  41. avatar
    #35 Queenian

    @beet: Muir 52 VP 7

    8 March, 2015 at 05:36
  42. avatar
    #34 jakes

    So happy for Die Anker. As a matter of fact they are now the second biggest school in the Falcons region besides Kempton Park as far as I know. They have more pupils than EGJ and their JNR teams the last few years just got better and were some good competition for EGJ and Kempton Park. A lot of Hugenote ( Springs) pupils also moving over to Die Anker. They also have about 6 rugby fields and some good facilities. I see them just getting better going forward and new competition to the new super league in the Beeld trophy.

    7 March, 2015 at 22:43
  43. avatar
    #33 beet

    @Bosveldpa: Geez after seeing a few of Die Ankers scores against EG Jansen over the years and also reading the preseason talk about Helpies, I expected this game to be a walk in the park for Helpies. This is either going to be one of the shock results of the season or the Valke region has unveiled the first surprise package school team of 2015

    7 March, 2015 at 22:06
  44. avatar
    #32 pietretief

    @Bosveldpa: wat gebeur daar by Affies, het dan gehoor hulle het so great groep die jaar.

    7 March, 2015 at 21:43
  45. avatar
    #31 Bosveldpa

    Neef van my sleep my saam na die Helpies vs Die Anker wedstryd in Sodom vandag. Wat ‘n indrukwekende game deur Anker. Geluk manne!
    Helpies was goed maar Anker beter. Hooor die manne se dit was n verassing die wen.
    Wil bitter graag die Helpies vs Affies season opener kom kyk. Dink Affies is in vir n surprise… Spankeuses klink dit my gaan net soveel verassings inhou die jaar as verlede jaar. Sterkte!
    Klink my EG Jansen is brutaal die jaar! Lekker opener teen Centurion.

    7 March, 2015 at 21:25
  46. avatar
    #30 pietretief

    enige nuus wat gebeur het tussen Nelspruit en Kloof

    7 March, 2015 at 20:00
  47. avatar
    #29 akw

    Garsfontein 45 – 17 Ermelo. Garsfontein 31 – 3 ahead at halftime.

    7 March, 2015 at 19:34
  48. avatar
    #28 kosie

    @ROOIBUL: Geluk met die oorwinning, 21 March will still be tough for Eldo in Klerksdorp. Next week even tougher against HTSM

    7 March, 2015 at 18:37
  49. avatar
    #27 ROOIBUL

    @kosie: No the final score between HTSM and Klerksdorp was 47-19@

    7 March, 2015 at 17:49
  50. avatar
    #26 kosie

    @beet: Judging by the HTS Middelburg Klerksdorp score, Klerksdorp might be the surprise team in the pool. Clearly 21 March is going to be important for Eldo. Rustenburg were ahead 19-17 with a few minutes to go. Close game.

    7 March, 2015 at 16:22
  51. avatar
    #25 jakes

    EG Jansen 65- Centurion 3. Not going to get too excited, too early in the season, both teams still very rusty, too many errors in the first game of the year. What I can say is that if EGJ starts gelling as a team, I can see them knocking some ‘traditional’ schools with some big scores. Also very excited about EGJ’s under 16 team. They have a massive pack of forwards, especially the locks.

    7 March, 2015 at 15:56
  52. avatar
    #24 beet

    @kosie: It was tight after all.

    Rustenburg must now be favourites to win the plate final

    7 March, 2015 at 15:55
  53. avatar
    #23 kosie

    Eldoraigne 24 – 19 Rustenburg FT

    7 March, 2015 at 13:50
  54. avatar
    #22 h2o

    @supportclub: not as far as I know…. there are a couple of boys who are from DHS who played at collegians where trompie coached the u16 squad to the finals….. he has a lot of respect from the youngsters

    7 March, 2015 at 12:53
  55. avatar
    #21 CharlesZA

    Stellenberg beat Perel Valley 67-0 last night.

    7 March, 2015 at 07:52
  56. avatar
    #20 Veg

    Waterkloof v Nelspruit big game first up

    7 March, 2015 at 06:52
  57. avatar
    #19 kosie

    @valke: Toemaar jy hoef nie jou oë te laat toets nie. Jy is reg, ek het ‘n Eldo truitjie gehad. My rugby verbintenis met Eldo het verlede jaar tot ‘n einde gekom en toe trek ek maar my ou skooltruitjie aan. Beet was maar te bly om die verandering te maak.

    6 March, 2015 at 14:54
  58. avatar
    #18 valke

    @kosie: Was ek so lank weg ?

    Ek is seker jy het ‘n Eldo trui aangehad toe ek laas hier was ??

    6 March, 2015 at 14:41
  59. avatar
    #17 kosie

    @Vleis: Ja vleis I was aware of the agreement. Just hope more schools will come forward and support the fight against illegal substances

    6 March, 2015 at 14:10
  60. avatar
    #16 Vleis

    @kosie: A few weeks ago, the following schools invited SAIDS to conduct random tests at no fewer than ten winter sports fixtures between them in the 2015 season:

    Affies, St Alban’s, CBC (Boks), KES, Jeppe, Parktown, Pretoria Boys, Bennies, St David’s, St Stithians and St John’s.

    So, with Menlo, that now makes it four Pretoria schools fighting the scourge of PEDs.

    6 March, 2015 at 14:03
  61. avatar
    #15 kosie

    @beet: Maybe not the thread for this but hats off to Menlopark! Their rugby players will regularly be tested for banned substances. They joined SAIDS. SAIDS addressed the pupils on the hazzards associated with illegal usage of substances.

    The school would apparently use its own discretion who to test and the player will have no say! This might be a first step for schools in Pretoria to join the call for rooting out banned substances amongst school rugby players

    6 March, 2015 at 13:39
  62. avatar
    #14 Lindenpa

    Linden vs Brits at Brits on Saturday, first game in the Pukke Vaal series,

    6 March, 2015 at 12:55
  63. avatar
    #13 burra

    @supportclub: As far as I know, no boy from Campbell followed Trompie to DHS

    5 March, 2015 at 18:04
  64. avatar
    #12 Rugger fan

    Another round.

    Kloof against XXX for the final

    Hillcrest vs Kuswag for 3/4 play off

    5 March, 2015 at 12:21
  65. avatar
    #11 beet

    Is there another round of Gelofte NS matches this Friday or is it over for this year?

    5 March, 2015 at 12:07
  66. avatar
    #10 supportclub

    @GreenBlooded: Trompie moved from George Campbell to DHS, Donald moved from DHS to Kloof.

    I would be interested to know if any George Campbell boys followed Trompie to DHS.

    5 March, 2015 at 11:41
  67. avatar
    #9 GreenBlooded


    Donald is the assistant coach at Kloof??? Surely not. He is worthy of far more than that. But nice to see a big name at Hillcrest too and as you say – nice to see the 2 Tier 2 schools looking to improve their rugger.

    5 March, 2015 at 11:28
  68. avatar
    #8 supportclub

    @GreenBlooded: Donald Ngwenya is Jeremy’s assistant coach. Any one in the Club circles will know Donald well. Dusty Noble is the new Head of Rugby at HHS. Great to see both Kloof and HHS taking their rugby more seriously.

    5 March, 2015 at 11:22
  69. avatar
    #7 GreenBlooded

    @Rugger fan:

    Tight game and a massive derby. Kloof have come a long way under Jeremy McLaren.

    5 March, 2015 at 11:02
  70. avatar
    #6 Greenwood

    OK great ! – this is the “real deal”

    SBR 2015 has “officially ” started and lots of bloggers will come out of hibernation very soon

    here’s to a good 2015 SBR

    5 March, 2015 at 08:50
  71. avatar
    #5 Rugger fan

    Kloof HS beat Hillcrest High 6-3 at Gelofte on Friday night.

    5 March, 2015 at 08:40
  72. avatar
    #4 kosie

    @beet: Yes this game will determine the whole season for Eldoraigne. A bit like 2013. This game will probably decide the no2 spot behind HTS Middelburg in this pool, but lets not pre-empt anything. Good luck to both teams

    4 March, 2015 at 22:06
  73. avatar
    #3 beet

    @kosie: Thank you Kosie.

    Saturday is key for Eldoraigne. In my books its a playoff for a quarterfinal spot.

    One NVer who knows his rugby well has however told me to expect Eldoraigne to win it.

    4 March, 2015 at 21:50
  74. avatar
    #2 kosie

    @beet: Yes can confirm final score was Eldo 20 – 5 Hugenote (Springs). Wasn’t there personally so cannot give any feedback

    4 March, 2015 at 20:24
  75. avatar
    #1 beet

    Hi Kosie, if you have the Eldoraigne final score, please can you share :)

    4 March, 2015 at 20:13

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