Outeniqua beats Grey College : match report

Here is  a match report in point form from this great match between two seriously good teams, Outeniqua and Grey College, the highlight of the Kearsney Easter Rugby Festival for 2013 :

  • Grey starts with great continuity. Get to within 5m of the Kwaggas line after many phases.
  • Wing Charl Pretorius of Grey is held up. Outeniqua gets out of jail.
  • Dewald Human with a good chip and Duhan vd Merwe carries well. He would go on to give his opposite number a really hard time with a couple of powerful runs down the left touchline.
  • Grey gets penalty. EW Viljoen finds touch. Grey controls well and goes wide.
  • Grey passes not as crisp as previous games (maybe wind) but they set up ruck on the left and come back on the right. EW with room slips into the gap and beats Human, the Kwaggas last line of defence*.  7-0 with 8min gone.
  • *(Interesting to note is that Outeniqua often rotated their wings Leighton Eksteen and Duhan vd Merwe and when their opponents had the ball on setpieces, Human and fullback Hennie Barnard would switch places)
  •  Eksteen try. From the kickoff Grey knocks on. Scrum. Ball to Human just outside the 22m. He chips shallow but over the advancing Grey backline. Grey does not gather ball in the aerial contest. Loose ball picked up by Outeniqua and spread wide. Try for Leighton Eksteen. Gelant misses conversion.
  • 12min. Grey looks promising with EW having a good run but all the work undone by an intercept try to Outeniqua. Geor Malan the try scorer runs half the length of the field without anyone coming close to touching him. 12-7 to Outeniqua.
  • 15min. Penalty  for holding to GCB. EW slots. 12-10 to Outeniqua.
  • Noted a good carry by big 132kg prop Stefan Grundlingh of the Kwaggas.
  • Then a really good spell of non-stop action. Grey’s Carel Durow with a good carry – strong legs to stay on his feet. A little later Duhan vd Merwe with a good run up the left touch. Good work by Kwaggas Malan twins. Grey turns ball over. Michael Andrade acts quickly. His pass finds Johan Venter who sprints up the touchline. He throws the ball inside to hardworking Reinhard Arndt who carries it up but Human makes a good tackle on the tryline. Ball is recycled and Ruan Kramer in the receiver channel pops it to mobile lock Johan Kriek who runs in for the try dotted down under the posts. 17-12 Grey leads.
  • After the same ruck on the tryline Human is called over and issued a yellow card. Grey gets a penalty on halfway and has a chance to add more 3 points. EW makes no mistake. 20-12.
  • Grey had shown good continuity in that first half. A good game. But Grey not as fast as in other games. Sometimes handling and passes not too good.
  • (Note a Grey parent had remarked the day before how their performances tapered off in the second half of previous 2 matches. They would not register a point in second half of this game)
  • Second half starts with excellent continuity by Grey again. They advance to Kwaggas line but crucially a Grey player holds onto the ball and takes contact when he had time and space to make a safe pass to 1 of 2 players on his outside and then Grey would almost certainly have scored a try.
  • Kwaggas win a penalty by their 22m on the right. Blitzvinnige tap and go by Remu Malan, passes to his brother Geor, who has a good run.
  • 38min Zandberg takes good ball in the lineout. Geor controls and directs the well set rolling maul from the back. They maul it all the way over the line and Geor has his second try. 20-17
  • A moment of the match. Dewald Human calmly and confidently assesses a situation with ball in hand at the back and the Grey defence approaching him. He glides by one defender, then steps pass another but all the brilliant work is undone when he fails to notice Duhan running an unmarked line on his inside. Human grubberred the ball ahead instead but could not recollect it.
  • 46min. Human gets into space with more flashy play. He goes one-on-one with EW Viljoen. Aided by the distraction of support players advancing on his right, Human effortlessly steps EW and runs in to score what would turn out to be the winning try. 22-20 to Outeniqua. The try draws a standing applause for Human’s individual brilliance.
  • Big moment of the game. Stephen Rautenbach of Grey finds a good touch from a penalty kick. Grey deep on attack.  They win the lineout and drive forward. It looks like a Grey player might have scored the try but the referee was not in the best position and has to come around from the ruck. His call is held up.
  • (From 65m away it looked like it might have been a try. Would be good to see that one on video again)
  • Human gets the ball and dissects Grey defenders in midfield by accelerating at the right moment  on an anged run. He is once again clear and up against EW in a one-on-one situation, this time with even more support players (4 to be exact) basically on the overlap to his right. However instead of linking and setting up an almost certain try, Human once again backs himself with a big step off his right and adds gas. He looks to be home and dry but EW makes an amazing recovery to pull off a try saving tackle.
  • EW has another good run with ball in hand.
  • In a tense finish with time almost up, Outeniqua has the ball from a setpiece decides to run it instead of bash it up. Gelant who has been very quiet fumbles the ball forward in the confusion of a part collision with a teammate in midfield. The knock-on almost certainly saves an obstruction type penalty. Grey recovers the ball but makes a mistake of their own.
  • From the next scrum , the Kwaggas kick the ball out to record a famous victory.


  1. avatar
    #16 Tjoppa

    @Ooorkant Loftus: Paul Roos so af soos laas maand se oorskiet vis. Outeniqua toer al paar jaar op rooster maar gebeur nooit. Ek dink as dit gebeur sal dit die game van die jaar wees. Of wag dit is die Daniel Pienaar games wat altyd verdwyn. Kom ons hou duim vas.

    8 April, 2013 at 13:03
  2. avatar
    #15 Ooorkant Loftus

    Affies also still plays Paul Roos @ Wildeklawer and Outeniqua in George @August 10.

    8 April, 2013 at 10:10
  3. avatar
    #14 Tjoppa

    @beet: I do not know how the ranking system work but correct me if I am wrong but the school playing the least top tier schools and do not loose stands the bigger chance to be no 1. Take Noord Kaap two years ago only played and beaten Affies and, I stand corrected was in top 5.
    Therefore I must rethink my prediction with
    Outeniqua playing W/Kloof , Boishaai and P/Gym
    Grey only have Affies, Monnas and Boishaai left,
    Affies only Grey and Waterkloof
    Waterkloof are playing Outeniqua and Paarl Gim in three days, then Affies, Garsfontein and EG Jansen.
    Boishaai lost Waterkloof and must play Outeniqua, Grey & Paarl Gim
    Paarl Gim still plays Outeniqua and Waterkloof
    Therefore my prediction will be :

    1) Affies
    2) Paarl Gim
    3) Outeniqua
    4) Grey
    5) Waterkloof
    6) Boishaai

    4 April, 2013 at 21:20
  4. avatar
    #13 BOG

    @beet: Guaranteed 100%

    4 April, 2013 at 18:05
  5. avatar
    #12 beet

    @Tjoppa: I think it will be great for school rugby if a few non-traditional table toppers like Kloof and Outeniqua could occupy the top spots this year.

    But there is a lot of rugby left this year which means plenty of opportunities for the likes of Grey Bloem, Affies, Gimmies and Boishaai to regain the upperhand.

    4 April, 2013 at 17:58
  6. avatar
    #11 Tjoppa

    @Rooikat: Like a mountain Big Strong but slow and of little use in the modern era of rugby where it is expected that they scrum, defend and attack all at the same time. I still say if you rule the tight phases you will rule the game. And that is the reason I think Waterkloof will end as no1 this year.

    4 April, 2013 at 15:35
  7. avatar
    #10 Rooikat

    @Ooorkant Loftus: How good is that mountain of a prop (132kg) ?

    4 April, 2013 at 14:43
  8. avatar
    #9 Ooorkant Loftus

    @Beet. Dis die O/14 Toernooi by Outeniqua
    asook die O/15 Toernooi by Bois High gedurende die pas afgelope Paas Naweek.

    4 April, 2013 at 10:17
  9. avatar
    #8 Ooorkant Loftus

    @beet. kan jy dalk die uitslae van die Onder/14 wat by Outeniqua gespeel was vir ons dalk ook in die hande kry asb.
    Nogal interessant om al die uitslae so te lees en te sien waar die volgende jaar en die jaar daarna moontlik se kragte gaan wees van die EERSTE SPANNE van al die skole.
    Het jy ook al die uitslae van die Bois High O/15 wedstryde ook??

    4 April, 2013 at 10:15
  10. avatar
    #7 Kearsney Easter Rugby Fest – Day 3 & overall awards | SchoolBoyRugby

    […] Match of the Day:  Outeniqua 22 Grey College 20 (there is a point form report of this match here: http://schoolboyrugby.co.za/blog/?p=3313 […]

    4 April, 2013 at 08:06
  11. avatar
    #6 beet

    @Ooorkant Loftus: You are absolutely right about the Grey no.8. There were so many good players but Reinhard Arndt played with tons of heart before he had to leave the field.

    3 April, 2013 at 19:35
  12. avatar
    #5 Andre T


    Another 1000 days to go

    3 April, 2013 at 19:19
  13. avatar
    #4 BOG

    @Queenian: If they had the juniors from JJS there, they would have been VERY vocal about the “incident” seen from 65 mtrs, but not from 5. Pity that the captain, Marius Louw (with Queens genes) did not play. No excuse, but apart from his ability as a player, he is also an inspirational leader. Sorry to remind you of his “queens heritage” :mrgreen: Watch him over the next 5 years- Springbok material, for sure.

    3 April, 2013 at 12:11
  14. avatar
    #3 Ooorkant Loftus

    Both sides are 2 very good teams. Grey Fullback excellent and the scrummy also very nippy and sharp during this game. Grey number 8 also played his heart out while still on the field.
    Outeniqua will build on this win and keep the momentum. Their captain (6) is a very good player and the whole game he was very instrumental in all the play. So also the no 10. He is very exciting to watch. Something always happens when the ball goes to him.

    3 April, 2013 at 11:33
  15. avatar
    #2 Queenian

    @BOG: Surely that two points is because there no JJS boys in the team that would have scared the crap out of Outeniqua :mrgreen: :oops: :lol:

    3 April, 2013 at 10:30
  16. avatar
    #1 BOG

    Good report, Beet. Goodness me, it appears even closer than the 2 point margin suggested. ????

    3 April, 2013 at 08:51

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