Match report: SWD beats WP 38-23

  • After a lineout WP lock Jaco Willemse has a powerful carry to within a metre of the SWD tryline. Later in the move centre Edrich Venter gets held up over the line. Play is called back for a penalty to WP but the kick at goal is missed.
  • Many attacks by Province with lock Emile Cloete really standing out for his contributions follows with WP having territory but make no inroads until a penalty is reversed. Aidynn Cupido slots the kick. 3-0.
  • SWD centre JT Jackson misses a penalty kick.
  • Niven Langdown finishes off a wonderful running rugby move by SWD. They move the ball wide with speed and a bit of creativity via Curtley Prins with a chip is the icing on the cake. 3-5.
  • SWD are animals when it comes to contesting ball on the deck.
  • WP play the ball from an offsides position and JT Jackson has another long kick at goal but pushes it right.
  • Flashy No.8 Saul Abrahams breaks the line, draws the man and feeds MZ Davids for a run in. However the pass to Abrahams on halfway is ruled forward by the TMO.
  • A free kick gets hoisted high into the sky by WP scrummy Jondre Williams. SWD allow the ball to bounce. WP wing Edwill vd Merwe collects and advances. SWD infringe at the ruck. Williams lands the penalty. 6-5.
  • Halftime WP leads 6-5.
  • Cupido kicks a straightforward penalty for EP. 9-6.
  • SWD strike back with a brilliant try. A super offload in the tackle by flyhalf Hamman sets JT Jackson off on a run. Jackson holds on and cuts inside instead of passing to the man on his outside. The initiative looks to be lost but a charging hooker Le Roux Baard appears in support on the inside to take a pass and carries three players over the line with him. Jackson converts. 9-12.
  • WP turnover ball with a bad pass. After the lineout SWD attack with ball in hand. JT Jackson steps his man and runs a full 50m to score a try and convert it. 9-19.WP reply with meaning running rugby of their own.
  • A powerful and determined looking flank Mervino de Silva has pace and proves almost unstoppable down the right touch. He scores. Replacement Tiaan Swanepoel converts. 16-19.
  • An error at the restart hands possession back to SWD. Speedy Shadwell Fillies gets the ball and races in for the try. 16-24.
  • WP fullback Peterse carries the ball up. The ball comes back and WP passes to the right where the ball is intercepted by Shadwell Fillies. He runs in untouched. The TMO is asked to rule on offsides. Decision is it’s a tackle not a ruck therefore Fillies not offsides. Jackson converts. 16-31.
  • WP scores an intercept try when Cupido jumps and catches a SWD chip kick. Swanepoel converts. 23-31.
  • WP wins a penalty and Williams takes the quick tap. He test deep into the redzone before bundled into touch.
  • A Hail Mary pass into No Mans Land sends SWD into the unofficial Craven Week final for 2014. JT Jackson collects the gift pass on the bounce and runs in untouched. He converts as well. 23-38.
  • Final score SWD wins 38-23.


  1. avatar
    #85 Ian

    Dear Phatt 55…Just a small point Sir,…Your comment “We are all entitled to our opinions”… surely that phrase is also a cop out! Anyone is entitled to their opinion, but it will carry more weight and respect if the opinion is validated.

    As for the performance of the WP team to date, it really has been poor!
    Us Capetonians’ enjoy boasting that we supply all other unions with their players over the years and yet judging by Craven Week, we are battling to coach and prepare our own team to be really competitive, even with an abundance of talent available?
    It is no reflection on those selected at all, as I am sure that every boy selected played their hearts out, as they are living the dream!
    However, this is the difference between a Jose Mourinho type ( I am definitely not a Chelsea supporter) coaching style and our Craven Week coaches.
    I agree with an earlier comment…who is the designated kicker in the team?
    The kid Swanepoel that kicked in the first game, kicked very well, but the rest of his play was iffy. Is that why he was dropped for the next game? This leads to another point…what was the game plan/strategy? Surely a CW is like a mini world cup and you take your points….then you must have a designated reliable kicker to ensure you get every point available on the day.
    I am afraid, that if Gert Smal is really on top of his game, then he will be asking some very pertinent questions of the Craven Week coaching staff! In business there are no bad staff… only bad management….this is no different!
    Nobody likes to lose, but losing when there are a massive amount of tactical/selection questions beckoning, instead of knowing we played brilliantly, but were unlucky! That is a different story.
    We access these blogs week in and week out because of the love and passion we have for Rugby and throughout this year we quietly sat( I know I did) and knew that this year again, WP were going to put together a great team and that we had a very good chance of taking the ‘unofficial title’. Perhaps our coaches too, were too over confident and felt that they could just pick a good team of great individuals and they would just gel into this awesome unit with a bit of tweaking here and there…..mmm right? and “there goes that flock of pigs!”

    I think this year we just got this very wrong. Lets learn from this and remove ego’s from our future selections and perhaps we need to change the process of how and at what time of the year, we select our teams, so they have time to gel and become the team we require and peak at CW…not find out they are paddling up the wrong creek when they get to CW.

    What is done is done…well done to the boys and the coaching staff, you gave it your all!
    EP is my vote for the finals and just maybe Duncan Saals & Saud Abrahams can sneak in the SA Schools back door.

    19 July, 2014 at 11:21
  2. avatar
    #84 BuiteBreek

    @Andre T: Jy sal maar ‘n ander vergelyking moet kry. Die bungi by Gouritz is toe, en daar is nie meer perlemoen in Kogelbaai oor nie… :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    17 July, 2014 at 16:17
  3. avatar
    #83 Andre T

    Oepsie………….en daar struikel die clean sweepers

    Miskien moet daar nog n Hi Ace of 2 aangeskaf word wat met die N2 Riversdal se kant toe ook beweeg.

    Bungi by Gouritsmond dalk lekkerder as perlemoen by Kogelbaai

    17 July, 2014 at 14:52
  4. avatar
    #82 Dave41

    Interesting results so far. The Eastern and Southern Cape schoolboys have shown up well and probably better than expected. Free-State marching on.

    That said, Free-State should always have a competetive advantage at this tournament as they have been playing together as a unit for at least 5 years ……

    17 July, 2014 at 12:21
  5. avatar
    #81 Grasshopper

    @Maroon: just slightly arrogant isn’t it?

    17 July, 2014 at 12:17
  6. avatar
    #80 Maroon

    @meadows: CW is certainly not a step up from the WC schools league.

    17 July, 2014 at 12:09
  7. avatar
    #79 Grasshopper

    I was not surprised by SWD beating KZN, however KZN did give it away a bit. They left about 15 points out there, missed opportunities. Oakdale and Outeniqua are of similar strength and Outeniqua beat Glenwood, KZN’s strongest side… nope, not a surprise at all.

    17 July, 2014 at 12:00
  8. avatar
    #78 meadows

    @beet: I guess history has shown that playing as a team (OFS over the years) is effective at Craven Week against cobbled together teams of talented individuals – probably why the selections tend to go with combinations often.

    I think that it is only effective however, as in the perpetual example of OFS/Grey, when the team is comprised of talented individuals as well.

    Generally IMO Craven Week is a step up from inter school games and unfortunately many talented players at school 1stXV level can’t cope with the increased intensity. A 2m lock, 120kg prop or quick outside back playing against school 1stXV opposition will stand out and even dominate. He may not be as effective when up against his physical equals and small deficiencies in technique or skills sets are exposed or exploited..

    17 July, 2014 at 11:53
  9. avatar
    #77 beet

    @meadows: Based on recent history which suggests that KZN loses more than they win at CW, the SWD beating KZN is not a surprise at all. However this class of 2014 year has been described by many as a less talented year for rugby which just so happens to coincide with KZN having a more competitive (read bigger) pack of forwards, some x-factors in the line and depth in that 16-22 are right up there with 1-15, so for these reasons it was chance missed for KZN to do better than they normally do at CW.

    Last year’s SWD contained numerous outstanding players but this year’s team has achieved a lot more at CW with fewer “big names”. It seems weird but I guess it supports the theory of 2013 being a more talented year as well as maybe saying a thing or two about playing as a team.

    17 July, 2014 at 11:17
  10. avatar
    #76 phat55

    noted :wink: we are all entitled to our opinions

    17 July, 2014 at 11:17
  11. avatar
    #75 Oakdale supporter

    Baie geluk SWD. JT het ‘n paar skoppe gemis, maar was verder briljant. Dis jammer hy is reeds deur die Bulle geteken vir volgende jaar. Hou gerus ook maar vir Boeta Hamman dop. Hy is maar graad 11 en speel uitstekende rugby

    17 July, 2014 at 10:45
  12. avatar
    #74 meadows

    Am I the only one not that surprised by SWD’s showing at CW?

    SWD usually put out a very competitive side.
    In 2013 they beat the Bulls 37-29, only losing one game to the Lions (finalists) by 7pts.
    In 2012 they beat WP 39-33.
    I remember well a CJ Stander lead SWD beating OFS in the “final” game in 2008.

    I was not shocked when we, KZN, lost narrowly on Monday.

    In ’07 we won narrowly in the last few minutes through a Brynard Stander try – a KZn side that had 3 SA Schools players (Chadwick, Okafor and Lambie), a B selection in Ross Cronje and a number of others, like Stander, who went on to play pro rugby.

    17 July, 2014 at 10:20
  13. avatar
    #73 All Black

    It has to be said that the better teams seem to be in todays pool. EP and Free state are playing the best rugby, so far.

    17 July, 2014 at 09:46
  14. avatar
    #72 Ploegskaar

    @Maroon: You are right, Hennie retires in September, so he can of course afford to be honest.

    17 July, 2014 at 09:44
  15. avatar
    #71 Ploegskaar

    @phat55: And I stand by opinions on those players. JP is only in gr.10 and Zain in gr. 11, I hope both get another chance next year. Similarly Heunis and Pieterse have been 2 of the best outside backs I have seen in action this year, at any of the schools that I have watched, so I stand by my views on them as well.

    WRT the Academy Team, there were some talented players, but likewise a few, including from the school that I support, that have not had great form this year. Their results were probably more a reflection on their opposition than anything else, but that too is my opinion.

    I really wanted these boys to do well, to be honest, as a few people shared my view beforehand that if they didn’t, there would be a bit of a fall-out with the blame laid, in jest or otherwise, with the selection of s/subs boys. The reactions and comments were therefore expected, but still disappointing, which should add some perspective coming from someone that is firstly a WP Schools supporter and then a Bolanner.

    17 July, 2014 at 09:40
  16. avatar
    #70 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Speel jy weer die rol van selfbejammerde wurmpie vanoggend? Jy moet maar liefs voor jou eie deur vee voordat jy jou krom wysvinger aan ander rig. Jou dikwels misplaasde kommentaar dui alles behalwe op nederigheid, maar sodra jy intellektueelgesproke pak kry, wil jy jouself voorhou as hierdie beskeie en onderdrukte mannetjie van Tshwane. Ek glo dit is regverdigbaar, maar meer vir rugby redes as iets anders. As jou opvoeding so blywende impak op jou gehad het soos wat jy se, word dit nie altyd so duidelik in jou storietjies hier gereflekteer nie. En terloops, jy het vir my elders gevra vir n “boek” oor bekendes en “belangrikes”met wie ek te doen gehad het. Die bekendes, sal jy waarskynlik ken en onder hulle is daar politici wie dikwels in die media verskyn. Wat die belangrikes betref, sal jy nie. Daar is n paar dosyn, maar is almal minderjarig en was almal getraumatiseerde , en verwaarloosde , maar kosbare jong mense. Ek is dankbaar dat ek gebruik kon word om maar net n beskeie impak op hulle jong lewens te kon he. Dit is maar waaroor my lewe eintlik gaan. Wees maar versigtig met die gebruik van daardie krom wysvinger van jou. As jy dit weer doen, kyk mooi- vier vingers wys terug na jou. En om hierdie relevant te hou, hoop ek dat die Bulle ook Saterdag op hulle moer kry. n Goeie dag vir jou ook.

    17 July, 2014 at 09:18
  17. avatar
    #69 Maroon

    @Ploegskaar: maybe Hennie’s job does not depend on his answer to you?

    17 July, 2014 at 09:01
  18. avatar
    #68 phat55

    What does it matter now? You said it was a “Kakademy team” if i remember correctly :lol: .You raved about certain players in the CW team who got badly shown up :wink:

    17 July, 2014 at 08:57
  19. avatar
    #67 Ploegskaar

    @phat55: Which players from the Academy Team specifically do you think would have added value? There was plenty of driftwood that were carried by more talented players in that team as well. In my opinion only 3, 6 and 8 would really have added value in the CW team, maybe 13 as well. And of course the big mobile loose head from Bellville that was not selected for either team, despite showing good form the entire season. I made my opinion very clear to Hennie and Hein on the matter and only Hennie had the decency to give an honest reply.

    17 July, 2014 at 08:46
  20. avatar
    #66 phat55

    very good analysis :wink:

    17 July, 2014 at 08:41
  21. avatar
    #65 Deon

    @Balikibaba: Definitely not any school’s boys fault, and even if it were, no boy selects himself. It was just one of “those” days, and SWD played well.Shit happens.

    17 July, 2014 at 08:39
  22. avatar
    #64 Ploegskaar

    @bhkgpa: Amper soos interskole? Jip, naby verloor kan duidelik ‘n gewoonte raak.

    17 July, 2014 at 08:35
  23. avatar
    #63 Ploegskaar

    @Ian: There were initial rumblings about one player, but he was eventually selected.

    17 July, 2014 at 08:32
  24. avatar
    #62 Klaasvaak

    First congratulations to SWD, well done. On the WP side the boys will have learned valuable lessons from this experience, the coaching staff/ selectors too. The players don’t pick themselves and it doesn’t make sense to to criticize them personally. The coaching staff/ selectors will however have to rethink there actions. Playing players out of position, playing players that have not fully recovered yet, combinations that doesn’t bring balance, balance between defense and attack, starting without specialist goal kicker, specialist fetcher, etc. At the end it is just a game and definitely not the end of the world. Hope for the last game they select only fit/ healthy players and pick the right combinations so that the boys can enjoy the game as they should.

    17 July, 2014 at 08:09
  25. avatar
    #61 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Nee ploegie niemand harder as daai myners van die Oos Rand nie. Is baie hard geslaan toe ek dit durf waag om die derdes se coach se lynstaanbal af te vat. Blykbaar het ek nie die ou die nodige respek getoon nie. Nog niemand het my al so hard geslaan nie. En al baie het al aan die ou man getik.

    17 July, 2014 at 08:01
  26. avatar
    #60 bhkgpa

    @Balikibaba: you see that is the problem, they are not use to win in tight games and on the CW every game is close and tight againt the better unions. :mrgreen:

    17 July, 2014 at 07:56
  27. avatar
    #59 bhkgpa

    @Ian: surely you dont see the 10-0 win that they had as a proper game!! ity is even worst than a 20/20 over cricket match, so lets wait for the big match and then give commenst wrt these 2 schools. on the CW teams play under pressure the whole time and you can see that the “slick” backline as what you call it, did not do well under pressure. The 6 and 7 also surely is not close to the best in WP and the 8 is always in the backline. With a tight 5 like WP the base should have been much more rumbling the ball upfront and keeping it tighter, but it is too late now. Did not look as if they really had a game plan.

    17 July, 2014 at 07:54
  28. avatar
    #58 Balikibaba

    @phat55: :)

    17 July, 2014 at 07:53
  29. avatar
    #57 Ian

    Its a pity when a team loses to another better team on the day, how the knives always come out and the old North vs. South battle between the Cape schools takes centre stage!
    The WP team are not a bad unit and have had three withdrawals/late changes from the team announced.
    They were poor upfront(tight five) in game one and looking at it on face value, it would seem that the coaches are trying to mould the unit into one boasting the forward power of the schools from Paarl, with the back line sleekness and pace of the schools from the South, including that one which lost to Gim and Wynberg (but beat Booishaai 10-0 at Newlands). However, a bulk pack with excessive speed have seldom been put together by coaching staff in 3 weeks.
    Their are some very talented individuals on show for WP, but they are trying to combine two rugby styles into one and it has not worked!
    Hats off to SWD, they took their chances and clearly their win against KZN was not a fluke! A great win for our neighbors!….a great pity that WP cannot complete the grand slam across all age groups this year!
    PS: I heard a rumor that the “original” WP team selected was refuted by the Director of Rugby at WP, due to 6 players in the squad having signed contracts with other unions and he refused to support their selection on this basis…the selectors were sent back to the drawing board? Does anyone know if there is any credibility to this?

    17 July, 2014 at 07:47
  30. avatar
    #56 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: Sorry Tjops, het my grawe en myne verwar, De Beers, nie Diggers nie. Selfde rugby, net ander ligging, soos ek verstaan :mrgreen:

    17 July, 2014 at 07:42
  31. avatar
    #55 Grasshopper

    Maybe there should have been a few more Wynberg boys in the mix….just a thought…

    17 July, 2014 at 07:37
  32. avatar
    #54 phat55

    @Balikibaba: nah it definitely was not Bishops boys only,just some friendly banter :)

    17 July, 2014 at 07:31
  33. avatar
    #53 Balikibaba

    @phat55: lol…….THAT school lost to Wynberg by 1 point who only lost to Paul Roos and Boishaai by 1 point. Pretty evens if you ask me. You telling me that it was all the Bishops boys’ fault?

    I must say, I am a bit irritated by the Paarl/PR arrogance on this site. Just remember Bishops have beaten Paul Roos more than PR have beaten Bishops in the last 10 years.

    17 July, 2014 at 07:24
  34. avatar
    #52 MikeSt

    Wel gedaan SWD julle was skitterend uit gebroke spel en het WP besit baie baie stadig gemaak.

    Die 11 en 12 van SWD was ysters gewees. Moet ook nie 6, 7 en 8 se rol in die oorwinning weg gooi nie hulle was soos tiere op die losbal gewees.

    Dink die WP het behalwe vir SWD wat baie goed was n afdag gehad.

    17 July, 2014 at 07:23
  35. avatar
    #51 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Nou ja daardie manne was die harde manne van die ou Transvaal rugby. In die voor seisoen het hulle altyd so paar koshuisspanne gespeel vir opwarming. En glo my studente is nie bang oukies nie maar vir daardie ooms was ons erg skrikkerig.

    17 July, 2014 at 06:42
  36. avatar
    #50 Tjoppa

    @BuiteBreek: Soos jy is my opvoedkundige instelling nog nooit genoem in hogere kringe nie. My ouers het maar so tussen in die werk deur my maniere probeer afdwing met optrede wat vandag as barbaars gemerk sou wees. Maar sommige “goeie” eienskappe, miskien oordryf ek deur te se daar is baie, het vasgeklou.
    Een hiervan is om te se wat ek glo. Sommige mense het nodig om te hoor wie hulle werklik is. In hul eie lalaland is hulle hierdie belangrike mense wat so goed is en almal om hulle is minderwaardig.
    Nou sommige van die persone op die blog is bogenoemde en aanhoudende, eers sagkens, vermanings oor hulle optrede en blog help niks nie.
    Dus spaar jou wysvinger vir beter aanwendings, jy weet wat ek bedoel, en geniet die blog vir wat dit is.

    17 July, 2014 at 06:28
  37. avatar
    #49 BOG

    @BuiteBreek: Sal dit in orde wees met jou as ek vir die VS, voorspoed toewens vir vandag? En ek hoop nie dat jy aanstoot geneem het omdat ek jou met Ploegskaar- familiegewys- verbind het nie. Ek sou. :mrgreen:

    17 July, 2014 at 06:07
  38. avatar
    #48 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: :mrgreen: behalwe as Buitebreek as ‘n 3-jarige binnetoe gebreek het, glo ek nie. Wat my beterhelfte se Pa betref, hy het wel vir jare vir Diggers uitgedraf, tot sy knie binnetoe gebreek het, hy het net so min veel aan my WP stories soos jy.

    16 July, 2014 at 22:39
  39. avatar
    #47 BOG

    @Pinotage: Ongelukkig is ek nie een vd bevoorregtes wie SBR kan aanskou nie. Glo dit of nie, soos jy tereg opmerk, is hierdie n tydverdryf. En daar is maatskaplike uitdagings wat aangespreek moet word. Ek het gehoor van 12- AT (of een van sy vrinne) het melding gemaak van hom, en as hy wel op GCB was, is dit n groot verlies.@BuiteBreek: Dit is nie vir my duidelik wat jou so opgewonde maak nie. Nie dat ek glo dat ek aan jou n verduideliking verskuldig is nie, maar ek het maar bloot gereageer op kommentaar wat van my gemaak is, inderdaad n oorreaksie en die gevolg van geskaafde senuwees. Wat ek gese het, was maar n beskeie gelukwense aan SWD. As dit jou aanstoot gee, baie jammer. Ek kan jou verseker dat ek selde my nek sal uitsteek en jy kan maar gerus die kommentare nagaan. Terwyl die komplimente hier rond gevlieg het en die heuningkwas hard gewerk het, het VS maar min daarvan gekry. VS ondersteuners se totale stilte terwyl hierdie komplimente uitgedeel was, was opvallend. Tipies, het hulle gister hulle praatwerk tussen die 4 lyne gedoen. Gun ons maar die bietjie opgewondenheid en plesier. Dit kan miskien more eindig. Behalwe dat my motor 15 jaar oud is, gaan ek nou nie my CV vir jou hier uitle om te bewys dat ek meer beskeie en nederig as jy is nie. Daarvoor moet jy maar my woord aanvaar. n Rustige nag vir jou. (Is jy Ploegskaar se skoonpa?)

    16 July, 2014 at 21:18
  40. avatar
    #46 Pinotage

    @BuiteBreek: Ek hou nie regtig daarvan om te antwoord op oorreaksie nie. Ek het bloot nie die tyd daarvoor nie, want my lewe strek wyer as net SBR. Ek gaan jou egter antwoord.
    1) Ek is nie n oudleerling van Grey nie.
    2) My seun is in Grey. Daarom ondersteun ek Grey en het Beet vir my sonder dat ek gevra het, n Grey trui aangetrek. Moes ek beswaar maak, siende dat my seun daar is en n sportman is?
    3) Ek het Geen leuen verkondig in dit wat ek ge “post” het nie. Lees weer. Die WP is mos n magtige Unie. Die afrigter is mos hoogaangeskrewe. En verdien die Griffons nie n slag n kans teen n groot kanon nie?
    4) Dat my tong in my kies was, is waar. Is dit nie die wese van die Blog nie?
    5) Mnr Volsteedt is n ikoon wat hom sekerlik nie ophou met stront nie.
    6) Die laaste opmerking los ek vir later. Dalk ken ons mekaar beter aswat jy dink. Het jy Mnr Darlow geken???

    16 July, 2014 at 20:39
  41. avatar
    #45 BoishaaiPa

    Baie Geluk SWD…Wanneer sal afrigters leer om nie mense uit posisie te speel nie..Saal is n great linkervleuel, maar die arme kind was verlore op buite senter…Elke keer binne toe gekom op verdediging..Anyways, SWD het toe maar net my vermoede bevestig…Dis een ding om te kan hardloop met n bal, maar n span moet darem kan verdedig ook!..

    16 July, 2014 at 20:17
  42. avatar
    #44 BuiteBreek

    @BOG: Jy weet, my ma het my geleer dat jy nie slegte goed van mense moet sê. Veral nie in die openbaar nie. Wat jy dink moet maar eerder in die gedagtes bly en nie in die openbaar genoem word nie.

    Ek karring nou al so paar jaar hier rond, observeer die verskillende opinies deur mense gelig. En soms is ek geskok / verras deur die stellings wat gemaak word.

    Ek is (on) gelukkig nie een van die mense wat nie deur die ‘n hoër akademiese instelling in midde-Suid-Afrika, my opvoeding gehad het nie. Ek is maar ‘n pleb wat in Parow grootgeword het. die grootste Bokke wat uit my alma mater (gestig ‘n hele paar jaar na van die groot skole) gekom het, het is Faffa Knoetze en Eben Etzebeth.

    Gelukkig het my onderswysers op skool my geleer van nederigheid, respek en verdraagsaamheid.

    Met opmerkings wat deur mense gemaak word, wat ek as kleinlik, agterbaks en meerderwaardig, wil ek myself glad nie vereenselwig nie.
    Ek het so twee weke terug ‘n kursus bygewoon waar Mnr Volsteedt (iemand vir wie ek baie respek het) een van die gassprekers was. Ek dink hy sal geskok, verbysterd en stomgeslaan wees wees as hy weet wat sommige GCB OB’s kwytraak. Die man leef vir die skool, die onderwys en die etos van die skool.

    @BOG: @Pinotage: Met alle respek, ek laat sak my kop in skaamte. Weereens ‘n bewys dat ‘n goeie opvoeding en ‘n goeie skool nie “klas” kan belowe nie.

    Dankie vir beide van julle se insiggewende (?) kommentaar, maar voortaans sal ek verkies om jul op / aanmerkings nie enige krediet te gee nie.

    My persoomlike opinie is dat julle ‘n ongelooflike instelling soos CGB in die skande steek. Well done manne.

    16 July, 2014 at 20:09
  43. avatar
    #43 kwartlyn

    @Archie: Ek stem saam met jou en het dit al van maandag genoem dat daar akademie spelers was wat baie beter is as hulle eweknie op die CW

    16 July, 2014 at 19:57
  44. avatar
    #42 Ploegskaar

    @Rugbyman: A nee a, hier speel die manne ook by Bosvark Park, Worcester Gim se tuisveld! Daai veld lyk in elk geval meer soos ‘n soutpan as ‘n varkpark, manne gaan volgende naweek nog met grass burns speel :mrgreen:

    16 July, 2014 at 19:56
  45. avatar
    #41 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Nou gaan dan maar as jouself dan, jy is ‘n bewys daar’s lewe na die dood :mrgreen: Die verloor vandag was soos ‘n trein trap en breinoorplanting, gelyk, so sou dit nie aanbeveel. Geniet hom Boggie, jy vat baie pak so ek sal maar sak vir my strepe.

    16 July, 2014 at 19:53
  46. avatar
    #40 Rugbyman

    @Ploegskaar: Hey! Net EK mag verwys na varkpark… :mrgreen:

    16 July, 2014 at 19:44
  47. avatar
    #39 BuiteBreek

    @Ploegskaar: :mrgreen:

    16 July, 2014 at 19:37
  48. avatar
    #38 Pinotage

    @BOG: Sjoe, die Visvoete se nerfies is dun. Genade, dis tog net rugby. Sommiges hou daarvan om uit te deel, maar ontvang, al is dit tong in die kies, is maar moeilik. Veral as die ego in ieder geval so groot is.
    Moet se die Vrystaat vuur nog nie op al die silinders nie en die 3 manne wat moes onttrek, laat n leemte.
    Het jy kon kyk na die Griffons se 12? Jou mening??

    16 July, 2014 at 19:35
  49. avatar
    #37 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Ek sal maar hou by n spook, want as ek as “jy” moet gaan, sal ek jou moet vra om die “truitjie” in beesmis te smeer en van voor met n trein te bots. En dan boonop n breinskenking. Nee wat, laat ek maar hou by die spook motief

    16 July, 2014 at 19:34
  50. avatar
    #36 Ploegskaar

    @BuiteBreek: Jy mag maar, wys jou wat SWD kan doen as Oakdale en Sao Bras ‘n goeie jaar het :mrgreen:

    16 July, 2014 at 19:33
  51. avatar
    #35 BuiteBreek

    @Ploegskaar: Moet bieg dat die lag so bietjie meer as die huil is. Maar net omdat ek al ‘n paadjie met van die SWD seuns gestap het. Dink steeds die game kom enige kant toe gaan.

    16 July, 2014 at 19:23
  52. avatar
    #34 Ploegskaar

    @BuiteBreek: Jy kan vandag lag en huil :mrgreen:

    16 July, 2014 at 19:18
  53. avatar
    #33 BuiteBreek

    @Ploegskaar: Ons is mos al lank genoeg in diue land om te weet sekere mense (elemente) verlekker hul in ‘n span se verloor, nederlaag of wat ook al.

    16 July, 2014 at 19:13
  54. avatar
    #32 Ploegskaar

    @ROOIBUL: Daar begrawe die Kwaggas die Visvoete op Vark Park :mrgreen: Dis nou pyn in die dieretuin :mrgreen:

    16 July, 2014 at 19:08
  55. avatar
    #31 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Seker ons kan ‘n naruitrusting kry wat jou sak bene pas, of ‘n safaripak, dan gaan jy as Dan Roodt. Kan vir jou ‘n boks ook reel, dalk meer gepas…

    16 July, 2014 at 19:05
  56. avatar
    #30 Archie

    Ek kan vir julle een ding sê as die sa skole keurders hulle werk reg doen sal daar ‘n hele paar akademie week spelers na die sa skole proewe genooi word.

    16 July, 2014 at 19:04
  57. avatar
    #29 Deon

    OK, nou het ek darem ook die wedstryd gesien. Dit was werklik ‘n uitnemende vertoning deur SWD. Daardie nr 12 lyk reg vir groot dinge- hoop hy leef die belofte wat hy toon uit.

    Skitterend SWD. Ek hou duim vas vir die eindstryd.

    16 July, 2014 at 18:50
  58. avatar
    #28 Deon

    @BOG: Nope BOG, dit wat op die veld gebeur is ‘n spel, nie die tipe smalende opmerkings spesifiek gerig op ‘n span spelers en hul afrigter nie. ‘n Mens sou dink sy span het gespeel. Hoekom nie bly wees vir SWD omdat hulle gewen het nie, maar eerder bly te wees WP het verloor? Dis nou ‘n groot minderwaardigheidskompleks !

    16 July, 2014 at 18:33
  59. avatar
    #27 bhkgpa

    @Muzi: so reg

    16 July, 2014 at 18:25
  60. avatar
    #26 BOG

    Ontspan mense- di net n speletjie- soos albasters.@Ploegskaar: Van “truitjies” gepraat, waar kan ek n regte een soos joune kry. Ek moet n “fancy dress” bywoon en wil gaan as n spook.

    16 July, 2014 at 18:25
  61. avatar
    #25 ROOIBUL

    Well done SWD, now we know why the ref of the Puma and WP game was sent home after day one. Also bad lack to the Bulls, must say very bad refereeing with most of the matches and it scary to think that these ref’s will handle the Currie cup games in the future. :cry:

    16 July, 2014 at 18:25
  62. avatar
    #24 bhkgpa

    @Pinotage: goeie een bog, hopelik kan Vrystaat môre wen dan gaan dit n baie goeie eindstryd wees Saterdag. Kom SWD!

    16 July, 2014 at 18:23
  63. avatar
    #23 bhkgpa

    Baie geluk SWD, nou vir die grote Saterdag. Ek wil nie sê ek het julle gesê nie, maar ek gaan! Ek het julle gesê hierdie wp span is nie n goeie CW span nie en dat daar baie beter spelers in die unie is en dat hierdie span nie teen die sterk spanne gaan wen nie. So daar het ons dit! :wink:

    16 July, 2014 at 18:22
  64. avatar
    #22 BuiteBreek

    Dit was ‘n interessante game om te kyk. Vir beide spanne was dit maar ‘n geval die “bounce of the ball”. WP het ‘n yster vaste vyf, terwyl SWD se lostrio dalk aan die beter kant was. 2 of 3 oppertunistiese aan albei kante het dit lekker gelyk gehou.

    Kan sien aan albei kante het die seuns voluit gespeel. Dit vat beslis niks weg van al die spelers wat gesig op die veld gewys het nie. JT het vandag uitgestaan in ‘n Cravenweek waar senters maar yl gesaai is. Hy het ‘n mooi voorgevoel vir die game. Johndré is iemand om dop te hou vir die toekoms. Tiaan is ‘n koelkomkommer. Blixem, ek hou van hom as speler en hy kan maar skop. Jaco was soos altyd ‘n breker dink ek. Jaco en Edward kan ‘n killer kombinasie in die toekoms raak.

    Baie geluk aan albei spanne. Seuns, albei spanne kan kop omhoog hou. Welgedaan. Die wedstryd kon regtig enige kant toe gegaan het. IMHO.

    ‘n Mooi vertoonspel van baie van die seuns se individuele vaardighede.

    Dis beslis nie tyd vir gloat nie. Eerder ‘n tyd om die seuns geluk te wens met ‘n lekkerkykwedstryd.

    16 July, 2014 at 18:14
  65. avatar
    #21 Deon

    @Ploegskaar: Never expected beet to be one of those being so elated about a sbr team losing? That inferiority complex towards the “big” teams show.

    16 July, 2014 at 18:03
  66. avatar
    #20 Predator

    @Woltrui: Thanks. After seeing the scrumming force of the WP pack I did not have much hope. WP had 70% ball retention in the first half but were behind on points. Our kicker was off target in the first half. We gave away a lot of stupid penalties. First time tackles was almost non existing on SWD side ,. …..but they pulled it off.

    SWD won on WP’s stupid mistakes. Hats of to the head coach Robert Seconds he kept the boys calm and focussed. What about SWD hooker Le Roux Baard for a SA Schools candidate, he’s also a good leader.

    WE’ll take the win thank you!!!!

    16 July, 2014 at 18:02
  67. avatar
    #19 kwartlyn

    @phat55: Stem saam met jou die WP akademie span sou baie beter gevaar het, verkeerde span keuses en die CWspan te swaar en onfiks. Vandag kon die no 4 nie eens n ordendelike helfte speel nie en dit is baie jammer ek het altyd n groot dunk van hom gehad. jammer WP en geluk SWD. My twee spanne sat in die finale SWD TEEN FS.

    16 July, 2014 at 18:01
  68. avatar
    #18 Amalekite

    WP made the mistake of playing loose like KZN did 2 days ago. SWD thrive on a loose game. Well done to them. They have some great skills and seem to have fantastic gees too.
    I wonder whether we are going to see WP play KZN?

    16 July, 2014 at 18:00
  69. avatar
    #17 Rooibaard

    Ons hou 2 maande lank proewe en dan kies ons nog altyd spelers wat totaal uit hul diepte is by Cravenweek. Span verstaan nie hoe om “game” toe te maak as hulle eers voor is nie.

    Twee spelers (heelagter en slot) wat slegs as gevolg van beserings in die span is, wys hulle moes aan die begin daar gewees het. Moeilik om die twee toernooie te vergelyk maar 6,8,12 en 13 van die Akademiespan het beslis ‘n beter aanvoeling vir rugby op hierdie vlak as die spul wat die twee wedstryde oor mekaar se voete geval het. Waar is die verdediging ?

    Bygese, baie geluk aan SWD wat die WP behoorlik onder hul gat geskop het.

    16 July, 2014 at 17:57
  70. avatar
    #16 Ploegskaar

    @beet: At least they were the only ones with a shot at it…Enjoy a dop with Pinotage and Bog, also guys that watch rugby, I’ll have a few with rugby guys.

    16 July, 2014 at 17:54
  71. avatar
    #15 Deon

    @beet: You seem very happy about that? Personal victory?

    16 July, 2014 at 17:52
  72. avatar
    #14 beet

    WP cleansweep 2014 is dead! :-D

    16 July, 2014 at 17:42
  73. avatar
    #13 phat55

    Well done to SWD on a solid win
    This reminds me of a blog discussion somewhere about the Blue Bulls who had the biggest pack of fowards but also the worst stats at ruck time.
    Our forwards not able to clear the rucks, just too big & bulky imo
    As been said before too many representatives from that school who lost to Gim, Boishaai & Wynberg :mrgreen: !! No disrespect to anyone.
    Also one of the loosies who alot was made of missed 6 tackles if I counted correctly,just not good enough.
    One gets the feeling the WP Academy team would have given a better showing at CW as they had much more cohesion,especially the pack of forwards & the backline looked more clinical

    16 July, 2014 at 17:41
  74. avatar
    #12 Deon

    @Pinotage: Gebalanseerde volwassenes verlekker hulle nie in ander se verliese nie. Dis net ‘n spel, waarin klomp jong manne en afrigtingspanne almal hul bes probeer, en soms werk dinge nie uit soos mens hoop nie, en wanneer kleingeestelikes persoonlik genot put uit iemand se verlies deur smalend uiting te gee aan sy genot wys hy vir almal hy is maar net nog ‘n dom donnerse sot met ‘n moerse minderwaardigheidskompleks jeens die span wat verloor het.

    Knap gedaan buurman SWD , hoop ek kan vanaand die game geniet.

    16 July, 2014 at 17:41
  75. avatar
    #11 Ploegskaar

    @Pinotage: Wat ‘n telleurstellende maar tipiese opmerking, om te dink daar was ‘n tyd wat ek verras sou wees komende van iemand met daai truitjie

    16 July, 2014 at 17:29
  76. avatar
    #10 BOG

    Geluk SWD, soos die kenners verwag het. Is die “Spur” een van die WP se borge? @Pinotage: Ek stem saam tov die Griffons, hulle verdien n “groot wedstryd”

    16 July, 2014 at 17:22
  77. avatar
    #9 BuffelsCM

    @RBugger: Too many loose passes throughout the match and panic stations during the last quarter

    16 July, 2014 at 17:17
  78. avatar
    #8 RBugger

    Wow, unexpected indeed. Well played SWD, but Province were shockingly poor. Why are tight forwards trying to skip pass? Not a great performance but the writing was on the wall after the Pumas game

    16 July, 2014 at 17:11
  79. avatar
    #7 BuffelsCM

    Baie geluk SWD – a well deserved victory !!

    16 July, 2014 at 17:10
  80. avatar
    #6 Woltrui

    Jeez I didn’t see this one coming. Truly thought WP were going to win the 2014 CW on a canter. Congrats Predator. I am sure you are enjoying this win :wink:

    16 July, 2014 at 17:09
  81. avatar
    #5 tandemfitarborsurculus

    Indien die Paarl skole n nederige seisoen beleef is die WP CW span sukkelend asook die SA skolespan ….
    Hartlik geluk aan SWD !

    16 July, 2014 at 17:07
  82. avatar
    #4 beet

    Lots of luck of the bounce today but well done to SWD. Suddenly I don’t feel so bad that KZN lost to SWD :)

    16 July, 2014 at 17:03
  83. avatar
    #3 Muzi

    BOOM that was unexpected..Bulls and WP have flattered to deceive this year mainly due to poor coaching and poor team selection.

    16 July, 2014 at 17:01
  84. avatar
    #2 Pinotage

    So die magtige WP met die hoogaangeskrewe afrigter, kon nie die pyp rook teen Oakdale en Outeniqwa nie? Welgedaan SWD en julle afrigters.
    Behoort WP nie maar nou teen die Griffons te speel nie?

    16 July, 2014 at 16:52
  85. avatar
    #1 Ploegskaar

    We’ll done SWD, great wen en altyd lekker as kleinboet vir ouboet goed stamp. Koppe op vir die WP manne en sterkte vir die laaste game. Op die B-veld :mrgreen:

    16 July, 2014 at 16:52

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