Boland Landbou vs Paarl Gim

Boland  Landbou and Paarl Gymnasium, two of the Winelands quartet that form the power base of Western Cape school rugby will be in action on Saturday. Their game will be televised live by TVPC Media on channel 319 at 12:30.


1 Bertus Smith 1 Gavin vd Berg
2 Hugo Vlok 2 Marco Mostert
3 Tristan Hill 3 Adriaan Geldenhuys
4 Joppie du Pisanie 4 MJ Hayes
5 Gerhard du Toit 5 Ernst van Rhyn
6 Dawid Labuschagne 6 Gustav Marais
7 Heinrich Meyer 7 Dieter Leicher
8 Conrad Fourie 8 HJ Luus
9 Jondre Williams 9 Grant Williams
10 DanrichVisagie 10 George Lourens
11 Lourens van Dyk 11 Willie Smal
12 JT Potgieter 12 Walter Smit
13 Carlton Fortune 13 Taigh Schoor
14 Sergull van Niekerk 14 Leaviel Gouws
15 MC Erasmus 15 Paul Human


  1. avatar
    #23 PaarlBok

    wedstryd word vanaand om 19h30 weer uitgesaai op kanaal 319.

    26 June, 2014 at 11:55
  2. avatar
    #22 vatikaki

    Slightly off topic…

    I see former Boland Landbou (and Western Province) fullback Heinrich Steyl is on trial at the Pumas.

    Was highly though of before a horrific leg injury. Hopefully he makes a good comeback!

    25 June, 2014 at 12:15
  3. avatar
    #21 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: Hoe bedoel Meneer nou? Ek het mos geen laaties of affiliasies erens nie?

    24 June, 2014 at 08:40
  4. avatar
    #20 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Jy moet ook erken jy is darem nie heeltemal objektief as dit by die stutte kom nie of hoe ou Ploeg?

    23 June, 2014 at 22:48
  5. avatar
    #19 BOG

    Was rugbyman by saterdag se wedstryd? Blykbaar was sy bussie daar gesien

    23 June, 2014 at 18:16
  6. avatar
    #18 Speartackle

    @Ploegskaar: Panee jy is beslis my een van my hero’s……..of eerder…my piedeaal

    23 June, 2014 at 15:59
  7. avatar
    #17 Ploegskaar

    @Speartackle: Perloorders soos jy sal maar altyd opkyk na penners soos ek.

    23 June, 2014 at 15:51
  8. avatar
    #16 Speartackle

    @Ploegskaar: Ek merk jou hou van woorde wat met ‘p’ begin. Kry jy min daarvan?

    Ek hou van penners

    23 June, 2014 at 15:40
  9. avatar
    #15 Ploegskaar

    @Speartackle: Ai ou peester, jy soek nou net weer ‘n reaksie. Daar skort niks met die spelers of die afrigters nie, soos die klein marges bewys. Die manne is duidelik kompiterend en verdien dieselfde ondersteuning wat hulle sou kry indien van die uitslae met 2 of 3 in hulle guns was. Of ondersteun jy net wenners?

    23 June, 2014 at 15:37
  10. avatar
    #14 Speartackle

    @Ploegskaar: Change the dealer then

    23 June, 2014 at 15:21
  11. avatar
    #13 Ploegskaar

    @Speartackle: Never.

    23 June, 2014 at 15:17
  12. avatar
    #12 Speartackle

    @Ploegskaar: Or you move to another slot machine

    23 June, 2014 at 15:11
  13. avatar
    #11 Ploegskaar

    @Speartackle: “To be fair though, you make your own luck and they had opportunities to clinch it in many of the games. PRG had a similar season last year, so you ride your luck when it comes your way and take it on the chin if it doesn’t.”

    23 June, 2014 at 15:04
  14. avatar
    #10 Ploegskaar

    @maroon8: Gavin is tans die beste wat ons op loskop het in die WP en behalwe vir die PRG wedstryd, waar hy teen Korff geknor het, was hy stewig in die skrums teen ander opposisie. As baldraer is hy boonop werklik ‘n groot bate. Oor die ander loskoppe, in beide die CW en Akademie spanne, sal ek my eerder nie uitlaat nie, die seuns kies nie hulself nie, maar daar was beter loskoppe wat met “verkeerde sokkies” by die proewe gespeel het en oorgesien is.

    Wat JP Smith betref verskil ek ongelukkig ook met jou. Hy was uitstekend tydens die verskeie rondtes proewe, was die seisoen deurlopend stewig in die skrums (soos bevestig deur ‘n paar van sy teenstanders), woelig as baldraer en sy verdediging is boonop skitterend. Saterdag se wedstryd teen Rondebosch was maar ‘n los getjommel, so dink nie mens kon hom na waarde skat nie. Hou hom gerus dop waneer hy teen PRG speel, dalk verander hy jou opinie.

    23 June, 2014 at 15:02
  15. avatar
    #9 Speartackle

    In life…….you create your own luck

    23 June, 2014 at 14:49
  16. avatar
    #8 Ploegskaar

    @beet: I will record the PRG/Boland game for you on my iPhone then, just as a back-up. You will have to ignore or turn down the audio though, my running commentary is unfortunately despicable and just down-right filthy at times.

    With regards to Boland’s results you are spot on, they have lost one game by 9, one game by 6, two games by 4, one game by 2 and two games by one point. Only Mighty Monnas drilled them by more, beating them 15-0. Too be fair though, you make your own luck and they had opportunities to clinch it in many of the games. PRG had a similar season last year, so you ride your luck when it comes your way and take it on the chin if it doesn’t. Besides, the Swart Masjien still has 5 games left after the holidays, maybe they finish 5/5?

    23 June, 2014 at 14:45
  17. avatar
    #7 beet

    I PVRed this game and tried to follow it but it turned out to be TVPC’s worst ch.319 production of the lot. The picture froze every so often. Just about each time there was a highlight, the sound worked but no motion. Very lousy because it looked like a good game.

    I had seen HJS’s Paul de Wet play the other week. He looked pretty good so I was hoping to see what Jondre Williams the BL scrummy had to offer. Impossible to do this time round.

    Boland Landbou remains possibly the unluckiest team around in terms of close results – not one of them has gone their way this season.

    23 June, 2014 at 13:17
  18. avatar
    #6 maroon8

    @Ploegskaar: het beide wedstryde(bishops teen bosch en gim teen landbou) op tv gekyk en met belangstelling na die cravenweek manne en veral hoe willemse,die slot gaan lyk na sy besering.

    willemse was goed en sal groot verskil aan die wp pak maak.

    die loskop vd berg van gim en vaskop jp smith van bishops het my glad nie beindruk nie.

    dink die wp sal moet hard werk aan die 2 manne se skrumtegniek.

    dink ook coenie oosthuizen van bokke moet hulle join daar!

    ek wens die coaches wil een ding in hul koppe kry…….stutte moet heel eerste die skrum kan anker en daar hul man kan staan.wat help dit jy het ‘n stut wat die veld vol kan hardloop van verkeerde lyne en hy kan nie skrum nie.dan eerder ‘n stut wat donners goed kan skrum en uit die backline se pad kan bly wanneer hulle wil hardloop.

    22 June, 2014 at 14:42
  19. avatar
    #5 Ploegskaar

    Both sides must be commended for the tempo and intensity that the game was played at. Willemse, vd Berg and Luus were huge for Gym, Williams, du Toit and v Dyk likewise for Boland. Congrats to Gym who hung in and were deserved winners, as for Boland, time to enjoy the break and assess their goals for the rest of the season, a minimum of 5/5 should be the target and is definitely attainable.

    22 June, 2014 at 08:49
  20. avatar
    #4 slinger

    A number of players back from injury, know Jaco Willemse will also get a few minutes. Back line look better and Luus back in form, Landbou will have to be on the ball to win this one. Will be a cracker and always a tough game, then again most games in the WP are nowadays very competative. But this game always have a ring to it…

    20 June, 2014 at 17:10
  21. avatar
    #3 Rooibaard

    Wanneer die Plaas Dorp toe kom is daar gewoonlik vuurwerke. Sien uit na ‘n lekker dag van skole rugby.

    20 June, 2014 at 13:49
  22. avatar
    #2 Ploegskaar

    Alles van die beste aan die Boland seuns, ek sien uit na ‘n lekker harde dag se rugby / All from the best to the Boland boys, I look out to a sweet hard day’s rugby.

    20 June, 2014 at 13:10
  23. avatar
    #1 bhkgpa

    Ek sien Gim het hulle 10 op 12 en die 12 is nou 10! dink dit is n beter skuif en behoort meer vloei te hê in die agterlyn. Dit behoort n baie harde wedstryd te wees op n lekker sonnige wintersdag in die Paarl.

    20 June, 2014 at 13:04

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