Kearsney vs Michaelhouse

The Kearsney-Michaelhouse inter-schools was scheduled to take place at Michaelhouse this year in accordance with the normal venue rotation. Michaelhouse then agreed to allow Kearsney to be hosts, which provided Kearsney with a suitable date for their Old Boys Day. In the long run the switch will be of benefit to both schools as it evens up their home and away games against the other current KZN tier-1 heavyweights.

If Michaelhouse plays to their true potential they should come away with a good victory but achieving that level is always easier said than done under these kinds of circumstances plus they have a few injuries here and there. The ” under these kinds of circumstances” refers to it being Kearsney Old Boys Day which in turn means there will be a bigger than usual crowd behind the One-Stripes to increase the home ground advantage plus many of the Kearsney 1st XV players will be playing their last game for the school on the Stott,  so the incentive to do well will be that much greater and could just turn out to be enough to sway the result their way.

The challenge for Kearsney will be to match Michaelhouse in all aspects of forward play. Michaelhouse are good scrummagers, their percentage return from the lineouts is high, they know how to  carry the ball over the advantage line and recycle it efficiently and they are perhaps the most underrated KZN team at the breakdown, where a game can so often be won or lost. Although the visitors will have an injury weakened backline, last weekend against a good College team when it came to attacking execution, House seemed very sure of what they want to do and were able to produce the handling at speed needed to breach the first line of defence. The Kearsney backs have been known to catch defenders unawares and turn seemingly nothing situations into 5-pointers, so for Michaelhouse defensive alertness especially later on in the game when a bit of fatigue starts to creep in, could prove vital.

The key match-up during this game will undoubtedly be that of the two flyhalves. Both are gifted and highly rated. Both are capable of doing special things as individuals. If this match is a closely contested affair determining who performed better may well come down to analysing their decision-making and what openings they created for teammates around them.


  1. avatar
    #4 Buffel

    THIS IS IT !!. Good luck to the young men participating in today’s fixture. Come 3 pm we will know the outcome and unfortunately my last wager in the KC/MHS saga. Our boys have been playing together and against each other for the past 11 years and it has been a privilege sitting on the side lines and sharing these moments with you all . A picture is in order at the conclusion. JOHNNY BLACK already packed.

    14 June, 2014 at 07:07
  2. avatar
    #3 Redblack White

    @Pedantic: I have the utmost respect for House’s team, but since I am allowed to be neutral here I reckon your guys might just cause an upset here – if they play like they did 2nd half against College and the backs use their chances out wide, I reckon with your H&T x-factor – KC by 3 – this is going to be the game of the weekend – truesbob :lol:

    13 June, 2014 at 16:14
  3. avatar
    #2 Pedantic

    @kcob: Takes a brave man to make a call on the result here although it would seem MHS are the marginal favourites.

    This is probably the game my boy has looked forward to all season, the game where the privilege of wearing the 1-stripe means the most to him.

    Confident it’s going to be a cracker and regardless of result, 30 guys will put their hearts out there tomorrow – that’s all that matters (Well, other than Buffel’s wager) :mrgreen:

    13 June, 2014 at 15:37
  4. avatar
    #1 kcob

    Is everyone too scared to say anything in here? Well I am going to the Tech Rugby Reunion Dinner tonight, KC Old Boys tomorrow – eeeish!

    No matter if you KC or MHS; share a beer; its just a game!

    13 June, 2014 at 15:04

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