BHP Top 50 – week ending 24 May 2014

The formula driven ranking system.

Word from BHP: “Only schools who have played 8 matches or more (or for whom I have scores for 8 matches or more) is listed. If a school has played 8 matches or more and has done well but is not on the current list, Bloggers and Readers, please email me your school scores at Thank you”

Rank Team Avg
1 Grey College 4.28
2 Paul Roos 3.58
3 Paarl Gim 3.58
4 Garsfontein 3.53
5 Glenwood 3.46
6 HJS Paarl 3.31
7 Monument 3.24
8 HTS Middelburg 3.15
9 EG Jansen 3.08
10 Selborne 3.02
11 Waterkloof 2.96
12 Oakdale 2.94
13 Maritzburg College 2.83
14 Wynberg BHS 2.82
15 Grey PE 2.77
16 Outeniqua 2.66
17 Michaelhouse 2.65
18 Tygerberg 2.59
19 HTS Louis Botha 2.58
20 Transvalia 2.58
21-30 Bishops
Dale College
Voortrekker (Bethlehem)
Westville BHS
31-40 Affies
Die Brandwag
Jim Fouche
Kempton Park
St Andrews
41-50 Boland Landbou
Nico Malan
Queens College


  1. avatar
    #54 Rooibaard

    Outeniqua 23 – 16 Paarl Gim Welverdiende wen vir die Kwaggas. Swak hantering aan beide kante. Outeniqua gebruik hul kanse. Beheer die losbal goed.

    31 May, 2014 at 15:11
  2. avatar
    #53 Rooibaard

    As ons realisties is, beweeg ons in die rigting van ‘n 2-vlak ligabepalingstelsel in die WK. Wedstryde tussen Oakdale en Oudtshoorn hou vir nie een van die twee skole enige voordele in nie. Ons sal moet erken dat van ouer tradisionele wedstryde nie meer bestaansreg het nie. Skep ‘n WK A-liga waarin die groter presterende skole speel en laat die res toe om ondermekaar lekker rugby te jol. Dit is in werklikheid amper reeds so ‘n liga, maar afstande (en skeidsregters) pla vir die plattelandse skole. Ek weet nie of die groter Engelse skole maklik in jul rigting gaan ry nie.

    30 May, 2014 at 10:27
  3. avatar
    #52 BoishaaiPa

    @Oakdale supporter: Dit gebeur maar met al die spanne..Daar is nie spanne wat slegs top kategorie spanne speel nie…almal speel hier en daar n laer kategorie span en dit maak die speelveld somtyd gelyk. Selfs Grey College speel in en rondom Vrystaat baie keer spanne vroeg in die seisoen wat gemiddeld is. Dis nou ongelukkig so dat sommige spanne teen meer swakker spanne speel as ander, maar daaraan kan ons nie veel doen nie.

    30 May, 2014 at 10:22
  4. avatar
    #51 Oakdale supporter

    @BoishaaiPa: Dit is reeds wat my pla. ‘n Span moet moet soms weens liga verpligtinge ‘n heelwat swakker span speel. Soos ek ook gesê het is Oudshoorn gelukkig ‘n 3 op jou lys, maar hulle sal een van die dae ‘n 1 wees.

    30 May, 2014 at 10:04
  5. avatar
    #50 BoishaaiPa

    @MikeSt: See my previous comment under the fixtures column. Teams dont get penalized if they dont play. Their average still stays the same. It is not about quantity games played, but about Quality of opposition.

    30 May, 2014 at 09:47
  6. avatar
    #49 BoishaaiPa

    @Oakdale supporter: Hulle sal nog steeds n bonuspunt verdien vir die groot wen, maar die idee is dat skole wat sulke punte afstaan nie werklik teenstand is nie..Skole wat meer gereeld teen sterker teenstand speel moet meer beloon word. As almal 3 punte kry vir enige wen, kan n baie gemiddelde skool slegs swakker skole speel en as hulle bly wen, n gemiddeld van rondom 3 opbou..en veroorsaak dat hulle Top 10 is…Wat nie werklik hulle ware sterkte weerspieel nie.

    30 May, 2014 at 09:45
  7. avatar
    #48 Oakdale supporter

    Boishaaipa, Ek kyk na al die ratings en dink regtig joune neem die meeste goed in gedagte en is die mees realisties. Ek wil net weer een punt aanraak.
    Gister het Oakdale 73-5 teen Oudshoorn gewen met die wedstryd wat 20 minute vroeg gestop is. Gelukkig is Oudshoorn ‘n 3-punt skool, wat hul beslis nie verdien. As die wedstryd egter @ ‘n skool was wat 1 punt werd is sou Oakdale se gemiddeld afgekom het al het hulle met 100 punte gewen, wat wel op die kaarte was as die wedstryd voltooi is.

    30 May, 2014 at 08:44
  8. avatar
    #47 MikeSt

    Can someone tell me what happens to a school from a games played perspective if their opponent withdraws their 1st XV for the game? EG Jansen are now in the same boat as Garsfontein where their opponents n Saturday Die Anker withdrew their team fro Saturdays game making a big farce of the Falcons League and Beeld Trophy.

    Surely u cant penalize the school at the receiving end of a non pitch up fro a game.

    29 May, 2014 at 16:25
  9. avatar
    #46 BuiteBreek

    @bhkgpa: :mrgreen:

    29 May, 2014 at 13:24
  10. avatar
    #45 bhkgpa

    @BuiteBreek: onthou buitebreek, die toelating is strenger gemaak maar dit beteken nie die toelatingsvereistes is hoog nie! :mrgreen:

    29 May, 2014 at 13:10
  11. avatar
    #44 BuiteBreek

    @BOG: Nou hoe de donner het Stegman en Jannie in Grey gekom, as die toelating strenger gemaak is? :mrgreen:

    29 May, 2014 at 12:08
  12. avatar
    #43 BOG

    @Pinotage: @Deon Pitzer: @Andre T: Heeltemal korrek. Na hulle ervaring met my , Bram Fischer en Roby Leibrandt, het hulle die vereistes van toelating, aansienlik strenger gemaak. Hulle het ook nie van my bydrae tot pogings om Oranje met Grey saam te smelt, waardeer nie. En dit was elke Sondagmiddag, met pak klere en al, aangepak. Ook die oujongnooiens vd Klooster, het daglig gesoek tussen my en die slagoffer. Ek glo dis waar die dagligreel by die afbreukpunt, sy oorsprong en ontstaan gekry het.Met Eunice, was dinge aansienlik makliker, en soos julle weet, het Eunice, sedert my vertrek, langs GCB, n skool gebou. Ek glo dat my pogings moontlik tot hierdie besluit kon gelei het

    29 May, 2014 at 11:41
  13. avatar
    #42 Deon Pitzer

    @Pinotage: Deuce BOGggelo?

    29 May, 2014 at 11:28
  14. avatar
    #41 Pinotage

    @Deon Pitzer: BOG is n celebrity in Bloem. Ou tannies wat in Oranje Meisies en Eunice was, praat vandag nog nostalgies van sy talente.

    29 May, 2014 at 11:04
  15. avatar
    #40 Deon Pitzer

    @Andre T: @BOG: BOG het my geskakel. Hy tree in die bresse vir GCB. Hy sê GCB het eers intellektuele vereistes begin instel vir graad 8’s wat na WW2 na GCB gegaan het. Hy het dus die cut-off ruimskoots gemaak!

    29 May, 2014 at 09:50
  16. avatar
    #39 Van Mann

    Beet. iemand het gister iets genoem oor Weskoppies……of was dit BOG? Bevestig tog met BOG ek is nie Proppie nie.

    29 May, 2014 at 09:20
  17. avatar
    #38 Van Mann

    @BOG: Ek stem saam oor BOG, hy dink nog steeds ek is Proppie, lyk my hy kyk te diep in die bottel :arrow:

    29 May, 2014 at 09:12
  18. avatar
    #37 Andre T

    @Deon Pitzer: Ek dink na die Bog mislukking het Grey besluit om die vereistes strenger te maak

    29 May, 2014 at 09:05
  19. avatar
    #36 Deon Pitzer

    @Andre T: Since when is intellek ‘n voorvereiste om in GCB toegelaat te word? Kyk vir BOG! Of was dit nie altyd ‘n voorvereiste nie?

    29 May, 2014 at 09:03
  20. avatar
    #35 Andre T

    @Deon Pitzer: Sjoe Pitzie, jy maak my bang. Een van die groot redes hoekom Grey nie vir AD wou toelaat was omdat hy gladnie kon engels praat daai tyd.

    29 May, 2014 at 08:56
  21. avatar
    #34 Dave41

    Maybe with the exception of the No.1 ranked side Grey College, I reckon any of the top 15 schools could beat each other on the day-In fact some lower ranked sides have beaten some top ranked sides this year already.

    Makes one wonder what relevance schoolboy rankings then have.

    29 May, 2014 at 08:08
  22. avatar
    #33 BOG

    @Van Mann: More “Proppie, Duppie, —-“

    29 May, 2014 at 03:46
  23. avatar
    #32 Van Mann

    @BOG: BOG the Franchise teams you are referring too, does these include the barbarian teams, oops Rugbyman, :lol: sorry, hehehehehehe

    28 May, 2014 at 17:13
  24. avatar
    #31 Deon Pitzer

    @BOG: Dankie BOG. Het dit nie geweet nie. Krieket is eintlik my gunsteling sport, en ek het al baie na Allan se kommentaar geluister, maar ek het duidelik erens iets gemis.

    28 May, 2014 at 16:19
  25. avatar
    #30 BOG

    @Deon Pitzer: Hy was op Grey Laerskool. In sy boek, “White Lightening” het hy geskryf dat een van sy groot teleurstellings was dat hy toegang tot die hoerskool geweier was omdat sy Engels nie op aanvaarbare standaard was nie.Soos jy weet, is hy getroud met n Engelse roos en het kommentaar gelewer vir Sky. En hy was Afrikaanssprekend in sy ouerhuis.

    28 May, 2014 at 16:12
  26. avatar
    #29 Deon Pitzer

    @GimOB: Waar kry julle vir Gimmieguts? Ons klomp Kaapse skole is mos oor die algemeen groot pelle met baie wedersydse respek. Ons los dinge mos op die rugbyveld op, en los enige tweestryde daar. Miskien is dit André T, Spear, Duppie/Proppie, Anti-Green, Jordaan of een van die ander stirrers wat nou lus is om in die Wes-Kaap ook te stir?

    28 May, 2014 at 15:43
  27. avatar
    #28 GimOB

    @GimmieGuts90: My vriend, kom ons los die grootpraat tot na die seisoen. Hopelik is ons dan ‘n ‘n posisie om te brag, dalk nie! Kom ons respekteer ons oposisie. Hul verdien dit.

    28 May, 2014 at 15:32
  28. avatar
    #27 Deon Pitzer

    @BOG: Was Allan Donald in ‘n Afrikaanse skool?

    28 May, 2014 at 15:22
  29. avatar
    #26 PRondersteuner

    @bhkgpa: Ek kan dink dat dit ‘n groot slag vir Gim is. Hulle het reeds so baie beserings. Ek hoop hy herstel ten volle. So ‘n breek kan baie sleg wees vir die toekoms.

    28 May, 2014 at 14:09
  30. avatar
    #25 BOG

    @BoishaaiPa: Sorry, it was Sentraal.@GimmieGuts90: Is jy in die hoer- of laerskool? Rankings is n tydverdryf wat genot verskaf. Meeste sal dit erken

    28 May, 2014 at 13:39
  31. avatar
    #24 bhkgpa

    @PRondersteuner: reeds Maandagaand operasie gehad. Enkel sowel as been was gebreek en ligamente ook geskeur. Hulle het plaat sowel as skoewe ingesit en hy moet nog n paar dae in hospitaal bly. hy is egter baie positief onder omstandighede. hy is baie goed en dit is n baie groot slag vir Gim.

    28 May, 2014 at 13:33
  32. avatar
    #23 jakes

    Thanks for the info regarding HTS Louis Botha. I wii definitely watch their progress and scores in future

    28 May, 2014 at 13:15
  33. avatar
    #22 PRondersteuner

    @GimmieGuts90: Ek hoor julle kaptein was in ‘n lelike ongeluk en het sy been baie sleg gebreek. Enige verdere nuus oor hom?

    28 May, 2014 at 12:56
  34. avatar
    #21 GimmieGuts90

    @BoishaaiPa: As dit nie belangrik is/was nie, hoekom het ons enigsins ‘rankings’…..?????

    28 May, 2014 at 12:24
  35. avatar
    #20 Pinotage

    @jakes: I was at the game earlier this year when Grey College first team played against Louis Botha. I can assure you that Louis Botha gave Grey a very tough game and although Grey deserved the win, it was definitely not a walkover.

    The coaching staff at LB are committed guys who do an excellent job. Their contribution to developing black players is commendable. LB also performs very well at athletics.

    28 May, 2014 at 12:22
  36. avatar
    #19 BoishaaiPa

    @GimmieGuts90: Gelukkig is dit vir jou belangrik!…10-6 over and ek bedoel 10-4

    28 May, 2014 at 12:15
  37. avatar
    #18 GimmieGuts90

    @BoishaaiPa: Gimmies bo!…wel nie heeltemal bo nie, maar ons mik soontoe, ai siestog,kyk waar le HJS.

    28 May, 2014 at 12:09
  38. avatar
    #17 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: When did the Cherries play LB?..I dont have that game stats…Can you give me the info pls

    28 May, 2014 at 12:02
  39. avatar
    #16 BoishaaiPa

    @jakes: It is a school in Bloem and regularly provide players for the OFS CW side..Have you heard about Raymond Rhule?..He is an old boy. LB plays Grey College and all the other local Freestate schools. They have played and beaten Diamantveld, Hentie Cilliers, SACS, Kingswood, Fichardpark and Jim Fouche to name a few, only lost to Grey College by 17 points and to Westville by 14.

    28 May, 2014 at 11:59
  40. avatar
    #15 BOG

    @Playa: Anything can happen on any given day, but they did beat LB which is on 19 !!

    28 May, 2014 at 11:59
  41. avatar
    #14 BOG

    @jakes: Hulle lewer n aansienlike getal spelers op vir die VS skolespan elke jaar (7-9 )- oorwegend die kwotagedeelte. Allan Donald is n bekende oud leerling. Hulle het al teen GCB gespeel. Ek kan jou nie van detail voorsien nie, maar in verskeie toernooie gespeel en hulle man gestaan

    28 May, 2014 at 11:57
  42. avatar
    #13 Playa

    @BOG: Where would the Cherries fit in after their loss to Selborne? :mrgreen:

    28 May, 2014 at 11:55
  43. avatar
    #12 Grasshopper

    I still think away wins should get more points also festival wins….

    28 May, 2014 at 11:53
  44. avatar
    #11 jakes

    HTS Louis Botha at 19? Never heard of them. Where do they fall into the picture and which schools in the top 20 did they play?

    28 May, 2014 at 11:47
  45. avatar
    #10 CharlesZA

    Will be great to see the 21-50 scores as well and even better, each team be a link that you can click to show the calculation and results. Beet/BHP make it happen!!!!

    28 May, 2014 at 10:18
  46. avatar
    #9 BOG

    @Duppie: When you speak English, you make even less sense than otherwise ???@BuiteBreek: Soos ek gese het, n BAIE vinnige telling. Ek dink ek het Boland Landbou by SWD getel- obviously verkeerdelik

    28 May, 2014 at 10:15
  47. avatar
    #8 Mike

    Very accurate. But I see many changes up and down by the end of the season.

    28 May, 2014 at 09:56
  48. avatar
    #7 Duppie

    @BOG: And if you make it the top 2000 schools I presume you will find 30 schools. If you take the top 20 only 2 schools one at one and the other at 19. Like I said do not look for melktert in kak. But let us take the stats, if available, how many of those boys in the first 15 is from the central area, and I mean birth. Now I am sure there are even more kak hey Bog. And please do not forget you are also not from the States. You only attended school there.

    28 May, 2014 at 09:55
  49. avatar
    #6 BuiteBreek

    @BOG: Ek tel net twee SWD skole. Oakdale en Kwaggas.

    28 May, 2014 at 09:52
  50. avatar
    #5 BOG

    @Grasshopper: Now, dont twist things. One moment you folks say that all the school rugby talent is concentrated in one school, and when it is pointed out that this is not true, you come forward with something else. And just by the way, I dont need to defend the FS- I only attended school there. But the only difference between Bloem and Durban, is a very dirty and polluted Indian ocean. And I have lived in both. But this is not about the attributes of regions or cities, its about the concentration of rugby in the regions. So, focus—

    28 May, 2014 at 09:42
  51. avatar
    #4 Grasshopper

    @BOG: Nothing else to do in the good old Vrystaat but speel rugby, braaivleis en pomp lekker chicks!

    28 May, 2014 at 09:10
  52. avatar
    #3 BOG

    A VERY quick count, reveals an interesting fact:
    In the 50 schools listed here, there are 3 from Border, 5 from EP, 3 from SWD, 6 from WP, 14 from “Noordvaal” ( which includes several franchises), 5 from KZN, and WAIT FOR IT, NO LESS THAN 9 (NINE!!!) from the central region- where supposedly only one school plays rugby and all the talent is concentrated. And dont add up to “prove” me wrong- I did say quick count

    28 May, 2014 at 09:02
  53. avatar
    #2 Grasshopper

    Looks pretty accurate to me. 5 play 7 this weekend at Monnas. Beating Monnas at Monnas will be difficult so Glenwood could drop to 7 by next week. I hope I’m wrong…

    28 May, 2014 at 08:53
  54. avatar
    #1 jakes

    Very accurate top 20 except – would say EG Jansen and HTS Middelburg must swap. Realistically no doubt about that. According to this log I can see why Afffies withdrew against Garsfontein.

    28 May, 2014 at 08:29

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