30 major school rugby results for 2014 to date

Here’s my pick of 30 matches that have helped to shape the 2014 in terms of where the top rugby schools fit into the big picture.

1 Sat 01/03/2014 HTS Middelburg 9 11 Transvalia
2 Sat 15/03/2014 Sentraal (FS) 35 21 Waterkloof
3 Wed 19/03/2014 HTS Middelburg 26 38 EG Jansen Tuks-Reeks
4 Fri 21/03/2014 Grey College 65 15 Menlopark
5 Sat 29/03/2014 Glenwood 23 11 Bishops Grey PE Festival
6 Sat 29/03/2014 HJS Paarl BH 19 19 Noord-Kaap Tony Stoops RF
7 Mon 31/03/2014 Outeniqua 12 13 Garsfontein Pukke Skouspel
8 Tue 01/04/2014 Waterkloof 10 24 Paarl Gim Noord-Suid Toernooi
9 Fri 04/04/2014 Menlopark 22 18 Paarl Gim Noord-Suid Toernooi
10 Sat 12/04/2014 Oakdale 13 27 Paarl Gim
11 Sat 12/04/2014 Outeniqua 13 18 HJS Paarl BH
12 Sat 12/04/2014 Paul Roos 26 27 Grey HS
13 Sat 12/04/2014 Monument 15 16 HTS Middelburg Tuks-Reeks QF
14 Thu 17/04/2014 Selborne 12 34 Affies Kearsney Easter Rugby
15 Thu 17/04/2014 Grey College 26 8 EG Jansen Kearsney Easter Rugby
16 Thu 17/04/2014 Grey HS 16 17 Menlopark KES
17 Sat 19/04/2014 Glenwood 31 18 EG Jansen Kearsney Easter Rugby
18 Sat 19/04/2014 Paul Roos 13 19 Waterkloof St John’s
19 Mon 21/04/2014 Grey College 10 10 Monument Kearsney Easter Rugby
20 Mon 21/04/2014 Wynberg 17 16 Maritzburg College St Stithians
21 Sat 26/04/2014 Garsfontein 33 34 HTS Middelburg Tuks-Reeks Semifinal
22 Mon 28/04/2014 EG Jansen 25 21 Grey HS Wildeklawer
23 Mon 28/04/2014 Waterkloof 39 27 Glenwood Wildeklawer
24 Mon 28/04/2014 Grey College 25 7 Outeniqua Wildeklawer
25 Wed 30/04/2014 Outeniqua 20 15 Glenwood Wildeklawer
26 Wed 30/04/2014 Paul Roos 30 10 EG Jansen Wildeklawer
27 Wed 30/04/2014 Affies 21 10 Oakdale Wildeklawer
28 Wed 30/04/2014 Waterkloof 39 24 Grey HS Wildeklawer
29 Wed 30/04/2014 Monument 23 23 Selborne Wildeklawer
30 Wed 30/04/2014 Grey College 15 14 Paarl Gim Wildeklawer


  1. avatar
    #45 bhkgpa

    @jakes: boishaai should be in your group 2 as they won against kwaggas in George, not many teams will do that.

    2 May, 2014 at 16:41
  2. avatar
    #44 Tjoppa

    @tornado: Nee wat ek is seker van my saak. Ek ken rugby en die R100 sal vir ingangsgeld gebruik word. Waar kry ek my geldjie na die game.

    2 May, 2014 at 15:34
  3. avatar
    #43 Andre T

    @tornado: Wet of weddenskap?

    2 May, 2014 at 14:50
  4. avatar
    #42 tornado

    Ten gunste van kloof natuurlik.

    2 May, 2014 at 14:41
  5. avatar
    #41 tornado

    @Rugbyman: @Tjoppa: Tjoppa as jy nou die wet betaal kan jy afslag kry :(

    2 May, 2014 at 14:41
  6. avatar
    #40 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: :-x :-x :-x :-x

    2 May, 2014 at 14:15
  7. avatar
    #39 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Los jou nonsies kry jou gat in rat en coach. Ek het R 100 op julle teen Waterkloof

    2 May, 2014 at 13:54
  8. avatar
    #38 Rugbyman

    @ROOIBUL: mmmmmm ja… ons was lucky teen monnas in die semis… hoor julle het n massive span

    2 May, 2014 at 13:30
  9. avatar
    #37 ROOIBUL

    @Rugbyman: Nee baie stop my, ek moet my kids se games kyk. Ek sien ons 0/15 speel ook teen julle in die final die 10 de.

    2 May, 2014 at 12:57
  10. avatar
    #36 Djou

    One should probably discount some of the games played at the beginning of the season eg. Klofies vs Sentraal, HTS Middelburg vs Transvalia and Grey vs Menlo. Klofies and Menlo played with less than half their teams due to athletics, etc. Grey playing Menlo now may result in a win by a smaller margin and Klofies will comfortably beat Sentraal. As Rugbyman says, a big difference exists between the first 15 (22) and the next 15 (except for Grey, and a few other schools I think).

    2 May, 2014 at 12:52
  11. avatar
    #35 Rugbyman

    @jakes: dis nogal soos superrugby die jaar… enige een vd top 15 kan enige een wen! Jys reg klein dingetjies maak die verskil… so bietjie geluk help ook… of n swak beslissing deur n amptenaar…

    2 May, 2014 at 12:14
  12. avatar
    #34 jakes

    Rugbyman- ja ek moes seker nie my observasie in 2 groepe gedeel het nie. Kom ek se eerder dat Grey College kort kop bo is op die oomblik en dan is dit die res wat ek genoem het. Die spanne is so na aan mekaar dat ‘n strafkop hier, onderskep drie daar, besering of geel kaart die verskil tussen wen of verloor kan wees. Ek moet byvoeg julle agterlyn was witwarm in die eerste helfte teen HTS Middelburg. Dit het gelyk of hulle op stadium gaan weghardloop met die game. Maar ja die Pretoria skole gaan nog baie interresant raak. Sien uit na die uitslae vorentoe.

    2 May, 2014 at 12:07
  13. avatar
    #33 Rugbyman

    @ROOIBUL: niks stop jou om deur te ry pta toe vir van die games nie…

    Kloof en menlo games is twee weke na mekaar… daar is geen wegkruip plek in pta nie… daai 2 games behoort groot getalle in toeskouers in die dorp te trek… al 2 saterdae sal puik rugby van o/14 tot bo te wees!

    Ek kry sommer hoendervleis…

    2 May, 2014 at 11:49
  14. avatar
    #32 Rugbyman

    @Hanswors: nee nee… ons is by verre die underdogs…. ons 1ste span kon nog nooit vir kloof wen nie… en hierdie span van kloof is op top vorm

    2 May, 2014 at 11:45
  15. avatar
    #31 ROOIBUL

    @Rugbyman: O’ I am so very relaxed.

    There are a few games that I would have loved to see. Garsfontein – Waterkloof and Menlo – Waterkloof , also wanted to see Garsies against EG but I will never see them playing this year accept maybe in the Beeld final. Good luck to you Rugbyman it will be a tough game against Waterkloof they are the most inform team that I have seen from the Bulls this year.

    2 May, 2014 at 11:35
  16. avatar
    #30 Hanswors

    @Tjoppa: Ja dit gaan ‘n groot een wees. Ek dink Garsfontein is die gunstelinge met die ouderlinge en almal op hulle pos. :lol:

    2 May, 2014 at 11:20
  17. avatar
    #29 Tjoppa

    @Hanswors: Gaan ‘n grote wees. Dink eerste keer wat Thinus werklik onder druk op 10 gaan wees. Dink forwards gaan agtertoe speel met Franco op 12 wat Thinus op verdediging en aanval deeglik gaan beproef. Hierdie een van die grotes van die jaar.

    2 May, 2014 at 11:00
  18. avatar
    #28 Rugbyman

    @PRondersteuner: :wink:

    Hy kla al jaaaaaaare daaroor…

    2 May, 2014 at 10:58
  19. avatar
    #27 PRondersteuner

    Julle mag nie moan oor beserings nie. Die Stormers en hul afrigters het alleenreg daarop!!! Hahahaha!!!

    2 May, 2014 at 10:51
  20. avatar
    #26 Hanswors

    @TJOPPA: Sat 17 Mei by Waterkloof.

    2 May, 2014 at 10:51
  21. avatar
    #25 GCollege86

    @beet: Yesterday on our way back home from Wildeklawer I had time to chat to my son about all the games they have played so far this year. His opinion was that the 2 Framesby games were some of the toughest his played so far. One of the Selborne forwards also agreed. In my opinion Framesby must be one of the unluckiest and underated teams.

    2 May, 2014 at 10:44
  22. avatar
    #24 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Wanneer Kloof teen julle. Volgens my die game om no 1 in SA te bepaal.

    2 May, 2014 at 10:42
  23. avatar
    #23 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: ons behoort teen waterkloof weer almal terug te he behalwe moontlik ons 13… teen nellies is daar nog so paar einas… die ding van beserings is dat dit rerig jou diepte op die bench toets… dis as jou 2de linie seerkry wat jy rerig in n game getoets word… maar dis deel vd game en soos ek al gese het ons kla beslis nie! Die manne wat saterdag opdraf is die beste wat ons beskikbaar het en hulle speel hulle harte uit!

    Sien uit om my ouderlinge weer in aksie te sien… :wink:

    2 May, 2014 at 10:20
  24. avatar
    #22 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: korrek…. maar hulle kan steeds die blou bul beker wen… so die top 3 sonder affies gaan deur

    2 May, 2014 at 10:16
  25. avatar
    #21 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Soos reeds gese met jul twee ouderlinge by glo ek nie enige ander span gaan kan kers opsteek nie. Hoe gaan dit met die beserings.

    2 May, 2014 at 10:09
  26. avatar
    #20 Rugbyman

    @ROOIBUL: gaan lees net eers bietjie mooi jou eie post waar jy self gese het julle was 3 keer aan die wen kant waar die ander span n skop aan die einde gehad het om die game te wen… dan kan jy my reaksie in konteks sien… dis geensins sleg bedoel nie…

    2 May, 2014 at 10:09
  27. avatar
    #19 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Maar Affies gaan nie deur nie.

    2 May, 2014 at 10:07
  28. avatar
    #18 Rugbyman

    @Andre T: In die makro skole A-afdeling speel garsies, waterkloof, affies, menlo, eldoraigne en centurion teen mekaar… die top 3 spanne gaan dan deur na verdere uitspeel wedstryde… daar is nie meer n finaal nie… as jy bo op die log eindig is jy die blou bulle wenner… nogal n toughe kompetisie

    2 May, 2014 at 10:06
  29. avatar
    #17 Rugbyman

    @ROOIBUL: I never disputed that we lost… u got me wrong… I was saying dont moan if you are on a winning run… whether u arw lucky or not! ontspan jou boude… dis sonder ons o/19s… jou mos al geluk gese met die oorwinning

    2 May, 2014 at 10:04
  30. avatar
    #16 BOG

    @Andre T: Bazaar rugby kan moontlik besigheidsgeleenthede vir jou skoonma skep- prego rolle en ander vleiserige dinge. Moet net nie ploegskaar se domain betree nie

    2 May, 2014 at 09:26
  31. avatar
    #15 Andre T

    I think Framesby will easily beat Grey PE then.

    2 May, 2014 at 09:22
  32. avatar
    #14 beet

    @Andre T: Hey Andre! Never a dull moment with you around :-P . Here are the Framesby results.

    21/03/2014 Framesby 29 33 Selborne Graeme Rugby Day
    29/03/2014 Framesby 23 32 Klerksdorp Pukke Skouspel
    31/03/2014 Framesby 10 3 Drostdy Pukke Skouspel
    02/04/2014 Framesby 31 14 Centurion Pukke Skouspel
    12/04/2014 Despatch 0 66 Framesby
    17/04/2014 Framesby 16 21 Monument Kearsney Easter Rugby
    19/04/2014 Selborne 21 13 Framesby Kearsney Easter Rugby
    21/04/2014 Glenwood 31 29 Framesby Kearsney Easter Rugby
    26/04/2014 Daniel Pienaar 13 22 Framesby

    You are right, the Klerksdorp defeat sticks out like a sore thumb but I watched their games at KERF. Against Monnas they were on attack in the redzone at the final whistle = narrow defeat. Against Selborne they were trailing 14-13 but had to force the game by taking risks – left no one at home at the back and Selborne kicked long, chased and scored at the death = close game. Against Glenwood, they were leading with less than 10 minutes to go, had a player sent to the bin, Glenwood scored two late BMT tries to sneak home = close game.

    I also learnt that against Selborne at Graeme Rugby Day, Framesby were leading as well but something like 2 late intercept tries (stand to be corrected on how SC regained lead) cost Framesby. They lost narrowly.

    That’s 4 close defeats to top schools, which to me says don’t take them lightly.

    2 May, 2014 at 09:15
  33. avatar
    #13 ROOIBUL

    @Rugbyman: One point or ten points, Garsies lost the game. Do you think Garsies is the only team with injuries, eight is a lot or do you count your under 19 players in as well. The team on the field is you best team for the day.

    2 May, 2014 at 09:12
  34. avatar
    #12 Andre T

    @Rugbyman: Die Pretoria Stadsbeker waarvan julle so praat…….is dit n round robin formaat of n uitklop?

    Ek hoop dit is almal teen almal. Tussen Affies, Kloof, Garsies en Menlo sal dit supergees wees. Wie wil nou interskole. derbies, basaar rugby of wat ookal mens dit noem kyk as jy die 4 skole kan in aksie sien?

    2 May, 2014 at 09:00
  35. avatar
    #11 Rugbyman

    @ROOIBUL: hey… mens vat daai gelukkie as hy kom… jy kon aan ons kant vd draad gesit het met die 1 punt verloor… maar miskien is dit ons beurt in die Beeld trofee vir bietjie geluk…

    Maar jy weet mos hulle se: you make your own luck….

    As dit pap reen moet jy skep pappa…

    2 May, 2014 at 08:58
  36. avatar
    #10 Rugbyman

    @Andre T: toe toe toe… 36 – 0… julle wesranders darem… lieg deur jou tanne… :lol:

    2 May, 2014 at 08:56
  37. avatar
    #9 Andre T

    @beet: Yes, I agree……..Framesby was very unlucky to lose 36-0 to Klerksdorp at Pukke.

    2 May, 2014 at 08:53
  38. avatar
    #8 Woltrui

    @Rugbyman: @jakes: Ek stem saam jou Rugbyman. Nellies was ongelukkig in die opsig dat hulle 14 punte afgestaan het in die tydperk toe 1 van hulle spelers afgestuur is met ‘n geelkaart vroeg in die 2de helfte. Nadat hulle speler teruggekom het na die geelkaart het hulle die wedstryd gedomineer. Jansies se eerste halfte was egter goed genoeg en hulle het verdien om te wen. Jansies het op die dag egter vir my tam voorgekom, wat te verstane is na n harde KERF toernooi.

    2 May, 2014 at 08:43
  39. avatar
    #7 ROOIBUL

    BEET; Thanks for all the info and news that are supply by SBR.

    For me the most underrated team are the luckiest team this year, playing with guts and proud and playing for each other and for their schools couches and schools name. They won three games with one point and in all three games the opposition had a penalty in the last minute and mist the kick.
    This year’s Wildeklawer tournament was my first but not my last. All the quality rugby, man it was excellent just one mistake from the organisers for me, was the GW against Wkloof game that was played on the B-field and the KES game on the first day was very disappointing. But overall it was excellent.
    Do anyone know when will the GW-Wkloof game be broadcasted on tv.

    2 May, 2014 at 08:36
  40. avatar
    #6 Rugbyman

    @jakes: I always enjoy reading your opinion but I must unfortunately disagree with you on you summary of the nelspruit vs EG game played on saturday. The 1st half belonged to EG, but the 2nd half nellies camped in your 22m area and were unlucky not to score a few times… a team with more penetrative runners would have put u guys under immense pressure! In my opinion as a neutral observer the score flatters EG somewhat…

    With regards to your comments on the top 10 keep in kind that waterkloof, menlo, garsies and affies will all be playing each other in the next 6 weeks… that should cancel out the guesswork…

    I also note that u suddenly rate garsies in the 3rd group of contenders below outeniqua (which we beat) and after a one point loss with 8 injured players… u are a hard taskmaster indeed… but thats your opinion so lets see if we can change that in the coming weeks…

    2 May, 2014 at 08:12
  41. avatar
    #5 Rugbyman

    @jakes: I always enjoy reading your comments but in this case may I provide some perspective? I was a neutral observer at the nellies vs EG game on saturday and yes the first half belonged to EG… the 2nd half however in my opinion was nelspruit all the way… they camped in the EG 22m area and were unlucky not to score on a few occasions… they might lack the big ball runners but they were certainly not outplayed by EG – In my opinion u might be slightly biased in this instance… a team with, shall I call it better penetrative abilities, would have scored those tries and put u under massive pressure…

    Secondly, I see u rate a number of schools in your second group… just a kind reminder that for instance waterkloof, menlo, garsies and affies will all be playing each other in the next 6 weeks which will elliminate the guess work… I also see u rated outeniqua above garsies even though they were beaten by garsies… writing us off after a one pointer with 8 injuries? :wink:

    2 May, 2014 at 07:57
  42. avatar
    #4 jakes

    Thanks Beet. It is defintely going to be the closest top 20 in years.Nelspruit can also still slip in there. It will be interesting to see how they match up against Garsfontein on the 10th of May although I think Nelspruit were outplayed by EG Jansen last saturday. The scoreline does not reflect that though with a 9 point difference.

    2 May, 2014 at 01:03
  43. avatar
    #3 beet

    @jakes: Hi Jakes. PRG beat Nellies 15-10 at St Johns.

    I think there are 3 teams who haven’t had luck on their side this season but are good teams. Nelspruit is definitely one of them. Lost by 7 to Garsies and by 9 to EG apart from PRG by 5. So 3 close defeats to top schools.

    The other 2 unlucky schools by my reckoning are Boland Landbou and Framesby. They have been in it to win it against rated opponents but somehow just just came out on the losing end each time.

    2 May, 2014 at 00:14
  44. avatar
    #2 jakes

    Was Paul Roos also not beaten by Nelspruit? That was another shock defeat as far as I can remember.

    2 May, 2014 at 00:00
  45. avatar
    #1 jakes

    The most difficult top 10 ever or let me say nr 2-10. Grey College can claim nr 1 for sure for now. Close call for 2nd group between EG Jansen, Glenwood, Paarl gym Menlopark, Paul Roos Waterkloof.Outeniqua.03rd group is Monument,HTS Middelburg, Paarl Boys,Garsfontein,Grey HS

    1 May, 2014 at 23:50

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