New coach has Hilton College training twice a day

If there were any doubts about Hilton College being able to maintain the same standard of rugby perseverance that was experienced under their former professional head coach Brad Macloed-Henderson, these must now surely be cast aside by reports that under new teacher-coach AC Blume, 1st XV hopefuls are being put through their paces sometimes twice a day in preparation for the private school’s  season of 13 games.

A few years ago the then headmaster Gavin Thomson expressed the need for a more professional sports approach and in came old boy Macloed-Henderson to take up the coaching reigns and help change the schools rugby fortunes. He was in charge for the 2012 and 2013 seasons. There were many positives attached to Macloed-Henderson’s short stint as a well-paid high school coach including the much sort after ‘double’ win against Michaelhouse in 2013 and he further enhanced his reputation by helping the Sharks to win the Currie Cup in the same year. However Hilton’s win percentage remained low during both seasons and they did not break into the KZN top 4 in either year. This while their two major KZN private school opponents Michaelhouse and Kearsney took turns to collect the award for best 1st XV in in the province during the same two seasons.

Indications were that Hilton could have acquired another high profile external coach to replace BMH but opted to back Afrikaans teacher Blume instead. It’s a sensible path to follow having someone who is easily able to put academics and rugby into perspective, yet one really feels that in spite of this Blume will be under enormous pressure to succeed in rugby. Adding to this pressure is the knowledge that previous teacher-coach Deon Scheepers was only given a single season before being replaced as head coach. These days Scheepers’ approval ratings are on the up as the well-respected new headmaster of Grey College, the top rugby school in the whole country.

Ideally AC Blume now needs to be given a fair chance to prove himself. Even with extra practice sessions and the favourable imbalance of more home games against top KZN schools (Glenwood, Kearsney, Michaelhouse & Westville) versus away games  (College & Michaelhouse), 2014 will be an extremely challenging year for the 1st XV, with 2015 really being the season for Hilton to aim at matching the recent KZN award achievements of Michaelhouse and Kearsney.

Fixtures for 2014

Sat 22/03/2014 St Charles Hilton
Thu 17/04/2014 Hilton SACS St Stithians
Sat 19/04/2014 St Stithians Hilton St Stithians
Mon 21/04/2014 Hilton St Andrew’s St Stithians
Sat 26/04/2014 Hilton Kearsney
Sat 03/05/2014 Michaelhouse Hilton
Sat 10/05/2014 Northwood Hilton
Sat 17/05/2014 Hilton DHS
Sat 31/05/2014 Maritzburg College Hilton
Sat 07/06/2014 Hilton Glenwood
Sat 14/06/2014 Hilton Westville
Sat 21/06/2014 Port Natal Hilton
Sat 28/06/2014 Hilton Michaelhouse


  1. avatar
    #50 Gungets Tuft

    @Tjoppa: I will make the pancakes myself. Nothing that a little gas bottle and my trusty old travelling frying pan won’t sort out. In fact, that’s a damn fine idea. The tuck shop selling pancakes from 7:30am on a cool winters day in Maritzburru might be the business, fund some BE maintenance … I will mention your name when I suggest it. Will not mention that you used it as blotting paper … :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Hell, you can even use the Malema Suite at my house in Durbs if leaving at 6:30am to get back to Sleepy Hollow doesn’t scare you. 8-O

    12 March, 2014 at 18:06
  2. avatar
    #49 Tjoppa

    Unfortunately my days at Affies is finished. But hey if you include a few pancakes at the farmers market I might be convinced. Mind you I think for the first time in quite a few years my team might just find itself at the wrong side of the scoreboard. Therefore I must admit no rather not.

    12 March, 2014 at 17:54
  3. avatar
    #48 Gungets Tuft

    @Tjoppa: I believe you, would love to know who the ref was. It’s the kind of comment that would more than likely earn him a pat on the back from most of his classmates because he probably managed to irritate his whole class.

    Will you be down in PMB on 26th July – I might be convinced to have a fanta or two … even give you the College tour …..

    12 March, 2014 at 17:21
  4. avatar
    #47 Tjoppa

    @Gungets Tuft: Scouts honour a true story. But Gung’s whatever they say a pleasure to visit with excellent children. Will I ever forget the farmers market around the corner at 06h00 for the first solids in 12 hours. And then of to College to experience a wonderful day of rugby and banter. Like I said before definitely my nr 2.

    12 March, 2014 at 16:17
  5. avatar
    #46 Buffel

    @Gungets Tuft: They need to blow somewhere and that is the ideal platform. Even weekday matches at schools like Pelham and Murchiston would be a place where they could hone their skills.
    It would be a pleasure to watch some of the current 1st team crop learning about blowing a game . It would give them a greater insight into the game and appreciate it more when they get a call that they feel is incorrect.
    There is nothing like being put on the spot and you have to make a call in a split second with pressure from the home team and external pressure from fans supporting both sides.

    12 March, 2014 at 15:25
  6. avatar
    #45 Gungets Tuft

    @CRC: What my empty reply was meant to say it – College (and other schools surely?) don’t have unimportant games .. but there are some where the boys, parents are more chilled, are there to play and enjoy. Call them lower intensity …

    The choice of society refs at 1st – 6th, and A,B team level is to match the intensity and probably also provide impartial refs. The refs for the lower teams are not less competent, probably just less confident.

    12 March, 2014 at 14:10
  7. avatar
    #44 Buffel

    @CRC: I think it would be great if Kearsney introduced it as an option. I am sure there would be interest shown by the boys that don’t want to be hammered week in and week out.

    12 March, 2014 at 13:26
  8. avatar
    #43 Gungets Tuft


    12 March, 2014 at 11:00
  9. avatar
    #42 CRC

    @Buffel: Apart from College, Michaelhouse and Hilton also have quite a few boys that are doing the refereeing courses etc . and moving up through the different levels. Do any of the Durban schools offer reffing because they are needed? The boys are obviously not given important games for their schools, where there could be to much controversy. I think they all just try their best.

    12 March, 2014 at 10:26
  10. avatar
    #41 Gungets Tuft

    @Buffel: Craig came through the ref system at school. His father Des was a ref as well.

    12 March, 2014 at 10:23
  11. avatar
    #40 Buffel

    @Gungets Tuft: That was the golden era at Northlands.
    Without refs the boys could not play and I think what College do is a great thing. Not all boys are built to play but none the less have a passion burning bright for the game. Did Craig come through the same system or did he play while at school?

    12 March, 2014 at 09:51
  12. avatar
    #39 Gungets Tuft

    @Gungets Tuft: Just to add to that, College now allocate society refs to the open age group – 1st to 6th (I think, could be 5ths) and all A & B matches in the junior age groups. I am not sure if any College refs get allocated to these, I believe they are all “properly” neutral.

    The impression from coastal schools that they get a raw deal with Midlands refs is not a new one, I have a mate (Northlands boy) that is still complaining about a match back in 1979 ….. 8-O

    12 March, 2014 at 09:24
  13. avatar
    #38 Gungets Tuft

    @Tjoppa: Bwahahhaaaaa .. that is a hoot. It might not be the best way to decide an infringement in rugby but it made me blow coffee all over my keyboard nonetheless.

    That said, College take their refereeing very seriously, there is quite a large squad that do reffing as their winter sport – attend all the courses, get rated by the society. The kids also wrestle with the balance between fair and being seen to be unbiased. It’s not an easy thing for a 15 year old, and then often have parents abusing them as well. Last year had a visiting parent accost a junior ref after the game, needed other parents to intervene to stop it getting violent. I have loads of sympathy for refs, try to not criticise, they still know more than me and are closer to the action.

    12 March, 2014 at 08:55
  14. avatar
    #37 Tjoppa

    @Gungets Tuft: Thought I must tell this story to put everything in perspective with the refs at College. I was three years ago that I attended a game between Affies u/15d and their College counterparts. The game was officiated by a College schoolboy and apparently also 15 years old. In a maul a penalty was awarded against College for holding on. The one boy from College complained a lot. The ref looked at this guy with no emotion on his face and simply replied ” You are a known cheat and you lie a lot in class so the benefit will go to Affies.” and that was it.

    12 March, 2014 at 08:15
  15. avatar
    #36 Gungets Tuft

    @meadows: :-) Well, just pure grammar, they were at College, but are from College, but that’s not what I was getting at. Goes back to the discussion about KP and whether College still “claim” him, the answer was “College for life”. We make exceptions in the case of criminals because it is clear that some people are beyond the influence of a school or ethos. But it was meant to be funny but now has turned awl cirriaas, so we’ll leave it there …. :oops: :mrgreen:

    12 March, 2014 at 05:36
  16. avatar
    #35 meadows

    @Gungets Tuft: “were” as in the past – I’m more than a little out of touch so wouldn’t want to presume that the status quo remains :lol:

    11 March, 2014 at 22:33
  17. avatar
    #34 Grasshopper

    @Gungets Tuft: Craig Joubert would never be biased, people said he handled the game well last year…

    11 March, 2014 at 17:48
  18. avatar
    #33 Gungets Tuft

    @meadows: And the other obvious correction … ARE from College, unless your name is on the register with Correctional Services ..

    11 March, 2014 at 17:36
  19. avatar
    #32 Gungets Tuft

    @meadows: Ja, well, y’know how it goes. We make sure we appoint College Old Boys to ref our Reunion match, stuff like that. Have to tilt the odds hey. We always make sure we choose the same one, someone with no reputation to tarnish ….

    11 March, 2014 at 17:26
  20. avatar
    #31 meadows

    @meadows: oops! “were from College”

    11 March, 2014 at 16:02
  21. avatar
    #30 Ploegskaar

    @beet: In the spirit of reconciliation I therefore want to take this appropriate opportunity to thank the following Western Cape referees that always contribute to the SBR games they officiate in a positive and fair manner:
    Jonathan Kaplan
    Marius v.d. Westhuizen
    Daniel Fortuin
    Cwengile Jadezweni
    Joey Salmans
    Marc Taylor
    Jacques Pienaar
    Matt Kemp

    11 March, 2014 at 15:54
  22. avatar
    #29 meadows

    @Gungets Tuft: And there I thought that all the society refs where from College :lol:

    11 March, 2014 at 15:50
  23. avatar
    #28 Gungets Tuft

    @Pedantic: Got to agree with that – and the mechanism exists with referee appraisals. I am not sure how you appraise a senior society ref who is already in charge of top school 1st team games, but I do know that more “junior” refs get assessed. I know there was an assessor present during an indicent on a College field last year with a spectator – added a nice independent view.

    I must confess to getting very pessimistic when a certain ref blows on Goldstones. My pessimism probably makes it even harder for the ref to get it righ :roll: :twisted: :mrgreen:

    I appreciate the refs that come out – I can’t imagine many escape a game without some sort of abuse, given how complex and subject to interpretation rughy laws have become. A fraction of a second turns a penalty decision around – too complex ….

    11 March, 2014 at 13:50
  24. avatar
    #27 Buffel

    @beet: It just seems that there are different set of rules when we play in the midlands. We are left scratching our heads at some of the calls and when we question them ,we get beaten down by the locals. Pedantic nailed it on the head. The boys and coaching staff spend far more time at the game than the Refs do on a weekly basis, only to get blown off the park. We all just want a fair game between 2 sides and if the home side gets beat then so be it.( That is in an ideal world) .

    11 March, 2014 at 13:12
  25. avatar
    #26 beet

    @Pedantic: Point taken and I can’t disagree with the reasonableness. But I think we all need to avoid getting to personal and rather use the energy to persuade those with the power to bring about change to act. :)

    11 March, 2014 at 12:57
  26. avatar
    #25 Buffel

    @star: I think I have an idea who I am conversing with. Time will tell.

    11 March, 2014 at 12:30
  27. avatar
    #24 Pedantic

    @beet: We all appreciate the thankless job the refs do, however, if someone wants to genuinely give something back to the game as a ref, then with this power comes responsibility and accountability.

    When all 50/50 calls go in one team’s favour then that power is being abused and affecting players / coaches who put tremendous time and effort into their game.

    I can understand a ref having a bad game, but when he starts getting a rep for favoritism then it’s time for accountability and possibly a time for him to start analysing the videos to see where he’s going wrong.

    11 March, 2014 at 12:29
  28. avatar
    #23 meadows

    @Tarpeys: The extra time played in the 2006 game at Hilton was exacerbated by MHS defending into a strong wind. I understood that the ref later acknowledged the error and wrote a letter of apology.

    11 March, 2014 at 11:26
  29. avatar
    #22 star

    @ Buffel- my brother’s heart lies in Balgowan. I am actually both a WOB and HOB. House is the mortal enemy. :roll: Trifecta it is then. Beet can do the handover.( for small commission)

    11 March, 2014 at 10:34
  30. avatar
    #21 Buffel

    @star: Add MHS to the mix and it will be interesting. Both Hilton and Westville fixtures away from home and by hook or by crook managed to switch founders day from MHS to KC which could be telling. A trifecta wins the case. I am surprised that you chose Westville and Hilton. Thought your heart lay in Balgowan.

    11 March, 2014 at 10:16
  31. avatar
    #20 star

    @ Buffel- the 70 % target is obviously on the optimistic side but if you aim at the stars you might hit the moon.
    I was considering doing a double or quits( case of beers) on the Westville and Hilton games against Kearsney but realised that you might not be able to keep up with the old man :lol:

    11 March, 2014 at 09:08
  32. avatar
    #19 Buffel

    @beet: Point taken Beet.I don’t think our head of rugby was too pleased with the interpretation of the laws on both those days. Let’s get back to the rugby. Hilton will struggle this year and I think a 70% win ratio is out of their grasp. They have started their preparation far too late in my opinion and will take at least 3 games to settle. They have 2 genuine prospects in Gouws and Blewitt for Craven week and the rest will be trying to keep the opposition at bay. :lol: :lol:

    11 March, 2014 at 06:50
  33. avatar
    #18 beet

    I know we have all had our share of issues with referees at all levels particularly the professional ones but think we have pushed this issue about a particular ref to the limit now. Time to back off a bit. This is still a guy who genuinely goes out there to give something back to the sport every Saturday.

    Not all know this but there are proper channels for reporting grievances and in most cases it starts with one’s own school taking action. So you are better off directing unhappiness at your own school’s Head of Rugby first, something that not many do but still the best way to bring about change at the end of the day.

    I’ve spoken to a couple of school refs and they’ve had their issues with spectators, teachers and even some not so respectful schoolboys from well respected schools. I can imagine how put out a lot of people would be if the refs came on here and started blogging about misbehaving schools by name.

    Here’s my :-P smiley face to prove that this is not a lecture. And here’s another one :-D

    10 March, 2014 at 23:44
  34. avatar
    #17 kcob

    @Tarpeys: not sure which game you watched! The doops were poor in that game. The other 13 were solid. Schramm was solid as was Deighton and Smith. Anderson did play well.

    10 March, 2014 at 20:47
  35. avatar
    #16 Buffel

    @Tarpeys: It was a great game. The Hilton game on the other hand was a farce. Whenever KC got close to the line, a dubious call was made and we lost that one by a whisker.


    10 March, 2014 at 20:33
  36. avatar
    #15 Grasshopper

    @CRC: Yes and probably led by ex Glenwood Under16A captain Jason Gouws…..he should make KZN Craven week too..

    10 March, 2014 at 17:45
  37. avatar
    #14 CRC

    Good for them working so hard, it could be a tough season. These boys are passionate and will give it their all, although 2014 will probably be a bit of a building year for 2015. I think it will be good for KZN rugby to have a competitive Hilton side, as a traditional rugby school.

    10 March, 2014 at 16:17
  38. avatar
    #13 Tarpeys

    Talking about ref, there was one Hilton/Michaelhouse match in 2006 where the ref played about 17 minutes extra until Hilton scored. It was a farce to say the least. Then Michaelhouse went on to win the next 8 games.

    @ Buffel, that 2012 game was an epic. I don’t know about the penalties being on the same spot but they were all genuine penalties. The Kearsney blokes just couldn’t keep their cool. The Anderson kid kept his and slotted the most difficult of the three to beat the Doops and 13 other okes who watched the two play on their own.

    10 March, 2014 at 15:52
  39. avatar
    #12 Gungets Tuft

    @Buffel: Don’t worry, College have their issues with one or two Midlands society refs as well. There is one oke where College have something like a 2/10 result. He will go unnamed, in case he reads this and it goes to a 2/100 stat …. :evil: :evil:

    10 March, 2014 at 14:42
  40. avatar
    #11 Roger

    @beet: not sure but Vleis had some info – Saints were none too pleased and pulled out of the Independent Schools fest at Hilton I believe

    10 March, 2014 at 14:37
  41. avatar
    #10 Buffel

    @oldschool: The boy’s hearts must have sunk when they pitched up at MHS to see the same gent was in charge. The flyhalf had about 3 shots at goal in the last minute because of an “infringement” from the same spot until he got it over,then the final whistle blew.
    We have College and Hilton games in the midlands which is enough.

    10 March, 2014 at 14:25
  42. avatar
    #9 oldschool

    @Buffel: Ja , Mr Ref that day was superb , Kearsney went over about 4 times and were disallowed …..anyway , 2 practices a day and a rub down from there male masseuse still wont be enough !!! :twisted:

    10 March, 2014 at 14:05
  43. avatar
    #8 Grasshopper

    @Buffel: Bobby Skinstad could be the ref ;-)

    10 March, 2014 at 13:22
  44. avatar
    #7 Buffel

    @star: I presume you say that Hilton will do one over Kearsney. Interesting ,but will put it in the memory banks and will revisit once we have played the game. The one thing that concerns me is who is going to be the official in charge as this could have a major bearing on the outcome. In the past we have been outgunned by the ref, 2012 being a good example.

    10 March, 2014 at 13:00
  45. avatar
    #6 Grasshopper

    @beet: Yeah, that would be great to know. Glenwood lost Gouws and Calvin Smith to those buggers at Under16 level…..he also ropped in the Westville scrummie…

    10 March, 2014 at 12:58
  46. avatar
    #5 beet

    @Roger: I wonder how that whole situation came about. Innocent Radebe even traveled to Hilton to have a look around and I think he spent a few nights in their BE as well.

    It would be interesting to know who does Hilton’s recruitment work for their u16 age group and how he goes about identifying players.

    10 March, 2014 at 12:42
  47. avatar
    #4 Gungets Tuft

    College on Reunion Day.

    And I will not be there – can you believe that lifelong friends have their 25th Anniversary that day. And if I want to see another anniversary myself, best I present myself … :cry: :evil:

    10 March, 2014 at 12:32
  48. avatar
    #3 Grasshopper

    Certainly not testing themselves too much, should be fresh for all the local games so should aim for 60% win ratio. But maybe their policy is traditional only..

    10 March, 2014 at 11:24
  49. avatar
    #2 star

    One thing is for sure, Hilton will not be unduly fatigued this season which only consists of 13 games and is predominated home ground based. The only serious stretch is from 31/05 to 14/06 and 2 of those games are at home. The school should target an achievable 70% win ratio which will set the young team up nicely for next year. :mrgreen:

    10 March, 2014 at 10:19
  50. avatar
    #1 Roger

    Hmmmm – Hilton back at the Saints festival so is all forgiven over the attempted poach of Inocent Radebe?!

    10 March, 2014 at 09:37

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