Why only 24 schools are part of the “anti-poaching” charter

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The bloggers on schoolboyrugby.co.za are making far too much about who is on and who is not on the list of 24 schools.

What no one has noticed is that these 24 for schools are all part of the informal organisation of state-aided monastic boys’ high schools that has been in existence for about 17 years now. Each year headmasters from thesestate schools meet to discuss issues of mutual interest. This year the meeting was hosted by Paul Roos.

 I guess anti-poaching measures are a matter on their agenda. Any agreement they make is only relevant to the 24 schools, unless they make some effort to get the agreement institutionalised elsewhere.

Your readers would be incorrect to make any nefarious assumptions on why other schools are not on the list. The only reason other schools are not onthe list is because they are not members of this group.


  1. avatar
    #27 Deon

    Ploeg, Die Broederbond was ‘n vloekwoord gewees in my generasie by PRG, en ons een skoolhoof , wat net daar was in my standard 6 jaar het soveel druk beleef oor sy BB lidmaatskap dat hy klaarblyklik agv dit ander weivelde gaan soek het. In die moderne SA dink ek daardie hoofkwartiere is eerder in die Agter Paarl.

    6 December, 2013 at 00:00
  2. avatar
    #26 BOG

    @Speartackle: En jy is 10% van die kere reg

    5 December, 2013 at 10:23
  3. avatar
    #25 Speartackle

    @BOG: Lyk my jy is die nuwe stats ghoeroe hier. Jy neem jou job, as bibliokaris, te ernstig op.

    5 December, 2013 at 08:02
  4. avatar
    #24 BOG

    @BoishaaiPa: Presies. En dan sit ons met die wat soos in Kuba opgelei was. Ek oordryf nie- ek het in Mosambiek gehoor , waar daar baie Kubaanse dokters was, dat hulle mangels deur die kant vd keel, net onder die kakebeen, uitgehaal het. By Medunsa, op een stadium, het hulle vd studente met so min as 15% deurgesit, omdat hulle sekere minimum getalle moes laat slaag. Ek sal onrustig wees met n geneesheer wat met 70% geslaag het, aangesien ek n probleem onderlede mag he wat binne daardie 30% wat hy nie geken het nie, val. Ons lewr gemiddeld 100 veeartse pj op en meer as 90% verlaat dadelik die land. Hulle “oplossing”? Weier toelating van n kind met onderskeidelik 90 en 92 % vir Wiskunde en Wetenskap.

    4 December, 2013 at 14:16
  5. avatar
    #23 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: Dis wanneer die “aangepastes” daardie selfde toelating eksamens wil skryf dat hulle agterkom hulle is nie op standaard nie, terwyl die gewones nog steeds daardie toelatings deurkom agv van die standaarde…Die nadeel is egter dat ons dan met die “aangepastes” hier moet klaarkom as medici!

    4 December, 2013 at 11:22
  6. avatar
    #22 BOG

    @BoishaaiPa: Ek glo die suiwer wetenskap, is in n mindere mate geraak, maar die “maatskaplike ingenieurswese”, oftewel, sosiale wetenskappe, is n groot probleem. Maar die buiteland, veral Kanada, wat voorheen SA afgestudeerdes, sonder voorbehoud toegelaat het, is besig om toelatingseksames te vereis vir onbeperkte registrasie (medies). My peetkind, tans besig met sy twee jaar gemeenskapsdiens by Grootte Schuur, het my dit vertel. Eerder om die te keer wie se punte , vir redes anders as akademies, opwaarts aangepas is, as die standaard self.

    4 December, 2013 at 11:01
  7. avatar
    #21 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: Skokkend in watter opsig?..Ek is nog redelik nou betrokke met my assosiasie as old boy van my koshuis en n seun wat besig is om daar te studeer. Verandering is onafwendbaar en as jy dink alles kon bly voortgaan soos dit was in die 70’s is jy bietjie agter die klip..as jy praat van die koshuis beleid sal ek saamstem dat dit n baie kortsigtige beleid is, maar die feit is dat die instituut afhanklik is van befondsing van die regering en moet hulle maar na hulle pype ook dans!..Die kwaliteit onderrig het verseker nie verswak nie. In elk geval nie waar dit by Ingenieurwese kom nie. My swaer wat 30 jaar terug daar was en my seun het nou die dag gesels oor die curriculum vir Ingenieurs en my swaer se siening is dat dat die inhoud aansienlik meer gevorderd is as in sy dae!

    4 December, 2013 at 10:21
  8. avatar
    #20 BOG

    @Gungets Tuft: I suppose, it depends which polls you use. Many Americans are wondering if the USA will survive Obama, and rightfully so. In fact, you are the first person that I know who is impressed with his performance, particularly after the “Obamacare” debacle and his (mis) handling of the ME situation. I share the view of many Americans who think that he makes Bush look like Einstein.@BoishaaiPa: In my tyd was Maties verlig, maar deesdae, lyk dit vir my, is hulle onder Botman, heeltemal verlore. Skokkend, wat daar aangaan.

    4 December, 2013 at 10:11
  9. avatar
    #19 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Sorry Ploeg. jy soek die hoofkwartier by die verkeerde plek…soek bietjie verder noord!..Maties was nog altyd meer verlig alhoewel daar heelwat BB’s in ons geldere was!!..Ironie is dat n groot gees van US en die grootste teenstander van die BB se koshuis die grooste sametrek van hulle was!.. :mrgreen:

    4 December, 2013 at 09:59
  10. avatar
    #18 Ploegskaar

    @Deon: Nee, jy mis niks, net ‘n vreeslike siniese veralgemening van my dat baie BB-lede by assosiasie oud-PRG’s en oud-Maties is. Of selfs dat die plaaslike BB-hoofkantoor daar iewers in ‘n kelder onder die Matie-Kampus, of in ‘n luukse grot in die Papagaaiberg is.

    4 December, 2013 at 09:27
  11. avatar
    #17 Deon

    Ploeg, ek vra dit bloot interessantheidshalwe. Dis werklik al. Nou is ek nog meer ge-interesseerd. Hoekom is dit meer gepas as ek as PRG-OB dit vra? Mis ek iets?

    3 December, 2013 at 19:41
  12. avatar
    #16 Queenian

    Bog you must remember that if Grey Bloem signed up that means so has JJS as they are taken as one.

    3 December, 2013 at 13:18
  13. avatar
    #15 Gungets Tuft

    @BOG: Obama popularity rankings, not quite true compared to many past presidents. Yes?


    Perhaps in certain circles, such as the Tea Party and the Bible Belt, but overall, far from it. Considering he took over after Bush had lead the country down the international toilet, I reckon he has done quite well.

    2 December, 2013 at 20:33
  14. avatar
    #14 Ploegskaar

    @Deon: Net ‘n toevallige woordkeuse, kon seker bende of vakbond ook gebruik het, maar, tog gepas dat jy, as ‘n PRG OB, my dit vra….

    29 November, 2013 at 08:45
  15. avatar
    #13 Deon

    @Ploeg. Interessantheidshalwe, hoekom jou verwysing na die Broederbond?

    28 November, 2013 at 21:00
  16. avatar
    #12 BOG

    @Rugbyman: I would hardly say that someone who consider himself “sensible”, is praising himself.@Speartackle: Rock bottom is a nice comfort zone. Barack Osama/Obama is regarded the most unpopular president in the history of the US, more so than Richard Nixon, who resigned just before he could be impeached.

    28 November, 2013 at 10:45
  17. avatar
    #11 Rugbyman

    @BOG: Self praise is no reccomendation…

    28 November, 2013 at 09:46
  18. avatar
    #10 Speartackle

    @BOG: Ou Boggie………….so you say you include yourself amongst sensible people……………….I dont know if I agree with you this time and you know I’m always there for you but sadly I have to say that you are the only person I know of who started at the bottom…………and just went further down.

    28 November, 2013 at 07:58
  19. avatar
    #9 BOG

    @Rugbyman: Most sensible people, myself included, would regard themselves more important than the two characters who you mentioned, so why would these headmasters not do the same?

    28 November, 2013 at 07:09
  20. avatar
    #8 Rugbyman

    @Speartackle: They can now also upgrade to sushi and move away from the melktertjies and hertzogies… I find some school headmasters think they are more important than the pope and barack obama combined… I enjoyed your perspective and remark! So true

    28 November, 2013 at 06:25
  21. avatar
    #7 Ploegskaar

    @Maroon: Don’t quite understand the relevance of the question in relation to my comment, but, I am sure that Boland will continue to thrive and prosper with their annual intake of upstanding aspiring engineers, scientists, wine makers and farmers, coupled with the input and assistance of the parent community, OB’s, sponsors and benefactors. If you add the quality of educators, mentors and guides at Boland and the opportunity it provides to live, be educated and mature in a self-sustaining and pristine environment to the equation, I think they should be fine. Same goes for Oakdale, Marlow, Augsburg and the other members of the Agricultural Union, I suppose :mrgreen:

    27 November, 2013 at 12:36
  22. avatar
    #6 BoishaaiPa

    @Maroon: No Maroon..its better sitting outside and throwing offhand comments and pointing fingers…and then you wake up one day and see your institution has gone to hell and cant understand why you are not competitive anymore!

    27 November, 2013 at 10:48
  23. avatar
    #5 Maroon

    @Ploegskaar: Ploegie, how is Boland Landbou planning to face the challenges of being a government school, while upholding tradition and quality of education? Do you think that it is better facing those as a single entity, or as a group?

    27 November, 2013 at 10:39
  24. avatar
    #4 Speartackle

    Wonder who sponsors these little getaways for The Firm or whatever their ‘secret’ little name is………….La Cosa Nostrils………Yakuza………..Takalani Sesame.

    Perhaps with the ‘extra funds’ now saved from their truce, they can rather stage their summits in Phuket or even better……………..Beirut

    27 November, 2013 at 10:23
  25. avatar
    #3 Ploegskaar

    Would “state-aided monastic boys’ high schools” loosely translate to Broederbond van Boudkabouters?

    27 November, 2013 at 10:10
  26. avatar
    #2 Grasshopper

    Let me guess one of the plenty of headmasters who monitor this blog….

    27 November, 2013 at 09:50
  27. avatar
    #1 Maroon


    27 November, 2013 at 09:25

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