Boishaai – another weekend, another unbeaten challenger

Paarl Boys’ High did not receive enough credit for their good 19-10 win against Oakdale. This was a tough assignment which the Winelanders made look comfortable by establishing a lead which grew to 19-3 at one stage in the second half. Oakdale may not be a flashy team but they are organised and hard as nails. They love tackling. So for Boishaai to manufacture the first two tries via clean linebreaks and then being able to find the continuity to get over the line through linking play says a lot about their firepower and what they can achieve against a 1st XV that is not as intense as Oakdale.

Oakdale came into the Brugstraat game unbeaten. This weekend a rated Wynberg will arrive with the same status, although it has to be added that they have not played the same pedigree of 2024 opponents as Oakdale or Boishaai for that matter. Nevertheless the Berg team on paper looks proper and they have not strayed on the field either. They definitely have the pack and line to hold their own.

Berg have had some good games against Boishaai on Hawthornden, with three of the last four including last year’s offering being decided by four points or less including last year’s very close match. However their trips to the town of Paarl itself have generally been miserable ones with lots of points conceded on Brugstraat and even more a little further North at the Jan Kriel (Paarl Gim). One therefore can’t help but believe that from a psychological point of view the first prize is damage control rather than going for an outright win, especially with Boishaai in the mood to speed up the game and looking for different avenues of attack this season. Boishaai has the firepower to put up a big score so keeping things as tight as possible firstly by looking after possession and then by making sure the prerequisite fitness level holds firm to keep the defensive focus up to a high level.

Its the name of the game in the extremely tough Western Province Premier League, where one has to believe that Wynberg can challenge for a Top-15 national ranking based on their ability and playing form.

1 Bernard du Toit u17 1 Luqobo Makwedini
2 Christiaan Grundling u17 2 Xabiso Mkiva
3 ⁠Juan vd Merwe u17 3 Benjamin Matthews
4 ⁠Dian Smal u18 4 Jaythen Orange
5 ⁠Jayden Joubert u17 5 Tjeripo Karuhumba
6 ⁠Anroux du Plessis u18 6 Jamie Stride
7 ⁠Rubin Dames u18 7 Adan da Costa
8 ⁠Douw Wessels u18 8 Torren February
9 ⁠Keagan Smith u19 9 Tyrone Gombe
10 ⁠Viaan Mentoor u18 10 Yaqeen Ahmed
11 ⁠Ashwin Swarts u18 11 Levi Brown
12 ⁠Tristan Fransman u18 12 Brandon Ashburner
13 ⁠Tristan Joubert u17 13 Albert Lourens
14 ⁠Aiden Jacobs u18 14 Kunene Gadu
15 ⁠Francois vd Merwe u17 15 Morne Noble


  1. avatar
    #11 Kaya 85

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #8)
    Paarl Bois have a very big pack, make no mistake.

    9 April, 2024 at 00:57
  2. avatar
    #10 Kaya 85

    @Strepie (Comment #6)
    Excellence in the atmosphere.

    9 April, 2024 at 00:55
  3. avatar
    #9 Snelvuur

    HJS se aanval het by tye goed gelyk teen Oakdale, maar ek was baie teleurgesteld in Oakdale se aanvallende spel. Dit is dalk ewe veel ‘n pluimpie vir HJS, maar Oakdale het op geen stadium gelyk asof hulle enigiets kreatief op die aanval kan doen nie.

    8 April, 2024 at 16:46
  4. avatar
    #8 yesnomaybe

    Yes you quite right with regards to the matches in Paarl, in the Southern Suburbs its called N1 fever, however, this Wynberg side has the size & skill to trouble the Paarl boys. The match will depend on whether Berg will be able to handle/control the Paarl forwards who are not a massive pack but an effective mobile pack. Their will also be some interesting individual battles on show especially the flyhalfs, the tight 5’s & the loosies. Think it will be boil down to Berg brawn vs Paarl flair/speed, which makes a change because normally the SS sides are much smaller than their Northern counterparts. Looking forward to a great match with hopefully decent weather, although don’t think the Berg would complain too much if its wet.

    8 April, 2024 at 11:48
  5. avatar
    #7 BoishaaiPa

    @Mate (Comment #5)Jy kan maar daai ogies rol!..Jy weet dit is waar! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    8 April, 2024 at 11:38
  6. avatar
    #6 Strepie

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #4)
    Baie goed gestel.
    HJS se primere doelwit is en was nog NOOIT om n ‘rugbyskool’ te wees nie, maar wel om n seun die wereld in te stuur om n positiewe verskil in n negatiewe omgewing te gaan maak.
    Balans, balans, balans.

    8 April, 2024 at 09:39
  7. avatar
    #5 Mate

    :roll: :roll: :roll:

    8 April, 2024 at 09:35
  8. avatar
    #4 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @JongMatie (Comment #2)
    Dit is verseker nie ‘n doelwit van die skool of die span nie ! Die doelwit is om in elke wedstryd as ‘n span beter te speel en die spel te geniet want dit is jong seuns wat rugby speel omdat God hul die gesondheid en die talente gegee het maar weet dat dit deel is van ‘n opvoedings geleentheid. Alles moet in balans gebeur. Goeie Gedrag. Goeie Opvoeding. Goeie Sportmanskap.

    8 April, 2024 at 09:31
  9. avatar
    #3 Mate

    @JongMatie (Comment #2)

    Die mikpunt is 1 000

    8 April, 2024 at 08:36
  10. avatar
    #2 JongMatie

    @Mate (Comment #1)
    Dit ruik na n baie snedige opmerking.
    Gee die Paarliete massiewe krediet.
    Met Gim, HJS en spelers soos Moody en Arendse, is daar beslis iets in die water van die Paarl..

    Punching way way way above their weight!!

    8 April, 2024 at 08:20
  11. avatar
    #1 Mate

    Onoorwonne Dag 240

    8 April, 2024 at 04:07

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