What? Westville 50 College 10! On Goldstones!

Westville achieved a remarkable result on Goldstones. They arrived in good form and did the unexpected. On a ground that had been mostly unkind to Westville 1st XV’s over the years and facing a  school which ‘Ville had last beaten in 2009 and against who they had a dismal overall head to head record of played 27 won 3, drew 2, lost 22; history suggested an away loss was the logical outcome. To claim a victory of 50-10 was unimaginable before kickoff. To achieve this result against a competent 2013 College team is extraordinary and will be long remembered.

College had a setback in the form of a hostile flu virus that had forced them to postpone a fixture against Kearsney a week earlier and had derailed preparations for this game. Even still the result was beyond belief.

With the help of High School Sports Magazine’s article on the game, here is the scoring chart.






Young lock Jordan Martin scored for Westville



Westville’s under-17 wing Lindo Buthelezi, who was a bit of a surprise omission from the KZN under-18 final trials scored the first of his three tries. Fullback Louis Snyman converts



Snyman penalty kick



Try by attacking WBHS centre Brad Ellse. Converted by Snyman



Snyman lands his second penalty



Snyman takes his tally to 13 points with a second penalty






College no.8 Daryn Goodson scores his team’s first points via a try



Pacey wing Banele Ngwenya scores a second try for College



Buthelezi gets in for his second try. Snyman converts.



Snyman slots his third penalty



Buthelezi completes his hat trick. Snyman’s success makes it 8 out of 10 for the veteran (but still under-18) fullback now in his third season of 1st XV rugby. His final contribution: 20 points



Centre Jason Wilks scores the final try of the game.






  1. avatar
    #171 Gungets Tuft

    Starting to look like I cannae make it. Too many broken cars littering the highways and me going on a holiday from the weekend, need to pay the bills. Only the second match I will miss, PBHS the other. Will see how it goes.

    19 June, 2013 at 15:33
  2. avatar
    #170 Buffel

    @Gungets Tuft: see you tomorrow at the game . should be a good one. The twins are out due to injury. Schramm / goodsen tustle should be a good marker but Schramm has been the standout player for Kearsney this year.

    19 June, 2013 at 15:13
  3. avatar
    #169 Grasshopper

    @Rhino: point taken. Certainly don’t want to go back to school, that was 17 years ago now. I think from being on the blog a while I have seen all the comments, new bloggers don’t no the history or feuds, debates etc……that was my point. Eg Roger and my debate leading to the Grogper cup (Grasshopper and Roger combined) etc…I will try and stop the silly jibes going forward..

    19 June, 2013 at 13:23
  4. avatar
    #168 Rhino


    i hear what u are saying to a point but there still no need to keep adding ure annoying jibes just to have the last word. Its pathetic, honestly. We wouldnt do to you. how many times have you had this same discussion with others.

    As for being on this blog for longest… once again a childish comment… bru sounds like you really wanna go back to school or something.. just cause you blog the most or been on here longer does this make you better than me or he ? um,,,, negative it doesnt. Its a frekkin blog guv and so doesnt make you royalty or anything…..

    i do like ure comments in some ways even though can be anboying as it gives me a chance to banter and prob vice versa but sometimes you also need to think before you ink. myself included.

    19 June, 2013 at 13:15
  5. avatar
    #167 Rugger fan

    @GreenBlooded: Obrigado :-P

    19 June, 2013 at 12:09
  6. avatar
  7. avatar
    #165 Rugger fan

    Anyone have the fixture and times for the games at KC on Thursday?

    19 June, 2013 at 12:01
  8. avatar
    #164 Lammonds

    @Gungets: good stuff, will send you a mail this afternoon…have to agree with Westers,you could be in the wrong buisiness!
    @Rugger fan: great story regarding the coaching staff, small things like that certainly gets the blood going for me and reminds me how special it is to be an old boy of the best school in the country!

    19 June, 2013 at 09:05
  9. avatar
    #163 Henkies

    Well done to Westville on a pretty amazing achievement. Imagine finishing your schoolboy rugby career with a win like that? Those guys will remember that for the rest of their lives. At the same time I feel for College taking a loss like that at home. It must have been a painful assembly on Monday morning but they have been through a lot of upheaval with player illness. Beet thanks for that picture of the Campbell guys after their win against Glenwood. It really put a smile on my face as it told a thousand words. For an an oke that was at school it the 90’s it was awesome to see black and white teammates so happy with eachother and sharing in an amazing win. It bodes well for the future of our country because in the 90’s, attitudes were a lot different. Those guys have achieved something really special together and that’s what the bigger picture is about – not petty arguements about which two sides are ranked 2 and 3, even though they aren’t even playing eachother this year.To Glenwood – those losses can happen to the best teams. Sometimes the harder a team tries, the more things go wrong. Glenwood have an awesome side and great to see them with a team with great backs instead of just relying on their heavy forwards as they have done over the years. Amazing to think 11 of these guys will be coming back next year considering the maturity and BMT these guys have. They showed amazing belief against Paarl. It’s a pity we did not see a Westville Glenwood game this year. Supporters can argue until the horses come home but no one will know what the outcome would have been. Hopefully the dust will settle and we will see Glenwood and Westville on the pitch next year.

    19 June, 2013 at 08:50
  10. avatar
    #162 Grasshopper

    1) I have congratulated Westville on a great win, numerous times on all the posts. Not sure what else Griffon wants barring saying they are the best side I’ve ever seen which would be a lie.
    2) Is it not a fact College had a serious flu epidemic that affected their open teams so postponed games and caused huge disruption with a few players still out? College were hardly prepared properly for the game. Westville might have still won but probably not by that margin.
    3) I have been on this blog from the beginning, surely that commands some respect.
    4) I did not attack Griffon personally which he has just done now, is that not against the house rules and spirit of a friendly blog?

    Lastly, my jibes are there to create debate, just imagine if we all agreed, boring……

    19 June, 2013 at 05:44
  11. avatar
    #161 Rhino

    At wbhs griffon and Grassy

    Jeez dudes.. still at it…………I must admit grassy u kinda started that by throwing in the “flu epidemic thing” and hence once again throwing in ure little jabs ………….defo was no need AT ALL. come on man. yep its all fun. to be honest its all frekking great this…. we all have opinions and loyalties to our school…… but sometimes just say nothing. that goes to all of us i guess. I just dont think i woulda thrown in that after hours(days) comment. its defo there to have the last word and rile us..isnt it. i do laugh though…………
    As for top blogger list …………..come on grow up……….who cares…….. honestly who cares.. because u blog more doesnt mean you have a bigger XXX that anyone else.. im saying this in jest but come on thats ridiculous.

    19 June, 2013 at 00:02
  12. avatar
    #160 WBHS Griffon

    @Grasshopper: oh yeah, and who are you? Just because you’ve blogged 1800 times doesn’t make you a respected opinion, especially not with the anti- Westville sentiment all the time.

    Stop talking kuk and trying to downplay a famous victory by Westville. Also, nobody cares that you lived in Westville and have ties to the community you arrogant p…!

    18 June, 2013 at 23:25
  13. avatar
    #159 Westers

    @Gungets Tuft: Give up the towing business. Tell College to give you the bursary money and become the fulltime Marketing Director. You can attract kids without having to pay them. :lol:

    18 June, 2013 at 22:47
  14. avatar
    #158 Gungets Tuft

    @Lammonds: @Rugger fan: When I say sport is last on the list, I meant to illustrate that the objective is not to make College the best rugby school out there, it is to make College the best school, in everything. The over-riding objective of the school is to educate, and that means Academics first. Pointless having a superb 1st team rugby or hockey when the other 1184 kids are all failing and do not have a sport career to go to. In 2011 we were the top boys government school in KZN (sorry Westville – just this once hey!?!?), that needs to become the norm (Griffons – don’t look back, don’t hesitate for a second!)

    Remember that the effort on academics is not exclusive, you can do arts and sport at the same time, but academics must be a priority, but stated like I just have, it is obvious, I think. It should never be the bursaries that attract the best, it should be the school, and College have a proud record in that regard – just look at us .. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Rugger Fan – it has been a superb year (some rugby disappointments notwithstanding). The celebration of the 150th has also lead to a lot of reflection on past, present, future. College is styling, still well respected in all spheres (evidence of what a victory on Goldstones STILL means to our rugby rivals!!). Mail me, I don’t want to get all patriotic here, we wouldn’t want all the parents reading this to rip their kids from their current schools and rush them off to College :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Proud of our past, focussed on our future.

    18 June, 2013 at 22:41
  15. avatar
    #157 Gungets Tuft

    @WBHS Griffon: Bru – nobody knows anything. Everybody, including me knew Glenwood would beat George Campbell this year ……

    Horse 1 is certain that the DHS U15’s will come back as U16 and dominate (but said the same thing when the current U15’s were U14).

    I felt sure College would beat Hilton.

    Glenwood U16’s were naturally going to beat Northwood having won everything till then, beaten College, who had given Northwood a lesson.

    If you want certainty – take a Lotto ticket, you are sure to lose your money … it’s all I can offer.

    18 June, 2013 at 22:17
  16. avatar
    #156 Grasshopper

    @WBHS Griffon: Sorry, who are you? You arrive at this site and then start to boss bloggers around. It’s called freedom of speech boet. Let me spell it in English, I support Westville as have many friends who went there and my brother in-laws went there too, this is all said in jest. Westville is a very good school, so is College, Glenwood and others. I just happened to go to Glenwood and support it. Jeez, boet take things with a pinch of salt. Just a reminder about the ‘league’ table for bloggers on this site;

    Top Bloggers

    Grasshopper: 1942
    beet: 1814
    HORSEFLY NO.1: 1542
    Gungets Tuft: 1325
    Greenblooded: 1281
    BOG: 1115
    Ploegskaar: 1030
    Tjoppa: 990
    Queenian: 843
    BoishaaiPa: 616
    star: 616
    Woltrui: 582
    Playa: 558
    rugbyfan: 535
    All Black: 499
    QC86: 487
    Andre T: 425
    Ludz: 405
    Westers: 370
    greenhopper: 315
    Pedantic: 292
    Roger: 281
    Greenwood: 278
    Rugger fan: 266
    CyndiAtRugby: 241

    18 June, 2013 at 22:06
  17. avatar
    #155 Rugger fan

    @Gungets Tuft: @ Lammonds – well I’m also an OC – but was really proud to have a number of “independents” talk so well about MC just recently.

    One in particular is a credit to all the coaching staff – about how a coach came to a grandfather of a player and apologised after a hockey game that the grandson did not play, as he was a little sick at the start and they did not want to risk his health. And they apologised that they had driven from Durban and their grandson did not play. He is a good player in the A team – so it was not a case of winning at all costs. And a few other reports just go to show that the management team at MC are doing a lot of good things – well done to all involved. {And here endeth my partisan and biased comments} :mrgreen:

    18 June, 2013 at 22:05
  18. avatar
    #154 WBHS Griffon

    @Grasshopper: Always have to get a derogatory comment in about something! Westville would have beaten you this season and you know it!

    When you can beat George Campbell, then you have a leg to stand on, until then “zip it” with the anti-Westville comments all the time.

    18 June, 2013 at 21:50
  19. avatar
    #153 HORSEFLY NO.1

    And your 15A beat Hilton 24-11 with DHS winning 38-5, Westville losing to College and DHS drawing blah blah…
    What matters is what’s on the record books and that’s a Westville win, well done on that. I just don’t think that domination you speak of really happened, the game was very,very tight with dhs enjoing more ball in the 2nd half but being their own worst enemies…they’ll certainly be back to claim victory next year

    18 June, 2013 at 19:23
  20. avatar
    #152 Gungets Tuft

    @Lammonds: Please mail me at gungetstuft(at)gmail.com, this is a conversation we have privately. I know a little about what is going on and have no intention of giving our rivals any advanced notice. Know that all Old Collegians have reason to be proud and massively optimistic. Mail me

    18 June, 2013 at 19:12
  21. avatar
    #151 TIGER_1


    Yes dominated. We may have had to defend for a while in the second half but rugby is about attack and defense and we did a great job of both. The disallowed try was in he second half under the poles, so I am surprised you can make a comment like the 2nd half was all DHS.

    On the “Dominated” comment, if you watched how the Westville forwards bossed the DHS pack to score the 1st try, you would agree.

    DHS is a great side and for Westville to beat them 12/6……sorry 19/3 if just two blatant poor calls were taken out of the game, you would have to agree how much better we were on the day.

    One other thing DHS beat Michaelhouse 22/14. Westville handed it to Michaelhouse 43/12.

    Westville is a great side and apart from the College debacle – lets not go down that path, we would have gone unbeaten this season in KZN. We may not have played Kearsney and Glenwood, but judging by results, we would have beaten Kearsney and Glenwood would have been one hell of a game.

    18 June, 2013 at 18:09
  22. avatar
    #150 Grasshopper

    Just a reminder Glenwood did beat College 47-10 a few years back on Goldstones and there was no flu epidemic the weeks prior to derail their preparation…..

    18 June, 2013 at 16:46
  23. avatar
    #149 Lammonds

    @Gungets Tuft: Wow, as an OC it has been a difficult few days!Congrats to Westville…have spent many hours trying to put the result into perspective. You mentioned that you have not seen a focus on the basics for a long time, i also got that feeling attending an OC function last year, i feel College is alot more rounded as a school than when i was there.Interesting you say sport is last on the list, do you know how or who would make that call?Yes, academics comes 1st but surely with College`s rich sporting history it would be a close 2nd?
    Between mates and collegues i have defended our recent rugby results(not wanting to harp on about `in my day`) as some will say College is not what it used to be. i think all other schools have caught up and perhaps we have slipped a little, but as was testament to our 150th Reunion, there are too many interested OC `s out there to ever let us slide as is happening/happened to DHS.Dont take this as an attack on DHS, i hope they make it back like in the old days,but do you think that is a fair point? I hope this doesnt bore all the other bloggers out there, but you seem to have an ear to the ground on the happenings at College, so would be great to hear your views…

    18 June, 2013 at 15:23
  24. avatar
    #148 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Dominated? Bwah haha. That’s quite funny. Maybe we weren’t watching the same match :roll:
    I saw a good Westville team that were defending for their lives in the 2nd half, 1st half I will give to you but that second half was all DHS’s fault. Some selfish play denied them the win but such is rugby.

    To claim they were dominated and that no other side has dominated as much is bull.

    Glenwood had a better game against DHS and the nil scoreline shows that…they have a class #12 and defended like absolute trojans, pretty sure they’d beat Westville.
    But I’m sure you know that that Westville game was their second in more than a month and also their second within 3 days with the first being a tough encounter with College…

    18 June, 2013 at 14:32
  25. avatar
    #147 Gungets Tuft

    @GreenBlooded: Freudian slip daarso. In a bare nickle fight the Lofty (accountant) is going to win very time.

    Next year, sure, College hope for a good one, but then we do every year. No excuses last year, but it was a “what could have been”, with Dan Kriel there was one of the best players in South Africa out, plus a string of close losses or draws. This year, at open level, 2 matches that are going to be seen a bit like that (Glenwood and Hilton), but such is life. U15 and U16 results point to a good 3 year run. U14 – wait for it, they will surprise everypone.

    College has a plan, I have not seen a focus on the basics (of everything, academics, the arts and sport – in that order – that much has been made clear!!) for a long time. The future looks good for another 150 years, I am hugely optimistic. (and not going to bore the denizens esor with the details. Over a beer and nyama, we can talk).

    18 June, 2013 at 12:03
  26. avatar
    #146 GreenBlooded

    @Gungets Tuft: More of a bare-knickle boxing fan myself. Perhaps we can organise a ring on a neutral venue somewhere and let them go at it. TK is quite fit, run’s, plays squash and refs the odd rugger match so I rate his chances. Ville and Wood will be at each other’s throats until the end of time. One of those things. Just a pity it couldn’t be settled on a rugger field this year. In all honesty – I think next year will be College’s year. Personally – I hope to see the current crop of College U14’s reach their potential next year.

    18 June, 2013 at 11:35
  27. avatar
    #145 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: For the spiritual okes esor, you know who to speak to about the weather. For the rest, speak to Go .. i mean .. the two Trevor’s.

    As for the inexperience, perhaps, but winning is a habit and culture, the youngsters would have learned from that, so ignore a culture change at your peril.

    My predictions for next year – solid competition again, some skop ‘n donder here amongst the Ville and Wood supporters, and hopefully a ping-pong match up between Hall and Kershaw to get the back-and-forth out of the way. Failing that, when they go to the loo during the KZN Top Team awards this year, they should just compare and get it over with. Perhaps we can put it on the agenda. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    18 June, 2013 at 11:25
  28. avatar
    #144 Grasshopper

    @Gungets Tuft: fair ranking if correct, well done to Kearsney and Westville. I predicted this 6 months ago. Both Westville and Kearsney will have inexperienced sides in 2014, will be interesting again. Lets hope we don’t get any feuds or torrential rain in 2014.

    18 June, 2013 at 10:46
  29. avatar
    #143 Gungets Tuft

    @beet: Okay then, simplifies things a lot. If Kearsney win on Thursday then the decision is in, if the schools do use the league as a decider. Perhaps there is a vote, in which case a 50-10 Goldstones result might influence.

    1. Kearsney (13 if they win), or Westville 12 (if Kearsney lose)
    2. Decided above
    3. Glenwood – 11 (regardless of above, Kearsney might finish on 11 but they beat Glenwood)
    4. Hilton – 8
    5. College – perhaps 8 if they beat KC but on count out they lost to Hilton, otherwise 6
    6. House – 4
    7 DHS and Northwood – 1 each, for the rained out match.

    No idea of whether the CW players will be in, don’t think it matters a great deal, each lose a number of players (KC 8, College 10??)

    18 June, 2013 at 10:23
  30. avatar
    #142 McCulleys Workshop

    @Gungets Tuft: Thanks GT, points taken. I thought the trenches being excavated at 45th were for a new sewer line. So we may be able to proudly announce KC as King for 2013, no if’s or butts, (Freudian so to speak).

    18 June, 2013 at 10:02
  31. avatar
    #141 Westers

    @Gungets Tuft: If you are correct (and you usually are) and No 1 is worked out on a league table basis which everyone knows before the season starts then there will be no bitching from my side when all is done and dusted, irrespective of who comes out tops.
    For me the real losers in the games that were not played are the boys, and in particular, those in the the lower teams (i.e. other than1sts and A teams) who play so few games as it is. Most of these kids put in huge effort and in Westvilles case they have missed out on big games agaisnt Pretoris BHS and Kearsney because of weather. A real disappointment.

    On a seperate issue, do you know if the CW boys will be playing for College and Kearsney on Thursday?

    18 June, 2013 at 09:52
  32. avatar
    #140 TIGER_1

    I might be tagging on quite late and the thread around the u15 age group is long gone but I think we need to give the Westville u15A side more credit.

    The past weekends result is no indication of what a great Team this is. They beat DHS by 12/6 and the score should have been 19/3 if a try under the poles was given – there was no double movement, and the one DHS penalty missed the uprights by at least 1,5 meters, yet the touch judge still said it was over. No other side has dominated DHS like they did on the day, and that says a lot. This was also just after DHS drew with College, so there was no excuse around poor form.

    This Team has played as a unit and there has not been one pack of forwards that could match them in the set phases this year. Our backline certainly has a a few X-factor player and the Right Wing and 1st Centre must rank up there with the best in the province.

    College played well this weekend and their No. 8 is a real class act. He is quick, strong and has a great brain for the game. It’s just unfortunate that the ref. blew the game so badly! This was to be the u15 decider this weekend, but what happened was the game ended with a score that in no way represented the competitiveness of the game that played out on Snows.

    2014 is going to be a really competitive season for the u16’s in KZN and as @Griffonfly said, hardwork in the off season is going to be what seperates the boys next year.

    Good luck to the boys that still have a few games to play. We will be watching the Glenwood/College decider for sure!

    P.S The Westville boys will be in the Gym getting a head start!!

    18 June, 2013 at 09:43
  33. avatar
    #139 Westers

    @GreenBlooded: Please confirm date so I can follow up – if necessary. If date was Thur 20 June, it would have been declined because Westville boys from G8 to G11 are writing exams all of this week, including Friday 21st. So this date was never going to be an option.

    18 June, 2013 at 09:42
  34. avatar
    #138 Westers

    @Grasshopper: Please give date so I can try follow up.

    18 June, 2013 at 09:36
  35. avatar
    #137 beet

    @Gungets Tuft: Just one thing to mention with regards to the decision-making for the KZN award. Where schools meet twice in a season: MHS vs HC and MC vs Gwd, only the 1st game counts. So this year HC and Gwd have bagged the points, irrespective of what happens in the return fixture.

    18 June, 2013 at 09:27
  36. avatar
    #136 Engelsman

    All Grassy’s you need to get over your absolute obsession with WBHS, its going to cause you ill health, if you cant manage it on your own, get professional help.

    18 June, 2013 at 09:14
  37. avatar
    #135 GreenBlooded

    @Grasshopper: I understand that Kearsney also offered a rescheduled game which was likewise declined. Do you remember how to find the LCD from std 5 maths?

    18 June, 2013 at 09:01
  38. avatar
    #134 Grasshopper

    @Gungets Tuft: well said, tired of handbags. Just play and get on with it! I spoke with the Glenwood Old Boys chairman and he said Glenwood offered a game but it was declined….we will have to wait until next year now….

    18 June, 2013 at 08:18
  39. avatar
    #133 Gungets Tuft

    @McCulleys Workshop: The trophy for top team in KZN is based on a league. 2 points for a win, one for a draw. Last year House won that league, simple as that. Everyone wants a remarks column, close here, injury there, bad reffing everywhere, but in the end it is on the table. This year it is complicated slightly due to the flying handbags between Westville and Glenwood (same last year by the way, with House and Hilton also refusing to play is Glenwood played a certain player – but eventally Glenwood capitulated), so in terms of the league, Westville and Glenwood get a point each, as do the teams in the matches which were rained out.

    At the end of it – you have a winner. Right now, by my calculations, Westville have 12 points and are finished for the year. Glenwood have 11 and are, to all intents and purposes, finished for the year. They can gey no more points, just lose one if they lose to College on Dixons. Kearsney have 11 and play College on Thursday. If they win, they are #1 in KZN. If they draw then Kearsney and Westville are tied (nothing to separate them as they did not play this year). If they lose, Westville are top. Simple maths, no guesswork.

    Any moaning and groaning will have to be done on the basis of:

    1. Westville – why did we not move heaven and earth to get Glenwood onto the field. Very reliable info points to the fact that Glenwood made some offers after the start of the season that were declined by Westville. Why/who/what – approach your schools and find out what happened.

    2. Westville/Kearsney – why not work something out to reschedule. DHS did (with College), Kearsney did (with College( … why not that match. In fact, why not the others – Northwood vs DHS .. or is there one common thread in the games where they were rescheduled??? :roll: )

    I am absolutely positive there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth for many years if either of Kearsney or Westville win the league on their own, Glenwood providing the 3-part harmony, because a win for them against Westville would have put them on 12, Westville on 11, and a state of war with a front line near 45th Cutting. Of course a win for Westville would have put them on 13 and a guaranteed share of the trophy with Kearsney.

    Alas, coulda/woulda/shoulda – the rearview mirror can be a real b#tch. Get the two Trevor’s to “haal uit en wys” – get this size thang out of the way so that schoolboys can do what they do best. My view – shame them into sitting down and sorting it out like adults, right now they are setting examples like Grade R kids fighting for the sandpit. :-|

    18 June, 2013 at 08:07
  40. avatar
    #132 beet

    @McCulleys Workshop: Don’t forget there is actually an award that gets handed out to the top team in KZN. Call the basis of arriving at the winner as subjective as you like, the award is tangible and is generally accepted as the final say on the matter based on historically getting it right in the eyes of many.

    Also I watched that MHS game against Northwood and thought they played to full potential that day. The no.8 Moon was outstanding. The running was close in 2012 but there is/was no rule that said a team has to be undefeated to claim no.1. It’s just important that their record has to be the best overall.

    18 June, 2013 at 07:58
  41. avatar
    #131 Grasshopper

    @McCulleys Workshop: agreed, all subjective unless we have a proper round robin league like they have in other provinces maybe with a trophy at the end. General consensus would put Kearsney at 1 but they have not really been tested outside of KZN….would loved to have seen them vs Grey Bloem or Kwaggas….

    18 June, 2013 at 07:06
  42. avatar
    #130 McCulleys Workshop

    I’m not sure what all this No1 is about! I heard MHS had a great side last year, were top 11 in the rankings and had 6 CW representatives so I watched the Northwood game. I was disappointed and thought they were no great shakes, one or two good players, but a very entertaining brand of rugby. But No1 in KZN? Lost to GW by one point, narrowly beat Kearsney, beat the rest, who cares? There is no such thing as official No 1 in KZN, it is all subjective and personal based on what games we’ve watched, winning margin, CW reps etc. Most people I speak to on the topic think Kearsney are No1, is this a slight on Westville, No, is it accurate, it’s subjective at best. Are Glenwood better than Westville, we all know they could give them 10 points on the day or visa versa. So what does it all mean, Jack, just testosterone bragging rites for a year (or 10, based on this blog).

    18 June, 2013 at 06:45
  43. avatar
    #129 Grasshopper

    @WBHS Griffon: you like to use the word kuk a lot, how old are you?

    18 June, 2013 at 06:10
  44. avatar
    #128 WBHS Griffon

    @Grasshopper: Go back and read the posts, you were the one who originally said that Westville come off as arrogant so don’t talk kuk!

    17 June, 2013 at 23:09
  45. avatar
    #127 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Yep KZN thin on locks again. I suspect the KZN locks will be Kevin du Randt and J.Martin who are both very good but there’s obviously a long time till then, heck this years CW itself hasn’t even begun…but who knows, maybe GWD will get a giant from Klofies to join and make KZN :wink: . But there will be an abundance of #10s. That’s for sure.

    KZN is generally short on locks, seeing the U14,U15 and U16 games you barely get really tall locks besid maybe GWD who usually get some giants from God knows where

    17 June, 2013 at 23:02
  46. avatar
    #126 Grasshopper

    @Westers: seems a lot like Glenwood this year only 4 from 2012 back this year so the Westville team will be young next year. Glenwood have about 6 starters back and plenty in 2nds/3rds so more experienced, will be interesting to say the least!

    17 June, 2013 at 22:43
  47. avatar
    #125 Westers

    @Grasshopper: Haystek (lock / flank), Braithwaite (scrumhalf) and Buthelezi (centre).
    I believe they are considering moving Braithwaite to fly half next year and Buthelezi could be moved to full back. Donovan Pieters (wing) will also be back. He had pushed Paverd out of the first team in the last 3 or 4 games but he picked up an injury last week and didn’t play on Saturday.

    17 June, 2013 at 22:28
  48. avatar
    #124 Grasshopper

    @Westers: who are the other 3? Martin is a great player, potentially KZN schools next year. I feel he should have made the Academy side at least. Locks are looking a little thin again for 2014!!!

    17 June, 2013 at 22:19
  49. avatar
    #123 Grasshopper

    @Jordaan: idiotic comment!

    17 June, 2013 at 22:17
  50. avatar
    #122 Westers

    @Grasshopper: There are 4 starters from Saturday that will be back and yes, Martin is one of them. I expect he will captain the side next year.

    17 June, 2013 at 22:16
  51. avatar
    #121 Grasshopper

    @WBHS Griffon: there you go again painting everyone with the same brush. Some of the coaches might come across as arrogant, us bloggers and supporters are not. Playing the best helps improve the school so not sure how that can be seen as arrogant. Obviously Glenwood wanted fixtures with strong schools who could provide 25 plus teams so developed relationships with two of the best in Affies and Grey. We get klapped 95% of the time but the teams learn from this and improve every year. We are certainly not scared to lose and also don’t want to protect a ranking by avoiding the best. By playing the best you get exposure. Sometimes focussing on the bigger games makes you forget about the local sides and yes they lost to a hungrier and deserving George Campbell side. It’s not the end of the world it’s kids sport at the end of the day. We can be proud to have beaten Paarl Boys, the highlight of the season to date. I hope the team can pick themselves up and put in good displays against College, Affies and Grey Bloem. Go Green!

    17 June, 2013 at 22:15
  52. avatar
    #120 Westers

    To the decent Glenwood bloggers (you know who I mean) take the above with a pinch of salt. We all have these types in our midst – unfortunately.

    17 June, 2013 at 22:14
  53. avatar
    #119 Westers

    @Jordaan: Thank goodness for that if it breeds people like you.

    17 June, 2013 at 22:12
  54. avatar
    #118 Jordaan

    @Rhino: Julle Westville ouens again! Take your arrogant attitude back to the leafy suburbs! You will never have the history and traditions of Glenwood!

    17 June, 2013 at 22:08
  55. avatar
    #117 Grasshopper

    @Westers: ok, maybe the headline was a little ott but the rest is ok. Agreed, great way to end off their school rugby careers. Hopefully many of those that were injured or not picked for KZN schools progress through the ranks and we see them at provincial level, Paverd, De la Rey, Jackson etc. Is Martin back next year?

    17 June, 2013 at 22:07
  56. avatar
    #116 WBHS Griffon

    @Grasshopper: Ja, and we don’t like the general tone of the Glenwood attitude, which comes across as very arrogant!

    You like to think you’re an exhibition rugby team with tough fixtures against Grey Bloem, Affies etc. every season and that everyone else is playing minnows all the time, when you can’t even beat George Campbell! :lol:

    Humility is indeed a great virtue, but, jealousy is a terrible thing!

    17 June, 2013 at 22:04
  57. avatar
    #115 Westers

    @Grasshopper: Some excerpts from the article:

    “Traditional KZN rugby powerhouse Maritzburg College”
    “The opening minutes of the game saw Maritzburg College control territory and possession”
    “College are a proud team and it was inevitable that they would come out firing in the second half which was exactly the case.”
    “line out in the Westville 22 led to a strong rolling maul with the impressive College No 8 Darren Goodsen going over”

    Not sure how you don’t see respect in these comments?

    We have to gloat over the win. It doesn’t happen very often. And not many teams can boast a victory of that magnitude against College. Let me make it clear that this gloating on my part should be taken as a huge sign of respect for College who have a fantastic rugby pedigree and a proud history to which we aspire. For now we will cherish the moment. Give a thought for those matric boys whose last SBR game it was. What a memory to finish your SBR career with.

    17 June, 2013 at 22:00
  58. avatar
    #114 Grasshopper

    @Rhino: nope not nitpicking just making a point, these articles come across a little arrogant. Humility is a great virtue. Anyway, again well done to Westville a pity your rugga season is over. College and Glenwood will enjoy another 3 or 4 fixtures :-). Some hectic games for us, college at home, Affies at home and then Grey in Bloem, eish! Haibo!

    17 June, 2013 at 21:56
  59. avatar
    #113 Rhino


    And there you go again………………. nitpicking and just cant help youself.. i have said to you before once and that is dont go looking at our school website if you dont like the “tone” – i have no interest in looking at yours personally. I will put money on the fact the Mercury editor is not a WOB… ! nitpicker,com lol

    17 June, 2013 at 21:39
  60. avatar
    #112 Grasshopper

    @Westers: nope, I just don’t like the general tone of Westville articles, they seem very arrogant as if they are written by kids and not edited, that is my point. A little respect to beaten opponents would be better. If the article is from the Mercury then the editor is probably a WOB. Gosh social media and WOBs can’t stop gloating over the win. Anyway, it was Westvilles 2nd win at College in 20years so a rare occasion. I get your point re Kearsney, not really tested outside of KZN so probably best ranked 10 or above in the SA rankings. Glenwood dropping out of the top 20 is justified, played 17 won 10 lost 7 is not good enough for top 20. KZN ranking as follows Kearsney, Westville, Glenwood, Hilton, College, Michaelhouse, Northwood, DHS, George Campbell, Clifton, Port Natal and St Charles….

    17 June, 2013 at 21:33
  61. avatar
    #111 Westers

    @Grasshopper: You are 100% correct on the numbers. That is why I have a problem with people claiming Kearsney are No 1 in KZN this year. I have never claimed that Westville are No 1 for the same reason. Look at the posts you made last year regarding KES position on the rankings and apply the same logic to Kearsney this year. You took Roger on many times claiming they had played too few top 10 or even top 20 opponents to warrant the ranking they had. Compare that to Kearsney this year. KES probably played stronger opposition.

    With regard to the article on the Westville website, if you are referring to the Newspaper headline, it is from the Mercury – not the school. If you are referring to the headline of the article I am not sure what your point is. The article itself is a very fair description of what happened in the game.

    And what has an article about a game two years ago got to do with this years results or rankings. It is not relevant. You are now desperately clutching at straws to criticise Westville. And you wonder why other Westville bloggers keep having a go at you? :-?

    17 June, 2013 at 21:19
  62. avatar
    #110 Grasshopper

    @GreenBlooded: no respect in that headline, typical. I can’t seem to find the match report on the Westville website for their Pioneer loss a few years back, in fact virtually none of their losses. Seems they only write up wins and use as many superiority adjectives as possible…

    17 June, 2013 at 20:08
  63. avatar
    #109 Grasshopper

    @Objective: we all know simple numbers don’t tell the full picture, conditions, teams, levels of passion, home or away, derby or not, illnesses etc all play a role if differing scores…it’s only clear cut if the schools play each other which is not happening….

    17 June, 2013 at 20:01
  64. avatar
    #108 GreenBlooded

    @Objective: Lot’s of ways to make numbers work one way or the other. Expended enough oxygen on this argument. Time to move on. Baby Boks tomorrow night, Craven week coming up and 3 weeks of rugger from the top schools next term. Lots more to argue about.

    17 June, 2013 at 19:35
  65. avatar
    #107 Objective

    GreenBlooded and Sharkie – it would appear as if Westers and Star have got you snookered there – if it is a numbers game , objectively speaking, they would appear to have yours .

    17 June, 2013 at 19:21
  66. avatar
    #106 HORSEFLY NO.1

    I think your U15 team was helped by a very good line-up of competition at the easter festival, DHS only managed to play one game and were very rusty for a few games thereafter.
    Yeah the Westville team is quite good but their left winger is an x-factor player, has some very good pace on him and a good finisher.
    Look forward to seeing how they develop in U16 and also to see next years crop of U14.
    Heard DHS has snatched a few of the DPHS boys including 3 out of their 4 KZN players…not sure where the 4th one is going, maybe DHS too

    17 June, 2013 at 19:16
  67. avatar
    #105 Griffonfly

    Sorry I meant MC vs Glenwood. :mrgreen:

    17 June, 2013 at 17:30
  68. avatar
    #104 Griffonfly

    WBHS also has a great base of players. The coaches have done a great job this year, as well as the competitiveness in the age group. The u15 B was unbeaten this year.

    I know WBHS did not play Glenwood and Kearsney. The games against these schools would have been close in this age group.

    Besides the DHS game (and a gutsy House), the WBHS u 15A lacked competitive fixtures and this showed at College at the weekend. They had only lost to Paul Roos over the Easter weekend.

    With regard MC and College I am leaning towards your view and shout for College. Do not want the Hoppers to lay claim to being No. 1 in this age group. :mrgreen:

    17 June, 2013 at 17:28
  69. avatar
    #103 HORSEFLY NO.1

    I fully agree, I know of some DHS boys who if they could bulk up would make KZN imo. Maybe about 6 of them…

    As for College vs Glenwood, College all the way mate. If DHS can’t be #1 this year, then GWD too can’t be #1 :mrgreen: .

    Very open indeed, the DHS boys aren’t putting in enough in the off-season I suspect because I still regard them as the most naturally talented team in the age-group. Just need a good work ethic and hunger to go with that along with some hours in the gym and Bobs your uncle.

    17 June, 2013 at 17:10
  70. avatar
    #102 Griffonfly

    I suggest KZN select more than a Grant Khomo squad. Why?

    To help the growth of players in KZN
    It increases the base of players with provincial experience.
    It also increases competitiveness in the province leading up to Craven Week in the u18 age group.
    It encourage the players who might lose out on non selection to the GK squad.
    The Bulls select 3 teams and play in a separate tournament to the GK tournament.

    17 June, 2013 at 17:06
  71. avatar
    #101 Griffonfly

    @ Horsie. The u15 age group is very open. Next year awaits and as you say Grant Khomo selection. Who is prepared to do the off season training, and put their hand up for selection.

    Who do you want to win between MC u15a and Glenwood u15a when they play at Dixons? The underdog Glenwood.

    17 June, 2013 at 16:58
  72. avatar
    #100 GreenBlooded


    The WBHS Website take on the match. I think the guy who writes the Mercury Billboards might have worked there once…… :mrgreen:

    17 June, 2013 at 16:48
  73. avatar
    #99 GreenBlooded

    @Tarpeys: I’m glad you are not blaming the ref…. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    17 June, 2013 at 16:46
  74. avatar
    #98 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Next year will be interesting in this age-group and without saying much it could even see DHS back at the top of the rankings.

    One thing is for sure,there will be a lot of unhappy chaps when the U16 Grant Khomo side is chosen such is the closeness of the teams.

    17 June, 2013 at 16:27
  75. avatar
    #97 Griffonfly

    I agree with Horsie No. 1 MC u15a is the best in KZN. Glenwood have another chance at home to see if they can topple MC. Westville will have to wait until next year.

    17 June, 2013 at 16:09
  76. avatar
    #96 Tarpeys

    Yes, I’m saying that he was the most influential player on the field. There were obviously other factors like injuries in the MHS side that were crucial, questionable selections from the coach, home advantage and others of course, but his presence on the field was a big factor in terms of his size, speed and mere reputation. Not many sides boast the psychological edge of having this monster that was the best player at U13 Craven week. 2012, he wasn’t there and College got embarrassed. He pitches up and College duly win on snows. There were definitely other factors but he was the main factor.

    17 June, 2013 at 16:04
  77. avatar
    #95 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Lol I guess this DHS team keeps getting lucky against the College side? May I ask how they got lucky? And I would wager against that, the DHS team was better in the latter stages of the season than they were when they played College

    But in saying that, I do see College as the #1 U15 side in KZN

    17 June, 2013 at 15:56
  78. avatar
    #94 TJ

    @Horsey: Dhs got lucky this year, if the game was to take in the latter part of the season I would wager that College would win by a comfortable score,say by about 15 points.

    @tarpeys: so you say that this one player has caused a 60 point swing!! You are insulting the effort. That the other players in the side have put in through the course of the season. I may be wrong but this new player scored just one try in that match and carried the ball up maybe a few times. Stop using this new player as an excuse for the way the House side got embarrassed this year.

    17 June, 2013 at 15:41
  79. avatar
    #93 star

    @ Tarpeys- I agree. Westville battled to contain the boy and had to resort to gang tackling which opened up gaps for the other players. The first try by Glover was individual magic though.Funny we had that team as our banker. Just goes to show that things do not always go to plan.

    17 June, 2013 at 15:30
  80. avatar
    #92 Tarpeys

    @ Gungets tuft: maybe I needed to qualify my statement. I’ve had sons at MHS since 04 and in comparison since ,the side of 2012 was the worst College u14 side I’ve seen since 04. Michaelhouse has always struggled to even compete, with many game stopped well before the allotted time. Maybe I did generalize to a large extent, but I know the college coaches that have worked with those boys. They are honest men but not capable of turning around weak sides like that to the extent that the team has show this year. That No8 is a massive factor no pun intended, He was the best player at u13 craven week for a reason and his impact in games is invaluable and the other slightly lesser players are able to to feed off him in terms of confidence and momentum. Yes the coached played a part, but the arrival of X factor players was crucial.

    17 June, 2013 at 15:13
  81. avatar
    #91 HORSEFLY NO.1

    By the way I take a small bit of pride in that draw against the College U15 side this year, especially since DHS came back from 14-0 down, at College, after a long bus trip having to play immediately :mrgreen:

    Guess we are the bogey side for those College boys and I’m sure they already looking to rectify a 12-10 loss and a 14-14 draw last and this year respectively next year.
    I didn’t watch the U15A game this year but did they bully our forward too?
    If they are able to do that then they must have grown loads in the off-season because they were quite small last year and we kinda bullied by the DHS boys?

    17 June, 2013 at 15:06
  82. avatar
    #90 TJ

    @Tarpeys: The inclusion of one player into the College u15A side hasn’t made much difference to the side. Yes he is a powerful runner, but his workrate in the side is negligible. The player in the side that is the heart and soul of the team is the captain Glover who scored a magnificent solo try in the first minute of the match, he is the son of Shaun who played SA schools in the 80’s. As for the coaching of the side I know that what has happened is that the coaches have gone back to what College boys do best and used their forwards to bully sides and allow their backs to finish the opposition off in the second half. There has been some reshuffling of players in the side from last year but the core of the side has remained the same. You mention the House game from last year and how House beat this team, well the scoreline this was in the 40’s and House were literally battered into submission by this side, pretty much the same side that lost last year.

    17 June, 2013 at 14:57
  83. avatar
    #89 Griffonfly

    f@Gungets Tuft: College u15a has improved from last year. As far as I know they have only lost one game this year to Monnas and a draw to DHS. The No 8 has been a great additional asset which has helped them improve. He has a physical presence which the other teams cannot ignore. The Westville u15A changed their normal game plan and this undid them. Well done to College.

    17 June, 2013 at 13:59
  84. avatar
    #88 star

    @ Westers- Telepathy :lol:

    17 June, 2013 at 13:53
  85. avatar
    #87 star

    @ Greenblooded- Thank you also for those results to help prove my point. Let me first deal with KC. You have to compare like with like. I thought that was obvious. KC was beaten by Paarl Gym by 27 and beat Framesby by 17 and therefore had a negative points differential of 10. Westville beat Framesby by 44 and lost to Paarl Gym by 39 and therefore had a positive points differential of 5.( and again I stress KC was at home) The overall points is obviously irrelevant as it was a function of the fact that we played Outeniqua(3rd) and KC Boland Landbou(31). I have already asked why KC took the soft option and have not had a response from our esteemed KC bloggers.It also goes to support the case of us playing the best.The formline of all 3 against Paarl Gym just proves that we all got drilled by the best team in the country. Now for GW on a like for like basis
    Westville GW
    Framesby 44 2
    Paarl Gym -39 -28
    Northwood 45 20 (Subject to confirmation)
    DHS 39 25 (Subject to confirmation)
    GC 57 -1
    Hilton 10 12
    MC 40 4
    MHS 4 30( Subject to confirmation)
    Total 200 64
    Westville therefore have more than 3 x the overall differential of GW. What more can I say? These are facts and not speculation/fate ect which includes your arbitrary comment about shipping 30 points on Reunion Day. Westville have consistently outperformed MC prior to the last result and had 2 friendlies under the belt.
    Sharkie- Your comments are childish at best. I have never said that Westville is No1( and it is certainly not about my sake) but have rejected the arrogant attitude of KC and GW bloggers that have called Westville pretenders, and that there was daylight between GW and KC and the rest. Greenblooded said that GW were miles ahead of Westville. Please refer above. All we have asked for is some credit. Is that too much to ask for.I have also stated that I think that Kearsney are underdone and stick by that. Please give me that great victory ( preferably away) to convince me otherwise

    17 June, 2013 at 13:52
  86. avatar
    #86 Gungets Tuft

    @Tarpeys: And then after going back to the U14A results from last year, they were not too bacd at all. Lost 3 that I can see, to House, Glenwood and Kearsney. Beat Westville, Hilton, so they could not have been completely useless as you seem to imply .. no, as you said .. “they looked hopeless” .. which says little for Kearsney and Westville.

    17 June, 2013 at 13:50
  87. avatar
    #85 Westers

    @GreenBlooded: Firstly, regarding de la Rey, I believe he has been advised not to play again this year. This is hearsay but given that he is still on crutches (20 April is when he got injured) it would probably be a wise decision. Good time to concentrate on Matric.

    Regarding KERF, your comparison would have been more meaningful if Kearsney and Glenwood had both played Outeniqua instead of Landbou and Selbourne respectively. But that is what if.
    If you look at the common games for the weekend of Westville and Kearsney you see a different picture.

    They both played Gim and Framesby.
    Points difference:
    Kearsney -10
    Westville +5

    If you want to, throw the Glenwood result against Framesby, from two weeks earlier, into the mix.

    One thing I did say before KERF was that I found it surprising that with their dream team Kearsney chose not to pit them against Paul Roos and Outeniqua to really test them. Instead they chose two of the weaker teams at the tournament.

    Regarding the College game, you say Westville would have shipped 30 points. So are you saying we would have won 50 – 30 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    17 June, 2013 at 13:33
  88. avatar
    #84 Gungets Tuft

    @Tarpeys: 1 player. 1. He moved from the Cape to PMB. Yes, he is on scholarship but NOT a College scholarship, someone else is paying for him to come to College.

    But feel free to expand on the “clearly bought in new players rather than improve from last year because of their systems or program.”. I am not sure if you are calling the boys from last year terminally k#k, or the coaching at College simply incapable of improving a crop of boys. Maybe I am being dof this morning, so help me out there.

    The rest are all the same players, they have just caught up, just as I have said. College U14 is always below par, it is a known. Look at the current U16s. They lost many matches in U14, have lost 3 1st choice starters since then, yet the are probably (with Glenwood, where they lost by a point or two and missed a penalty at the death to take the game) the best side in KZN. Some credit where it is due boet.

    17 June, 2013 at 13:15
  89. avatar
    #83 Rhino


    Your first 3/4 of your comment to me i will just ignore as its utter kuk esp in reference to college would have beaten us by 30 .. blah blah.. that old chestnut.. hey look at the scoreboard.. the game was played and the game was won by US ! and then look at your scoreboard too just for another reality check.

    I can promise you this.. if you had of beaten College by 40 you would not find any WBHS bloggers trying to lessen your win…l its pretty pathetic guv.

    How can you add in such comments after a game ha been played and won.. any team can say that if thats the case. I truly wish we had played you and KC this season so at least we could know where we stood as if we lost i wouldnt complain ( we wouldnt lose ) and say this and that after.
    but its not to be, My comment was to grassy as was justified as others have told him too.
    There is only 1 wbhs blogger that i do see at times is a but OTT at you fellas but mainly cause he is riled by other comments from the likes of yourselves. I personally try not to be but we all have our moments when we get annoyed :-)

    Re Andre De La Rey – nice comment… very sad for the young man. I had a mate who broke his leg in first game of season and never played again its awful. Im sure he will get to play at a high level again. Just a pity it happened and missed half or more of a season.

    17 June, 2013 at 11:55
  90. avatar
    #82 sharkie

    thanks greenblooded for those results.

    Star lets for your sake say that Westville wre number 1 this year and move on Well done Westville best team in KZN 2013. Not sure who would be 2,3 and 4. Who cares you only remember the winner Westville.

    17 June, 2013 at 11:43
  91. avatar
    #81 GreenBlooded

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: My bad. Forgot about Kearsney U14A’s – like I said I haven’t seen them yet but will make a point of watching them closely on Thursday.

    17 June, 2013 at 11:23
  92. avatar
    #80 GreenBlooded

    @star: Kearsney Results – in case you have forgotten:

    KC 25 – Framesby 8
    KC 6 – Paarl Gym 33
    KC 35 – Boland Landbou 13

    WV 7 – Paarl Gym 46
    WV 7 – Outeniqua 33
    WV 47 – Framesby 3

    GW 10 – Paul Roos 15
    GW 41 – Selbourne 5
    GW 12 – Paarl Gym 40

    Against the same opposition at the same time in the same conditions:

    Kearsney lost by 27
    Glenwood lost by 28
    (backing up the 1 point victory by Kearsney over Glenwood)
    Westville lost by 39

    Or for the festival as a whole – points difference

    Kearsney +10
    Genwood +3
    Westville -21

    Any other ways you would like to analyse that??

    17 June, 2013 at 11:16
  93. avatar
    #79 Tarpeys

    U14 rugby

    College have clearly bought in new players rather than improve from last year because of their systems or program. They lost 26-10 ( probably for the first time in their history ) to Michaelhouse as u14s in a game where they were dominated in all aspects of the game and they looked hopeless. Seeing them this year, the obvious difference in personnel was striking. The black boy playing 8 was one such addition. College apparently got him from Tygerberg and his is raw power and speed.

    17 June, 2013 at 11:05
  94. avatar
    #78 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Gungets Tuft:
    The strange decision was by the boys themselves, not the ref. They decided to go for poles when kicking was dismal on the day and they pretty much caused GWD huge troubles whenever they got into the 22 which is why it made sense to go for the lineout.
    And yes, they have. Both of the losses experienced by the U15 side were their own faults and not anyone else. Hopefully some of those individuals will learn to pass the ball a bit more next season.@Rian:
    Last I checked St Charlse beat Northwood whilst we beat them…don’t want to hear anything about DHS? Find a new website to be a pest in.

    17 June, 2013 at 10:58
  95. avatar
    #77 Rian

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: DHS, DHS…..blah, blah, blah. Probably the worst side in KZN at the moment. One cannot help but feel pity. As for WBHS – great result! Luckily there isn’t a commentary column on the scoreboard. 8-O

    17 June, 2013 at 10:50
  96. avatar
    #76 Gungets Tuft

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Horsey – just a question. Has your U14 or U15 side EVER had a loss where it was not a “strange decision”, or just plain bad/biased refereeing. I must tell you that I haven’t heard you say it. I will tell you this though, it is a much better lesson to learn to teach the boys to make so sure of their game that they carry their fate in their own hands. It’s character building and prepares them well for a life that is seldom completely fair, where the road is not straight and level and the wind not always at your back. Sport is perhaps the only thing in their lives that has the ability to teach them this, don’t let the opportunity pass them by …

    17 June, 2013 at 10:43
  97. avatar
    #75 HORSEFLY NO.1

    I think after you see that Kearsney team you will have them at 3rd place. Some very good players there.
    Although I agree on your #1 and #2, I can’t say there’s lots of daylight AT ALL. In fact, Glenwood was helped by a last gasp try,very bad kicking by DHS and a strange decision that ended the game. They were by no means the better team and even those forwards you spoke so highly of didn’t dominate the battle. DHS backline ran rings around GWD. Also, a 1 point win doesn’t show there to be a lot of daylight.

    Anyway, I think its good for KZN to have two teams of the same age-group who are probably both top 10 in SA. Can only mean for a good Grant Khomo team if they continue developing properly

    17 June, 2013 at 10:28
  98. avatar
    #74 BOG

    I think this match has been di-sected quite extensively. What are the results other than one team playing better than the other one? :lol:

    17 June, 2013 at 10:16
  99. avatar
    #73 star

    @ Greenblooded-You say Westville was exposed at KERF. Did Westville not inflict Framesby’s worst defeat(of the season) putting a margin of 44 points on them. And if you want some context KC ( 17) and Grey (22). If you include Framesby’s results against GW(2) and MC( draw) then all these teams put together does not match Westville. And KC (Stott) and MC(Goldstones) had home ground advantage.Westville also had a positive points diffrential against the 2 teams that had in common with KC (namely Paarl Gym and Framesby). KC I believe was negative (at home.)Yes we were well beaten by the 3rd best team in the country but that just supports the fact that we were playing the best.This very good away victory(Framesby) started the process which included the biggest defeats against those tricky customers NW(45) and GC(57) ,good wins against PBHS and KES(away at altitude) and culminated in possibly the biggest local victory on Goldstones. To be No 1 you must have those moments or at least have some great away victories. Can KC say that? I actually never witnessed Westville’s colors being lowered as I was in Dubai on tour with the son when we played Paarl Gym and Outeniqua so maybe the sun,moon and stars were aligned for Westville :lol: But seriously. Also the school as a whole has stood up. We won 70% of the games away at KES and at College had a positive points differential of 87. Has GW ever achieved that( and bear in mind that with your history and the fact that Westville is a new fixture you would have had more than double the opportunity)

    17 June, 2013 at 10:11
  100. avatar
    #72 GreenBlooded

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: U14A teams – wow. I’ve seen DHS twice, Glenwood 3 times, Westville twice (once close up with the whistle) and College a bunch of times. I haven’t seen Kearsney although I am well familiar with the #8 you refer to – I will try to see them on Thursday. I would say the stregth is pretty clear cut in that age group: Glenwood, lots of daylight, DHS, Westville. All very good sides. College a distant 4th although there may be some others I haven’t see that can lay claim to 4th spot. College have had an up and down season. We saw signs of what they can do yesterday although Westville were just a bit too strong for them. Will be interesting to see how things pan out next year. At GT has pointed out – College teams seem to go through a transformation between U14 and U15 as we have seen with this year’s College U15A. Would love to know why that happens at College specifically. As GT says – there are other schools with boarders and all schools have players from various primary schools. What is different at College??? Interesting to get to the bottom of that one.

    17 June, 2013 at 08:54
  101. avatar
    #71 GreenBlooded

    @Rhino: Cheap shots?? Now there is a double standard for you!!! Look at your mate WBHS Griffon’s posts for an extended maxi album of these. Other than Westers and one or two other sensible Westville bloggers, he is not the only one.

    My take on the game on Saturday for what it is worth:- like I have said, I think it was more a case of College losing badly than Westville wining well. The first time tackling was horrendous – what a pleasure it must have been for McHardy, Ellse, Paverd and company to run at team when you had a 20/80 chance of being tackled first time. College’s ball retention was equally bad. Time and time again a simple ruck and secure situation was turned over by Westville when College failed hopelessly to retain easy ball. With ample turned over possession and running against a team that was weak defensively – that is what we saw. My take on the game – shoot me down if you must. You played College on the day they put up probably their worst performance in years – and there were reasons for that.

    Circumstance and fate has been very much on Westville’s side this season – a rained out fixture against a top school, a headmaster spat with another and now a fixture against a gutted College team which on any other day would have taken you (on Reunion Day you would have shipped 30 points). Let us not forget Kearsney where Westville were badly exposed. Someone asked me how I can have Kearsney at No 1 when they haven’t played Westville – the answer is in the respective results at Kearsney. Same argument for Glenwood. Westville unbeaten in KZN this year – yes. But there needs to be some context.

    There is a Westville man who my heart went out to on Saturday (yes I do have one). A young man in a rugby honours blazer hobbling up and down the touchline goading his mates on to victory. Fate has been cruel to Andre De La Rey but these things happen in sport. He would have done very well at Craven Week. Does anyone know what his future plans are? This is one of those players who will be interesting to follow after school.

    17 June, 2013 at 08:42
  102. avatar
    #70 Grasshopper

    @Rhino: jeez Westville okes, it’s all tongue in cheek. Yes I grew up in Westville and went to Glenwood, played WOB under 21 for 3 years and have 3 best mates from Westville. My brother in laws are from there too, so my posts are never an attack. Westville have done well in the past decade to improve their rugby which prior to 2000 was average at best, same with Glenwood. The rivalry comes because both schools decided to improve this at the same time so are evenly matched. Again well done to Westville for all their sporting achievements recently. It does have to do with financial injections from old boys but this is the case at all schools. Keep it up and may the rivalry continue for many years past both TK and TH’s tenure as headmasters. Rivalry like this makes the sport interesting.

    16 June, 2013 at 20:36
  103. avatar
    #69 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: There is no way for me to describe the match yesterday without it sounding like excuses or sour grapes, I have no intention of going through with that, but “disinterested”, never. Pick something else. Sometimes nothing you try works, passes don’t go to hand, you can’t catch. It was one of those days. The three times College got more than 3 phases together they scored tries. Westville had a drive and focus that was irrepressible on the day. Result is on the board.

    16 June, 2013 at 19:46
  104. avatar
    #68 Rhino

    @Westers and Snake in the grassy aka Grassy :-)

    Grassy has continious double standards – one moment will say well done.. then suddenly throw in the cheap shots – then late will go on to tell us he grew up in westville has westville friends blah blah that old chestnut we heard sooo many times.. and then suddenly stick the knife back in at us or try to lessen our win etc. This continious tripe talk of tradition is so boring and stupid.. tell you what if you and MC ( they would never anyhow ) dont want to rise to the occasion cause we not as old a school with tradition as you then we will happily put 40 past you each year.. anyhow point is STOP TALKING TRASH… your dodgy sneaky jibes are the only reason you keep getting reactions.. just give it a break.

    16 June, 2013 at 19:29
  105. avatar
    #67 Gungets Tuft

    @beet: College U14’s are known to start slowly. The teams are made up of lots of boarders and the first year adjustment is huge. I know other schools have boarders but there seems to be part of the College 2nd Form year that only starts settling in the 3rd term. No science to it, it just is the way it is. However, this is where the brotherhood forms, the kind you then see on Goldstones on Reunion Day year after year. Check out te record of this years U15 and U16 when they were in 2nd Form to confirm the “syndrome”. But, to lose all the U14 games is very unusual, so clearly Westville are doing something right. It would be interesting to see where all the Ville U14 boys came from, see if a pattern emerges, such as most of them having played together before. But never fear, by next year they will be a different team, even next term, as we should see in the final 2 games – barring Affies, those kids are generally huge in Grade 8 so lots of that heart required there.

    16 June, 2013 at 19:26
  106. avatar
    #66 Westers

    @Grasshopper: You are letting yourself down with some of your posts. I don’t for a minute think College would have been disinterested in the game and to say history (or lack thereof) played a part is clutching at straws. The only reason us Westville guys keep coming back at you is because of cheap shots you keep taking like this.
    So much of what you post is sensible but when it comes to Westville you are prone to making the odd mindless comment.
    Each year in the latter part of the season you make comment about how many G11 players Glenwood have in the squad and at the start of every season you tell us how that doesn’t always count for much – it’s how the team gels. Are you saying Glenwood will be much better next year than this year.

    16 June, 2013 at 19:19
  107. avatar
    #65 Amalekite

    @Grasshopper: Thank you. You must have been typing your latest post at the same time as me :lol:

    16 June, 2013 at 19:15
  108. avatar
    #64 Amalekite

    @Grasshopper: I suppose the same applies to you guys when you play the likes of Affies…..new fixture, no tradition and history, disinterested players – laughable.
    You are actually insulting the College players who tried their best yesterday for their school and their heritage. How do you explain that all their other open age group teams did really well? Was it just their 1sts that were disinterested?
    Once again, one needs to give credit where it is due. Have a look through the record books to see if another KZN has ever one by that margin on Goldstones.

    16 June, 2013 at 19:12
  109. avatar
    #63 Grasshopper

    @star: I have said well done to Westville in numerous posts, go and have a look. It’s no mean feat to beat College on Goldstones anytime and by that margin. Well done again Westville!

    16 June, 2013 at 18:49
  110. avatar
    #62 HORSEFLY NO.1


    I don’t think so, I’ve seen the Westville,DHS,Kearsney,Glenwoodsides play and Kearsney are a better all round team. They also have a very big #8 who gave DHS big problems. But its all speculation now I guess.
    All I’m saying is, that DHS team probably deserves to be tied for 1st with GWD there :mrgreen: @beet:
    But if that College team has enough talent there, surely it should have gotten more ball there and scored a few tries. The GWD team is much bigger than everyone else and with time will be caught up with, but good skill and speed can catch them out as DHS proved. I believe that GWD team is ranked 2nd in SA so well done to them!

    This College U14A side I’m not too sure has shown enough glimpses of good rugby to suggest that it’ll turn good. Their last two U14 sides all showed that they had the potential to be very good sides which they are now

    16 June, 2013 at 18:49
  111. avatar
    #61 star

    @ Grassy- Every day we make history. I am sure College are well aware of that. And funny enough our first team had their worst performance on our equivalent day. Sometimes the pressure works against the teams. Is it so difficult to say well done? :mrgreen:

    16 June, 2013 at 18:40
  112. avatar
    #60 Griffon

    @ Horsefly : I think our u14’s at best should be 3rd tied with Kearsney, they had a shock loss to Hilton, then went on to lose to a very good DHS side who they held 5-8 till the last 5/6 minutes. They beat the MHS team 55-0 and beat other teams with convincing scores. They would’ve given the Kearsney team a run for their money.

    16 June, 2013 at 18:34
  113. avatar
    #59 Grasshopper

    @star: reunion day is a big event, far bigger than yesterday that raises the College boys performances. Play College on Reunion day on their 150th year with fully fit and prepared sides then we can talk about points differences. Spoke to a mate who watched the games, he said College looked disinterested, probably because there is no history involved. First played Westville in like 1987 less than 30 years ago, new fixture….

    16 June, 2013 at 18:23
  114. avatar
    #58 star

    @ Gungets- The 2nds was 21-13 to College and the 7ths 19-10 to College. Therefore College won 11 and Westville 10. I cannae believe we were one off turning College over at home. I can’t remember the last time a KZN school was able to achieve that . The points were 307 to College and 394 to Westville if my calculations are correct. Not bad for a swimming and academic school Mr Jordaan. Did GW have a positive points differential?The hockey was also pretty competitive with the U14A,u16A and Ists drawing 1 all. I watched the Westville U14 B and Cs win and so the whole age group must be undefeated locally.

    16 June, 2013 at 18:11
  115. avatar
    #57 Rhino


    doh – i didnt. makes sense now. lol. sorry for mix up.

    16 June, 2013 at 18:05
  116. avatar
    #56 beet

    @Gungets Tuft: I watched the College u14A team play against Glenwood. They were much smaller than Glenwood and I could have sworn they had to make close to 100 tackles during that game. But they only lost something like 19-0 in the end which isn’t huge. I expect that in u15 they may be on the losing side again but if they retain that heart and grow a bit by u16-u18, they might be a different prospect altogether.

    16 June, 2013 at 18:02
  117. avatar
    #55 Gungets Tuft

    @Rugger fan:

    1st – 10-50
    2nd – Cant remember, think College won???
    3rd – 22-23
    4th – 36-26
    5th – 29-7
    6th – 33-5
    7th – never got the score

    U16A – 25-16
    U16B – 0-17
    U16C – 17-13
    U16D – 22-15

    U15A – 27-5
    U15B – 0-31
    U15C – 24-12
    U15D – 12-7
    U15E – 5-26

    U14A – 0-24
    U14B 0-12
    U14C – 5-31
    U14D 0-20
    U14E – 0-31

    16 June, 2013 at 17:42
  118. avatar
    #54 HORSEFLY NO.1

    You do know I’m talking about Under 14 right? So I’m sorry, if by that, I’m showing my ‘true colors’, wonder what cloak I’ve been hiding under all this time

    16 June, 2013 at 17:39
  119. avatar
    #53 Rhino


    Are you just sitirring for the sake of it ? How can you say we dont fall into the top 3 ? Utter nonsense. Our results speak for themselves. rather go look at your results than keep digging at westville. You frekking lost and badly to a weakened MHS so enough said. Westville has beaten every side in kzn that we got to play and mostly by better margins that our rivals. and it was GW that pulled the plug on the match this year not us. you know this. rain stopped the KC match just like it did to other schools matches. You just stirring it seems and i didnt think you were so but clearly showing ure true colours. oh well.
    These rankings you talk of can never be clear cut due to matches missed between schools .. but just what has been played it would

    1.KC or Westville
    2.KC or Westville
    3. MC or GW
    4. GW or MC
    5. Hilton

    16 June, 2013 at 17:29
  120. avatar
    #52 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Rugger fan:
    Yeah but there’s quite a difference between the top 3 and the rest hey. WBHS don’t fall into that top 3 and they are very lucky to not have played GWD and KC, the no1 and no3 sides

    16 June, 2013 at 16:53
  121. avatar
    #51 sharkie

    well done westville on what must have been a great win. not often that college get beaten by such a big margin at goldstones. i didnt call this one going this way but well done. such a pity that westville kearsney never happened nor westville glenwood never happened. KZN needs these games to happen.

    16 June, 2013 at 16:47
  122. avatar
    #50 Rugger fan

    Thanks – a good WBHS U14A squad too.
    Watched them play 7’s against CURRO Hiullcrest and had a good run too. Very good squad.

    16 June, 2013 at 16:21
  123. avatar
    #49 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Rugger fan:
    15A- College won 27-5
    14A- WBHS won 24-0
    14B- WBHS won 12-0

    Cudos to that College 15A side though, must be no1 in KZN this year, have won all their games besides DHS whom they drew with, so the only kzn team they are yet to beat (ever) is DHS and yes I hold a little pride in that :lol:

    16 June, 2013 at 15:51
  124. avatar
    #48 Westers

    @Rugger fan: I believe Westville won U14A 24 – 0.

    Stand to be corrected.

    16 June, 2013 at 15:49
  125. avatar
    #47 Rugger fan

    It’s probably here somewhere – but I cant seem to see it.
    i sthere a breakdown of the lower team scores?
    Looking for U14A in particular.


    16 June, 2013 at 15:36
  126. avatar
    #46 star

    Sorry I think congratulations should go to NW Knight who was the only non-Westville blogger to predict a Westville victory. Your prize will be available on application :lol:

    16 June, 2013 at 15:01
  127. avatar
    #45 RBugger

    Wow, what an unbelievable weekend of SBR.

    Firstly, huge congrats to Campbell and Westville – 2 extrodinary results which to me, give the number 1 and 2 rankings in KZN – namely KC and Westville ( This game should have happened )

    Well done to KC on their dominant performance against Hilton – Hilton played out of their socks and were very brave and commited, but folded in the second half.

    Have to say, Schramm had another blinder – this boy is special and the Sharks have signed themsleves a real gem of a player here! As always, the Doops were tough as hell and put in massive amounts of dirty work, with Tedder his sublime skillful self – kicking was a lil off today, but great all round play.

    Something that is a concern, Glenwood lost to Campbell, this is not good news if you are a provincial supporter of KZN at school boy level. Regardless of whether or not they rested players and regardless of the ref, they have 18 boys in the KZN setup, 18!!!! With all respect to Campbell, if they can turn over so many KZN players, what are the likes of the Bulls etc going to do – it worried me!!!

    To Westville, be very proud of your boys. I had Glenwood as number 2 in KZN, no longer! To be fair, and this may be biased, KC are number 1 in my eyes. I feel the likes of the exceptional Schramm, who is just getting better and better and made a mockery of the entire Hilton backline in setting up the first try, the Doops and then class of Reece-Edwards and Teddar would see KC over the line against Westville. Hope this is not sounding arrogant, believe me, if their is one team in KZN I would be nervous of playing, it would certainly be Westville.

    Well done KC on a great season!!! Not sure how many of the CW players will play on Thursday, feel it is a great opportunity to nurse the class of 2014 against college, win or lose, they should be blooded in this game – just too much rugga for the CW players

    16 June, 2013 at 12:10
  128. avatar
    #44 Ruggersake

    Well done WBHS,

    Hilton arrived but were outclassed by a superb KC team. The craven week selections were all justified…….Love to see Dupreez,s and Schramm as a losse trio combo… the future looks great!

    16 June, 2013 at 11:36
  129. avatar
    #43 Gungets Tuft

    @Amalekite: Next year is a fixture nightmare. There are only 7 weekends in the 2nd Term which are NOT long weekends, so schools will be faced with matches being played on 3 day weekends. The privates are taking their school holidays right in the middle of that period so will not be available for fixtures, meaning the KZN government schools will have to fill in those times. College was very badly supported yesterday, a combination of the long weekend, middle of exams and many kids still not completely well, so the boarder kids took Optional weekends and disappeared straight after their games, hence the tiny group on Basher Ridge yesterday. It hardly seemed the same school compared to the bedlam of Reunion day.

    Anyway, some huge challenges for fixtures next year, not sure how they will find yet another weekend for a Westville return unless Westville play in the 3rd term. My instinct is that the talk of a return in 2014 is hopeful rather than pencilled in. Must say, as much as it is a pipe-dream, the thought of a full round-robin league in KZN is brilliant, but can’t see it ever happening without a substantial 3rd term fixture list.

    16 June, 2013 at 10:23
  130. avatar
    #42 Griffon

    @ Star : Forgot about Pieters and Anderson. A spectator next to me was surprised when I mentioned Marcel was playing as they had not seen anything from him. I’m sure he won’t be kicking for CW as his kicking is inconsistent, but I also don’t want to comment about selections. Buthelezi has been my favourite player to watch as I’v followed his progress since u14, and I don’t believe I’v seen him under perform even with an underperforming team. I think more people will notice his talents when he’s placed at his more better position,Fullback. If you’re not busy on Tuesday afternoon, Westville have a stayers team playing a team from the cape, with the most of the stayers team being last years 16A’s besides a few forwards.

    16 June, 2013 at 10:02
  131. avatar
    #41 beet

    @star: Unfortunately Star there are some who hope and pray that we all shut up and move on about the selection process but that does not help the next crop of boys/parents/schools/supports who’ll be subjected to the same thing.

    16 June, 2013 at 09:54
  132. avatar
    #40 beet

    @Amalekite: Thanks. I’m amend those right away and tell the guys over at HSSM to jack up :mrgreen:

    16 June, 2013 at 09:39
  133. avatar
    #39 star

    @ Griifon- I have 6 back for the Firsts- Martin,Haystek, Braithwaite,Buthelezi,Peters and Anderson( who started a few in early season)

    16 June, 2013 at 09:26
  134. avatar
    #38 star

    This is going to be my last comment on selections as we all need to get behind the respective KZN teams but was it not ironic that a school with 18 reps loses to a 2nd tier school ( although we all admire CG’s spirit and attitude) and a school with 9 reps gets demolished at home. Further Ellse has another blinder and Buthelezi who ticks all the right boxes and scores a hatrick is excluded from the Academy team.Surely the Academy team would be ideal place for a talented grade 11 to be exposed to higher office. I now look forward to the first game KZN game against the Bulls and wish all the selected boys the very best.

    16 June, 2013 at 09:19
  135. avatar
    #37 Griffon

    Also like to give mention on the Westville 3rds for going unbeaten this season. Out of the 15 boys who played 11/12 are going to be back next year, with 3 GR 11’s in seconds and 4 in firsts. So Westville should be pretty competitive next year.

    16 June, 2013 at 09:17
  136. avatar
    #36 Griffon

    @ Star : I watched the u16 B game, and felt the score line flattered College a bit. I think College were in the Westville 22 once or twice the whole game. The boys can be proud about the way they played, good way to end the season

    16 June, 2013 at 09:14
  137. avatar
    #35 star

    I would like to congratulate the Westville U14/u15/u16 B teams for winning their games and in the process not conceding a single point. Depth is what defines schools and I feel Westville is in good hands for years to come.

    16 June, 2013 at 08:57
  138. avatar
    #34 Amalekite

    1. the first try was scored by Jordan Martin.
    2. The last try was scored by Jason Wilks.
    Westville played the kind of rugby that they are capable of. They showed it in the first half against House. The difference is that they did it for the full 70 minutes yesterday. Well done to the boys and the coaches on a very good season.
    College, as usual, never gave up. I think that they just made too many mistakes and did not have enough structure. They will bounce back. They have a lot of depth as can be seen by the results of the U19 age group. I think that Westville only managed to win the 1sts and the 3rds won by one point.
    Thank you to College for top notch hosting once again.
    Rumour has it that there will be home and away fixtures between the 2 schools in 2014. I think that this is a great idea as it gives all the boys in the 25 or so teams the opportunity to play against similar opposition.

    16 June, 2013 at 08:36
  139. avatar
    #33 Buffel

    @Engelsman: I agree .

    16 June, 2013 at 07:59
  140. avatar
    #32 Gungets Tuft

    @Rhino: Not going to be offering an opinion since whatever I said was preempted last night by WBHS-Griffon. The score is on the board, it’s in the yearbook. Read my comment in the George Campbell thread.

    16 June, 2013 at 06:47
  141. avatar
    #31 Grasshopper

    @WBHS Griffon: nope, definitely no tail between any legs, throwing toys out of the cot if losing is not a trait we were taught. Taking a loss like a man and moving on is how we were taught. These boys will be back to prove it was just a bad day at the office and Campbell obviously wanted it more. Well done to Campbell and well done to Westville…..over and out….

    16 June, 2013 at 06:33
  142. avatar
    #30 WBHS Griffon

    Gotta love the way the Glenwood bloggers have gone quiet and snuck off with their tails between their legs!

    Lesson learned “Don’t count your chickens” and be careful of tooting your horn too loundly!

    16 June, 2013 at 04:15
  143. avatar
    #29 Rugger fan

    Wow – quite a result. Anyone there to give an account. Obviously WBH played an awesome game – where did College go wrong? After their past few losses, they certainly didn’t seem like a team to lay down and give away 50 points?
    Look forward to some match reports.
    Well done Westville.

    15 June, 2013 at 23:53
  144. avatar
    #28 Rhino

    What was your take on it ?

    15 June, 2013 at 22:03
  145. avatar
    #27 Rhino


    Correct i know – i was just informing Umtata as he said earlier ” congrats on our 1st win at Goldstones”

    Did you see my earlier post to you this evening ?

    15 June, 2013 at 22:02
  146. avatar
    #26 Gungets Tuft

    @Rhino: Westville won 3-0 on Goldstones in 2009

    15 June, 2013 at 21:59
  147. avatar
    #25 BOG

    Beet, can you give us some reports on primary school rugby as well. Some blokes here, would really enjoy that. :mrgreen:

    15 June, 2013 at 21:45
  148. avatar
    #24 Rhino


    2nd win at Goldstones actually !

    15 June, 2013 at 21:40
  149. avatar
    #23 McCulleys Workshop

    Kearney 34 – 9 vs Hilton, hard to deny their current form as a really good Kearsney side. That’s a big winning margin.

    15 June, 2013 at 21:36
  150. avatar
    #22 McCulleys Workshop

    @Westers: Well, we don’t mind, as long as they played U13 provincial, and there is a slim chance we can get them through matric, need to keep the stats up on pass rate. We don’t mind if some of them become society Refs though, as long as Star and Westers pay the odd back hander. Also we can contribute to the BEE factor by having left handed refs, you know how it goes, white Afrikaans men, Bleks, a few squirrels, ok and gays.

    15 June, 2013 at 21:29
  151. avatar
    #21 Westers

    @McCulleys Workshop: You guys don’t have doff kids do you?

    15 June, 2013 at 20:48
  152. avatar
    #20 Umtata

    Well done Westville on your first win at Goldstones.

    15 June, 2013 at 20:47
  153. avatar
    #19 McCulleys Workshop

    @Rhino: @Westers: Well, think exams are on at MHS, so pulled the doff guys out of all games (jees not sure there were many left) to give them extra lessons on a Saturday, so hopefully we didn’t lose by too many point. No CW players, no Trace Chapman, No BMW. ,

    15 June, 2013 at 20:45
  154. avatar
    #18 Rhino


    Names? hope its not me lol

    15 June, 2013 at 20:21
  155. avatar
    #17 Engelsman

    i am officially sick of these immature, childish, idiot, pathetic little bloggers, if you cant contribute the get the hell off this site !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    15 June, 2013 at 20:19
  156. avatar
    #16 Rhino

    I dount DHS would beat MHS McCulleys. no ways…

    what is promising for dhs is there younger A age groups.. defo something they can get get excited about in a couple years…..

    15 June, 2013 at 19:59
  157. avatar
    #15 Westers

    @McCulleys Workshop: Paid a pink one. Got a point for every buck I paid.

    15 June, 2013 at 19:58
  158. avatar
    #14 Rhino


    haha as always a good retort.ta

    15 June, 2013 at 19:57
  159. avatar
    #13 Rhino


    come on man are you for real or just trying to be annoying ?lol

    Frekking hell give us some credit where due..and it does change things in the rankings.. HOW CAN IT NOT !! Let me just say if you had of won at college even by a point you/we or anyone would be over the moon so the 40 point margin os certainly something grin and smile widely about.
    Eish unbelievable comment from you this time.. come on man.

    15 June, 2013 at 19:55
  160. avatar
    #12 McCulleys Workshop

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: you are right, a 50 point drubbing, on the esteemed Goldstones, doesn’t change much, relatively close score against a side with 5/6 CW players. No doubt the ref was involved again, Westers were you punting with the society? Anyway, lets here with happened with DHS and us wealthy faggots, did we beat yo?, think we shouldn’t have as we have the weakest side in 20 years. DHS by 10.

    15 June, 2013 at 19:50
  161. avatar
    #11 Playa

    WOW!I thought maybe I’ve had one too many beers.No one could have seen this coming

    15 June, 2013 at 19:38
  162. avatar
    #10 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Ok I have to say, the Villians are taking waaaay too much joy out of this one. Well done to them yes but we all know College had their problems. Just think we need to look at everything that went down here, not just grin your asses off because WBHS won 50points. Doesn’t prove anything as far as rankings go,so ,Moving Along!!

    15 June, 2013 at 19:36
  163. avatar
    #9 Rhino


    Jog on !

    15 June, 2013 at 19:12
  164. avatar
    #8 Sir Pius

    KES beat College 52 – 14 in 2009. Well done to both schools for good games today. I don’t think anyone expected this margin for the 1st XV game.

    15 June, 2013 at 18:52
  165. avatar
    #7 Jordaan

    @Rhino: Don’t let this victory go to your heads, if it wasn’t for the flu at College you would have lost comprehensively. Consider yourselves fortunate you not playing Glenwood away this season as we’ed have given you at least 20 points.

    Our loss to Campbell was down to a few very dodgy calls by the ref. Glenwood is still the number 1 public school in KZN and has made the most all round improvements in the last 10 years. You will never be part of the “Old 5”, you’re a “Village School” and don’t belong with the big dogs!

    15 June, 2013 at 18:36
  166. avatar
    #6 Grasshopper

    Seems a weekend of upsets, the biggest one happening now! Eish!

    15 June, 2013 at 18:18
  167. avatar
    #5 Rhino

    @ mcculley
    Yeah I said by 8 so its pretty special!

    15 June, 2013 at 18:16
  168. avatar
    #4 McCulleys Workshop

    @Rhino: Jeez, what a season, so ok may margin of 3 – 5 either way was slightly off!

    15 June, 2013 at 17:55
  169. avatar
    #3 Grasshopper

    No one is anti Westville, it’s more bloggers being anti Glenwood and the Glenwood bloggers debating back. Well done to Westville today, no mean feat to win by that margin on Goldstones. Glenwood was the last side to beat College by 40 or more points a few years back at College….

    15 June, 2013 at 17:49
  170. avatar
    #2 Rhino

    Awesome westville just awesome! We knew you could do it am surprised by the margin! Hope this quietens some of the anti westville critics finally! U know who u are!

    15 June, 2013 at 17:41
  171. avatar
    #1 WBHS Griffon

    Wow, must have been a while since College got given 50 on Goldstones. Great ending to an awesome season, and still undefeated in KZN!

    Griffon Power!

    15 June, 2013 at 17:25

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