1. avatar
    #59 Djou

    @Smallies: Eienskappe van ‘n goeie span.
    Maar Shimlas het nie veel uitstaande spelers gehad nie en danksy coaching bo hul vermoëns gespeel.

    26 April, 2022 at 16:12
  2. avatar
    #58 Smallies

    @Djou: tweede week in n ry dat hulle so terug kom ,en beide kere away from home….

    26 April, 2022 at 13:52
  3. avatar
    #57 Djou

    @Wondermaar: Great comeback gewees van Tuks.
    Trots op oud-Garsies en Grey manne in die span.
    Lincoln Daniels, kaptein; en speler van die wedstryd Stephan Smit is oud-Garsies wat saam op skool gespeel het, so ook Chad-Lee Valentine paar jaar na hulle. Dian Schoonees is ‘n yster van Grey!

    26 April, 2022 at 13:47
  4. avatar
    #56 Smallies

    @Wondermaar: sien nou eers die score ,ja nee welgedaan Tuks ,nou kan ek darem se dit het n kampioen span gekos om die Shimlas uit te skakel

    26 April, 2022 at 13:38
  5. avatar
    #55 Wondermaar

    Kom ons verander hierdie topic. TUKKIES BO!!!!!!!!!!!! come on western cape 3 in 3 dae affies, tuksyg, tuks…..😀😀😀😀👊

    25 April, 2022 at 21:33
  6. avatar
    #54 Jong Matie

    @Deon: Give that man a bells!

    25 April, 2022 at 14:52
  7. avatar
    #53 Smallies

    @Deon: sonder om nou n fight te begin maar wat is un scientific superstition aan proven natural imunity hoeveel studies in die lancet het dit nie bewys nie ,natural immunity is tot 5keer sterker as die vax

    25 April, 2022 at 14:42
  8. avatar
    #52 Deon

    @Balikibaba: I respect people’s constitutional right to bodily integrity and security, and not to vaccinate, regardless the fact that that choice is based on anti-science superstition. However, I expect antivaxxers to respect my right to bodily integrity and security, based on peer reviewed scientific consensus, and not enter public spaces, large (close contact) rugby tournaments etc too. Antivaxxers have their own, incomprehensible choice, my children and I have ours. Most bloggers received vaccinations for e.g. measles and polio, plus various boosters, and those were all compulsory for at least attending school.

    25 April, 2022 at 10:34
  9. avatar
    #51 Smallies

    @Gemini: stem saam met jou ,daar is blykbaar drie of vier stelle reels wat vir sekere groepe geld ,die beste roep is dat die regering die Grondwethof moes nader en n regs mening kry en dan EEN stel vax reels ingestel het…

    23 April, 2022 at 15:53
  10. avatar
    #50 Gemini

    @Smallies: Die probleem lê by inkonsekwentheid. As Grey bv.teen Paul Roos speel,is daar nie verpligte vax nie. As dieselfde spelers van Grey en Paul Roos egter wil CWeek toe gaan,dan is dit verpligtend.Loop die virus nie by gewone wedstryde nie?
    Die geloofwaardigheid van Covid maatreëls het myns insiens lank reeds begin gly.

    23 April, 2022 at 15:46
  11. avatar
    #49 Smallies

    @Rainier: voorvereiste -mandate -verplig -vereis almal sinonieme ,beteken presies die selde ,doen wat ons se of…….soos ek gese het dit is net so goed hulle verwag dat elke speler sy HIV status bekend maak ,dit het niks met saru te doen nie dis tussen jou en jou dr niemand anders nie

    23 April, 2022 at 13:31
  12. avatar
    #48 Rainier

    @Smallies: Daar is ‘n moerse verskil tussen mense dwing om die vax te kry en om dit as ‘n voorvereiste vir deelname aan vrywillige aktiwiteite te vereis.

    23 April, 2022 at 12:52
  13. avatar
    #47 Rainier

    Die vax voorkom nie infeksie nie, dit beperk ernstige simptome.

    23 April, 2022 at 12:49
  14. avatar
    #46 Djou

    @Henkies: Sa is very far behind. Our regulations are just incomprehensible! Say no more …

    23 April, 2022 at 09:45
  15. avatar
    #45 Djou

    @Balikibaba: I agree a vax will not stop spreading the virus, but asked a different question!

    23 April, 2022 at 09:44
  16. avatar
    #44 Djou

    @Ploegskaar: I know that!
    I asked a question on what will happen to those preferring not to be vaxed when they move into seniors next year and beyond.

    23 April, 2022 at 09:41
  17. avatar
    #43 Smallies

    @Rainier: die regering was hard besig om mandates te implimenteer tot hulle met n hofgeding gedreig is ….en toe poefffffffffff

    23 April, 2022 at 07:57
  18. avatar
    #42 Wondermaar

    Beet, i see this is a WP RUGBY UNION LETTER. Do you have the copy of the SARU STATEMENT in this regard? Thanks.

    23 April, 2022 at 06:57
  19. avatar
    #41 Wondermaar

    @Deon: Im very exciting about your answer on my question( im not anti vax or pro vax)
    I want to publish your detailed answer on all social media platforms with your consent?( because up to now nobody can give me the answer)
    At THIS TIME: April 2022. Considered everything around covid
    1. Spreading not sto by vaccine.
    2. Natural immunity
    3. No biological or whatsoever proof that the vaccine has NO NEGATIVE EFFECT on the human body.
    How do ANYBODY still make the point ( especially vaxed person that?? CANT?? get seriously ill anymore off covid 19)

    I think your thorough answer wil maybe help SA to a 100 % vacination rate??.

    23 April, 2022 at 06:39
  20. avatar
    #40 Mate

    Ag hierdie ou Covid is n rumour
    Dis baie soos die Groot Trek
    Nooit plaasgevind
    Net om die volk op te sweep

    23 April, 2022 at 00:22
  21. avatar
    #39 Smallies

    @Deon: en gevax of nie jy is steeds welkom in my huis…..want hoe gouer jy vrede maak met jou eie mortalityd hoe vinniger verloor die siekte sy mag oor mens….praat uit ondervinding

    22 April, 2022 at 21:54
  22. avatar
    #38 Smallies

    @Deon: maar is jou omgewing werklik veilig as almal gevax is? Almal weet teen die tyd die vax beskerm nie regtig teen die oordrae van covid nie ,natuurlike imunity is in alle geval baie sterker en amper 80% van die bevolking het dit….

    22 April, 2022 at 21:50
  23. avatar
    #37 Henkies

    @Ploegskaar I agree 100%. Israel at one point had the world’s highest vaccination rate yet had a sky high infection rate. The vaccine did nothing to prevent the spread of infection. But it would still be termed a virus of “the unvaccinated” Then talk of a 4th shot started doing the rounds which the Pfizer CEO was very pleased about. Its’s quietened down a lot in Europe – Germany and Austrian governments did their best to push through compulsory vaccine laws but I think Summer and falling infections scuppered their plans. It was all pretty scary at one point. I’m waiting for it all to start up again in the Winter. I mean if we give our dogs 3 rabies jabs and he still gets rabies we have to vra a few questions haha. I know other manne on here have positive thoughts and experiences about the vaccine and that’s cool – that Delta variant was pretty hectic and I’m sure vaccines prevented serious illness but I don’t believe one person has a moral obligation to society to get vaccinated as the vaccine doesn’t stop me infecting someone else. Anyway that’s my spieel manne… I’m rambling on here.

    22 April, 2022 at 21:40
  24. avatar
    #36 Rainier

    @Smallies: Die saak sal nerens heen gaan nie.

    22 April, 2022 at 20:01
  25. avatar
    #35 Jong Matie

    @Deon: Selfde bladsy

    22 April, 2022 at 18:15
  26. avatar
    #34 Ploegskaar

    @Deon: Yeah, I really hate those polio and measles boosters I’ve had to get every 3 months for the past 48 years….

    22 April, 2022 at 18:02
  27. avatar
    #33 Deon

    @Balikibaba: OK, but just as you have the right to bodily security and safety and choice in terms of the constitution and plain old good manners, so do I. So, if you choose to not vaxx, good, but stay at home and respect my right to the safest possible work, sport and public environment, which the vaxx provides. No-one had the choice to vaxx for polio and measles either.

    22 April, 2022 at 17:47
  28. avatar
    #32 NealW

    @Balikibaba: Agreed. People bring up other vaccines (Polio etc) as if they are comparable to these vaccines however those vaccines aren’t approved under emergency use regulations. These are still under trial that’s why there is so much pushback and its in an area that SARU shouldn’t have ventured.

    22 April, 2022 at 15:45
  29. avatar
    #31 Balikibaba

    @Djou: except being vaccinated doesn’t stop you spreading it nor getting it, so it makes no sense if THAT is the reason.

    22 April, 2022 at 15:00
  30. avatar
    #30 Balikibaba

    @NealW: absolutely.This is shocking. I wonder if these “people of power” would make the same decision if they knew they could be held liable for any vax related death or injury.

    22 April, 2022 at 14:58
  31. avatar
    #29 Smallies

    @Henkies:Keep also in mind that we have about 80% natural immunity at this stage also ….and that is stronger than the vax

    22 April, 2022 at 14:39
  32. avatar
    #28 Ploegskaar

    @Djou: The jab does not prevent contraction or spread. That has been confirmed by the CDC and FDA and has also been reflected in the data from countries with 70%+ jab rates, i.e. Israel, UK and Australia, to name a few. So based on efficacy this is a flawed policy. It is only about control and power, nothing else

    22 April, 2022 at 14:34
  33. avatar
    #27 Smallies

    @Rainier: maar die reg om enige medikasie te weier is in die patients charter verskans en dit is waarom die inentings nie gemandate word vir staats amptenare nie,so indien n ouer wie se kind hy nie gevax wil he nie genoeg geld het en hy n groot genoeg geraas maak (hoogeregs hof groot) gaan saru twee keer moet dink oor die besigheid….ek is geensins teen die vax nie maar ek voel dat dit niks met niemand anders as my en my dr te make het nie….dis soos om nou alle spelers se HIV status te wil he ….vir wat?

    22 April, 2022 at 14:30
  34. avatar
    #26 Henkies

    @Djou Hmm interesting I did not realise that this vaccination requirement extended into senior rugby. I’ve been in the UK over this Corona time and all Covid restrictions have been dropped – no masks, no testing nadda.Packed sports stadiums as well whereas in SA there are have 50000 seater stadiums limited to 5000 people? Over here its like Covid didn’t even happen. So it just seems odd to me SARU are still going on about vaccinations for this ultra mild Omicron which we see as a natural vaccination. Maybe SA is further behind in getting over Corona. Good to read about everyone’s view on it. It always gets everyone worked up haha

    22 April, 2022 at 13:32
  35. avatar
    #25 Jong Matie

    @Djou: At least we agree on one thing.

    22 April, 2022 at 13:29
  36. avatar
    #24 Djou

    @Henkies: I disagree – even if a few prominent schools object. Tournaments will go ahead. SARU follows the correct protocol and can’t allow for some to be vaccinated and others not. It will make a mockery of their policy.
    The policy is not about power, it is about limiting the spread of the virus.
    In any case, as I asked above, if they don’t vaccinate, they will not get professional provincial contracts after school.

    22 April, 2022 at 13:13
  37. avatar
    #23 Djou

    @Jong Matie: And what happens if you choose not to vaccinate this year, but next year when you move to SARU’s u.19 and u.20 competitions, will you stop playing?

    22 April, 2022 at 13:06
  38. avatar
    #22 Jong Matie

    @Henkies: On a different note – your view on Engledouw?

    22 April, 2022 at 12:55
  39. avatar
    #21 Henkies

    @Jong Matie: You are right. Players aren’t being dragged down to vaccination centres to be jabbed. Of course if they want to play in the tournament though, they have to be vaccinated. So those who do not want to be vaccinated are unable to participate. It is all about power I guess. If Grey College and Gim both said “No thanks SARU, we aren’t interested in taking part if boys are forced to be vaccinated” SARU would think twice. If then more schools joined the bandwagon and suddenly 10 of the 20 top schools said they will not take part, SARU would realise there could be no Craven Week and they would reverse their decision in a few days. That’s something I would love to see but that’s my personal view – others will think differently. I just don’t get why it applies to Craven Week? I don’t think Currie Cup players have to be vaccinated to participate.

    22 April, 2022 at 12:53
  40. avatar
    #20 Rainier

    @Jong Matie: I am not sure about your point.

    Measels and Rubella vaccinations is common. Yellow fever for certain destinations is compulsory. Traveling overseas a passport is compulsory.

    The right to choose to vaccinate your child is not in the Bill of Rights, so choose and abide by the decision’s consequences.

    I am not sure what all this moaning is about.

    Nobody at SARU is forcing anyone to do anything.

    22 April, 2022 at 11:59
  41. avatar
    #19 Jong Matie

    @Rainier: Parents have a right, sure! Oh, but you want to play in the Coke week, then you need to be vaccinated. I have not seen kids dragged with chains to be vaxxed….

    22 April, 2022 at 10:58
  42. avatar
    #18 Rainier

    Parents has a right to choose if they want to vaccinate their children, the organisers has a right to require that players be vaccinated.

    Life is not fair.

    22 April, 2022 at 10:41
  43. avatar
    #17 NealW

    @Balikibaba: They (SARU) have no medical background (especially when it comes to the individual child and giving medical advice thereto) and they should stay out of a parents obligations and responsibilities regarding the well being of their child.

    22 April, 2022 at 09:20
  44. avatar
    #16 4×4

    Vax is just applicable upon proffesional codes and amateur is exonerated, if I was a parent I will challenge this in court as a class’s action

    21 April, 2022 at 22:16
  45. avatar
    #15 Middies pa

    @Mate: Ek wil nie vasgevang word in ‘n politieke debat nie, maar dit gaan oor absolute beheer. As jou plan faal, forseer jy die wat nie anders kan nie om te gehoorsaam.

    21 April, 2022 at 15:40
  46. avatar
    #14 Balikibaba

    @Smallies: Its completely unconstitutional. Board members are not medical professionals and should not have the power to mandate this at all!

    21 April, 2022 at 15:27
  47. avatar
    #13 Smallies

    As jy die skrywe lees dan is dit nie net die seuns wat span kry wat moet ent nie maar basies almal wat proewe gaan speel ….maw alle 016 en o19 spelers

    21 April, 2022 at 15:23
  48. avatar
    #12 Mate

    @Middies pa:
    Wat dink jy is die groot rede agter dit?

    21 April, 2022 at 14:41
  49. avatar
    #11 Jong Matie

    @Middies pa: With all due respect, lets first see if we will have a Craven Week with Coca Cola also seeing the light, pulling out as teams are a joke and picked on everything besides merit.

    21 April, 2022 at 14:38
  50. avatar
    #10 Middies pa

    @Mate: This is typical of a bully. Such a small amount of boys get the opportunity to play CW and by knowing the importance of this to the boys SARU force them (no choice) to do something that might not be good for them. I think the unions should push-back and suggest a negative PCR test on the most.

    21 April, 2022 at 14:34
  51. avatar
    #9 Jong Matie

    @Mate: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    21 April, 2022 at 14:33
  52. avatar
    #8 Mate

    I’ll just gooi a Novax Djokovic

    21 April, 2022 at 14:19
  53. avatar
    #7 Jong Matie

    @Mate, what is your opinion?

    21 April, 2022 at 13:36
  54. avatar
    #6 Henkies

    Yep I really don’t get this one. Boys have been practicing and playing for months now without the need for mandatory vaccinations. Really surprised SARU has implemented this measure now as if it is suddenly going to make a huge difference to player and spectator safety.

    21 April, 2022 at 13:27
  55. avatar
    #5 Middies pa

    @Smallies: I agree.

    21 April, 2022 at 13:21
  56. avatar
    #4 Smallies

    @Balikibaba: I agree with you on this,it is a choice and it is between you and your dr…government is not mandating public service workers because it’s actually unconstitutional….

    21 April, 2022 at 13:18
  57. avatar
    #3 Balikibaba

    This is disgusting. People should have the right to choose. And if any kid suffers an adverse event, then I hope those enforcing it are held liable.

    Pro choice. Not anti vax.

    21 April, 2022 at 13:10
  58. avatar
    #2 Jong Matie

    Logic and common sense have prevailed.

    21 April, 2022 at 13:09
  59. avatar
    #1 Smallies

    Don’t know how to comment on this…

    21 April, 2022 at 13:07

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