Results for 11 May 2013

Grey College 31 37 Affies On TV. One of the biggest games of any given season
HTS Middelburg 19 14 Nelspruit NuPower Final
Centurion 14 23 Kempton Park NuPower – 3rd place playoff
Garsfontein 36 36 EG Jansen NuPower – 5th place playoff
Monnas 67 22 Ermelo NuPower – 7th place playoff
Florida 25 34 Transvalia NuPower – 9th place playoff
Rustenburg 22 33 Vereeniging Gim NuPower – 11th place playoff
Eldoraigne 20 17 Klerksdorp NuPower – 13th place playoff
Marias Viljoen 20 20 Pietersburg NuPower – 15th place playoff
Jeppe 36 6 John Vorster Midweek game
KES 12 15 Jeppe
Noord-Kaap 34 30 Waterkloof
St Stithians 0 76 Pretoria BH
St Andrews (FS) 25 38 St Johns
Parktown 26 28 St Benedicts
M. College 23 9 Michaelhouse
Glenwood 21 9 Hilton  Only 1st-4th XV & A-team games still on
Westville  – Kearsney  CANCELLED – waterlogged field
DHS  – Northwood  CANCELLED – waterlogged field
George Campbell 18 3 Voortrekker
Sarel Cilliers 39 3 Ferrum
St Charles 16 37 St Albans Gauteng now 6-3 up against KZN in the Grogper Cup
Otto du Plessis 10 46 Framesby
Grey HS 20 13 Queens
St Andrews 59 10 Cambridge
Dale 36 0 Port Rex
Newton 5 61 Nico Malan
Die Brandwag 51 14 Kingswood
Paul Roos 15 24 Paarl Gim Game on TV
Paarl BH 55 27 Wynberg
Bishops 5 22 SACS
Boland Landbou 25 28 Stellenberg
Durbanville 20 18 Tygerberg
Hugenote 46 16 Worcester Gym
Strand 12 29 Drostdy


  1. avatar
    #313 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Wat van ‘n onthaal voor die tyd op ‘n nat Alfons. Dit sal die werfetters kak laat voel

    14 May, 2013 at 22:58
  2. avatar
    #312 Ploegskaar

    @Tierklou: Ek laat my liefs nie meer oor beamptes uit nie, maar soos jy weet het ek hierdie seisoen al ‘n kakhuis wedstryde by ‘n verskeidenheid skole tussen verskeie ouderdomsgroepe gesien, en slegs 3, toevallig by die TS rugbyfees, was regverdig en konsekwent. Dus so 3 uit 45+ wedstryde, of 7.5% wat nie kak, skelm, kak en skelm of doodgewoon useless was was nie. Ek kyk Saterdag op die Plaas rugby, so indien enige relevante persone hier lees, fokken kom reg, dis ‘n lang pad na die Plaashek, en soos Tiantjie moedeloos gese het Saterdag: Ons geduld word erg getoets, Oom. :evil:

    14 May, 2013 at 21:26
  3. avatar
    #311 BOG

    @BuffelsCM: @Tierklou: Nee, ek spot maar eintlik met die wat daarop aandring dat al die goeies in hulle streek is en al die “minder goeies” in die VS is. Die verskeidenheid kom maar oral voor, maar ek dink mens kan met redelik sekerheid se dat daar gevaarligte flikker- van Onder 9 tot by die WB. En het ons nie n goeie voorbeeld in Bryce Lawrence nie? En hy was boonop nie n uitsondering nie.

    14 May, 2013 at 18:52
  4. avatar
    #310 BuffelsCM

    @Tierklou: Goed dankie – so Durbanville se O/15 het baie verbeter ? Of het julle beserings gehad ?

    14 May, 2013 at 14:11
  5. avatar
    #309 BuffelsCM

    @BOG: Bog, die Wes-Kaap is groot. Verlede jaar het ons skool teen Swartland ‘n Bolandse skeidsregter gehad wat regtig swak was. So swak dat die skoolhoof op die onthaal na die tyd verskoning gevra het.
    Die skeidsregters in die SWD is na my mening ook nie op standaard nie….of sal ek dit so stel: diegene wat beskikbaar was vir die Kwagga-Week oor die Paasnaweek vir O/14- en O/15-spanne, het veel te wense oorgelaat. Kom ons gee hulle die voordeel van die twyfel en sê dat die beter skeidsregter elders verpligtinge gehad het. Ek weet die Nasionale Klubtoernooi het ook daardie naweek in George plaasgevind maar ek dink daar was ook ander provinsies se skeidsregters betrokke. Almal kon dus nie by die Kwagga-week gewees het nie.

    14 May, 2013 at 14:09
  6. avatar
    #308 Tierklou

    @BuffelsCM: Sover ek weet is hy verkla, sal maar sien of iets daarvan kom.
    Ons o15 die jaar is ‘n baie goeie span en hulle was Saterdag op ‘n kol in die moeilikheid (ek dink 3-10), maar op die end het hulle terug gekom en die wen deurgetrek.

    14 May, 2013 at 14:08
  7. avatar
    #307 BuffelsCM

    @Tierklou: Hi Tierklou, weet jy die skeidsregter was ? Die Unie stel mos gewoonlik die skeidsregter aan. In die Stellenberg / Boland game was daar blykbaar ongeveer 35 strafskoppe! Ek weet 13 strafskoppe is oorgeskop en 3 was mis volgens Ploegskaar. Klink my daai wedstryd is ook dood geblaas.

    Op ‘n ander noot: ek sien julle O/15s het Saterdag “maar” 17 – 10 gewen. Het Durbanville baie verbeter of het julle ‘n swak game gehad OF was die skeidsregter swak ?
    Ek weet julle het ‘n lekker O/15-span – lyk net vir my na ‘n “vreemde” uitslag

    14 May, 2013 at 14:01
  8. avatar
    #306 Tierklou

    @BOG: Goeie refs is daar ook. Maar as jy ooit iewers die beeldmateriaal van Saterdag se wedstryd (en daar was kameras) kan kry, kyk gerus – dit was skokkend.

    14 May, 2013 at 13:54
  9. avatar
    #305 BOG

    @Tierklou: Dan was daar seker n misverstand? Hy het seker geding Tygerberg kom vd Vrystaat. Ek dink dit was Gimmie wie hier met groot trots verklaar het hoe geseen die WK is met hulle refs. Julle het seker n QI produk gekry?

    14 May, 2013 at 13:45
  10. avatar
    #304 Tierklou

    @ Beet & Ploegskaar
    Ek was by die wedstryd Saterdag tussen Tygerberg en Durbanville. Mensig, dit was die mees blatantste skelm blaas wat ek ‘n skeidsregter seker nog sien blaas het.
    Weereens, net soos teen Hugenote< was die skeidsregter en nie die ander span nie, die Tiere s doodsteek.

    14 May, 2013 at 13:18
  11. avatar
    #303 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Dit was sy opinie. Ander met wie ek gepraat het, verskil. Lees ook Beet se kommentaar, WEER!

    14 May, 2013 at 12:19
  12. avatar
    #302 Playa

    @Queenian: Such a great pity.

    14 May, 2013 at 08:29
  13. avatar
    #301 GCollege86

    @QC86: Rudi, I watched a bit of the Border u18 trials yesterday. Not to many stars but I think they will be able to get a compedative team on the field, depending on the selectors. Dont really know how they going to select a Cravenweek and Acadamy team from the six teams that played trials. Not much depth. Few boys impressed me. Will phone you later.

    14 May, 2013 at 07:32
  14. avatar
    #300 Queenian

    @Playa: In fact the worst facet of his play was his defence seemed to let every thing through his channel.

    Maybe he is nursing an injury.

    14 May, 2013 at 06:57
  15. avatar
    #299 Queenian

    @Playa: @Umtata: Thabani is playing for Grey PE 2nd team watched him play against Queens on Saturday he just seems to be going through the motions in fact his play was actually very poor herd mutterings from the Grey people he will be in 3rd,s next if he carries on the way he is.

    Such a pity not the boy who did so well for Dale.

    14 May, 2013 at 06:55
  16. avatar
    #298 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Lees weer sy blog ek haal aan ” i dont think GCB were ever going to win that.” Ek vertaal in een woord Oortuigend. Dit is wat ek bedoel by krediet gee. Jy wil kommintaar lewer sonder om die wedstryd te kyk. Ek hoop dit is knopperig en kurkdroog.

    14 May, 2013 at 05:37
  17. avatar
    #297 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Dit lyk my of jy weer aan n suurstoftekort lei. Jy het beslis my kommentaar gesien onder die relevante heading, Saterdag, maar ek neem aan dit is maar of wesentlike of selektiewe geheueverlies – waar ek die eerste een was wat Affies met hulle oorwinning geluk gewens het. Jou skielike gatkruiperige houding, terwyl jy elke geleentheid aangryp om Grey aan te val, dwing my weer in die rigting van die ablusievertrek.

    14 May, 2013 at 04:02
  18. avatar
    #296 Tjoppa

    @Speartackle: Stadig boetie. Waterkloof ‘n skool in eie reg. En ons waardeer dat skole op hul regte staan en besef hulle is daar om kinders eerste te stel.

    13 May, 2013 at 20:57
  19. avatar
    #295 Tjoppa

    @rugbyfan: Wil jy nie jou erkenning in Afrikaans gee nie asseblief. Wil dubbel seker maak dat Grey ondersteuners tog krediet gee aan die ander spanne. Van nou af anti Bog, het altyd geweet hy verteenwoordig nie Grey gemeenskap nie. Word opreg waardeer.

    13 May, 2013 at 20:53
  20. avatar
    #294 Playa

    @Umtata: I timed my leave well.I’ll be there for the Selborne, Kingswood and Grey games.I’m sure they’ll target Thabani…just hope they dont place all the focus on him and lose track of the game.I didnt see him in the Grey PE team sheet against QC last week.He should have just stayed at CB Jennings.

    13 May, 2013 at 16:40
  21. avatar
    #293 Umtata

    @Woltrui: I doubt a lot of schools are that competitave with GCB in Bloem

    13 May, 2013 at 15:54
  22. avatar
    #292 Umtata

    @Playa: the bit about Thabani is for the Grey game in 2 weeks

    13 May, 2013 at 15:48
  23. avatar
    #291 Umtata

    @Queenian: So the Bulls scouts have left the WC and are in the EC. Saru should stop unions from giving out contracts to kids before they turn 18.
    @Playa: I’m sure the boys want to keep their unbeaten run at home so they will rise to the occasion. I wonder if they will play Thabani(dale 1st 2012). If he does play im sure the boys will give him a few big hits.

    13 May, 2013 at 15:41
  24. avatar
    #290 Turftoon

    Well done Affies!

    13 May, 2013 at 14:38
  25. avatar
    #289 Playa

    @Queenian: Size is a huge challenge. I remember in 2011, when Selborne had that massive pack.Dale took the game to them, and were the better team (though they were behind on the score board), until the last 10 minutes when they were just overwhelmed by the huge baboona team who then ran away with the game.A competitive pack is a must when you have brilliant backs.

    13 May, 2013 at 14:36
  26. avatar
    #288 Woltrui

    @rugbyfan: Affies Grey:
    Rugby: Played 28 matches
    Grey won 18
    Affies won 10 (Biggest win the 113-0 Affies 0/14F team won over Grey 0/14F-Sorry Bog :mrgreen)
    Hockey: Played 13
    Grey won 5
    Affies won 4
    Drawn 4 (1st teams draw 0-0)

    13 May, 2013 at 14:24
  27. avatar
    #287 rugbyfan

    And to Affies well done watched the game on TV they were the better team there pack is awsome and i dont think GCB were ever going to win that.

    Anybody have all the games scores between Affies vs GCB

    13 May, 2013 at 13:42
  28. avatar
    #286 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Watched the game as well under those wet conditions Queens had know chance must say one thing though about Queens it is good to see schoolboy players of colour with so much talent as i saw during the day maybe a bit small but some really talented boys there.

    As for the Under14A game it was like David against Golthiath have not seen such a size difference for years difference is even if David hit Golthiath with the first stone there were at least another 4 of them so they had no chance.

    13 May, 2013 at 13:40
  29. avatar
    #285 Queenian

    Ludz: To give you some stats of the Queens Under14A team this year 13 played for Queens Under 13A last year and two are new boys who started at Queens this year.

    Grey PE Under14A team this year only 4 played for Grey PE Under13A lasy year the rest are new to Grey PE ( 1 x Queens 2 x Muir 2 x Kirkwood 1 x Handaff 1 x Charlo 1 x Dale 1 x Selborne 1 x Summerwood 1 x Union High)

    So as such they have got the best that the EC has to offer.

    13 May, 2013 at 13:02
  30. avatar
    #284 Queenian

    Ludz: One bit of good news is that Ashley Fortuin looks like will definiantly be back a Queens next year after a deal was struck between Queens and the Blue Bulls who were about to take a further two 1st team Grade 11 boys from Queens.

    It looks like to fill there race quota,s they have targeted Queens so hopefully this will come to an end. (Although i doubt it.) Might just be talk from there side.

    13 May, 2013 at 12:56
  31. avatar
    #283 Queenian

    @Playa: One thing i have seen this year watching Queens and Dale is if they dont get some size up front they will battle to be competitive on Saterday all the games i watch the size difference was enormus. The Queens vs Grey Under14A match was like looking at a Under16 team play a Under13 team you just have no chance it becomes about how much you will lose by.

    13 May, 2013 at 12:50
  32. avatar
    #282 Queenian

    @Playa: Ye hope Dale are ready and make a meal of the Selbornians :mrgreen:

    Ludz: The Grey vs Queens game on Saturday was simply this the first 10 minutes Queens got ball and were 8 nil up the next 55 minutes the big Grey forwards dominated and Queens were under big pressure and were then 20-8 down last 5 minutes Queens got ball and scored and nearly scored a minute from time to level things.

    But i am afraid a good big team is always going to beat a good small team 9 out of 10 times i suppose a good summary of a game played on a mud patch was Grey forwards were awsome so were the Queens backs.

    So i think Dale only chance is to stop the big Selborne pack otherwise they will lose.

    13 May, 2013 at 12:46
  33. avatar
    #281 BuffelsCM

    @GreenBlooded: Okay thanks for that !

    13 May, 2013 at 10:16
  34. avatar
    #280 Playa

    @QC86: I can only hope that we’re ready. :lol:
    I still believe the boys can do it.I’ll be there live for this one.

    13 May, 2013 at 10:15
  35. avatar
    #279 QC86

    @Playa: not sure,bit of a waste of time,u14a’s was called off early in the second half,you guys ready for the coming weekend.

    13 May, 2013 at 10:02
  36. avatar
    #278 GreenBlooded

    @BuffelsCM: For schools – the directive is to err on this side of safety, so the benefit of the doubt goes against the tackler and he gets a RC if it is 50/50.

    13 May, 2013 at 09:43
  37. avatar
    #277 Playa

    @QC86: So Selborne play De Vos Malan now? New fixture or just once off?

    13 May, 2013 at 09:33
  38. avatar
    #276 Woltrui

    Nu power super 16: Monnas wen algehele toernooi. Monnas ook wenners van Rugby met 0/14, 15 en 16 spanne wat toernooi wen. Pietersburg algehele hokkie wenners met hulle 1 ste seuns en dogters, 0/14 en 016 dogters wat wen. Eldoraigne 2de algeheel.

    13 May, 2013 at 09:15
  39. avatar
    #275 BOG

    Ek merk Tjoppa is in Krugersdorp vanoggend. Moontlik, as hy deurry Klerksdorp toe, en n draai maak by die ouetehuis, kan ons ook weer van AT hoor.

    13 May, 2013 at 09:11
  40. avatar
    #274 BuffelsCM

    @GreenBlooded: Thanks – yes I was thinking about that incident while posting: in this case point 1 was there, definitely not no 3 and the point no 2 was a bit of a grey area – the tackled player was close to 90 degrees but not more than that

    13 May, 2013 at 08:29
  41. avatar
    #273 Speartackle

    @Klofie Pa: Ek verstaan heeltemaal die beseringspook sage maar aan die einde van die dag onthou die kritici net die score.

    Behalwe vir Affies, speel julle nog teen die ander Pta skole?

    Het julle uit die Admin Cup ook onttrek?

    Is dit waar dat julle kleure dalk gaan verander na groen, geel en rooi?

    13 May, 2013 at 08:26
  42. avatar
    #272 CyndiAtRugby

    @Greenwood: Er that should read “Hilton’s kit WAS all white”

    13 May, 2013 at 08:16
  43. avatar
    #271 Klofie Pa

    @Speartackle: Hopelik as die 1, 2, 7, 8, en 15 terug is sal ons deur hierdie maerweke kan breek!! Ons is dun gesaai met back-up daar in die swemskool.
    En dan kom daar n ding oor die kopstamp van Brood(7 van NK). Grasmasjien het weer gestart!!

    13 May, 2013 at 08:05
  44. avatar
    #270 QC86

    Selborne firsts 52 De Vos Malan 0,how good was Grey Bloems scrums :-D

    13 May, 2013 at 07:56
  45. avatar
    #269 Speartackle

    Hope not Grey is starting a 1 000 day losing streak.

    Lyk my Waterkloof moes maar in die Nu Power gebly het…… pa het altyd gewaarsku teen mense wat te groot vir hul skoene raak.

    Lyk my Monnas se nuwe ‘French flair’ begin momentum kry.

    Arme KES

    Paul Rose moet miskien nuwe velde gaan kweek…………..sommer daar agter Cloetesville oppad Devonvale toe.

    Vrede kan vanjaar net 12 spelers in hul span kies.

    Lyk my die ‘Dream Team’ veg vanjaar vir Paarl se 3de bestes.

    Lekker week julle loafers

    13 May, 2013 at 07:43
  46. avatar
    #268 GreenBlooded

    @BuffelsCM: @Gungets Tuft: A spear tackle is a mandatory RC at ALL levels of the game. I recall Alain Roland sending off a Welshman in a RWC semi-final for a Spear Tackle in 2011. THere has to be 3 elelments for it to be a spear tackle – 1: The tackler must PICK UP the ball carrier. 2: The tackler must TURN the ball carrier in the air through 90 degrees such that his head is lower than his hips. 3: The tackle must drive the ball carrier into the ground OR drop him onto his head/neck. If all 3 elements are present it is a RC.

    13 May, 2013 at 06:36
  47. avatar
    #267 Gungets Tuft

    @BuffelsCM: As far as I know a spear tackle at schoolboy level is an automatic red. Had a discussion with a ref about it this weekend. :roll: :roll:

    12 May, 2013 at 22:29
  48. avatar
    #266 Greenwood

    Guys – Glenwood – Hilton game – I posted a video clip on you tube

    change quality to HD –, recorded in HD – didn’t come out that well though –

    Corne Vermaak’s 1st try – this clip says it all – for those who don’t know Hiltons Kit is all white

    12 May, 2013 at 22:04
  49. avatar
    #265 gimmie

    @Beet, you are rIght, western cape results make no sense…look at this..Bishops draws with Paul Roos in Stellenbosch 22 all. SACS loses to Paul Roos 34-0 at home…SACS beats Bishops at Bishops 22-5!…I think Bishops will bounce back..they nearly beat Boishaai….

    12 May, 2013 at 21:42
  50. avatar
    #264 BuffelsCM

    @Ploegskaar: sorry I’m a bit slow! No it wasn’t Drostdy it was at Swartland last year!

    12 May, 2013 at 21:21
  51. avatar
    #263 BuffelsCM

    @Ploegskaar: Thanks bud! We needed that!
    Why Drostdy ?
    @GreenBlooded: Thanks for that! I thought so – I’ve actually timed it and it was 5 minutes! The referee was correct – it was one of our first team’s guys who was penalized for a “spear tackle”. This is something that IMO should be attended to. I know it’s an automatic yellow for a spear but when is it a red ? Maybe I should put it differently: if the tackled player is lifted but not driven into the ground – is there a different sanction ? In this case he wasn’t driven into the ground but it is such a grey area – any thoughts on that ?

    12 May, 2013 at 21:16
  52. avatar
    #262 GreenBlooded

    @BuffelsCM: Always 5 min although it is not in the U19 variations in the official law book.

    12 May, 2013 at 21:01
  53. avatar
    #261 Ploegskaar

    @BuffelsCM: You can say Drostdy here, Charles :wink: Congrats on the 12-7 win BTW, know your boys needed a positive result, and well done on a all-round good day for Bellville.

    12 May, 2013 at 20:57
  54. avatar
    #260 BuffelsCM

    @GreenBlooded: yes I accept that the captain needs to show respect when addressing the ref. The rest of the guys also know that they are not allowed to query the referee’s decisions – that is the easiest way to get into his “bad books”.
    You’ve talked about keeping the time. What is the duration of a sin-bin in SBR, given that the 1st teams play 70 minutes and the rest 50 minutes (U/14 & 15) and 60 minutes (U/16 and 19B) ? We had a sin bin yesterday and we as coaches weren’t sure about the time. I’ll appreciate it if you can give me a reply

    12 May, 2013 at 20:42
  55. avatar
    #259 Grasshopper

    @Vleis: yeah, Durbanites are a funny bunch, a bit of rain and the temp going below 20 degrees and they stay in doors or go to the mall. My parents even get out the heaters etc if it goes below 15! The schoolboys are usually on wooden stands opposite the main building and 1300 boys looks pretty awesome when in full cry, added to that about 6000 spectators the whole place has a different atmosphere. It was a pity you went on a bad weather day. Not surprised most of the non schoolboy support was from Hilton, all the parents driving down to watch….the Glenwood supporters were tucked away at home….

    12 May, 2013 at 20:30
  56. avatar
    #258 Vleis

    @GreenBlooded: Interesting, but makes sense given that there are more people watching the school games!

    @Grasshopper: According to my Sat Nav, there was only 7km between Westville and GW. I can’t say re the attendance, as it was my first visit to the school. That said, there were a lot of GW schoolboys in blazers in the stands doing war cries. Most of the non-schoolboys were seated in the sheltered area below the classrooms. I’m sure that there are much more people for a clash with DHS/Westville/MC on a sunny day. Surprisingly, I think that up to 40% of the non-schoolboys were supporting Hilton – I was surprised at how much support they had.

    12 May, 2013 at 20:20
  57. avatar
    #257 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Usually when DHS and Glenwood play, the U14 games are played at the away venue. Don’t know why because since DHS don’t field too many teams, they could all be played in one venue

    12 May, 2013 at 20:16
  58. avatar
    #256 GreenBlooded

    @BuffelsCM: That’s not cool at all. A ref who is confident in himself and his law knowledge and application will have no problem discussing a law interpretation if it is approached in a respectful manner. I normally tell the captains that I am prepared to explain a decision but not to have an arguement about it. For example if I call a pass forward, then it was forward – no arguements, it is my call. But if the captain wants to know why an offside player wasn’t placed back onside by a certain action then I will explain the law to him. What does get VERY annoying through is when the guy is in your ear with a ‘question’ diguised as an arguement after every stoppage. Many refs enjoy kids who challenge them on the law – keeps us on our toes.

    12 May, 2013 at 19:54
  59. avatar
    #255 BuffelsCM

    @Vleis: yes Vleis and this confuses the kids. We actually spoke about it yesterday: last year we played a Boland school away and the players complained afterwards that the ref was actually smelling of booze! When our captain asked him about a certain decision, he told him: “Hou jou bek en speel aan”
    How can you teach the kids to show respect to any referee if a ref behaves in the fashion I’ve just described ?
    One ref who assists us from time to time has mentioned it to me that they have a meeting every Monday night. Then they discuss problems of the previous weekends. Unfortunately many referees don’t attend these meetings (they are obliged to do so if they referee at club matches) and simply referee on weekends at school matches, picking up a couple of Rands for their “efforts”.
    We had an incident yesterday when a local referee gave the captain a lecture every time he asked a question. Afterwards he swore at the coach who asked him about certain decisions made (by the way the team won easily and it’s not a case of sour grapes) by him.
    Fortunately the Union appoints the referees for the first XV’s games but spare a thought for the other teams

    12 May, 2013 at 19:36
  60. avatar
    #254 Grasshopper

    @Vleis: it’s really close actually, especially if you go on Spine Rd behind the Pavilion and up over next to the university, max 10k! That is why it’s such a pity the Westville vs Glenwood fixture is not happening this year. I lived in Westville and schooled at Glenwood, easy to do as many people work in lower Glenwood/Umbilo area near the harbour. The distance between DHS and Glenwood is only a few k, probably 3km across the main highway into Durbs. Was the whole of Glenwood there doing war cries in the rain or was the compulsory called off?

    12 May, 2013 at 19:19
  61. avatar
    #253 GreenBlooded

    @Vleis: Normally at school level, the A teams, 2nds and 1sts get Society Refs while the lower teams are reffed by the school-masters / coaches. Definately right that the big games go to the better refs. I saw Kaplan reffing the Paarl Gym vs Paul Roos on the weekend. Craig Joubert will do the College vs Glenwood game in 2 weeks. There is a bun-fight over the big school games: sometimes the very senior guys will forego provincial or premier division games to ge t the school game. Here in KZN, Glenwood vs College, Hilton vs Michaelhouse are some of the more coveted games.

    12 May, 2013 at 19:18
  62. avatar
    #252 GreenBlooded

    @BuffelsCM: Yup. Very true. They seem to forget that we write exams on the law-book. I did No 4 / No 5 duty (that’s the ref who manages the substitutions, sin-bin timer, blood timer etc) at some of the Kearsney and Wildeklawer matches earlier this year. Sitting between the 2 benches and listening to the comments from the 2 different teams is highly amusing – both see a hell of a lot of ‘mistakes’ by the ref by they never seem to see the same mistakes!!

    12 May, 2013 at 19:15
  63. avatar
    #251 Vleis

    @BuffelsCM: Yes, they happened in a game that I watched on Saturday. Clearly, this ref had his own ideas re the laws – e.g. when the captain queried him re numbers in the line-out he replied, “I don’t care about the numbers bullsh*t.”

    In general, the standard seems to improve as the kids get older, as I presume that more senior referees get the more important games. I hear that Jonathan Kaplan is going to referee his Alma Mater’s derby game in a few weeks – i.e. the 1st team game of King David (Linksfield) v King David (VP). I hear that the schools are very excited.

    12 May, 2013 at 19:06
  64. avatar
    #250 BuffelsCM

    @Vleis: You’re welcome Vleis! Have you seen some of these incidents not being policed properly ?
    I have to admit that at school level we really battle with referees. Some referees are so technical while others show little regard for offside lines etc. Having said that, it is no easy job. I’m sure many of us can recall incidents where and when a referee cost us a game. Unfortunately there are only so many good and qualified referees.

    12 May, 2013 at 18:49
  65. avatar
    #249 BuffelsCM

    @GreenBlooded: It is actually amazing to listen to people and their lack of the knowledge of the laws. I don’t want to generalize but some spectators don’t know a lot of the laws but will chastise the referee (while actually making a fool of themselves). Don’t dare to correct them !!

    12 May, 2013 at 18:44
  66. avatar
    #248 Vleis

    @GreenBlooded: @BuffelsCM: Thanks for the info.

    12 May, 2013 at 18:41
  67. avatar
    #247 Vleis

    @Grasshopper: I expected GW to be quite far down the south coast road. When we got to Westville and found out that the games were cancelled, I thought that the GW option would not work as we had to be at the airport at 5.30pm. However, when I plugged GW into the Sat Nav, I was very surprised to find out how close it was. It is only about one kilometer from the city.

    P.S. In an earlier post, “mall” should be “maul” – a Sandton slip that! :lol:

    12 May, 2013 at 18:29
  68. avatar
    #246 GreenBlooded

    There is an online Law Exam on for those wanting to test their law knowledge.

    12 May, 2013 at 18:28
  69. avatar
    #245 GreenBlooded

    @Vleis: We also use the 2 fields at Glenwood Prep for the U14 and U15 lower games. When I was at Glenwood, half of the teams played at the opposite venue so for a Glenwood vs DHS day for example, half the teams played at Glenwood and half the teams played at DHS. Not sure when this arrangement changed. Also the age groups in my day were U13, U14, U15 and opens.

    On your law questions:

    1. No – this is early lifting and is sanctioned by a free kick on the 15m line along the line of touch. Law 19.10.f. Advantage applies so the referee will normally let the throw take place and wait for advantage to accrue before applying the sanction.

    2. No – His feet have to be behind the feet of the props. A lot of refs are no enforcing this. I normally cover this in my pre-match briefing with the front rows, when I get to the ‘Bind’ command I want the tunnel clear. Law 20.2.c and Law 20.8.a.

    12 May, 2013 at 18:24
  70. avatar
    #244 BuffelsCM

    @Vleis: Hi Vleis, I’m no referee but I’m a coach. The answers to the questions: 1) NO, if they do, it should be a free kick to the other (feeding the ball) team; and 2) NO, he is not allowed to do that. Free kick as well

    12 May, 2013 at 18:23
  71. avatar
    #243 Grasshopper

    @Vleis: I remember playing koppestamp in the in goal area with 30 guys, that toughens you up. It shows how well the boys are doing with such little space. Practicing backline moves can be tough running into each other. They do give the 1st and 2nd team squad the most space for obvious reasons, rotating space and organizing practice for 25 teams must be a nightmare! Also a nightmare for the groundsman!

    12 May, 2013 at 18:18
  72. avatar
    #242 Grasshopper

    @Vleis: that is the biggest problem at the school, practice space. Whole age groups get half a field sometimes. Only one scrum machine, but they do have fields at University of KZN up the road that they use for practice and games, great fields. About 4 there. DHS is in the same boat! The city grew up around the schools as when they were built they were in the sticks!

    12 May, 2013 at 18:08
  73. avatar
    #241 Vleis

    @GreenBlooded: Thanks for the info. How does GW complete 25 matches in one day on only 3 fields – are some played on Friday afternoon? Also, where do the teams train, as 25 teams training all week on the match fields would leave them in a poor state?

    On a separate note, if I remember correctly, you are a referee, so I would like to ask you two questions please:
    1) Is the team defending a line-out allowed to lift the number two jumper (before the ball in thrown in) and hold him there until the ball is thrown in?
    2) At scrum time, is the defending team’s hooker allowed to leave his leg/foot in the path of where the attacking team’s s/h would have put the ball in – i.e. not a strike, but just permanently leaving his leg there?

    12 May, 2013 at 17:56
  74. avatar
    #240 Maroon

    @Grasshopper: We beat them 32-0. They do not cope well with teams that also play a structured game. Great win by SACS this weekend though.

    12 May, 2013 at 17:24
  75. avatar
    #239 BuffelsCM

    @Grasshopper:I’ve made some comments about Bishops earlier today – I have to agree with your comments 100%

    12 May, 2013 at 15:35
  76. avatar
    #238 Grasshopper

    Again was a little disappointed with Bishops yesterday, was watching with a few of their Old Boys from 1996, Stuart Abbott and Dan Vickermans year. They were all very bleak with the result. Yes run the ball and play creative rugby but not from behind your own line. The Bishops guys just didn’t know how to kick the ball out. Also, their big loose forward just kept on knocking the ball on driving the ball up. Maybe just a bad day at the office but SACS were in cruise control and never looked like losing. I was quite impressed by them, no stars but worked as a team. The Paarl schools need to beware of them, ruthlessly efficient with no fire works. After Bishops 2nd team demolished the SACS 2nd 73-10 methinks there will be big changes for Gim next week. Enjoyed the school and facilities, reminds me of Kearsney a lot, not as big as Hilton or MHS. Great school though, would be happy to send my son there. If only Glenwood played the Southern suburb schools….

    12 May, 2013 at 15:16
  77. avatar
    #237 Grasshopper

    @Vleis: maybe, but with Vermaak, Joubert, Nela, Ngcobo, Jonas are designed for speed, they surely are the quickest backline in KZN. They scored 2 amazing tries vs Paarl Gim. When they are on form there is not much that can stop them. All ifs buts and maybes, they played in a bog and teams had to adapt. Well to Glenwood for taking it in the end and grinding out a win from behind.

    12 May, 2013 at 15:08
  78. avatar
    #236 Tandem

    @CapeMan: I am not fortunate to live in Western Cape so only see teams occasionally . According to my contacts we just played to our potential for a change . Ask Boishaai Pa he is better positioned to give opinion .

    12 May, 2013 at 15:01
  79. avatar
    #235 BOG

    @GreenBlooded: Going back to my drinking days, there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop a determined drinker- from injecting oranges and naartjies to hip flasks and boxed fruit juices with false bottoms. The druggies could learn from the drinkers when it comes to smuggling. They even injected alcohol into sealed plastic Coke bottles, inside the black plastic”foot piece” They then sealed it with glue again. But those at the gates , especially Loftus, got wise to this and when the spectators arrived at the gates with a “sealed” Coke, they gave it a good shake, which the glue could not contain. Saw some tears with Coke and brandy squirting all over the place.

    12 May, 2013 at 13:35
  80. avatar
    #234 GreenBlooded

    @Vleis: Glad you liked Glenwood!! Yes – we only have 3 rugby fields – the unfortunate result of being an inner city school means that land is at a premium and no real space to expand. There is even a small overlapping zone between the 2nd field (Bassons) and 3rd field (Madsens). The pub on the swimming pool side is for the headmaster’s guests, VIP’s etc while the pub in the new Ivan Clark Pavillion is for supporters of both teams. Both are only open after the main match. One aspect of Glenwood rugby which needs to be followed by other schools is that there is NO achohol allowed on the stands and there are often uniformed policemen walking around enforcing this. When I went to Pretoria Boys High earlier this year, visitors are told by means of a notice given to them at the gate that alchohol is banned at the school.

    12 May, 2013 at 12:58
  81. avatar
    #233 Vleis

    Oh…and happy mother’s day to Cyndi and any other mum bloggers out there!

    12 May, 2013 at 12:56
  82. avatar
    #232 Vleis

    @Grasshopper: You say so, but I’m sure that a Hilton supporter will say that dry weather suits their team – especially given the number of tries that they ran in v MH. Certainly, yesterday’s game was touch and go with 7 minutes left. It was nine all, and Hilton was attacking on Glenwood’s line. The mall was held up a metre short. There were 14 Hilton players and 13 GW players in the mall!! :lol: 8-O If Hilton had got that over the line, it would have been very difficult for GW to come back, but credit to GW for pulling this one out of the bag in tough conditions.

    Any answers to my other questions re the school facilities. My son was impressed.

    12 May, 2013 at 12:27
  83. avatar
    #231 BuffelsCM

    @sacssupporter: Hi sacssupporter, congrats with the win against Bishops. Last week, after the Bishops game, a couple of us discussed the way that Bishops play: very entertaining but we “predicted” that they would lose to a side that could match them upfront and could play a more structured game. From the little I’ve read, it seems that Bishops kept on running the ball from in their 22 m area: suicide against any good team !!
    In my opinion Bishops could do much better if they play a little more conservatively at times

    12 May, 2013 at 12:26
  84. avatar
    #230 sacssupporter

    @Ploegskaar: Brilliant result for Stellenberg, and a good win for SACS over Bishops – 25th May at stellenberg is going to be a cracker!

    12 May, 2013 at 12:13
  85. avatar
    #229 Grasshopper

    @Vleis: the conditions suited Hilton, if it had been played in the dry I think Glenwood’s backline would have justified the scoreline

    12 May, 2013 at 11:52
  86. avatar
    #228 Rhino

    Doh – try again……….. was thinking the westville v GW game woulda been good and close such a pity its off this year ..tut tut naughty GW haha.. decent win v Hilton…….. 21-9 was it. we beat them 20-10 and also was close till the end apparently. Wondering when they gonna play the Wesville v queersney match ? such a pity as mid week games not the same is it.

    12 May, 2013 at 11:48
  87. avatar
    #227 Rhino

    Thinking … the WESTVILLE

    12 May, 2013 at 11:46
  88. avatar
    #226 Oom Kaspaas

    @gimmie: Gaan jy ooit n direkte vraag met feite antwoord?

    12 May, 2013 at 11:21
  89. avatar
    #225 Vleis

    I watched two SBR games yesterday that each had completely contrasting halves. In the first game, St Alban’s destroyed St Charles in the first half to lead 34 to 6 at the break. St Alban’s were missing their captain and 2012 SA schools player (Abongile) and then took off their 2012 Bulls Academy week player (Jose) after about 15 minutes. Then they put on a few more subs at half time…and promptly lost the 2nd half by 10 points to 3. It must be added that a few 50/50 decisions seemed to favour St Alban’s in the 1st half, but then the ref took a strong disliking to St Alban’s after the break, blowing them up for penalty after penalty and even awarding the home side a try when it was obvious to the whole crowd that the winger had knocked the ball on. Kudos to St Charles for fighting back, but it does show how much difference a ref can make….unfortunately.

    Then, we went to Westville to be greeted by empty stands surrounding a swimming pool, so headed down the road to Glenwood. The difference between the GW 1st team ground to St Charles was night and day. My son was very impressed with the GW grounds – especially the “Mean Machine” banner, while I looked on wistfully at the fantastic looking pub above the in goal area. Who is it for? How many fields does GW have, as we could only see three?

    The GW v Hilton game was played in atrocious conditions – the water was about 10cm deep in the in-goal area below the pub and the field was a mud-bath, but it held up remarkably well considering. Hilton totally dominated the 1st half and should have been about ten points clear at the break, rather than three. They adapted to the conditions better and their s/h had a cracker, with strong runs, great up and unders and brilliant service. Their mauls were very good too. GW made mistake after mistake in the 1st half, but dominated the 2nd half by cutting down on the errors and playing in Hilton’s half. The game was locked at 9 all until about five minutes to go, when GW finally ran in two tries. GW deserved to eventually score for being prepared to continually run the ball in such poor conditions; however, the scoreline flattered them a little.

    12 May, 2013 at 10:27
  90. avatar
    #224 Tjoppa

    @gimmie: Overreacting a bit Gimmie? Just asked a innocent question. Must then be no 11. So next year he wont be eligible to play. Just hope he manages to pass Grade 11.

    12 May, 2013 at 07:05
  91. avatar
    #223 gimmie

    Tjoppa, sorry mate our nr 14 is 16 years of age, we do not have 1 player born earlier than 1995 in our team…we declined to accept several players who wanted to to come to us for post matric..we firmly believe that is destroys the group and spirit…we do not buy any players.. We do not need to..our boys have Gimmie Guts…

    11 May, 2013 at 23:50
  92. avatar
    #222 gimmie

    Oom Kaspaas, se jy vir my hoe dit werk dat Boishaai 7 laatjies innie WP A span het met Gim 5 (wat alklaar genoeg is) ek is te dom om dit te nie te praat van Paul Roos se afrigter se rekord van 3 wenne in 9 games vanjaar en hy word WP craven week afrigter…dis n absolute grap…daar is been logika in al die gemors nie…

    11 May, 2013 at 23:45
  93. avatar
    #221 Tjoppa

    @gimmie: Sorry not fishing for story. His age? Maybe it was your no 14. Apparently playing his 50th for 1st 15 before end of year.

    11 May, 2013 at 23:37
  94. avatar
    #220 gimmie

    Q@tjoppa, grant Hermanus is in grade 11, he has never willingly repeated any year…talented youngster… Can become a special player if he plays with more discipline…

    11 May, 2013 at 23:35
  95. avatar
    #219 Tjoppa

    @gimmie: Congrats. What is the story that no 11 wing is repeating matric. Is the Cape reinventing post matrics? That will be a sad day. Hope the info is wrong.

    11 May, 2013 at 22:34
  96. avatar
    #218 Oom Kaspaas

    @gimmie: meervoudige Boishaai keurders? Is jy seker van jou saak?

    11 May, 2013 at 22:18
  97. avatar
    #217 beet

    Some big upsets in the W.Cape today

    Boland Landbou losing to Stellenberg, Tiere’s season to forget continuing at the hands of Stellenberg, Wynberg (ranked 10 by SASchoolsports) getting bliksemmed by Boishaai and Bishops virtually pleading no contest at home to SACS.

    11 May, 2013 at 21:30
  98. avatar
    #216 CyndiAtRugby

    @McCulleys Workshop: Ha ha, far better than what I was saying about the ref mentally. My best was how upset he was when his jersey got splashed with mud. Photos will be uploaded tomorrow. Photographer still drying out.

    11 May, 2013 at 21:22
  99. avatar
    #215 Ploegskaar

    @CapeMan: :mrgreen: congrats on your win against Bishops, thought it was on the cards after seeing Bishops play last week.

    11 May, 2013 at 20:49
  100. avatar
    #214 CapeMan

    @Ploegskaar: haha, I knew it wasn’t for me the moment you spoke die taal. Hardl luck on your loss today.

    11 May, 2013 at 20:06
  101. avatar
    #213 Ploegskaar

    @Ploegskaar: sorry, that was meant for @Tandem!

    11 May, 2013 at 19:50
  102. avatar
    #212 Ploegskaar

    @CapeMan: :wink: , kom ons kyk hoe gaan dit teen die Rose volgende naweek. Great wen vir HJS vandag, Wynberg is taai, en selfde vir die Bloedworse, PRG op Markotter is ‘n harde neut.

    11 May, 2013 at 19:48
  103. avatar
    #211 Ploegskaar

    @Ploegskaar: regatelling:
    U14a Stellenberg 17 Boland 7
    Sorry Don :wink:

    11 May, 2013 at 19:43
  104. avatar
    #210 CapeMan

    @Tandem: What happened in Paarl? It seems you guys rolled over Wynberg in the 2nd seems your boys were angry from that lost to Glenwood

    11 May, 2013 at 19:42
  105. avatar
    #209 Tandem

    @Ploegskaar: Of course Boland will always be a good team , no doubt about that !

    11 May, 2013 at 19:39
  106. avatar
    #208 beet

    @McCulleys Workshop: The Kearsney fullback is in Gr12 but is still u17

    11 May, 2013 at 19:13
  107. avatar
    #207 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: ‘n Uitgedunde span teen ‘n honger en uitstekend afgerigte span. Geen klagtes, Tian Nel van Boland was briljant en Tiaan Swanepoel van Stellenberg ewe skitterend. Geluk aan Duppie en Divan, 2 afrigters wat hulle gatte afwerk en koppe op vir Boland, volgende week is ‘n paar staatmakers terug vir die Rose op die Plaas.

    11 May, 2013 at 18:54
  108. avatar
    #206 McCulleys Workshop

    @Grasshopper: I’ve watched both fullbacks, Kearsneys and Glenwoods, I’m led to believe that Kearsneys fullback is in grade 11. I think GW 15 has the edge on him for size and speed? The Hilton fullback was also good. I’ve watched Rupert since grade 6, saw his season at WBHS in U14, and he just seems off the pace. I always thought he had great potential, but he is going to have to take a step up to even make CW, let alone be competitive after school.

    11 May, 2013 at 18:39
  109. avatar
    #205 beet

    @Grasshopper: @HORSEFLY NO.1: Fullback today was Corne Vermaak. He is in peak form at moment. All 21 points

    11 May, 2013 at 18:38
  110. avatar
    #204 beet

    @Umtata: Thanks

    11 May, 2013 at 18:37
  111. avatar
    #203 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Lines is in matric and them being the best two is an opinion…

    11 May, 2013 at 18:29
  112. avatar
    #202 gimmie

    @tjoppa, all that happened was that Gym had an important win against a good and very motivated Paul Roos side in Stellenbosch. Remember Paul Roos were very competitive against Affies last week losing 17-10 after leading 10-0 at half time. We were not at our best but Paul Roos impressed me. They are going to take a few big scalps still….I thought it would be easier but we are very happy with a 24-15 win away from home…

    11 May, 2013 at 18:15
  113. avatar
    #201 Umtata

    @Beet: Dale College 36 Port Rex 0

    11 May, 2013 at 18:13
  114. avatar
    #200 Grasshopper

    @McCulleys Workshop: those are the 4 players I rate highly Van Vuuren at hooker, tall and abrasive. Coetzee at 8, great prospect for 2014, Mazibuko a complete tackling and carrying animal and finally Joubert at fullback, another great prospect for 2014. He and Lines from Kearsney are the best fullbacks in KZN and both grade 11. I knew with the weather it would nullify the Glenwood backs and suit Hilton’s forwards. Good win though!

    11 May, 2013 at 18:10
  115. avatar
    #199 Djou

    @Tjoppa: Don’t know if you are a Affies supporter, but if so, a very warm congratulations.
    @Beet: I note that HTS Middelburg beat Nelspruit 19-14 in the NuPower final. Well done to HTS Middelburg and congratulations on your new status as CHAMPIONS.

    11 May, 2013 at 18:08
  116. avatar
    #198 PaarlBok

    Daar gat Bog=Grey Bloem se nr1 ranking. Jammer my mater! Geluk aan Affies. Gim vs Affies sou ‘n grote gewees het in 2013.

    11 May, 2013 at 18:02
  117. avatar
    #197 McCulleys Workshop

    No, just pulling the piss, really bad conditions, a forward battle, lots of penalties both ways, some unnecessary, suspect yellow, but that’s rugby. Tough game, 7, 8 and 15 for GW their better players. Wright a one man danger machine for Hilton. Looks like he spent the off season on Barley Green, great kicking from base of the scrum and rucks. Very big up and unders. I thought the GW hooker was also good.

    11 May, 2013 at 17:57
  118. avatar
    #196 GreenBlooded

    @McCulleys Workshop: Yikes! Tell me more about this Ref??

    11 May, 2013 at 17:50
  119. avatar
    #195 CapeMan

    @Grasshopper: Its that 3pm kick-off, but atleast youve got a taste of a Cape derby. I heard we got smashed in the u19 age group. I think you will see a reversal at SACS next term. This tends to happen. I wonder how my u14s and u15s did because they are highly rated

    11 May, 2013 at 17:48
  120. avatar
    #194 Tjoppa

    @Djou: It was a Great victory. Lekker Affies

    11 May, 2013 at 17:46
  121. avatar
    #193 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Ploegie wat de hel gaan daar aan. Julle en Klofies maak my oud. Geluk Boishaai en Affies. Paarl Gym het julle jul CW laat rus of wat het gebeur,

    11 May, 2013 at 17:45
  122. avatar
    #192 Sir Pius

    GW 21 – 9 Hilton (Full time)

    11 May, 2013 at 17:01
  123. avatar
    #191 Djou

    Congrats Affies. You beat Grey away. A great feat and against my expectations.

    What’s happening at Waterkloof – losing to Noord-Kaap?

    11 May, 2013 at 17:01
  124. avatar
    #190 Gungets Tuft

    College 23-9 ft

    11 May, 2013 at 16:57
  125. avatar
    #189 McCulleys Workshop

    Great try for Glenwood, from there own half, 14 and 15 blitzing down the wing. Great conversion GW 21 Hilton 9. The refs left his speech at home and decided let the game flow. Final score.

    11 May, 2013 at 16:57
  126. avatar
    #188 McCulleys Workshop

    GW 14 Hilton 9

    11 May, 2013 at 16:51
  127. avatar
    #187 McCulleys Workshop

    GW try in the corner to Vermaak. Ref not involved, thank God!

    11 May, 2013 at 16:50
  128. avatar
    #186 Ploegskaar

    Other results:
    Bellville vs Swartland
    U19a B’ville 24 S’land 15
    U16a B’ville 31 S’land 0 :mrgreen:
    U15a B’ville 12 S’land 7
    U14a B’ville 15 S’land 7

    Durbanville vs Tygerberg
    U19a D’ville 20 Tygerberg 18

    11 May, 2013 at 16:45
  129. avatar
    #185 McCulleys Workshop

    GW 9 Hilton 9 Ref now have his hair done, about to get his award!

    11 May, 2013 at 16:44
  130. avatar
    #184 McCulleys Workshop

    Very wet, field is just mud. Lots of handling
    Errors and big up and unders.

    11 May, 2013 at 16:43
  131. avatar
    #183 McCulleys Workshop

    GW 9 Hilton 6, ref having his makeup done and still on centre stage

    11 May, 2013 at 16:41
  132. avatar
    #182 Rhino

    Whats the lastest score for GW ? is it still raining as thinking wish the WBHS v KC coulda been played ?

    11 May, 2013 at 16:38
  133. avatar
    #181 McCulleys Workshop

    GW 6 Hilton 6 ref going for an Oscar or a bonus of sorts!

    11 May, 2013 at 16:34
  134. avatar
    #180 Ploegskaar

    @Tandem: Yes and no. Boland were depleted today, but this well-coached Stellenberg side, which I mentioned will cause a few upsets this year, played with guts and tackled their hearts out. A close win or draw would not have meant a lot for Landbou, whereas this result is good for a school that is investing in their rugby future. Still proud of the Landbou boys and they will be back next year.

    11 May, 2013 at 16:27
  135. avatar
    #179 Gungets Tuft

    College vs House. 1st team score 15-3 at half time. Light rain and midfield mud patch

    11 May, 2013 at 16:16
  136. avatar
    #178 McCulleys Workshop

    1st Team half time GW 3 Hilton 6

    11 May, 2013 at 16:16
  137. avatar
    #177 Anonymous

    @horsefly It will be after st charles if we can organise.

    11 May, 2013 at 15:50
  138. avatar
    #176 wakker akker

    @Grasshopper: mooi affies en mooi stellenberg.

    11 May, 2013 at 15:48
  139. avatar
    #175 Grasshopper

    Massive game at Bishops today, finally felt some gees in a Cape derby. Still not the same as KZN but close ish. SACS have a good team with no real obvious weakness. Bishops were poor today though, never kicked in their own half. Big surprise result! Funny what derbies can do, bishops smashed them in every other game except the one that counts!

    11 May, 2013 at 15:39
  140. avatar
    #174 McCulleys Workshop

    2nd team Final Score GW 13 Hilton 0

    11 May, 2013 at 15:30
  141. avatar
    #173 McCulleys Workshop

    Half time 2nd Team GW 0 Hilton 0

    11 May, 2013 at 14:56
  142. avatar
    #172 Tandem

    @Ploegskaar: Hi Ploegskaar : this surely is a big surprise ? I did not see this result coming !

    11 May, 2013 at 14:54
  143. avatar
    #171 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Is a midweek fixture the greatest idea? I mean, DHS does play Glenwood on Saturday so there will be some tired bodies come Saturday putting the boys at a serious disadvantage!!

    Just my 2cents worth though because a couple of those DHS teams have a good chance at beating Glenwood

    11 May, 2013 at 14:33
  144. avatar
    #170 McCulleys Workshop

    16 A Glenwood 10 – Hilton 8
    Hilton led until last 20 sec of the game when GW got a penalty which they converted. Hilton no 8 De Marigny very good.

    11 May, 2013 at 14:29
  145. avatar
    #169 Gungets Tuft

    At College va House, College scores first
    U14a 15-5
    U15a 43-0
    U16a 20-17

    11 May, 2013 at 13:54
  146. avatar
    #168 Ploegskaar

    U19 S’berg 28 Lanbou 25
    U16 S’berg 5 Lanbou 36
    U15 S’berg 14 Landbou 17
    U14 S’berg 17 Landbou 17
    Well done Stellies, great guts!

    11 May, 2013 at 13:54
  147. avatar
    #167 CapeMan

    Bishops 5 – SACS 22 FT. :-D

    11 May, 2013 at 13:18
  148. avatar
    #166 Anonymous

    We will be trying to reschedule for a midweek fixture. More info to follow once we have done so.

    11 May, 2013 at 13:05
  149. avatar
    #165 beet

    @Woltrui: Thanks Woltrui. Good info there

    11 May, 2013 at 12:05
  150. avatar
    #164 Woltrui

    Garsies/Jansies: Garsies hardloop Eg stukkend in eerste halfte. No 10 en 12 van Garsies wat briljant speel. EG aan die slaap. Buiten hul 7, wat brutaal verdedig, speel die res van die span swak. Tweede halfte begin EG baie meer doelgerig. No 8, 10, 11 en 13 lig hul spel. Eg terug In wedstryd met goeie konstruktiewe rugby. Beide spanne kry geleentheid in doodsnikke van wedstryd, .om met strafskoppe, die wedstryd te wen. Beide stelskoppers se pogings misluk. Baie goeie en konstruktiewe rugby wedstryd. Sal verbaas wees as die 10 van Garsies nie CW span maak. No 7 van EG my speler van wedstryd. Moet in kompetisie wees met Paarl Gim se 7 vir Sa skole span

    11 May, 2013 at 11:42
  151. avatar
    #163 HORSEFLY NO.1


    11 May, 2013 at 11:16
  152. avatar
    #162 Rhino

    @ Star

    Yeah lets hope so. And yep i would also go and support the whites as i know the GW boys ( grassy etc ) were secretly supporting KC.. lol all good fun.

    Dam man whats with the weather – its cold here in the UK but no rain at least !!! for now ;-)

    11 May, 2013 at 11:12
  153. avatar
    #161 NW_Knight

    @Horsey: Which twitter feed?

    11 May, 2013 at 11:09
  154. avatar
    #160 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Think some of the games will be rescheduled as per Twitter feed.

    11 May, 2013 at 10:49
  155. avatar
    #159 GreenBlooded

    @star: Saw a photo this morning – Dixons is attracting sea life.

    11 May, 2013 at 10:44
  156. avatar
    #158 beet

    @NW_Knight: :mrgreen:

    Horsey is a very passionate PRO for his school

    11 May, 2013 at 10:16
  157. avatar
    #157 Westers

    @star: Hopefully they reschedule all games for midweek – if not this week, at least before the season ends.

    11 May, 2013 at 10:14
  158. avatar
    #156 NW_Knight

    sorry “hear” not “here”

    11 May, 2013 at 10:08
  159. avatar
    #155 star

    @ Westers- Ye all games now cancelled. Some part of Bowdens an inch under water. I might go to Dixons to support the Whites. Does anyone know the situation there?

    11 May, 2013 at 10:08
  160. avatar
    #154 NW_Knight

    @Beet: Would be nice to reschedule at least some of the games against DHS, or we won’t here the end of it from @Horsey :-D

    11 May, 2013 at 10:07
  161. avatar
    #153 Westers

    @beet: Just seen on communicator that all rugby against Kearsney has now been cancelled

    11 May, 2013 at 10:02
  162. avatar
    #152 Rugbyman

    @beet:garsies also missed a few key players… But I hear it was brilliant to watc, the draw maybe a fitting result! I think these two will se each other again in the Beeld trophy later in the year! Mouth waterring stuff!

    11 May, 2013 at 09:51
  163. avatar
    #151 beet

    @flyparent: Thanks.

    Glenwood 1st-4ths + A-team games still on

    11 May, 2013 at 09:42
  164. avatar
    #150 beet

    @Woltrui: Wow! Sounds like it was a cracker. EG came back nicely. I was concerned that EG might be without both their 1st 2 choice scrummies and that this would affect their game. Real pity Garsies don’t have a game on TV. They seem to have this Outeniqua-like attacking style about them

    11 May, 2013 at 09:41
  165. avatar
    #149 Rugbyman

    @Woltrui: Ek hoor dit was n baie goeie game wollie? Ek kom eers nou-nou LC toe so ek het dit gemis… Vertel, vertel…

    11 May, 2013 at 09:25
  166. avatar
    #148 Woltrui

    Garsies 36 – 36 JANSIES. Gelykop. Eindtelling.

    11 May, 2013 at 09:22
  167. avatar
    #147 Westers

    @beet: Hopefully the Westville and Kearsney powers that be get together and arrange midweek fixtures for the balance of the teams. Huge disappointment for the lower team boys with 2 big fixtures rained out now.

    11 May, 2013 at 09:19
  168. avatar
    #146 flyparent

    @McCulleys Workshop: Glenwood only playing A team games and some open games at the moment.

    11 May, 2013 at 09:19
  169. avatar
    #145 beet

    @McCulleys Workshop: Yip

    College surprisingly has the all clear so far and Westville are down to A-team and their 2nd XV games only

    11 May, 2013 at 09:11
  170. avatar
    #144 McCulleys Workshop

    @beet: Are the other two games still on?

    11 May, 2013 at 08:58
  171. avatar
    #143 beet

    DHS vs Northwood – cancelled

    Heavy rain

    11 May, 2013 at 08:56
  172. avatar
    #142 beet

    @Woltrui: Wow! Garsies really pulling away there. Thanks for the update

    11 May, 2013 at 08:53
  173. avatar
    #141 Woltrui

    Garsies 22 – 7 Jansies. Halftyd.

    11 May, 2013 at 08:41
  174. avatar
    #140 Maroon

    @Ploegskaar: Paul Roos wen hokkie 5-2, tweedespan wen 10-0. Nou vir die hoofmaal. Dit gaan taai wees!

    11 May, 2013 at 00:22
  175. avatar
    #139 BoishaaiPa

    @gimmie: Assumptions is the other of all F-ups…Only 2 of them in the WP A out of position anyway…There are 5 other selectors as well…team dynamics works different than individual prowess.

    10 May, 2013 at 18:50
  176. avatar
    #138 RBugger

    What a game to look forward to this weekend – for me personally, this game makes or breakes Kearsneys 2013 season

    10 May, 2013 at 15:34
  177. avatar
    #137 GimOB

    @gimmie: Me thinks BH are giving the ‘dropped’ guys a rest after rigorous trails. ‘Just hope they don’t underestimate WB.

    10 May, 2013 at 14:51
  178. avatar
    #136 Buffel

    @star: There are a lot of friends playing against each other which adds a bit more spice and some bragging rights. Can’t wait but bring the warm clothes and old brown along. Space is going to be premium. Good luck to all the boys and hope injuries are a minimum.

    10 May, 2013 at 14:08
  179. avatar
    #135 gimmie

    @bhkgpa, that is unbelievable. 10 days ago the very same Boishaai selectors pushed 3 of these players (that they have now dropped) into the WP A team. So what they are saying is that these players are good enough to play for WP but not to find a place in a struggling Boishaai tea. Mind boggling stuff that makes a mockery of the system…

    10 May, 2013 at 12:55
  180. avatar
    #134 Tjoppa

    @Ooorkant Loftus: Jeppe by 15

    10 May, 2013 at 12:32
  181. avatar
    #133 Ooorkant Loftus

    KES vs Jeppe tomorrow.

    Does anybody know what the kickoff time is of the First Team sides?

    10 May, 2013 at 12:11
  182. avatar
    #132 BuffelsCM

    @BOG: ‘n man mag maar hoop Bog !! As mens ophou hoop, kan jy maar net sowel opgee

    10 May, 2013 at 12:07
  183. avatar
    #131 BOG

    @BuffelsCM: Ek het vroeer gese dat ek beindruk is. Moet my nie nou teleurstel nie. Dink jy wraggies dat dit sal verander. Miskien,maar hulle sal dit nog strenger maak. Mense moet begin besef dat ons met ideologie en gladnie met rugby of beginsels nie. Kom, nou, ek merk jy was ook op Maties en ek merk ook dat jy die “nuwe” Maties darem vrygespring het. Sulke valse verwagtinge kan mens vd nuwe opbrengs te wagte wees, maar die oues, seker darem nie.

    10 May, 2013 at 11:59
  184. avatar
    #130 Tjoppa

    @BuffelsCM: Meriete alleen sal nooit ‘n groot rol speel by die keuse van enige span nie. Die mens ongelukkig betrokke.

    10 May, 2013 at 11:13
  185. avatar
    #129 star

    @ Gungets- the College U14F team is the banker :mrgreen:

    10 May, 2013 at 11:12
  186. avatar
    #128 star

    @ Oldschool- Calmness or quiet resignation. :lol: But Buffel is right about the 5 games in question. There are no clear cut winners and whichever school gets the early head of steam could be the one that prevails. Kearsney’s 2nds have some quality players as do Westville and there is not much between the U14/15 and 16 As. Suddendly the B and C team games gain added importance. The rain must not spoil the occasion.

    10 May, 2013 at 11:11
  187. avatar
    #127 BuffelsCM

    @BOG: Ja Bog ek is maar huiwerig maar dit is ongelukkig die feite. Wat so erg is, is die feit dat die GK-seuns in 1997 gebore is – wanneer gaan die 11/11 ophou en meriete die enigste rol speel ?
    Wat jou ander punt betref, glo ek daarin om gesprekke nie te omskep in “people bashing” sessies nie. Dis maar hoe ek is

    10 May, 2013 at 11:11
  188. avatar
    #126 BuffelsCM

    @bhkgpa: Ek dink ook so – hy is “vrot” van die “ball sense”. Behalwe dat hy die afgelope 2 jaar 1ste spanrugby speel, speel hy al ‘n paar jaar 1ste span gholf en tennis. Hy is ook lid van die skool se atletiekspan en kry elke jaar ‘n podiumplek by die MTBS in diskus en gewigstoot – uitstekend as jy sien hoe klein hy eintlik is!
    Hy was verlede jaar in die WP O/17B-krieketspan maar na ‘n paar honderd- en vyftigtalle kon hulle hom nie meer uithou nie. Hy is ook ‘n bruikbare draaibalbouler en uitstekende veldwerker

    10 May, 2013 at 11:02
  189. avatar
    #125 bhkgpa

    @BuffelsCM: baie bly vir sy part, hy verdien dit

    10 May, 2013 at 10:05
  190. avatar
    #124 bhkgpa

    @GimOB: ja dit is korrek, daar was weer semi proewe en die volgende veranderinge is gemaak , nuwe vaskop, flank, scrummie, losskakel , senter, Dewald Naude gedrop, en Dante terug waar hy moet wees op 15. Ek glo dit sal nou beter gaan by agterspelers as hulle eers mekaar gevind het

    10 May, 2013 at 10:04
  191. avatar
    #123 Tjoppa

    @PaarlBok: Gim by 30

    10 May, 2013 at 09:22
  192. avatar
    #122 Tjoppa

    @GimOB: Boishaai by 4

    10 May, 2013 at 09:18
  193. avatar
    #121 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Ek weet nie van sy diplomatieke vermoens nie, (ek het hom in Londen met 2 jaar gemis, waarvoor ek dankbaar is), maar slegs sy vermoens van oorgawe. “Surrender” miskien beter beskrywend.

    10 May, 2013 at 08:16
  194. avatar
    #120 PaarlBok

    Alle paaie lei na Stellenbosch.

    10 May, 2013 at 08:11
  195. avatar
    #119 Ploegskaar

    @BuffelsCM: Puik prestasie as jy in ag need dat daar 7 Rondebosch spelers in die span is! Geniet die rugby more.

    10 May, 2013 at 07:50
  196. avatar
    #118 GimOB

    @BHP, @Tandem, @bhkgp: Die stories loop dat BH se eerstespan redelik geskommel is. Is dit so? Hoe lyk span nou? Is dit om die proewe-seuns ‘n ‘break’ te gee? Lig ons in, man.

    10 May, 2013 at 07:49
  197. avatar
    #117 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Hoe dan anders BOG, die man rig af by en ondersteun die alma mater van Dawie de Villiers, so diplomasie is ‘n gegewe.

    10 May, 2013 at 07:49
  198. avatar
    #116 BuffelsCM

    Dankie Ploegskaar! Sterkte met Landbou !
    So terloops, Jean, die losskakel het toe WP O/19A-krieket gekry !!

    10 May, 2013 at 07:27
  199. avatar
    #115 BOG

    @BuffelsCM: Ek is beindruk. Nieteenstaande die geselskap met wie jy hier deurmekaar geraak het, het jy deurgaans beleefd gebly- byna 3 ure lank!! Welgedaan, dit moet n rekord wees. En net terloops, sover dit spankeuses aangaan, merk ek n huiwering om die grootste oorsaak vir weglating te meld- kwotas. Konneksies speel sekerlik n rol, maar n kwota van 11/11 vir CW kan beslis nie misgekyk word nie. Kinders moet hierop voorbereid wees en verstaan dat meriete by die kies van verteenwoordigende spanne van O16 tot O 23 in SA, gladnie n rol speel nie. En natuurlik, moet n mens n absolute skaap wees om nie te besef dat dit n vernietigende impak gaan he op SA rugby. Tragedie, maar realiteit.

    10 May, 2013 at 05:36
  200. avatar
    #114 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Hy het laasjaar en begin die jaar by Tuks saam my seun gespeel. Voel hy is te groot vir die posisie en sy algemene spel eerder die van ‘n 4 slot of flank. Hoop hom die beste toe in NZ. Soos vele spelers in die Bulle baie beloftes gemaak en nou uitgespoeg.

    10 May, 2013 at 05:11
  201. avatar
    #113 Ploegskaar

    @BuffelsCM: Julle moet Saterdag lekker jol teen Swartland, sal tellings by Gideon kry!

    9 May, 2013 at 22:17
  202. avatar
    #112 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: Jy het my so bietjie verloor met die laaste paragraaf, maar sover ek weet is hy binnekort in NZ. Sal jou egter goed glo oor hoe ons spelers lek, absoluut tragies.

    9 May, 2013 at 22:16
  203. avatar
    #111 BuffelsCM

    @Tjoppa: Ek het nie geweet van die spesifieke syfers nie maar ek weet dit is ‘n feit dat baie seuns wat O/13 provinsiaal speel, dit nie maak nie.
    Ek het nou die seun (jong man eintlik) se naam vergeet wat stut vir Affies gespeel het. Hy was O/15 nog in die B-span of C-span maar 2 jaar later het hy SA Skole gespeel! So ja daar is baie seuns wat laat ontwikkel

    9 May, 2013 at 21:54
  204. avatar
    #110 Tjoppa

    @BuffelsCM: Ek het ongelukkig vir jou slegte nuus. You can. Ek se altyd wat gaan bepaal of so seun wel eendag gaan rugby speel hang baie van sy ouers af. Hul gaan hom moet bystaan en gemotiveerd hou.
    Bietjie sinnelose statistiek. Slegs 32% van 0/14A seuns speel by makro skole eerste span.
    Maar ja ongelukkig deel van ons rugby wereld en ek kan dit nie vinnig sien verander nie. Hartseer maar waar.

    9 May, 2013 at 21:36
  205. avatar
    #109 BuffelsCM

    @Tjoppa – dit is nie my seun nie maar ek het hom lank terug afgerig. Ek sien hom weekliks speel en hy is regtig goed: hy het alles…behalwe ‘n plek in die laaste groep.

    Ek noem dit altyd aan die seuns wat ek afrig: “You can’t keep a good man down”. So dit is my raad aan hom en sy pa!

    9 May, 2013 at 21:30
  206. avatar
    #108 Tjoppa

    @BuffelsCM: Ek het geen raad nie. Gee hom net baie liefde en ondersteuning.

    9 May, 2013 at 21:20
  207. avatar
    #107 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Bevestig hy is vir vanjaar gekontrakteer by Valke. oulike seun het laasjaar by Tuks rugby gespeel. Kan nie verstaan hoekom enigiemand die man na stut toe geskuif het nie. Lekker balvaardig en mobiel maar beslis nie ‘n vaskop stut nie. Dok Craven altyd gese vasskop word gebore en ek glo nie jy kan op 20 so ‘n skuif maak nie. Maar nou jou my oudste se aangename man maar net hel groot. Hy is maar 1.78 en dus het die balans in die voorry met nog ‘n korter haker nie gewerk nie.

    9 May, 2013 at 21:19
  208. avatar
    #106 BuffelsCM

    @Tjoppa, ek het die laaste rondte van die Grant Khomo-proewe gekyk. Die loskopstutte van die A en B-span is nie een ingesluit in die finale groep van 41 spelers. Daar is 3 vaskopstutte in (van die A en B-span + nog een) en die C en D-spanne se loskopstutte. Laasgenoemde 2 is nie naasteby in dieselfde klas as die 2 wat dit nie gemaak het nie.
    Die een flank, wie se pa vir die Unie werk, was in die C of D-span. Hy het die laaste 10 minute rondgestap op die veld maar hy is in die laaste 41 spelers.

    Hoe verduidelik mens dit aan ‘n seun dat hy goed genoeg is maar dat hy ongelukkig nie “well connected” is nie

    9 May, 2013 at 21:08
  209. avatar
    #105 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Weet hy het onlangs by Valke begin nie seker van die ander nie. Ons top seuns loop in hordes. Boggger die rhino save our rugby. Genoemde agent het laasjaar 46 seuns permanent die land uit geneem en tydens ‘n onlangse gesprek alreeds 31 vir vanjaar geteken. Blykbaar Frankryk, Italie en VSA in daardie volgorde. Veral 7’s spelers in groot aanvraag.

    9 May, 2013 at 21:04
  210. avatar
    #104 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: Ek verneem Stefan Schoeman het ‘n kontrak in NZ of Australie gekry?

    9 May, 2013 at 20:55
  211. avatar
    #103 Tjoppa

    @BuffelsCM: Werk daagliks met die gevalle. Beweer geensins ek kan talent identifiseer of aanhelp nie. Maar om ‘n seun wat werklik potensiaal in die oe te kyk en aan hom probeer verduidelik dat hy met harde werk bo sal uitkom al weet jy nie eers hope talent en harde werk is deesdae genoeg nie. Dit is wie jy of jou pa ken en mee saamdrink. Watter skool jy is. Wat gaan bepaal of jy eendag bo gaan uitkom. Ek wil vanaand ‘n stelling maak dat BEE minder skade aan ons rugby doen as hierdie onbevoegde mense wat met die kinders werk. Mense wat aan diens staan van die einste kinders wat hulle bedonner. net om in sekere kringe aanvaarbaar te wees.
    Wat alles so veel te meer erg maak is dat van die top recruiters van oorsee reguit se dat CW ‘n klug is. Oorsee sien nie CW as ‘n vereiste vir kontraktering nie. Die wereld lag vir ons.

    9 May, 2013 at 20:51
  212. avatar
    #102 BuffelsCM

    @Tjoppa – aangesien ek nuut is, sal ek op my plek probeer wees! Nee Tjoppa ek is regtig ‘n ou wat goeie rugby geniet. As ek luister na Ploegskaar se kennis en passie oor skole-rugby en sy ondersteuning van Boland Landbou, kan ek sien julle 2 is seker goeie pelle.

    Dit maak my net vies as kinders ingedoen word by die kies van die spanne vir die onderskeie provinsiale skolespanne

    9 May, 2013 at 20:42
  213. avatar
    #101 Tjoppa

    @BuffelsCM: Ek wil nou nie soos ‘n dweper klink nie maar jou sondes is jou vergewe. Maar hou nou net op blerry sondig.

    9 May, 2013 at 20:35
  214. avatar
    #100 BuffelsCM

    @Tjoppa – lyk my ek is dan op die regte plek! Sauvignon blanc is ook deel van dit wat ek geniet!
    Ek moet darem noem dat ek ook die rugby van daardie ander skool in die Paarl geniet. Ek en die een afrigter, Hendrik Weber, was 30 jaar gelede kamermaats op Stellenbosch

    9 May, 2013 at 20:29
  215. avatar
    #99 Tjoppa

    Welkom solank jy Boishaai en Boland Landbou ondersteun en hou van ‘n ou droee rooietjie is jy welkom.

    9 May, 2013 at 20:20
  216. avatar
    #98 BuffelsCM

    @Woltrui – dankie vir die welkom! Ongelukkig is ek van die Kaap en nie ‘n Affies-man nie. Die skool wat ek ondersteun is nie ‘n groot rugbyskool nie – so ek glo ek kyk redelik objektief na die game. Affies se oud adjunkhoof is die afgelope 3 jaar skoolhoof van “ons” skool.

    Dit lyk my daar is maar ook baie politiek in julle skole-rugby daar bo in Pretoria!

    9 May, 2013 at 20:16
  217. avatar
    #97 Tjoppa

    @BoishaaiPa: Ek is seker sy ouers is nou spyt. Die is ‘n groot gemors en sien daagliks seuns wat net ophou rugby speel oor die gemors hierbo. Maar wat kan ons verwag met die klomp narre in beheer.

    9 May, 2013 at 20:06
  218. avatar
    #96 Tjoppa

    @Woltrui: So het my vrou op 16 ook gehad. Maar nou op 60. Alles soos mis in die son verdwyn.

    9 May, 2013 at 20:05
  219. avatar
    #95 BoishaaiPa

    @Woltrui: En daai 6 van julle kom van Boishaai af!..groot verlies toe hulle Pretoria toe trek!

    9 May, 2013 at 20:01
  220. avatar
    #94 Ploegskaar

    @BuiteBreek: Jy kan my e-mail en sel by beet kry, stuur maar net ‘n e-pos vir hom, sal hom se dis reg so.

    9 May, 2013 at 19:53
  221. avatar
    #93 Woltrui

    @Djou: Jy kan dalk reg wees met jou voorspelling Djou. Vermoed Grey word onderskat. Tjoppa se reel 1. Moet nooit n Gray Bloem span onderskat nie. Die Affie span beskik egter oor potensiaal.

    9 May, 2013 at 19:53
  222. avatar
    #92 Tjoppa

    @Playa23: Nee wat wees eerlik gaan kyk finale blou bulle 0/19 oefengroep en sien dieselfde spelers. Pleks stop hulle die proewe en erken die sirkus. Joyce boeties beslis beter as enige ander loosies in groep. No 6 van Affies Affies se beste forward en nie tussen uitgesoektes nie. Garsfontein met 19 spelers Ackers sou dit 20 gemaak het, Affies 14, Centurion 12, Waterkloof 8, PBHS 8, Menlo 7, Eldo 6.
    Nou skreeu die Bulle die rugby loop dood in die Noorde, Weste en Sentrale dele van Pretoria. Regtig menere julle gee nie ‘n donner om nie. Eerstens meeste van die area se top seuns reeds deur die ander skole gekoop. En slegs 3 seuns uit die grootste rugbyspelende areas in Pretoria. Julle mis van die beste talent.
    Gaan kyk gerus op laerskole vlak is die genoemde areas se verteenwoordiging in Bulle se 0/12 en 0/13 groep nagenoeg 40%. Op hoerskool vlak 0.
    Nee magrig man die is ‘n gemors. Dit is die rede hoekom die Bulle se senior groepe nooit presteer nie. Ek weet laasjaar was ‘n ligpunt. Nee sorry Beeld maar ek is nou sommer die donner in.

    9 May, 2013 at 19:51
  223. avatar
    #91 BuiteBreek

    @Ploeg: Dit klink na ;n plan. Hoe maak ons kontak?

    9 May, 2013 at 19:49
  224. avatar
    #90 Woltrui

    @BuffelsCM: O pokkit. Ploegskaar die outjie van Paarl se wereld jou uitgenooi. Die gode bewaar ons!!! :wink:
    Hoop jy is n Affie ondersteuner. Welkom. :mrgreen:

    9 May, 2013 at 19:47
  225. avatar
    #89 Tjoppa

    @Djou: Affies on song better by 20 points BUT the way Affies is playing Grey by 10. Like Wollies praying for the best team, Affies, to win but my brains tells me only if the play to their potential AND history says they have not done it this season.

    9 May, 2013 at 19:29
  226. avatar
    #88 BuffelsCM

    Hi guys I’m new on the blog – was “invited” by Ploegskaar on Saturday. I apologize for my username. I’ve noticed there is a “Buffel” on the site: pity I haven’t browsed through the names beforehand. I used to coach a B-side of a school and we called ourselves “Buffels”. The CM are my initials.
    Hanswors ek sien jy praat van die Cravenweek se keuses: hier in die Kaap met die verkiesing van die Grant Khomo-span is daar ook ‘n paar vreemde weglatings. Ek het na die laaste proewe gaan kyk en beide die A- en B-spanne se loskopstutte is glad nie in die finale groep van 41 spelers nie. Die loskopstutte van die C- en D-spanne is wel ingesluit. Hoe verklaar enige mens dit?? Hieruit word 2 spanne gekies wat teen Boland gaan speel. Daarna word die GK-span aangewys. Mens kan net jou kop skud en wonder hoe sulke nog kan gebeur

    9 May, 2013 at 19:15
  227. avatar
    #87 BOG

    @Djou: Normally, I would share your confidence, but with all the negative -rap being bandied about here, its a lottery. But what the heck, let me not be a coward- Id even say by more than 20. :mrgreen:

    9 May, 2013 at 18:58
  228. avatar
    #86 Ploegskaar

    @BuiteBreek: Sal beslis daar wees. Hoor die span is aan flarde van die beserings, weet Heinrich is nog ‘n week of twee uit, so dit behoort lekker gelykop te wees. Ons maak dan plan om blad te skud, 1stes speel 12:15.

    9 May, 2013 at 18:22
  229. avatar
    #85 Vleis

    @Hanswors: @Djou: Stem saam manne – you hit the nail on the head!

    9 May, 2013 at 18:21
  230. avatar
    #84 Djou

    @Hanswors: Min eerstespanspelers maak Cravenweek en min Cravenweekspelers maak Superrugby. Dus, vir die spelers, geniet jou tyd by jou skool en gaan studeer en bekwaam jouself goed vir die lewe. Jy kan altyd daarna skolerugby dophou, maar ‘n goeie werk is skaars!

    9 May, 2013 at 17:30
  231. avatar
    #83 Hanswors

    Om spelers te kies vir proefspanne bly maar ‘n dobbel spel. Alles hang af van wie die keurders is en waar is hulle verbonde. Sekere skole het tot soveel as 22 spelers in die 6 spanne en ander sterker skole bykans geen, ek weet die demografie speel ook ‘n groot rol!! Daar is spelers in die A span wat heeltemal uit posisie speel en nog heel jaar vir hulle skool in ‘n ander posisie opdraf! Dan is daar die seuns se drome wat aan skerwe le…….wat nie deel is van die uitverkorenes nie………. dit is ongelukkig die harde realiteit dat elke seun wat eerstespan speel nie noodwendig vir sy provinsie en land gaan speel nie soos wat baie van hulle se ouers dink. Nou waarheen skuif ek my kind nou, hy het toe nie die span gehaal nie….!!!!

    9 May, 2013 at 17:07
  232. avatar
    #82 Djou

    @Bog@Woltrui@Tjoppa: Grey by at least 15. Affies overrated and Grey underrated by many observers.

    9 May, 2013 at 16:53
  233. avatar
    #81 BuiteBreek

    @Ploeg: Kyk jy die naweek? Boland vs Stellenberg? Wil so bietjie gaan inloer daar.

    9 May, 2013 at 16:40
  234. avatar
    #80 BOG

    @Tjoppa: En as ek jou aandag verlang, sal ek deur die nagsuster met jou skakel.

    9 May, 2013 at 15:52
  235. avatar
    #79 Woltrui

    @Playa23: Dankie Playa.

    9 May, 2013 at 15:24
  236. avatar
    #78 Playa23

    @Woltrui: Dit is nie net die A en B spanne wat speel volgende Dinsdag nie. A tot F spanne speel teen Leeus, Kyk op Facebook by “Blue Bulls High Schools Rugby” al die spanne wat speel is daar en die O/16 ook. Bezuidenhout in C span en Joyce boeties in D en E en September in D of E. Dink van die manne kan nog steeds die oog van van die keurders volgende Dinsdag, heel moontlik het hulle gekyk na kombinasies.

    9 May, 2013 at 15:09
  237. avatar
    #77 Woltrui

    @Tjoppa: Tjop ek het my weerhou die week. Weerhou van meer as ‘n sopie Three ships, weerhou van meer as een Flamingo dansertjie gisteraand en weerhou om die drywer te vloek. Ek glo daar sal genade wees. :twisted:

    9 May, 2013 at 15:06
  238. avatar
    #76 Woltrui

    @Vleis: Mis ook vir Marqiet September, buitesenter van Garsies en CW speler van 2012, in die spanne? Gedag hy sou dalk as vleuel gekies word.

    9 May, 2013 at 14:40
  239. avatar
    #75 Woltrui

    @Vleis: Vleis Bezuidenhoud is Affies se 6. Die Joyce Broers speel 6 en 7 vir Kloof.

    9 May, 2013 at 14:31
  240. avatar
    #74 Vleis

    @Woltrui: Vir wie speel Bezuidenhoud en die 2 Joyce broers and op watter posisies?

    9 May, 2013 at 14:15
  241. avatar
    #73 Vleis

    @Tjoppa: To be honest, I haven’t seen most of the Pretoria schools play this year, so I am certainly not qualified to comment, but I would have thought one or two from Eldos, Menlo, etc could have squeezed in?

    That said, I remember that there were complaints last year, but the side selected hammered their opposition at CW…so who knows?

    9 May, 2013 at 14:13
  242. avatar
    #72 Woltrui

    @Vleis: Vleis ek aanvaar dit is die spanne na die 6 proefspanne Dinsdag teen mekaar gespeel het?
    -Ivan Van Zyl, die skrumskakel is tans wit warm en ek is nie verbaas dat hy bo Justin Phillips gekies is nie. Justin was ook lank beseer. Hulle albei sal waarskynlik in die CW groep wees.
    -Persoonlik sal ek Jameel Warnick van Garsies op 10 kies. Goeie vehouding met Naude, die binne senter(baie goeie speller). Die A span agterlyn lyk baie goed.
    -Voorspelers: Salmon Van Huysteen verdien die 8 posisie deur en deur. (Voel jammer vir Erasmus van Kloof en Ackerman van Garsies wat beseer is. Hoop die keurders hou ‘n deur oop vir hulle moontlike terugkoms).
    -Op flanke sou ek graag beproefde spelers soos Bezuidenhoud(Affies) en die Joyce broers(Kloof) TEN MINSTE in die A of B groepe wou sien!!
    -Hyron Andrews en Francois Steyn sal deel van die CW groep wees.
    -Vean Roodt die hakertjie van Centurion n ware vuurvreter.
    -Sou graag vir Calvin Allison op 4 wou sien as deel van die groter groep

    Vir my is die groot verrasing die weglating van Bezuidenhoud en die 2 Joyce broers!

    9 May, 2013 at 14:12
  243. avatar
    #71 Tjoppa

    @Woltrui: Vra jy nie te veel goed op een slag nie.

    9 May, 2013 at 13:58
  244. avatar
    #70 Woltrui

    @Tjoppa: Tjoppa soos my bank bestuurder gese het: “Jy hoef nie op jou kniee te staan as jy met my praat nie”. Ek bid Tjop. In nederigheid en genade.

    9 May, 2013 at 13:49
  245. avatar
    #69 Tjoppa

    @Vleis: Nou net na al ses spanne gekyk. En wonder maar net. Nou ja keurders kies en kinders speel. Maar ek wonder net.

    9 May, 2013 at 13:44
  246. avatar
    #68 Tjoppa

    @Woltrui: Vra jy voorspel jy of bid jy Wollies?

    9 May, 2013 at 13:30
  247. avatar
    #67 Tjoppa

    @gimmie:Let him sulk He deserves that.

    9 May, 2013 at 13:29
  248. avatar
    #66 Vleis

    @Buffel: What has happened to your u15’s in the past few weeks. I saw them at the ISRF at Hilton and they were good, but not great. They seem to have upped their game by some 15 points since then.

    9 May, 2013 at 13:23
  249. avatar
    #65 Vleis

    Not sure where to put this post, but the Bulls have named their trial u18 A and B teams to play the Lions next Tuesday – see below: Three interesting points woth discussing are:

    1) Justin Phillips (the SA school s/half last year) is in the B team
    2) Jason Jenkins, who is in at lock in the B team, has played less than a year and a half of rugby in his life he played hockey until last year. However, he is very skillful, a good leader (he’s headboy of his school) and at 2m tall, 123kg and the quickest u18 over 200m at his school, he has the physical attributes.
    3) Only one player of the 30 selected is not from Garsfontein (9), Affies (8), Centurion (4), St Alban’s (3), Waterkloof (3) and Pretoria Boys High (2), which seems strange.

    A-Team (Match starts at 18h00 on Loftus C, 14 May):

    15 Eduan Keyter (Affies), 14 Jose Shaw (St Alban’s), 13 Jurie Linde (Affies), 12 Franco Naude (Garsfontein), 11 Lyle Maart (Garsfontein), 10 Juandre Pitzer (Centurion), 9 Ivan Van Zyl (Affies), 8 Salmon Van Huyssteen (Affies), 7 PJ Toerien (Garsfontein), 6 Ruan Townsend (Pretoria Boys), 5 RG Snyman (Affies), 4 Abongile Nonkwantan (St Alban’s), 3 WP Eloff (Affies), 2 Vean Roodt (Centurion), 1 Xander Van Wyk (Waterkloof).

    B-Team (Match starts at 17h00 on Loftus C, 14 May):

    15 Jade Solomons (Garsfontein), 14 Ethan Sias (Garsfontein), 13 Damian Hogg (Centurion), 12 Dawie Venter (Affies), 11 George-Lee Erasmus (Garsfontein), 10 Jameel Warnick (Garsfontein), 9 Justin Phillips (Waterkloof), 8 Arne Van Rensburg (Garsfontein), 7 Michael De Waal (Pretoria Boys), 6 Jacques Oosthuizen (Centurion), 5 Jason Jenkins (St Alban’s), 4 Hyron Andrews (Garsfontein), 3 Johan Van Wyk (Waterkloof), 2 Francois Steyn (Affies), 1 Jonathan Valema (WDX).

    9 May, 2013 at 13:22
  250. avatar
    #64 Buffel

    @star: it goes something like that. Dying moments and a penalty to win it from far out. I feel very confident that our u15 side will come through this one, u14’s are showing good form and the u16’s have improved beyond sight. The seconds are always up for a good scrap and the 1st xv is a well oiled machine. Whatever the outcome it will be excellent to watch. JUST HOPE THE WEATHER

    9 May, 2013 at 13:19
  251. avatar
    #63 oldschool

    @star: shame , the scrummie must be battling to sleep now …if the hand off is true …..the Doops love a bit of revenge !!!
    Seriously , great game ahead as long as the frikken weather holds out……..i am noticing a calmness about the ville leading up to this clash…..scary !

    9 May, 2013 at 13:04
  252. avatar
    #62 Ploegskaar

    @sacssupporter: From what I have seen season to date, ‘Bosch looks to be the strongest outfit of the Cape sides, with the best chance of upsetting at least 3 Winelands’ sides this year (and probably an even better 2014 and 2015 to come). Wynberg, although small in size, is very well coached, has a very structured defense and does well out of broken play. They have the potential to cause an upset or two. The Bishops team is bigger, with a decent pack, but less structured and seems to depend on broken play to attack, while there are potential weaknesses in their set-piece and defense…. SACS, like Wynberg, is a smaller team, but also very well coached in all aspects. They may cause at least one more upset.

    9 May, 2013 at 13:01
  253. avatar
    #61 BOG

    @gimmie: I am not really concerned about your opinion. In fact, I shall shake your cage in the very unlikely event that it is required. But I shall continue to express myself on the matter for as long as others make irrational remarks in this regard. I have absolutely no problem with loosing- its part of the development process and I have said so on numerous occasions.

    9 May, 2013 at 11:50
  254. avatar
    #60 sacssupporter

    @Tjoppa: Most years I would agree 100% with you….but this year it could be close….Bishops came close and I rate Wynberg better than Bishops this year. Either way the boys must just go out there and have a jol!

    9 May, 2013 at 11:34
  255. avatar
    #59 Woltrui

    Affies/Grey Bloem: Woensdag oggend en my broek begin al bewe. Vlinders in die maag. Baie sterkte Bulle. Affies julle manne kan die ding doen. Voorspelers vir 70 minute konsentreer op die spel (soos Monnas se pak laasweek). Fokus op die afbreekpunte. Voories onder een kombers in losskrums. Julle is ons trots Bulle!! GOOO AFFIES!!!!!

    9 May, 2013 at 10:56
  256. avatar
    #58 star

    @ Engelsman-Can you say which Westville Boys made it?

    9 May, 2013 at 10:42
  257. avatar
    #57 Engelsman

    Kearsney are clear favorites going into this one. With 2 SA schools players and they make up 9 of the Highway team for KZN trials, its a no brainer who the top dogs are. Going to be a cracking game non the less. No score prediction…………… :twisted: .

    9 May, 2013 at 10:08
  258. avatar
    #56 Queenian

    @Ludz: It will be a great pity if they have dropped the Marlow fixture hope thats not happening specially after the Noord Kaap fixture fell through although both schools are saying it is on for next year.

    Queens will have to gain a fixture or two now they 2 weekends with no rugby maybe bring back Graeme and maybe make Brandwag a permement derby fixture.

    9 May, 2013 at 09:26
  259. avatar
    #55 star

    @ Buffel- History is defintely against you. It must be over 10 years since K won at Bowdens and I can’t remember the last time the 2nds won. In 2011 you only won one game(U16A) and that was the dream team that are now in grade 12. However what is life without the opportunity to change the past. It will be a red letter day if you do though. :lol: I suppose your prediction of a 2 point win for the Kearsney 2nds involves a 50 m penalty kick in the dying minutes by your scrumhalf. :mrgreen:
    Out of interest( besides the U14 who have not played Kearsney yet) none of the boys in the U16A team have yet to taste defeat at the hands of Kearsney. The U 15A lost the previous year as well as the 1sts. But things sometimes go in cycles and so very exciting match ups ahead.
    I am just a bit disappointed that this U16 A team has been dogged by injury and has not been able to field its full strength team for 3 matches now. Nevertheless it will stand tall and do its school proud.

    9 May, 2013 at 09:23
  260. avatar
    #54 Buffel

    @Rhino: Am a little biased regarding the 2nd xv game but all in all, should be a great day. Somehow I cannot see the westville 1st XV getting one over Kearsney but we are playing at Bowdens and that is always a tricky place to go and come away victorious.

    9 May, 2013 at 07:52
  261. avatar
    #53 gimmie

    @BOG, I must say your inability to graciously accept that you lost against the Kwaggies and give them the credit they deserve is most disappointing…and also very boring …when you continuously talk about schools that perform once in a while and then want to challenge Grey CB I hope you are not referring to Gym. We have been a top rugby school for as long as I can remember. In fact only Grey has had more Springboks than us the pat 20 years….

    9 May, 2013 at 07:15
  262. avatar
    #52 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Moenie te sensitief wees nie. Ek het n feit gestel(2 punte) en dan wat jy gese het. Slegs die” twee” uitgelig en as dit nie strook nie, gaan dan terug na jou stelling. Ek het absoluut geen probleem daarmee as die standaarde oral verbeter nie, en ek hoop daar is n redelike mate van konsekwentheid. Op hierdie stadium kry jy ondersteuners van skole wat elke nou en dan uitstyg en dan al wat skool is, wil uitdaag, so asof hierdie reelings oornag getref word. En dit gee my n k–

    9 May, 2013 at 04:42
  263. avatar
    #51 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Gungets Tuft:
    But I think it’ll depend on the day to be honest. The most evenly matched game on Saturday I think will be U16A. For 1st I think that one of the teams will just gain form and win well. U16A will be a proper dog-fight. U15A needs a good win,build confidence before they play the biggest game of their season next week!! If they win that, the 12-6 loss to Westville will most certainly be forgiven :lol:

    8 May, 2013 at 23:33
  264. avatar
    #50 Gungets Tuft

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Remember that 7 of those NW 2nds players would be in the 1sts this year but for the United Nations invasion daarso. To be blunt I am not sure that the 1sts are firing as they possibly/probably could, those other players have been there for 4-5 years and there is a much better understanding between them.

    But, looking at it again, perhaps I need to change my mind about those seconds, because the NW 2nds played the College 3rds, whereas the DHS 2nds played College 2nds and got a similar score, so yes, change my mind there, DHS probably by about 8-10.

    U14A – eeisch. College 27-0, DHS 18-40 – not a pretty scenario for NW, but who knows.

    8 May, 2013 at 23:26
  265. avatar
    #49 HORSEFLY NO.1

    @Gungets Tuft:
    The DHS 2nd side isn’t bad ey, but probably a win for Northwood. I expect DHS to win 3rd,4th and 5th side games and just about all U14 and U15 games to be honest.
    U16A will be close, N’Wood not the team it was last year, DHS players got heart and they’ll want to avenge their losses last year .
    Yeah to be honest so do I . But I think that this Northwood team has improved slightly. Last year DHS beat it 48-0 at Northwood. Was just using the prudence concept there . Could get very,very bad especially if DHS could get at least one of their very influential forwards back from injury. Two of them are out, a prop/hooker and the 8th man.
    But I doubt they’ll be risked with Glenwood next week

    Even U14A, could get even uglier than 60 points. You can’t give that DHS 14A ANY momentum or they’ll crush you. Problem is, no matter how tight your defence is, the flyhalf will still find space and step through the crowd

    8 May, 2013 at 22:18
  266. avatar
    #48 Rhino

    @ Buffel , KCOB

    Interesting predictions so here is a ville/my reply and predictions

    WESTVILLE 1ST XV 23 – Kearsney 18
    WESTVILLE 2ND 21 Kearsney 15
    WESTVILLE U16A 12 Kearsney 15
    WESTVILLE U15A 24 kearsney 10
    WESTVILLE 14A 18 Kearsney 9

    Other open ages groups Westville to win most. Well thats my ideal :-)

    Keep me posted please. Im sure the 1st game is gonna be HUGE and fiery. If Westville fires we can win this one at home… who knows though.

    8 May, 2013 at 22:13
  267. avatar
    #47 BoishaaiPa

    @bhkgpa: Ek is nie so seker oor 1 skuif nie, maar die 10 na 15 stem ek heeltemal saam mee…dit was elk geval net n interim keuse dink ek …Hoop die opskudding werk!

    8 May, 2013 at 22:05
  268. avatar
    #46 Vleis

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: I expect your u15A team to win by a lot more than 25 points. St Benedict’s u15A beat Northwood by 51 to 0 (away), while Jeppe u15A beat them by 68 to 0 (home). I think that DHS u15A is as good as (if not better than) Bennies u15A, so I think a 50 to 60 point win is on the cards.

    8 May, 2013 at 22:01
  269. avatar
    #45 bhkgpa

    @Ploegskaar: stem 100% saam, well said.

    8 May, 2013 at 21:56
  270. avatar
    #44 bhkgpa

    @BOG: aanvaar ou dat Kwaggas gewen het en dat hulle beter is of dit nou met 2 punte Of 20 was is irrelevant , die scoreboard wys hulle het gewen. Maak nou maar vrede daarmee, hulle was beter

    8 May, 2013 at 21:55
  271. avatar
    #43 bhkgpa

    @BoishaaiPa: no rumor , changes at nrs 3,7,9,10,13 and 15. It was about time to rock the boat and I think these changes will only make this team better.

    8 May, 2013 at 21:52
  272. avatar
    #42 Gungets Tuft

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: I think the Northwood 2nd side is going to surprise you. There are some very good players there. Particularly like the prop who subbed in the 1st game against College.

    I cannot compare any of the games against DHS to Northwood, didn’t see the DHS games. Wish I could watch the NW vs DHS . I think it is going to be very evenly matched day, NW to take 1sts, 2nds and U16A, DHS U15A, U14A. The rest, all in the balance

    8 May, 2013 at 21:49
  273. avatar
    #41 HORSEFLY NO.1


    Uhm the U16A draw I think is fair and Westville 2nd should take it with Kearsney taking 1st.

    As for DHS:

    1st- Northwood victory, DHS has gone backward since Kings Park

    2nd- don’t know but will go for DHS here

    U16A- going for DHS,home field and crowd will spur them on!

    U15A- DHS by about 25 to 30 points because seems N’Wood is slightly better here

    U14A- Massacre, maybe it’ll be better if you arrive AFTER this game! DHS by 50 to 60 points here!

    8 May, 2013 at 21:12
  274. avatar
    #40 Grasshopper

    Glenwood vs Hilton will be epic! Hilton are the dark horses of KZN, still a little unknown…..Glenwood need to be very careful. Last year they scraped a win by a point in the last minute. Hilton are fresh and wanting to make a mark. Hopefully the awesome atmosphere and war cries at Glenwood will inspire the boys to a good performance. Really for me nothing can beat a packed Glenwood with the boys in full cry……..good luck manne, Go Green!

    8 May, 2013 at 20:57
  275. avatar
    #39 CyndiAtRugby

    @Greenwood: IMHO there is a feeling of electricity at the school as the band and the rugby player practice. I chatted to some of the U14 players and they can’t wait :mrgreen:

    8 May, 2013 at 20:47
  276. avatar
    #38 Boom

    @queenian you are right if queens don’t drop the ball, they have a chance against Grey. But only if the Grey team hasn’t sorted out their defence from last weeks games.

    8 May, 2013 at 20:41
  277. avatar
    #37 Hanswors

    Het Op Super rugby gesien dat beide die wedstryde , Gim teen Paul Roos en Affies teen Grey eers laat Saterdag aan uitgesaai gaan word.

    8 May, 2013 at 20:36
  278. avatar
    #36 NW_Knight

    @Horsey: any other predictions?

    8 May, 2013 at 20:34
  279. avatar
    #35 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Thatll be a HUGE achievement!! But I donnt know about U14A and U15A. For me Westville U14A are quite good, they ONLY lost 25-7 to DHS who everyone honestly thought would win by 40 points!!

    Think Westville COULD take U14A and should take U15A

    8 May, 2013 at 20:14
  280. avatar
    #34 Gungets Tuft

    @GreenBlooded: Smaak it stukkend when the big guys roll in to ref the big school matches. You can say what you like, the boys respect them automatically and just play, so having them there calms everyone down, including the parents (brave dad to criticise Berry or Joubert!!), frees the boys up to play creatively. College vs Glenwood 2 years ago one of the best schoolboy matches I have seen.

    Joubert will no doubt blow the Pelham 1st team game that morning as well, he does that at least once a year as well.

    8 May, 2013 at 19:57
  281. avatar
    #33 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Die telling is ‘n bevestiging van wie die beste span op die dag was, net soos julle telling teen Monnas. Geen opmerkingskolom oor wie die mooiste gespeel, dit meer verdien het of histories veronderstel was om te. wen nie. Ver beter in my opinie wat albei sien speel het, en behalwe vir jou en Nelio de Sa, blyk dit meeste is dit met my eens. Hierdie is nie ‘n persoonlike aanval nie, Grey het en sal vorentoe nog baie met hulle mooi rugby domineer, maar tye is besig om te verander en jy gaan moet gewoond raak dat die pleb skole ook meer gereeld suksesvol gaan wees.

    8 May, 2013 at 19:26
  282. avatar
    #32 GreenBlooded

    Massive games in Durban. Glenwood and Kearsney to take them closely I think.

    In Maritzburg – College vs House will be interesting. College has been struggling with some aspects which no doubt House will be aware of. Stuart Berry to referee the match – always nice to see the big names giving back to SBR. Likewise – the big gun has been confirmed for the epic Glenwood vs College clash on reunion day – Craig Joubert will be in the house!!

    8 May, 2013 at 19:17
  283. avatar
    #31 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: @jakkie: Ver beter- n hele twee punte!

    8 May, 2013 at 18:56
  284. avatar
    #30 kcob

    @buffel: geez Buffel. That would be an achievement. Not sure those predictions are all possible. I think asking for some “ville” feedback on those!!! Goog luck to all the boys!!’

    8 May, 2013 at 18:50
  285. avatar
    #29 jakkie

    Stem saam ou ploegskaar!

    8 May, 2013 at 18:47
  286. avatar
    #28 Ploegskaar

    @jakkie: Nee wat Jakkie, hierdie Gim manne is stil vol selfvetroue, goed afgerig en hou by die wedstrydplan. As ‘n vol span, sal hulle nie hierdie jaar sommer verloor nie, met Rondebosch miskien die enigste wat kan verras. Hierdie is die jaar van die 2 ko-ed skole, Gim en Outeniqua, ver beter as die res, en self net bly ons hoef julle nie te speel nie. Julle mag maar trots wees en wie weet, miskien kan ons volgende jaar darem met julle kompiteer.

    8 May, 2013 at 18:43
  287. avatar
    #27 jakkie

    Interesting question: how will the rankings look like next week, if PaulRoos beat PaarlGim and Grey and Affies play to a draw?

    8 May, 2013 at 18:12
  288. avatar
    #26 Tjoppa

    @sacssupporter: Nah my boytjies is right. Boishaai by 15

    8 May, 2013 at 17:44
  289. avatar
    #25 Tjoppa

    @BoishaaiPa: Tell the guys they must enjoy the game. Show them the blog and tell them this is all what they will have after life of the rugby field. And beat Wynberg Please.

    8 May, 2013 at 17:43
  290. avatar
    #24 Ludz

    @badboy: Grey should beat us I’m afraid, just hope we give them a game they wont forget

    8 May, 2013 at 17:42
  291. avatar
    #23 Ludz

    @Queenian: just think the Marlow fixture has been scrapped, too many incidents over the years anyway, remember in 2010, a parent going on the field and punching a 1st XV player.

    8 May, 2013 at 17:38
  292. avatar
    #22 Buffel

    KEARSNEY 2ND XV 15 WESTVILLE 2ND 13 ( always a close thing)

    If it happens that way then it will be some kind of record for Kearsney. At age group level, kearsney are a much improved bunch and it is going to be good watching. Am sure I will have some feedback from the westville guys shortly. Unfortunately will only be able to join you for a drink at waxy’s after the 1ST XV game. Good luck to all.

    8 May, 2013 at 15:59
  293. avatar
    #21 Greenwood


    really looking forward to first home game at Dixons – been a long wait for this

    bet the grade 8’s cant wait – their first real experience as new Glenwood boys –
    goose pimple stuff for them !!

    game times even for the Green Machine seem to be shorter than normal – don’t the 1st usually play 35 Mins each way ?

    weathers’ looking a bit dodgy for Saturday – also bring on the band !!!

    8 May, 2013 at 14:47
  294. avatar
    #20 CyndiAtRugby

    Glenwood Vs Hilton fixture list
    First home game of the year so it should have an awesome vibe.
    Gate entrance is R10pp and proceeds go to Jess Foord Foundation – boys in uniform do not pay.

    8 May, 2013 at 14:14
  295. avatar
    #19 Queenian

    @badboy: If Queens can get there ball handling skills under control it could go either way otherwise Grey PE should win.

    8 May, 2013 at 13:40
  296. avatar
    #18 sacssupporter

    @Tjoppa: Expect a cracker of a game – I watched Wynberg beat Grey High – they are very fit and run the ball from everywhere – very well coached – and they play for each other. It’s going to be close!

    8 May, 2013 at 13:15
  297. avatar
    #17 Greenwood


    secretly , deep down , lots of Greenies will be routing for the one stripes

    8 May, 2013 at 13:05
  298. avatar
    #16 star

    @ Old School- Crackers right down the line. But you must have more faith in your boys. :lol: That team must be one of your best in recent times. It was interesting to watch the Kearsney and Westville boys( U16/18)playing together in the highway trials knowing that they would be playing against each other a few days later. I am sure there was a lot of sizing up going on. I was told that the little Westville scrummie handed off one of the Doops and put him on his bum. Talk about David and Golliath. Maybe it is a sign. :mrgreen: I would however be more interested in the composition of the squads to get a feel for current individual form.

    8 May, 2013 at 12:59
  299. avatar
    #15 BoishaaiPa

    @Tjoppa: I dont know..rumour has it there is a bit of a shake-up in the team, but we will only really see tomorrow or Friday…be it as it may, I think it will be a tough game and just maybe the boys have something to prove to their supporters.

    8 May, 2013 at 12:27
  300. avatar
    #14 oldschool

    @Greenwood: bring on the Ville !! this is going to be WW3 … predictions from me …….Glenwood over Hilton by 20 !

    8 May, 2013 at 11:51
  301. avatar
    #13 Tjoppa

    @BoishaaiPa: Is Wynberg in for a rude awakening. I hope so do not like the boys getting whipped every week.

    8 May, 2013 at 11:20
  302. avatar
    #12 Vleis

    @star: Thanks star. That is perfect timing, as we have 3.5 hours to kill between the SAC v SCC 1st team game and our flight back to the Big Smoke.

    8 May, 2013 at 11:16
  303. avatar
    #11 BoishaaiPa

    Tonights Premier Interschools Magazine show can be viewed here..

    8 May, 2013 at 11:13
  304. avatar
    #10 badboy

    @Ludz: @Queenian: What do you folks expect to happen between Grey PE vs Queens this weekend. This as far as i remember historically the Eastern Cape premier game.

    8 May, 2013 at 11:06
  305. avatar
    #9 Queenian

    @rugbyfan: The festival is from the 21st June till the 24th June it looks like there 3 games are against St Stithians/St Andrews and Glenwood prep.

    No they lost to Union 15-19 there flyhalf seems to think he is Haas Botha and kicks all the ball away.

    8 May, 2013 at 11:01
  306. avatar
    #8 Greenwood

    2 Huge games in Durban area Saturday , Glenwood – Hilton & Westville – Kearsney

    get there early otherwise standing room only – park and walk a Km or 2

    8 May, 2013 at 10:58
  307. avatar
    #7 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: When is your son going to the Under13 Waterkloof rugby festival. Did they beat Union High on Saturday.

    8 May, 2013 at 10:54
  308. avatar
    #6 star

    @ Vleis- 15.30.

    8 May, 2013 at 10:44
  309. avatar
    #5 Vleis

    @ Beet: Do you know what time the Kerarsney v Westville game will kick off. I might be able to take my son to the game on our way to the airport?

    8 May, 2013 at 10:34
  310. avatar
    #4 Queenian

    @Ludz: Do you have any idea what is happening with the Marlow game was originaly on for the 1st May then moved to the 4th May but that did not happen as well.

    8 May, 2013 at 10:33
  311. avatar
    #3 Queenian

    @Ludz: I will be there from the 3rd team game will keep you updated.

    8 May, 2013 at 10:25
  312. avatar
    #2 Ludz

    Any gents gonna be in Millpark on Saturday to watch Queen’s

    8 May, 2013 at 10:03
  313. avatar
    #1 JeppeRugbyFan

    The Jeppe vs HTS John Vorster was played last night at John Vorster, which Jeppe won convincingly 36 – 6. This fixture was moved in order to accommodate the rescheduling of the KES vs Jeppe fixture which was rained out a few weeks ago and is now scheduled for this Saturday, 11th May.

    8 May, 2013 at 09:25

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