The best sports school in South Africa

PLEASE HELP! Since it is such a topic of interest, here is a thread dedicated to determining who the best school has been in each sport over the last 5 or so years. Thanks to BoishaaiPa’s rugby stats, it’s easy to work out the leading rugby schools. The Westville record in the swimming pool speaks for itself. Paul Roos’ tennis team has not been beaten in 9 years. Maritzburg College has been credited with being the best hockey school over the period. Affies dominates chess with their 2nd team even beating the best 1st teams around.

There are however a number of sports where consensus is yet to be reached on who the leading schools are.

Your opinion would be most welcomed.

SPORT 1st 2nd 3rd
ATHLETICS Affies Paul Roos  Queens
CRICKET Wynberg Rondebosch KES
CHESS Affies
GOLF Klofies
HOCKEY M.College
ROWING Hilton St Andrews Parktown
RUGBY Grey Bloem Boishaai Gimmies
SQUASH Selborne Kingswood  Paarl BH
SURFING Glenwood Selborne
SWIMMING Westville Grey Bloem
TENNIS Paul Roos Glenwood
WATER POLO Reddam Clifton
ACADEMICS Crawford La Lucia Crawford Lonehill
CHOIR Kearsney



  1. avatar
    #165 REF

    @ ??? dit is ‘n voorreg om die AFFIE stats met julle te deel. Soos julle weet is AFFIE atletiek goed, ons lewer 4 atlete in 2012 vir die SA span na junior olimpiese spele, asook Common wealth spele, Cricket nog altyd onder die top tien, Rugby ook onder top tien dalk nader aan top 5, Skaak uitstekend, Koor 2004 goue medalje, 1ste Olimpiese koor spele, 2008 2de Olimpiese koor spele, kategorie jong manne kore, top 5 ATKV APPLOUS jaarkiks, Debat kan nie onthou wanneer laas ons verloor, of laer as top5 was nie. Akademie, nou ja dit is baie kontroversueel. Laagste Matriekulasie vrystelling nog 89% gemiddelde matriekulasie vrystelling van 92.3%. Geen Druipelinge laaste ± 20 jaar. BOG FYI 2012 syfers van GCB; 4 druipelinge, en 72%-73% matriekulasie vrystelling, daarom dat ek praat van ‘n uitstekende Rugby Skool, en en uitstekende Boere Orkes.

    1 June, 2013 at 13:38
  2. avatar
    #164 Grasshopper

    2x Glenwood boys get selected for SA Schools tennis;

    Would still love a Paul Roos vs Glenwood match to see how close we are to Paul Roos…

    27 March, 2013 at 08:50
  3. avatar
    #163 jakes

    Athletics- Nr 1 boys school at the moment is Monument. Nr 1 girls school is Kempton park. Last 4 years Kempton park dominated combined schools. Although Monument won for first time in 2013. Kempton park and Monument very close. Affies boys, although dominated the boys side for years, was beaten last two years by Monument. 2013 the gap was more than 50 points. so it seems to widen. Even Garsfontein boys team shocked everyone by beating Affies by 02 points at the super inter high.

    19 March, 2013 at 16:14
  4. avatar
    #162 Rugger fan

    I believe we could add Sevens Rugby as a separate sporting code – as it is getting some emphasis from smaller schools and as we saw at the Bizhub nationals – some of the non-XV giants were well represented in the final tournament

    18 March, 2013 at 11:08
  5. avatar
    #161 Vleis

    @CapeMan: No worries. :mrgreen:

    I’d guess that the ‘main race’ is a matter of personal preference. In my son’s eyes, the main race is the Open Quad…but that might be because St Alban’s has won the race ten years in a row. :wink: That said, one of the UK’s all time greatest sporting heroes is the rower Sir Steve Redgrave, who did not get one international medal in the Eights. His Olympic medals came in the following events: Coxed Four, Coxed Pair, Coxless Pair, Coxless Four.

    To be honest, I’m not an expert at rowing, so let’s call it a truce.

    17 March, 2013 at 22:38
  6. avatar
    #160 CapeMan

    @Vleis: I stand corrected :mrgreen: but if we are talking about the u19 category then what ive said is true, but i see your point as well. The main race is the u19 1st Eight after all.

    17 March, 2013 at 21:03
  7. avatar
    #159 Vleis

    @CapeMan: Mate, I’m still not sure that you understand how it works. St Albans’s, St John’s and Bennies are clearly the top three schools over the past five years. If you do not believe me, please have a look at the final point standings at the national rowing championships from 2000 to 2012 (you have 2013 above) – see link below.

    17 March, 2013 at 00:28
  8. avatar
    #158 CapeMan

    @Vleis: I know that. Remember, I’m the one who gave you that website link…those stats are only for 2013..we are talking from 2009-2013..look who dominated 2010 and 2011! No one is denying that St benedicts & St Andrews have dominated nationals but in the past 5 years it has been a different case. They did do really well again this year.

    17 March, 2013 at 00:02
  9. avatar
    #157 Vleis

    @CapeMan: The rowing championships are calculated based on all the races. You see, rowing is not like rugby where there is just one school 1st team. There are numerous 1st teams – e.g. quad, eights, doubles, etc.

    For example, do you proclaim the school that wins the 4 x 100m relay as the best athletics school in the country? Of course, not – it is the school with the most points.

    Bennies has won the championships 20 times in a row, while St John’s and St Alban’s have come second and third for the past three years at least.

    As proof, please find below the recent schools results (with respect SAC’s paltry 25 points proves that they are not a rowing school at all):
    1. Bennies 338 points
    2. St John’s 240
    3. St Alban’s 232
    4. KES 191
    5. St Andrew’s 107
    6. Hilton 103
    7. Saints 98
    8. Bishops 73
    9. Parktown 70
    10. Grey High 68
    11. Selborne 46
    12. Bosch 34
    13. Jeppe 29
    14. SACS 25
    15. St George’s 21
    16. Cingani 8
    17. St John’s (Harare) 5

    16 March, 2013 at 17:28
  10. avatar
    #156 Grasshopper

    Surfski championships, two Glenwood Boys in top 3 in different age groups, surely top or top 3 surfski school;

    Well down to the Bergvliet kid, lives around the corner from me.

    16 March, 2013 at 13:32
  11. avatar
    #155 Balikibaba

    Hi Hopper

    Yes, they did. In fact one of the sides they beat was Maritzburg

    16 March, 2013 at 11:56
  12. avatar
    #154 CapeMan

    @Vleis: here are the results for the open eight 2000m for the past 5years. 2009- SACS Shaw 6:18:68. 2010-SACS Shaw 6:10:02. 2011-St Benedict ‘s Futcher 6:23:94. 2012- St John’s Nel 5:51:07. 2013- St John’s Morgan 6:21:65. No doubt that St bendicts and St Andrews are the best in the history of the sport in sa but over the last 5years it has been SACS and St Johns. Here is the link

    16 March, 2013 at 11:51
  13. avatar
    #153 Grasshopper

    @Bali, did Bishops play any of the KZN sides……some really good players in the College, Westville, Glenwood, Northwood and Kearsney sides……a few SA Schools players…

    16 March, 2013 at 11:20
  14. avatar
    #152 Balikibaba

    Hi there

    Bishops hockey team last year WON every single game. Not even a draw. has this ever been achieved before? And surely that puts them top 3?

    16 March, 2013 at 11:15
  15. avatar
    #151 Ploegskaar

    @beet: You a vegetarian then, where’s the meat?

    15 March, 2013 at 15:57
  16. avatar
    #150 beet

    @Ploegskaar: :mrgreen: I’m eating chicken tonight and adding that “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” Rainbow chicken radio advert to my iPod just for good measure. :twisted:

    15 March, 2013 at 12:04
  17. avatar
    #149 Ploegskaar

    @beet: That’s just nasty man. I would have you know that I’m multitasking between my PC at work, one at home and an iPhone, but you are right, my oldest does not call me a digiot for nothing!

    15 March, 2013 at 11:58
  18. avatar
    #148 Vleis

    @CapeMan: As I said in my post, Bennies are comfortably the best and then it is a fight between St John’s and St Alban’s for two and three, with St John’s probably on top…and then there is daylight and then the rest.

    15 March, 2013 at 11:57
  19. avatar
    #147 Clean Rugby

    The name of this site is School Boy Rugby? Why can the other sports not do their own thing? We are surely not going to pack Newlands with 40 000 spectators to watch Basketball etc. Athletics is a disgrace in SA, a school / province is their own champion, swimming and rowing is only doing well (Olympics) as a result of private coaching. Now we see chess as a sport and how do the Gauteng boys compete in surfing? The only surfing they do is on the internet. Best this be a rugby site and with the amount of soccer forced on us on TV it surely should be able to host a site themselves at school level. They cannot even get 5000 at a big match apart from the derby games. See SuperBru and Varsity cup is half of the so called massive English premier league? There are world champions in archery in schools, how do they fit in and compare?

    15 March, 2013 at 11:28
  20. avatar
    #146 Ooorkant Loftus

    Ek stem saam. Affies behoort as nommer 2 of 3 skool in RUGBY in SA gereken te word.

    Atletiek moet Monnas ook gemeld word op die lys nou nadat hul Seuns Atletiek span Affies 2 jaar in n ry afgestof het. En Kemptonpark vir hul Atletiek prestasies die laaste 5 – 6 jaar as algehele Atletiek span moet ook melding gemaak van word.

    15 March, 2013 at 11:13
  21. avatar
    #145 beet

    @Ploegskaar: Ploegie, if you click on the name after the @ part, it redirects you to the relevant post that is being replied to.

    However you have to first upgrade your 1G Siemens Mobile or Eriksson to a smartphone to be able to use this facility

    15 March, 2013 at 11:06
  22. avatar
    #144 Ploegskaar

    @TheGoose: Can you please be more specific, my attitude changes depending on the post, so not quite sure which post you are referring to.

    15 March, 2013 at 11:00
  23. avatar
    #143 Playa

    @CapeMan: How are Holla’s men looking this year?

    15 March, 2013 at 09:43
  24. avatar
    #142 Playa

    @CapeMan: I have no great expectations. Fairly new team, mostly made up of an avreage at best 2012 Under 16 team. They should win the “obvious” games. Will cause an upset or 2.It wont be a great team,but may just surprise a lot of us.

    @Ludz: Geez, if KHS and Clarendon take 2nd and 3rd, then things have definitely changed.In my day, we used to suddenly field a 9th and 10th team when playing St Andrews in GTown because okes knew that the VG girls would come through.

    As for GHS…the 1st XV used to leave the Under 13A game against QC at half time to go and “support” KHS netball side…but we all knew the actual motivation for such. :mrgreen:

    15 March, 2013 at 09:42
  25. avatar
    #141 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Correction on the Surfski – College is bringing a few boys down to Durban, got the call to get boats down to Marine this evening. Great stuff, hope the weather holds. A big swell would not suit the College boys at all, they will not be used to it, nor skilled to use the swell for runs.

    15 March, 2013 at 09:03
  26. avatar
    #140 TheGoose

    @Ploegskaar: Exactly the attitude that we need for diversity

    15 March, 2013 at 07:55
  27. avatar
    #139 Gungets Tuft

    @BOG: I’ll take you on with that. Swim Midmar mile, then two laps paddling. Then I will paddle Duzi while you swim it …. 8)

    15 March, 2013 at 06:45
  28. avatar
    #138 BOG

    Rowing is only for those who cannot swim !!

    15 March, 2013 at 05:08
  29. avatar
    #137 CapeMan

    @Vleis: but the question is who has been the best in the past 5 years not in the history of the sport in schools.

    14 March, 2013 at 22:41
  30. avatar
    #136 Vleis

    Most sports do not have a national championship, so the title of best school in the country is subjective. However, some sports do have a national championship – like rowing. Therefore, it amuses me how some people proclaim certain schools to be the best when it is simply factually incorrect.

    The 2013 national rowing championships were completed less than two weeks ago and the results were as follows: 1 St Benedict’s; 2 St John’s; 3 St Alban’s; 4 KES; 5 St Andrew’s; 6 Hilton; 7 Saints; 8 Bishops; 9 Parktown; 10 Grey High; 11 Selborne; 12 Bosch; 13 Jeppe; 14 SACS; 15 St George’s 16 Cingani; 17 St John’s (Harare)

    Furthermore, St Benedict’s have won this title 20 times in a row!!….and believe me that I have no allegiance to Bennies, as some of their u15 rugby players seem way overage to me and many others. Also, St John’s and St Albans have made up the top three for as long as I have followed rowing.

    14 March, 2013 at 20:38
  31. avatar
    #135 Roger

    @beet: correct – Affies and PBHS also very strong at cricket and athletics, PBHS strong at swimming – hockey and soccer and basketball KES would take it.
    Rowing and Waterpolo – nobody can match Bennies and St Johns. Rugby would be Affies

    14 March, 2013 at 16:44
  32. avatar
    #134 beet

    @Roger: This must surely excl North Gauteng – the Bulls region over side of the Jukskei river

    14 March, 2013 at 16:37
  33. avatar
    #133 Roger

    In Gauteng and to the best of my knowledge:

    Rugby – Monnas/KES
    Cricket – KES
    Hockey – KES
    Athletics – KES
    Swimming – St Stithians / St Davids
    Rowing – St Stithians/St Benedicts
    Waterpolo – St Johns
    Basketball – KES

    The other sports are too individualistic in nature to measure – only team sports are valid for this comparison. Chess – seriously?? :-D

    14 March, 2013 at 16:29
  34. avatar
    #132 beet

    @CapeMan: Thanks. Will change it

    14 March, 2013 at 16:10
  35. avatar
    #131 CapeMan

    @beet. I like my avatar but We do not have the same shirt as Selborne and Jeppe. Its Navy blue and white strips :lol:

    14 March, 2013 at 16:07
  36. avatar
    #130 Ludz

    @Playa: GHS still ranks as number 1 these days, KHS a close 2nd and Clarendon in 3rd. :mrgreen: the EP schools DSG, VG and Collegiate I am afraid do not meet the Border standard :wink:

    14 March, 2013 at 15:41
  37. avatar
    #129 Woltrui

    @BoishaaiPa: Dankie BoishaaiPa. Waardeur dit. @BOG: Look at the scorebord :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 15:37
  38. avatar
    #128 Ludz

    @Playa: @GCollege86: GHS also had 100% since 1992, I wasn’t even born then. Queen’s and Dale are not bad, but I agree with Queenian, not PHD stuff. Queen’s on average maintain a 98% pass rate.

    14 March, 2013 at 15:31
  39. avatar
    #127 CapeMan

    @Playa: how do you think Dale will do this year?

    14 March, 2013 at 15:25
  40. avatar
    #126 CapeMan

    @Playa: how do you think Dale will fair this year?

    14 March, 2013 at 15:25
  41. avatar
    #125 CapeMan

    @The Beast: then maybe its time for a change in attitude. I reckon we each give R10 for beasts therapy sessions :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 15:20
  42. avatar
    #124 Playa

    @BOG: Hahahahahaha!

    @CapeMan: Beet will sort you out.

    14 March, 2013 at 15:19
  43. avatar
    #123 CapeMan

    @Playa: do you get your avatar to be the rugby shirt of your school?

    14 March, 2013 at 15:16
  44. avatar
    #122 BOG

    @Playa: So, with that innocent comment, I gave my age away?

    14 March, 2013 at 14:50
  45. avatar
    #121 Playa

    @BOG: Hahahaha! King Convent is a thing of the very far away past. Even the nuns that used to spend their days at the cemetary have vanished.
    It re-emerged as Abundant Life in the mid-90’s, albeit in a co-ed format.

    14 March, 2013 at 14:20
  46. avatar
    #120 BOG

    @BoishaaiPa: Baie dankie. soos wat ek vermoed het, is dit baie nader as wat Volstuis, oftewel Woltrui wou voorgee, maar lyk my die man het weer n Chuck Norris getrek hier- missing in action. Maar ek deel dit graag met hom sodra hy sy nek uitsteek.@Playa: I could never rate the girl schools apart from the ones en route to Bloem by train. But I have to agree, the short encounters I had, I sensed that QTGH, lacked quality. I mean, poor girls- only Queens! I gather King convent as with most convents, have closed. I did have a girl friend there. These discussions really make me nostalgic. :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 14:06
  47. avatar
    #119 Playa

    @CapeMan: Which school did you go to?

    14 March, 2013 at 13:46
  48. avatar
    #118 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: Hier is daai krieket stats tussen Affies en Grey…Sedert 1999…(Ek reken die Affies manne het my net die stats vanaf daai datum gegee want voor dit lyk dit baie slegter)…

    1999 Onbeslis
    2000 Verloor
    2001 Wen
    2002 Wen
    2003 Verloor
    2004 Wen
    2005 Gelykop
    2006 Verloor
    2007 Wen
    2008 Verloor
    2009 Wen
    2010 Wen
    2011 Verloor
    2012 Wen
    TOTAAL Affies wen 7, verloor 5, onbeslis 1, gelykop 1

    14 March, 2013 at 13:40
  49. avatar
    #117 The Beast

    @CapeMan: No I am a Beast with a bad attitude. When last you beat Grey at rugby or anybody of relevance for that matter?

    14 March, 2013 at 13:04
  50. avatar
    #116 Playa

    @BOG: In my time, QTGHS still had the best lookers of the whole lot.Victoria Girls was a close second in the pecking.Dale, St Andrews and Selborne with KHS, DSG and Clarendon were the unluckiest…we had to make do with some ugly ducklings.
    It so happens I am married to an ex-KHS girl, which, I guess says a lot about my taste in women :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 13:01
  51. avatar
    #115 CapeMan

    @The Beast: no young gun. I’ve only ever played Grey in basketball and we beat them properly. Long time ago. I’m guessing you’re. A grey boy with a comment like that

    14 March, 2013 at 12:54
  52. avatar
    #114 Playa

    I didnt say they won the championship in 2000. In 1999, Grey were crowned the Basketball South African School Champions, with four members of the team making the SA team. In 2000 they came second to SACS.In 2001 and 2007 they came 2nd and 3rd respectively.

    As I said to you, if things have changed in their basketball, it can only be for the worse.I have not been keeping abreast of what goes on in basketball, so I am open to a difference in opinion/facts.

    14 March, 2013 at 12:51
  53. avatar
    #113 PaarlBok

    Paarl Gym also have in Giniel de Villiers a Dakar winner, lady Rugga, Cobus Wiese and Mareliese Brink the voices and the u21 and Protea hockey player in Izelle lategan.

    14 March, 2013 at 12:45
  54. avatar
    #112 PaarlBok

    Wynberg Boys sure have to figure somewhere in boys hockey, last year Bishops was the best in the WC. Girls hockey and netball Paarl Gym will feature in the top three.

    14 March, 2013 at 12:42
  55. avatar
    #111 The Beast

    @CapeMan: You got a chip on your shoulder cos Grey PE thrash you at everything?

    14 March, 2013 at 12:28
  56. avatar
    #110 CapeMan

    @Queenian: my apologies. Queens were 2nd overall last year which is great but could you say they were 3rd over the past 5years? I know they dominate in EC.

    14 March, 2013 at 12:16
  57. avatar
    #109 BOG

    @Queenian: But not just Grey. Sentraal have attracted many kids from that area. Not to mention Eunice and Oranje(for larger girls) and St Andrews(my best buddy was there) And dont I remember the train journey. Up to QT, it was QT Girls(with the Stutt and Cathcart tunnells) and as it got dark in Sterkstroom, it was the Sentraal, Eunice and Oranje girls. In what state is QT Girls and King convent these days?We always hear about the boys on this site but forget about the necessity of life- females! :lol:

    14 March, 2013 at 12:14
  58. avatar
    #108 CapeMan

    @Playa: now that’s a absolute lie because in 20000 SACS won the national championship which was known as the Telkom SAschools basketball champs back then. I can’t even recall grey even making the quarters. Ross skeate was part of that national championship team who was sachools for basketball. DHS ofcourse dominated this tournament in other years. So I don’t know where you get the notion that Grey Pe was the best.

    14 March, 2013 at 12:11
  59. avatar
    #107 Queenian

    @BOG: Ye agree with you there i think the split has favoured Grey and Selborne the last 20 years i remember in the early 80,s those NEC area,s were split about 50/50 with Grey now its about 70/30 in Grey favour.

    14 March, 2013 at 11:58
  60. avatar
    #106 BOG

    @Queenian: The split between Bloem, not just Grey, and QT, KWT and EL, kids from NE Cape- your valley. Lady Grey, Molteno, Steynsburg, Barkly, Elliot, Ugie, seems to favour Bloem these days. I think it used to be 50/50 and I believe it has something to do with education. I know that it has declined all over, but there is a perception that its worse in the EC. Its bad in the FS as well, but in the Bloem schools, they have been able to maintain high standards. The irony is that I believe that it equally applies to schools like Queens and Selborne. But sadly, one deals with public perceptions

    14 March, 2013 at 11:54
  61. avatar
    #105 Woltrui 14 March, 2013 at 11:41
  62. avatar
    #104 Queenian

    @BOG: Make it worse i think Tertuis brother who farms near Bethulie is sending his 3 sons to Grey as well or they are there already.

    14 March, 2013 at 11:33
  63. avatar
    #103 Queenian

    @beet: I will give you a run down of the games next week at Graeme will be there for the whole day note book in hand.

    Whats your take on the Kearsney vs GW game

    14 March, 2013 at 11:30
  64. avatar
    #102 BOG

    @Queenian: That would be fantastic. Hopefully the first step in making it an annual event again. Just dont know about the friendly bit- certainly after the match, but not before and during. Glad to hear that there is more to come from the Louw genes 2 yrs down the line.

    14 March, 2013 at 11:29
  65. avatar
    #101 beet

    Fixtures for weekend does a bit of a preview. Will do a more detailed KZN one later.

    14 March, 2013 at 11:26
  66. avatar
    #100 Queenian

    To all bloggers in General i do not think any of us can argue that Grey College is the best overall sports school in SA

    Blog/Rugbyfan ye i said it :oops:

    14 March, 2013 at 11:25
  67. avatar
    #99 Queenian

    @BOG: Something to do with the Aliwal Sports club which was opened in 1938 and aparently Grey played Queens there in 1938 for the opening. And as far as i can see played to a 3-3 Draw.

    14 March, 2013 at 11:22
  68. avatar
    #98 Queenian

    @star: Something tells me Kearsney as well.

    14 March, 2013 at 11:18
  69. avatar
    #97 Queenian

    @BOG: Ye as far i know it is Tertuis Louw son who played for Queens in 1979 also a flank widely considered the best No7 to ever play for Queens also played for Free State till he was badley injured i think the younger boy is aslo there playing for Under 16 or 15,s.

    Ye its a pleasure i know you Grey boys need some help from Queens.

    Also herd the other day that there was a possibilty of Grey playing Queens on a Wednesday in a friendly game in Aliwal North because of something that happened there 75 years ago. Not sure what its about.

    14 March, 2013 at 11:17
  70. avatar
    #96 Woltrui

    @Grasshopper: Was the Who’s who of SA schools there.? Klofies is disqualified. They got girls playing. You think an Affie can focus sitting next to a girl. :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 11:12
  71. avatar
    #95 star

    @ Queenian-My money is on Kearsney. Besides home ground advantage it will be class/ experience over youthful enthusiasm and raw talent. Kearsney by 8.

    14 March, 2013 at 11:04
  72. avatar
    #94 BOG

    @Queenian: If I can just return to rugby for a moment. I see on GCBs FB that they say that the captain of Grey, Marius Louw, (7)is the next Reuben Kruger. From what I picked up here, his dad was an old Queenian? So, just a word of thanks :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 11:00
  73. avatar
    #93 All Black

    Beet, I bet you are loving this. This is the funniest thread I have ever seen. Every guy claiming something for his old school. Brilliant. Not sure about some of the claims but then again who cares. Would hate to have a braai with this lot. We would never eat.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:58
  74. avatar
    #92 Ploegskaar

    @Queenian: He already does not kindly to my jibes about him being a soft Soutie, and with dubious orientations on top of that for being in an all-boys. More ammo is always welcome though!

    14 March, 2013 at 10:53
  75. avatar
    #91 Queenian

    @star: Would be interesting to see who will win this one.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:52
  76. avatar
    #90 star

    @ Beet- I know we are all having a bit of fun here but how about a preview on the GW/Kearsney game. :mrgreen: (“the game of the KZN season”-Greenblooded)

    14 March, 2013 at 10:49
  77. avatar
    #89 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: Tell him Queens is looking for Old Boys sons so he must get he,s tackle working.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:48
  78. avatar
    #88 Ploegskaar

    @Queenian: Yip, a beautiful little daughter, so his tackle is in good working order despite the trauma of Queens’ border initiation (the eye of Isis?) 8-O

    14 March, 2013 at 10:46
  79. avatar
    #87 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: He will think you mad or something tell him you herd he sang solo,s for the Queens 1st team choir. :lol:

    14 March, 2013 at 10:46
  80. avatar
    #86 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: Queens now has a good Life Saving Club which they had to develop to save the boys during the interhouse gala. :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 10:44
  81. avatar
    #85 Ploegskaar

    @Queenian: Will do :wink:

    14 March, 2013 at 10:43
  82. avatar
    #84 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: Has Warren got any kids.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:43
  83. avatar
    #83 Ploegskaar

    @beet: BTW, if knopping qualifies as a non-sports, then Bosmansdam gets top spot by a country mile 8-O

    14 March, 2013 at 10:42
  84. avatar
    #82 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: Ye i have herd about them they in a class of there own i think the Queens choir sounds like a bunch of drunk Bulls supporters at a Super15 game. :mrgreen:

    Ask Warren if he was a choir boy :lol:

    14 March, 2013 at 10:41
  85. avatar
    #81 Ploegskaar

    @Queenian: Your booming black boys choir and BOG’s all-white gumboot brigade will make quite an ensemble then, should we book ArtsCape and go 50/50 on the gate? Jokes aside though, the SMK is peerless in SA and one of the best in the world, so young beet will just have to suck it up at put them at one in the choir category.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:36
  86. avatar
    #80 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: Ye not always the blacks that sing well but will agree with Rugbyfan when i was at Queens the choir sound like a badly tuned organ or pig screaming(Maybe becuase us Tarkastad farmers were not singing :mrgreen: ) since they have some black kids you can actually listen to it has some rythem.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:29
  87. avatar
    #79 Ploegskaar

    @rugbyfan: Above are the world choir rankings, so being top 10 and top 5 in the world definitely sets you apart from just being the best locally. I also do not completely agree that a bigger proportion black learners strengthen a choir, as Stellenberg is also the home of the SA Youth Choir, which contains a large number of black learners, and once again they are not on the same planet as the SMK.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:21
  88. avatar
    #78 rugbyfan

    @Ploegskaar: At best Choir become better when schools have a bigger preportion of black kids as there singing is by far better than us whities.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:11
  89. avatar
    #77 Ploegskaar

    If we have to refer to proper choirs (not this sing-a-long shit mentioned above) and although not a boys choir, the Stellenberg Girls Choir are:
    -Ranked 7th in the world overall
    -Ranked 2nd in the world for children’s and youth choirs
    Frankly on a different planet to doing well at the local Eistedfodd, ATKV compos or singing oh so beautifully at the local Sunday church gathering in Venterspos.

    14 March, 2013 at 10:05
  90. avatar
    #76 rugbyfan

    I see we rate Kes and Grey Bloem as the top soccer school that i doubt i know at least 10 township schools that will wipe the board with them when it comes to soccer

    14 March, 2013 at 10:00
  91. avatar
    #75 The Beast

    Any kids who write NSC should have their marks compared with the IEB Grade 8’s.

    14 March, 2013 at 09:56
  92. avatar
    #74 The Beast

    @Grasshopper: So I guess the Chess players are better at touch rugby cos they appeared to enjoy that more.

    14 March, 2013 at 09:55
  93. avatar
    #73 star

    @Playa- I get your point but but lets us look at the last 5 years then. 2009 rated the top boys school in the country. 2010 had 1 and 2 in the province. 2011 had 3 boys in the top ten( the Only boys)No other school (Girls) had more than one. In 2012 I think MC came firing from left field and claimed top spot :mrgreen: but in 2012 Westville were back on top.

    14 March, 2013 at 09:54
  94. avatar
    #72 beet

    @Grasshopper: Woltrui said Affies are national champs :?:

    14 March, 2013 at 09:46
  95. avatar
    #71 BuiteBreek

    The best schools for parkour, steeple chase and dodgeball, has to be on the Cape Flats.

    14 March, 2013 at 09:41
  96. avatar
    #70 Queenian

    @Grasshopper: Can you imagine how good the Russian schools are at chess

    14 March, 2013 at 09:37
  97. avatar
    #69 Queenian

    @BuiteBreek: Did they go behind the Shark nets for a smoke break :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 09:36
  98. avatar
    #68 Grasshopper

    @Beet, Affies are not top in chess, Waterkloof are tops,

    14 March, 2013 at 09:25
  99. avatar
    #67 BuiteBreek

    The Rustenburg schools had surfing at Valley of the Waves in Sun City. But it got a bit out of hand when the rhinos charged the boys, when they went behind the shark nets. :lol:

    14 March, 2013 at 09:23
  100. avatar
    #66 Woltrui

    Mr Editor. Can we appeal against the Rugby list.
    Affies played Paarl Booishaai 19 times. Won 12 and lost 7. Don’t Affies then deserve the no 2 spot? 8)

    14 March, 2013 at 09:21
  101. avatar
    #65 Queenian

    @BOG: Thats a good answer cannot argue about that you have to be quick and have endurance to keep ahead of the law. :lol:

    14 March, 2013 at 09:10
  102. avatar
    #64 Queenian

    @Grasshopper: What happens with squash being an individual sport is you get one or two good boys and for a few years the schools is tops then it drops off again till the next stars arrive. To give you an example remember in 1983 Queens were ranked No 1 in 1985 did not even make the top 30. How that happens is i remember at that stage one Darryl Cullinan won the Under17/18/19 school champs in one year. Not bad for a boy who was more well known for Cricket.

    14 March, 2013 at 09:09
  103. avatar
    #63 BOG

    @Queenian: I would certainly support your claim to no 1 spot in cross- country, although you have, over years had a distinct (and unfair) advantage. The skills which you have in this discipline, were mostly acquired in running away or escaping from the police into the surrounding mountains

    14 March, 2013 at 09:06
  104. avatar
    #62 Grasshopper

    In 2009 Glenwood were 2nd in SA to Selborne at squash;

    We have dropped off a bit recently, probably with Michaelhouse as the best squash school in KZN, stand to be corrected….

    14 March, 2013 at 09:00
  105. avatar
    #61 Queenian

    @Playa: Ye i think Queens/Dale have been okay acdemically but never PHD stuff. So maybe they will fill the No 1 and 2 spots.

    Sorry i meant the No 51 and No 52 spots :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 08:46
  106. avatar
    #60 Queenian

    @CapeMan: It is always difficult to rank schools with athlectics what i can say is that Queens have been historically the top Eastern Cape school by far and by last years results and 2010 i think 3rd is correct and the Bloem meeting last year should back that.

    I suppose i could be biased and say No 1 but i will not.

    14 March, 2013 at 08:43
  107. avatar
    #59 Playa

    @GCollege86: Hahahahaha! Clutching at straws there.KHS has had 100% pass rate since 1987.

    Academics have never been Dale’s strong point though, I’m afraid :oops:

    14 March, 2013 at 08:43
  108. avatar
    #58 Playa

    @star: Fair enough. I have a few mates who went to Westville, and I can attest.
    But let’s stick to 10 years. Because we all know if we used 30 years, a lot of these rankings would look totally different.Starting with the rugby one :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 08:40
  109. avatar
    #57 GCollege86

    Academics: Selborne 2012 Gr12 pupils, nr 1 and nr 3 in the Eastern Cape :roll: Sister School, Claredon – 100% pass rate for the last twenty years.

    14 March, 2013 at 08:38
  110. avatar
    #56 star

    With regard to academics reference should be made to the 2009 national survey conducted by Wits on behalf of the Sunday times which found Westville as the top boys school.2nd and 3rd should come from that ranking. It does not deal with the IEB but is the only definitive research at hand. Westville has backed that up over the last 30 years by having more top pupils than any other school in KZN. Crawford do not have that history

    14 March, 2013 at 08:33
  111. avatar
    #55 rugbyfan

    @CapeMan: On the athletics front i do know that at the national meeting held in Bloem last year Queens got the 3rd most Gold Medals and were 2nd in overall medal count so i would say no 3 is a fair reflection. So they could even be higher than 3 difficult to tell with a sport like athletics when i was at school i remember them always been near the top as well. And that would change year to year but if you take 5/10/15/20/30/40 years they have always been there so to be fair i would have made them 2.

    Maybe some Queens bloggers can comment

    14 March, 2013 at 08:31
  112. avatar
    #54 Playa

    @CapeMan: Grey PE at a point in time had the best basketball team in the country (1999/2000/2001).The pyjama boys take their basketball seriously.Their closest competition being DHS. Grey PE and DHS more often than not make up the bulk of the SA Schools Team year in and year out.If things have changed, it could only be for the worse for them, which is not the case.Which school would you have in their place?

    Same question goes for Queens and athletics.Who would you have in their place?

    It’s only natural that okes would be more biased towards schools from their provinces, as that is the exposure we have.But some objectivity is needed.

    You say the WC schools are better than the Gauteng schools in surfing…but do any of the GP schools have surfing to begin with???

    14 March, 2013 at 08:26
  113. avatar
    #53 Woltrui

    @CapeMan: Affies played Rondebosch on 2/3/13 in a 2 innings 65/55 over match. Ended in a draw. Affies played Wynberg on 3/3/13 in a 50 over match and won by 5 wickets.@BoishaaiPa: Die stand van ons skole krieket is puik. Een van die redes hoekom ons toets span no 1 in die wereld is. Volgens my behoort hokkie en rugby om die selfde redes ook no 1 in die wereld te wees. Provinsiale skole krieket gaan altyd gedomineer word deur provinsies met ‘n sterk sg “kwota” groep. In skole krieket is die kwota groep wat moet speel baie groot. Omrede Noord Gauteng en, ek vermoed die Vrystaat, se kwota groepe nie sterk is nie, gaan ons nooit teen provinsies soos die Wp kan kompiteer nie. My “feeling” tov my stelling dat Gauteng skole verby die Wes Kaap skole gegaan het is gegrond op die krieket skole ranglys waar 3 van die eerste 4 skole van Pretoria is. :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 08:23
  114. avatar
    #52 beet

    @CapeMan: I didn’t look back to see who started it on the other thread. If it is you, best you start contributing to the moderating here… :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 08:19
  115. avatar
    #51 CapeMan

    Theft of my idea beet..hahaha..Hilton College as the number 1 rowing school in the past 5years is just complete hogwash..Most rowing followeres will tell you that in the last 5years as a whole, SACS have been the best. I’m not sure what’s been going on in basketball with the schoolboys in the last 5years but to say Grey PE are Third must mean things have Really change because I know the kzn, Gauteng & WC schools are serious about their ball. I’m not sure about the stats when it comes to surfing and body boarding, but I know the cape and kzn schools rule in this department. Really don’t know about Selbourne. Oh, and I think the WC schools are better than the gauteng schools.@Woltrui didn’t Bosch just thrash Affies in cricket 2weeks ago? I believe a 9wicket victory for Bosch. Wynberg is best cricket school in the country. Those guys are always complete right through. Kes I hear are a good side but if they want to test out how good they are they should play against the WC schools. I don’t recall that they’ve done that. Waterpolo in the last 5years is none of those schools. I would say ST johns, SACS & KES are the national powerhouses in this sport. Bishops were hands down the best hockey team last year in the country but we are talking about the past 5years. So I’m not to sure about that stat. Queens dominate in the EC in athletics but on the bational scale I wouldn’t say they are a top 3 school.

    14 March, 2013 at 08:02
  116. avatar
    #50 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: You forgot to mention that at JJS when you get detention you go to Queens :lol: :lol:

    14 March, 2013 at 07:56
  117. avatar
    #49 kcman

    @BoishaaiPa: I know I would get a slap over my wrists for that comment, hahahaha. I guess Boishaai won’t be beating Kingswood at anything this year as we whipped you at Waterpolo as well.

    Thanks heavens we don’t play you guys at ruggaz though, cos we know what would probably happen.

    14 March, 2013 at 07:53
  118. avatar
    #48 Queenian


    If criminal activity was a sport i think the top 3 would be as you know 1. JJS 2. GCB . QC that been if you did something small you would go to Queens(like me) something a bit worse you would go to GCB (Bog) and if you messed up there you went to JJS (Rugbfan)

    Ha Ha Ha :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 07:53
  119. avatar
    #47 BoishaaiPa

    @kcman: We did not claim No 1 spot…I said we did well the last few years…its not just about one season and one competition…look at the results the last 10 years or so. I know we had the SA No 2 player in 2011 and that we did very well over a period…it ebbs and flows.

    14 March, 2013 at 07:41
  120. avatar
    #46 Queenian

    As far as i know the 2 teams that were unbeaten at the St Andrew squach festival was Queens and Kingswood

    14 March, 2013 at 07:39
  121. avatar
    #45 Queenian

    I do know one thing when i was at Queens we were the Top “smoking” school in the country we held both the Gunston and Lucky Strike Cups :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 07:36
  122. avatar
    #44 GCollege86

    I think Selborne (2nd) behind Glenwood in surfing and might be nr.1 in fishing.

    14 March, 2013 at 07:31
  123. avatar
    #43 GCollege86

    I think Selborne might be nr.1 at squash. Only school to have won SA Schools champs two years in a row (2011 and 2012). Dont know about this year.

    14 March, 2013 at 07:23
  124. avatar
    #42 kcman

    Regarding squash, here are the Kingswood results of that same tournament in Bloemfontein.

    SQUASH : 19th FNB Invitational Squash Festival
    KC vs Rondebosch – Kingswood won 4-2
    KC vs Grey College (Bloemfontein) – Kingswood won 4-2
    KC vs St John’s – Kingswood won 5-1
    KC vs Saint Andrew’ School (Bloemfontein) – Kingswood won 4-2
    KC vs Paarl Boys High – Kingswood won 4-2

    I am sure I saw an earlier comment to Boishaai claiming no.1 spot?

    We definitely better than Grey College at 1 thing.

    14 March, 2013 at 07:22
  125. avatar
    #41 Gungets Tuft

    @rugbyfan: Squash is another of those individual vs team sports. Daniel Smith from College is ranked 7th in Africa and was 4th in the SA Closed Champs in 2012. He is closely followed by van Heewijk. At team level, less depth available. How do you judge – individual or team?

    The St Andrews tournament is a good measure because it looks like all the top teams are there, Queens and Selbourne unbeaten and they drew with each other – I guess they should be joint top.

    14 March, 2013 at 07:13
  126. avatar
    #40 Grasshopper

    Add Rudy Palmboom, Rory and Kyle Beach. Glenwood won the National Schools title in 2002 & 2004, maybe more since then. They regularly win the KZN title. It’s about consistency, Glenwood are consistently good…same for bodyboarding….

    14 March, 2013 at 07:10
  127. avatar
    #39 Queenian

    Maybe we need to add a sport like sheep shearing on here sure a school like Marlow would come out tops nobody close like Westville is at swimming. :lol:

    14 March, 2013 at 07:07
  128. avatar
    #38 Queenian

    @Grasshopper: Sorry dont know if they have produced any SA surfers jsut going by when you at Nahoon Reef all you see is Selborne boys we always knew Selborne boys as fish. Even last year when i was in Jbay with my family there was a surfing competion going on and a whole bus load of Selborne kids arrived.

    Maybe some Selborne bloggers can give us more insight.

    I do know that Queens/Dale will not be in line for any swimming honours here the last i heard they needed Life Gaurds at there gala,s and Surfing in Queenstown is not top of the agenda i am afraid. :mrgreen:

    14 March, 2013 at 07:05
  129. avatar
    #37 Grasshopper

    Meant and DHS, not Northwood twice ;-)

    14 March, 2013 at 06:57
  130. avatar
    #36 Grasshopper

    @queenian, please tell what international & national surfers Selborne has produced? Glenwood have a few Dean Geraghty, Jordy Smith, Ricky Basnett, Paul Daniel, Clive Daniel and could claim Travis and Dane Logie as they were at Glenwood longer than they were at DHS. They only moved to DHS as DHS gave colours for surfing and Glenwood didn’t. I’m sure Selborne are good, but mate we will never know for sure. Northwood, George Campbell and Northwood are up there. Maybe Fish Hoek and Camps Bay could be up there….

    14 March, 2013 at 06:55
  131. avatar
    #35 rugbyfan

    As far as squach goes there was a tournament held at ST Andrew Bloem in January were 36 schools from around the country took part were only two schools were unbeaten the one was a school from Cape Town not sure who and Queens which should give you an idea of who is who.

    14 March, 2013 at 06:11
  132. avatar
    #34 Queenian

    What about Cross Country were i am sure there is nobody close to Queens.

    14 March, 2013 at 05:43
  133. avatar
    #33 Queenian

    I think as for swimming Grey PE has been left out.

    Surfing Selborne must rate as the best country wide sorry for Glenwood

    14 March, 2013 at 05:42
  134. avatar
    #32 BOG

    @Gungets Tuft: Yep, the Voortrekkers version of cricket. Almost as removed from cricket as “T20” But I vote GCB for dancing, choir( THEY ARE ON YOUTUBE) , Ensemble, I/Endomitus and Gumboot dancing (any other school has this?) and still water surfing.

    14 March, 2013 at 05:31
  135. avatar
    #31 BoishaaiPa

    @Woltrui: I believe your cricket “feeling” may be a little bit off…In the only national competition currently held (even if it is T20)..Western Cape schools won in the last 2 years running..2012 it was Paarl Boys…this year it was Rondebosch….in 2009 WP (Consisting mainly of Wynberg and R’Bosch players) went unbeaten at the u/19 Cocal Cola week and won the “final” against KZN Inland…in 2010 WP again went unbeaten..cant remember who played in the “final though. In 2011 Boland (With 9 players from Paarl Boys and Paul Roos) also went unbeaten and won the “final” against WP….That year the u/17 (with 6 Paarl Boys players) and U/15 Boland teams also went unbeaten in their competitions. In 2012 WP again made the final….and every year they play Gauteng and Northerns…So the WC sides did very well at national competitions, It is difficult to say that Northern Schools have surpassed WC schools…On any given day any of the top schools can beat another. That is the nature of cricket…just be glad our schools cricket is in such a good shape!

    13 March, 2013 at 21:52
  136. avatar
    #30 Gungets Tuft

    @RuggaZ: I think the rowing at Hilton has the same issue as the golf and swimming at College. Not enough depth, so two good rowers, whether in single or double sculls (it is rowing rather then kayaking I assume) do not make an impression at Champs. College have 2 superb golfers, both SA Schools, but in competition where you need singles, pairs and foursomes they get beaten. Swimming, College have no depth, but Martin Binedell is a great swimmer.

    13 March, 2013 at 21:41
  137. avatar
    #29 Gungets Tuft

    @BOG: Jukskei .. is that where, instead of hitting the ball, you throw the bat?

    13 March, 2013 at 21:35
  138. avatar
    #28 RuggaZ

    I’m pretty sure St. John’s basketball should be 2nd. They were just pipped by DHS in the basketball tournament last year.

    I also think Hilton College Rowing should be up there, winning two golds at the SA Champs tournament earlier this month (with a rower who has a rowing scholarship to Oxford)

    13 March, 2013 at 21:22
  139. avatar
    #27 Anonymous

    Horsey I’m flattered that you think our athletics is up there. You only have to go and look at how many international reps schools like menlo park and kempton park get each year to see how far we are behind. 8)

    13 March, 2013 at 21:15
  140. avatar
    #26 BOG

    @Gungets Tuft: What you talking? The Grey Ball, every term is THE event on the Bloemfontein social calendar and the young girls queue up from Pretoria to attend. Even the ugliest bugger gets a nice girl for this event. And mostly, its the waltz.(my days anyway) And the music- The Choir(they perform with well known singers) , Endomitus- they are normally recording standard (they performed at Hansies funeral and you may recall what one of your favourite sons, Jonty, said about their abilities. Only recently, they performed in Europe, where they received awards and high praise.How is your jukskei? So, far, its only Woltrui who is involved in this. I notice that all the teams got below 0- all on minus?

    13 March, 2013 at 19:32
  141. avatar
    #25 HORSEFLY NO.1

    DHS Athletics and Badminton. Have won SA Schools champs for badminton twice in last five years and have SAs best schools player.

    13 March, 2013 at 18:03
  142. avatar
    #24 Gungets Tuft

    @sharkie: Choir??? – and I thought we were pushing a boat out with academics and chess as qualifiers for best sports school.

    Anyone here do ballroom dancing (Bog, sakkie sakkie doesn’t count, that goes under athletics!!!)

    On that note though, perhaps Surfski, kayaking and rowing (all the men and ladies lined up in a straight streepie, rowing backwards!!??!!) all qualify on their own. I know KES is right up there but also SACS and a few others. In the opens apparently there was some controversy at SA Champs this year when a few schools entered last years matric boys .. don’t know who, but the results were :

    1 St Andrews -11
    2 Parktown – 10
    2 King Edward VII – 10
    4 Jeppe – 7
    5 St Benidicts – 6
    6 Selborne – 5
    7 Germiston – 4
    7 Wemmer Pan Rowing Club – 4
    7 Victoria Lake Rowing Club – 4
    10 St Stithians – 2
    10 Mondeor – 2
    10 Smuts – 2
    13 Bishops – 1

    Overall, with U16’s and opens :

    1 St Benidicts – 43
    2 Jeppe Boys – 29
    3 King Edward VII – 20
    4 Parktown – 15
    4 St Andrews – 15
    6 Selborne – 14
    7 Mondeor – 11
    8 St Stithians – 9
    9 Germiston – 4
    9 Victoria Lake Rowing Club – 4
    9 Wemmer Pan Rowing Club – 4
    9 Smuts – 4
    13 Sacs – 2
    13 Florida – 2
    15 Grey – 1
    15 Bishops – 1
    15 Crawford – 1

    13 March, 2013 at 17:52
  143. avatar
    #23 sharkie

    Choir must go to kearsney

    13 March, 2013 at 17:38
  144. avatar
    #22 BOG

    @Woltrui: We need more than just emotion to back your claims. A person spells “Volstuis” differently than “Woltrui” And SA includes the area beyond the Vaal river, southwards! Are we going to get stuck on just one year? Or over the last 10 years? Because, apart from 2007, GCB was No1 in cricket on one other occasion(year), I am sure.

    13 March, 2013 at 17:22
  145. avatar
    #21 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: SA Surfski champs coming up this Friday. I don’t think the 4 main College contenders (Wilson twins, Stamp and Spies) will be paddling. It is currently a little like surfing and trout fishing, location, location, location …. (but give College a year .. we are on our way, got the bus, will travel!!)

    I reckon the boys from PE, if they paddle, will take it. Serious boys and girls down there.

    Crawford for academics should be excluded, simply on the grounds that we would chuckle at any school that does just a single sport and wins it. Crawford are specialists at getting rid of any kids that they feel will lower their pass rate and be a bad advertisement.

    13 March, 2013 at 17:10
  146. avatar
    #20 Woltrui

    Beet my personal opinion is that the Noord-Vaal schools have passed the Cape schools with cricket. Any of KES, KLOOF, AFFIES, PTA BOYS HIGH or even MenloPark should be in the top 3. Would love to have some stats for the past 5 years to make my point.

    13 March, 2013 at 17:06
  147. avatar
    #19 BOG

    Years ago, Grey was regularly second after Menlo Park in athletics, and occasionally no 1. But in those years, it was determined at the SA Champs or Sasol meetings- it was clear and undisputed. But while i reckon they are still in the Top 10, even 5, I agree that they are not top2. But once again, Woltruis emotions are getting the better of him.The margin against Affies was not that big. But the condition of athletics in SA is not healthy ito organization. Academics? What criteria will we use? Passes in matric? As?, Most pupils getting As in 10 or 15 subjects? The most sense spoken by the commentators here? (In which case GCB are clear winners) Given the dysfunctional state of education in SA, I think that the only criteria that can be used is the position of a school iro of their Maths and Science standings in SA. And there, I can say that Grey has been in the Top 10 a few times. Just not sure about last year. And to accommodate the folks from Queenstown, I would not object if they include the academic achievements of their “sattalite” campus on the outskirts of the town just to boost them a little. :mrgreen:

    13 March, 2013 at 17:02
  148. avatar
    #18 Ludz

    I would give the 3rd spot in cricket to St Andrew’s College, those okes are beasts on the cricket field

    13 March, 2013 at 16:49
  149. avatar
    #17 Ludz

    @Woltrui: impressive by Affies, similar to what Queen’s have done with the Hirsch Shield, (2002-2012). During my time in high school at Queen’s, we never lost a senior athletics meeting between the schools.

    13 March, 2013 at 16:45
  150. avatar
    #16 Grasshopper

    Glenwood would probably take Softball and Baseball;

    Westville would be in the top 3 for academics.

    13 March, 2013 at 16:34
  151. avatar
    #15 Grasshopper

    Glenwood should be in the top 3 for surfing, body boarding and surf ski, I would have thought with DHS, Northwood, Grey PE and some Cape Town schools being competitive. Glenwood do have SA’s best surfer in Jordy Smith as an Old Boy…..

    13 March, 2013 at 16:31
  152. avatar
    #14 Grasshopper

    Waterkloof take the chess title with Glenwood in 4th;

    13 March, 2013 at 16:29
  153. avatar
    #13 Klofie Pa

    Have a look at mountain biking, academics should be tops. Cricket but like AB says the format?
    Kempton Park should be up there with Waterkloof just short. Some youngsters got some good results in golf.
    And then Affies not sharing a spot???

    13 March, 2013 at 16:16
  154. avatar
    #12 Playa

    Queens should be in that top 3 in Athletics
    Grey High in the top 3 in Basketball

    13 March, 2013 at 16:12
  155. avatar
    #11 Woltrui

    Although Affies came third in the Super Schools inter athletics in North Vaal this year, they did win the competition 8 times in a row (2004 to 2012) (even in this “bad year” we beat Grey Bloem, comfortably-sorry Bog).
    Chess: Affies A and B team normally come in at no 1 and 2 position in the SA Chess championship. Our C team are normally placed at 4 or 5. Chess must go to Affies. 8-O

    13 March, 2013 at 16:09
  156. avatar
    #10 Ludz

    Queen’s must be close to being the best school in athletics

    13 March, 2013 at 16:08
  157. avatar
    #9 Grasshopper

    This is too subjective as not all the schools have competed against each other. It’s worse than the rugby ranking, far too many factors in the lesser sports. Also there are about 20 sports missing from the list…….don’t get Roger onto this as he will have KES at no1 in each :wink: Rog, only kidding mate, KES would be up in the top 10 for most…

    13 March, 2013 at 16:05
  158. avatar
    #8 Kes Dutchie

    This will be very interesting for discussion purposes but we need stats. I fear blind passion will rule. I must say I cant remember losing to affies at athletics when I was at school. Maybe once or twice but we definitely took the majority of the meetings. This was however between 97 and 2001.

    13 March, 2013 at 16:05
  159. avatar
    #7 beet

    @All Black: Yikes, who is soccer numero uno

    13 March, 2013 at 15:55
  160. avatar
    #6 All Black

    For cricket College have represented the Dolphins 3 times in the last 5 years and Westville 2. College made the finals for 2 years running. Waterkloof seemed to be the team to beat for a couple of years. Problem with cricket is the different formats.

    Squash is competitive and is a little individualistic.

    No soccer?

    13 March, 2013 at 15:52
  161. avatar
    #5 star

    Westville has always considered Grey to be the biggest challenger in swimming so they must be no 2. Cricket has seen a shift to the North and so in the latest ranking Wynberg are battling to make the top 20. Difficult call there. Rondebosch must be top 3 though.

    13 March, 2013 at 15:43
  162. avatar
    #4 Ploegskaar

    Quite a few obscure activities here that would either qualify as hobbies or girl sports in my book, but then again, it has become PC in the new millennium to cater for and make the most feeblest of mind and body feel special :evil:

    13 March, 2013 at 15:42
  163. avatar
    #3 BoishaaiPa

    I know our squash did very well the last couple of years and won some Top tournaments…

    13 March, 2013 at 15:38
  164. avatar
    #2 Maroon

    Mountain Biking: Paul Roos won national title last year.

    13 March, 2013 at 15:37
  165. avatar
    #1 CyndiAtRugby

    Basketball is an interesting one because more than half the fixtures are cancelled each year due to rain. If memory serves me correctly, GW only played 3 fixtures this term. The schools with indoor courts tend to play more games. How does this effect other sports?

    13 March, 2013 at 15:30

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