WP Rugby Day 2013 at Newlands

20 minutes per half and no kicking will again be the order of the day at  WP Rugby Day to be played at Newlands on Monday 18-Mar-2013. Entrance is FREE so make sure you get there!

15:55 SACS 5 5 Strand
16:40 Bishops 25 10 Stellenberg
17:25 Wynberg 15 20 Paul Roos
18:10 Rondebosch 0 0 HJS Paarl
18:53 Paarl Gim 20 5 Boland Landbou


  1. avatar
    #28 Tandem

    Boland Landbou will approve , they have very good back line coach , i rate him very highly !

    20 March, 2013 at 00:22
  2. avatar
    #27 Balikibaba


    Thanks so much for the compliment. I appreciate it.

    By the sounds of things this is going to be one helluva competitive year in the WC. I can’t wait!

    And let us not forget that schoolboy rugby should ALWAYS be the winner! This is why we all love it so much!

    I have a very busy schedule this year launching a business, but I look forward to some great banter on here!

    19 March, 2013 at 21:50
  3. avatar
    #26 Tandem

    Hi Balikibaba: Thanks for these comments . I am not in a position to see these teams play so it is good to get your opinion on this . It is in line with what all my friends in the Western Cape are telling me as well . It is clear that rugby in the Cape is very healthy and it is exciting that there are so many strong teams this year ! Bishops had a tough year last year but if they are back to full strenght this year and with Rondebosch , Wynberg etc all having strong teams there will be many surprises I am sure . I have been reading your comments over the last few years ( also on another blog ) and would like to congratulate you with for your good manners and positive outlook .

    19 March, 2013 at 20:46
  4. avatar
    #25 Balikibaba

    Ok, so from my sources this is what I hear:

    Paarl Gym are easily the most impressive team so far. It is going to take one hellava good side to beat them this year.
    Boishaai looking as stroong as they do every year. It was what was expected.
    Boland have one of the biggest forward packs in schoolboy rugby but there was not much in the backs.
    Paul Roos did not look too impressive.
    Rondebosch look REALLY good this year and are going to surprise some big names.
    SACS look like they are going to lose quite a few games.
    Wynberg will be competitive but next year will be their year.
    Bishops will lose a few games to the big guns, but will have a good season, winning 70% plus of their games.

    19 March, 2013 at 14:27
  5. avatar
  6. avatar
    #23 Ploegskaar

    @Maroon: Gemeet aan die terugvoer van ‘n paar ander ondersteuners vanoggend, is jou waarneming 100% korrek. Met spelers soos Buhr, Nel, Visagie en Fortune tot hul beskikking het ek egter gemeen hulle behoort ‘n lekker agterlyn aanmekaar te sit, maar miskien soos verlede jaar net ‘n geval van reg besluit wie waar moet speel. Ek dink ook drie wedtryde in drie dae was te veel vir daai diesel enjins :mrgreen:

    19 March, 2013 at 09:56
  7. avatar
    #22 Maroon

    @Ploegskaar: die manne van die plaas het mooi gehou teen Gim gisteraand en was dit nie vir ‘n paar foute nie, kon die telling baie nader gewees het. Julle pak het lekker gespeel, maar julle probleem (gemeet op gister) is agter.

    19 March, 2013 at 09:45
  8. avatar
    #21 Ploegskaar

    @QC86: I ask not, hence I know not :evil:

    19 March, 2013 at 09:20
  9. avatar
    #20 QC86

    @Ploegskaar: ask her which team was the hottest,that she will know :mrgreen:

    19 March, 2013 at 08:59
  10. avatar
    #19 Ploegskaar

    @Balikibaba: Cheers, hope Biskoppe has a good season as well :wink:

    19 March, 2013 at 07:52
  11. avatar
    #18 Ploegskaar

    @beet: Don’t want to flog a dead horse, but the fullback from Stellenberg is Tiaan Swanepoel, the WP Grant Khomo super-sub from last year that scored a try and kicked a 55m penalty to win the game against the Lions. Why he didn’t start in the first place, is a mystery to all but those that live between Kaya Mandi and Jamestown.

    19 March, 2013 at 07:50
  12. avatar
    #17 Balikibaba


    Fair enough. Just remember this conversation.

    19 March, 2013 at 07:09
  13. avatar
    #16 Maroon

    @Balikibaba: on last night’s showing, he is third in line after the no.8s of Paarl Gym and Paul Roos. Both are big athletic lads.

    19 March, 2013 at 06:57
  14. avatar
    #15 Balikibaba

    Everyone seems to be forgetting the Bishops no 8 Abrahams. He’ll play CW this year. Watch

    19 March, 2013 at 06:29
  15. avatar
    #14 Tandem

    My prediction is that Paarl Gym will be very difficult to beat this year. They have a very good team with talent in all positions and their nr 8 is really very special !

    18 March, 2013 at 23:00
  16. avatar
    #13 Balikibaba


    Yes, I think it looks healthy in the WP!

    Unfortunately I live in Jhb, so I will probably only see 1 or 2 games live, but I do get to watch highlights of each game sent to me by the Bishops cameraman. Good luck to Boland this year!

    18 March, 2013 at 22:30
  17. avatar
    #12 beet

    I don’t think it’s wise to read too deeply into the results but this is a lekker tournament to get to know the players and see how the teams are gelling.

    Some bits of feedback is that Wynberg has a hot flyhalf, Stellenberg a good fullback, Boishaai backs not looking so active tonight while Gim’s team had balance. A lot of promising things about Bishops play and Bosch defence was rock solid.

    18 March, 2013 at 22:24
  18. avatar
    #11 Ploegskaar

    And congratulations to Stellenberg for winning the gees cup.

    18 March, 2013 at 21:10
  19. avatar
    #10 Ploegskaar

    @Balikibaba: Good win for Bishops though, Stellenberg’s not half bad this year. Good show from ‘Bosch and ‘Berg as well, and although some might argue you don’t learn much from these games, I think all the S/subs sides are going to be tougher for the Winelands boys this year. A good crop of Gr. 11’s for all 3 schools may even lead to a better 2014. Good for WP schools’ rugby all round. See you on the Farm?

    18 March, 2013 at 20:42
  20. avatar
    #9 Balikibaba


    18 March, 2013 at 20:36
  21. avatar
    #8 Ploegskaar

    @Balikibaba: Unfortunately I was otherwise occupied, so relied on my oldest daughter to send me the scores. I’m sure she will tell me all the teams looked good :oops: . How they played though, seriously don’t expect an expert opinion from her :mrgreen:

    18 March, 2013 at 20:32
  22. avatar
    #7 Balikibaba

    Which teams looked good?

    18 March, 2013 at 20:24
  23. avatar
    #6 Ploegskaar

    Boland Landbou 5 Paarl Gym 20. Well done PG.

    18 March, 2013 at 20:01
  24. avatar
    #5 Ploegskaar

    Boishaai 0 Rondebosch 0

    18 March, 2013 at 19:00
  25. avatar
    #4 Ploegskaar

    Paul Roos 20 Wynberg 15

    18 March, 2013 at 18:23
  26. avatar
    #3 Ploegskaar

    Bishops 25 Stellenberg 10

    18 March, 2013 at 18:03
  27. avatar
    #2 Ploegskaar

    SACS 5 Strand 5

    18 March, 2013 at 17:02
  28. avatar
    #1 Ooorkant Loftus

    Sal jy ons ook hier op hoogte bring met die uitslae asb BEET.

    18 March, 2013 at 07:30

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