The Blog’s official ranking.
Schools must have played 5 games or more to qualify.
Rank | Team | Avg |
1 | Affies | 5.02 |
2 | Glenwood | 4.70 |
3 | Paarl Gim | 4.68 |
4 | HJS Paarl | 4.52 |
5 | EG Jansen | 4.37 |
6 | Garsfontein | 4.25 |
7 | Oakdale | 4.10 |
8 | Jeppe | 3.83 |
9 | Grey College | 3.80 |
10 | Paul Roos | 3.79 |
11 | Selborne | 3.69 |
12 | Outeniqua | 3.40 |
13 | DHS | 3.34 |
14 | Monument | 3.29 |
15 | Boland Landbou | 3.28 |
16 | SACS | 3.14 |
17 | Kearsney | 3.01 |
18 | Helpmekaar | 2.92 |
19 | Ben Vorster | 2.88 |
20 | Grey PE | 2.85 |
@Speartackle: lol…net vir die rekord en jou vriend….in 3e video wys hul die telbord met al die tellings….hy kan maar kyk , maar vir rekord sal ek maar dit hier neerpen
wedstryde gespeel 8 BV wen 6 ….Mer wen 2
tellings BV eerste 1984 1stes w 21-6
2des w 6-3
3des v 14-17
4es w 34-4
o15a w 9-0
014a w 16-0
014b v 7-8
014c w 6-4
Points for 113 points against 42 ave score 14-5 for BV
lol, lyk my die 4des het gekook…daardie jare het jy mos van 0/15 direk oopspanne toe gegaan….en baie ouens soos ek was jaar vroeg skool toe, dus 0/13 in std 6 ….en steeds 014 in std 7…daarom meer 014 spanne….elke skool het ook maar net omtrent so 280 seuns gehad
Hoop dit gee bietjie perspektief…hehe….was wonderlike jare
@Tzavosky…..het nou weer na 1ste 5 minute van part 1 gekyk, hel daar is voorwaar nie eers ‘n sweempie van ‘n glimlag by enige van die 30 rugbyspelers wat deur burgermeester bladgeskud word nie….. erge senuwees!
Dit was heavy stuff in my jare….Letaba Herald het sulke merske fotos van elke speler in spesiale voor wedstryd uitgawe gehad…..groot getekende plakkate van elke speler is by skole opgesit….die paar dae vooraf allerhande seremonies by skool…die donderdag het die 1ste spanne by die “Coach House’ gaan eet….die spelers se fotos het spesiale ink opgehad, sodat mense hulle gunstelingspeler se gesig op hul t-shirts kan instryk met ‘n strykyster…weet nie of julle daardie craze kon onthou nie, gewoonlik was dit popsterre ens….lol
In die 70’s was dit nog erger, ek onthou die drama wat ek as grootoog laerskoolseun ademloos dopgehou het…die hele distrik het tot stilstand gekom vir daardie dag…..mense moet onthou, daar is net 2 hoerskole op Tzaneen…en dan vir radius van amper 100km niks verder nie, so elke ou in omgewing het ‘n belang by 1of altwee van die skole gehad… daardie opsig was dit veel erger as HJS en Gim…of enige ander plek…in die paarl en omgewing is daar ander hoerskole wat selfde dag speel…so nie elke persoon is betrokke by daardie wedstryd nie.
gelukkig het die land TV in 1976 gekry, Tzaneen eers ordentlike opvangs van 1980 of so…en het mense begin besef daar is ‘n groter wereld daarbuite…lol…en gaandeweg perspektief begin kry, dat dit nou nie lewe en doodsake is nie….so geleidelik het dit meer normaal geraak, maar in my dae was dit omtrent doodsake…..geen wonder ons het sulke scrappy rugby gespeel in daardie wedstryd nie.
Ten minste is ek bly om te sien dat daar nie high fives na elke skrum was nie…..en dat daar blydskap, maar geen pitch invasions na oorwinning was nie…lol
Wel hier is die laaste deel…lekker crappy game….maar kyk weer na gesigte voor wedstryde en dit raak duidelik hoe belangrik dit geag was……moet se heelagter Louis Nel het darem ‘n briljante skepskop, van 10 tree lyn, teenaan kantlyn oorgesit…….naar ons het gewen….lol
@ Tzavosky: lol, nee as jy nou kyk as die burgermeester ons groet, niemand glimlag nie….erg gespanne. so daardie game was altyd anders, ander wedstryde het ons bal lekker geswing….maar ek dink ouens was te bang om foute te maak vir die derby wedstryd…so dit is meer soos ‘n ou toets wedstryd as ‘n super-rugby wedstryd…..2e helfte is daar darem bietjie meer beweging…….daar was nie ‘n manier hoe ons daardie wedstryd gaan verloor nie, aangesien ons vorige jaar naelskraap verloor het….so as nie een bal verby loskakel vorder nie is dit reg met ons…solank ons net wen….gee ons nie om hoe nie.
As ek ander videos kan kry sal ek opsit, ek onthou ons het bv dink 7 pragdriee teen Frans du Toit gedruk daardie jaar….en hulle was nie sleg nie, het merensky gewen en gelykop teen PHS gespeel
maar vir hierdie wedstryd was gameplan vir albei spanne maar, kom in hulle gebied, dwing strafskoppe af en laat die telbord rol…maar dit is nie ons gewone manier van speel gewees nie.
Ook interessant, destyds geen lifting in lynstane toegelaat nie…so dis maar ‘n deurmekaar spul, skrums vat baie gouer…pakke bind net en daar gaan…partykeer raak ek frusteerd as 1 skrum 5 minute vandag vat.
Ja, ek spot maar ou Barend, immers is die skool na sy oupa vernoem, en hul kon destyds al 100 sulke swartwitpense koop….maar ek weet dis maar ander storie daardie
@Vyfster: Moet sê die BV brand wat ek leer ken het is heelwat anders as daai. Lyk my die eerste opsie weerskante toe was skop die bal weg. Ou André en Hein kry hartaanvalle as hulle só speel!
Maar nou, ja, ander tye gewees.
(Daar’s glo ‘n storie aan die R27m swartwitpens, maar dit kan ek jou net privaat vertel, en as ek klaar is, moet ek jou doodmaak!)
Ek sit maar link na 2e deel van wedstryd ook by…..oud Monnas van darie tyd sal ons afrigter Chris Meyer herken…..Moeilik om te glo dat die klein stoutgat nr 9 Leon Botha, nou skoolhoof by Bryanston primary is, of sy ouer broer Marius (nr 13) ook skoolhoof erens in die Strand is…
Piet Smit ( nr 6) is nou voorsitter van BV se BL, en was voorlaasweek op megaboere…en Barend Vorster(nr 14) koop ‘n swartwitpens vir R27 miljoen…lol
maar slegter om te weet dat 4 van die opdraf 15 al oorlede is…..R.I.P Andre Vermaak, Andre Cronje, Herman Lombard, Alfredo Seiros….so is die lewe maar.
@Speartackle: Uiteindelik het my DVD van ons 1984 Ben Vorster- Merensky wedstryd aangekom….wat ons darem 21-6 gewen het…ek speel nr 7 en ek was toe nie so mooi soos ek altyd gedog het nie…..maar ‘n crappy game….enigste game wat ek ooit onthou waar geen driee gedruk is nie….maar moeite werd om paar minute te kyk, die sing van skoolliedere en sang tydens die wedstryd is nogal iets om te beleef.
Onthou dis nou 1984, die ou sit bo op dak van paviljoen en neem met outydse video af…so klank en audio nie baie goed nie,,,maar jy kry darem ‘n idee.
Vra asb verskoning vir jou vriend…hulle het ons in 83 met 13-9 gewen…ek het net vergeet dis ‘n reuse pak slae uit ‘n Merensky oogpunt…lol
@Tzavosky: pragtige woorde, ek deel jou sentiment.
Ek plaas maar link na video ….nogal lekker gelag!
@Djou: Ja, ek weet ons praat te veel! Maar ek het laasnag lê en dink oor AbsolutMenlo se opmerking boontoe oor respek vir Trevor en BV.
Dis maklik om respek te hê wanneer die respek klaar verdien is soos met Trevor, maar die toets is wat jy maak as ‘n ma, werksaam as ‘n huishulp, met haar 14-jarige seun met net een oog voor jou deur staan en jou smeek om hom in te skryf. Jy weet hulle gaan nie die skoolgeld kan betaal nie, en jy het geen idee wat die kind se potensiaal is nie. Maar jy is ‘n gemeenskapskool en die gemeenskap strek veel wyer as ‘n groep mense wat soos jy lyk en jou kultuur deel.
Ons het so ‘n geval gehad, maar dis nie ‘n uitsondering nie. Daai kind het kaalvoet en met sy skooldrag kom rugby oefen en die skool moes alles voorsien. Maar dan, twee jaar later sit jy by die interhoër atletiek en die outjie wen vir jou die 400m, 800m en 400h, en later in die jaar speel hy Grant Khomo.
Dis daai brood-op-die-water benadering wat ek dink die meeste respek behoort te verdien.
@Djou: ons kan Garsies dus maar vergewe dat hul toe nie kampioene was nie….nogal moeilik om te wen as jy nie bestaan nie…lol….die ander het darem almal bestaan
Sterkte vir vandag…dis groot!
@Vyfster: Ek geniet die gesprekke tussen jou en Tzafvosky terdee.
Terloops, Garsies het nie eens in 87 bestaan nie toe FH Odendaal die kampioenspan was.
@Tzavosky: wow, dit is ongelooflike storie daardie
Wat mense nie weet nie, ek het Tzavosky laas saterdag vir 1ste maal ontmoet op Ellispark, waar die Vossies die hele Jeppe skool stil gespeel het….wat vir my merkwaardig is, is dat my ma ‘n suster in die einste praktyk was waar Tzavosky jare later sou begin werk het
Ek het amper grootgeword in daardie praktyk…en dit was waarskynlik die rede hoekom ek selfde beroep gaan studeer het as Tzavosky…net so paar jaar later as hy, by dieselfde universiteit.
Intussen gesels ek nou en dan lekker op ‘n ander blog oor meer algemene onderwerpe…en een van die saampraters is…..tzavosky se vrou…en ons praat saam sonder dat ek ‘n benul gehad het…haar het ek ook saterdag vlugtig ontmoet…hel, maar die wereld is klein!
Anyway, dankie dat jy vir Piet Swart so mooi gehelp het….dit sou darem ‘n demper op dinge geplaas het as hy nie so mooi reggekom het nie…ek het hom al ontmoet….maar Basie Janson was skoolhoof gewees in my dae…wat ‘n wonderlike mens, maar ek dink hy het omtrent ’86 hoof geword by Potch Gimmies.
interessant dat ons onderhoof in ’83 daar aangekom het van Monnas…Chris Meyer….hy het monnas help afrig toe hul admin in ’79 en ’80 gedeel het….hy het ons 1stes se hoofafrigter in ’84 geword, voor hy later h/s Bekker se hoof geword het (en ‘n paar ander dinge aangevang het…lol) Chris Meyer het wel ‘n liefde vir Shakespeare by my gekweek in sy engelse klas, waarvoor ek hom baie dank verskuldig is .
Voor dit het Tom Locke ons afgerig…..nou is Tom se dogter met Luke Watson getroud…..ek kan my net nie indink wat Tom en Cheeky Watson vir mekaar te se het nie…lol
Goeie jare…maar laat almal more hul rugby geniet, sterkte aan al die spanne…Vossies speel eers vlge naweek teen Brackenfell in Oudshoorn as ek dit nie mis nie…..dink die Tuks semifinale gaan rof wees!
Maar in alle eerlikheid, in my eie speeljare was Pietersburg h/s en HTS Tom Naude die 2 sterkste spanne in die ou Verre-Noord
Dink Tom Naude het in ’81 die trofee gedeel, en PHS het ’82 finaal gehaal
Self het ek 1ste keer as std 9 seun teen Tom Naude verloor, ons ouderdomsgroep span het hul elke jaar gewen…maar gewoonlik was ons die enigste span wat gewen het …..maar ons kon om die dood nie teen Pietersburg wen nie.
So draai die wiel maar altoos…daar was ‘n tyd in die vroee 2000’s toe Ben Vorster en Merensky alles oorheers het in limpopo..toe vir hele paar jaar was BV onbetwiste kampioene….dink daar was ‘n jaar of 2 waar hul al 9 kampioenspanne van limpopo opgelewer het…dus elke span van 014b reg deur ouderdomsgroepe en oop spanne…laaste 3 jaar of so het PHS begin terugveg…so gaan dit maar
As jy nou regtig nog verder wil teruggaan in tyd, sal jy sien dat Ben Viljoen van Groblersdal en Piet Potgieter van Mokopane (Potgietersrus) hier rondom ’65 en ’67 elk 1 maal die Administrateursbeker gewen het, en dus die Transvaal kampioene was …so kry elke hond sy dag!
@Vyfster: Sal ek daai dag van die Beeldfinaal ooit vergeet. Ou Piet se seun het vir BV gespeel en ek dink dit het bygedra tot sy hartaanval.
Ek was op ongevalleroep, maar het weggeglip om die wedstryd te gaan kyk. Gelukkig was dit stil, maar hier heel op die einde bel hulle vir ‘n kind met koorsstuipe. Ek kon darem die gelykmakende strafskop so in die wegloop sien.
Skaars by ongevalle gestop toe iemand bel om te hoor of ek nog by die veld is, maar die ambulans was darem daar. Soos jy weet, was daar 14 000 mense, en dit sou half onmoontlik wees om weer by die veld uit te kom. Die ambulans het moeite gehad om daar uit te kom.
Ek bel toe ou Piet se GP en nog ‘n kollega om te kom help en ons wag. Uiteindelik kom Piet daar aan, maar hy lyk nie goed nie. Dis sommer op die monitor duidelik hy het ‘n infarkt gehad en ons drie kyk vir mekaar en besluit ons gaan nie wag vir bevestigende bloeddtoetse nie, ons spuit hom sommer daar en dan die slanggif.
Intussen het die dominee daar opgedaag en hy vra of hy ‘n gebed kan doen. Ons sê dis OK, maar hy moenie van ons verwag om ons oë toe te maak nie. En wragtig, terwyl hy bid normaliseer die EKG. Hy kleim tot vandag toe dis sy gebed, maar ons weet wat ons weet!
Ou Piet glo tot vandag toe ons het sy lewe gered, want die kardioloog het hom dit wysgemaak, maar ek sal nou nie daarvoor pa staan nie. Die storie het ‘n nagedraai gehad toe Piet se seun ienkgeneraal in Mopanie was en my seun 1ste jaar was, maar dis ‘n storie vir ‘n ander dag.
om dinge nog erger te maak…die jaar voor dit, 86 was die wenners van Direkteurstrofee……HTS Sasolburg…en hulle is eintlik in die Vrystaat gelee!
Ek het die finaal op loftus gesien…..dink hulle het teen h/s Voortrekkerhoogte van PTA gespeel in finaal….i kid you not
So het ek as std 8 seun in 1982 op ‘n vol Loftus gesit en kyk hoe Oos-Moot die direkteurstrofee teen Pietersburg wen…weereens Oos-Moot die kampioen van PTA en die hele transvaal….hoe het dinge nie verander nie!
@cappie: Merensky het in ’88 in direkteurs finaal gespeel, jy is reg….toe was daar nie groot en makro of sulke goed nie…slegs 1 liga…..maar wat jy dalk nie weet nie is dat Ben Vorster self ‘n monsterspan gehad het daardie jaar.
Hulle het Merensky in die liga wedstryd geklop, om waarheid te se daardie jaargroep was in std 6 toe ek in matriek was, so ek ken hulle nogal…en hulle was elke jaar van hul skoolloopbaan die Verre-Noord kampioene…..tot daardie dag…toe hul hoeveelste keer in Verre Noord finaal teen Merensky te staan gekom het…en onverwags verloor het….vir party ouens in daardie span was dit hul 1ste verloor van hul lewe teen Merensky
Daardie jare het net die wenspan van elke provinsie verder gegaan in direkteurstrofee….en is die Vossies se seisoen skielik beindig deur daardie naalskraapse nederlaag…..Merensky het natuurlik self ‘n bulspan gehad, en hul vorder deur uitkloprondtes tot hul in finaal teen Lichtenburg weg te staan kom……let wel, dit was Merensky en Lichtenburg in die finaal…..NIE Affies teen Monnas nie………hulle het ook natuurlik aan die kompetisie deelgeneem, maar kon nie hondhaar af maak daardie jaar nie……Die Finaal is regstreeks op TV uitgesaai, en ek kon sien hoe broeders Louis en Eben Fouche, met hul Merensky span in so stormwind teen Lichtenburg verloor
Baie mense reken nog Ben Vorster was die sterkste span in die ou Transvaal daardie jaar, en die verkeerde span van Tzaneen het in finaal gespeel….maar krediet aan Merensky dat hul finaal kon haal.
In 1987 was Ben Vorster se 1stes egter die Verre Noord kampioene, en hul het tot halfeind van Direkteurstrofee gevorder waar hulle teen FH Odendaal….met ene Joost van der Westhuizen op skrumskakel uitgeval het ….dink 12-6….ja h/s FH Odendaal was ’87 die NoordTransvaal skole kampioen….nie Affies, Waterkloof, Garsies, Eldo’s, Menlo of Centurion nie! ander halfeind was tussen hugenote van springs en kempton as ek reg onthou
@Tzavosky; thanx jy is reg, ek dink aan Riekert en my geheue raak deurmekaar, kon sweer hy was kaptein, maar onthou nou die stut was kaptein …lol…Slang se drie sal ek wel nooit vergeet nie, ook een van die vloeiendste hardlopers met ‘n rugby bal wat ek in my lewe aanskou het…poetry in motion!
@Speartackle: haha, jy moet jou pel ernstig vermaan om nie soveel nonsens te praat nie….hulle het ons wel in 1983 gewen……telling was 13-9, in ’84 het ons 21-6 gewen.
Die 1ste en enigste verloorspan waarin ek gespeel het teen Merensky was eers toe ek std 9 was in ’83….die vorige jare het ons dubbelrondes gespeel, so ek self het in 8 wedstryde teen Merensky gespeel…het 1ste 6 gewen, eers die 7e een verloor….toe die 8ste en laaste een gewen. So 7/8 is nie te sleg nie, alhoewel ek nou nog nagmerries kry oor die een wat ons verloor het!
Daar is wel klasmaats van my wat omgekeerde rekord het, ek was jaar te vroeg skool toe, dus was ek bv in std 7 nog 014…..ons groep het nie geweet van verloor teen Merensky nie, terwyl die ou langs my wat toe in 015 span speel dalk meer keer verloor het
My flankmaat en kaptein het ‘n video opname van ons ’84 wedstryd op ou vhs kasset opgespoor, dit laat ‘convert’ tot CD..en ‘n kopie is op pad na my toe….ek kan nie wag om te sien of ek wel so tough en ‘handsome’ was soos ek destyds gedink het nie…lol
Die wedstryde tussen Ben Vorster en Merensky was maar altyd hard en onvoorspelbaar…tipiese derbies…..en was meestal baie gelykop…ongelukkig was die laaste paar ietwat eensydig en die heel laaste een was reuse oorwinnings vir al BV se spanne…..toe is dit gestop, maar gaan waarskynlik vlge jaar hervat word
Ironies speel die 2 spanne se 1stes en 016s volgende dinsdag teen mekaar…ongelukkig nie-amptelik as deel van Limpopo CW en GK proewe’
Mense vergeet dat so onlangs soos 2005 of 6 die 2 spanne in finaal van beeld vir mediumskole gespeel het(toe was daar nog nie Makro nie)…en dit gelykop geeindig het!…..Dit was so spannend, mnr Piet Swart, destyds skoolhoof van BV glo ‘n hartaanval langs die veld gekry het…hy het dit darem oorleef.
Hulle wedstryde was ook 1 van die heel 1ste FNB Classic Clashes, en is paar maal regstreeks op TV uitgesaai….dit is toe later vervang met BV vs Pietersburg as classic clash
@tzavosky: Ek het ‘n sagte plekkie vir Tzaneen en omgewing. My oom het geboer in Letsitele en dus het ek baie in die omgewing gekom as kind. Ek het ook ‘n paar jaar daar gekom by die Merensky krieket week.
Waarom kan SARU nie net dit wat natuurlik met ontwikkeling gebeur nie net erken en uitbou nie? In my besigheid sal ek mos iemand wat my bemark onderteun. Nouja, dis seker hoekom ek doen wat ek doen en is ek nie ‘n rugby administrateur nie.
Sterkte more vir al die spanne wat speel en mag rugby die wenner wees.
@Speartackle: Ek is maar hier van einde 1988 af, so ek weet nie van ’83 nie. Wat ek wel weet, is dat dit maar altyd vandat ek hier is ‘n bleddie close affêre was, soveel so dat die 2005 Beeldfinaal tussen die twee ‘n gelykopuitslag was.
Maar vra jou pel wat verkeerd geloop het in 2011 (wat ‘n eensydiging slagting was) en hoe dit sedertdien gaan.
@kosie: SARU is hulle eie grootste vyand. ‘n Hele paar jaar gelede, toe Bryan van Zyl nog president was, het ek aan hom geskryf en voorgestel dat as hulle ernstig is met ontwikkeling en transformasie, hulle afrigters besikbaar sal stel om ‘n skool soos Schiettoch op Phalaborwa te gaan help.
Daai is die kinders van die Recce basis. Ek het hulle sien speel en daar was baie talent, maar ooglopend swak afgerig. Ek het eers met Wessel Lightfoot, wat toe op Phalaborwa was, gepraat, maar hulle kon ook nie help nie.
Nodeloos om te sê, ek het nie eers ‘n erkenning van skrywe van SARU gekry nie. Hulle bydrae is wat my betref bloot lippediens, en die ontwikkeling wat wel plaasvind is in die hande van toegewyde onderwysers/skoleafrigters en simpatieke ouers.
@Vyfster: Ek dink jy dink aan Rinus Riekert, maar daai jaar was Dirk Landman BV se kaptein. Rinus was wel Limpopo CW kaptein.
Sekerlik sal jy Slang Sibanda se drie daai dag teen Helpmekaar onthou – seker die talentvolste BV speler wat ek gesien het, maar nooit sy potensiaal verwesenlik nie.
En, ja, ek het nou die dag BV se hoofseun aan Kosie genoem – puik, puik seun!
@tzavosky: I know bits and pieces – not enough to say I know the stuff
@Cappie: Ja ek weet Merensky was altyd maar die koning daar in die Noorde………..ou pel van my wat daar in 83 was sê dit was altyd een van hul makliker games teen BV
@Speartackle: Merensky het in 1988 in die Admin finaal gespeel.
@Vyfster: Is dit waar dat Merensky julle in 83 so moerse pak gegee het?
@Vyfster: @tzavosky: Those are the stories SARU needs to convey to the Parlement Sport Portfolio. I am sure there are other examples in SA as well.
Good on BV.
@Vyfster: @tzavosky: Wow great to hear stories like this…even more respect for Trevor and BV!
it was also a special privilege for me to meet 2 guys formally over the last few weeks….which I am sort of a predecessor of…
The current Headboy and athletic captain of BV…who is the 1st black headboy ever at BV, what a nice chap…i was headboy and Athletic captain in ’84
I wore the nr 7 jersey for the BV first team in 83 and 84…so it was a great pleasure to meet the current wearer of that jersey…he is also the captain (which i never was)….and I daresay he is a far better flanker than i ever was, I really rate him.
Ironically, the first time I saw BV won Beeldfinal for Big schools against Helpmekaar 2008 in JHB, i was secretly chuffed to see the captain that day also wearing the nr 7 jersey and played cardinal role in that brilliant victory…I am not 100% sure, but i think his name was Rickus and he went on to play SA u/20
In the end very few will attain the heights that Nyakane did, that matters little… long as BV keep on churning out boys and girls of quality…..ready to help build towards a better SA….i will remain so proud of them all
Janee…that Trevor Ntando Nyakane is a top class bloke.
Even now, most of the current Ben Vorster rugby players are friends with him on Facebook. They idolise him and he never say no to a friend reqeust from young BV lighties with stars in their eyes….even though his schooldays are long gone, he is happy to accept request from 14 year old rugby players, as long as they play for the Vossies.
And he is kind and bighearted enough to patiently reply if any of them exitedly share a trivial post with him…..I should know, he accepted my friend reqeust on FB, even though we never met….and i see it…..Respect!
@Playa: No worries. I work with both groups and at BV both xiTsonga and Northern Sotho (note that Sepedi is the dominant dialect of the standardised NS language) are 1st Language subjects for kids.
(Soshangane was the commander of the Ndwande army during the Ndwande-Zulu war, who fled into Mozambique with some followers, founding the Gazankulu Empire there in the 1820’s. But you probably know this.)
@tzavosky: My apologies.I meant to say Tsonga not Pedi.Which would have been incorrect because xiTsonga is a language (spoken by the Shangani) just as sePedi also is a language.
@tzavosky: Great story. But the same has been happening in KZN schools since I left in 1996, the Glenwood team has always had at least a third black players based on merit. Yes, we had age cheat Siyabonga Tom but the rest were all legit and good players. Our first black SA Schools players was probably the first Beast, Petros Methula. Before him Victor Tsewu in 96 & 97 made KZN Schools having only played rugby for 2 years. Since then Glenwood has had many going through the ranks. Last years Head Boy Nama Xaba is in the SA Under20 squad and he was an academic too, 5 A’s for matric. In fact Glenwood is proud of our development of black players. Another playing for Canada now, Nanyak Dala. The list is very long….Brian Shabangu, SA 7’s…
@Grasshopper: To understand it better, read this article:
@tzavosky: Awesome story. Just so weird having a black player coming out of an Afrikaans sounding school in an Afrikaans area.
@Grasshopper: Playa has got it wrong. Trevor is a Sjangaan, born in Bushbuck Ridge, the same place where Chiliboy comes from – there’s something in the genes there!
His is actually quite a story. Lost his mother at an early age and his father went to work on the Gravelotte mine, halfway between Tzaneen and Phalaborwa. Cyril Ramaphosa’s mining group took over the mine and Gravelotte experienced a rapid change in demographics.
The headmaster of Gravelotte Primary School was a staunch rugbyman and insisted that the kids should play rugby. I remember going there with my son in Tzaneen Primary and all the Gravelotte teams were mostly black players. Trevor played centre then and was quite a handfull.
Then the Gravelotte headmaster approached Ben Vorster, telling them he had these 3 kids whom he thought could go somewhere with rugby, Trevor, Alex Mhlanga and Glen Mafumu.
BV accepted them and all 3 of them eventually played Grant Khomo and CW. Glen represented the SA Schools 7’s side in the Dubai tournament, whilst Trevor and Alex were selected for the SA Schools Academy side in their matric year.
After matric all 3 went to the Cheetahs. Glen ended up playing for the Griffons, Alex had a number of years with the CUT Varsity Shield side, but obviously Trevor went the furthest under the tutelage of Os du Randt. Os predicted he would be a Bok before age 25, he did it at 23.
Sadly, the Gravelotte headmaster never witnessed this as he died from cancer the year before Trevor became a Bok. Such a pity.
Trevor was also a very good soccer player and represented BV at 1st team level soccer as well. But the thing many people may find surprising is that he also captained an excellent BV 7’s side at some stage!
@Grasshopper: No offense taken…agreed that 3 years is far too little but just using the figures and stats given on the side of the page. We all know the rankings are not accurate…hence the reason why I said there was a nice thread for the top 10 barring Affies who would naturally be top 10. However 15 years ago this would not have been the case as Affies have never been a great force until the last decade or so. Only since Dr Edwards has been there that they have placed a big focus on being competitive or have I got the wring end of the stick? So I like the suggestion of @Roger to take it over a longer period. Would be difficult to get those stats as this blog has not been going that long…I don’t think??? @Hopper has it spot on maybe a decade. If you are taking entire schools win ratio then over the decade or even the last 100 years College would be closer to top 5??? Or not…? Would be nice to do the numbers!
@Roger: I think you are right, a decade or two full circles of 5 year groups will show a picture. What could be a good indication of overall strength is the entire schools win ratio. I know it doesn’t take into account the strength of opposition, but there are swings and roundabouts. I remember in the 90’s at Glenwood we had about a 40% win ratio across all the teams, it’s now in the upper 60% region, closing in on 70%. Grey Bloem and Affies would be mid 90%.
@Luvthegame: three years means nothing. KES (rightly so) are not on your list as the last three years have been mediocre – however, if you go back 5 and 10 years (which is more meaningful) KES will be in the top twenty. Question is – what is a fair time measurement. 10 years evens it out, the cream rises to the top and the flash in the pans are eradicated. Affies at 14 is a joke – everyone knows that they are a top 5 team over the last decade
@Luvthegame: Honestly and this is not taking the p%$$ but how did College get into that Top20, they have been pretty average the past 5 seasons, probably not even 50% win ratio. Biggest losses in history to Westville and Glenwood. Over 100 years College would be Top10 for sure but not sure your calculations are right. Please don’t take this as an attack, more of an observation
@LAEVELDER: My apologies…absolute slip of the finger and late at night….what else is there to do so late at night! Haha…@playa…you are right. Bishops was a surprise but they did have 2 relatively good season which helped them edge in. Again as I say, these are not exact sciences and they are taken from rankings which can be questioned. I just found it interesting that there was a thread running through in the top 10 which is close to form apart from Affies which I did say had a shocker in 2014. Still one of my top 3 teams. Love their style of rugby alongside Grey Bloem and Paul Roos!!!
@Playa: Eish, our friend Julius Malema is Pedi too, you learn something new every day
@Playa: OK, thanks for that. He just seems a bit darker than most of the local tribes eg Zulu, Xhosa etc..
@Grasshopper: He’s very South African – Pedi!
@Roger: I wonder if old Al Coetzee will have a Stormers bias, hope not. The Lions deserve a good few in the squad
@Grasshopper: 10/23 – a lot better than HM – and Nizaam Carr, Seargal Peatersen, Edgar Marutulle, Oupa Mohoje etc are all there or thereabouts too.
Marx is still too young – next year for him
@Speartackle: apparently so – the KO Kid!
@Roger: That would be an awesome team but not dark enough. They need to bring Senatla in from the 7’s and maybe Sergeal Pieterson. A pity for your boy Marx, he is going to find it difficult to get ahead of Scarra now
@Roger: Is Kevin Lerena a KES old boy?
righto – slow grey day at the office so lets play selector for 1st test vs Ireland. Two caveats – 1) local based players only and 2) team selected entirely on merit:
15 Willie Le Roux
14 Ruan Combrink
13 Jesse Kriel
12 Damian De Allende
11 Lwazi Mvovo
10 Elton Jantjies
9 Faf De Klerk
8 Warren Whitley (C)
7 Siya Kolisi
6 Jaco Kriel
5 PS Du Toit
4 Eben Etzebeth
3 Beast Mtawira
2 Adrian Strauss
1 Frans Malherbe
Trevor Nyakane
Scarra Ntubeni
Julian Redelinghuys
Lood De Jager
Schalk Burger
Rudi Paige
Juan De Jongh
JP Pietersen
bubbling under Lionel Mapoe, Courtnal Skosan, Seargal Petersen, Francois Venter, Franco Mostert.
@tzavosky: Good to hear he has remained down to earth. What is his heritage? Nigerian or Ghanaian?
@Ploegskaar: Chait was the best player at SACS last year, watched him at Kearsney Fest. Seems to find time which is something you cannot teach. He needs to be looked after too. Hopefully Shaun gets picked up by a bigger Union. Warren Whiteley was in a similar position and look where he is now, even being touted as a Bok Skipper.
@Grasshopper: Trevor was the guest speaker at BV’s rugby dinner last year (delayed untill after the WC). Very emotional homecoming for him, but what an evening with a really top guy.
The amazing thing was, all the dads from his era was there, probably seen by most as conservative farmer types, but they came to celebrate one of their sons. I can tell you that party went on till very late at night!
Trevor? He was still the same humble schoolboy, appreciating all the assistance he received as the son of a security guard at a mine. Top bloke!
@Grasshopper: For someone considered too small he certainly had no problem putting a few bigger boys & bigger names on their butts. Any local union or club abroad that appreciates the value of an openside that aggressively plays to the ball, need look no further.
Interestingly SACS’s 10 from last year, Jordan Chait, came on the last 15-20 minutes and did not look out of place at all. Injected some urgency and gave the backs some direction, class player.
@Luvthegame: I must say I’m surprised to see Bishops feature in there.
@Luvthegame: And HTS Mid ave is 16.. also better than Kloof
Think Affies (14.3) is edging Kloffies (17.3) on average over the 3 years
@Ploegskaar: I don’t think any relation. It was my dad’s cousins & uncle so distant family. Yeah, Shaun has got a bit lost in the system. In SA he is considered too small for flank or hooker, so a bit stuck. Him and his boet are super strong for their size. Hopefully he pops up somewhere where the coach sees his skills. Certainly has the mongrel to do well.
@Grasshopper: Any relation to Shaun Adendorff? Saw him play for the Boland Cavaliers vs a WP XV in a warm-up at the Farm a few weeks ago. Was supposed to be a low-key affair but he absolutely destroyed the opposition pack on the ground and in the loose, on his own. Still perplexed how such a talented player has never reached his full potential. If properly managed he should have been playing SR, really a pity
@Vyfster: Enjoy your posts, very informative. I wasn’t aware Trevor Nyakane was at BV. Awesome guy and good player. I also wasn’t aware BV is in Tzaneen either. My dad used to go up there every summer holiday, there and Louis Trichardt visiting his family who are quite well known there, Gus Adendorff. Well done to BV vs Jeppe and KES, the double over the soutie schools
Just to clarify further about macro and big…i Think the 1st year it was split like this, was in 2007…Ermelo won the big leauge, barely sqeuaking past Brandwag from Benoni in final in Ermelo……however, Ermelo beat Waterkloof in the Tuks reeks that year…and Waterkloof won the macro title that year
Somewhat strange to think that the big school winners beat the macro schoolwinners in 1st year….next year Ben Vorster won Big schools trophy, and managed to beat both semifinalist of the macro leauge that they played against.
last year helpmekaar won big schools for first time, They lost by 4 to the macro champs Garsfontein, but again disposed of other macroschools like waterkloof….it is entirely possible that Monnas might win macro this year, whilst helpmekaar might fail in big schools…if so, the macro champs then lost by 15 to a school who isn’t even big school champs…..all conjecture of course at this stage….
It is also worth noting that helpies victory in big schools last year were very tight affairs….won very narrowly against Oos-moot in semis and won by 3 against Potch Gim in final….2 very close games…so it is far more competitive than many realise, but as is correctly stated…the smaller numbers means that you won’t neccesarily have a strong group every year…people can look at potch Gim’s resuts last year…very good, and compare it to this year, very poor…and this year they will simply get murdered by most macro schools whilst the opposie held for previous year
@Tzavosky: well said, I might also add that this team beat Glenwood as u16 with the scrummie forced to play flyhalf due to injuries.
Also, Jeppe has never beaten Ben Vorster…although the yearly fixture for few years running came at a dark time in their history.
I loved your comment about the FB…what a try that was, i almost broke out in a spontaneous rendition of “oh, Danny boy”…..what a nice chap.
I think what surprised many (me included), was that BV backline speed were equal to Jeppe…then again, almost all of the BV backline is 10.7 or 10.8 guys, no slouches themselves.
Interessant vir my is dat dit vir my lyk of die span vir my een van die kleiner agtalle het in baie jare…maar wat hulle lack in size, maak hul op in braafheid.
@Matty: yeah, jeppe has apotent backline, you can see they have the ability to score spectacular tries when they click…..but you asked about the forwards……They are big and good, but to be honest, I think your tight 5 and especially the frontrow are not fit enough at this stage…maybe it has something to do with the disgraceful surface of Ellispark….the pitch is really not in good condition….but they were struggling to keep up with the pace in 2nd half….basics also cost them, quite a few skew throws at lineout time, and effective disruption of their lineouts cost them good quality ball.
The other thing I noticed, is that if you play a real in your face game amongst the forwards , they did sometimes shy away a little…especially from the BV nr 7 who had a few bone crunching runs round the fringes and actually scored the first try doing exactly that……now Affies forwards are extremely strong and have very dangerous ball carriers amongst them…and they are relentless….so to stand a chance against them the forwards will have to improve as a unit, and everybody must pull their weight…..I think the Northwood game will give a good indication if the forwards have ironed out their problems, since NW has a far bigger pack than BV…but your backline is far superior to NW and should have no difficulty scoring quite a few if given decent ball…..Just remember NW also beat eldo’s like you did at Kes…but you should win comfortably.
ja, look these things happens, makes life interesting….you will still have a good season, maybe you can pull one over Affies, but that will take a hell of an effort……good luck anyway.
@slagter: I was not at the game but from what I heard BV taught us a lesson, well done to them. I keep on seeing that this Jeppe side as being the best ever – not even close! They are certainly the most talented team I have seen come out of Jeppe, but there is an air of arrogance and I hope the loss will sort that out. I have said it before and I will say it again – keep an eye out on the Jeppe side in 2 years time, the current u16 age group are a clinical bunch
@matty i know jeppe have a great backline, but they did beat affies at age group level with that same forwards!
@tzavosky great read! Congrats to you oaks!
@slagter: Ja, kyk, dit was altyd ‘n sosiale hoogtepunt en baie kompeterend tussen die twee skole, maar 2011 was ‘n eensydige slagting en Merensky het toe onttrek. Sedertdien het hulle ‘n bietjie agteruitgeboer, maar daar is tekens dat hulle by die juniors weer begin kop optel.
Vir ‘n paar seisoene het Merensky ook nie in die Limpopo liga gespeel nie, maar ek verstaan hulle is hierdie jaar terug in die mediumskole liga, met die verstandhouding dat as hulle die Limpopo semi’s haal, hulle in 2017 grootskole moet speel.
@Matty: affies v jeppe wil be epic all the games can not wait. The loss to BV is a big surprize but that is what i love about schools rugby. May we have more upsets this year. Good luck for the rest of the season!
@tzavosky: is daar nog iets oor van merensky want dit was so paar jaar terug n groot game vir julle. Ek kan onthou dat ek dit op tv gekyk het
@Speartackle: “Ben Vorster has only one game in mind this year, and that is to meet Helpmekaar somewhere in the Beeld this year.”
Spiesie, ja, maar eers is daar ‘n friendly tussen hulle en BV hier op Tzaneen, wat ons ‘n goeie idee sal gee (met ‘n tuisref, natuurlik!). Maar Helpies speel ook ‘n friendly teen Pietersburg, voor BV en PHS mekaar in die liga pak. En PHS is die ander span om mee rekening te hou in die groot skole die jaar.
@tzavosky: great read.
@oldboy123: You have to look into the concept of macro, big, medium and small schools first – it is simply a numbers game, depending on the total number of boys in the school. This eventually boils down to strength (or the lack thereof) over all age group teams.
Obviously the latter varies considerably from age group to age group, unless there is a constant recruitment drive. Where does a school like BV recruit from, as there is no vast numbers of rugby players at primary school level in Limpopo? For most part they simply have to work with the kids that arrive there, so you will have good years and bad years.
This particular group from BV have never won a big schools Beeld trophy at age group level, although they came close at u.16 level when they lost against Pietersburg with a scoreline of 26-24, or thereabouts. But you can’t negate them because they don’t play Beeld macro schools (as all their sides then have to play in that category). I can however tell you that this particular group beat Glenwood at u.16 level at Glenwood’s own festival, which some people also saw as a shock result then. And take note that Glenwood is presently ranked 2nd by BHP.
What BV regularly does, is playing macro schools in friendlies during the regular season, which somewhat battle hardens them, so they went to Ellispark on Saturday prepared and without fear. That result was no fluke, they simply pressured Jeppe for 70 minutes and outplayed them.
And whilst you mentioned them “not even playing macro schools”, let me remind you of the regular fixture BV had with Jeppe for a few years in the recent past. In most of the games played in that period, Jeppe rarely won one over all the age groups. There are macro schools and macro schools, and big schools and big schools, but none necessarily equates to quality across the board.
@Luvthegame: pretty good, Beet the owner has done this before for 5 years, looked similar. The hard part is including all the schools side results, so down to G team. In that case Grey Bloem, Affies, Paul Roos, Paarl Boys & Paarl Gim would be the top 5
I am so glad the season has got going. Some exciting stuff ahead of us. Now we all know rankings are six of one and half a dozen of the other, so what I am doing is by no means an exact science, but I am trying to gain a better understanding of depth and continuity. A school may be great one year but no good for the next 5 or 10 or even 50 years. So what I have done is taken the last 3 years rankings which is there for all to see on the right hand side of our blog and I have calculated the average positions for the schools over a 3 year period. I wonder if there is not a similarity to the current rankings and if there is does continuity as a school not mean more than just a great season. Each to their own but for me that is what it is all about. Many a Saturday I watch the greater well known rugby schools go through a bad patch at 1st team level but then clean up at depth level in a big way. I would still like to do the stats over a 5 year period of the top 20 schools and see from the depth or strength as a school and then start to make decisions as to who is the best…but for now here goes…
1. Paarl Gim
2. Grey Bloem
3. Paarl Boys High
4. Monument
5. EG Jansen
6. Paul Roos
7. Grey High PE
8. Outeniqua
9. Garsfontein
10. Oakdale
11. Selborne
12. Nelspruit
13. Waterkloof
14. Affies
15. HTS Middelburg
16. Westville
17. Glenwood
18. Maritzburg College
19. Michaelhouse
20. Bishops
Again…if your team is not here don’t crucify me as I am only working with the stats already given on the blog and only for the last 3 years. For me apart from the omission of Kearsney who have been good in the last 3 years, but in 2015 did not feature in the top 20, the top 10 would look pretty good for me. Realising that Affies had a shocker of a year in 2014, they would be my only inclusion in the top 10 otherwise…any comments gents???
I never watched the BV game but this is my opinion on the Jeppe 1st XV:
Our backline is definitely one of the top 5 in the country, it’s beautiful to watch some of their tries sometimes. Absolute class throughout.
Our forwards, well lets say they’re a top 20 pack. Reliable and pretty solid but I can’t really see them coming up trumps against a very large, physical and direct pack. Would like to hear other opinions on this though?
Our ‘star’ 8th man is a fantastic player but I would definitely like to see him doing more forward work. He reminds me of a young Pierre Spies; loves running around with the ball but not so keen on the whole rucking and mauling duties.
Our loss to BV might actually have been a blessing in disguise. Jeppe need to remember that there is no such thing as an easy game. I really don’t like this whole “dream team” drab, let the team finish this season before we start making such arrogant statements. One big win against Boy’s High does not make a season!
dream team means, alot of people thought that jeppe might have an unbeaten team this year, they all talked about the affies vs jeppe fix that will be the deciding factor, well huge surprise. and talking about helpmekaar, they should def play in the makro compo, cant believe they not playing there. cant understand the reason why, they are playing kloof and garsfontein in a full fix this year?
@oldboy123: Ben Vorster is a quality side but I agree, huge upset.
Ben Vorster has only one game in mind this year, and that is to meet Helpmekaar somewhere in the Beeld this year.
You like the word, massive…….now that is going to be a massive game.
It is like putting a honeybadger and a mamba together in a 2m² cage
@oldboy123…you will be supprized how tough the big school competitors can be. They will give any school any day a run for their money win or loose. Just look at Helpmekaar and Ben Vorster this year alone two upsets that I know of.
What is a dream team anyway, besides US basketball team.
Jeppe might have good team this year but they wont be the last.
Jeppe got tested and failed. Doesnt make them bad side though. They have learned alot believe you me. Ben Vorster asked the right questions and converted to points.
Derby matches is NOT always a good thing. The reason, well ’cause it doesnt mean you will get to lift your game to full potential if you dont play the better opposition. Strenth to strenght. You will find that there might even be medium or small schools that will on the day keep you very busy.
cant believe jeppe lost to ben vorster on the weekend, this was the upset of the year, know that jeppe side really well, and they should not be struggling againts sides like BV, they should be top 5 this year, they were in the top 5 in all their junior age groups, who’s calling the shots this year at jeppe? very concerning signs! they still have to play affies, waterkloof again etc no disrespect to BV, hats of to them, but this is jeppe’s dream team, thats why is say, they shouldnt lose to a side like BV, BV is not even playing in the makro beeld compo!
@Ringo: I am sure the boys will bounce back. A trip back to earth can do wonders for young boys. They had better not be shy to go out wide because from what I’ve heard, Northwood have quite a pack!
@David: Ons pas gewoonlik die kategorie tabel aan so mid seisoen na aanleiding van spanne se uitslae aangesien nie alle skole altyd op dieselfde vlakke presteer nie. Dit is egter nooit meer as 1 of 0.5 aanpassings nie.
Kattes…Die ranking word bepaal op die einde deur die gemiddelde punte verdien per wedstryd. Dus meer of minder het nie regtig n invloed nie tensy jy meer swakker spanne speel. Die hele stelsel kyk dus na die gemiddelde punt wat verdien word per wedstryd oor die hele seisoen wat dan wen bonus en verloor bonusse insluit. Dit is dus nie vooruitbebpaalbaar wat n span dalk kan verdien nie want alles hang ook af van die punteverskil.
@Vyfster: …and keep an eye on the opponents’ FB – he may gift you a try, but he might also hit back from within his own 22!
@Ringo; good luck mate, I’m sure you’ll come storming back against Northwood…..after our KES win, we followed it up the Easter saturday with an loss against Marlow, with a real laclustre performance
Our only defeat so far this year, and Marlow;s only win last 5 games…real funny game this rugby.
Just make sure about the basics, and maybe don’t be overly extravagant from the very first minute, and your season will be back on track
Now being more realistic we can still lose two more times and a season of only 3 losses would be our best in the 21st century
@Playa: I did put a caveat out that after a loss I tend to slide into my hole. It was an awfully bitter pill to swallow the loss to Ben Vorster.Really think we need to bounce back with a truancing of Northwood this weekend to rekindle the allure of our dream team. Pour application of the basics killed us on Saturday. The boys did not wanna earn the right to go wide. Been in hole drinking my sarrows away :cry:…. Roger might have been right we do not take losing well…. but we love thise boys think we might do something special on the 28 May which will cap the dream season for what in my opinion is the best Jeppe team of the 21st century
There should be bonus points for away wins and especially for Coastal sides at altitude, much harder than the other way around.
@AffieOuer: Ringo & Co have been rather quiet this week
@BOG: Daarom dink ek BHP se wen met 30 bonuspunt is regverdig.
@Kattes-Strofes: As jy Grey se wedstryde tel, moet jy bytel die van die VS en die SA skole wedstryde
@Kattes-Strofes: Daar is weer bonuspunte vir as jy 80% wen persentasie het. Met 14 games kan jy dus 2 verloor. Van 15-19 kan jy 3 verloor en met 20 games kan jy 4 verloor. Verder word jou totale punt deur jou aantal games gedeel ongeag hoeveel jy wen of verloor.
@David: @Kattes-Strofes: @BoishaaiPa: Soos julle sekerlik weet het hulle n reel in Bloemfontein wat bepaal dat sodra n span met 50 punte voor loop, word die wedstryd gestaak. As n punteverskil dus in aanmerking kom, dan gaan GCB aan die kortste ent trek. Die pasafgelope Saterdag het Grey vir LB (Di nou die span wat die ander helfte vir CW oplewer)met 50-0 gewen, maar die game is gestop na 43 minute. Dit kon dus 100 gewees het
@BoishaaiPa: Hoe n groot invloed het die aantal wedstryde wat n skool speel op jou punteleer ? M.a.w. hoe meer jy speel, hoe meer kanse het jy om te wen, of verloor. Dit is vanselfsprekend baie makliker om onoorwonne, of n baie goeie rekord te bou, indien jy min speel. Het jy n meganisme om dit te “counter” ?
Ek sien Glenwood het net 14 plaaslike wedstryde vanjaar. Affies en Grey Bloem elk net 15 wedstryde in totaal. Boishaai 19 wedstryde en Oakdale 20 wedstryde.
@BoishaaiPa: Ek hoor wat jy se maar my somme wys dat Grey nie kan bo eindig al is hul onoorwonne. Ek het n paar aannames gemaak rakende die kategorie punte. Kan jy dalk 2016 se kat punte post? En pas jy die kat punte aan deur die seisoen? Ek dink definitief dat jou rankings die beter een is, miskien moet jy dink om ekstra bonus punte te gee vir groot wenne en nie net 30 plus kry 0.5 ekstra nie. Dalk eendag doen die skole hul pre season bepalings volgens jou kat punte!
@Cappie: Yep, I remember following the game on Mycomlink, we were ahead until the last minute when Affies got a kickable penalty, the rest is history. A close one at home, but hey ho. I was bitterly disappointed for the boys, that would have made their season. I think they finished their season there and the game vs Grey Bloem in Bloem a week later was just one step too far…
@David: Nee..nie noodwendig nie. Die marge tussen spanne is gewoonlik baie klein en 5 punte ekstra kan n verskil maak. Indien Affies vs Grey telling baie naby aan mekaar is sal die span wat die sterker opposisie deur die jaar gespeel het effe beter daaraan toe wees. Die idee is dat een of twee verlore jou nie noodwendig moet verhoed om oor die algemeen die beste span te wees nie. Michaelhouse was ook onoorwonne laasjaar maar kon slegs 7de eindig. Kwaliteit opposisie en konsekwentheid word beloon. Grey speel genoeg top spanne wat die Stirling tipe wedstryde sal elimineer in n mate.
@David: My somme sê dieselfde, veral as mens dink dat dit ‘n close game sal wees. Ek dink as Grey met meer as 10 teen Affies wen het hul ‘n kans. Anders kan Affies daardie 1 verloor en nog bo eindig. Dis die ander slaggate wat die verskil gaan maak.
@BoishaaiPa Is ek reg deur te se dat INDIEN Grey al hul games wen en Affies verloor net tn Grey dan is dit wiskundig onmoontlik vir Grey om bo Affies te eindig omrede Grey hul vlerke gesprei het en teen skole soos Stirling gespeel het.
@Kattes-Strofes: I think Jeppe should be included in the Affie fixure as tough competition. Jeppe at Jeppe is never easy. The Jeppe supporters are fanatically enthusiastic about their team and it is difficult playing them at their homeground. #respectforjeppe
@Grasshopper: I must say they had a close escape against Glenwood later on last year. Their only game after the SACS lost that were really close. All the others, including Grey they comfortable beat.
@Cappie: How Affies lost to SACS only god knows, it’s like Affies were gesuip!
@Kattes-Strofes: Na die Wildeklawer is ons halfpad deur die seisoen vir meeste spanne. Voorwaar harde wedstryde wat voor lê daar. Ek glo Boishaai en Affies gaan onoorwonne wees tot die dag wat hulle mekaar pak. Beide sal dan onoorwonne wees vir meer as ‘n jaar tydperk. Affies se laaste verloor was daai “famous SACS” wedstryd.
@Kattes-Strofes: Yep if you slip on a Southern Burb banana skin it will be kattesstofes!
@Grasshopper: Hopper!! I agree! This was not ment to disrespect any of the other opponents of the mentioned schools.
I, for one ,know how dangerous it is to take any of the Western Cape soutie schools lightly. Last year it was a touch and go affair for Boishaai against Bishops.I have also noticed that Sacs has a good side this year and that Rondebosch is flying under the radar. So yes!! I am sure no school can be taken for granted. However! I have based my potential pitfalls on recent results and form, as well as history.
@Kattes-Strofes: I wouldn’t disregard any derby games for Glenwood, we have slipped up many times before. Our games vs DHS, Westville and College will be tough but on form should really win. I doubt we can beat both Monnas and Affies away. We have only beaten Grey Bloem once in 2006 at home, maybe we due another one win then. I would be very happy with a Top 10 finish considering we not playing Boishaai, Paarl Gim or Paul Roos this season….
Looking at the Top 20, there is only 5 schools that remains undefeated,i.e. Affies, Glenwood, Boishaai, Oakdale and Grey Bloem. Of these, it would seem that Affies and Glenwood are the favourates to hold on to their unbeaten record. It would seem that Boishaai has the most difficult remaining fixtures.
The following is a summery of these schools remaining total of fixtures and (according to me) potentially crucial matches:
Affies : 9 matches remaining :crucial:Outeniqua, Boishaai, Grey Bloem and Glenwood.
Glenwood :7 local matches remaining : crucial : Monnas, Affies and Grey Bloem.
Boishaai :12 matches remaining : crucial : Affies, Grey Bloem, Paul Roos, Oakdale, Boland Landbou and Paarl Gim.
Oakdale : 11 matches remaining : crucial : Grey Bloem, Paul Roos, Outeniqua, Boishaai, Paarl Gim. and Boland Landbou.
Grey Bloem. : 9 matches remaining : crucial : Garsies, Oakdale, Affies, Boishaai, Glenwood and Paul Roos.
I expect that by the end of May, that there will be very few, if any, left standing tall!!
Stellenberg sal seker top 20 haal sodra hul 5e wedstryd gespeel het.
Welkom Gim is seker ook naby.
Grey PE was 2 weke terug nog onoorwonne en top 5 in meeste ranking sites, wys jou wat 2 nederlae kan doen….teen Paul Roos en Daniel Pienaar…..skielik is hulle amper uit T20….so dinge kan vinnig verander
@Valkie: relax, die seisoen is nog lank….lol…baie tyd om in te haal. Die verskil tussen Ben Vorster en Nelspruit is tans ook dat Vossies 5 uit 6 gewen het…dus net 1 verloor het teen Nellies se 2 keer.
Dit was bietjie verwarrend want Ben Vorster het Potch Gim op Blou Bul rugby dag ver gewen, maar dit tel nou nie as amptelik nie, aangesien skoppe pale nie toegelaat is nie, en meer reserwes toegelaat is…maar Beet het dit mos nou verander na unofficial in stede van draw…so vir hier het BV 4/5 gewen en Nelspruit 4/6.
Dan het Ben Vorster se oorwinnings oor KES en Jeppe meer gewig gedra, as julle oorwinnings oor bv Pietersburg, Florida en Rustenburg…..aangesien hulle tans hoer kategorie punt gegradeer is, dink ek…..dit is alles korrek volgens wiskundige formules uitgewerk….maar soos seisoen vorder word dit al hoe meer ware refleksie van werklike stand van sake.
Later die seisoen speel die Vossies teen heelwat laer gegradeerde spanne in Beeld vir goot skole…dus selfs al wen hulle al daardie wedstryde sal hul gemiddelde punt laer neig……behalwe nou vir wedstryde soos teen Helpmekaar wat heelwat punte werd is vir ‘n oorwinning.
So dis eintlik eenvoudig….as julle die naweek vir Eg Jansen kan wen behoort dit al klaar julle onder top 20 te laat inskuif…..verloor julle, sal jul waarskynlik nog bietjie moet wag…..naweek daarna wag Garsies of Monnas
So hier is mooi geleenthede die volgende 2 naweke om stewig op te skuif, as julle dit kan benut……sterkte!
@Valkie…BV het Jeppe gewen. Maar steeds kyk ek glo dit sal beter lyk tyd om te kom. Julle het darem die hele Beeld trofee nog voor!.
@Greenman…you mean they stay at home when coming up here …look whats funny to us might feel like opening an umbrella in somebodies behind!
@Skopgraaf243: Ja wragties, ek kan nie glo Nelspruit is nie onder die eerste 20 skole nie. Ons het 4/6 wedstryde gewen en die twee wat ons verloor het was teen Affies en HJS PAARL. Dis nie vroeg in seisoen nie, Nelspruit is seker naby die halfpadmerk vir hulle seisoen.
Nelspruit P6 W4 L2 P2/T20 so wat maak Ben Voster beter? Enigste ding wat ek aan kan dink is dat hulle ‘n span in die top 20 moes gewen het, waar ons beide verloor het.
@Skopgraaf243: Altitude not a problem. The boys are from Gauteng anyway!
@Skopgraaf243: First Sanix in Japan and then those big boys! Will have to wait and see!
@Grasshopper…I think the traveling will get to you before the altitude has real effect …but yes 1700/1400m suppose will make diff. In these crunching matches.
@Skopgraaf243: Eish, don’t remind me and it’s Monnas and Affies away, at altitude!
@Greenman…fixed up!
However looking forward to see GW in three encounters vs Monnas, Affies, Grey College !
Thx Beet…didnt mean putting u in bad light.
@Ploegskaar: People enjoy those sideshows . Don’t be so grumpy besides the Saturday results are up by the evening this year so huge improvements.
@Skopgraaf243: Okay fixed. I replaced it with wording for UnOff. = Unofficial
@Skopgraaf243: Glenwood drew a game? don’t think so!
@Skopgraaf243: No the short game score is in the margin. But let me alter the program so the X X reads something other than draw
@Skopgraaf243: Nee Jong, vir my hoef Jy nooit verskoning te vra nie, update van uitslae is maar ‘n treurige storie hier, daar word ongelukkig te veel tyd aan allerhande sideshows gegee wat kakpraatjies stimuleer, so substansie raak al minder. Lyk soms bietjie soos die Son….
@Ploegskaar…Stats kom alles uit die SBR. Nie bedoeling om die Bolanders van iets te ontneem nie. Ekt opgemerk dat nie almal laas naweek se games ingesluit het nie. My doel was net om te wys diegene wat op die calc. hier geplaas is, teen swakker spanne gespeel het, alhoewel dit nog early days is. Maar vir jou maak ek my sak sorry’s oop en bied verskoning.
Boishaai ook 6 uit 6!
@Skopgraaf243: Jou stats regkry padda, Boland het die naweek SACS gespeel en gewen, die 20min./helfte wen teen Bishops word nie by rankings ingereken, dus 5 gespeel, 4 gewen
Dis duidelik die seisoen is nog in embrio fase.
1.Affies P5 W5
Ie.Helpmekaar/Parktown/Nelspruit/Paul Roos/Westville
Play 2/T20
2.Glenwood P5 W4 D1
Play 1/T20
3.Paarl Gim P5 W3 L1 D1
Ie.Drostdy/SACS/Waterkloof/Garsfontein/Boland Landbou
Play 3/T20
4.HJS Paarl BH P6 W5 D1
Play 2/T20
5.EG Jansen P7 W6 L1
Play 2/T20
6.Garsfontein P6 W5 L1
Play 3/T20
7.Oakdale P8 W8
Play 0/T20
8.Jeppe P8 W7
Ie.KemptonPark/StBenedicts/Eldoraigne/Waterkloof/Queens/PBHS/BenVorster – Play 1/T20
9.Grey College P5 W5
Play 0/T20
10.Paul Roos P7 W5 L2
Play 4/T20
11.Selborne P6 W5
Play 2/T20
12.Outeniqua P5 W3
Play 2/T20
13.DHS P6 W4
Play 1/T20
14.Monument P8 W6
Play 2T20
15.Boland Landbou P5 W3
Play 1/T20
16.SACS P5 W2
Play 3/T20
17.Kearsney P7 W6
Play 2/T20
18.Helpmekaar P7 W5
Play 3/T20
19.Ben Vorster P6 W4
Play 1/T20
20.Grey HS P6 W5
Play 1/T20
Dis darem nog vroeg in die seisoen, maar na die Wildeklawer sal die spanne seker meer in ‘n realistiese plek wees. Paar groot games in daardie toernooi
@Skopgraaf243: The OTR was not particular about how many games were played just who and what type of games they were so Rondebosch with just 2 local matches got rated.
But fundamentally the difference between the two is BHP which has overall been a well respected system over the years places a great deal of emphasis on winning and radar which has zero credibility at this stage but hopefully this will change bases more focus on the margin of score between the two teams.
So using the 10 of the games over the weekend as examples here are the ratings. BoishaaiPa may have to correct my category ratings for his system
@Cappie: Julle het sekerlik eerstehandse kennis oor hoe sterk Garsfontein is? Seker is GCB nog nie getoets nie, maar so vroeg in die seisoen, wie is? Ek verneem BHP ry eersdaags noord, en sal terugkeer Weskaap toe met n motor propvol wildsbiltong. Ek neem ons kan dan n drastiese verbetering sien onder die noordelike skole? Toemaar, ontspan- ek is al gewoond aan stront vrae oor die ranglys en moedig eintlik vir BHP om sarkasties daarop te reageer. Ek weet dat die aanvangklike ranglys maar beinvloed deur die “handicap” van die opponent.
@BOG: Grey College has not really been tested yet. There first test will be against Garsfontein at Wildeklawer. And, I can tell you it will be a tough game, for both teams.
Valkie julle vlerke geknip?….haal die wind uit enige se seile ek dink
BOG julle sal julle sokkies bietjie moet optrek, gaan meer as paar 100talle vat, sit julle rug in man …of bietjie meer vir die “food chain” moet gee soos alles maar… of plain palms grease
Hi Beet
From your off-the-Radar:
1.Affies –
2.Glenwood –
3.HJS Paarl BH out Paarl Gim up2
4.Grey College out HJS Paarl BH down1
5.Paarl Gim out EG Jansen up2
6.Garsfontein –
7.EG Jansen out Oakdale up2
8.Paul Roos out Jeppe up5
9.Oakdale out Grey College down5
10.Outeniqua out Paul Roos down2
11.Monument out Selborne up1
12.Selborne out Outeniqua down2
13.Jeppe out DHS up5
14.HTS Middelburg out Monument down3
15.SACS out Boland Landbou up11
16.Stellenberg out SACS down1
17.Grey HS out Kearsney up6
18.DHS out Helpmekaar up3
19.Ben Vorster –
20.Rondebosch out Grey HS down3
I ask you with tears in my eyes trying to make sence of this, however only two schools less than 5 games from radar to this BHP rating. How do you do your calc? What is your criteria?
Maybe its just too early in the year?
Another struggling year for GCB. None of their scores over 100. Almost with Stirling, but not quite. Better try harder- hopefully the centuries will come in May.