Paul Roos’ SA Schools coach joins the Pumas senior team

Suparugby has reported that the Pumas have signed Hein Kriek, the current Paul Roos and SA Schools head coach  as an assistant to head coach MJ Mentz at the Pumas.

Kriek actually grew up in Nelspuit, Mpumalanga and attended the primary and high school there. He represented the region at both under-13 and under-18 Craven Week.

It’s fair to assume that Kriek has vacate his SA Schools coaching assignment while Paul Roos is likely to issue a press release regarding their next head coach in the not too distant future.

From Paul Roos : Mnr Hein Kriek se droom bewaarheid.

Mnr Hein Kriek, wat die afgelope vier jaar aan Paul Roos verbonde was, het ‘n afrigtingspos by die Pumas Rugby-unie in Nelspruit aanvaar. Hy sal by die afrigting van die Pumass se professionele span betrokke wees.

Hierdie is ‘n opwindende geleentheid , en ‘n logiese stap in sy afrigtingsloopbaan.

Gedurende die afgelope drie jaar was Mnr Kriek aan die stuur van Paul Roos se eerstespan. Die afgelope twee jaar het Paul Roos die tweede posisie op die SA Ranglys beklee, en het die span boonop vanjaar die Sanix World Rugby Festival in Japan verower – slegs die vierde Suid-Afrikaanse span wat dit in 16 jaar kon vermag. Die afgelope jaar is gekenmerk deur uitstaande oorwinnings oor oa Grey High, Grey College, Affies, Monument, ens.

Sy aanstelling as afrigter van die SA Skolespan die afgelope twee jaar, was erkenning vir sy kennis en vermoëns as afrigter.

Sy vertrek laat ‘n groot leemte, maar ons wens hom geluk met sy aanstelling by die Pumas, en is dankbaar vir die geleentheid wat hy het om rugby op ‘n ander vlak te dien.

Die skool sal binnekort ‘n aankondiging maak tov die persone wat volgende jaar aan die stuur van Paul Roos se rugby sal wees.

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  1. avatar
    #28 Kattes-Strofes

    Beet and my fellow bloggers.

    Thank you for an entertaining year of schoolboy rugby banter. It was once again a super season, and I trust that the school that you support, did not disappoint you.
    I am off on holiday, and will once again try and make a contribution next season, one of which I am looking forward to.

    May all of you have a blessed festive season,and if you travel, be safe.

    4 December, 2015 at 17:22
  2. avatar
    #27 Die Ken

    @Couchmavin: @beet: Based on a few names on the list, I would be highly surprised if it was Ploeg. Unless he had to much Hartenberg last night…

    3 December, 2015 at 06:26
  3. avatar
    #26 Kattes-Strofes

    @beet: Beet, I do feel it is futile to speculate on who the best coaches are. One , for obvious reasons, back the coaches ,who are known to you, and had some success in their coaching careers.
    The success stories of coaches soon becomes general knowlede and the average man in the street will back such a coach, even if they have never seen him in action.
    Just for interest sake. Sean Erasmus, the Boishaai head coach,have recently passed his international Level 3 coaching course. He is now eligable to coach a National senior team. He was also today awarded the runners – up trophy for the coach of the year[ all sporting codes ] by the Western Cape government, at their annual sports awards event.
    Boishaai,s team won the trophy for best schools team.

    Having said the above. Their is some very sollid candidates amongst the mentioned names. However ! I reserve my oppinion as I do not have intimate knowledge of some of the mentioned names abbilties.

    3 December, 2015 at 00:04
  4. avatar
    #25 Couchmavin

    What a mix up,Ploegskaar wont be amused that i could be confused between him and a WP rugby official. Sorry Ploegskaar didnt want to belittle you. :lol: :mrgreen: :lol: :wink:

    2 December, 2015 at 19:43
  5. avatar
    #24 beet

    @Couchmavin: haha yeah sit could be but it could also be one of the very senior rugby officials at one of the high schools. Don’t ask me which one. That would make it too easy to guess who the reader is.

    2 December, 2015 at 19:25
  6. avatar
    #23 Couchmavin

    @beet: Is @beet: I would love to see ploegskaars list after PRG makes their HC known, same goes for your reader, beet. Where would Hein Kriek rate in their opinion if he was still coaching in WP? Maybe your reader is Ploegskaar. :mrgreen:

    2 December, 2015 at 19:12
  7. avatar
    #22 beet

    A reader who follows WP SBR sent me his WP school coaches Top 10:

    1. Lotter
    2. Beresford
    3. Bergh
    4. Erasmus
    5. Du Plessis
    6. Cloete
    7. Wepener
    8. Joubert
    9. Weber
    10. Jordaan

    It’s just his opinion but quite interesting.

    I meant to ask him if he knew which of these coaches are full time classroom teachers as opposed to hired coaches or PE teachers.

    2 December, 2015 at 16:48
  8. avatar
    #21 Ploegskaar

    @Tandem: I reckon there are not as many as you think. To be honest, I would only add Helmut Lehman at Paarl Gym, Oloff Bergh at Boland Landbou, Malan du Plessis at Oakdale, Johan Joubert at Bellville (sadly stuck with u16 next year) and Divan Batt at Stellenberg to the group previously mentioned

    2 December, 2015 at 16:32
  9. avatar
    #20 Couchmavin

    @Ploegskaar: Jy praat my taal,Gavin n puik afrigter. Te veel boetie-boetie politiek.ons droom sal net dit bly.@Tandem: McGeachy is the director of sevens rugby and coach of Maties sevens. Had a very succesfull year coaching them to a win in the Helderberg Xtreme sevens cup final. He was also involved with a junior team at PRG. I would love to see his magic done in a 15 man SBR open age group team as a backline coach.

    2 December, 2015 at 15:44
  10. avatar
    #19 Couchmavin

    @Ploegskaar: Jy praat my taal,Gavin n puik afrigter. Te veel boetie-boetie politiek.ons droom sal net dit bly.

    2 December, 2015 at 15:29
  11. avatar
    #18 Tandem

    @Ploegskaar There are many good coaches at all the top schools in WP

    2 December, 2015 at 10:48
  12. avatar
    #17 Tandem

    @Couchmavin: Sorry my mistake . I am sure you are correct . I am sure Paul Roos will put a good structure around Jordaan to support him . Please tell me more about Campbell-McGeachy . I have never heard about him .

    2 December, 2015 at 10:41
  13. avatar

    Welkom terug in Nelspruit Hein!! Mag dit n spesiale tyd wees en sterkte met die nuwe seisoen in jou lewe!! Seker ons gaan jou ook gereeld sien op NHS se gronde

    2 December, 2015 at 07:54
  14. avatar
    #15 Ploegskaar

    @Couchmavin: Kan ons wens vir ‘n kombinasie van Lotter as HC, Jordaan voor en enige van Cambell-McGeachy of Beresford agter om ‘n WP skolespan af te rig? Seker net te veel gevra

    1 December, 2015 at 22:15
  15. avatar
    #14 Couchmavin

    Stephan,Jacques en Lucas. PRG in goeie hande.Ian Campbell-McGeachy briljante agterlyn coach,sou hom graag by die eerstes wou sien. Hou Affies dop volgende jaar.

    1 December, 2015 at 16:24
  16. avatar
    #13 Couchmavin

    @Tandem: Firstly im no coach,not even a coach mavin. I support schoolboy rugby. Now let me finish my doughnut on my couch. :mrgreen: :wink:

    1 December, 2015 at 15:56
  17. avatar
    #12 Kattes-Strofes

    @Playa23: Jip ! Het belange daar met laatlam. Sal maar sien hoe die ondersteuning storie gaan. Maar verseker vir hom en sy spanmaats. Moeilike een na soveel jare in die streeptrui.

    Net terloops! Mens kan sien ek het nou te veel tyd op hande en die vakansie gees.
    Ek het ook bietjie die Wynland skole se bepalings lys na gegaan en gevind dat Boland Landbou en Paarl Gim het n redelike maklike program in vergelyking met Paul Roos en Boishaai.

    Paul Roos speel teen 6 Top 10 skole en nog 3 Top 20 skole. Drie van hul opponente tel egter nie onder die Top 50 nie.

    Boishaai speel teen 4 Top 10 skole en nog 5 Top 20 skole. Al hul opponente is onder die Top 40.

    Paarl Gim. speel teen 3 Top 10 skole en nog 3 teen Top 20 spanne. Hulle het egter 5 opponente wat nie onder die Top 50 gereken word nie en kan met so n relatiewe maklike programm hoog op die ranglys eindig, indien hulle van die groot honde stamp.

    Boland Landbou speel teen 3 Top 10 skole [al hul bure] en 2 Top 20 spanne. Vier van hul opponente tel nie onder die Top 50 nie. Ook hier kan die boerseuns lekker verras en soos altyd, hul bure hard byt.

    1 December, 2015 at 13:42
  18. avatar
    #11 Playa23

    @Kattes-Strofes: Is ek reg as ek hoor jy gaan ‘n leeu ondersteuner word van 2016? Het jy nie belange nou daar nie?

    1 December, 2015 at 13:07
  19. avatar
    #10 Kattes-Strofes

    @Die Ken: Stem saam ! Couchmavin is beslis n Roosman.
    My informante se inligting praat van Stefan Jordaan as hoof afrigter. As ek reg verstaan, hou die Rose nie van n buite persoon as hoof afrigter nie.

    1 December, 2015 at 10:18
  20. avatar
    #9 Die Ken

    @Maroon: Whatsapp of tweet bietjie daar vir my die info agter die info asb…ek is nuuskierig

    1 December, 2015 at 06:35
  21. avatar
    #8 Die Ken

    @Tandem: @Couchmavin: Ek gaan raai hy’s n Roosman.

    1 December, 2015 at 06:33
  22. avatar
    #7 Tandem

    @Couchmavin:Hi Coach which school do you support ?

    30 November, 2015 at 16:46
  23. avatar
    #6 Couchmavin

    @Tandem: Ek hoor ook uit verskeie onbetroubare bronne uit dat dit Jacques Hanekom sal wees. Dit sal n top aanstelling wees. Hy het in die verlede die eerstes afgerig en groot welslae behaal. Dat ek n ou gimmie so kan ophemel…. :mrgreen:

    30 November, 2015 at 08:10
  24. avatar
    #5 Tandem

    @Maroon: Yes that I know . You are spoilt for choices and sure you have great options . Jacques Hanekom was also mentioned .

    28 November, 2015 at 16:14
  25. avatar
    #4 Maroon

    Christoff is coaching at Maties. There will be a press release in due time, but it is not Christoff. Paul Roos rugby is in good hands.

    28 November, 2015 at 11:07
  26. avatar
    #3 Tandem

    @PaarlBok: I have been told they are talking to Christoff Lotter

    28 November, 2015 at 09:34
  27. avatar
    #2 Couchmavin

    @PaarlBok: Geen expert nie maar my kristalbal se Brendan Venter sit agter die gordyn,al is dit net as n invloedryke konsultant.

    27 November, 2015 at 13:37
  28. avatar
    #1 PaarlBok

    Sterkte vir Mnr Kriek. Waar is ons PRG experts, wie is die volgende afrigter?

    26 November, 2015 at 09:55