Students help Michaelhouse rugby endorse technology

droneWell today is the last opportunity for folks up at Michaelhouse to see their drone (quadcopter) in action. Thanks to a few students who skilfully man the remote controlled device, the Michaelhouse coaching staff have enjoyed the benefit of aerial footage of 1st XV matches for most of the season. This has been of value for analysing defensive and attacking patterns. No doubt other schools will follow in their footsteps in the coming seasons.


  1. avatar
    #6 McCulleys Workshop

    @Gungets Tuft: That’s cool footage, and even better sound track!

    22 June, 2015 at 10:18
  2. avatar
    #5 Gungets Tuft

    This is how you use a drone :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    22 June, 2015 at 09:29
  3. avatar
    #4 BoishaaiPa

    @4×4: Daar was nie n drone by Grey nie..Dis maar die muskiete in Bloem wat so groot raak!

    22 June, 2015 at 07:40
  4. avatar
    #3 4×4

    Jakes, dalk nie. Hoeveel skole neem videos van die rugby om later te ontleed. Inteendeel deesdae help FNB Classic Clashes en Mutual en Federal se uit sending afrigters met ontleding van wedstryde as skole later teen mekaar speel…ek kan nie indink dat EG Jansen, Monnad, Garsies, Kloof ens. nie van Beeld materiaal gebruik maak om spanne te ontleed waarteen hulle speel nie.

    Drones help net met ‘n oorhoofse beeld in plaas van sy beeld en Michaelhouse is verkeerd ek het gedurende die Affies- Grey College wedstryd die jaar al ‘n drone opgemerk wat Grey ingespan het

    21 June, 2015 at 20:01
  5. avatar
    #2 Galaza

    I tend to agree with that sentiment but we live in a technological world. Maybe we could see a big screen with replays !

    21 June, 2015 at 09:04
  6. avatar
    #1 jakes

    This is just another sign that schoolboy rugby is becoming too serious, too professional really..

    20 June, 2015 at 15:08

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