SA schoolboy rugby : who will be tops in 2015

The changing of 1st XV personnel every season in some cases amounts to a complete overhaul of first choice players and makes schoolboy rugby a lot more of a challenge when it comes to predicting who will finish up where at the end of the season. So with that in mind there is a quickly put together list of teams that are attracting pre-season attention:

1. Jock Meiringstraat Blues – nobody can ever afford to underestimate the rugby boys from Bloem. In 2014 not enough credit given was given to the work head coach Wessel du Plessis put in. In years gone by Grey’s domination has gone hand in hand with numerous SA Schools caps. In 2014 in spite of finishing first in SA, they only had one of their reserve player in the SA Schools team. It goes to show that Du Plessis knows how to make the whole greater than the sum of the parts.
2. Maroon Machine – this 2014 group have been fantastic throughout the age groups coming up. They helped current head coach Hein Kriek make a name for himself at Paul Roos. However in terms of coaching the gem appears to be the highly rated tactician Dr Brendan Venter. Special year for PRG as we, its their 150th.
3. Witbulle 1920 – after a weak 2014 season, Affies to an extent have an element of surprise coming into 2015. That could be quickly eliminated though if the boys from Pretoria perform to potential against Paul Roos on 28 March. Also interesting is to see how their new coaching setup fares.
4. Witbulle 1921 – The Krugersdorpers are expected to have a big team. Monnas rugby starts with good physical aggression upfront and they could easily pound a few highly rated opposition into submission this year.
5. Baboonas – the East London school is another that has been exceptional coming up since u14. Unlike many Selborne teams in recent seasons this one looks likely to have a real need for speed feel about their backline play which should make them that much more dangerous
6. Boksburg Bende – a mainly Grade-11 Jansies team in 2014 not only gained experience, they produced the goods. Their stayers had the added benefit of going on an overseas tour together at the end of 2014. That’s bound to help with team spirit and cohesion.
7. Bloedworse – Here’s another with an outstanding school rugby coach in Christoff Lötter who doesn’t need obvious stars to put together a top notch team. He also knows how to turn players into stars. The Gimmies are accustomed to being the number 1 Co-ed rugby school in SA. They had that title lifted from them by Garsfontein last year. Lets see if they can win it back.
8. Galpille – Expected to have a powerful tight 5. Coach Sean Erasmus worked wonders with last year’s team resulting in them overachieving, so if he can produce the same output to talent ratio 8th is going to be too low to rate perennial powerhouse HJS.
9. Bere – After a super 2014 season, Garsies the new rising force in SA schoolboy rugby are playing down their chances. They have a good team though which contains two SA Schools players.
10. Riversdale Bulle – In any given season you have to back either Oakdale or Outeniqua to do well. Last season they were ever so close. This year Oakdale could just have the edge.
11. The Round Thorn Bush – a team expected to consist of mainly matric players, quite a few of whom will be returning to 1st XV duty. Rondebosch was also a strong group at u16 level two years back.
12. Parkies – there is a ton of hype around Menlo but the up and coming rugby school has one hellvu tough fixture list to contend with. They have good players but also a serious learning curve ahead.
13. Pajama Boys – an upgraded backline that already had two SA Schools x-factors to begin with suggests that if Grey PE’s forwards come to the party, they will be hard to stop. A bit unsettled due to a sudden coaching change
14. Kwaggas – Outeniqua have been investing in their rugby so they seldom have weak points in their 1st XV these days.
15. Rooibulle – HTS is expected to field a very good team. It’s just that the Noordvaal region has become so competitive now that even the Pumas teams will have stiff compo throughout the season.
16. Rhinos – The reigning Beeldtrofee champs have had a couple of outstanding seasons so one would forgive them for dropping off the pace a bit. They are however a tough of nails bunch, so don’t underestimate Nelspruit’s ability to deliver knockout blows to top opponents who dare to drop their guard.
17. Grasshoppers – No one in KZN is willing to commit to who will be the province’s number 1 school team but Glenwood do seem to have all the positional bases covered. Coach Rudi Dames is busy making a name for himself and seems to gravitate towards a balanced game plan that relies equally on forwards and backs.
18. Spud’s House –17 players with 1st XV experience are back, some of whom were dependable regulars in the successful Michaelhouse 2014 team. If this team gels it could go far.
19. Klofies – Waterkloof at number 19. No ways! Maybe testimony to the improvement in the Noordvaal league of top schools. Klofies are traditionally one of the schools that are regarded as the tier just below the “Powerhouses”, so they have a short but sound history of obtaining good results.
20. ???  Your choice?


  1. avatar
    #64 danie

    @beet trek vir my n PRG trui aan asb, maar een wat my spiere ook wys :wink:

    22 March, 2015 at 19:42
  2. avatar
    #63 danie

    My voorspelling vir die jaar kom einde Augustus is as volg:

    1) PRG
    2) Monnas
    3) Grey Bloem
    4) Affies
    5) Oakdale
    6) Boishaai
    8) Grey PE
    9) Paarl Gim
    10Kempton Park

    EG Jansen, Garsfontein, Selbourne, Outeniqua, Boland Landbou, Nelspruit in geen spesifieke volgorde gaan dit moeilik maak vir die top 10 spanne hierbo.

    22 March, 2015 at 19:06
  3. avatar
    #62 kosie

    @AffiePa: Nie seker hoekom jy ‘n bo rok (jurk) sou wou dra nie as al die ander ‘n truitjie dra nie!

    @beet: A “jurk”is a smock. You might be able to create an Affie dress. Would love to see it though!

    16 March, 2015 at 12:41
  4. avatar
    #61 AffiePa

    @Beet trek asb vir my n Affie jurkie aan.


    16 March, 2015 at 12:19
  5. avatar
    #60 AffiePa

    Ek sien die blog is alweer in volle swang. My bydrae tot die “kristal bal” vir hierdie jaar: As mens na die vertonings van die Gr11’s en Gr12’s kyk in hulle onderskeie onder-ouderdom jare behoort die top 3 spanne in volgorde hierdie jaar Paul Roos, Affies en dan Grey Bloem te wees.

    Ons weet egter dit werk nie heeltemal so nie – eerstens speel die mannetjies nie almal teen mekaar op onder-ouderdom vlakke en tweedens verdwyn spelers, of sluit aan by ander skole ens en derdens speel afrigting op ope vlak ook n groot rol.

    Ek het verlede jaar vir EG Jansen sien speel by Kearsney teen GCB – as ek reg onthou was daar rondom 9 graad11’s in daai groep – manne dit was al klaar n bul span wat alles behalwe die wedstryd gewen het – die tellings wat hulle hierdie jaar opsit verbaas my glad nie.

    Die ander span wat weer gaan uitstaan hierdie jaar is Garsfontein – baie sterk Gr 12 groep.

    My voorspellings is dus soos volg:

    Paul Roos
    EG Jansen
    Grey Bloem
    Paarl BH
    Paarl Gym

    Ons seisoen begin eerskomende Saterdag teen Helpmekaar – dan is dit Paul Roos op Markotter gevolg deur EG Jansen by Kearsney 8-O 8-O

    Affie groete. :wink:

    16 March, 2015 at 12:17
  6. avatar
    #59 Ploegskaar

    @Die Ken: Na ‘n nederige 2013/4, mik ons net vir ‘n beter 2015. Motivering is daar genoeg, maar ons sal dit wedstryd vir wedstryd, opponent vir opponent, aanpak. Sterkte met die 150ste, no pressure.

    24 February, 2015 at 14:22
  7. avatar
    #58 Die Ken

    @BoishaaiPa: :lol: jy het die reg om te skree vir wie jy wil.

    24 February, 2015 at 13:43
  8. avatar
    #57 BoishaaiPa

    @Die Ken: In daai geval sal ek dan maar vir Affies moet skree op julle 150 en vir GCB einde van die jaar!…

    24 February, 2015 at 13:32
  9. avatar
    #56 Die Ken

    @Ploegskaar: Wense vir 2015 (in geen spesifieke orde nie): PRG klop GCB op Markotter. Monnas wen Beeld. Affies sukkel voort (alhoewel ek nie sien dat dit kan gebeur nie). Bloedworse maak Galpille bymekaar. Boland smeer die Suidelike 4. ‘n Man kan droom

    24 February, 2015 at 11:40
  10. avatar
    #55 Oakdale supporter

    @Predator: Ek het iewers gelees van ‘n SA skole speler van Daniel Pienaar wat Outeniqua toe is, so daar is wel bietjie gewerk aan hulle groep.

    4 February, 2015 at 16:42
  11. avatar
    #54 Oakdale supporter

    @Predator: Jong, daar is maar 150 seuns in graad 11 en 12 wat soms tot 7 spanne moet volmaak, so diepte is relatief, maar albei groepe het met A en B spanne redelik goed gedoen op o/16 vlak.
    Ons is versigtig optimisties, maar tyd sal leer.

    4 February, 2015 at 16:39
  12. avatar
    #53 Predator

    @Ploegskaar: Jong ploeg hierdie groep was die laaste 4 jaar bottomfeeders in hulle log, maar Oakdale gaan kookwater wees. Baie diepte en talent met goeie coaching span.

    4 February, 2015 at 13:21
  13. avatar
    #52 Predator

    @BOG: Ja, het van skool verander laas jaar, agv afstand ( koshuis was nie opsie vir ons nie ). Ken die Kwaggas se span goed en weet dat hulle sal sukkel die volgende twee jaar, omtrent geen uitsonderlike talent en diepte soos vorige jare nie. Miskien verras hulle dalk met ‘n paar vreemde spelers van iewers wat graag daar wil skoolgaan.

    4 February, 2015 at 13:17
  14. avatar
    #51 MikeSt

    @pietretief: Lyk hectic jong


    Dan Kearsney
    Grey Bloem

    Dan Wildeklawer

    Dan sal ons nog erens in Nupower en Beeld Garsies, Menlo Middelburg Tegnies Nelspruit raakloop

    4 February, 2015 at 09:54
  15. avatar
    #50 Ploegskaar

    @Predator: Dink hierdie jaar se o18 groep sal sterk wees, die o17 groep dalk minder so, maar ons is dit eens oor Oakdale, hulle het ‘n bulspan die jaar.

    4 February, 2015 at 09:21
  16. avatar
    #49 BOG

    @Predator: Vaderland, jy het sommer van skool verwissel. Dan het jy regtig geen verwagtinge van Outeniqua nie.

    4 February, 2015 at 08:37
  17. avatar
    #48 Predator

    @Ploegskaar: Dink nie die Kwaggas sal in die top 30 eindig nie. Oakdale gaan moeilik geklop word hierdie jaar.

    4 February, 2015 at 01:41
  18. avatar
    #47 Bere73

    @pietretief: kyk by Noord vaal se bepalings

    3 February, 2015 at 20:23
  19. avatar
    #46 pietretief

    @MikeSt: Hoe lyk julle bepalings.

    3 February, 2015 at 20:16
  20. avatar
    #45 Rugbyman

    @MikeSt: ag toe nou mike… julle o/16s van laasjaar het in die Beeld finaal gespeel… ek glo julle het die diepte? Moenie so beskeie wees nie… :oops:

    3 February, 2015 at 19:20
  21. avatar
    #44 4×4

    Mikest…dalk moet julle dieselfde maatskappy nader as wat Menlo gebruik…hulle kan julle diepte problem uitsorteer :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    3 February, 2015 at 18:52
  22. avatar
    #43 MikeSt

    @kwartlyn: @Ploegskaar: Stem saam daar is n paar faktore wat ons jaar kan sink een van hulle om die seuns se voete op die grond te hou en die ander een is diepte. Met n tough bepalings lys soos ons het en die min diepte wat ons het kan dit n probleem raak as ons beserings kry.

    3 February, 2015 at 08:48
  23. avatar
    #42 TheGoose

    @beet – what’s your take on Kearsney this year?

    1 February, 2015 at 08:25
  24. avatar
    #41 4×4

    Dink daar is ‘n paar skole wat na hierdie video uitreksel kan kyk….dit is wat ‘n wen ten alle koste kultuur kweek…

    31 January, 2015 at 06:33
  25. avatar
    #40 Andre T

    Ek merk op Outeniqua word nie te hoog aangeslaan vanjaar of verbeel ek my. Sal ons moet wag vir die verpletter en verwoes van hul ondersteuners?

    30 January, 2015 at 11:48
  26. avatar
    #39 Ploegskaar

    @Djou: Die Boere se voete is op die grond en saam met die afrigtingspan en ondersteuners gereed om hul beste vir ‘n trotse skool te gee.

    30 January, 2015 at 11:38
  27. avatar
    #38 Djou

    @Ploegskaar: EK dink jou T5 lyk goed. Bly jy bring Kempies in – hulle word jaar na jaar misgekyk en deliver tog die goods. Ditto Nelspruit. Maar waar is Boland Landbou? Het verlede jaar gelyk of hulle hard terugkom.

    @Kwartlyn: Waar is Paarl Boys High en Paul Roos?

    30 January, 2015 at 11:24
  28. avatar
    #37 Ploegskaar

    @kwartlyn: Centurion, Transvalia & Monnas in die TUKS-reeks, Affies, Framesby & Grey Bloem by KERF, Glenwood & HJS Paarl by Wildeklawer. Dis een helse begin van die seisoen vir EG, maar as hulle daardie toets slaag, is T5 verseker op die kaarte soos jy noem. Ek sien Menlo se begin is ook wild, 8 games voordat hulle Wildeklawer aanpak?!?

    29 January, 2015 at 23:19
  29. avatar
    #36 kwartlyn

    @Ploegskaar: Ek moet saam met jou stem met jou T5, ek het net EG ingebring omrede ek dink hulle n paar grotes speel en met hulle track record teen makro spanne en met die span wat tot hul beskikking het hierdie jaar gaan dit werklik n spesiale span moet wees om hulle te klop. Groot Mike sal maar moet help om die jonges gefokus hou en sorg dat die koppe nie te groot raak nie. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    29 January, 2015 at 22:36
  30. avatar
    #35 Ploegskaar

    @kwartlyn: Daar is beslis ‘n verskeidenheid permutasies vir die T10/T20 hierdie jaar. Ek het sommer ‘n bietjie gespeel met die finale o16 rankings van 2013 & 2014 om by my lys uit te kom, wat dalk ‘n aanduiding van diepte kan gee, en as ek na van die skole se bepalings kyk, gaan dit beslis ‘n rol speel. Daar is egter beslis onbekende faktore soos aanwinste/verliese, beter/swakker ontwikkeling, afrigting en doodgewoon guts wat uitslae en rankings kan bepaal. Tog dink ek my T5 is naby aan die ware Jakob.

    29 January, 2015 at 21:12
  31. avatar
    #34 Grasshopper

    @kwartlyn: yeah, I agree but after a full season the cream will rise, top 10 to be the same as the cumulative top 10….

    29 January, 2015 at 21:07
  32. avatar
    #33 kwartlyn

    @Grasshopper: Daar gaan defnitiewe veranderings in die top 10 wees die jaar, daar is n paar skole wat teen die groot honde speel sommer vroeg in die seisoen en as die spanne die grotes gaan omstamp gaan die top 10 vinnig verander.

    29 January, 2015 at 20:50
  33. avatar
    #32 Grasshopper

    Just look at the cumulative rankings since 2009 on the main page, one shouldn’t drift too far away from that top 10 for this year…..consistency!

    29 January, 2015 at 18:43
  34. avatar
    #31 kwartlyn

    @Ploegskaar: ongeag waar die skole verlede jaar geeindig het sal my top 10 skole die jaar wees: GREY-BLOEM, AFFIES, EG JANSEN, MENLOPARK, PAARL GIM, NELSPRUIT, MONNAS, GLENWOOD, GREY-PE, OAKDALE EN GARSFONTEIN. Jammer dit is 11 skole maar ek moes Garsfontein net-net insit maar glo nie hulle gaan die hoogtes van verlede jaar bereik nie.

    29 January, 2015 at 18:28
  35. avatar
    #30 Djou

    @Ploeg: So bly jy skryf knapsak en nie papsak nie! :lol:

    29 January, 2015 at 18:02
  36. avatar
    #29 MikeSt

    @Ploegskaar: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    29 January, 2015 at 16:58
  37. avatar
    #28 Ploegskaar

    @MikeSt: Mike, Mike, Mike, jou tjommie is die area tussen jou knapsak en jou hol…

    29 January, 2015 at 16:55
  38. avatar
    #27 MikeSt

    Dalk moet Beet vir ons a prediction dinge doen dan kan almal hulle droomlyste publish

    29 January, 2015 at 16:50
  39. avatar
    #26 MikeSt

    @Ploegskaar: Lol Ploegie nie my bril opgehad nie maar ek donk tog dis jou droom lys of eerder nagmerrie lys…..

    Hoop nie daai tjommie van jou was n girl nie

    29 January, 2015 at 16:49
  40. avatar
    #25 Ploegskaar

    @MikeSt: Nee man, hoe lees jy soos jou gat. My droomlys sou darem baie anders lyk. Die was ‘n lys, in ‘n droom, in die vorm van ‘n tatoeërmerk, op my tjommie. Jy reken ek vat die manne van Boksfontein laag? Enige van die res kan sekerlik in daai T10 inwors, dis mos skolerugby!

    29 January, 2015 at 16:40
  41. avatar
    #24 MikeSt

    @Ploegskaar: bly jy nou die woord DROOM LYS gebruik………….

    29 January, 2015 at 16:31
  42. avatar
    #23 Ploegskaar

    @kosie: Nee jy kan beslis reg wees, hierdie het geen wetenskaplike basis nie, ek het hierdie lys in ‘n droom as ‘n tatoeërmerk op my tjommie gesien.

    29 January, 2015 at 15:03
  43. avatar
    #22 kosie

    @Ploegskaar: Ek dink ‘n brakkie of wat wat jy noem sal ‘n Groot Hond of twee se tjank afbyt. Ek dink EG val hierdie jaar in daardie kategorie.

    29 January, 2015 at 14:53
  44. avatar
    #21 Ploegskaar

    Die Groot Honde:
    5.Paarl Gim

    Die res, in geen spesifieke volgorde:
    Grey PE, Menlofontein, Rondebosch, HTS Middelburg, Nelspruit, Daniel Pienaar, Kempies, Maritzburg College, EG Jansen, Glenwood

    29 January, 2015 at 14:35
  45. avatar
    #20 Grasshopper

    @GreenBlooded: Yep, about 94 they got a Grasshopper made up with felt material etc nicknamed him Norman and he became known as Stormin Norman. Like most schools have a teddy in a deckchair we had Norman that the captain would place at the halfway mark next to the opposition schools mascot. His legs have been torn off etc so he is probably in his 4th reincarnation by now. Not sure if they still do this…….seems traditions like that have been scrapped. Even the tradition of coming down the stairs from the pool change rooms has been stopped. Don’t like the ‘oh boys of Glenwood’ naff sounding halftime song too.

    29 January, 2015 at 13:51
  46. avatar
    #19 GreenBlooded

    @Grasshopper: Honestly didn’t know that. Must have started after I left. :oops: :oops:

    29 January, 2015 at 13:41
  47. avatar
    #18 Grasshopper

    And the Leafy Griffons? Red Black White Goldstoners?

    29 January, 2015 at 13:14
  48. avatar
    #17 Grasshopper

    @beet: Yep, the mascot is a grasshopper called Stormin Norman, spot on!

    29 January, 2015 at 12:50
  49. avatar
    #16 Speartackle

    @GreenBlooded: No Hops…….Waterkloof for some reason was dubbed the Swemskool…….some oke on 365 started that and just because Clad de Chaud went to Westville they cannot claim that name

    29 January, 2015 at 12:36
  50. avatar
    #15 GreenBlooded

    @beet: I’m not sure – could be. Thought it might be referring to a certain ref. :mrgreen:

    29 January, 2015 at 12:34
  51. avatar
    #14 beet

    @GreenBlooded: I’ll change it. I though that’s what Glenwood called their Grasshopper – Stormin Norman

    29 January, 2015 at 12:27
  52. avatar
    #13 GreenBlooded


    Who is Norman? I thought Swemskool would be Westville – for the time being anyway.

    29 January, 2015 at 12:24
  53. avatar
    #12 Speartackle

    Monnas don’t need bulls, puppets or muppets when they run out………just the sight of those huge forwards will make any opponent shake.

    I still think that 2010 pack with Paul Willemse, Ruan Venter, James Meecham, Stoney, Sniper Nel was one of the most formidable and yet they lost to Grey Bloem, Florida and Paarl Gim that year.

    I think they put a 50 against Affies that year and beat Waterkloof plus the ref in the Beeld finals.

    29 January, 2015 at 12:20
  54. avatar
    #11 beet

    @Die Ken: Sorry I went back and edited that one – Rondebosch. Bound to be Cape Town’s no.1 team this year.

    29 January, 2015 at 12:19
  55. avatar
    #10 Die Ken

    Who the hell is Round thorn bush?

    29 January, 2015 at 12:13
  56. avatar
    #9 Die Ken

    @beet: History speaks for itself. Don’t worry, Monnas still have the big banner, which they have at all their games

    29 January, 2015 at 12:12
  57. avatar
    #8 beet

    @Die Ken: :-D

    I’ve seem Affies carry out for display a massive Bull on rugby day. Haven’t seen Monnas do the same since Paul Willemse’s last game for the school.

    29 January, 2015 at 12:08
  58. avatar
    #7 Die Ken

    @beet: You should rather refer to AHS as Wit Bulle since 1990s and Monnas as Wit Bulle since 1980s :-P

    29 January, 2015 at 12:04
  59. avatar
    #6 Speartackle

    @beet: When I won it in 1949 it was played at the Coral Gables Polo and Racquet Club in Miami, Florida and as a past winner I get invited to the closing ceremony every year. This year it is taking place at Rancho Mirage Racquet Club in Palos Verdes, California from Dec 17-23.

    29 January, 2015 at 11:40
  60. avatar
    #5 Playa

    @Speartackle: And we were told “Leopards can’t change their spots” :roll:

    29 January, 2015 at 11:27
  61. avatar
    #4 beet

    @Speartackle: I’m still trying to find out where the u3 tennis world champs are being played this year. ATP website of no help.

    29 January, 2015 at 11:25
  62. avatar
    #3 Speartackle


    Will Dale be playing as the Dale Leopards this year?

    29 January, 2015 at 11:09
  63. avatar
    #2 Playa

    @Speartackle: Oh yes! “The 1948ers” :mrgreen:

    29 January, 2015 at 11:04
  64. avatar
    #1 Speartackle

    And obviously Vrede will be the team to beat in the South Eastern Free State

    29 January, 2015 at 10:42

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