Up and coming Paul Roos star enrols at Paarl Gim

At Paul Roos, 2015 marks the start of their 150th year of existence. However the first few days of the new school year saw some of their avid adult rugby supporters stopping to focus on a disappointment rather than the celebrations that are set to come at the school. The unhappiness was caused when it was discovered that one of their top sportsmen (rugby and athletics) from last year’s under-15 age-group would not be returning to the school as he had joined rivals Paarl Gymnasium.

It is always controversial when a high profile athlete leaves one high profile school for another high profile school.

Most upstanding educators and reasonably minded folks firmly believe that a parent must be responsible for his/her child whether it be with regards to upbringing or choice of school.

In this case personal circumstances might be the best guess for the motive of the parent. The trigger for the move from Paul Roos seems to have come about as a result of the parent obtaining work at Paarl Gim.

Chances are Paarl Gim feel they merely made a sound business decision by employing the best suited person for the job on offer.

The facts cannot be disputed but the underlying intention for offering the job to this particular parent and the acceptance of it is being viewed by some as the subjective matter that should be questioned and this part will probably be debated for a while to come.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion on the move but what is certain is that it hasn’t gone down well amongst Paul Roos supporters and understandably so. Apart from their reservations, no school in South Africa wants to lose a sportsman of this youngster’s calibre, especially not to a traditional rival.

Paul Roos’ admissions policy promotes good relations

With regards to recruitment Gim has not contravened any rules or broken any laws and they certainly are not answerable to anyone about ethics on this matter. They are by no means obliged to get in contact with Paul Roos either.

Something of interest though is Paul Roos’ admissions policy which sets a high standard as it supports communication of intentions between schools up front and to a large extent averts controversy with regards to recruitment.

Paul Roos’ admission process requires that they request a learner’s current school to complete a confidential report on that learner. This document forms part of the Paul Roos application process, which implies that Paul Roos will never consider an application from a learner from another school without that school being informed about his application at Paul Roos. Paul Roos also always expects parents of applicants to inform their current school of their intentions to apply at Paul Roos.

Apart from this Paul Roos has also signed the Charter of the Traditional Boys Schools regarding approaching learners, and making offers to them, and strongly supports that initiative.


  1. avatar
    #24 Predator

    Heeltemal te veel klem op een persoon (kind) , hy gaan speel in ‘n span van 15 spelers by ‘n skool wat glad nie te kort skiet in talent nie.

    4 February, 2015 at 01:28
  2. avatar
    #23 PaarlBok

    @PaulRoosPa: Ouers het nie in die Paarl gebly toe ouer broer by PRG was nie.

    26 January, 2015 at 08:57
  3. avatar
    #22 Queenian

    @beet: Well things at this time of year always interesting 4 Muir player were approached by the Pearson coach who is also a EP Craven Week coach to move there which is shocking. But so far nobody has left. :oops:

    24 January, 2015 at 05:35
  4. avatar
    #21 PaulRoosPa

    I think there are more to this story, I just have a few questions for the parents.

    1) Why move the boy now? You have been living in Paarl before he even came to Paul Roos.
    2) Moving a kid in gr10 a good move?
    3) His older brother did 5 years at Paul Roos while you lived in Paarl, what changed now?
    4) How does the boy feel about this move?

    23 January, 2015 at 21:15
  5. avatar
    #20 QC86

    @BOG: no sorry bog ,just me talking in riddles.

    23 January, 2015 at 14:43
  6. avatar
    #19 Playa

    @rugbyfan: 3 boys if I’m not mistaken. 4 if you count the one who left for Muir late last year.

    23 January, 2015 at 14:36
  7. avatar
    #18 BOG

    I heard that the Free State players, from north to south, are all happy in their environment, and will remain their until their schooling is complete. I heard—@Playa: I read that Grey PE “were busy during the holidays” and Dale got the benefits? Is this some kind of conspiracy?

    23 January, 2015 at 13:37
  8. avatar
    #17 rugbyfan

    @Playa: Wonder if its true or not.

    Herd anything how many boys from last years Dale Under 13 A have jumped ship.

    23 January, 2015 at 13:10
  9. avatar
    #16 scrummie

    @ Beet ,

    Someone said the other day that Waterkloof went shopping at Rustenburg, it was in one of the recent topics ….., I am sure its boys in Gr 11 as they have a very strong Gr 11 group (or use to if it is from that group).

    23 January, 2015 at 12:38
  10. avatar
    #15 Playa

    @rugbyfan: Much needed, hey :lol: :lol:
    Hope all’s above board. I don’t want a repeat of 2012 with the Zim boys

    23 January, 2015 at 12:16
  11. avatar
    #14 rugbyfan

    @QC86: You right I do know of 1 boy from Newton Tech and 1 from VP in PE who at Grey now looks like the cleaning up all the good players at the lessor known schools maybe not to pick up flak.

    One good thing I see is 2 boys who left Muir two years ago and went to Grey PE are back at Muir one played Grey Under 15A and one Under 14 A

    23 January, 2015 at 11:14
  12. avatar
    #13 rugbyfan

    @Playa: So Dale trying to get some Boere brawn into there team. :mrgreen:

    Also heard of 1 boy pitching at Queens from Pretoria I think a Under 15 or 16 boy.

    23 January, 2015 at 11:10
  13. avatar
    #12 PaarlBok

    Myself moved my kid from Gym to PRG, so I know the drills between the two schools.

    23 January, 2015 at 10:37
  14. avatar
    #11 PaarlBok

    @rugbyfan: His dad wont teach, will coach. Dont think there is any ill feelings about this. The kid was in KleinGim before going to PRG. Parents stay in Paarl, so it make sense to go to Paarl Gim.

    23 January, 2015 at 10:35
  15. avatar
    #10 beet

    For the record I had also heard that Rustenburg lost a few players to Gauteng schools as well. I was told that’s not unexpected.

    Hopefully with Rustenburg’s improved Beeld fixture list this will be a turning point for retaining players.

    23 January, 2015 at 10:22
  16. avatar
    #9 Playa

    @QC86: Let me investigate this.

    23 January, 2015 at 10:06
  17. avatar
    #8 Cappie

    Nee wat hierdie lyk vir my alles bo die tafel. Twee gerespekteerde skole, en ek glo nie daar is eers enigsins kwaad gestook tussen die twee skole met die skuif nie.

    23 January, 2015 at 09:50
  18. avatar
    #7 QC86

    @Playa: ja heard yesterday,don’t know how kids just arrive.

    23 January, 2015 at 09:48
  19. avatar
    #6 Playa

    @QC86: WHAT???? 8-O

    23 January, 2015 at 09:35
  20. avatar
    #5 QC86

    Seems Grey PE have been busy during the holidays,heard 3 boys from Potch just pitched up at Dale 8-O 8-O

    23 January, 2015 at 09:25
  21. avatar
    #4 Grasshopper

    The KZN can of worms is still brewing, should explode the Friday before the 1st local derby….I’m waiting with baited breath…

    23 January, 2015 at 08:15
  22. avatar
    #3 Rugger fan

    On the face of it – and from the info in the article – all seems fine IMHO. Moves will always happen – and it certainly does not sound like “schoolboy” poaching – more like “staff” poaching :) – and that doesn’t get spoken about as much.

    23 January, 2015 at 07:30
  23. avatar
    #2 rugbyfan

    What is surprising this time of year is usually a buzz with boys being poached and pitching up at other school’s so far very quite.

    Anyway lets hope that’s the case.

    23 January, 2015 at 06:06
  24. avatar
    #1 rugbyfan

    This looks like just a normal move for the parents if the father is moving from Paul Roos to Paarl Gym to teach then surely Paul Roos new this was happening.

    Very similar to Andrew Dewar leaving Queens to Selborne as the new headmaster and he,s two son’s going as well nothing wrong with that.

    23 January, 2015 at 06:05

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