Fixtures & Results – week ending 14/06/2014

Sat 14/06/2014 Glenwood 64 27 Northwood
Sat 14/06/2014 DHS 15 52 Maritzburg College
Sat 14/06/2014 Hilton 14 59 Westville
Sat 14/06/2014 Kearsney 7 45 Michaelhouse
Sat 14/06/2014 Clifton 13 5 St Charles
Fri 13/06/2014 Dale 41 13 Cambridge
Fri 13/06/2014 Hudson Park 48 5 Port Rex
Sat 14/06/2014 Kingswood 28 42 St Andrew’s K-DAY!
Sat 14/06/2014 Queen’s 55 0 Stirling
Thu 12/06/2014 Selborne 63 22 Grens
Sat 14/06/2014 St David’s 37 7 St Alban’s
Sat 14/06/2014 St John’s 32 26 Pretoria BH
Sat 14/06/2014 KES 45 13 St Stithians
Sat 14/06/2014 Eldoraigne 22 54 Waterkloof
Fri 13/06/2014 Helpmekaar 15 38 Menlopark
Fri 13/06/2014 Kempton Park 66 3 Vereeniging Gim
Sat 14/06/2014 Alberton 39 10 Dinamika
Sat 14/06/2014 Randberg 17 19 Linden
Sat 14/06/2014 Ermelo 31 22 Secuda


  1. avatar
    #272 hilton

    @Jimbo: Thanks for the carrot awarded by you to Hilton. Maybe want to reconsider after yesterday and last weekend?

    22 June, 2014 at 02:54
  2. avatar
    #271 Tang

    @Vleis – The Boys High u16 A team are a good team but there are major problems inside the team. Too many parents interfering, too many opinions on how they should play, etc. They started the season well but after a few losses, the meddling brigade have come out and this has resulted in some below par performances.

    It doesn’t seem like bursaries are on the cards just yet. However, I wouldn’t rue them out as I think they are now a necessary part of rugby. It would be nice if the Blue Bulls could send a few of the school boy recruits to Boys High. Players are being sent to Southdowns where they hardly play any competitive fixtures.
    I think Ryno is connected to the BB so he may get a few of the u16 recruits who come through the ranks.
    I would certainly like to see Boys High get a player like the lock you guys had last year (Abongile).

    19 June, 2014 at 08:03
  3. avatar
    #270 Bere73

    @kosie: Ek dink julle het n baie goeie kans vir n wen Saterdag!! Sterkte

    18 June, 2014 at 10:32
  4. avatar
    #269 kosie

    @Bosveldpa: Eldo speel Menlo die naweek maar dit word seker nie as ‘n groot game gesien nie. Die wedstryd is by Menlo

    18 June, 2014 at 10:03
  5. avatar
    #268 Bere73

    @Bosveldpa: Ons wonder nie wat die uitslag sou gewees het nie !Ons weet!! En as jy twee breinselle het sal jy dit ook weet!! Niks keer die Garsie beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    18 June, 2014 at 09:29
  6. avatar
    #267 Festus February

    @BOG: jy se ook maar net iets om iets te se

    18 June, 2014 at 07:41
  7. avatar
    #266 Festus February

    plaas het jy aangehou ry randfontein se kant toe en daar by robinson dam gaan uitkamp. ek hoor daar is nog net 7 moorde die laaste 8 maande gepleeg. gaan rek of trek jou kierie daar en flip flop in die dam in

    18 June, 2014 at 07:41
  8. avatar
    #265 Bosveldpa

    Die Menlopark vs Helpmekaar wedstryd was teleurstellend. Ek wens eerder my coin het geval op die Waterkloof vs Eldo game Saterdag. Maar ‘n man kan maar net een so wedstryd oor ‘n naweek inpas tussen al die dorp aankope. Was nogal verbaas dat daar so min toeskouers was Vrydagaand.
    Was eintlik oppad Randfontein toe, maar onthou toe dat Randfontein en Affies nie gespeel het Saterdag nie. Sorry, nie Randfontein, ek bedoel Garsfontein… Gaan julle julle naam verander Bere? Julle bynaam kan dan Randrekkers word :)
    Die Garsfonteiners gaan seker nou vir altyd wonder wat die uitslag kon gewees het en dat Saterdag moontlik hul tweede verloor van die seisoen kon wees.
    Wanneer is die volgende groot games in Pretoria?
    As mens ‘n coin moes flip tussen Middelburg en Worcester, waar moet mens hoop dit val? Waar gaan die beter rugby wees?

    17 June, 2014 at 22:24
  9. avatar
    #264 BOG

    @Festus February: Na n lang afwesigheid, is jy weer terug? Jy het nie moontlik vir Nonnie en haar vriendinne in jou afwesigheid raakgeloop nie? Is dit waar dat jou ma jou “Festus” genoem het omdat jy met n pitsweer in jou poeppol gebore is?

    17 June, 2014 at 19:38
  10. avatar
    #263 Vleis

    @Tang: Last year Boys High u15A beat SJC u15A by 30 points, but this year Boys High u16A lost to SJC u16A by 40 points. That’s a 70 point swing, which is staggering.

    Will Boys High also be offering scholarships/bursaries in future? If so, will they do so only at gr8 intake, or at later age groups too?

    Anyway, congrats on the first step, as I’m sure that most would like to see Boys High return to their strength of old.

    17 June, 2014 at 17:17
  11. avatar
    #262 Tang

    @Vleis – I am very happy with the announcement of Ryno van der Merwe as the new Boys High Director of Rugby. You are 100% right it could not come a moment too soon.
    Ryno will have a huge task on his hands but I think he will be a huge success.

    No excuses for losing to St Johns. It looks like St Johns have made a huge effort in their A teams.

    One has to put this Boys High season in perspective. The first side is young and they have a new coach. The bulk of this first side will be back next year and I expect a huge change in attitude and belief.

    At age group level, PBHS have large numbers but I think they may have lost a little rugby quality to schools who are offering rugby bursaries. It is amazing how the first side results have affected the age group teams. I think the new director of rugby will be able to sort out a few things and insure some of the basics are done properly.
    Again – no excuses. Boys High collectively need to stand together as one entity and take responsibility for this season. I believe each team is probably playing 25% below potential.

    17 June, 2014 at 17:07
  12. avatar
    #261 Festus February

    @Deon Pitzer: ag nee gross deon pitzer. jy moet daai bottie los my kroon dit maak jou mal

    17 June, 2014 at 15:21
  13. avatar
    #260 Deon Pitzer

    @Festus February, Aaah, jy het my dus met my skoonma bespreek…..of my suster.

    17 June, 2014 at 15:05
  14. avatar
    #259 Festus February

    @Deon Pitzer: as jou ma n snor en n baard het dan mag dit so wees

    17 June, 2014 at 15:02
  15. avatar
    #258 Deon Pitzer

    @Festus February: Klink of jy met my ma gepraat het oor my?

    17 June, 2014 at 14:57
  16. avatar
    #257 Festus February

    @Deon Pitzer: ek se maar eerder niks . my ma het my geleer as met niks goeds van iemand kan se dan swyg jy eerder maar

    17 June, 2014 at 14:49
  17. avatar
    #256 kosie

    @Deon Pitzer: Ja edel van inbors! Duidelik dalk ‘n gesigs probleem maar edel van inbors; sout van die aarde!

    17 June, 2014 at 14:42
  18. avatar
    #255 Deon Pitzer

    Ek neem aan die persoon wat my ken het jou vertel hoe sinvolle en kalm jong man ek is?

    17 June, 2014 at 14:35
  19. avatar
    #254 Festus February

    @Deon Pitzer: ja en die mense saam jou in vergaderings glo nie n woord wat jy se as hulle lees hoeveel twak jy hier skryf. hoeka die naweek met iemand gepraat wat jou ken

    17 June, 2014 at 14:29
  20. avatar
    #253 Deon Pitzer

    @Festus February: En swaksiende.

    17 June, 2014 at 14:26
  21. avatar
    #252 Festus February

    @Deon Pitzer: los net die bottie uit my kroon. daai goed maak jou erg aggro

    17 June, 2014 at 14:24
  22. avatar
    #251 Festus February

    @kosie: ek het ook gedog dis eerder Quantums, daai manne sal mos nie hi aces ry. Dis eerder tygerberg en daai ander Parow skole wat met Ventures sal ry. nie die hogeres van stellenbosch en paarl. miskien die gimmies.

    17 June, 2014 at 14:23
  23. avatar
    #250 Deon Pitzer

    Ok dan, ‘n CL registrasie Quantum met ‘n man agter die stuur. Ek sal my bes probeer. Gaan juis môre weer in die rigting van Gordonsbaai. Ek sal kuslangs ry, en daar by Balbreker Baai sit en wag. Ek sal probeer om jou op hoogte te hou.

    17 June, 2014 at 14:22
  24. avatar
    #249 kosie

    @Festus February: Wat se Hi ace arm gatte is dit. Dis net Quantums! Ek dink ook Pitzy se spookvrou mag ‘n man wees en daarom sien hy dit nie raak nie. Soek net vir die regte ding! ‘n Quantum

    17 June, 2014 at 14:15
  25. avatar
    #248 Deon Pitzer

    @Festus February: Met die spookvrou van Uniondale agter die stuur? Of is die spookvrou in Rio?

    17 June, 2014 at 14:12
  26. avatar
    #247 Festus February

    @Deon Pitzer: ek sien die hi ace is nou net hier verby Temperance Town

    17 June, 2014 at 14:03
  27. avatar
    #246 Deon Pitzer

    @kosie: Dit was tong in die kies bedoel. Garsfontein is inelkgeval ‘n Kaapse skool, met sy basis in die Swartland.

    17 June, 2014 at 13:41
  28. avatar
    #245 Vleis

    @Tang: I see that Boys High has just hired a new director of rugby – Ryno van der Merwe. His appointment is not a moment too soon, as all your A teams lost to St John’s on Sat. I can understand that happening once in a blue moon v Jeppe…but St John’s?! What’s going on at Boys High this year?

    17 June, 2014 at 13:28
  29. avatar
    #244 kosie

    @Deon Pitzer: It’s not due to a lack of wanting to play Affies. Affies decided not to play Garsfontein.

    Nobody in Pretoria will beat Garsfontein this year. If they have their full team, I doubt if any school team will beat them this year. I know very few outside Pretoria will agree with me. They can match anybody up front and have the skill at the back to use the ball to good effect.

    Its just a pity we will not see them against some of the Cape schools

    17 June, 2014 at 13:23
  30. avatar
    #243 Deon Pitzer

    @Tang: But Garsfontein have not faced Affies yet. How can anyone claim that Garsfontein are the championd of Pretoria if they have not faced Affies?

    17 June, 2014 at 13:00
  31. avatar
    #242 Tang

    I just watched highlights of Garsfontein VS Menlo Park on You Tube.
    Embrose Papier is a special talent. Garsfontein are well drilled and play fantastic attacking rugby. Take nothing away from Menlo, but Grasfontein are in a league of their own in Pretoria.

    17 June, 2014 at 12:43
  32. avatar
    #241 GreenBlooded

    @NW_Knight: Now that I’ve engaged my brain – Jonks was AR4 at the stadium on Saturday so I guess time did not allow him to do the 1st team.

    16 June, 2014 at 17:33
  33. avatar
    #240 NW_Knight

    @GreenBlooded: Agreed. He was fine in the U16 game, but it was one way traffic. It was a pleasure to watch the 2nd team game – never heard one complaint from the crowd (and I know there were many who had no idea who was reffing). Shows the impact (or maybe lack of impact) a good ref has on a game.

    16 June, 2014 at 17:11
  34. avatar
    #239 GreenBlooded

    @NW_Knight: Can’t blame the guy – he arrives mentally prepared for the U16A game and get’s lumped with the 1st as well. Tough thing to do when you have already reffed a game and were not mentally prepared for it. I know the guy – he’s a good ref but not Tier 1 First team IMO. I wonder why Marius Jonker didn’t do the 1st? When he is available they should give him the best game of the day.

    16 June, 2014 at 17:07
  35. avatar
    #238 NW_Knight

    @GreenBlooded: I agree with @umbiloburger. I didn’t realise it was the same person that did the U16A game. What made it more apparent that he was struggling was that Marius Jonker reff’d the 2nd team game immediately before – chalk and cheese. Agree about U15A as well – could easily have resulted in a punch up.

    @Grasshopper: Wrong assumption. Glenwood were simply superb in the first half, while Northwood looked decidedly average. The GW loose trio worked extremely well together and I thought that Jaco Coetzee was the man of the match.

    Second half saw a different Northwood side (in attitude). They were making the tackles and stopped kicking the ball to the opposition. With ball in hand, they outscored Glenwood in the 2nd half. The change in the game disrupted Glenwood and frustration crept in. Van Niekerk was red carded for repeatedly punching the Northwood 4 – some sort of rage going on there? Glenwood played very good rugby and deserved their win.

    16 June, 2014 at 15:51
  36. avatar
    #237 Crash Ball

    The St Charles vs Clifton was a shocking display of rugby. I played in that game myself and I must say it was the worst game of rugby that have ever played with the team.
    We couldn’t do basic things like catch the ball or get clean ball to the back line.
    One of our locks also went down early in the game and line outs didn’t function well from there on.
    We have a tough game against House this weekend. Hard work will be needed to perform against a very strong MHS side.

    16 June, 2014 at 15:21
  37. avatar
    #236 GreenBlooded

    @umbiloburger: I’m speechless!! They must simply not appoint him if that is the level of his commitment. This is not a 5th division club match – the high profile school matches are highly sought after – if this guy couldn’t be bothered there are plenty of guys that would kill for such a quality game.

    15 June, 2014 at 12:51
  38. avatar
    #235 kcob

    @McCulleys Workshop: sorry, did somewhere in my post give you the indication we would have beaten house with those injured? Then you were wrong!

    15 June, 2014 at 11:51
  39. avatar
    #234 kosie

    @Hanswors: Dankie vir die game. Kloof was beter op aanval. Eldo se verdediging agter het hul span in die steek gelaat.

    @Beet the final score was Waterkloof 47-22 Eldoraigne. Not that it changes much. 2 tries in the last 2 minutes let the score look a lot worse

    15 June, 2014 at 10:28
  40. avatar
    #233 beet

    @umbiloburger: Eish I had good intentions of getting to this u15A game to see what the MHS had to deliver but sadly other commitments arose on Saturday morning I just missed it. Pity!

    15 June, 2014 at 09:09
  41. avatar
    #232 beet

    @GreenBlooded: Thanks for the input. There was a tendency for the Kearsney scrum to go up instead of backwards. A lot of folks pinned the blame on the MHS prop for scrumming up. I don’t recall the scrum popping last week when MHS played College with MHS then using the tighthead who played in the 2nd XV game vs KC at LH or earlier in the season when MHS played against Glenwood and I can’t help but wonder how things turned out when MHS played Westville, another strong scrum?

    15 June, 2014 at 09:07
  42. avatar
    #231 Jimbo

    I guess it was bound to happen sometime during the season. Without any depth to speak of, KC fell apart when Tristian Tedder was injured. With Dixon turning his ankle during the warm-up and having lost our hooker mid-week and a lock the week before, KC was no match for a rampant MHS side bristling with intent and individual brilliance. However, even at full-strength, KC would have been run-over by MHS in such good form. A glimmer of hope for next season is the way in which the KC U16A team outplayed a good MHS side for a fairly comfortable win. Congrats to my MHS buddies who joined me for the game and to my son who never gave up playing hard. He should be a handful next season.

    15 June, 2014 at 08:23
  43. avatar
    #230 umbiloburger

    @GreenBlooded: I cannot understand what is going on with the DBN refs. Yesterday the appointed ref for the 1st team e didn’t arrive…apparently the second time he has done so this year. Totally unacceptable. This meant that the U16A referee had to do the game. He was adequate but clearly battled. I believe most referees were unavailable due to the test!!! Not good enough. The poor lad who did the U15A game was way out of his depth and he lost control in the 2nd minute. The biggest frustration of the day was watching referees being pedantic at marginally screw throw ins at uncontested line outs and yet ignoring screw scrum feeds and blatant foot up at scrum time. I believe the formation of a schoolboy society is coming about soon so that should help the schools. @beet: Did you get to watch the U15A match Beet. That is a surprise result.

    15 June, 2014 at 08:16
  44. avatar
    #229 GreenBlooded

    @beet: In the 2nd XV game I think House got away with absolute murder at scrum time. The House tighthead and hooker popped the scrum almost every time without sanction. I think right at the end he finally clicked on and pinged House for illegally popping the scrum – too little too late. Not sure what effect that would have had on the result. It’s a seemingly innocuous thing – but disrupting a scrum like that can have a massive effect on front-foot ball from first phase and hence a huge effect ont he game. Also not sure why he blew the 1st half with 6 mins on the clock (I thought at the time to make up time so the 1st could start on time) but then took the 2nd half to the full 30 minutes. Odd.

    I thought the 1st XV ref got it right early on – maybe he got it pointed out to him during the 2nd XV game – but he nailed the House team for illegal scrumming and it seemed to nip it in the bud.

    14 June, 2014 at 21:34
  45. avatar
    #228 beet

    @GreenBlooded: I wanted to ask you for your opinion on the first half scrums. They were a focal point with many scrums and Kearsney generally enjoying the benefit of the ref’s whistle in spite of looking like the team under pressure.

    14 June, 2014 at 21:13
  46. avatar
    #227 GreenBlooded

    @Far Meadows: @kcob: Only saw the first half before running the gauntlet down to Kings Park – but the Kearsney forwards were just not in the game at all. It wasn’t only a case of being outplayed – they simply did not get out of bed this morning. There was nobody at the breakdown, there was even a case where a penalty kick rebounded off the goalpost and the forwards were still on the 10m line. That alone explains the scoreline for me.

    Not lekker to see Roberts go off concussed. Was not there to see Dixon and Tedder go off – but there are 3 CW players gone (hopefully not) in one match. Add Tredoux to the mix – and 2 hectic matches next weekend – and we might have a new-look CW team come the holidays.

    14 June, 2014 at 21:10
  47. avatar
    #226 beet

    After last weekend’s high and the emotional toll it took on some House players I thought they would struggle to play at their best today but I was very wrong. They played to their full potential and were clinical at turning oppotunities into 7-pointers. Yes their forwards were outstanding but having seen Kearsney contain the scoring of a few team’s with dominant packs this season already, the House result would not have been achieved without their quality attacks as well as the empowering of a number of players with licences to thrill – to see the so-called low profile players coming up with big plays is possibly more meaningful to the work of the coaching staff then when the x-factor usual suspects do it. I thought Kearsney could have played better but on the day the final score was a fair reflection of the MHS ascendency. Another difference maker to the overall result is depth. MHS clearly has it this season, while KC doesn’t.

    14 June, 2014 at 20:55
  48. avatar
    #225 Rhino

    Westville 1st Rugby beat Hilton College 59-14
    Westville U16A bt Hilton 61-12,

    Got all my score predictions right aka perfect with the wins just not the scorelines :-)

    14 June, 2014 at 20:47
  49. avatar
    #224 McCulleys Workshop

    @kcob: I think KC would have been given points with or without the players mentioned.

    14 June, 2014 at 19:14
  50. avatar
    #223 kcob

    @McCulleys Workshop: huh?

    14 June, 2014 at 19:08
  51. avatar
    #222 McCulleys Workshop

    @kcob: my response is “with or without you” U2

    14 June, 2014 at 18:58
  52. avatar
    #221 Gungets Tuft

    @kcob: Sounds like the school holidays are just in time. Doesn’t help KC and House, your season has 1 week left?

    College have a massive run in, Westville next weekend, the July break, then Glenwood, PBHS, Affies and GCB.

    14 June, 2014 at 18:56
  53. avatar
    #220 kcob

    @Gungets Tuft: Tedder MCL strain but may be ok. Dixon rolled ankle at warmup before game; looks nasty. Roberts from mhs concussed!

    14 June, 2014 at 18:46
  54. avatar
    #219 Gungets Tuft

    @kcob: Eeisch, 2 CW players there, another hurt at Glenwood. How do Dixon and TT’s injuries look?

    14 June, 2014 at 18:29
  55. avatar
    #218 kcob

    Mayday, Mayday!!! The MHS pack decimated the Kearsney pack. I think Kearsney had 5% possession in the first half. The MHS structure just too good. Dixon rolled his ankle in warm up; Tedder off with MCL right knee 20minutes into game. A prop at lock, a prop at hooker, a scrummy at 10…eeeish! They smashed us!

    14 June, 2014 at 18:16
  56. avatar
    #217 McCulleys Workshop

    @Far Meadows: Star, how cold is your case from Buffel

    14 June, 2014 at 17:40
  57. avatar
    #216 Far Meadows

    Big surprise at Kearsney , 45-7 to House .

    I thought that House were slight favourites going into this match , the scoreline is quite a shock.

    14 June, 2014 at 17:22
  58. avatar
    #215 Grasshopper

    Glenwood 67 – Northwood 27, heard Glenwood had 50 at half time. Must have taken the foot off the gas….Joubert and Tredoux did not play…

    14 June, 2014 at 16:46
  59. avatar
    #214 Gungets Tuft

    Carnage at Kearsney. House 45, KC 7.

    14 June, 2014 at 16:25
  60. avatar
    #213 Gungets Tuft

    College 1st 52, DHS 15

    2nds vs Port Natal 34 – 21 I think

    14 June, 2014 at 16:23
  61. avatar
    #212 Hanswors

    Waterkloof 54 Eldo 22. Eldo het baie goed gespeel, sagte driee op kritiese tye afgestaan. Wedstryd in goeie gees gespeel, toeskouers baie beleeft, geen moeilikhied. Waterkloof te sterk op die einde met goeie hardloop rugby. Dankie Eldos vir goeie rugby en lekker gees!!!!

    14 June, 2014 at 15:27
  62. avatar
    #211 GreenBlooded

    @Gungets Tuft: The U14A score was 15-12 to College. My Bad.

    14 June, 2014 at 12:15
  63. avatar
    #210 GreenBlooded

    @Gungets Tuft: U15A DHS 26 College 12

    14 June, 2014 at 12:12
  64. avatar
    #209 Festus February

    not even one school game in the western cape today we have the whole family here and nowere to watch man where is this bondedag looks like the only rugby for the long weekend even nothing on youf day

    14 June, 2014 at 12:08
  65. avatar
    #208 Gungets Tuft

    College vs DHS Rugby

    U14A 17-10
    U16B 33-0
    U16A 32-0


    U14A 8-0
    U16A 3-0
    3rds vs 2nds 2-1

    14 June, 2014 at 11:17
  66. avatar
    #207 Ludz

    @GCollege86: Yeah Grant said you guys were on the grand stand, it was quite packed, so I couldn’t come up.

    The new opposition stand looks great and the flood lights as well, gonna be enjoyable watching the boys there.

    14 June, 2014 at 02:34
  67. avatar
    #206 jakes

    MikeSt-wonder wat het met Jeugland gebeur die laaste paar jare? In die 90’s en vroee 2000’s was hulle een van die sterkste atletiek skole in die land en hul rugby was tops en EG Jansen se rugby games teen Jeugland was altyd kliphard. Ek neem aan Kempton Park het weer begin die leisels oorneem in daai geweste.

    13 June, 2014 at 22:35
  68. avatar
    #205 Gungets Tuft

    @Playa: Not sure but they rival Glenwood, Westville and College in numbers. Probably 1100 – 1200.

    Most surprising is the hockey. Large Asian contingent at DHS, given that India and Pakistan are both right up there in the world, would have expected more. 5 years ago DHS was top in hockey, it’s just slipped away.

    13 June, 2014 at 19:38
  69. avatar
    #204 GCollege86

    @Ludz: Thanks I will. Rudi and I saw you walking past the grand stand last night.

    13 June, 2014 at 18:01
  70. avatar
    #203 Ludz

    @GCollege86: Tian was brilliant last night along with the no.7. A couple of good runs and his try was pure brilliance. Tell the young man I said great game

    13 June, 2014 at 17:46
  71. avatar
    #202 MikeSt

    Sorry Final Score EG Jansen 2des 52 – Jeugland 1stes 12

    13 June, 2014 at 16:15
  72. avatar
    #201 Redblack White

    @Gungets Tuft: With the top-ups coming from the Afrikaans medium :mrgreen: :mrgreen: that makes 17 rugger and 13 hockey games – at least 11 rugger and 6 hockey teams having a lekka long weekend

    13 June, 2014 at 16:07
  73. avatar
    #200 Festus February

    Baie geluk Jeugland met julle onner 16 A spannetjie darem een wen vir die dag

    13 June, 2014 at 15:50
  74. avatar
    #199 MikeSt

    EG Jansen 2des 21 Jeugland 1stes 0 na 15 minute……….

    EG Jansen 0/14A 58 Jeugland O/14A 0 game gestop na 15 min in 2de helfte.

    EG Jansen 3des 29 Jeugland 2des 22

    Jeugland O/16A ontrek teen A span gee punte

    Jeugland O/15A ontrek teen A span gee punte

    EG Jansen O/15A 70 teen Jeugland O/16B 3

    EG Jansen O/15B 25 teen Jeugland O/15A 15

    EG Jansen O16C 12 Jeugland O16A 22

    13 June, 2014 at 15:35
  75. avatar
    #198 Playa

    @Gungets Tuft: How many boys are there at DHS?

    13 June, 2014 at 15:29
  76. avatar
    #197 Gungets Tuft

    12 rugby matches (offsets below 1sts/ 2nds and the A&B games), 6 hockey vs DHS (offsets in all except 1sts and A teams). Eeisch

    13 June, 2014 at 13:48
  77. avatar
    #196 CHS08

    Why 7 Grens players though? Yes they good but not wow or not so good that they should have 7 players. Selborne and Dale should dominate.

    13 June, 2014 at 12:05
  78. avatar
    #195 Bulle

    @Skoorsteen: Het jy miskien die uitslae van die hokkiewedstryde van gister asb.

    13 June, 2014 at 12:00
  79. avatar
    #194 GCollege86

    @Knight_CHS07: I have always rated him. He deserves his place in the CW side. Even through things were not going Grens’s way, he kept on attacking and trying to make something out of nothing. He kept the defender busy around the fringes and his try was well deserved, seeing that he ran, kicked, follow-up and scored the try.

    13 June, 2014 at 11:09
  80. avatar
    #193 Knight_CHS07

    @GCollege86: That Grens no.9 is something special i tell you. He didn’t play as well as he did against Queens’ though but he did enough to cause Selborne problems at times. I think he scored a try in the corner

    13 June, 2014 at 10:54
  81. avatar
    #192 Gold

    @beet Hi there, just wanted to apologise for some false information that I gave you at the beginning of the week. Primrose are actually hosting Wynberg’s 2nd XV. The first side are taking a break along with the rest of the Southern Suburbs teams before their big derby games next weekend.

    13 June, 2014 at 10:44
  82. avatar
    #191 Hanswors

    @kosie – het so gedink…….ek trek maar net jou been.

    13 June, 2014 at 10:22
  83. avatar
    #190 kosie

    @Hanswors: Hansie, jy sukkel nou. Ek hoor die KGB (kampus en grond beheer) is opdrag gegee dat geen vloeistof van ‘n medisinale aard die gronde mag betree nie. Dus moet dit maar buite gebruik word.

    13 June, 2014 at 10:21
  84. avatar
    #189 GCollege86

    @Knight_CHS07: What I have heard is that 7 Grens (no. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13brink), 6 Selborne (2tango, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12) and 6 Dale (1, 7, 14khuze, winnaar, ?, ?) boys made the side.The other 3 boys I assume comes from QC. Jerry is in the team, but not to sure about the other 2. The other 2 boys might be from other schools.

    13 June, 2014 at 10:11
  85. avatar
    #188 Hanswors

    @kosie @babbelas – as my planne uitwerk is ek more daar by Eldo’s vir die rugby.
    Ek het verneem dat dit lekker gaan daar langs die veld onder die gezibo’s dink julle ons sal ietsie kan gebruik daar?

    13 June, 2014 at 10:10
  86. avatar
    #187 Knight_CHS07

    @GCollege86: The Grens u16 no12 was my brilliant…CHS08 i told you mate :mrgreen: .

    7 Grens boytjies??? 8-O and not even one CHS boy? :cry: If that is the case then, it must be a record for Grens, in fact for any Border co-ed school to have more players in the CW side than the big three (Dale, Selborne and Queen’s).

    13 June, 2014 at 09:59
  87. avatar
    #186 Grasshopper

    @kosie: Well he swapped one green jersey for another, maybe another green one in the future….who knows…

    13 June, 2014 at 09:44
  88. avatar
    #185 GCollege86

    @Knight_CHS07: Agree with you. The Grens u16 flyhalf, no.12 and no.13 impressed me a lot.

    The CW side has been announced but not yet signed off by Border. I think the side is made up of 7 Grens, 6 Selborne, 6 Dale and 3 QC boys.

    AC side still needs to be reduced from 25 to 22. Looks like it will only be announced after the 22nd of June. If I hear anything, I will let you know.

    13 June, 2014 at 09:26
  89. avatar
    #184 kosie

    @Grasshopper: Yes ito rugby we get some tough opposition in PTA. Athletics, as with all sport barring surfing, is also high on the agenda for the school and we regularly produce some really good athletes.

    I am a keen follower of KZN school rugby as I was schooled in KZN. I still remember fondly the rivalries as a kid. The rivalries are slightly different up North. I still see one of the ex Eldo Glenwood kids when he visits his parents up north. He pops in at the school to say hi and support his old mates.

    13 June, 2014 at 09:20
  90. avatar
    #183 CHS08

    @GCollege86: Your son was brilliant last night, a lot of of pace! These kids are unbelievable my word! Dale has good a very good team but I think the Baboona will be too much for them!

    13 June, 2014 at 09:12
  91. avatar
    #182 Grasshopper

    @kosie: Thanks Kosie. I have not had the privilege to visit Eldoraigne yet, but heard only good things too. I hear they are a great athletics school. Athletics was my real expertise at school, especially discus so particularly keen on that. You have some tough opposition up that end of the country…..Garsies, Affies etc.

    13 June, 2014 at 09:10
  92. avatar
    #181 kosie

    @Grasshopper: Nice story. Maybe you should be a bit more circumspect. Even the art kids are imports! Nogal DRC! Seems distance is no problem.

    Grassy, on a serious note. Glenwood has always produced good members of society in all spheres of life. I think some people are just plain jealous! I was impressed when we visited Glenwood in 2012 in the inaugural Bizsport fixture. Just a pity we could not play your A team on the day as they were at Wildeklawer.

    13 June, 2014 at 08:55
  93. avatar
    #180 Grasshopper

    Off topic, another indication that Glenwood is not just a rugga school and they do good in all spheres of school life;

    13 June, 2014 at 08:42
  94. avatar
    #179 Knight_CHS07

    @GCollege86: It was physical indeed. Watching the forwards dominate yesterday reminded me of the Selborne 2007 1st XV…now those guys were PHYSICAL :mrgreen: .

    Your son played very well, he scored one/two tries i think…right? The Grens team of the day yesterday for me was their u16A…wow i was impressed on they gave Selborne a good run.

    Any idea when the Border CW and AC teams will be announced?

    13 June, 2014 at 08:29
  95. avatar
    #178 GCollege86

    @Knight_CHS07: Sorry I got it wrong. The score was 63-22 I typed the scores from the messages i sent a friend of mine. Forgot to put Grens’s last two tries in.

    Must agree with you that the Selborne forwards made the backlines job much easier by giving them front foot ball to work with. It was a very physical but clean game. My son woke up this morning with a lot of bumps and broozes all over his body.Always nice to see that rugby is the winner after a tough derby between old rivals. Next week the score is forgotten and they teammates in the CW and AC teams.

    13 June, 2014 at 08:13
  96. avatar
    #177 Knight_CHS07

    @beet: The Selborne vs Grens score is wrong…the game ended 63-22 to Selborne

    13 June, 2014 at 08:01
  97. avatar
    #176 Knight_CHS07

    @GCollege86: What a game! It’s always good to see a team doing the basics RIGHT! I take my hat off to Grens, but i think last night…they could’nt get the basics right.

    I do agree with you sir, these boys (Selborne 1st XV) is special. Its amazing how well they gel together…as if they’ve been playing together for years.

    @CHS08: I know Selborne has an explosive backline(Steyn, Dunjana, Brits etc…), but from last night’s game…i think the forwards did extremely well. The front row was just superb and on point.

    Well done to both teams

    13 June, 2014 at 07:58
  98. avatar
    #175 GCollege86

    @CHS08: It is a special bunch of boys. Not only on the field but off the field as well. As long as they stay humble, keep their feet on the ground and enjoy the rugby, they will keep on playing good rugby . 8 grade 11’s in the starting line-up last night and few warming the bench, so still a young team. I think whats keeping the 1st’s playing good quality rugby is that Selborne has a good 2nd team as well, so the 1st team boys has to perform week after week to keep their places in the team. I do think next weeks derby against Dale will be one of the toughest this season.

    13 June, 2014 at 07:46
  99. avatar
    #174 CHS08

    Good Lord this Selborne 1st team is absolutely sublime!!! I watched them again tonight. The Selborne flyhalf Morgan Steyn wow if that boy doesn’t make SA Schools then I’ll know players aren’t chosen on merit. He was majestic. The Selborne team has put more than 50 points past all the teams they’ve played against in the Border Region. They 1st humiliated Stirling 85-0. Embarrased Queens at the Rec 58-11. Then humbled my old school at our own turf 74-10. They then ran riot against Port Rex 92 0. And now they just humiliated the Grens “dream team” 63-22 yho!

    12 June, 2014 at 21:45
  100. avatar
    #173 Skoorsteen

    Sien Garsies het die onderspit gedelf in die hokkie. Is daar goeie hokkie spelers in die Kaap?

    12 June, 2014 at 21:22
  101. avatar
    #172 GCollege86

    Selborne vs Grens
    1st: 63 – 10
    u16: 43 – 21
    u15: 48 – 10
    u14: 69 – 0

    12 June, 2014 at 20:34
  102. avatar
    #171 4×4

    Rugbyman. Is julle nuwe imports se visums al geclear vir die Beeld trofee se uitspeel wedstryde?

    12 June, 2014 at 19:01
  103. avatar
    #170 MikeSt


    Die Tuks reeks is besig om volgens my af gewater te raak en dis dalk tyd om iets anders aan die gang te sit.

    My gedagte is n top 8 kompetise met die volgende Gauteng Skole VIR ALLE OUDERDOMME.
    1. EG Jansen
    2. Affies
    3. Waterkloof
    4. Garsfontein
    5. Monument
    6. Middelburg
    7. Menlopark
    8. HTS Middelburg

    Speel in 2 pools dus 3 games en dan semi en finaal.

    Ons moet dit die moeite werd maak vir almal en dalk kyk na n prys geld van so R 100k vir die skool wat wen.

    12 June, 2014 at 16:48
  104. avatar
    #169 MikeSt

    @Van Mann: Stem heeltemal saam met jou en ek haal my hoed af vir Marais Viljoen.

    Net jammer in die Valke streek kan skole maak soos hulle.

    2de Valke Skole liga span wat die trick trek.

    Anker wat die 2de grootste skool in die Valke streek is en nou Jeugland.

    12 June, 2014 at 16:24
  105. avatar
    #168 Van Mann

    @MikeSt: Mike dit is nie reg as skole so onttrek nie. Hulle kan nie weg hardloop van hulle responsibilities af nie. As jy ‘n skool is moet jy doen waarvoor jy inskryf en nie maak soos jy wil nie. Jy het nogsteeds ‘n responsibility teenoor die hele skole gemeenskap. Kyk maar na Marais Viljoen, ons het ‘n paar groot pakslae gevat maar ons hardloop nie weg nie. Volgende keer sal dit weer beter gaan. In vroee 2000 die maris Beeld trofee gewen het het hulle ook groot pakslae uitgedeel. Jy moet kan uitdeel en ontvang

    12 June, 2014 at 16:00
  106. avatar
    #167 Speartackle

    @Van Mann: Dis Mike se skuld. Hy het my opgesweep vandag

    12 June, 2014 at 16:00
  107. avatar
    #166 Van Mann

    @Speartackle: Spear moenie worrie nie ou, life goes on, ek het vrede met dit gemaak paar maande terug, het al self paar grappies gemaak oor haar. Ons almal gaan daardie roete gaan

    12 June, 2014 at 15:55
  108. avatar
    #165 MikeSt

    Beet jy kan die EGJ game maar ook kanselleer aangesien ons eerste span nie gaan speel teen Jeugland nie.

    12 June, 2014 at 15:53
  109. avatar
    #164 Speartackle

    @Van Mann: My spirit is nou geblus ou Mann. Skies ek voel nou bitter shit.

    12 June, 2014 at 15:43
  110. avatar
    #163 Andre T


    Lekker gedoeks nou wow

    Ek tuur nou uit my hotelvenster en wat n paradys hier reg voor my.

    Dit voel soos n sprokie

    Wag laat ek klaarmaak. Lang dag voor. Moet nog gou Sao Paulo toe ook.

    12 June, 2014 at 15:32
  111. avatar
    #162 Van Mann

    @Speartackle: No problem, jy het mos nie geweet nie, ek is darem nie so over sensitief nie, vat dit in die gees van ons manne op die blog, ons almal go maar almal. Al stem almal nie saam mete mekaar nie bly dit nog ‘n moer lekker blog om met pelle te deel

    12 June, 2014 at 15:31
  112. avatar
    #161 MikeSt

    @Johan Beyers: Onderwerp verander se jy :?: :?: :?:

    Wie jy ookal is sterkte in jou wandelinge………………..

    en so van skoor soek gepraat………

    12 June, 2014 at 15:29
  113. avatar
    #160 MikeSt

    Krugersdorp Blonde in a pub with two guys.

    Barman looks at them, expecting their orders.

    First man: “Johnnie Walker, single.”

    Second man: “Jack Daniels, single.” So the barman gestures the blond.

    She replies: “Katryn van der Merwe, divorced.”

    12 June, 2014 at 15:27
  114. avatar
    #159 Johan Beyers

    @MikeSt: Nee Mike moenie nou die onderwerp wil verander en skoor soek. Ek het gese JY moet met daai 2 skollies praat want geen ordentlike mens kan nie. Kom nou. Skryf vir hul nog gedigte.

    12 June, 2014 at 15:26
  115. avatar
    #158 Speartackle

    @Van Mann: Eks jammer ek het daai onsensitiewe ding gese.

    12 June, 2014 at 15:23
  116. avatar
    #157 Van Mann

    @Speartackle: Ongelukkig is my vrou 4 maande terug oorlede aan kanker :-x so dit sal nie werk nie. Dit lyk my julle manne aan die Wes Rand dink as julle ‘n ereksie kry tel dit as personal growth

    12 June, 2014 at 15:20
  117. avatar
    #156 MikeSt

    @Johan Beyers: Ek glo en vertrou jou stelling van

    Johan Beyers
    on 12 June, 2014 at 12:56 said:
    @MikeSt: Praat jy maar met hulle want geen ordentlike mens kan met hulle praat.

    was nie gemik op my familie nie.

    12 June, 2014 at 15:19
  118. avatar
    #155 Speartackle

    @MikeSt: Het jy nog n gedig vir ons asb?

    12 June, 2014 at 15:12
  119. avatar
    #154 Johan Beyers

    @MikeSt: Ek hou jou dop. Gedra jou die keer asb.

    12 June, 2014 at 15:11
  120. avatar
    #153 MikeSt

    En in stilte wag EG Jansen op Monnas en Garsfontein……………..

    12 June, 2014 at 15:09
  121. avatar
    #152 Speartackle

    @Van Mann: Eks bly jy erken nou die Wesrand het koopkrag. Die finansiele reus van Gauteng. Pasop of ons koop sommer jou vrou ook.

    12 June, 2014 at 14:59
  122. avatar
    #151 Van Mann

    @Speartackle: Garsies en Glenwood koop slegs spelers, lyk my Monnas koop spelers en games – easy ones – om hoog op log te bly :wink:

    12 June, 2014 at 14:57
  123. avatar
    #150 Van Mann

    @Proppie: Hulle werk seker vir ‘n slag – moet geld insamel om hulle skuld te betaal :mrgreen:

    12 June, 2014 at 14:55
  124. avatar
    #149 Speartackle

    @Van Mann: Ons speel teen wie teen ons opdraf Ou Mannetjie. Ons praat op gras nie op n rekenaarskerm. Wen of verloor ou maat dit maak nie saak maar jy sal weet jy was in n game….jaar na jaar………wanneer laas het julle Monnas gewen?

    12 June, 2014 at 14:54
  125. avatar
    #148 Proppie

    @Van Mann: Waar is daai Waterkloof pelle van jou. Tornado en Duppie. Hulle bekke is lekker stil noudat hulle nie hul bets kan betaal nie. Vir wie skree jy nou Waterkloof of Gapsie. Maak op jou mind en stick dan.
    Waar wat hulle se skultbult.

    12 June, 2014 at 14:52
  126. avatar
    #147 Van Mann

    @Speartackle: Sien jy is baie uitgesproke, maar duidelik is Monnas uit gerus. Het maar 15% moeilike opposisie gespeel die jaar, Ander was almal makliker skole. Rus maar nog so bietjie want julle gaan die nodig he in Beeld trofee. En met die maklike skole het julle 5de gekom in Tuks reeks en het ook verloor teen Kempton (no 29 op log). Gebruik dan maar eerder Saterdag om te oefen.

    12 June, 2014 at 14:51
  127. avatar
    #146 Speartackle

    @Van Mann: Hoe laat speel julle?

    KOm ons ruil dan om

    Speel Garsies 11 uur en julle 2 uur

    Is jy game? Van Mannetjie?

    12 June, 2014 at 14:43
  128. avatar
    #145 Buffel

    @star: underestimate them at your peril. Hilton are a proud school and if they have Blewitt back, they will be competitive . Hansa in a bottle it is. I think shared over a braai will be world class. Good luck on Saturday but then again you can’t lose.

    12 June, 2014 at 14:37
  129. avatar
    #144 Van Mann

    @Speartackle: Kloof speel teen Eldoraign maar hopelik kry ons julle in beeld trofee. Garsies sal ook oor Monnas loop so moenie groot bek wees nie

    12 June, 2014 at 14:34
  130. avatar
    #143 Speartackle

    @Van Mann: Het julle n game?

    Wat van Monnas speel julle gou11 uur en Garsies 2 uur?

    12 June, 2014 at 14:31
  131. avatar
    #142 Van Mann

    Nou dat Garsies en Monnas nie speel die naweek, hoekom speel hulle nie teen mekaar. Monnas speel mos net swakker skole sodat hulle in top 10 kan bly. Garsies sal mos wys of Monnas verdien om in top tien te wees :twisted: :lol:

    12 June, 2014 at 14:25
  132. avatar
    #141 Proppie

    @Speartackle: Sorry Spiese maar Barrel Inn hier in die weste is ‘n lekker plek. Ou mike se gedig sal staande toegejuig word en die freebies sal sy keel lekker nathou die heel aand. Sal ons die lounge boek. ‘n Aand van poesie en sang.

    12 June, 2014 at 13:20
  133. avatar
    #140 Speartackle

    @MikeSt: Nee man.

    Cowboys don’t cry………….specially not in front of their horses

    12 June, 2014 at 13:15
  134. avatar
    #139 star

    @Buffel- Jules’s missus has converted me to Hansa but they must be in the bottle. :lol: (so practice your deadlift) . I am actually quite surprised how Hilton has fallen off the bus so to speak. First I had to watch them get well beaten by College( on national TV nogal) and then they lose to GW by 60 on the hallowed turf that is Gillies. All the talk now is how Westville just have to pitch at Hilton to post a commanding win. There is a lot of pride and tradition in that white jersey and any school would be foolish to take them for granted.

    12 June, 2014 at 13:06
  135. avatar
    #138 MikeSt

    Gaan nou eers my wonde lek en dalk van my tafel af srping in n poging tot selfmoord.

    Tot later dan :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

    12 June, 2014 at 13:06
  136. avatar
    #137 MikeSt

    @Speartackle: My poetiese denke is heeltemal weg noudat ek as banaal onordentlik beskryf word. Voel nou soos Stevie Wonder sonder hande

    12 June, 2014 at 13:05
  137. avatar
    #136 Speartackle

    @MikeSt: Skoonma se sy hou van jou humor. Sy vra of jy nie nog so gediggie of 2 het nie?

    12 June, 2014 at 13:02
  138. avatar
    #135 Speartackle

    @MikeSt: Kry daai Oosranders bymekaar dan hou ons n lekker Blogger party daar by die Pomona Spur.

    Dink net as die Oosrand, Wesrand, Pta Wes en Pta Oos saam kuier in n holistiese milieu.

    12 June, 2014 at 13:00
  139. avatar
    #134 Proppie

    @Johan Beyers: Poepol.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:59
  140. avatar
    #133 Proppie

    @MikeSt: Praat jy nou so uit my kop uit. Wou vra wat die banaal meen.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:58
  141. avatar
    #132 Speartackle

    @Johan Beyers: Mooi so Sakkie Eiers, se vir Mike.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:57
  142. avatar
    #131 MikeSt

    @Johan Beyers: Dan is ek seker nie ordentlik nie………………….

    12 June, 2014 at 12:57
  143. avatar
    #130 Johan Beyers

    @MikeSt: Praat jy maar met hulle want geen ordentlike mens kan met hulle praat.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:56
  144. avatar
    #129 MikeSt

    @Johan Beyers: Banaal se jy Johan :lol: :lol: Solank jy daai woord gebruik as jy hulle vertel is dit fine Hulle sal dink dis n slim woord vir cool.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:54
  145. avatar
    #128 Johan Beyers

    @MikeSt: Nee Mike. Onthou hierdie is 2 palookas wat nerens in die samelewing inpas. Wat sal jou familie dink as hulle weet jy raak so banaal hier?

    12 June, 2014 at 12:50
  146. avatar
    #127 Proppie

    @MikeSt: Moer my om met ‘n veertjie. Eugene Merais se gat. Eugene Terreblance se gat ook. Jy is ‘n poet.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:50
  147. avatar
    #126 MikeSt

    @Johan Beyers: Ontlokking Johan Ontlokking :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Moet so bietjie nonsens praat tussen al die ernstige dinge

    12 June, 2014 at 12:44
  148. avatar
    #125 Proppie

    @Speartackle: Nee wat spiesie was nog nooit so onder die prop dat ek op my stoel wou drop nie. Kan ook nie kinky in daai storie kry nie.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:43
  149. avatar
    #124 Johan Beyers

    @MikeSt: Ag nee Mike man, ek het gedink jy is n rugbyman, nou daal jy hier tot in die varkhok saam met hierdie 2 nikswerds

    12 June, 2014 at 12:42
  150. avatar
    #123 MikeSt


    A Wesrand Love Poem

    Of Course I Love You Bokkie
    I Only Smaak You Dik
    You Cook And Clean And Iron My Shirts
    And Look After Me Wen I’m Sick

    So Your Bum Is Only Big Hey
    But I Don’t Mind A Bit Of Flab
    It Means That When I’m Lekker Jags
    There’s Somethin There To Grab

    So Your Belly Isn’t Flat No More
    I Tell You, I Don’t Care
    So Long As When I Druk You
    I Can Get My Arms Round There

    No Stukkie Who Is Your Age
    Has Nice Round Perky Breasts
    They Just Gave In To Gravity
    But I Know You Did Yor Best

    I’m Not Tuning Kak Now
    I Never Tell You Lies
    But I Think It’s Lank Sexy
    That You’ve Got Dimples On Your Thighs

    I Swear On My Ouma’s Grave Now
    The Moment That We Met
    I Said To All My Chinas
    “Now That’s A Lekker Slet”

    So No Matter Wot You Look Like
    I’ll Always Love You Dear
    Now Shut Up While The Rugby’s On
    And Fetch Me Another Beer!

    12 June, 2014 at 12:42
  151. avatar
    #122 Speartackle

    @Proppie: Jy sal verbaas wees….daai Oosranders is kinky goed hoor.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:39
  152. avatar
    #121 MikeSt

    @Speartackle: Dink At se berading gaan nie meer so toepaslik wees na sy Extravaganza nie. Hy mag dalk oorskakel na seksuele berading toe.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:39
  153. avatar
    #120 Proppie

    @MikeSt: Gedog met jou spelling kan jy nie veel eerbare jobs doen nie. Wil jy skoonma kontrakteer. Maar jy pull nie ‘n vinnige een soos SARFU met Fransiena gedoen het nie. Sy is ‘n genuine dame.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:39
  154. avatar
    #119 Speartackle

    @MikeSt: Jy moenie betrokke raak by die strontpraters nie. Hulle gaan jou afvat….veral hierdie Proppie.

    Ek stel voor jy maak ook n afspraak met AT sodat hy jou ook kan beraad.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:37
  155. avatar
    #118 Proppie

    @Speartackle: Jacuzzis net as jy in die bad poep. Kon nog nooit julle grand mense verstaan nie. Jy skuit nie op ‘n stoel nie, jy gebruik die troon. Nou hoekom wil julle vry in ‘n bad. Boonop die seep maak vastrap net soveel moeiliker. :twisted: :twisted:

    12 June, 2014 at 12:36
  156. avatar
    #117 MikeSt

    @Speartackle: Ek weet nie jy sal maar dei Springs en Brakpan manne met vra. Ek pimp nie daar nie

    12 June, 2014 at 12:31
  157. avatar
    #116 Speartackle

    @Proppie: Is daar jacuzzis?

    12 June, 2014 at 12:28
  158. avatar
    #115 Speartackle

    @Proppie: Solank daar RESPEK is soos Dunlop julle ouens tereg gewys het.

    Hierdie alewige disrespek maak my hoogs Bekommerd

    12 June, 2014 at 12:27
  159. avatar
    #114 Proppie

    @Speartackle: Swaaier klub = parkie in Tuine? :oops: :oops:

    12 June, 2014 at 12:27
  160. avatar
    #113 jakes

    Mike ST. Ek het EGJ se tweedes by Tuks finAal gesien. Hulle het ‘n baie goeie tweede span. Hulle kan Jeugland se eerstes aanvat. Ander ding is Jeugland sal nog steeds punte afstaan in die liga dan..

    12 June, 2014 at 12:25
  161. avatar
    #112 Proppie

    @Speartackle: Ek maak nie uit van die groot skole se games nie. Maar moet se ons laaities jol hul harte uit en slaan dan garage paarties daai aand. Simpel lewe = gelukkige laaities.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:21
  162. avatar
    #111 Speartackle

    @MikeSt: Is daai swaaier klub nog oop daar in Brakpan Noord?

    12 June, 2014 at 12:18
  163. avatar
    #110 Speartackle

    @Proppie: Ja maar ek dink ook dat Jeugland en Affies dalk meer van n match kan wees.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:16
  164. avatar
    #109 MikeSt

    @Speartackle: :lol: :lol: :lol: maar dit is mos ……….

    12 June, 2014 at 12:12
  165. avatar
    #108 Proppie

    @MikeSt: OK OK nou kop ek so Jeugland in Pretoria is Garsfontein. Hulle wou ook mos he dat van Affies se spanne moes teen laer spanne speel. Die slang se kop moet afgetrap word voordat al die games gecancel word.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:12
  166. avatar
    #107 Speartackle

    @Proppie: Daai engelse poging van hom het ook meer na een of ander saketransaksie geklink

    12 June, 2014 at 12:09
  167. avatar
    #106 MikeSt

    @Proppie: :lol: :lol: pROP THX

    Geen betaal nie man hulle wil voorskryf dat hulle 1stes (Jeugland) slegs teen EGJ sal speel as ons ons 2des speel teen hulle 1stes

    12 June, 2014 at 12:05
  168. avatar
    #105 Proppie

    @MikeSt: Mikie jou Engels so kak soos my maniere. Skryf tog die Taal lat ons ook kan uitmaak wat jy wil se. Wie moet vir wie waarvoor betaal voordat hulle mag speel? Klink soos ‘n Teasers storie vir my.

    12 June, 2014 at 12:02
  169. avatar
    #104 Soutie 1

    Wynberg 2nds are playing Primrose 1sts this coming weekend.

    12 June, 2014 at 11:54
  170. avatar
    #103 MikeSt

    @jakes: Yes jakes the sorry about this they want to demand that they will only play if we pay our 2nd side against their 1st side.

    12 June, 2014 at 11:47
  171. avatar
    #102 kosie

    @Buffel and @Grasshopper my sincerest sympathy with the passing of your loved ones. In these trying times we can get a lot of encouragement from our memories of the loved ones. May the memories be good one’s.

    @Buffel, this weekend I will be joining you is supporting the alma mater! Had it not been for a National Serviceman, I would be shouting for the opposition.

    12 June, 2014 at 11:44
  172. avatar
    #101 Grasshopper

    @Gungets Tuft: hahaha! Well Glenwood has had a banana skin for the past 3 years, George Campbell, Westville ( :wink: ) and Northwood….but trends are there to be broken….

    12 June, 2014 at 11:20
  173. avatar
    #100 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: They are taking bets on the results on Saturday, my father in law will be holding the cash … :mrgreen:

    12 June, 2014 at 11:12
  174. avatar
    #99 Buffel

    @star: In the end it is an age old game being played between mates. Going to be interesting the outcome but afterwards they will shake hands and have a coke together. As far as my preference-any amber liquid will do – and yours?

    12 June, 2014 at 10:55
  175. avatar
    #98 jakes

    MikeST..2nd school that cancels against EG Jansen. So sad, that is why they have to re consider the Falcons macro schools set up in the Beeld trophy. Jeugland now also cancelled their games but in reality they had no chance. I had a good suspicion this would happen. Good idea that EG Jansen and Garsfontein, the two leading teams in the Noordvaal, can actually now play in a friendly seeing both are not playing Saturday?

    12 June, 2014 at 10:48
  176. avatar
    #97 BuffelsCM

    From my side, my condolences to Buffel and Grasshopper with the passing of your dads. Remember the good times is all I can say!

    I trust that your children knew their granddads. My children never had the privilege of having and knowing a granddad.

    12 June, 2014 at 10:14
  177. avatar
    #96 Grasshopper

    Thanks all, mine and Buffels dad are probably enjoying a pint now and chatting about schoolboy rugga…hahah

    12 June, 2014 at 09:55
  178. avatar
    #95 star

    @ Buffel@Grassy- Condolences to you and your families. Our hearts and prayers are with you at this time. It was very evident from this blog that your respective relationships were very strong and it is that strength that will carry you at this time.
    @ Buffel- name your brand and honestly if K beat House then you thoroughly deserve it. I will be at Hilton but I think they have moved the times forward so might be back in town to catch the winning try by Roberts :lol: Honestly the clash of the half backs will be epic and whoever wins that battle will win the war.

    12 June, 2014 at 09:39
  179. avatar
    #94 Amalekite

    To Grassy and Buffel, my sincere condolences on your respective losses.
    Although it is very tough for those left behind, take comfort in knowing that they are in a good place.

    12 June, 2014 at 09:35
  180. avatar
    #93 Buffel

    To all my fellow bloggers , thanks for all messages of condolence and your support. Hopper, 63 is so young . My heart go’s out to you and your loved one’s. Your Dad was my brother’s generation with Mike finishing in ’71 at Kearsney. Keep strong and hope to meet one day.
    Dad was a staunch College Old Boy and tried his utmost to get Mike into College but the laws of the time prohibited him from being accepted. The natural progression would have had me following in Mike’s footsteps but that is history and I am very loyal to Kearsney as one should be but there is a close bond with College. Lala gahle Baba.

    12 June, 2014 at 09:26
  181. avatar
    #92 Playa

    To Buffel & Hopper, my most heartfelt condolences to you both and your respective families. If your blogging characters are anything to go by, I am sure you will pull through this difficult time just fine. Alihlanga lingehlanga!

    12 June, 2014 at 09:10
  182. avatar
    #91 Grasshopper

    Thanks all again! I missed the last week of blogging but back again in full force. I’m sure some were relieved I was away for a bit…..Roger :wink:

    12 June, 2014 at 09:05
  183. avatar
    #90 MikeSt

    Grasshopper, Buffel my sincere condolences on your loss. May you have the strength from Above to carry on. You are ion our prayers.

    12 June, 2014 at 08:53
  184. avatar
    #89 Dixon’s

    My thoughts and prayers are with those who lost loved ones!

    12 June, 2014 at 08:51
  185. avatar
    #88 Ploegskaar

    @Grasshopper: Sincere condolences to you and the family, you will find solace in all the good memories and remember, your dad will continue to live on as long as you and the family think and speak about him.

    12 June, 2014 at 08:51
  186. avatar
    #87 Ploegskaar

    @Buffel: Sincere condolences to you and the family.

    12 June, 2014 at 08:48
  187. avatar
    #86 Proppie

    @Grasshopper: @Buffel: My sincere condolenses to yourself and your families. May the Lord carry them softly in his arms to heaven. A place where no pain is felt. Will knak a cold one on you and the families tonight.

    12 June, 2014 at 08:29
  188. avatar
    #85 Grasshopper

    Thanks all, what was worse was he was only 63! Use Kearsney’s motto ‘Carpe Diem’ and enjoy every minute you have with your family, life is too short…

    12 June, 2014 at 08:25
  189. avatar
    #84 beet

    @Buffel: @Grasshopper:

    Hi Buffel and Grasshopper

    Condolences you and your families.

    I know both of you spoke proudly your fathers as they played big roles in your lives.

    12 June, 2014 at 08:25
  190. avatar
    #83 GCollege86

    @CHS08: The Cravenweek and Grant Khomo side is known but is not official yet as the team has not been signed off by Border exec. The boys that did not make the CW side had a practice with the academy side past Sunday. After the practice they reduced the academy side to 25 I think. The next practice will only take place on the 22nd of June where after the academy side will be announced. Dont know if by then the CW and GK side will be signed off or will Border wait for all the teams to be finalised. Last year boys only heard a week before they left for academy week who made the team and who not. One of the Border official came to the parents on Sunday requesting that we urgently need to look for sponsors. A parent explained to him that it is just logic that parents wont look for sponsors if they don’t know if their kids made the side or not. He did not understand what the issue was. We have good and passionate coaches that are really trying their best but to deal with Border Rugby is just another thing. :roll: . Who knows, we might all be supprised to see the Border team soon, but as QC86 said we might only see it in October.

    12 June, 2014 at 08:22
  191. avatar
    #82 CHS08

    @Grasshooper: I’m so sorry to hear about your pops sir!

    12 June, 2014 at 08:10
  192. avatar
    #81 All Black

    Condolences to you and your family. College is proud to have had your father as a son.

    12 June, 2014 at 08:02
  193. avatar
    #80 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Eeisch, sorry boet. Sterkte. And College play DHS this weekend, kharmic connection on the touchline daarso … Might hear quiet calls from the touchline come Saturday.

    In 1945, Buffel’s dad’s year, College lost to DHS on Goldstones and drew the away game at DHS.

    12 June, 2014 at 07:58
  194. avatar
    #79 Andre T

    @Buffel: Buffel, same to you my dear friend.

    12 June, 2014 at 07:43
  195. avatar
    #78 Andre T

    @Grasshopper: My condolences to you and your family

    12 June, 2014 at 07:42
  196. avatar
    #77 Grasshopper

    @Buffel: sorry to hear that. Weirdly my dad passed away on Tuesday too after a long battle with heart disease and stroke. It’s a tough time but hang in there. He was a proud DHS old boy. RIP dad, a legend!

    12 June, 2014 at 07:15
  197. avatar
    #76 Gungets Tuft

    @Buffel: Sorry to hear about your dad. There is a real sense of loss in the College community about the passing of that era. I don’t know if you got to go to the veterans dinner or any of the vets functions this year, but it is, naturally but sadly, a decline team of fiercely proud College boys. My father-in-law (died 20 years ago) and his brother were that era. Your dad gets a mention in Jimeloyo, captain and centre, playing outside a certain RN McGlew, older brother of Jackie who played in 1947.

    Hamba Kahle to your dad, your proud mails about your dad clearly show the love and respect between you, I wish you well over this time.

    12 June, 2014 at 06:05
  198. avatar
    #75 Rugbyman

    @MikeSt: Rugbyman is bloot stil omdat hy in die jagveld is en my selfoon opvangs is baie swak hier… Ek hoop rerig ons en EG se paadjies kruis in die Beeld uitspele… sal n goeie game wees… ek gaan nou n kudu soek…

    12 June, 2014 at 05:07
  199. avatar
    #74 Buffel

    @Gungets Tuft: One thing- not good for your nuts. Cancer is a the concern so you are playing with fire when taking performance enhancing drugs. A good career lasts 12 to 14 years- your life 5 times that, so weigh up your options when looking for a kwik fix.

    On a more sombre note-my Dad left us on Tuesday morning after a long battle with the dreaded disease. He lived a full life and was very proud of his College connection and what the school means to so many. RIP Dad.

    12 June, 2014 at 04:42
  200. avatar
    #73 Gungets Tuft

    @Jimbo: Question. I thought steroids “just” shortened recovery time, therefore allowing you to work harder, get stronger quicker?

    A pre-pubescent boy would surely only benefit from a growth hormone that could give him growth spurt.

    Experts – is my thinking wrong here?

    11 June, 2014 at 23:18
  201. avatar
    #72 Jimbo

    On paper MHS should be far too strong for KC but its the KC Founders’ Day and the team does punch above it’s weight. Should be a cracker. On the steroids issue a clued-up rugby man told me that if a pre-pubescent boy takes roids he is likely to end up to 20 kg heavier and substantially taller than he would otherwise have been. If true, the lasting benefit on the rugby field (not health-wise) would be immense and last a career. I’m afraid that you only have to look at the monsters playing in the current Junior Champs to realise the truth in this. Go to the beach and you will see that the average kid is no bigger than we were in our day whereas many rugby players one year out of school look like they come from another planet. Cheats should be banned for life.

    11 June, 2014 at 21:53
  202. avatar
    #71 CHS08

    When the hell is Border Schools releasing the Border Craven Week, Academy and Grant Khomo week?

    11 June, 2014 at 21:19
  203. avatar
    #70 MikeSt

    @Tjoppa: Yes i know about the testing at national weeks. My eldest were tested twice at Cravenweek and my youngest last year at Grant Khomo.

    Just think that if only testing there the pool of guys being exposed to testing is very very small.

    11 June, 2014 at 17:04
  204. avatar
    #69 Tjoppa

    @MikeSt: I do agree but also do not. Most of the schoolboy testing are done at Craven Week where SARU “officials” will identify possible culprits. Thereby disqualifying the “performers that cheat”. But due to cost and school’s participation 99% get away with this.
    Then secondly when high profile school players like Johan Goosen get caught the penalties is so light it does not stop anybody. Rugby at all levels is so performance orientated that only the unlucky few do get caught.

    11 June, 2014 at 16:57
  205. avatar
    #68 Tjoppa

    @Redblack White: I know for a fact that this system is in use at primary schools level at the Bulls. High School I have no idea. But unfortunately 99% of the “cheats” happen at an early age. And here some of our black guys can help. When investigating the reasons why “rural” people do not always register their children immediately at birth was/is 1) The parents wanted to make sure their child survives their first year or two, where the highest mortality rate is experienced in rural areas, before registering or (2) the fact that registration of children is difficult due to infrastructure problems. But fortunately with hospital births increasing at a rapid rate both these issues should become less of a problem. Just my two cents.

    11 June, 2014 at 16:51
  206. avatar
    #67 Gungets Tuft

    @Playa: I wish I had said that …. the end quote is brilliant .. “And it’s not that rugby is better off without them, but rather they are better off without rugby and the pressures that come with being a rugby player.”

    11 June, 2014 at 16:30
  207. avatar
    #66 MikeSt

    @LineBreak: Thats one of the things i don’t understand as every year prior to the big tournaments Kearsney and Wildeklawer parents sign consent forms for drug testing.

    This has been the case since my eldest played in Wildeklawer / Kearsney since 2008.

    Not one drug test has as far as my knowledge is concerned been carried out at both of these tournaments.

    I do realize its an expensive exercise but surely SARU with its Boksmart initiative can allocate some funds to have testing done at the festivals even if its limited.

    Otherwise seeing that rugby is a huge revenue earner for schools and a massive marketing tool why not force schools to do a nr of tests every year by an independent medical Doctor as a pre-qualify to play in tournaments.

    11 June, 2014 at 16:29
  208. avatar
    #65 MikeSt

    @Rugbyman: wonder hoekom is Rugbyman so stil vandag…..

    dalk omdat ek hom gevra vroeer het vir n friendly…..

    Wil seker nie 2 keer die jaar teen EGJ verloor nie :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    11 June, 2014 at 16:23
  209. avatar
    #64 LineBreak

    @Playa: Excellent perspective, thanks for that.

    Maybe with that in mind, we need the schools / unions to exercise similar education with regards to the effects / consequences of using PEDs .. much the same as our entire nation is educated wrt practising safe sex.

    @beet: Maybe it’s time we allocate budgets to across the board drug tests at the expense of 1 or 2 scholarships per school, it would certainly benefit the whole fraternity that way. All we ever hear is that it’s too expensive to test everyone – but there is always a little extra in the coffers to recruit a special player.

    11 June, 2014 at 15:46
  210. avatar
    #63 Grasshopper

    All I am saying to any Glenwood 1st team players reading this….Northwood = banana skin! Remember the result a few years ago. Don’t go into this game lightly….

    11 June, 2014 at 15:13
  211. avatar
    #62 Buffel

    Star ,star come out wherever you are . This is it. I am sure you will be at the Hilton fixture but please keep an eye on the MHS/KC game. A whole case is riding on it and the trifecta. Very close to call and not making any predictions. We are very weary of the MHS boys as they play as a team. A very good one.

    11 June, 2014 at 14:38
  212. avatar
    #61 Vleis

    @Playa: Good post.

    11 June, 2014 at 13:59
  213. avatar
    #60 Redblack White

    I think the House / KC game has the potential to be the game of the weekend and might be a lot closer than many might think. Yes, House are a class team, and if they play at full ball they will probably get the win. I just would not take the KC guys lightly – they are a tough cookie…. make no mistake….

    11 June, 2014 at 13:58
  214. avatar
    #59 Redblack White

    @beet: Perhaps we need to apply some football logic in schools rugby. Each player must be registered with the provincial RU and cannot play for his school (or adopted school) without his registration card. Pre-requisite for a registration card is proper age verification. That way the system will put pressure on the potential cheats and the unsuspecting :mrgreen: school / coach will be off the hook and also not tempted to “knyp die kat in die donker” so to speak…… :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    11 June, 2014 at 13:47
  215. avatar
    #58 beet

    @umbiloburger: I 100% agree and I’m glad you brought the card thing up as well because that does need consistency.

    11 June, 2014 at 13:46
  216. avatar
    #57 umbiloburger

    @beet: the unfortunate reality is that as long as schools impose their own sanction, there are going to be huge anomalies for similar offenses. It is exactly the same problem you see with cards. School A will impose an automatic 2 match suspension for a stomping offense irrespective of whether a red card is issued or not, whilst school B may not even hold a hearing. There needs to be a standard norm for these offenses and the KZNRU should be driving this.

    A player found guilty of using performance enhancing drugs surely MUST be suspended from all sport for a minimum period of 6 months. Again these incidents should be recorded and monitored by the KZNRU.

    11 June, 2014 at 13:32
  217. avatar
    #56 beet

    Age testing seems a lot more definite. If you catch someone once, he’s basically caught for life and in most cases the ban takes care of itself because he can no longer compete at school level and opportunity to get a financial reward out of rugby is eliminated immediately.

    For drug testing, player A, B and C might get tested at the same time during preseason. Player A might had tried steroids for the first time that week, doesn’t plan to use it ever again but gets caught by testing, Player B might have been a regular user but happened to be clean at the time of testing and Player C starts using steroids for the rest of his rugby playing days the day after testing. So its possible that the results in no way reflect the truth of a situation. Two cheats could continue to prosper while one is found out.

    11 June, 2014 at 13:04
  218. avatar
    #55 beet

    I must say while watching the 2012 Olympics I was disappointed to see the number of athletes who had been welcomed back with open arms after serving drug bans of 2 years. They were allowed to compete for gold medals. I would have liked those bans to extend to exclusion from the Olympics for life as well. At least soon drug bans will be for 4 years long and not 2. So as opposed to maybe taking away 20% of a top athlete’s career, it will now be 40% and will hopeful make more of them think twice.

    11 June, 2014 at 12:56
  219. avatar
    #54 Speartackle

    @Playa: Obviously…… :twisted:

    11 June, 2014 at 12:53
  220. avatar
    #53 Ballie

    @LineBreak: 2 weeks for cheating by knowingly taking banned substances that create an unfair physical advantage?
    Shame on those boys, their schools and the authorities for allowing this to continue! Disgusting!

    11 June, 2014 at 12:49
  221. avatar
    #52 Playa

    @GreenBlooded: Agreed!

    11 June, 2014 at 12:35
  222. avatar
    #51 CRC

    @umbiloburger: I am sure it will come out in the next week or so. But if the rumours are true then I think what everybody wants is some consistency in how the boys are dealt with by their different schools. There is no place for cheating in schoolboy rugby albeit by lying about your age or taking banned drugs that enhance your performance.

    11 June, 2014 at 12:32
  223. avatar
    #50 GreenBlooded

    @LineBreak: If the sanction is severe enough – the parental, peer and school pressure will disappear. Risk/Reward ratio.

    Who decides the sanctions for drug cheats? If it’s the schools then we are in deep trouble. There needs to be an independant body who (1) decides which kids get tested and when and (2) decides on the sanction if they are bust. If we are leaving it to the schools then we have the fox guarding the hen house.

    11 June, 2014 at 12:29
  224. avatar
    #49 Playa

    @LineBreak: 1 or 2 seasons is a long time nowadays, given the elasticity of rugby players. May as well be life.

    I hear that an adolescent is young, naïve and driven by all sorts of pressure. My reasoning for a life ban is that, a lot of rugby players dope either in the off season, or while they’re injured (as they have no chance of being tested). All a kid will do is savour the moment, knowing they can still return and maximise while they’re out of the game in order to come back bigger and stronger…and with clean blood. Dopers don’t quit doping, they just learn to be more careful.

    If an adolescent does not practice safe sex – due to whatever pressures, he will get HIV or get someone pregnant, and either way he will pay for that mistake for the rest of his life. Steroids have lifelong effects, and these kids are not ignorant of that. If they are willing to take such a risk on their lives, they should be able to face lifelong consequences of being caught. And it’s not that rugby is better off without them, but rather they are better off without rugby and the pressures that come with being a rugby player.

    11 June, 2014 at 12:29
  225. avatar
    #48 GreenBlooded

    @Speartackle: Definitely – 2nd offence.

    11 June, 2014 at 12:26
  226. avatar
    #47 Playa

    @Speartackle: Yep! In fact 2 life bans with no chance of parole since it’s his second offence.

    I bet you asked that since he’s black, hey? :mrgreen:

    11 June, 2014 at 12:16
  227. avatar
    #46 kosie

    @LineBreak: I fully agree with you that consistency is what we all want. If it be one, three or life ban. Consistency.

    It seems to happen everywhere from time to time. If we are to get rid of the practise we will have to do more tests at unannounced venues and games. Here I mean all levels. The schools will have to buy into this as well as the parents. We have some way to go.

    11 June, 2014 at 12:00
  228. avatar
    #45 umbiloburger

    @GreenBlooded: If College are at full strength….College by 30+
    Westville vs Hilton (2nds)…. Forced stagger due to injuries!!!! Ville by 40
    House Kearsney……. Kearsney by 5
    GW vs NW……GW by 20.

    11 June, 2014 at 11:53
  229. avatar
    #44 umbiloburger

    @CRC: Purely rumors………. I hope.

    11 June, 2014 at 11:49
  230. avatar
    #43 LineBreak

    @GreenBlooded: Mr T is playing Varsity Cup for NMMU.

    We need to understand that SBR drug cheats are still boys affected by peer pressure and sometimes even parental pressure, hardly fair to give them a life ban for a poor adolescent decision. 1 or 2 seasons sure, but life is a bit OTT.

    The big problem for me is the inconsistency of dealing with these issues when they arise. Recent Westville and Glenwood cases resulted in 2 week slap on the wrist, while the Kearsney boy was given a full year ban. IMHO these cases need to be dealt with at a provincial level in order to get some consistency in the sanction.

    11 June, 2014 at 11:47
  231. avatar
    #42 MikeSt

    @Speartackle: nou net uit my staff meetings gekom gaan hom nou bel

    11 June, 2014 at 11:30
  232. avatar
    #41 Speartackle

    @Playa: Life ban for Chillyboy as well?

    11 June, 2014 at 11:29
  233. avatar
    #40 Playa

    @GreenBlooded: Life ban for both age and drug cheats. I include drug cheats simply because they are not only a danger to other boys, but to themselves as well.

    11 June, 2014 at 11:27
  234. avatar
    #39 Speartackle

    @MikeSt: Het jy toe met Andre T gepraat?

    11 June, 2014 at 11:20
  235. avatar
    #38 Ballie

    @beet: I’m not sure on the accepted / standard age verification process at school or provincial representation level, but possibly the closer scrutiny at provincial trials due to the likely consequences / repercussions (and conversely the lack thereof at school level that allows this to continue).

    11 June, 2014 at 11:17
  236. avatar
    #37 GreenBlooded

    @Jimbo: @Ballie: 100% gentlemen!! Age cheats and drug cheats – the only way to put a stop to it is to make the sanction so punitive that it is just not worth the risk. Siyabonga Tom (or whatever his name is) is still playing club rugby somewhere in the E Cape. He should have been banned for life. The various drug-cheats – the same thing. Some guys get 2 weeks, others get a year. It’s ridiculous. Long ban’s – at least 5 years – for drug cheats.

    11 June, 2014 at 11:08
  237. avatar
    #36 GreenBlooded

    Don’t see College vs DHS being close. College by 20-30 maybe more.

    Hilton vs Ville – eesshhhh – Ville by 50 at least.

    House vs Kearsney – House by 15 based on how they played this weekend.

    GW vs NW – eesshhh – I’d like to say GW by 40+ but look what happened a few years back. Plus GW are not at ‘home’ as such.

    11 June, 2014 at 11:02
  238. avatar
    #35 MikeSt

    @Rugbyman: Dalk kan jy vir ons n friendly reel vir saterdag teen julle aangesien ons alweer nie n span het om teen te speel nie.

    11 June, 2014 at 11:02
  239. avatar
    #34 CRC

    @Jimbo: There are some rumours doing the rounds about some very prominent KZN U16 players being caught doping. Is there any truth in the rumours?

    11 June, 2014 at 11:02
  240. avatar
    #33 Knight_CHS07

    @Playa: Lol, there is no ways we are going to beat Dale.

    CHS is in self-destruct mode…i don’t know what the hell is going k. At the rate those boys are playing we could find ourselves losing to Hudson in August :(

    11 June, 2014 at 10:37
  241. avatar
    #32 beet

    @Ballie: If the over-age player being caught is true it’s good news in a sense. It means that officials are still verifying ages. It would be interesting to find out why trials testing can identify an over-age player while the school’s test couldn’t

    11 June, 2014 at 10:23
  242. avatar
    #31 kosie

    @Skoorsteen: Is daar koshuiskinders in die hokkiespan?

    11 June, 2014 at 10:21
  243. avatar
    #30 Skoorsteen

    @Rugbyman: @BOG: Die wedstryde tussen Affies en Garsfontein is nie gekanseleer nie. Die Hokkiewedstryde vind Donderdag plaas. Bly om te sien dat alle kontak nie verbreek is nie!

    11 June, 2014 at 09:37
  244. avatar
    #29 Gold

    @beet: Good morning, I thought I would let you know that Primrose are hosting Wynberg on 14/06/2014 so that you could add it to the fixtures list.

    11 June, 2014 at 09:33
  245. avatar
    #28 Jimbo

    The annual and great fun KZN school rugby lunch is due to be held at the Salt Rock Hotel at the end of August with John Smit as guest speaker. Many of the 1st team coaches traditionally attend. I’m sure that the questions of over-age imports and steroid testing will be hot topics. It looks like Hilton is going to receive the ‘carrot’ trophy for their scoreline against Glenwood.

    11 June, 2014 at 09:22
  246. avatar
    #27 Playa

    @Knight_CHS07: I wish I could find myself in EL for that one. It should be a cracker. Border number 1 decider (if Dale get past Cambridge that is hehehehe).

    11 June, 2014 at 09:16
  247. avatar
    #26 Jimbo

    @Ballie: Hi Ballie. I couldn’t agree more. It is surely up to each school to investigate and confirm the ages of their imports. I can think of at least two KZN 1st teams fielding suspiciously over-age props. We all know that birth certificates can easily be forged or erroneously issued. Thoroughly checking their previous school records would be a good start. When one of these cheats seriously injures another player the school concerned is likely to be sued. I raised this issue with my son’s school in writing after watching a game featuring at least one such player. Overage and steroids? It’s high time this double scourge came to an abrupt halt.

    11 June, 2014 at 09:14
  248. avatar
    #25 PRondersteuner

    @beet: Friday evening WP vs EP and SWD vs Boland. Saturday WP vs SWD and Boland vs EP. As far as I know it will be both u18 teams and the Grant Khomo teams.

    11 June, 2014 at 08:51
  249. avatar
    #24 Ballie

    What is really being done to prevent over-age players?
    I hear an over-age St Charles boy (playing u16a) was uncovered at the recent Kzn U16 trials. It seems schools are willing to benefit from the points, wins and influence contributed by these cheats and then simply claim ignorance (and impunity) if found out. The authorities need to deal with this scourge and schools need to take the necessary responsibility for age varification with severe penalties for any contravention. The cheats also banned for life…. Damn sickening.

    11 June, 2014 at 08:48
  250. avatar
    #23 Bere73

    @BOG: Ek het gehoor Garsfontein het ontrek!! Hulle is blykbaar bang!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol:

    11 June, 2014 at 08:42
  251. avatar
    #22 kosie

    @Speartackle: Party mense sal alles vir soetkoek opeet. Hondedrolle in koolblare is blykbaar ook smaaklik!

    11 June, 2014 at 08:35
  252. avatar
    #21 Speartackle

    @kosie: Ek dink jy sal dalk n paar Affies kry wat die koerante eet

    11 June, 2014 at 08:26
  253. avatar
    #20 kosie

    @bhkgpa: Moenie alles glo wat in koerante staan nie. Volgens die koerante kan mens die maan eet!

    11 June, 2014 at 08:24
  254. avatar
    #19 Speartackle

    @valke: DP de Villiers ?

    11 June, 2014 at 08:24
  255. avatar
    #18 valke

    @Speartackle: Sover ek weet is dit 28 Junie.

    Oorspronklik was dit by Izak Steyl in van der Bijl park, maar klink my dit is dalk in Sasolburg.

    11 June, 2014 at 08:21
  256. avatar
    #17 Knight_CHS07

    @Playa: Ndipha ngomso nakanjani. CHS08 and I will be there, I haven’t seen Selborne play since the Wilderklawer.

    I’ll also be at the Selborne vs Dale game …that one is to die for :mrgreen:

    11 June, 2014 at 08:17
  257. avatar
    #16 Vleis

    @beet: Hello Beet. The St Alban’s v Menlo fixture, which was originally only for the senior teams, has now been cancelled. Also, per Jeppe’s website, the Jeppe v Monnas fixture has been postponed to 2 August due to exams…which is interesting, as their website says that they are playing Marais Viljoen on 2 Aug.

    11 June, 2014 at 08:13
  258. avatar
    #15 beet

    @CyndiAtRugby: parking will be a potential nightmare

    11 June, 2014 at 08:13
  259. avatar
    #14 beet

    @ben: Good stuff. What about Menlo vs St Albans. Is that game still on?

    11 June, 2014 at 08:08
  260. avatar
    #13 ben

    Hi Menlopark vs Helpmekaar 13/06/2014

    11 June, 2014 at 07:57
  261. avatar
    #12 CyndiAtRugby

    From the Glenwood website:

    Important Notice: Rugby vs Northwood: Saturday 14 June 2014.

    Please note that due to the fact that we are preparing the fields at Glenwood for the 2014 U13 Craven Week Tournament and the U16 Girls Craven Week Tournament to be from the 29 June 2014, we will be hosting all Rugby against Northwood at Varsity Rugby Fields in Manning Rd this Saturday.

    Further information re. times, parking etc will follow.

    11 June, 2014 at 07:54
  262. avatar
    #11 bhkgpa

    @BOG: Bog, ek is seker daar was iets in die nuus oor na-skoolse kinders of so iets, ek dink onder 21’s wat huiglik vir garsies speel :wink: Ek mag verkeerd wees, maar daar lui so klokkie :-P

    11 June, 2014 at 07:53
  263. avatar
    #10 Playa

    Selborne finally get a ‘competitive’ game in the Border. They should beat Grens, but it won’t be a walk in the park.

    Come on Grens, do the Dalians a favour and soften up these Baboona.

    11 June, 2014 at 07:46
  264. avatar
    #9 beet

    @PRondersteuner: Thanks. Please send me the fixture list if you have it.

    Thank you.

    11 June, 2014 at 07:46
  265. avatar
    #8 burra

    Some big games in KZN

    Glenwood vs Northwood. GW by 30
    DHS vs College. Could be close, DHS might surprise me
    Hilton vs Westville. Ville by 25
    KC vs MHS. Very close my bucks are on MHS to win it
    Clifton vs St Charles. SCC by 20

    11 June, 2014 at 07:37
  266. avatar
    #7 Speartackle

    Wanneer is die Transvaal Bondedag asse f blief ?

    11 June, 2014 at 07:17
  267. avatar
    #6 Buffel

    Kearsney founders day. The next 2 weeks will define this KC and MHS teams. We host MHS this Saturday and then finish off the 2014 season against Glenwood away. 2 huge games.

    11 June, 2014 at 06:47
  268. avatar
    #5 Rugbyman

    @BOG: :roll:

    11 June, 2014 at 05:55
  269. avatar
    #4 Grasshopper

    Oh no…..Glenwood’s banana skin?

    11 June, 2014 at 04:18
  270. avatar
    #3 Bere007

    @BOG: :lol: langnaweek en touch rugby…

    11 June, 2014 at 03:59
  271. avatar
    #2 BOG

    O, ek merk dat die Affies vs Garsies wedstryd gekanselleer is. Waarom sou dit wees?

    11 June, 2014 at 03:33
  272. avatar
    #1 PRondersteuner

    Bondedag in Oudtshoorn. WP, Boland, SWD en OP. Vrydag en Saterdag.

    10 June, 2014 at 23:12

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