Linden & Randburg prepare for a local derby

H/S Linden vs H/S Randburg : local derby on 14 June 2014

Hoërskool Linden and Hoërskool Randburg are neighbouring Afrikaans co-ed schools of similar size, located about 2km from each other in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg. For many years no rugby matches were played between them as they were playing in different divisions of the Beeld trophy.

Linden played in the medium schools division for some years, whereas Randburg played in the large schools division. Linden’s first team was the Golden Lions champions for medium schools from 2007 to 2010 and won the Beeld trophy in 2007 and 2008. Randburg is a past winner of the “Administrateurstrofee”. In 2010 Randburg moved down to the medium schools division and the first and under 14 teams met each other in the final of the Golden Lions league that year. Linden beat Randburg 27 – 8 and 14 – 8 respectively. In 2012 Linden moved up to the large schools division, and in 2013 Randburg followed. The schools are now destined to play each other again on a yearly basis.

In 2013 the chairmen of the respective governing bodies together with the principals of the schools, decided to start a process that would ensure that the annual clash becomes a derby in the traditional sense. The chairmen donated a trophy to be awarded to the school who won the most games on the day. The idea is that the derby would be expanded to also include other sports like netball, hockey, tennis and cricket.

In 2013 the games were played at Linden and it won the “Voorsitterstrofee”, their 2nds, under 14’s and under 16’s winning their matches. The first teams, after a thrilling and spectacular encounter, drew 25-all.

This year the games will be played at Randburg on Saturday 14 June 2014 and the competition for the trophy will again be fierce. Both schools’ under 14 teams are unbeaten in the Golden Lions league for large schools and are on 25 points each after 5 games (4 points for a win and a bonus point for 4 or more tries). Both under 15 teams are struggling, Linden has 5 points and Randburg has 1 point. Linden’s under 16 team is on 20 points, whereas Randburg is on 18 points. Linden’s first team is also unbeaten in the league and on 25 points, whereas Randburg only lost to Bastion and is on 20 points.

Seven games will be played. Except for the first teams and the A-teams, there will also be matches between the under 14B’s, the 2nds and the 3rds. A representative of FNB will attend the derby to decide whether it will become a ‘Classic Clash’ from 2015. The program for the day is as follows:

08h00 : U/14A and 3rd XV
09h00 : U/15A and U/14B
10h00 : Old Boys 7’s
10h25 : U/16A
11h30 : 2nd XV
12h30 : Opening
12h45 : 1st XV
13h45 : Prize giving

Everyone interested in fantastic schoolboy rugby is invited to attend the day.


  1. avatar
    #61 Veg

    @BOG: Being a born and bred Barkly Oos chap you spot on there BOG.However nowadays they by pass Barkly and go to Grey in grade1.

    12 June, 2014 at 11:55
  2. avatar
    #60 Andre T

    @BOG: Jy terg ons ou Boggie. Seker darem nie Kuruman nie.

    11 June, 2014 at 18:52
  3. avatar
    #59 Woltrui

    @Speartackle: F@ck you Dutchies. Bunch of common rockspiders. My kitchen dutch is as good as my Shakespearian Enghlish. I understood Lindenpa clearly thank you Dutchy. :evil:

    11 June, 2014 at 18:47
  4. avatar
    #58 BOG

    @greybearded:@Speartackle: Dan kwalifiseer Barkley-Oos LS ook seker as n belangrike voederskool?So ook n paar laerskole in die VS, beslis in Kimberley, Kuruman,, Upington, Pretoria,— Wat van Burgersdorp?

    11 June, 2014 at 18:45
  5. avatar
    #57 Speartackle

    @greybearded: Phoenix eks bewus daarvan, Ek sien ouboet raak n drieevraat deesdae. Al die beserings nou agter die rug?

    11 June, 2014 at 18:18
  6. avatar
    #56 greybearded

    @Speartackle: Jy is nogal “spot on” LS Fairland ‘n sterk voederskool vir Grey Bloem, dink maar aan Ollie le Roux, William Small-Smith, en ander ….. Nog ‘ n Small-Smith op pad Bloem toe in 2015.

    11 June, 2014 at 18:14
  7. avatar
    #55 Speartackle

    @bart nel: Hulle is mos nou meer in die Oosterse Vegkuns………Ninjas

    11 June, 2014 at 17:01
  8. avatar
    #54 bart nel

    @Speartackle: wha ha ha. Noordheuwel busse. Weet nie of Nic Diederichs nog rugby speel nie. Gehoor daar was iets van spelers wat te oud was in hul eerste span

    11 June, 2014 at 16:59
  9. avatar
    #53 Speartackle

    @bart nel: Dis seker Noordheuwel of Nic Diederichs busse

    11 June, 2014 at 16:56
  10. avatar
    #52 bart nel

    @Lindenpa: onthou “de nyl” is not just a river in egypt! Julle vergeet van die klompie perde wat van Florida daar na julle is. Ek twyfel of hule op eie stoom of motivering daar na julle is. Enige skool werk maar om in die top 20 te kom en jy maak maar jou planne daarvolgens.
    @speartackle daar is al wes rand skole wat busse Fairland toe stuur. Ry elke aand verby hulle bussie en in die oggende sien ek hulle sover as Clearwater.

    11 June, 2014 at 16:45
  11. avatar
    #51 Speartackle

    @Lindenpa: Jy moet plein engels vir hom skryf…….ek hoop hy lees beter as wat hy praat.

    11 June, 2014 at 16:03
  12. avatar
    #50 Lindenpa

    @Woltrui: None that I know of. I know that they were after our 1st team fullback about a year ago (he was U/16 at the time), but we heard about it and ensured that he stayed. Our competition for rugby players in the feeder primary schools is in any event Helpmekaar, not Monument.

    Realistically speaking I do not think Linden want to be in the top 20, we have too many other things going for us to even attempt that. For one thing, a very limited number of bursaries is granted each year and most thereof are for academic excellence and not for sport. We will therefore never compete for players with for eg. Helpmekaar, who aggressively targets all U/13 Cravenweek players in areas ranging from the Vaal Triangle to the west and east rand. We just don’t have the budget that a private school like they have, nor are we interested in getting involved in that game.

    I also doubt whether a co-ed school with less than 400 boys will consistently find itself in the top 20. Linden is currently ranked between 30 and 50 on the various rugby websites. I think that in itself is a remarkable achievement, if regard is had where we came from.

    11 June, 2014 at 15:52
  13. avatar
    #49 Speartackle

    @Speartackle: Wait till the Monna busses start going as far as Fairland…………then even Grey Bloem is in danger

    11 June, 2014 at 14:26
  14. avatar
    #48 Speartackle

    @Woltrui: I know M Net but what is this w net you’re on about?

    11 June, 2014 at 14:23
  15. avatar
    #47 Woltrui

    Linden will find it difficult to brake into the top 20 as long as they are the main target of the Monnas recruiters. How many Linden kids wnet to Monnas in the past 5 years? 8-O

    11 June, 2014 at 14:08
  16. avatar
    #46 BoishaaiPa

    @knowthegame: En toe jy wakker word toe is jou koffie koud en die meisie was n mop en nie n Matie….Ja ja..ook al die stront stories voorheen gehoor…

    10 June, 2014 at 20:15
  17. avatar
    #45 BOG

    @knowthegame: Jy hoef nou regtig nie minderwaardig te voel nie

    10 June, 2014 at 18:40
  18. avatar
    #44 Lindenpa

    @bart nel: Jip, ons is baie trots op Jean! Was in 2011 in matriek en het nie eens Cravenweek gekry nie. Wys jou net.

    @Roger: No, Linden is not dual-medium, only Afrikaans. I think Vorentoe is now only English. A lot of the parents at Linden were in Vorentoe in their day.

    10 June, 2014 at 16:27
  19. avatar
    #43 Andre T

    @BoishaaiPa: Bog was eintlik n Bakoven klient daar in Birdstraat

    10 June, 2014 at 16:11
  20. avatar
    #42 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: Die Akker is nog steeds daar en was ook ons uithangplek…Tollies het in my tyd toegemaak, maar daar is nou weer n nuwe een..Drie Geuwels het ons ook gaan kuier..maar bestaan nou nie meer nie..

    10 June, 2014 at 15:58
  21. avatar
    #41 Vleis

    @Roger: Correct. Reminded me of Brent Russel.

    10 June, 2014 at 15:57
  22. avatar
    #40 knowthegame

    @BOG: nog niks het verander van die maties nie-beste-grootste-sterkste-meeste ens………..weet altyd alles-beter-“barman skiet hierdie Tukkie nog n dubbel “ek gaan 10 uur waai met hierdie mooi matie meisie-want hulle gaan heelnag drink-want hulle kan-ek het n paar ander planne

    10 June, 2014 at 15:48
  23. avatar
    #39 Andre T

    @BOG: Natuurlik ja……..ek het in die moderne era grootgeword

    10 June, 2014 at 15:22
  24. avatar
    #38 BOG

    @BoishaaiPa: Korrek, maar net nie so seker van klas draf die volgende dag nie. Miskien n uitsondering gemaak met Jannie Gaggiano se klas. Hy was altyd inskiklik vir n bierklas by die Lanzerac (eerder as n koffieklas) En ek verneem dat die Lanzerac nou gesluit is vir studente

    10 June, 2014 at 15:16
  25. avatar
    #37 BOG

    @BoishaaiPa: Gemeenskapsale en tennisbane het my nie eintlik geintresseer nie.Die name wat jy nou daar noem, is vir my vreemd. Ons het gehad SFW, waar ons elke Donderdagmiddag aangemeld het as “toeriste”. Hulle het die groep dan deur die fabriek geneem, maar ons het natuurlik direk gestap na die rondawel, waar ons kon “proe” Ons het dan sommer oorgeneem en die ou tannies aan die drink gekry. Punte vir die dametjie wie die gids was. Natuurlik het sy ons herken, maar heel beleefd voorgegee dat sy ons nie van vorige weke onthou het nie. Dan “Die Akker” verder op in Dorpstraat, Die Grand op die hoek,lanks die OK, verby die sirkel op die Braak, en dan ola!- Tollies. Drie Geuwels was buite die dorp.@Andre T: Dan het ons in ander eras groot geword- dit is seker nie iets om oor te spog nie, maar in my tyd was daar nie n universiteit wie ons kon uitstof nie.En ek het al vir Maties verteenwoordig in Grahamstad by die “Pig” Daai klomp Rhodes studente was plat na die tweede bottel Tassies. Bier, miskien,maar sekerlik nie rooiwyn nie. Die klomp Tukkies, wanneer daar intervarsity was, het hulle reeds vroeg daai week begin arriveer en hulle was duidelik herkenbaar. Teen 10 uur was hulle op die grond in Tollies, maar ons het hulle sommer so met die voet en gebreekte bottels, kant toe gevee.

    10 June, 2014 at 15:12
  26. avatar
    #36 Andre T

    @BoishaaiPa: Nee basta….dit is sluipers. Drank is gemaak om te laat val

    10 June, 2014 at 15:05
  27. avatar
    #35 Andre T

    @bart nel: Hys by die Cheetahs

    10 June, 2014 at 15:04
  28. avatar
    #34 BoishaaiPa

    @Andre T: Jy sien..die verskil is dat die ouens wat regtig KAN kuier nie so gesuip raak dat hulle die hele wereld vol val en bekots nie…Dis die ouens wat so stil stil kan deurnag en dan nog volgende dag klas draf ook!..

    10 June, 2014 at 15:03
  29. avatar
    #33 bart nel

    @Andre T: ja , die twee het saam slot gespeel vir juniors. Wonder waar is hy nou?

    10 June, 2014 at 15:02
  30. avatar
    #32 Andre T

    Phillip du Preez, SA Skole slot 2011 was ook st 6 en 7 in Linden voor Monnas hom ‘gegaps’ het.

    10 June, 2014 at 15:00
  31. avatar
    #31 bart nel

    @Andre T: dink so. Het ouer broer gehad wie se naam Johan was wat ook gespeel het. Nooit die pa ontmoet nie altyd met die ma gepraat

    10 June, 2014 at 14:52
  32. avatar
    #30 Roger

    @Lindenpa: is Linden dual-medium? I know Vorentoe are now dual-medium – they were pretty good in their day too weren’t they? Late eighties?

    10 June, 2014 at 14:51
  33. avatar
    #29 Roger

    @Vleis: was that Hennie Wiggett – played against him at Varsity (actually never got near him he was so quick). He was a bladdy good player – very unlucky.

    10 June, 2014 at 14:50
  34. avatar
    #28 Andre T

    @bart nel: Ek wonder of dit Johan Kleyn wat ek dink 81 op Linden was se seun is?

    10 June, 2014 at 14:37
  35. avatar
    #27 bart nel

    Julle moenie vergeet van Jean Kleyn wat die laaste paar weke vir die stormers speel wat ook van Linden af kom nie. Hy is Stellies toe om te gaan swot en bietjie rugby speel. Sy planne het so bietjie verander.

    10 June, 2014 at 14:31
  36. avatar
    #26 Andre T

    Ek het ook by Paarl Gim 2011 gesien………….die Kapies gaan le vroeg

    10 June, 2014 at 14:22
  37. avatar
    #25 Andre T

    @BOG: Ek onthou altyd met SA Universiteit toernooie in verskillende sportsoorte was die Maties altyd die soet en stilste. Nooit werklik geparty en suip nie.

    Die 2 dorsste universiteite was maar altyd Rhodes en Potch. Die Rhodes studente het lekker gekuier en was ten minste altyd beskaafd maar daai Pukke. Hulle het altyd moederloos geraak en plekke afgebreek en bekots.

    Ek dink die Maties het altyd gedink hulle kan kuier of meeste kere gemaak of hulle dronk was. Ek is eerlik met jou daai tyd wat ek in die Kaap gebly het kan ek nie aan meer as 5 ouens onthou wat regtig kon kuier.

    Dalk ou Charles van Tallas, die Krugmann broers, Hansie en James van Niekerk, Tobie Basson en Werner Bock van Strand Golfklub. Bock kon ‘Eat as much ribs’ specials ook op sy eie verwoes.

    Die groot drinkers was maar die Vaalies jong….veral van Middelburg

    10 June, 2014 at 14:15
  38. avatar
    #24 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: Die plek het al heelwat verander..selfs sedert my tyd…Die Jack Wells kroeg is nou waar die ou gemeenskapsaal was….Die tennisbane is weg en nog n koshuisgebou is opgerig (Die Nuutste Gebou)…Die OMK (Oumans Klub) bestaan darem nog en Die Bergmeester is nog steeds die man in beheer daar!…Ek kom so nou en dan nog daar aangesien my seun nou 3rde jaar is!..Ek dink hy mik vir Bergmeester volgende jaar!.. :mrgreen:

    10 June, 2014 at 14:14
  39. avatar
    #23 BOG

    @Andre T: Die naam van Helderberg se annexe, was bekend as “The Grand Hotel”

    10 June, 2014 at 13:45
  40. avatar
    #22 Lindenpa

    @BoishaaiPa: Nee, sover ek weet kom Sonja Herholdt van Alberton af. Weet nie waar sy op skool was nie.

    @Vleis: Both Randburg and Linden had, at stages in their histories, more than 1000 learners. In Linden’s case some other schools, like Die Burger and Roosevelt High (Linden started off in the 1940’s as a dual language school), were opened in the area to alleviate the pressure and the numbers dropped. As far as I know Randburg had more than 1000 learners until relatively recently (they now have just over 700). I think the fear that some Afrikaans families had with the unbanning of the ANC and the elections in 1994 resulted in a lot of Afrikaans kids being put in English and private schools. A private school like Helpmekaar College has also benefitted hugely from the perception that the standard of government schools has dropped and that kids will have a better chance of a good education at private schools.

    The positive thing is that the numbers in both Randburg and Linden have picked up consistently over the last about 5 years. When I became involved with Linden in 2008 they had just under 600 learners. At the moment they have more than 750 and already have more than 180 applications for next year. This means that the numbers in 2015 will be close to 800. I think it took a long time, but parents have started realising that kids in public schools, especially the old model C-schools, still get a good education and have exactly the same opportunities as kids with a private school education. In fact, the successes achieved by Linden’s alumni in all spheres have proved that. I see a bright future for both these schools.

    10 June, 2014 at 13:13
  41. avatar
    #21 Redblack White

    @BoishaaiPa: :lol: Freudian slip, spoonerism perhaps… either way, i am so using that one if I ever get the chance……still getting weird and concerned looks from people in the office for the unsolicited and inexplicable guffawing :mrgreen:

    10 June, 2014 at 13:01
  42. avatar
    #20 BoishaaiPa

    @Andre T: Nee Jammer…nie in my tydperk nie..84/85/86…Ek Het in 84 en 85 elkeen in die koshuis geken…daaarna het my geheue so bietjie gegaan…

    10 June, 2014 at 12:56
  43. avatar
    #19 Andre T

    @BoishaaiPa: Lui name soos Bennie Botha, Tertuis ‘Porra’ Swanepoel of Ernst Maritz nie dalk klokkies. Almal oud Lindenniete wat Stellenbosch toe was. Ek kan sweer Helderberg.

    10 June, 2014 at 12:45
  44. avatar
    #18 BoishaaiPa

    @Andre T: So now we can blame Carel Nolte for his oversight!…lol

    10 June, 2014 at 12:42
  45. avatar
    #17 BoishaaiPa

    @Andre T: Dieselfde een as Cobus :mrgreen: …Helderberg

    @Redblack White: Yeah, I saw that as well and thought there is a Freudian slip if I ever saw one!..

    10 June, 2014 at 12:39
  46. avatar
    #16 Redblack White

    @Speartackle: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: “Pomptroppies” – CLASSIC!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    10 June, 2014 at 12:33
  47. avatar
    #15 Andre T

    @BoishaaiPa: Watter koshuis was jy?

    10 June, 2014 at 12:24
  48. avatar
    #14 Andre T

    @BoishaaiPa: He actually grew up in Klerksdorp………two houses away from Brett Kebble.

    I actually almost drowned in their swimming pool……his father, Carel, saved my life.

    10 June, 2014 at 12:23
  49. avatar
    #13 BoishaaiPa

    @Andre T: Cobus was in the same res as me in Stellenbosch. He played a few seasons for WP from 1984 to about 1988/89.

    10 June, 2014 at 12:20
  50. avatar
    #12 Andre T

    Randburg used to be very good at cricket in the eighties as well. They had a quickie, Cobus Nolte, I think he went on to play a few games for WP.

    10 June, 2014 at 12:07
  51. avatar
    #11 Vleis

    I was in the same ward (knee injury) at One Mill hospital with a chap from Randburg in 1991. He was one of the star players of the Randburg team that had won the Beeld Trofee for Macro schools the previous year, which shows the level that these schools were at back then. That said, a friend who attended Randburg in the early 80’s said that they had more than ten matric classes, so they must have been a very large school at that time.

    Unfortunately, the knee injury to the star Randburg player of 1989, ultimately ended his rugby career. He played a few games for Transvaal, but never quite recovered. Very modest and nice guy from what I remember.

    10 June, 2014 at 11:59
  52. avatar
    #10 BoishaaiPa

    Was Sonja Heroldt nie ook in Linden nie?..

    10 June, 2014 at 11:40
  53. avatar
    #9 Lindenpa

    @Speartackle: Jip, Gregory’s is nog steeds daar en in kompetisie met die skool se kafeteria. Daar is nuwe eienaars, hulle het so 2 jaar gelede oorgeneem maar verkoop blykbaar die lekkerste ‘slapchips’. Kan die kinders nie daar weghou nie.

    10 June, 2014 at 10:26
  54. avatar
    #8 Speartackle

    @Lindenpa: O ja en ou Terseus Liebenberg, die beroemde spiesgooi afrigter, was die LO onnie daar.

    10 June, 2014 at 09:48
  55. avatar
    #7 Speartackle

    @Lindenpa: Skies man, ek was al by soveel skole betrokke in my lewe dat ek nooit n skoollied voluit geken het nie.

    Is ou Gregory se kafee nog daar op die hoek na Louw Geldenhuys se kant?

    10 June, 2014 at 09:45
  56. avatar
    #6 Deon Pitzer

    Linden was groot teenstand in die laat tagtigs en vroeë negentigs. Hulle het puik spanne op die veld gestuur. Baie bly hulle is terug!

    9 June, 2014 at 18:29
  57. avatar
    #5 Djou

    Op skool het ek net altyd gehoor van Linden. Mooi naam en het geklink of dit die skool in SA is. Wou met alle geweld soontoe, maar my Pa het nee gese.
    Bly Linden kom weer op die kaart. Sterkte!!
    En Chris Chameleon skree vir die Cheetahs – net terloops!

    9 June, 2014 at 17:57
  58. avatar
    #4 Roger

    @Lindenpa: my corporal in the army was a Linden boytjie – in an enviroment where the bullies and small minded individuals thrived, he was a breath of fresh air and was the first Afrikaans boytjie I ever sat down with and had a few beers and laughs.

    Good luck against Randburg

    9 June, 2014 at 17:23
  59. avatar
    #3 Lindenpa

    Om natuurlik nie van ons Springbok, Thinus Delport, te vergeet nie!

    9 June, 2014 at 17:03
  60. avatar
    #2 Lindenpa

    Lol Spear, nie geweet jy was `n onderwyser hier nie! Sal jou heeltemal in `n ander lig sien. Ander interessante oud-Lindeniete is Riaan Cruywagen, Hein Grosskopf, Andre Stander, Douw Steyn en Karen Zoid.

    Jou onthou van die skoollied was amper reg, gaan egter so:

    “Langs die grootpad na die Noorde
    waar die bulte kart’lend glooi
    Staan ‘n pronkskool tussen boorde
    Met ‘n toekoms wat jou nooi!”

    Sien ons jou daar Saterdag?

    9 June, 2014 at 16:55
  61. avatar
    #1 Speartackle

    Terug na die goeie ou dae. Randburg vs Linden.

    Waars die dae toe Linden nog gereelde CW spelers soos Lourens Oberholzer, Werner Zopick en Stef Nel opgelewer het. Later Jaco Louw ook. Hendrik Truter het 3de span slot gespeel voor OVS hom n heelagter gemaak het.

    Een van my hoogtepunte daar as onderwyser was Andre Schwartz wat pouses vir ons in die personeelkamer gesing het en later Chris Chameleon.

    Linden het ook netbal en pomptroppies in die vroee tagtigs oorheers en ek dink ook die drilorkes het amok gemaak.

    Tennis was daai dae koning by Linden met Springbokke soos Schalk van der Merwe, Christo Steyn en Freddie Sauer.

    SAUK was goed verteenwoordig daar met Anton Snyman ( Oom Jan se seun ) Retief Uys se dogter, Reinhardt Ludick ( ek dink hy is deesdae by Kfm ) .

    Dit was ook die jaar wat die Helderberg geval het, van die Lindenniete se ouers was daarop.

    Jurgen Human……..SA se eie grensvegter

    Ou Flaps was meer geinteresseerd met Tarlton en Ou Pan was n goeie ou. Toffie was toffie.

    Langs die grootpad na die Noorde
    waar die bulte kartelings stoei
    staan n >*&$skool tussen boorde
    met n toekoms wat jou boei

    Volhard boytjies…………..julle mag nooit vergeet wat die Randburgers met julle op veldskool 1981 gedoen het nie.

    9 June, 2014 at 16:25

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