SBR Fixtures & Results – week ending 15/03/2014

12/03/2014 George Campbell 17 0 Pinetown
14/03/2014 Paul Roos 53 5 Swartland
14/03/2014 HJS Paarl BH 31 18 San Isidro (Arg)
15/03/2014 Tygerberg 43 23 Hugenote
15/03/2014 Westville 15 32 Glenwood
15/03/2014 Kearsney 19 11 Northwood
15/03/2014 Hillcrest 0 40 George Campbell
15/03/2014 Port Natal 12 10 DHS
15/03/2014 Port Shepstone 25 12 Clifton
15/03/2014 St Andrew’s (FS) 6 37 St Charles
15/03/2014 Dale 14 8 Hudson Park Border Schools Rugby Day 11h10
15/03/2014 Cambridge 17 7 Hangklip Border Schools Rugby Day 12h20
15/03/2014 Queen’s 15 22 Grens Border Schools Rugby Day 14h50
15/03/2014 Selborne 85 0 Stirling Border Schools Rugby Day 16h00
15/03/2014 Nico Malan 41 8 Punt
15/03/2014 St Andrew’s 8 30 Daniel Pienaar
15/03/2014 Marlow 69 7 Oudtshoorn
15/03/2014 Grey College 60 14 Hentie Cilliers Louis Botha Rugby Day
15/03/2014 Sentraal (FS) 35 21 Waterkloof
15/03/2014 St Johns Menlopark Menlo won practice match 22-0
15/03/2014 HTS Middelburg 26 0 Centurion Tuks-Reeks
15/03/2014 Nelspruit 19 25 Garsfontein Tuks-Reeks
15/03/2014 Monument 51 17 Klerksdorp Tuks-Reeks
15/03/2014 Kempton Park 27 0 Rustenburg Tuks-Reeks
15/03/2014 Pietersburg 17 34 Transvalia Tuks-Reeks
15/03/2014 Eldoraigne 38 15 Ermelo Tuks-Reeks
15/03/2014 Marais Viljoen 27 26 Florida Tuks-Reeks
15/03/2014 EG Jansen 84 14 Vereeniging Gim Tuks-Reeks
15/03/2014 Diamantveld 27 6 Jacobsdal
15/03/2014 Noord-Kaap 43 6 Upington
15/03/2014 Alberton 22 10 President


  1. avatar
    #136 BOG

    @CharlesZA: Nog n lid van die “Flat Earth Society” ? Op GCB in aardrykskunde, het hulle ons geleer dat as dit 03:00 is in SA, dan is dit 15:00 aan die ander kant van die wereld. Dan, boonop slaap ek net 6-7 uur pd. Mens slaap net om te rus en as daar nie werk is nie- nie as jy lui is nie. Dit is SA se ondergang. Goeie nag. :lol:

    18 March, 2014 at 08:10
  2. avatar
    #135 CharlesZA

    Sjoe BOG, darem vroeg op. Die groot oorwinning van gister gemaak dat jy nie lekker kom slaap?

    18 March, 2014 at 06:57
  3. avatar
    #134 BOG

    @Pinotage: Dankie, maar Wes- Transvaal is meer bekend vir hulle voortreflike ouetehuise, soos een of twee deelnemers hier, sal kan getuig. Dit neem dus nie veel om hulle opgewonde te kry nie. Klerksdorp is reeds daarvoor bekend dat hulle die hoogste per capita besteding het aan hartpille , Viagra en aambeiroom in SA.

    18 March, 2014 at 02:32
  4. avatar
    #133 BOG

    @Rugbyman: Vreemd, in die lig van sommige daaglikse kommentate hier, hoe daar gepraat word van nederigheid (of is dit die teendeel?)sodra ek bloot die tellong gee van n wedstryd.Maar ek is bly dat Pinotage my intussen kon reg help.Ek was onder die indruk dat dit oorwegend Cherries in die span was, maar hy het my daarop gewys dat dit n kombinasie was van Cherries en Peaches (3s). n Goeie aanduiding van diepte weer en wat gebeur met die mannertjies se ingesteldheid wanneer hulle daardie gesogte donkerblou trui oor die kop trek.En die feit dat hulle respek toon vir alle opposisie.

    18 March, 2014 at 02:22
  5. avatar
    #132 spilly

    @ Beet Would be great if you could publish the squad team sheets for the Graeme College Rugby Day on Friday many thanks.

    18 March, 2014 at 00:49
  6. avatar
    #131 Ploegskaar

    @Rugbyman: Vra omverskoning, jy is 100% reg, Bellville het julle 2012 gespeel. 95% van daardie Bellville groep speel hierdie jaar 1stes, eerste game by die Oakdale Week is teen Kempies, taai toets vir so ‘n jong groep, maar goeie ervaring, volgende jaar behoort hulle lekker kompiterend te wees.

    17 March, 2014 at 21:32
  7. avatar
    #130 Pinotage

    @BOG: Korreksie. Oorwegend Cherries en Peaches. Wes-Transvaal in sak en as.

    17 March, 2014 at 21:21
  8. avatar
    #129 Rugbyman

    @Ploegskaar: nee ploeg… dit was die jaar daarna wat daar gelykop gespeel was… daai groep wat teen belville gespeel het is nou in graad 11… die outjies wat nou in matriek is was my o/15s in 2011 en ons het by die outeniqua week gespeel teen stellenberg en ons het hulle geklop 31 – 0, verloor teen Outeniqua en gewen teen daniel pienaar (kannie die score onthou nie). Die groepie wat jy aan dink is die 2012 o/15s wat nie n goeie jaar gehad het nie… gelukkig het daar so paar nuwe seuns ingeskryf wat daai groepie bietjie versterk het sedert jy hulle laas gesien het… hulle is nou graad 11….

    17 March, 2014 at 19:54
  9. avatar
    #128 Rugbyman

    @BOG: sjoe Bog… jy drup darem maar van nederigheid….

    17 March, 2014 at 19:46
  10. avatar
    #127 Ploegskaar

    @Rugbyman: Ek verneem julle is aansienlik versterk sederdien, dit was ook die jaar wat julle teen kleine Bellville gelykop gespeel het.

    17 March, 2014 at 19:37
  11. avatar
    #126 BOG

    @Andre T: Nee, die bietjie skade vwat Saterdag aangerig was, was maar oppervlakkig. Klaarblyklik was dit oorwegend Cherries wat vir GCB begin het, maar dit was steeds 85-0. Hulle beskou seker die telling van 46-15 as “close” na vandag

    17 March, 2014 at 18:26
  12. avatar
    #125 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: jip… het o/15 teen hulle gespeel en 22 – 29 verloor as ek reg onthou op hulle veld by die outeniqua week…

    17 March, 2014 at 16:04
  13. avatar
    #124 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: As ek reg kan onthou met baie spoed agter. Regtig ‘n goeie span.

    17 March, 2014 at 15:57
  14. avatar
    #123 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: En hul o/15 asook o/16 jaar…. Hulle het ‘n monster pak…. Ons sal beslis ook nie die Boland manne vlak kyk nie…. hulle is kliphard en altyd goed afgerig….

    17 March, 2014 at 15:51
  15. avatar
    #122 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Outeniqua was angswekkend in hul o/14 jaar. Sterkte

    17 March, 2014 at 15:47
  16. avatar
    #121 Ploegskaar

    @Rugbyman: Dink ek volg @bererugby, so sal dan daar kyk vir die updates.

    17 March, 2014 at 15:45
  17. avatar
    #120 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: Eks heel happy thanks! Ons het mos ‘n sterk groepie wat deurkom van laasjaar se o/16s… Ons junior spanne is ook nie te dronk nie…. Veral ons o/15s kan jy maar gerus dophou… Hulle het die Nellies 42 – 0 kafgedraf en dit sonder 5 van hulle top spelers wat nog SA’s atletiek doen…. Ons rugby kom aan…. Baie beter all over as 4 jaar terug….

    17 March, 2014 at 15:42
  18. avatar
    #119 Rugbyman

    @Ploegskaar: :lol:

    Watter twitter handle? Bererugby of Garsiesport? Ek glo hulle sal dit daarop aanbring….

    Nee wat, ons is maar op ons senuwees vir julle seuns van die plaas… en dan nog Outeniqua ook…. Ek verstaan hulle is vreesaanjaend… PUK gaan baie tough wees hierdie jaar en ons speel ‘n klomp games nou in ‘n kort tydjie… Maar dankie “Maverick….” ons sal ons beste probeer! Gaan mooi8 rugby wees!

    17 March, 2014 at 15:39
  19. avatar
    #118 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Smaak my jou aanstelling is maar in lyn met die van ou Pote Human. Bietjie dankie se vir jou goeie werk met geen werklike voordele. Staan op jou agterpote en vra waar is jou vliegkaartjies en verblyf koepons. Ek ken jou nie as ‘n slapgat nie. Menend waar gaan volgende jaar se spelers vandaan kom?

    17 March, 2014 at 15:36
  20. avatar
    #117 Ploegskaar

    @Rugbyman: Ja, laat my soos ‘n Top Gun Pilot voel (maar laat my ongelukkig nie soos een lyk nie). Ek woon die 1ste dag van die Tony Stoops by (ons is ‘n klein borgie), 2de dag van die Oakdale Rugbyweek en dan die PG o16 toernooi se laaste dag, so sal ongelukkig nie Pukke maak nie. Sal jy asseblief die knaap wat julle twitter handle hanteer vra om my op hoogte te hou met die tellings? Andersins, alles van die beste vir Pukke, julle sal moeilik geklop word, maar ek hoop die Bolanders bied darem ten minste lekker sterk opposisie.

    17 March, 2014 at 15:32
  21. avatar
    #116 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: Nee wat…. Eks mos nie in die onderwys nie… Reis is nie vir my snaaks nie…. Jy is vol grappies vandag…. :wink:

    17 March, 2014 at 15:29
  22. avatar
    #115 Tjoppa

    :oops: @BOG: Klap jy reverse nou erg Boggie?

    17 March, 2014 at 15:17
  23. avatar
    #114 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Niks wat ‘n single malt nie kan regmaak nie. Maar wees nou eerlik het jou nuwe job baie reis voordele? Bedoel nou wes & oos Kaap toe. En mag jy rugby kenisse saam neem.

    17 March, 2014 at 15:13
  24. avatar
    #113 BOG

    @Bulle: Ek praat nie van Affies nie, maar jy moet maar terug gaan na wat een of twee persone hier kwyt geraak het twee jaar gelede nadat GCB die kragmeting, na swaer reen in Bloem, gekanselleer of uitgestel het, Ek het beslis begrip waarom dit sal gebeur.@Andre T: Hulle speel in n voorwedstryd vir die VC (of is dit andersom?) GCB sou blykbaar teen Witteberg gespeel het, maar hulle het onttrek@Rugbyman: Hard? Danksy Tjoppa se kommentaar twee jaar gelede nadat GCB na reen moes kanselleer. Ek is ook nie krities van Klofies nie. Ek dink net dat Sentraal onderskat word.

    17 March, 2014 at 15:12
  25. avatar
    #112 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: Mens moet seker jouself like tjop…. anders hou niemand van jou nie….

    17 March, 2014 at 15:11
  26. avatar
    #111 Rugbyman

    @Ploegskaar: Jy dra mos meestal ‘n donker bril… breinaald sal jou niks maak nie… Jy neem dan sommer aan ek ondersteun die Bulle….? Gaan jy PUK skouspel toe?

    17 March, 2014 at 15:10
  27. avatar
    #110 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: As ek myself in die oggend in die spieel sien se ek vir myself “moenie worry nie ek laaik jou baie” en dan begin ek die dag met ‘n glimlag.

    17 March, 2014 at 15:07
  28. avatar
    #109 Ploegskaar

    @Rugbyman: Pragtig, synde dat jou Bulle nie werklik die wêreld aan die brand gespeel het die afgelope paar jaar nie. Dan weer, is ek ook nie die tipe wat aanmerkings daaroor sou maak nie. Omgee? Sou myself eerder met ‘n breinaald in die oog steek.

    17 March, 2014 at 15:06
  29. avatar
    #108 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: :mrgreen:

    17 March, 2014 at 15:01
  30. avatar
    #107 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: En hoe hou jy toe van jou self.

    17 March, 2014 at 14:59
  31. avatar
    #106 Rugbyman

    @Ploegskaar: Ek sou ook nie gekyk het as ek die WP ondersteun het nie… nie veel om te sien nie… Nee wat ek het myself al baie lank terug gevind… Bly jy gee om vir my

    17 March, 2014 at 14:55
  32. avatar
    #105 Ploegskaar

    @Rugbyman: As jy verlede jaar die o/16’s afgerig het, is jy seker dieselfde ou wat opbeweeg het na die 1stes? Of het jy jouself verloor? Wyndrinkery en huil? Ek kyk selde Superugby.

    17 March, 2014 at 14:51
  33. avatar
    #104 Rugbyman

    @Ploegskaar: Ingelig sien ek…. Eks bly so deur die wyn drinkery en huil oor die stormers se mannewales dat jy nog bietjie inligting ook kan insamel…

    17 March, 2014 at 14:42
  34. avatar
    #103 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Lekker man lekker.

    17 March, 2014 at 14:42
  35. avatar
    #102 Rugbyman

    @BOG: @Tjoppa: @Bulle: Stem saam dat Kloof nie so vinnig moet afgeskryf word nie… Dit het in jaaaaaare nie so baie in Pretoria gereen soos die laaste 2 weke nie…. Proewe was moeilik, wat nog te se van oefen…. Die velde was letterlik ‘n voet onder water…. Sous alweer hier…. Moet vir Kloof punte gee dat hulle nie die game afgestel het nie… Dar was baie skole wat die laaste 2 weke gecancel het… Jys hard op ons manne Noord vd Vaal BOG

    17 March, 2014 at 14:40
  36. avatar
    #101 Ploegskaar

    @Rugbyman: Hy soek die name van die 1stes groep.

    17 March, 2014 at 14:39
  37. avatar
    #100 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: Hy rig die 1stes af.

    17 March, 2014 at 14:38
  38. avatar
    #99 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: Eks op boontoe….

    17 March, 2014 at 14:37
  39. avatar
    #98 Rugbyman

    @beet: Hi Beet… Mail me again please… My geheue is maar bietjie swakkerig deesdae….

    17 March, 2014 at 14:33
  40. avatar
    #97 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Watter span rig jy die jaar af?

    17 March, 2014 at 14:30
  41. avatar
    #96 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: LOL

    Ja wel sulke goedjies gebeur mos maar…. jy moet kan vat wat jy uitdeel…

    17 March, 2014 at 14:28
  42. avatar
    #95 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Stoute bliksemss die Menlopark ne.

    17 March, 2014 at 14:24
  43. avatar
    #94 Rugbyman

    @jakes: @valke: Mmmmmmm alle sterkte met die puma skeidregters…. ek het Saterdag vir die eerste keer in my lewe gesien dat ‘n ref wat op makro skole 1ste span vlak blaas ‘n strafskop toeken op die middelkol as ‘n span voor die bal was met die afskop…. ander reel boekies in puma land…

    17 March, 2014 at 14:23
  44. avatar
    #93 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: Oeps tjop… nee ek dog jy verwys juis na franco… nee daai ander senter is menlo toe… nie dat hy wou nie, maar sy pa wou… gaan blykbaar oor sy jonger boetie… as hy gebly het sou hy waarskynlik 15 by ons 1stes gespeel het! Thanks, dit gaan hard wees… die Noordvaal spanne is baie, baie naby hierdie jaar… Ek vermoed so paar games gaan deur die hop vd bal bepaal word!

    17 March, 2014 at 14:21
  45. avatar
    #92 Andre T

    @BOG: Dit moet seker HTS Klerksdorp of Klerksdorp Droogskoonmakers wees wat daar uitdraf. 9 van die begin XV kon nie vanoggend opstaan na Saterdag.

    Jy weet mos………Monnas is nou nie nr 1 contenders elke jaar nie maar jy weet was in n harde game as jy afstap.

    17 March, 2014 at 14:20
  46. avatar
    #91 Bulle

    @BOG: Moet asb nie praat voordat jy nie weet wat die omstandighede is by die betrokke skool waarvan jy praat nie. Ek glo maar net elke skool wil gereed wees, voordat daar ‘n wedstryd gespeel word. Die bloggers is baie gou om opinies te lig oor skole as hulle verloor het, so ek is seker elke skool wil maar net die beste span op die veld stuur. Kan nie uitlaat oor die reen in Bloemfontein nie, maar na twee weke van reen is die velde absoluut ‘n modderpoel, en dis nie regverdig om proewe te hou as elke seun nie die nodige kanse kry om hom te bewys nie, en ja beserings is ook nog ‘n ander ding. Nadat daar gedink is om vandag weer proewe te hou reen dit weer so, ja maar die rugby moet seker maar aangaan.

    17 March, 2014 at 14:20
  47. avatar
    #90 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Ek is nie ‘n verwer nie maar net my manier om te se jou redenasie vermoe is die van grond en dat ons almal lief is vir jou.

    17 March, 2014 at 14:09
  48. avatar
    #89 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Dit is maar die gebruiklike reaksie van iemand wie homself in n hoek vas geverf het. n Pragtige dag vir jou ook.@Andre T: Dit klink of jy reeds al begin drink het. Ek verseker jou dat Klerksdorp vanmiddag om 14: 30 teen GCB RUGBY speel op Shimlapark

    17 March, 2014 at 14:05
  49. avatar
    #88 Andre T

    @BOG: Ek kan nie dink dat GCB en Klerksdorp vanmiddag sal speel nie, dalk vroteier of so iets. Nie na Saterdag. Onthou Monnas is elke Klerksdorper se ideaal. Ietwat van n droom om teen hulle te speel. Soos jy waarskynlik elke aand van Shakira of J Lo kwyl. Hulle het hulle lywe op die spel gesit………..sal interessant wees om te sien hoe jy jou lyf op die spel sit met daai swaaiende tuinslang

    17 March, 2014 at 13:57
  50. avatar
    #87 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Gaan kak in die mielies.

    17 March, 2014 at 13:41
  51. avatar
    #86 Tjoppa

    @beet: The most important role of an 8 is being an effective link between the forwards and backs. Therefore must be big fast with skills. Currently the best eight according to me is Whiteley of the Lions. Lacks a bit in size but according to me the closest of all 8’s. And no will not make him a Bok as yet but he has right marks in all the boxes. Leave him with Ackers for two more seasons. He will become one of the greats.

    17 March, 2014 at 13:40
  52. avatar
    #85 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Ag asseblief, nou gee jy swak beplanning die skuld. GCB speel ook krieket en het ook atletiek. GEEN verskil nie , behalwe in jou kop. Dit wys net- praat poefies en dit byt jou aan die hakskeen, more, volgende maand of oor twee jaar—@Andre T: Ek sou gedink het jy sit daar by Shimlapark. Die wedstryd tussen GCB en Klerksdorp is daar om 14:30 (Vanmiddag)

    17 March, 2014 at 13:31
  53. avatar
    #84 Tjoppa

    @Woltrui: Wollas hoeveel manne by Waterkloof nog besig met atletiek. Ek dink hulle skryf Waterkloof te vroeg af.

    17 March, 2014 at 13:30
  54. avatar
    #83 beet

    @Andre T: I must say Andre I don’t favour any particular style of no.8 but I do enjoy watching a no.8 that’s in top form. In the past I have liked guys like Tiaan Strauss, Andrew Aiken, Jannie Breedt, Teich, AJ Venter, Willem Alberts, Kanko (when he was still an x-factor player) and most recently Duane Vermeulen who I thought was really unlucky not to be our player of the year and the Griquas youngster Carel Greeff. All different players but great when they were at the top of their game.

    Stoney and Schramm good examples of 2 completely opposite SBR no.8’s but both a pleasure to watch.

    17 March, 2014 at 13:15
  55. avatar
    #82 Andre T

    @beet: Rheeder reminds me a lot of Teichmann, the way he positions himself on the field and runs into spaces. Something different to the modern day bashers. Tough as nails as well. I rate him.

    Don’t think the english is very comfortable……….so KES and Glenwood…stay away.

    17 March, 2014 at 12:55
  56. avatar
    #81 beet

    @Rugbyman: Don’t forget my email requests :wink:

    17 March, 2014 at 12:51
  57. avatar
    #80 beet

    @Andre T: Oh are u19s allowed to play 2nds?

    Thanks for the info on Massyn. From last year I just assumed he was Chris’s brother.

    The KHS no.8 is E Rheeder!

    Herbst is an yster! I love that word. I think we only have 1 in KZN this season – Goodson. Look out for him at Wildeklawer if anyone still picks up hitchhikers and you somehow get to Kimberley (sober) :mrgreen:

    17 March, 2014 at 12:48
  58. avatar
    #79 Andre T

    @beet: Len Massyn ( no relation to Chris ) is actually a 7 flank. Very mobile and quick, outsprinted the KHS backline after a intercept. Great ballplayer, still in grade 11. Not that tall.

    Ryno Herbst at 4. Big and robust.

    Gavin Delport, 6 flank and captain. Only stops playing when the whistle blows. Another great ballplayer. Carries well and tackles relentlessly.

    I think Monnas had about 10% possession in 2nd half.

    Young team, whole backline, except for the one wing, in grade 11.

    Vean Roodt’s aggression will be very valuable in the festivals. Had a quiet game for the 2nds though.

    17 March, 2014 at 12:33
  59. avatar
    #78 beet

    Pity to hear that Vereeniging Gim struggling. I was hoping that it would be forwards and upwards for them.

    17 March, 2014 at 12:25
  60. avatar
    #77 jakes

    @ Valke-dankie. Dit lyk na ‘n goeie begin. Groot verbetering in hul o/15 span. Hul 0/14’s groentjies begin goed

    17 March, 2014 at 12:24
  61. avatar
    #76 beet

    @Andre T: Surprised to hear that Massyn at lock. How tall is he? No.4 must be Herbst. Who is 6?

    17 March, 2014 at 12:23
  62. avatar
    #75 Andre T

    Monnas se 0/14 en 0/16 lyk indrukwekkend. 0/15 speel gelykop teen Klerksdorp.

    Eerstes loop 39 -0 voor halftyd……….verloor die 2de helfte 12 -17……..3 driee.

    KHS nr 8 n yster………nou eers in gr 11……..wens ek kan hom teken.

    Monnas 4 en 6 ysters………..Len Massyn op 5 not bad………..Gaan beslis vir Vean Roodt nodig kry in die feeste……….

    Monnas se ‘getekende’ 2de span senter…………mens kan nie elke keer slaan as jy getackle word………….rooikaart was verdien……………begin nou maar weer by 3des…………….jys so talentvol maar daai skoene druk n bietjie.

    17 March, 2014 at 12:13
  63. avatar
    #74 valke

    @jakes: Jakes, ek gaan op wat ek kan onthou, so moet my asb. nie kruisig as ek hier en daar ‘n punt of 2 uit is nie. EG spanne eerste genoem:

    o/14 = 47 – 5
    o/15 = 7 – 3
    o/16 = 41 – 12
    2 des= 47 – 6

    17 March, 2014 at 12:06
  64. avatar
    #73 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Die groot verskil Bog is dat Affies met die reen nog nie hul proewe kon voltooi nie, geen rugby voor atletiek seisoen verby is nie, – dus rede vir die uitstel van die wedstryde. Waar julle in die middel van die seisoen alle verskonings tot jul beskikking gebruik het om Affies te vermy. Volgens my ‘n redelike groot verskil.

    17 March, 2014 at 11:59
  65. avatar
    #72 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Franco binne gaan hom in baie spasie plaas. Ek dink van die mees begaafte spelers in jul span. Franco se boetie? Soos gese ook vol bol. Sterkte vir die seisoen.

    17 March, 2014 at 11:57
  66. avatar
    #71 jakes

    @ Valke @ woltrui. Jip, dit sal wonderlik wees om HTS Middelburg en EG Jansen woensdag te sien. Dit sal mens ‘n idee gee waar hulle staan in 2014.
    Woltrui hulle speel op HTS se velde woensdag middag>> Valke weet jy dalk wat was die JNR A spanne se tellings teen Vereeniging?

    17 March, 2014 at 11:48
  67. avatar
    #70 valke

    @jakes: Hi Jakes. Hier moet ek saam met Rugbyman stem. Gim gaan nie baie spanne skrik op die lyf jaag hierdie jaar nie.
    Lyk of hulle doel eerder is om sekere spelers te merk, en dan te probeer om hulle van die veld af te kry met gevaarlike speartackles. Terwyl hulle besig is met die soort speletjies, hardloop die res na wille keur deur hulle.

    Woensdag teen HTS Middelburg sal bepaal of EG kompeterend sal wees in 2014.

    17 March, 2014 at 11:40
  68. avatar
    #69 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Wat was Saterdag se uitslag met Affies? Ek sien dat toestande amper so sleg was as in Bloem 2 jaar gelede, maar dit was seker nie vir julle n probleem nie?

    17 March, 2014 at 11:25
  69. avatar
    #68 Bulle

    @Woltrui: Sover ek weet is die wedstryde tussen Helpmekaar en Affies ook uitgestel vir Donderdag.

    17 March, 2014 at 10:54
  70. avatar
    #67 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: Speel 1ste span Tjop…@jakes: Natuurlik het EG weer ‘n goeie span… maar ek verstaan ook maar dat HTS Vereeniging bietjie sukkel….

    17 March, 2014 at 10:52
  71. avatar
    #66 jakes

    EG JAnsen 84- Vereeniging gym 14– YO YO YO. What happened there?? Seems that EG Jansen has a massive team again in 2014. What a powerful start to their season..Very excited to see them perform in 2014

    17 March, 2014 at 10:14
  72. avatar
    #65 Woltrui

    @ROOIBUL: Is EG Jansen and HTS Middelburg playing on Wednesday??

    17 March, 2014 at 09:27
  73. avatar
    #64 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Watter span speel daai sentertjie van jou?

    17 March, 2014 at 09:23
  74. avatar
    #63 Tierklou

    Goeie wen vir die Tiere. Onnodige 2 driëe afgestaan in die laaste 5 minute.

    17 March, 2014 at 09:03
  75. avatar
    #62 CharlesZA

    @Ploegskaar: Not getting excited about it, was just curious as it seemed like a big score and wasnt sure if it was correct.

    Is the athletics season almost over now, seems that it is messing with the rugby season way to much. :)

    17 March, 2014 at 07:02
  76. avatar
    #61 Rugbyman

    @Woltrui: in my opinion eldoraigne has a ver6 strong team this year… marais viljoen isnt bad either, hence beating Florida…

    by the way, garsies managed to pull of the win in nelspruit this time in spite of the same shocking ref as last year…. he really tried his best with some really entertaining calls… also last year the garsies only won 1 game on the day… this year they only lost 2 games… hats of to their boys…

    I agree with you sumation of who to look out for in the tuks series an Beeld. I must say that this year in the Noordvaal the 1st teams will be extremely close… there will be some nailbiters….

    16 March, 2014 at 20:23
  77. avatar
    #60 Woltrui

    @Ploegskaar: Ploegskaar I see Stellenberg girls hockey team is rated 5th in the country on Saschoolsport rankings. First in the Western Cape. Very very good. 8-O

    16 March, 2014 at 19:44
  78. avatar
    #59 Woltrui

    Tuks reeks: Monnas, Garsies, EG Jansen, HTS Middelburg, Kempies and Transvalia is going to be the top dogs. Eldoraine and Nellies will most propably contest the quarter finals with afore mentioned teams. These teams will be the favourites for the Beeld troffee as well, with of course Kloof. Florida seems to have a very poor start to the season-long year ahead.
    Helpmekaar looking very good. They must look forward with confidence to their game against Affies on Thursday.
    Wonderboom seems to have a decent team.
    Waterkloof. Ai ai. Same problem every year. When playing in Gauteng they are very competitive. The moment they go out of Pretoria their wheels are coming off. Last year they came in a whisker of beating a strong Affies side. Beating Garsies etc. Come Wildeklawer they lost by 40+ margins :oops:

    16 March, 2014 at 19:40
  79. avatar
    #58 Ploegskaar

    @CharlesZA: After holding their own in the 1st 15, Gym stepped up a gear in the 2nd, they were really impressive. Don’t get too excited though, Bellville had key players at the athletics in Outdhoorn, and picked up a few injuries as well. Having said that, the Gym interplay was brilliant, as well as their finishing in the red zone. Always a pleasure to watch, thanks to the great coaching of Christoff and Hendrik. Bellville also had a good win against Augsburg, so this u17 team would have learned plenty yesterday.

    Boland were really impressive as well, and easily dispatched Durbanville and Drostdy. Well drilled, industrious pack, slick inside backs and great defense so early in the season. Their Seccies were also impressive, so with depth, I look forward to an improved 2014. Whoever plays Gym and Boland, will have their work cut out, while Bellville will be a force in the Premier B.

    16 March, 2014 at 09:14
  80. avatar
    #57 CharlesZA

    Stellenberg beat Vredendal 25-3.

    Punt playing Boishaai next week after getting klapped by Nico Malan. That wont be fun.

    How did Bellville lose 65-0 in a 15minute per half game?

    16 March, 2014 at 08:54
  81. avatar
    #56 ROOIBUL

    The score was 15-14. But I think the game on Wednesday will be played in perfected conditions, good luck.

    16 March, 2014 at 08:46
  82. avatar
    #55 QC86

    @Pinotage: boet you thinking of Queenian, I never mention jjs, you should maybe get your fact straight, boringly

    16 March, 2014 at 06:45
  83. avatar
    #54 Buffel

    @kcob: That’s for sure. Watch this space. I think that a few teams are going to come unstuck against this side as their weight in the set pieces is mind boggling . Front row must be all of 365 kgs.

    16 March, 2014 at 05:51
  84. avatar
    #53 BOG

    So, the matches in Bloem did take place and in Pretoria, they now know too, that there is more than one school which plays rugby.

    16 March, 2014 at 02:10
  85. avatar
    #52 Pinotage

    @QC86: Maybe the Queens recruiters should try and scout at JJS, the school that some of you so often and so boringly like to refer to.

    15 March, 2014 at 21:06
  86. avatar
    #51 CHS08

    Selborne played brilliant running rugby that Morgan Steyn is an exceptional talent. Queens played very poorly I’ve never seen such a poor Queens team. Dale dominated Hudson but credit must go to Hudson for not giving in. Cambridge also played well. Grens took their chances against a poor Queens team. My top 5 for the day 1. Selborne. (By far), 2nd. Grens 3rd Cambridge|Dale and 5th Hudson Park.

    15 March, 2014 at 19:55
  87. avatar
    #50 Pinotage

    Upset of the day: Sentraal beating the mighty Waterkloof!

    15 March, 2014 at 19:37
  88. avatar
    #49 kcob

    Kearsney 19 – Northwood 11. Eeeish, real arm wrestle at Kearsney today. Very very big Northwood team.

    15 March, 2014 at 19:18
  89. avatar
    #48 Oakdale supporter

    Anyone who knows what the Daniel Pienaar scores were?

    15 March, 2014 at 18:26
  90. avatar
    #47 spot

    I foresee a struggling year ahead for Queens 1st team.

    15 March, 2014 at 18:01
  91. avatar
    #46 QC86

    Selborne 85 Stirling 0

    15 March, 2014 at 17:13
  92. avatar
    #45 QC86

    Selborne up 33 zip halftime

    15 March, 2014 at 16:45
  93. avatar
    #44 CHS08

    Baboona playing brilliantly they thrashing Stirling 33 – 0 half time.

    15 March, 2014 at 16:45
  94. avatar
    #43 CHS08

    Grens wasn’t that good Queens were poor I’ve never seen Queens play so poorly they deserved to get beaten

    15 March, 2014 at 16:09
  95. avatar
    #42 QC86

    Qc15 grens 26 full time big upset

    15 March, 2014 at 16:07
  96. avatar
    #41 CHS08

    Grens 23 Queens 15 full time .

    15 March, 2014 at 16:07
  97. avatar
    #40 CHS08

    Grens 20 Queens 15 time almost up

    15 March, 2014 at 16:01
  98. avatar
    #39 CHS08

    Grens 20 Queens 15

    15 March, 2014 at 16:01
  99. avatar
    #38 CHS08

    Queens 15 Grens 13 few mins left.

    15 March, 2014 at 15:56
  100. avatar
    #37 CHS08

    @Q86: its 15-10 sir the Grens boy missed the drop goal.

    15 March, 2014 at 15:36
  101. avatar
    #36 CHS08

    @Spilly: I will tonight. Selborne 2nd team thrashed De Vos Malan by a huge margin I can’t recall the score. Queens leading Grens 15 10 halftime.

    15 March, 2014 at 15:34
  102. avatar
    #35 QC86

    Qc15 grens 13 halftime

    15 March, 2014 at 15:34
  103. avatar
    #34 QC86

    Selborne 2nd xv 58 zip against de vos up

    15 March, 2014 at 15:01
  104. avatar
    #33 spilly

    @CHSO8 Will you rate the teams 1 to 10 at the end of the day,will be very interesting to see many thanks.

    15 March, 2014 at 14:39
  105. avatar
    #32 CHS08

    Cambridge beat Hangklip 19-7! Very impressed with my school’s performance considering that Hangklip a super rugby pack. Very impressed with the backline aswell they were elusive, pacey and hand good ball skills. I can’t complain with the team’s performance.

    15 March, 2014 at 14:18
  106. avatar
    #31 CHS08

    @Spilly: Will do sir

    15 March, 2014 at 13:39
  107. avatar
    #30 spilly

    Thanks chs08 for the results and analysis can we have all the games please

    15 March, 2014 at 12:57
  108. avatar
    #29 Woltrui

    @BOG: Seems as if the Ptown boytjies is whoosies, just like their Grey Bloem counterparts :oops:
    I understood the laaities at Affies started with the trails on Thursday. Hopefully they can finish the trails before next Thursday’s games against Helpmekaar.

    15 March, 2014 at 12:37
  109. avatar
    #28 CHS08

    Dale beat Hudson Park 14-8! Dale played well the score doesn’t reflect what happened in the game!

    15 March, 2014 at 12:36
  110. avatar
    #27 BOG

    Why, if I may ask, were the matches cancelled in Pretoria? I know that they do that in Bloem to protect the pitch, but I understood that in Pretoria, they played in all conditions, “because they are tough”

    15 March, 2014 at 12:11
  111. avatar
    #26 phat55

    PRG vs Swartland final score is 53-5

    14 March, 2014 at 18:21
  112. avatar
    #25 valke

    @ROOIBUL: I remember that game well. ended 15-13 to HTS in terrible weather.
    If I remember correctly, it was the last game EG lost in 2013. Their only other loss was against Outeniqua.

    14 March, 2014 at 12:50
  113. avatar
    #24 Lindenpa

    Haha, haven’t laughed so much in a long time! Think the only reason this was arranged was because one of Midstream’s coaches was previously a teacher at Linden. Should be a nice ‘easing into’ the season for Linden’s teams.

    The first team has a tough tournament at St Stithians in April with Wynberg and Maritzburg College as 2 of their opponents. All the teams play Saints next weekend.

    13 March, 2014 at 15:12
  114. avatar
    #23 Maroon

    @Lindenpa: surely Midstream College should have an unfair advantage over Lindin!

    13 March, 2014 at 14:43
  115. avatar
    #22 ROOIBUL

    Yip the games in the rain isn’t pleasant. I remember the game between HTSM and E.G. Jansen last year. Games in these conditions can go either way, but I need to see school boy rugby this weekend because the Varsity cap are so boring so far this year. :-x

    13 March, 2014 at 10:46
  116. avatar
    #21 Lindenpa

    1.@MenloRugbyklub: Affies het alle wedstryde teen Menlopark gekanseleer vir Saterdag. Wedstryde teen St John is vir Saterdag 15 Maart.
    2.@HTS_KLERKSDORP: HTS Klerksdorp vs HTS Potchefstroom sports day on Friday at our home sportsfield!! Its for bragging rights.
    3. Linden vs Midstream College on Saturday in their first game of the season (hopefully it doesn’t rain out).

    13 March, 2014 at 09:05
  117. avatar
    #20 Ballie

    Sat 15/03/2014 Westville vs Glenwood GW by 10
    Sat 15/03/2014 Kearsney vs Northwood NW by 8 (need one upset for the weekend)
    Sat 15/03/2014 Hillcrest vs George Campbell GC by 22
    Sat 15/03/2014 Port Natal vs DHS DHS by 12
    Sat 15/03/2014 Port Shepstone vs Clifton Clifton by 15 (maybe not giving enough respect to the local mayor ref)

    13 March, 2014 at 06:56
  118. avatar
    #19 BOG

    @beet: I know the textile industry is almost non-existent in Durban these days, but give the man a shirt- just slightly darker than yours. Maybe the ones you gave to the Cambridge boys, because their colour is black. At least I have an extra FS ally now, but he needs proper kit.

    13 March, 2014 at 03:17
  119. avatar
    #18 beet

    @Veg: Hi Veg. Welcome. Great to have you here mate. Enjoy.

    Thanks for the St Andrews help.

    12 March, 2014 at 22:31
  120. avatar
    #17 Grasshopper

    @rbw1863: My cousins and a few mates went to Kloof and Hillcrest, I am fully aware of the rivalry but unfortunately co-ed schools in KZN will never compete with the big boys schools. In fact BJ Botha went to Kloof but DHS claim him as he did his last year there.

    12 March, 2014 at 16:15
  121. avatar
    #16 rbw1863

    @All Black: Good to hear. A strong Voortrekker is always important and that won’t happen if they don’t play College every year.
    @Grasshopper: The only problem is getting players from those schools to gel. Might surprise you the rivalries between schools like Hillcrest and Kloof.

    12 March, 2014 at 15:57
  122. avatar
    #15 BOG

    @Veg: Unfortunately, I left several years before they enjoyed the convenience of Eunice on their doorstep. I had several mates at Saints (who were NOT saints) who pinched communion wine from the chapel which they came to share with me. It was a very low alcohol content, but their thoughts were commendable. Are the buildings still red brick? In my days, the rugby of Saints was OK. The Cherries played your first team and it was competitive. I know, back in 1967, GCB had a very strong team with a few big names and the score, 1st vs 1 st, was I think, 6-0 in favour of GCB. It was the closest winning margin that year.

    12 March, 2014 at 15:49
  123. avatar
    #14 Buffel

    George Campbell vs PTN GC by 25
    Westville vs GW Westville by 5 :twisted:
    KC vs NWD KC by 15
    George Campbell vs Hillcrest GC by 30
    Porties vs DHS DHS by 15
    Sheppie vs Clifton Clifton by 20.

    12 March, 2014 at 15:18
  124. avatar
    #13 All Black

    @rbw1863: College play Voortrekker under lights and late afternoon on Thursday. The rest of the teams play Northwood on Friday at College. Public holiday. So what you said used to happen is still happening, to a degree. All A teams and 1st team play Northwood and all B teams and 2nd team play Voortrekker. The staggers from there on vary. 3rds against North wood 2nds etc.

    Must say that the Voortrekker lights are very good and their 1st team will come out firing to the song ‘Thunder’ by ACDC.

    12 March, 2014 at 15:04
  125. avatar
    #12 Grasshopper

    Why don’t the Highway teams from small schools combine, so Kloof, Hillcrest, Gelofte & Pinetown etc, that will make a competitive side for sure. They could do it across all the age groups, would be good to see a Highways team with four colour squares on their jersey….a type of Highway Harlequins!

    12 March, 2014 at 14:41
  126. avatar
    #11 Veg

    @BOG: Yes Bog I was at Saints.When I started at school Eunice was quite away from Grey.Grey being nice fellows decided that they needed a girl school next door and thus a deal was struck whereby some unused fields at Grey became the New Eunice.
    Bloem has changed considerably and what used to be open ground between Grey and Saints is now built up with Hotels,Hospitals,Office Parks and Shopping Malls.
    Saints can only compete with Grey at cricket and squash.Rugby wise I remember being in a U15 side that saints rated quite highly and thus we played Grey U15.We came very second in a 2 horse race think it was 46-9 or some such score and that was after we were ledi 3-0 for all of 5 minutes.
    You are absolutely correct about people forgetting about the other schools in the Free State who also play a bit of rugby.

    12 March, 2014 at 14:12
  127. avatar
    #10 Gungets Tuft

    @rbw1863: Would still happen if we played schools like Campbell or Northwood on a normal weekend. College would always try to involved all 26 odd rugby teams, so fill up with schools like Carter, Treverton, Weston etc. Northwood is next weekend, on the Friday public holiday (not on the original fixture list because of there being so few weekends), but will not arrange a full day of fixtures.

    It is a mission to arrange, similar will happen against DHS, where Wartburg, Grace College also come into play.

    12 March, 2014 at 14:03
  128. avatar
    #9 rbw1863

    @Greenwood: Don’t think it’s still done at College but I remember watching a day on Goldstones I think in 2010 or 2011 where College 1sts played Voortrekker, 2nds vs Clifton, 3rds vs Carter, 4ths vs Linpark, 5th vs Alex, 6th vs Kokstad and then the rest against the corresponding 2nd teams of these schools. Glenwood vs Westville also have the numbers to do it vs Kloof, Hillcrest, Gelofte, Thomas More etc surely? Can only improve the state of rugby in the tier 2/3 schools and allows coaches at GW/Westville to experiment against non traditional opponents where the stakes are admittedly lower? Instead of going at each other in the first game of the season when the teams will be undercooked no matter which way you look at it. Especially lower teams.

    12 March, 2014 at 12:51
  129. avatar
    #8 Greenwood


    GC – Hillcrest – no contest GC by 30+ – seen Hillcrest play
    also watched Kloof (Kzn) play not nearly in the same league as GC
    I’ve always said that Kloof , Hillcrest & Gelofte need to play staggered games against tier 1 schools – 1st play 3rds or 4ths or even 5ths
    no arrogance here just reality
    many years ago Gelofte were flying high and challenged GW 1st to a game played at Glenwood Old boys Club – also no contest
    Would be great for these schools to move up but being Co-ed won’t help

    Westville – Glenwood GWD should edge out Westville – just some Psychology here – and without harping on about it – the picture of Marne’
    Coetze running onto the Bowdens and then standing under the posts with about 50 Gwd boys chanting Marnes’ name is forever etched in the grey matter between the ears & this could be a motivating factor otherwise I would have gone for 50/50 – Westville have been quiet but I have 2 mates tell me that Westville are quote F…g good and that Gwd must watch out -but as with all other bloggers I also can’t wait and this will certainly be the Kzn game of the year

    12 March, 2014 at 12:29
  130. avatar
    #7 BOG

    @jakes: I heard on this platform, two years ago, when the Affies/GCB match was cancelled due to the rain in Bloem, that the “tough” okes in the Vaal, play in all conditions. Now, we will see if its true.

    12 March, 2014 at 11:48
  131. avatar
    #6 BOG

    @Veg: Accross the road? Must be Eunice then? Otherwise Saints, but that was more “around the corner”. Mind you I have been away from Bloem for such a long time, things have changed and jokes aside, Bloem HAS grown. If its Saints, you better ask him for the blue jersey which he gave to the Cambridge fellows (in stead of black) otherwise he might just give you a pink one. But welcome anyway. There is a misconception here that we only have one school in Bloem which plays rugby. I hope that you can allay that opinion.

    12 March, 2014 at 11:43
  132. avatar
    #5 rbw1863

    No game for College this weekend?

    12 March, 2014 at 11:41
  133. avatar
    #4 Veg

    Hi Beet.Been wanting to join this forum for quite awhile and have now taken the step.Having gone to school in Bloem (across the road from BOG’s alma mater ), coming from the Eastern Cape and been at Varsity in Natal I can relate to a lot of the banter that goes on here.
    Just to inform you that St Andrews Bloem v St Charles is not part of the Louis Botha Day nor was their fixture of last week part of the Fichardt Park day these are annual fixtures that the school is now play.

    12 March, 2014 at 10:53
  134. avatar
    #3 RugbyDad

    Wed 12/03/2014 George Campbell vs Pinetown GC by 18
    Sat 15/03/2014 Westville vs Glenwood GW by 8
    Sat 15/03/2014 Kearsney vs Northwood NW by 12
    Sat 15/03/2014 Hillcrest vs George Campbell GC by 25
    Sat 15/03/2014 Port Natal vs DHS PN by 10
    Sat 15/03/2014 Port Shepstone vs Clifton Clifton by 14

    And it’s a good thing there is no Superbru on this, else I’m liable to end up on the bottom.

    12 March, 2014 at 10:21
  135. avatar
    #2 valke

    @jakes: Although I agree with you, the games will have to start at some stage.
    At this stage EG Jansen already has 8 very tough games, against the top teams in the country, scheduled for April.
    I am sure some other teams, HTS Middelburg comes to mind, are in the same situation.

    12 March, 2014 at 10:13
  136. avatar
    #1 jakes

    I can see a lot of games not happening if this rains continues. Most fields in Noordvaal will be in a bad condition.

    12 March, 2014 at 09:38

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