Paul Roos coach to face the music

Hein Kriek finds himself in a difficult position at the moment and there is a possibility that he could be relieved of his position as 1st XV head coach at Paul Roos.

Up until now Kriek has steadily being building a reputation as a top class schoolboy rugby coach.

He backed up his success at Milnerton by producing outstanding results as the coach of the Paul Roos under-15A team and a noteworthy achievement as coach of the WP under-18 Academy Week team in 2012. When things did not work out in the year one of the relationship between Paul Roos and Thys Stoltz, the coach who arrived from Waterkloof, Kriek duly got promoted to the key position ahead of 2013. The 2013 1st XV however didn’t quite have the talent of Paul Roos teams in years gone by and good results were hard to come by. This may have dented Kriek’s reputation a bit but he bounced back with success during WP’s Craven Week campaign, which ended with the team being crowded unofficial champions.

An extract from the latest article on entitled “Coaching intrigue captivates the Cape” highlights the problem that has now emerged for Kriek at Paul Roos:

It has long been a matter of public record that Hein Kriek, current coach of Paul Roos (as of today, at least), applied for the Brug Street post. In throwing down this gauntlet, he may also well have burned an unhealthy number of bridges.

One can’t help but wonder what will now become of Hein Kriek.

Had he landed the Paarl Boys High job, his market value would have soared through the roof. Who knows how Paul Roos might have responded to his desire to leave under those circumstances. Perhaps a better offer to stay, who knows. The reality is he didn’t get the job though. So now he has two things counting against him.
1. The obvious assumption that he is not committed to the Paul Roos cause, and
2. The fact that a main rival school did not think he was good enough to coach their team.

It’s not all negatives though. For one there are many knowledgeable rugby men spread across the country that won’t hesitate to tell you what a damn good coach this guy is. At the end of the day it’s this virtual fact that might just save his job.

Paul Roos are expecting a brighter 2014 season and who better to take charge of it than a top rated coach who knows the players, the school system and how to get the desired results.


  1. avatar
    #5 sacssupporter

    Hein Kriek is a good coach – good coaches at schoolboy level are hard to find. He will find a job – perhaps WP institute should look at him?

    28 November, 2013 at 12:54
  2. avatar
    #4 Muzi

    I other news….die Bulle have ditched Pink now we’re going military style with khaki…INVINCIBULLS!!! :-|

    28 November, 2013 at 11:48
  3. avatar
    #3 Speartackle

    Remember one thing, there is no such thing as loyalty in the pro era. I think Hein Kriek did an astonishing job at CW even though he had a talented group. I think politics at Paarl Roos make it difficult for any coach there.

    Since the T Shirt game vs Grey things have gone a bit backwards

    28 November, 2013 at 10:19
  4. avatar
    #2 Deon

    If he has a desire to leave he should do just that, the sooner the better.

    27 November, 2013 at 21:30
  5. avatar
    #1 Grasshopper

    Who applies for a job should always be kept confidential, who let the cat out the bag, him or Boishaai?

    27 November, 2013 at 19:14

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