24 schools making up the rugby anti-poaching charter

The Burger newspaper has revealed the names of the 24 government schools that have agreed to a “ons sal nie spelers met geld lok nie” (we won’t use money to attract players) charter that is in the process of being established.

The newspaper highlighted the concern that in the public’s eyes schoolboy rugby is becoming more important than academics, with the Wynberg headmaster actually using the word problem to describe the situation.

Article here: http://www.dieburger.com/nuus/2013-11-26-skole-sal-mekaar-se-rugbyspelers-nie-meer-kan-afrokkel

# School Region
1 Dale Border
2 Queens Border
3 Selborne Border
4 Affies Bulls
5 Pretoria BH Bulls
6 Grey High EP
7 Muir EP
8 Graeme EPCD
9 Grey College Free State
10 Kimberley Griquas
12 Glenwood KZN
13 Maritzburg College KZN
14 Northwood KZN
15 Pinetown KZN
16 Westville KZN
17 Jeppe Lions
18 KES Lions
19 Parktown Lions
20 HJS Paarl BH WP
21 Paul Roos WP
22 Rondebosch WP
24 Wynberg WP


  1. avatar
    #83 valke

    @Tang: Without getting into this discussion, as it has been discussed to death before:
    Your question should read – I wonder how may schools, OR SUPPORTING OB’s, CLUBS, PARENT UNIONS, ETC……, in the list of 24 don’t offer any sport bursaries.
    I can assure you that Valke u/13 Craven week teams are approached by a lot of the schools on this list. either directly or indirectly.

    8 April, 2014 at 10:19
  2. avatar
    #82 Tang

    @Grasshopper: The distinction is simple. Is the bursary for Education or for sport? Schools who offer sports bursaries VS those who offer Education bursaries have slightly different philosophies. I wonder how many schools in the list of 24 don’t offer any sports bursaries (the primary reason for giving the bursary is to attract a person who wll bring glory to the school through sport). If you offer sports bursaries, how can you sign an agreement promoting education before sport?

    8 April, 2014 at 09:26
  3. avatar
    #81 Tang

    @beet: Beet – I think this is the answer. The school is acknowledged as adhering to the agreement and it is noted in the rankings. As SACS Supporter mentioned in his post, if the school has SAIDS clearance this is also noted and gives the school a greater weighting in the ranking system.
    Schools who refuse to sign up to the anti -doping charter and the fair play charter should be penalised in the ranking system. If they beat a “fair play school”, the weighting against them should be punitive.
    15 Boys playing for the school jersey and badge is worth 100 times more than 15 boys playing at a school for money. The rankings need to reflect this or else we promote professionalism in school sport and we glorify schools who put rugby ahead of education.

    8 April, 2014 at 09:18
  4. avatar
    #80 Greenwood

    Hey Speartackle

    I’m a doff soutie from bananaland – would you mind explaining Festus
    February to me – my Afrikaans is not too good even after a year in Bloem – Greenwood

    I tried to translate to English but it wont work ……

    Beet – translation not working on this blog – I’m missing out on what our Afrikaans friends are saying ….

    2 December, 2013 at 13:32
  5. avatar
    #79 Playa

    @Woltrui: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    29 November, 2013 at 13:47
  6. avatar
    #78 Woltrui

    @Speartackle: You can take Mr Beet of the list of guys not playing around. In your absence we had the case were rumours had it that Mr Beet was very….. “active” with a beautiful blond mfazi at the KERF this year. The pirate (alias Mr Beet) also dissapeared at the same tournament while the “volk and vaderland” was waiting for him to report on one of the top school festivals of the year.
    You can put Dominee Tjoppa on your list as well.
    While you are at it you can also make a list of the guys who is the playa’s of SBR blog. The following names spring to mind, I think.
    Mr Beet, Mr Tufts, Mr Playa(with a name like that :mrgreen: ), Mr QC, Mr Speartackle, Ploegskaar(although he will deny it) , Mr Mculleys Workshop, Koos Roos, Paarlbok, all the Kwagga supporters and off course Roger from Joeyies.

    28 November, 2013 at 20:43
  7. avatar
    #77 BOG

    @Speartackle: Watter deel van onskadelik, verstaan jy nie. Ek val met trots binne daardie “een” groep en al wat ek gesoek het , was n bargain vakansie en dan kon ek haar nog boonop met my sjarme vermaak het- om op te maak vir die tyd wat sy met jou moes deurbring. Anders, as ek moet betaal, verkies ek Pemba, Seychelles, Maldives—. Wat op aarde doen mens nadat jy 2X om Mauritius met n scooter gery het?@Grey Brak: Dankie, ek was nie ver uit nie. Ek het dit so rukkie terug gelees op DS se blog. Was maar blykbaar baie hartseer en ontevredenheid oor die afwysings, maar die realiteit is dat die skool, fisies net soveel kan akkommodeer.Wat bietjie kommer wek vir die toekoms, is dat OGs nie verseker gaan wees van plekke vir hulle seuns nie en dit kan miskien n bietjie “bitterheid of ontevredenheid veroorsaak. Ek is brvrees dat die uitbredings by Murray en Brill allerlei kommentare gaan uitlok- watch this space. Eintlik verbaas dat Spear nie al reeds iets hieroor te se gehad het nie. Maar hy is maar versigtig as hy die naam Brillhuis sien. Hy het met trots vertel dat hy n meisie gehad het wie reeds uit die skool was,en met iemand in Brill uitgegaan het. Hy het vinnig stil geword toe ek hom vertel het dat die mannetjie oenskynlik baie ondernemend en n goeie toneelspeler was omdat Brill vir Gr 10s was. Ek kan nie dink dat hy met n dame uitgegaan het wie met n Grey prefek deurmekaar was nie.

    28 November, 2013 at 19:15
  8. avatar
    #76 Rugbyman

    @BoishaaiPa: lekker man, lekkerrrrr

    28 November, 2013 at 17:44
  9. avatar
    #75 Grey Brak

    @Speartackle: Nie ‘n onnie nie. Slegs ‘n trotse old boy met noue bande by die skool.

    28 November, 2013 at 17:39
  10. avatar
    #74 Speartackle

    @Grey Brak: Watter vak gee jy?

    28 November, 2013 at 16:13
  11. avatar
    #73 Grey Brak

    @Bog: Your stats seem about correct. More or less 480 applications for 240 spaces. Funny how many people want to apply this time of the year well after the closing date. There should be in the excess of 500 applications by this time.

    Currently both Murray and Brill-House are being renovated and expanded to accomodate extra hostel boys from next year. Good news is that 40% of the learners will be boarders next year. As the familiar Grey saying goes “As dinge goed gaan by die koshuis, gaan dit goed by die skool”

    28 November, 2013 at 16:07
  12. avatar
    #72 Speartackle

    @BOG: Oor jou ‘buite werking’ situasie was daar nog nooit twyfel en dit kan dalk probleme veroorsaak. Jy weet wat se hulle van Latynse dames.

    Aan die anderkant is ek besonder geskok in jou voornemens. Dit wat van n man kom wat so paar maande terug nog vertel het hy is al 35 jaar gelukkig getroud. Ja ou Bog, hoe mens vir solank net op een plek kan kuier slaan my nog dronk………….o ja………..ek het die glase opgehang………….

    Hulle se dat 9 uit elke 10 mans ronddonder, Hoeveel deelnemers is hier omtrent? 50 of 60? Met ander woorde tussen 45 en 50 ouens hier donder rond

    My lys van ouens hier wat nie rondneuk is:

    1) Beet
    2) Rugbyman
    3) Grey Brak
    4) Maroon
    5) BHP
    6) Grasshopper
    7) Greenwood
    8) Festus February
    9) Tandemborsslag
    10) Burra

    28 November, 2013 at 15:29
  13. avatar
    #71 BOG

    Ek merk hier is n paar experts oor die “human trafficking” van skoolkinders. Hoe lyk dit onder die netbalspelers of moet ek dit vir Paarlbok vra?@Speartackle: Sal dit in orde wees as ek daar by jou ex gaan aansterk vir drie weke, maar eers as jou laaitie terug is ? Of het sy “ge-upgrade nadat jy uit die prentjie is? Ek is heeltemal onskadelik- ek verseker jou

    28 November, 2013 at 13:53
  14. avatar
    #70 BoishaaiPa

    @Rugbyman: Maybe you should read what the whole charters says. That these schools will not recruit amongst each other..it did not say it will NOT recruit or promote itself outside of these schools. !..No smokescreen or BS…This is just a agreement between likeminded institutions.

    28 November, 2013 at 12:04
  15. avatar
    #69 Rugbyman

    @Ploegskaar: nee, ek verstaan die puk bepalings kom eers in januarie uit…

    28 November, 2013 at 11:59
  16. avatar
    #68 Speartackle

    @Ploegskaar: Hulle kuier elke jaar baie by Cabous ja. Bly nie ver van sy plek

    28 November, 2013 at 10:51
  17. avatar
    #67 Ploegskaar

    @Rugbyman: Jy al the PUKKE bepalings?

    28 November, 2013 at 10:21
  18. avatar
    #66 Ploegskaar

    @Speartackle: Jammer om te hoor, hoop hy sterk vinnig aan. Dalk dan vir hom sê om ‘n paar biere daar by Cabous se restaurant te gaan drink en kyk hoe laasgenoemde hom skoon uit sy sarong uit suie.

    28 November, 2013 at 10:19
  19. avatar
    #65 Speartackle

    @Rugbyman: Jy sien Bog is die assistent bibliotekaris vir die ou Stellaland streek en is gevestig in Christiana nie ver van Bloemhof. Die dam is maar leeg en die Vaal vloei nie so lekker. Hy jaag nou maar likkewane rond. Hy is ook eintlik in daai geledere bekend as die Crocodile Dundee van Christiana…………….Likkewaan Labuschagne.

    28 November, 2013 at 10:04
  20. avatar
    #64 Speartackle

    @Ploegskaar: Sy blindederm het verlede Dinsdag gebars so hy is uit vir 6 weke. Groot teleurstelling maar nou ja. Lekker 3 weke by sy ma in Maurituis sal waarskynlik die wonde heel.

    28 November, 2013 at 10:00
  21. avatar
    #63 Rugbyman

    @Speartackle: Jy praat so baie sin vandag dat ek selfs al van jou begin hou… Hierdie skynheilge charter irriteer die wit waks uit my uit… Al daai skole doen presies dieselfde en ontken dit dan…

    28 November, 2013 at 09:56
  22. avatar
    #62 Rugbyman

    @Ploegskaar: Spot On! Thats exactely how it works… Hence this bs charter… what a smokescreen… what a joke…?

    28 November, 2013 at 09:54
  23. avatar
    #61 Rugbyman

    @Bog: I never said theres anything wrong with the boy’s move… The one from Potch is most definately on a bursury, know them personally… My point was that this charter is a waste of time and just a smoke screen and that it remains a choice in which school u wanna be… Lyk my ek moet dit in afrikaans vir jou ook verduidelik? Jys soos ‘n baber wat net nie ‘n ou erdwurmpie kan uitlos nie… daars mos baie babers in die Vrystaatse plaasdamme?

    28 November, 2013 at 09:51
  24. avatar
    #60 Ploegskaar

    @Speartackle: Ook die eerste keer hierdie jaar dat jy noukeurig mooi volsinne en paragrawe skryf, sonder dramatiese poses en onderbrekings, so ons almal het seker maar soms ‘n vlietende oomblik van klariteit. Waneer speel jou laatie hier onder?

    28 November, 2013 at 09:51
  25. avatar
    #59 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: I agree that you are probably not naive and that every learner at GCB is not on a bursary.

    28 November, 2013 at 09:44
  26. avatar
    #58 Speartackle

    @Ploegskaar: Seker die eerste keer in 18 maande wat jy sense praat, dis presies hoe dit werk en VERAL in die ‘contenders’ se geledere. Sodoende kan die skool na buite verkondig hulle is onskuldig aan werwing maar in werklikheid is hulle proses supersonies.

    Sommige skole is so gevorderd dat oupas, oumas en Joshua Doore’s regskostes ook betaal

    28 November, 2013 at 09:20
  27. avatar
    #57 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Read what I said. I am NOT naive/stupid/ignorant to believe that “recruiting” or whatever you wish to call it, takes place, but to suggest that EVERY child who goes to Grey(or another school for that matter), does so under those circumstances, is EQUALLY incorrect. Rugbyman referred to the “talented U16 prop from Potch” but you never read or hear about the average U 16 C SH who is also going to Grey. There are far more of these at GCB. The number of applicants and “declines” to which I referred above, confirms what Im saying.@BoishaaiPa: @Speartackle: As julle nog steeds sukkel om te verstaan, laat maar weet sodat ek dit in Afrikaans ook kan verduidelik. Daar is n paar ander taalopsies ook, indien daar nog steeds n probleem is, maar dan sal Spear se Porra skoonma hom moet help. (Miskien is dit die beste opsie om begrip te verseker) :idea:

    28 November, 2013 at 09:18
  28. avatar
    #56 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Ok, this is how it works: An affiliated party/interested party/sponsor, probably a member of the OB Union/Supporters Club/Friends of the School Trust (note not a member of the school staff) identifies a talented learner, establishes contact and offers the learner the opportunity to join let’s say School NZK in return for paying his/her school fees and boarding fees, if applicable. If both parties are in agreement, the learner still applies for admission through the official channels (but will obviously be flagged to be accepted) and joins the school (seemingly on their own initiative) the same as all the other applicants. Where his/her school/boarding fees comes from is after all no one’s business in any event, it could be paid by a granny, aunt or uncle in the furniture business for that matter. These sponsorships are not to be confused with school bursaries though and they probably outnumber them 5 to 1.

    28 November, 2013 at 08:59
  29. avatar
    #55 Speartackle

    Look it is no secret that old boys from these ‘Super Schools’ recruit talent all over the country and stand in for the ‘benefits’. Jeepers, I know some of them personally and stop denying these activities.

    Is there anything wrong with it?………………….I don’t think so.

    28 November, 2013 at 08:46
  30. avatar
    #54 Ploegskaar

    @Maroon: No, GCB (as is the case with most other high-profile schools) does not make contact or pursue individuals directly.

    28 November, 2013 at 08:32
  31. avatar
    #53 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: You keep on believing your own stories and we will keep on believing the truth!. I dont see a problem with marketing oneself, just dont keep on denying the fact that it happens!..because believe me..it does!

    28 November, 2013 at 08:01
  32. avatar
    #52 BOG

    Oh, and before I am accused of being naive/stupid/ignorant AGAIN, Im sure that there are kids who have received bursaries. Im not denying that, but to suggest that every child who attends Grey from beyond the borders of Bloemfontein, were enticed/ kidnapped or taken there by some net/force, is equally incorrect. Im not sure of the exact figures, so Im guessing a little, but the school received around 450 applications for admission to Gr 8 next, but could only accommodate around 240. They even had to decline some applications of learners from Grey Primary.This tells me that there was a huge spontaneous demand for admission. Perhaps someone (like Grey Brak) can help with the precise numbers ?

    28 November, 2013 at 07:27
  33. avatar
    #51 BOG

    @Maroon: @Rugbyman: I know that I sound like a “stuck record”, repeating myself continuously , but for some, it takes a little longer to sink in. When a child moves to Bloemfontein, especially if he is moving with his parents and his dog, its not because “some kind of net”. Again!!- GCB has 3 hostels, all older than a century, which accommodates about a third of the school. Moving there, even without ones parents, is not a new phenomenon. I did that personally about a half century ago and I, along with everyone I knew, paid our own school fees, hostel fees and every other fee that was applicable. We went there because we WANTED to be there. :-D

    28 November, 2013 at 07:00
  34. avatar
    #50 Rugbyman

    And then there’s also the very talented u/16 prop from the potch moving to Grey next year as well… The Grey network is indeed very wide…

    This charter is laughable though! If someone wants to move from one school to another no one can stop that! Its a free country after all…

    28 November, 2013 at 06:20
  35. avatar
    #49 Maroon

    @Ploegskaar: are you saying he was approached by Grey College?

    27 November, 2013 at 22:17
  36. avatar
    #48 Ploegskaar

    @Grey Brak: It will no doubt be mutually beneficial if he does move. If not, it is still a great honour when the yardstick of SA schools shows interest, and his shares are certainly higher for it.

    27 November, 2013 at 18:19
  37. avatar
    #47 Grey Brak

    @Ploegskaar: Will be a good addition for Grey if he were to come. The current u14 team had quite a difficult year. Hopefully 2014 will be a better one.

    27 November, 2013 at 16:22
  38. avatar
    #46 Ploegskaar

    @Grey Brak: Apology, played 8th man, moved to the mid-field.

    27 November, 2013 at 12:47
  39. avatar
    #45 Ploegskaar

    @Grey Brak: Would rather not mention names, but he plays 8th man and is one of the top javelin athletes in his age group in the country. According to my source the boy does not sound as sure about the move as he did a couple of months ago though, so maybe there was a change of heart, or the details have not been finalized yet.

    27 November, 2013 at 12:14
  40. avatar
    #44 Grey Brak

    @Ploegskaar: Who is the boy coming to GCB? Do you perhaps have any info on him?

    As far as I know GCB is only getting one new boy into Grade 9 next year.

    27 November, 2013 at 11:17
  41. avatar
    #43 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Only the females though!..The A candidate boys are few and far between!..So the chances of him being an academic giant is about 5%!

    27 November, 2013 at 10:45
  42. avatar
    #42 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: If they were targeted and did not want to stay they are most welcome to leave…We will fight on with what remains and with those that want to be there for the right reasons…

    27 November, 2013 at 10:42
  43. avatar
    #41 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Gr8 this year, but no idea about academic ability. The Boston Bombers are always in an annual battle with Stellenberg for the most Gr12 A-candidates in the WC though, so who knows?

    27 November, 2013 at 10:00
  44. avatar
    #40 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: And academically, very strong, I presume? Which grade?

    27 November, 2013 at 09:53
  45. avatar
    #39 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: The GCB net goes very wide, that’s for sure. Very talented rugby player and all-round quality athlete heading your way from DF Malan HS.

    27 November, 2013 at 09:39
  46. avatar
    #38 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: They are holding onto the (b) and (c) group because the the As have gone to greener pastures (at times not so green of course and quite hard) :lol:

    27 November, 2013 at 09:36
  47. avatar
    #37 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: And that’s my point, this list confirms or proves nothing about the schools that have signed, or the schools that have not, for that matter.

    On the subject of player movement and your strong 2013 u/14 group, have you guys managed to hang on to those talented u/14b and u/14c players? They must have been prime targets, as many could easily have slotted into the 14a team.

    27 November, 2013 at 09:24
  48. avatar
    #36 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Ploegie, dont try and fool everyone claiming innocence!..Everyone had a bite at the cherry at some stage. The fact is that most pupils moved between schools for very different reasons than “poaching”. I know of a fyhalf who was in HJS as an u/14…then he went to Gym in u/15 cause he could not make the A-team…then in Gr 11 he came back again..he never played 1st team, but he moved twice and no poaching or bursaries or anything was involved….Look at the parents first!

    27 November, 2013 at 09:04
  49. avatar
    #35 McCulleys Workshop

    @Grasshopper: Sure, one could learn a lot from us, our friendly neighbour seems to have only recently acceded to our greater abilities. Get wealthy Old Boys to do the Wesbank deals, rentals, leasebacks (the Bulls/College deal) or outright purchases, including a few HIGH mileage Japanese imports that have had their odometers turned back. Then no-one can blame the school. And why should a school al la Beets comment take responsibility to lift the bonnet and check that the odometer reading is accurate, take it at face value, it looks like a well used car, but the papers are correct and the Old Boys (or the new version which we didn’t invent, sadly) the Union placed them here.

    27 November, 2013 at 06:59
  50. avatar
    #34 McCulleys Workshop

    I think the starting point is the acknowledgement that SBR has unwittingly evolved into the professional domain and with that schools have accepted many of the trappings of professional rugby, which undermines the very ethos and fabric of so many of these schools. That’s a good starting point. How it gets dealt with and or the possibility of policing it is another matter, but at least there seems to be an acknowledgement that there is a problem that needs to be resolved in the greater interests of schools and scholars.

    27 November, 2013 at 06:50
  51. avatar
    #33 Grasshopper

    @McCulleys Workshop: maybe he should cover the 90’s post matric debacle…..;-)

    27 November, 2013 at 06:44
  52. avatar
    #32 McCulleys Workshop

    @Ploegskaar: Can you include the suburb of Glenwood and the village of Hilton in your dissertation.

    27 November, 2013 at 06:40
  53. avatar
    #31 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: Obviously not, they committed no war crimes, so they don’t have to apply for amnesty….. But if you want to go down this road on a very public forum, we can gladly open the whole can of worms, in Paarl and Stellenbosch.

    26 November, 2013 at 22:37
  54. avatar
    #30 Djou

    @Speartackle@Ploegskaar: The only two realistic comments on this thread. Many of the schools on the list started the bursary recruitment process (the word poaching is derogative and likened to illegal killing of animals) and will not stop. They will simply revert to other channels such as old boys clubs providing the bursaries. The proof will be in the pudding. Only one misstep by the signatories and the agreement is gone.

    26 November, 2013 at 22:33
  55. avatar
    #29 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: What it does confirm is that Boland did not sign the agreement…

    26 November, 2013 at 21:45
  56. avatar
    #28 Ploegskaar

    @tandemfitarborsurculus: This confirms nothing.

    26 November, 2013 at 20:00
  57. avatar
    #27 Grasshopper

    Maybe I’m being cynical too, but this could just be lip service! Methinks behind the scenes many of these schools are doing deals with many kids. Until it’s audited by a third party or checked, there are a million loopholes….

    26 November, 2013 at 19:55
  58. avatar
    #26 Ploegskaar

    The cynics might say, when looking at some of the names on this list, that it can be likened to a list of criminals turned model citizens, or question the motives of these schools and suggest they are just sour that the competition has caught up with and are beating them at their own game. That’s the cynics though, personally, going by some of the bloggers’ posts, I think some ladies doth protest too much.

    26 November, 2013 at 19:46
  59. avatar
    #25 Grasshopper

    @RBugger: I’m glad I was the last of that era in 96. Since 2000, it’s been a complete gemors!

    26 November, 2013 at 15:47
  60. avatar
    #24 tandemfitarborsurculus

    This confirms that these schools do not want to win, at all cost, but they would rather win the hearts of players, at no cost.

    “Dit gaan oor die kinders se opvoeding, magtig !”

    Proud and Passion are sustainable but Guts and Glory are short lived …

    26 November, 2013 at 15:46
  61. avatar
    #23 RBugger

    Reading this blog and the responses, it seems crazy to me that SBR is being spoken of in a Professional Manner – these are kids who go to school to get an education and get the required social skills to make something of themselves in the big bad world.

    If things carry on the way they are, it will not be long before a number of rugby boys stop studying at school altogether and sadly, 90% will never achieve pro sportsmen status either, then what?? These guys are too blady young to realise that without a good, firm education, your chances of a successful life, especially where we live, is going to be very hard to come by – shame! Glad I was born in an era where we went to school to learn and played Rugby as it was Fun and an awesome game

    26 November, 2013 at 14:54
  62. avatar
    #22 Grasshopper

    @Gungets Tuft: No real reason it can be called anything, just something official. Yes, I’m looking at sponsoring a boy via my company and track his progress, probably covering his school fees, sports kit and tours….

    26 November, 2013 at 14:16
  63. avatar
    #21 Grasshopper

    @star: The same question can be asked of Westville, why should everybody just trust what you or other boys say? The animosity came when Glenwood scooped the Viljoen twins and Westville lost out, no other reason really. Glenwood and DHS could have done the same with Le Clos. I don’t know about the details of Glenwood bursaries but like most businesses they need to go through and audit annually so I’m sure all the books are legit. Nothing stopping an Old Boy adding a little ‘pocket-money’ in hand……I know that does happen…

    26 November, 2013 at 14:14
  64. avatar
    #20 star

    @ Grassy- the bulk will actually be 25%. Refer the reason by Greenblooded why we got so many swimmers originally. We were giving 25% when the other schools were not interested. The big question is how many of your so called 40 are on pocket money deals. That was one of the reasons for the early animosity between the schools.( and that fact that these deals came in last minute). I have spoken to a few parents of Westville boys on 100% and there are no extras. I think it would be a start if all schools were capped at 100% or else they will be deemed to be professional.
    And it is Allan not the English version Allen. As a proud Scott he would be mortified. I have already been dished from a dizzy height for making that mistake. :mrgreen:

    26 November, 2013 at 13:31
  65. avatar
    #19 Gungets Tuft

    @Grasshopper: Named after a significant Old Boy. Why? .. What difference can that possibly make. College have 3 bursaries from Allan Gray – non sports bursaries – but the theory stands.

    I am no prominent Old Boy, but I might endow a bursary for Jukskie, just so we can klap Wollies okes when they come to College …

    26 November, 2013 at 13:30
  66. avatar
    #18 Gungets Tuft

    @beet: Doesn’t BokSmart cover the whole drugs/supplements angle as well – in other words if you are Boksmart then SAIDS is automatically covered?

    And anything I say is obviously going to be shaded by the recent Sunday Crimes (factually deficient and badly researched) article which mentioned College, but …

    Much like rugby laws themselves, the more you legislate this, the more loopholes that become exploitable, because you can never define or describe every circumstance. So, if a boy becomes disenchanted with his current circumstances due to :

    1. The language of instruction at the school is wrong
    2. He has internal competition at the school that prevents him playing first team
    3. The school belongs to a Union without S15 or Currie Cup representation and/or refuses to pick a boy for their CW side because he has contracted to another Union (Hobsons choice – stay and not get a meaningful contract, not allowed to leave?)

    I am all for the resolution, I hope we get to see what that resolution is, because if it does not cater for kids moving then it is doomed from the start. If it does cater for the move, then make sure that it defines how that move must happen. Such as, both Headmasters meet with the parents and the boy at, say just for instance .. a restuarant in the schools home town .. and agree that the move is a good one and all parties agree .. (just speculating here .. gnome sane??).

    What I am saying, in a roundabout sort of way, is that rules create loopholes and dilute ethics. It is seldom a better result.

    @Speartackle: Sadly, I think you are right, perhaps the only badge of honour in future will be the home grown team (didn’t Michaelhouse have a 100% homegrown team last year?. College must have been very close, if not homegrown).

    ID=Old Fashioned Ballie Missing the Good Old Days …… :-|

    26 November, 2013 at 13:18
  67. avatar
    #17 Deon

    Transparency will be an excellent start. Then we can at least quantify what we are dealing with.

    26 November, 2013 at 13:00
  68. avatar
    #16 Grasshopper

    @sacssupporter: Agreed, all the bursaries given just need to be in the open for all to see. They don’t have to name the boys receiving them but the % covered etc should be. In my opinion each bursary or scholarship should be named after a significant old boy eg in Glenwood’s case the Steven Jack Cricket Bursary (70% of fees), Kevin Curren Tennis Bursary (80% of fees), John Allen Rugby Bursary (85% of fees) etc….trust is nutured through transparency…

    26 November, 2013 at 12:56
  69. avatar
    #15 Scrum Doctor

    More interesting to see who is NOT on the list . A little concerning that Michaelhouse. Hilton and Kearsney are not on the list from a KZN point of view but then maybe as they are private they are considered separately . Surely it should apply to all schools and not just the government schools as it actually makes a bit of a mockery of the thing if only Government schools comply . I have heard of some active recruiting going on at this very moment from one of the private schools ( and the boys will be in Matric next year !!) so this does look like it is doomed to failure

    26 November, 2013 at 12:52
  70. avatar
    #14 sacssupporter

    Agreed – and get them to sign up with SAIDS AND actually test their 1stXV before their first game – then the playing fields will be level for all schools!

    26 November, 2013 at 12:49
  71. avatar
    #13 beet

    @sacssupporter: I strongly believe that school rugby should be an amateur sport. There should be a strict set of criteria and any player who is found to have benefited financially from playing SBR other than by way of bursary, scholarship or financial assistance should forfeit his amateur status and therefore not be allowed to play.

    So no player pocket money / payments to parents / free tuckshop food / sponsorship / endorsement etc

    26 November, 2013 at 12:42
  72. avatar
    #12 beet

    Hopefully we see all the private schools joining this charter as well.

    26 November, 2013 at 12:33
  73. avatar
    #11 beet

    This charter is a good idea. It can become like a Boksmart certification saying that the school realises that rugby has a part to play but they are not pro rugby institutes.

    As we stand, I don’t think many school leaders have sat down and forecast where SBR is going if stricter controls are not enforced very soon.

    I say schools must shut out the unions, focus on developing their own boys who have been at the school since gr8. and make sure that the values and character building lessons that get taught in the classroom also get enforced in the rugby programme.

    26 November, 2013 at 12:32
  74. avatar
    #10 sacssupporter

    Now add membership to SAIDS (anti doping) to this and you can really clean up schoolboy rugby. Schools should sign both!
    Don’t mistake school scholarships (sport, academic/cultural) currently offered to scholars with the kind of offers being made in this poaching article. Most schools in SA award deserving scholars bursaries/scholarships that cover school fees and sometimes boarding house fees – few get 100% but most get between 25% to 75%. This has been going on for years and should not stop. But it should be limited to school and boarding house fees – it should never include airfares, jobs for parents, housing for parents and salaries for the boys!

    26 November, 2013 at 12:20
  75. avatar
    #9 Deon

    What will be the definition of “GROOT bedrae geld” and “afrokkel”? Will these schools agree on some kind of protocol to follow when taking over a player to ascertain that their actions cannot be defined as afrokkel/poaching? Will they agree on an acceptable amount paid to ascertain that this amount does not fall into the ambit of “groot bedrae geld”? Can’t see this being effective.

    26 November, 2013 at 11:53
  76. avatar
    #8 Grasshopper

    @star: Yep, what about the 70 at Westville, are those all partial? I think NOT!

    26 November, 2013 at 11:50
  77. avatar
    #7 star

    I hope this stops the pocket money brigade which turns our kids into mere commodities to be sold to the highest bidder. Grassy goes on about the only 40 bursaries at GW that are not all 100%. Yes indeed. :mrgreen:

    26 November, 2013 at 11:36
  78. avatar
    #6 Speartackle

    Just for interest sake………………..a former powerhouse in the Northvaal region have lost their main sponsor for ‘under performing’ the last 3 seasons………..makes you wonder……………..lots of fund raising golf days, concerts, etc lately………………wonder why……………possibly to improve the ‘skietbaan’ or what?

    26 November, 2013 at 11:10
  79. avatar
    #5 Speartackle

    Hmmmmmmm……………………..very interesting……………..so no money?…………what about free education………..free boarding…………..free airtime……………….return air tickets for parents for selected games……….free uniform………………..???????????????????? What do these things cost?…………cashew nuts or biltong????

    What are all the old boys from the above ‘super schools’ going to do with their money?………….pay SARS????

    To those who think that money will not play a major role in building strong A teams……………catch a wake up call………………the WINNING AT ALL COSTS mentality at these ‘super schools’ is only in it’s baby shoes, mate.

    26 November, 2013 at 10:56
  80. avatar
    #4 BuiteBreek

    This is just the boys schools. Maybe the co-ed schools will follow suit? I think a few other boys school will also sign up.

    26 November, 2013 at 10:45
  81. avatar
    #3 Roger

    No Monnas, no Paarl Gim, no Garsfontein, no EG Jansen, no Waterkloof, no Menlo Park, no Kempton Park – Jakes is right – I forsee fixtures been canned etc – the Bulls region will be un and games 8-O

    26 November, 2013 at 10:40
  82. avatar
    #2 jakes

    It is going to get interesting.. I foresee a boycott on the cards for schools next year who continues with these practices. Games will be cancelled when least expected and will cause tension between schools..

    26 November, 2013 at 10:00
  83. avatar
    #1 Grasshopper

    Good to see Glenwood in there :-)

    26 November, 2013 at 09:54

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